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the aasr temple and alchemy

Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Perception Gates

As detailed in some other OTM essays there isnt any real differences among all Traditions being the final dressing only detectable at the 18th external surface petal layer as allegorically derived from a mythic onion original nucleus the KAMA KALA PARA BINDU the early starting point from where are things are manifested due any other dressings collections deals with the shoal (read: ethnic) preservation in a quite frequently obtuse and yet desperate timely clerical effort. It is well known today that several ethnical (racial) diseases can be clearly identified as derived from a dumb clergy effort to preserve each race purity. While the opposite physical bodies evolution does happens through natural and/or forced miscegenation still nowadays reported as recurrent Sabinas kidnaps. What no one can detect is that apart this flesh Bizance a continuous real and yet desperately needed life DNA (Physical) mutation usually handled by a couple marriage it does side happens another (Astral) one and this former one affects Men Bodies and Souls forcing them to reach a Fraternal Unity through a powerful karmic redeeming Tikun Nephesh thus further proceeding towards their individual Adonai Union. Yet most AASR Freemasons truly ignores that they are the only ones that undergoes an induced karmic redeeming through Fiery Furnaces Temple Rites or allegorically to be cooked in a microwave oven that shall burn out all hidden charcoals still embodied into their souls. We shall use a handy microwave oven allegory as it can closely match what really happens in a AASR Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Temple, in spite of the fact that the Universal Mind Power still stood supporting it: real evolution does only happens under rigid and controlled technical conditions, what means that WILL itself is not enough, POWER is also required as WISDOM to correctly activate it. A microwave oven is based on a Magnetron Tube that once excited by an incandescent filament (Lights Altar) providing that also a High Voltage is applied between their Anode: W M and Cathode: I G (all Minds United attending the Sacro Officio) while operating inside a resonant cavity (Temple) do produce a very strong Frequency Dependent Tuned Energy Egregore that further flows through wave guides (Officers) and finally reaches out Real Life (South Column base) towards meal preparation (physical manifestation). Any wrongdoing at these basic parameters does ricochet the Egregore exactly as when a metallic dish is inserted at a microwave oven damaging (profaning) it yet at the Temple metallic dishes are raw-stones that causes standing waves that dissipates (hurts) at wave-guides (Officers). So either a Freemason turns more translucent after the Rite or more darkened after it. When standing waves do occur once again Creation shall proceed aimlessly. Lets prospect the most intact - ancient and famous resonant cavity: the Kings Chamber inside Khofus Pyramid [Keops] at Egypt. It matches Sacred Geometry: the Golden Means parameters that do repeat itself ad nauseam worldwide at all Temples be them Aztec, Mayas, Incas, Persian, Chinese, Hindustani, Tibet, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Sistine Chapel, etc. in such a way that this Wisdom seems to thoroughly permeate all eras civilizations and yet lets also further gauge the fact that regardless of male attendants figure they do shape a single ONE DIVINE BEING [Holy Communion] while at the Sacred Works. At next page one can check that three axis Kings Chamber measures are proportional to 1 [wide] x 1.618 [length] x 0.618 [minimum height] = 1 [unity volume] or as a side interpretation that all those attending the Sacro Officio Rite do really shape a single ONE DIVINE BEING WILL. By being the Creation Apex Mankind can be energetically spotted living at the crossing border of two powerful and yet opposite Energies that when allegorically mixed as clay + water = mud = Egregore they can be easily molded by Human Mind in following Creation Master Plans as to perform a inexorable evolution path! Naturally Human Mind attending united a Sacro Officio do transmute into Universal [Divine] Conscience.

From now on we shall deep inspect several ways the Sacred Geometry or the Golden Means Proportions do cross references with the Tree-Of-Life [Western Tradition Kabbalah = Structured Astrology] - with the AASR Temple [resonant cavity] - with Universe Alchemy and with Astrology. At side image the Tree-Of-Life exhibits Malkuth folded into Daath a secret meaning showing that all AASRs Middle Chamber M M (all other Freemasons rites are either placebos or extremely attenuated - e. g.: York) are enlightened up to THE DIVINE WILL thus by mimetically affording T G A O T U power they behave as a United Mind to Create and if a Good result is achieved them they might repeat it if otherwise opposite Evil is reached then they do abandon it. (sic) At the same side image one can double check that the Golden Rectangle encompasses a bi-univocally synergy with Tree-Of-Life Planetary Energies pertaining to each Sephiroth and it shows the Elementals: Fire, Earth, Air and Water referenced to Temples Western side while it also displays the Astrals Powers that are in the Or . Even the Holy Triangle can be identified. Also the 1 [Circle] when thickening do transform itself into the 4 [Circle Squareness] and from it do comeback to the 1 [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 = 1]. So this is the right moment to realize that AASR Temple is the female gender Nature and the Moon [Water Elemental] do represent Red Sea in a purifying menstruation that enables T G A O T U to fertilize Nature after it at all rites with Egregore. The AASRs Freemasons have yet crossing the Red Sea at E A initiation!

At this side image the Pythagorean Triangle is encompassed by the Golden Rectangle that fully structures a resonant AASR Temple and it appoints the most important Officers seats [most Freemasons ignores it: the S D is the Holy Ghost - the KAMA KALA PARA BINDU - the Sulfur that emanates from the Dead God Sarcophagus (Planet Earth)], the J D is Christ that returns after 3 days [Zodiacal Eras] from Hell = Lost Steps into Void Room thus emerging through S W : the Dragoon Mouth [Caput Draconis]: The Dark Mouth blowing Fiery Flames: the flames that allegorically heated the cave when Christ was born whereas the J W is the Officer that weighs [ponder and measure] both energetic values [downhill and uphill]. Therefore we do now have the cultural reasoning to substitute Osiris - Amon-Ra Sarcophagus by the Solomon Throne [an equally mythic identical energy]: to not scare to death religious faith believers. Also the foundations of the bloody and merciless Templar Knights persecutions and more recently to their heirs: Freemasons as conducted by the Vatican: Only One Mind Power at The Western World! The Creative Triad or the Holy Family are energetically synonymous and myth equivalent as it represents the that identifies a Freemason and also the thickening of the 1 [One] towards the 3 [Three] and the Prodigal Son Holy return. At this new side image one can spot the Tree-Of-Life - the Circular Ecliptic [Zodiac: 12 Side Temple Columns] the Pythagorean Triangle - the 2 Gate Columns: White [Jachin] and Black [Boaz] at the AASR Temple footprint. Please note the Ecliptic do not reach the Sarcophagus / Throne due it is out of Creation. It s of an unparalleled and surmounting importance that at the Or only a W M Throne is to be found due no other necrophiles energies should interfere the rite [the already died P M where properly buried at South Columns base with the Egregore of his substitution] but the Orat and the Secr are allocated within the Ecliptic before the 3 steps ladder. It is noteworthy to emphasize that Zodiac Signs that identifies an individual evolutive level are the clockwise hourlyderived Signs and not the Date addressed Signs.

As clearly stated at the The AASR Temple and Astrology essay we pinpoint that at each AASR Session a forced Alchemy is induced into each Freemason and the above image evidences the energetic foundations as it reverberates through their 4 Raw Planes - be it an Officer or not. It is the very same Catholic Rite exclusively performed at the Vatican Sistine Chapel by the Pope and Cardinals. From now on a clear border put True Freemasons apart from undercover Ones [Raw-Stones] due a Real Freemason does always get enlightened by expanding His Mind Frontiers - He never regrets life facts and never protest against others due if something goes wrong or fails - it is because of His own fault and not from others. OT MANU M M AASR One of the OTMs Righteousness Actions Masters Registered Copyright at EDA/Fundao Biblioteca Nacional - BRAZIL

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