Reflection Classroom Management

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Reflection CM Name : Wong Chan Wai I.C.

: 921006-07-5617 First and foremost, I want to thank God for His blessing allowed me to finish this Classroom Management assignment in time. On the other hand, not to forget my lecturer, Sir Idrul Hisham bin Ismail, who gave me a lot of input during each session and a simple and compact briefing. Last but not least, I want to thank for group members for the hardwork and effort we had put together to complete this wonderful piece of assignment. At the beginning of my assignment, I basically need to have a grasp about the concept of classroom management. This assignment has allowed me to understand the characteristics of an effective teacher in managing a classroom. The qualities required include personal qualities, teaching-learning competency; disposition and moral practices. Not long before, I thought classroom management is easy and all one has to do is to be strict. After all, I realize it is wrong to use punishment on students, it will effect their growth mentally, and also eradicate the bond between a teacher and student. Our assignment task this time focuses on the scope of misbehavior. As a teacher to be, I have never thought of what kind of students I would face during teaching in future. What I had in my mind was a picture of a class of good students, listening attentively to me while I teach. Not too soon, I realized I was wrong utterly. When I had my SBE this time, I had to observe the misbehavior of the students in the class. This gave me the real opportunity to witness the real life situation in the classroom. To my surprise, some pupils were exceedingly well-behaved in the class. They paid full attention to teachers teaching. However, in certain classes I entered, it was havoc! That was when I got to annotate many off-task behaviors I noticed. Throughout this assignment, I have learned to categorize misbehaviors into 5 main category namely aggression, immorality, defiance of authority, class disruptions, and lastly goofing off. This gave me a new understanding towards the disciplinary problems. By knowing the problems, I also did my readings on the cause and effects on those problems. This allows me to prepare an approach to combat those issues beforehand.

On the other hand, this coursework gave me ample knowledge regarding to the concept of classroom discipline and its component. The concept of classroom discipline is closely related to control aspects of teaching and learning. According to (Debbie, 2009) it refers to actions taken by teachers to eradicate, inhibit, or minimize behaviour problems and their responses to problems when they happen to occur in the classroom. A good classroom discipline will imply to following situations such as teaching-learning activities would be carried out smoothly and systematically without any disturbance. Teacher will be able to implement the lesson plan according to the time allotted without any interference. The pre-determined objectives would be achieved accordingly. Also, Good moral values could be instilled in a well-disciplined class. In the process of completing my coursework, I also learned new things such as the models of classroom disciplines. The Canter Model of Discipline is also known as The discipline model of Assertive Discipline. It was developed because teachers were having significant issues with classroom management which was severely affecting student learning and achievement. In response to the public outcry that something be done to address these concerns, several discipline models were developed, including Lee and Marlene Canter's Assertive Discipline Model, Skinners behavior modification model and so on(Ellis & Karr-Kidwell, 1995). From Canters model of Assertive Discipline, I have acquired that a t eacher should learn to set limits in the classroom. According to Canter, "Once teachers have identified the inappropriate behaviours they should then make them clear to the students. Once inappropriate behaviour has been made explicit, the next step in setting limits is to decide consequences for both compliance and noncompliance. In the model, there are several methods for setting verbal limit. First, a teacher has to request appropriate behavior, which is accomplished using hints, I-messages and questions. Hints are statements made from time to time reminding students of the teacher's expectations . Imessages are used to tell students how behavior is affecting the teacher. Questions usually include hints or commands put in the interrogative form. As for Skinners Behavioral Model, Skinner believes that behavior is shaped by its consequences, by what happens to the individual immediately afterward. Behavior becomes weaker if not followed by reinforcement. Behavior is also weakened by

punishment. Behavior modification is used mainly in this model to shape the behavior of the pupils. The Dreikurs' Model of Discipline is also known as Logical Consequences. Dreikurs believes that all students want to "belong". They want status and recognition. Most of their behaviour is directed by their desire to belong. Misbehaviour reflects the mistaken belief that it will lead to the recognition they want. That is why the pupils act up in the classroom. Misbehaviour is associated with four mistaken goals: seeking attention, gaining power, taking revenge, and displaying inadequacy. The goal in each case is to elicit certain responses from teachers. Group Management by Jacob Kounin focuses on preventive disciplinetechniques and strategies designed to prevent the occurrence of discipline problems in the first place. Some principles upheld by the principles include teachers need to be attentive to all aspects of the classroom. Next, effective teachers keep students attentive and actively involved. There are also various methods in Kounins model on how to deal with disciplinary problems in class namely The Ripple Effect, Withitness, Overlapping, Momentum, Smoothness, Group Alerting, Encouraging Accountability, High Participation Formats and Transitions. I feel grateful because I have gained some new knowledge throughout the coursework. Apart from knowing the models of discipline, I also learn how to create an approach based on the chosen model. With this, I have become more aware with the steps and procedure to deal with the misbehaviors of children in the classroom. This knowledge shall be much of help in future. Besides, this information is also crucial for my examination later on. So the knowledge I obtained from this coursework benefited me from both ways. It is killing two birds with one stone. Last but not least, I hope my lecturer is pleased with my assignment. I hope I have understood the knowledge he is trying to deliver to us the whole time.

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