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CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT Off-Shore Activities Entered into voluntary by and between: LIGABUE CATERING SERVICES S.A.

Via Cantonale 2b CH-6928 Manno The Employer and The Employee Identity Document: Passport nr. Place and date of birth: Nationality: ADAMOVIC Bosko 007049915 Srpsko / 15/01/1981 Serbian

The Employer will employ the Employee on board the Activity: Saipem 3000 of Bahamas Flag port of Registry/Official Number: in the position of Baker The Employee will have to board the Activity in the port of Pointe Noireon the 12/11/2009. It is hereby agreed by Parties: 1) SIGNING ON - The undersigned Employee understand that this Contract of Employment is valid for work on board the Activity mentioned above or any other Activities managed by the Employer without altering the terms of this Contract. The Employee shall not be deemed to be contracted prior to the signing of this Contract. Its also subject to passing the required medical examination as will be indicated by the Employer, the expenses of which will be paid by Employer. The employee must be in possession of a valid Passport expiring not before than 1 (one) year starting from the date of the signature of this contract. The Employee must also be in possession of a valid Seamens book. The cost of the Seamans book will be for the employees account. The Employee upon arrival must also have the valid Off-Shore Survival Certificate and Safety Certificates as indicated by the employer. The cost for the Off-Shore Survival Certificate and Safety Certificates will be on the employers account. Work Permit will be provided at care of the Employer. 2) DURATION / TERMINATION - This Contract starts on the day of leaving the Country of the Employee's domicile. Based on a fixed-term-duration the Employee shall be engaged for a period of 6 months which may be reduced or extended for operational convenience. This contract will expire on 12/05/2010 without any prior written notice of termination, or at the end of the Employers Catering Contract on board and/or when the Owners will declare that the position Baker is no more required. The Employee will be subject to a probationary period of 28 days, during which this contract may be terminated by the Employer as well as by the Employee at any moment without notice. After the probationary period, either party is able to terminate this contract at any time by giving 1 (one) month written notice. This Contract will be terminated with immediate effect for disciplinary reasons after receiving two written warnings. The Employee declares to acknowledge this procedure by signing this Contract.

ADAMOVIC Bosko v-2002

3) TAXES AND REGULATIONS. Ligabue Catering Services SA, a Swiss registered company, shall employ you to work outside the Swiss territory. No Income taxes and/or Social contributions are deducted by the Employer from the Employee's wages, The payment of the taxes and/or Social contributions is responsibility of the sole Employee and the Employer shall not be responsible for the payment of same on behalf of the Employee. 4) RULES AND REGULATIONS. The undersigned Employee agrees to accept and follow the rules and regulations on the Activity where he is placed by the Employer, according to the code of conduct, the Master's standing orders, safety at the sea and any other rules or regulations fixed by his representative or by the Activities management. 5) JOINING / LEAVING. The travel expenses when joining/leaving the Activity will be covered by the Employer. This includes the necessary air tickets. Train and bus tickets from the place of residence of the Employee to the place of embarkation(unless differently agreed), will be refunded upon presentation of the relevant documentation (train tickets, vouchers, etc.) The Employee disembarking on his own will or for disciplinary reasons must pay for his own transport, all other expenses involved with his repatriation and will be also debited with the travel costs of his replacement. 6) INSURANCE . Employee will be covered against illness and accident related to the on board period only, by the Employers P & I Club or an Insurance selected by the Employer. The Compensation for loss of life (death of the employee, not self cause, arising in the course of the employment) the employees next-of-kin will be entitled to receive a compensation of US$ 70.000,00. The compensation for permanent disability (maximum compensation for 100% of disability) consequent to an accident, not self-caused, occurred whilst on board the vessel will be US$ 70.000,00. For lower percentages the compensation will be proportionate. When the employee is unable to work or is signed off and landed at any port because of work-related injury, his consolidated wages shall continue until he has resumed his assigned task or has been repatriated at the companys expense and has arrive at his point of origin. Thereafter ha shall be entitled to sick pay at a rate equivalent to his basic wages while he remains injured up to a maximum of 112 (one hundred and twelve) days. Proof of his continued entitlement to basic pay shall be by submission of satisfactory medical certificates. The employee may be required to attend the employers own doctor for an examination. 7) OTHERS. If the Activity is sold, laid up suffers constructive total loss, or if a voyage cannot be undertaken or continued because of Act of God, war, rebellion, insurrection, embargo, blockade or similar matters the Employer, the Ship-Owner or his Agent shall have the option either to terminate this Contract at once upon payment of wages due until the actual signing-off date, or to transfer the Employee to any Activity where the Employer is engaged with a Catering Contract. Reasonable travelling expenses in these cases shall be paid by the Employer. In the event of accident, fire or other mishap affecting the Activity and whereby the Employee's personal effect are damaged or lost, the Employer shall pay the compensation up to, but not more than US$ 3,000.00. The Employee must submit a signed specification of the lost items. Any violation to the vessel's regulations or legal requirements concerning contraband (illegal or dangerous goods), smuggling, theft or embezzlement shall be deemed a breach of this Contract and the Employee will be dismissed without further notice.

ADAMOVIC Bosko v-2002

Other offences, such as wilful disobedience to any lawful command, wilful breach of duty, intoxication, scandal, aggression, conviction of crime, leaving the Activity or the duty station without previous permission, discourtesy towards the Passengers/Officers shall also be deemed a breach of this Contract and the Employee will be dismissed due to his fault. The Employer exercises his right to terminate this Contract without prejudice to any other remedy to which Employer may be entitled. The Parties stipulating this Contract of Employment agree that exclusive legal venue for eventual dispute is the Court of Lugano (Switzerland). 9) WORKING HOURS - REMUNERATION . The employee is required to work up to 12 hours daily each day of the week. For the services rendered, while working on board, the employee will receive the wages as set below: Basic wage (including subsistence allowance) Overtime Mon-Fri (90,00 hrs) Overtime weekends (52,00 hrs) Leave pay (3 days per month) Consolidated monthly wage USD 493,00 USD 290,00 USD 167,00 USD 50,00 ---------------------USD 1000,--

The Employer is authorised to deduct a monthly percentage the Employee's wages from a minimum of .n.a. to a maximum of .n.a. This amount will be reimbursed to the Employee when the present Contract is completed. Should the Employee disembark at his own request or be disembarked because of disciplinary action before the completion of the agreed Employer/Client Catering Contract the amount of the monthly deduction will be retained by the Employer against the costs incurred for Medicals and / or Safety Certificates which the Employer has paid on behalf of the Employee. The Employer will pay the Employee the wages with value for the Beneficiary after 10 calendar days after the completion of his shift, and credited to the Beneficiary in a Bank account as indicated in writing by the Employee. Date: 05/11/2009 THE EMPLOYEE THE EMPLOYER

_______________________ ADAMOVIC Bosko

____________________________________ LIGABUE CATERING SERVICES S.A.

ADAMOVIC Bosko v-2002

SPECIAL TERMS AGAINST DRUGS, ALCOHOL, SMOKING 1. It is hereby expressly understood the neither the Owners of the vessel on which you serve, nor the Master or of the Vessel/Barge/Platform, nor LIGABUE CATERING SERVICES S.A. will be responsible for any consequences, fines, penalties, imprisonment etc. that you may suffer or may be imposed to you as a result of your illegal possession, smuggling dealing in contraband or trafficking of drugs or other prohibited substances either in your cabin among your personal effects or on board the vessel. 2. You are hereby expressly warned that smoking is prohibited in all restricted areas and in passenger areas and when on duty. The same rule applies for alcohol consumption. 3. If during your employment you are detected to be drunk or smoking during your duties or in passenger areas, or dealing in contraband or trafficking of drugs by the Master and/or Officers of the Vessel/Barge/Platform, you will be dealt with as required by law, signed off immediately and all expenses incurred will be charged to you.





Data : 05/11/2009

ADAMOVIC Bosko v-2002

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