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History and development of microbiology


1. Introduction 2. Discovery of microbial basis of diseases (i) Von Helmont (ii) Roberthoek (iii) Antony von leeuwen hock (iv) Wuis Pasteur (v) Robert Koch 3. The germ theory of Diseases 4. Reference


Microbe French word means small.

The branch of science dealing with the wss of life and development of organism with reference to the microscopic and submicroscopic forms is called microbiology. Some time the word germ is also used at the place of micro. However the word germ is mainly used with reference to the pathogenic type of microorganism. The ward micro include both pathogenic and non pathogenic and nonpathogenic forms of microscope organism microbiology is concerned with the-

Arehebacteria, Eubacteria, cyano bacteria (BGA) microscopic algae, fungi and protowans.

Discovery of microbial basis of diseases


Von helmont (1577)- was a strong proponent of the theory of spontaneous generation as theory of abiogenesis. He had supported that living organism away origient by the non- living matter. This theory end wdhich is called as germ theory of diseases . I,c . The disease is always caused by the germ.


Robert hook (1665)- also made the compound microscope with multiple lens he for the first time seen the ceu and also given the term cell.


Antony Van Leeuwen hoek (1677) he had also made his own microscope and he for the first time seeing bacteria later on these word was translated as Animacules. The royal society and its meaning is tiny molecules. He was called as father of bacteriology. He was a ducth cloth merchant.


Lows Pasteur (1822-1895) he was known as father of microbiology. He was famous for the discovery of the fermentation that microbs can survive in alrence of oxygen too and can convert is substrate to the product. He had given the process of pasteurization.

The germ theory of diseases-

Germ theory of diseases was first time given by fracastoro (1484), later on it was supported by number of scientist the first supporter was holmes (1824), Devine (1884) confirmed the germ theory of diseases (bacillus anthras is bacteria). When the blood of diseases animal was transferred to the healthy animal and that animal also show disease.


The branch of science dealing with the loss of life and development of organism with reference to the microscopic and submicro scopic forms is called microbiology Louis Pasteur was known as father of microbiology. He was famous for the discovery of the fermentation and given the process of pasteurization. Antony von teewenhock (1677) had also made his own microcope and he for the first time seeing bacteria stagment rain water.

Swaty Singh M.Sc. Pre. Roll No-27

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