The Great Hierarchy: Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception

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the great hierarchy

Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception

We always heard rumors about The Great Hierarchy however no one would dare imagine that we do belong to their inner structure, as all mankind merely understood itself as being created and placed at Earth by GOD [T G A O T U ]. To perform such secret unveil we must first demolish a life vital belief as without it most of us could get back to barbarism and by so doing to drastically expand cognitive horizons of all those Mankind portions already entitled to afford it even if as mere glimpse while wandering as travelers, observers and workers. I explain: its the religious belief that only Good People are going to be saved and yet to afford Eternal Life, due Eternal Life only applies to Our Individual Deity [collective soul], as we all are but their body cells. Thus, according to an ancestral stereotype we all are created before Creator Image So it is above as it is bellow therefore each Deity body cell can be traced amidst the Western Adonai Ha Aretz or the Eastern Created Kumara (our individual GOD that emerges from deep Earth [Aretz] as the White Lotus emerges from swamp) and without exception all we do perform an immense planetary and cosmic yet individual learning curriculum, where most of Mankind literally wanders at will blind and deaf, while some others do perform simple tasks, altogether few ones do handle more complex activities and rare ones do take power of the Deity guidance. At all Great Hierarchy levels bellow Deity Neck one can trace tight specific responsibilities, therefore to each Divine Body stratum rewards and/or punishments are carefully and timely applied in order to assure individual and collective guidance towards Mankind planetary evolution. By applying Divine [Human] rewards and/or punishments sometimes it is possible to recover from bad Nature Life (Earth Planet) consequences and as each Cell Life is very short (e. g.: we do loose body cells every day: skin, hair, nails, saliva, thrown away with solid and liquid rejects, sweat, teeth, etc. it is required by The Great Hierarchy to provide tools in order to keep evolution path unchanged be it through rewards and/or punishments as to keep a high evolution efficiency. There is also a very important detail to unveil as the Great Hierarchy albeit reflects Deity [quality] Body shape image whereas under Energy [quantity] distribution focused it depicts the Pyramid structure. Or at the Pyramid Apex, one can only spot the Horus Eye or the Eye that Sees All: Atman or the yet non-manifested Bindu. Whereas at its immense base myriads of cells can be traced albeit none of them can see or even ear anything! We should further proceed still relying heavily on symbols, albeit a lot more complex and spreading them through a wider angle horizon due it is very difficult if not impossible to express huge energetic reactions affecting the Divine structure we all belong to and deep inserted inside, without the help of symbols, allegories, metaphors, and altogether the understanding of their true meaning do also change even to pretended opposites when and where viewed from another energy stratum. Therefore at Divine Body first three stratum levels allegorically and anatomically identified with our Feet, Ankles, Shin & Knees are allocated the Cells [Mankind portions] that matches all Sins that further derives at the same order from: naivety, exploded sexuality and aggressiveness as well, or if a due comparison is established with Armed Forces Hierachy, we do have the Private, the Corporal and the Sergeant. Check more cross comparisons at the detailed chart annexed, including energy, corporate and poltics. All religions do classify these three stratum levels as those that structures and enable our Deity must needed walking [evolution] ability Divine Body and with the same three stratum levels that wanders at total [cognitive] darkness and also with the three days at Hell flooded with good wills and if by a bad chance a Nature cataclysm do amputate both legs our Deity wont die. 1/3

the great hierarchy

Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception
Yet the Deity evolution ability would be delayed! Another match besides the Armed Forces Hierarchy is now detailed with the Chess Game due a Chess match can only be won checkmate through the sacrifice of Army pawns [soldiers] at the battle field providing the King and the Queen remains safe! These three evolution stratums directly compares with Chess Games pawns or half [Mankind] World population are entitled to be sacrificed in order to save King and Queen [Ethnical Deity] and by doing so the evolution match would be finally won [against another Ethnic]! On the other hand King and Queen are later going to perform the Saccro Officio [Latin Phrase] that if and when contracted also means sacrifice from the Deity couple thus enabling a Newer Mankind redeeming when and where by dropping [engulfed amidst an immense energy reaction] as Fallen Angels the King as the Collective Soul completely fragmented (Fishes multiplications) and the Queen as the Physical Body (Earth Planet) that would house all Souls (Bread multiplication). This is the Eternal Comeback! Another compelling cross comparison is now handled with Astrology as we all are structured with the same Star components literally we are Coagulated Stars Energy a fact that unveils a direct identification of these three bottom Stratum levels [Legs] that allow Divine Body to walk [to evolve] with the Birth Hour of an individual when it occurs between 06:00h a.m. & 12:00h a.m. thereby resonating clockwise sense with the following Zodiac Signs: Pisces Sign from 06:00h a.m. thru 08:00h a.m. [Feet, Naivety, Private], Aquarius Sign from 08:00h a.m. thru 10:00h a.m. [Ankles, Exacerbated Sexuality, Corporal] and Capricorns Sign from 10:00h a.m. thru 12:00h a.m. [Shin & Knees, Exacerbated Aggressiveness, Sergeant].

the great hierarchy

Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception
There is absolutely no demerit in belonging to these three bottom Stratum levels they do not sinned inexorably and they arent going to burn eternally at Hell (albeit they are temporarily there wandering under heavy Mind darkness) and later deeply sorrow all shall be saved the biggest danger to be avoided is to allow these Cells in trying to conduct Mankind (be as politics, judges, generals, kings, emperors, presidents, priest, bishops, etc.). Thus the wide and deep religious condemnations given to the sinners in order to establish a minimum of civilization [Union] among Divine Cells. Next three Divine Body Stratum levels are: Thighs, the Lower Belly [Genitals/Rectum/Coccyx up to Waist] and the Upper Belly. These stratums does match up going level descriptions starting with the last opposites paradox stratum [duality] followed by the Ariadnes Clue of Thread through the Labyrinth [Cretes Minotaur, Chartres Cathedral] or with the Red Sea crossing that wide opens its waters in order to allow all those already entitled to escape from sexual slavery at Egypt, and at last the Upper Belly that confuses itself with the arid and mercy less Desert [Unconscious Faith, Philosophical Order Initiation, Waterless, Sun Light dazzles our sight and we wander completely lost through all Four Cardinal Directions probing everything]. Military and Astrologically they do also identify with the Lieutenant and Sagittarius Sign [Half Horse & Half Man, recognizes the Hierarchy and obeys its orders at the Battle Field] it occurs between 12:00h a.m. and 02:00h p.m. next level matches the Captain and Scorpion Sign [Do not hesitates in To kill or To Die while accomplishing orders] it occurs between 02:00h p.m. and 04:00h p.m. and finally with the Major e Libra Sign [He ponders and commands both Troop legs: Combat & Supply] it occurs between 04:00h p.m. and 06:00h p.m.. The following three Divine Body Stratum levels are firstly: Life vital organs setup: Pancreas, Duodenum, Liver and Stomach, next we have the Heart and the Spine [Backbone] that is the Sun at Middle Path [Compassion, Perfection, the Heart is housed among both Lungs, Conscious Faith] and the Thorax [2 Lungs, 2 Arms & 2 Hands] to realize the One Prodigies by creating with Beauty Harmony and Perfection all required Royal Arts to perform Evolution. Military and Astrologically they do also identify with the Colonel and Virgo Sign [The Sky Seeder that distributes Missions (Higher Rank Orders), the Nordic Walkyria that conducts Battles] it occurs between 06:00h p.m. and 08:00h p.m. next level matches the General, Admiral and Air Marshal and Leo Sign [the Sphinx: Divine Wisdom in due command of the Most Powerful Physical Body (Army)] it occurs between 08:00h p.m. e 10:00h p.m. and finally with the Marshal and Cancer Sign [Acquired Wisdom through multiple Life experiences (Battles)] it occurs between 10:00h p.m. and 12:00h p.m.. The following three Divine Body Stratum levels deals with the Not Yet Manifested Energetic Hierarchy and it is composed by Neck [Throat, Larynx, Thymus & Esophagus] and Gemini Sign (Two way Avenue: Inspired and expired Air) it occurs between 12:00h p.m. and 02:00h a.m. due it is responsible in handling Higher Rank Orders to the Deity Body and from it back to the Head[quarters] with His Unique Wisdom, Individual Acquired Experience Sum and a Universe Astonishing Top View [Double Brain Hemispheres and Seven Holes: 2 Eyes, 2 Hears, 2 Nostrils and 1 Mouth] and Taurus Sign it occurs between 02:00h a.m. and 04:00h a.m. and finally with the Life Source the Akashic Registers where All Eras Creation Wisdom is carefully stored since BigBang it occurs between 04:00h a.m. and 06:00h a.m.. A Master must know how to travel and behave Just and Righteous amidst All Great Hierarchy Stratums of The Divine Body . Ot Manu One of OTM Righteousness Masters

Hierarchy 12th 11th 10th 9th Stratum Stratum Stratum Stratum

Behavior Power Strength Full Control Synthesis Command on Chief: Seth Estrategy Coordenation Command by Sector Execution Aggressiveness: Caim Lustfull Total Naivety: Abel

Military Armed Forces

Corporate Intn'l Market Local Market Shareholders Advisory Board President Corporate Diretors Sectors Directors Dept. Directors Sectors Managers Supervisors Aides Bottom Level

Politics Mankind Nation Voters Supreme Court King, President, 1st Minister Ministers, Secretaries Congress: Senators Congress: Members Governors State Council Mayors City Council Sign by Hour Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Astrology 04:00h 02:00h 00:00h 10:00h 08:00h 06:00h 04:00h 02:00h 12:00h 10:00h 08:00h Birth Hour a.m. thru 06:00h a.m. thru 04:00h a.m. thru 02:00h p.m. thru 12:00h p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. thru thru thru thru thru thru thru 10:00h 08:00h 06:00h 04:00h 02:00h 12:00h 10:00h a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

General Staff General, Admiral, Air Marshal Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Corporal Private

8th Stratum 7th Stratum 6th Stratum 5th Stratum 4th Stratum 3rd Stratum 2nd Stratum 1st Stratum

06:00h a.m. thru 08:00h a.m.

Hierarchy 12th Stratum 11th Stratum 10th Stratum 9th Stratum 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th Stratum Stratum Stratum Stratum Stratum

Traditions Eastern Western Atman, Bindu, Boddisattvas Atoh, Ayn Sof, Job Brahman, Mithra, Death Kumara Abraham, Noah, Elderly Avatars: Krishna, Buddha Arhat Christ, Moses Solomon

Anatomy Human Body Upper [Akashic] Conscience Head & Brain Hemispheres Throat, Larynx, Thyroid & Esophagus Lungs, Arms, Hands & Fingers Heart & Spinal Column Pancreas, Duodenum, Liver & Stomach Kidneys, Suprakidneys, Spleen & Intestines Coccyx, Rectum & Genitals Duality paradox: 2 Thighs Duality paradox: 2 Knees & 2 Shins Duality paradox: 2 Ankles Duality paradox: 2 Foot

Freemasonry AASR Egregore "Drain" PM "Death" 2nd Vig Secr VM & 1st Deac Orat Treas CM & HM 1st Vig & 2nd Deac SW Lost Steps into Void Room

Tree of Life Kabbalah Ayn Sof Netzah & Venus Hesed & Jupiter Hokmah & Uranus Kether & Neptune Binah & Saturn Gevurah & Mars Tifferet & Sun Hod & Mercury Yesod & Moon Malkuth Earth, Ayn, Mind Darkness

Nagas Aur Ayn Sof, David, Muhammad Aghartas, Swamis, Shris Yeshuas, Maggidims Men Kingdom Upper Animal Kingdom Life Kumara = Lower Animal Kingdom = Sun Shines Upper Botanic Kingdom Lower Botanic Kingdom Kama Rupa: Lustfull Body, Mineral Kingdom, Raw Stone

3rd Stratum 2nd Stratum 1st Stratum

Notes: 1st There are several Eastern Traditions branches that add new categories or do rename the former one's, this is a trial synthesis. 2nd There are no Ascended Masters or female Masters [???] only Androgynous (genderless) Energy Stratums and all of them do hold very specific Energies that 'reverberates' at each Man & Woman as derived from Mankind acquired experiences evolution synthesis performed at lower levels. It should be noted that when is quoted at any Tradition that an Energetic Eminence does sit at the Throne it means that His Energy does "darken" one Stratum down - e.g.: Solomon and the Queen of Shabbat (He did thicken His Energy down in order to "marry" Virgo [7th] Stratum. 3

The Yellow stripe matches 8th Stratum that corresponds to known history Great Mankind Leaders [Blessed Statesman birth hour above 4th Stratum or Wicked Statesman when birth hour is bellow 4th Stratum].

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