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Hi, QTP morning batch is starting from II week of September @ 07:30 AM.

QTP e ening batch is starting from II week of September @ 07:00 PM. QTP !eeken" batch is starting from #$th of September. Demo class will be available for 2 days. Please find below the details of QTP course. VB Scri tin!" #$"#% Days QTP QTP Scri tin! Descri tive Pro!rammin! &utomation 'ramewor(. )m lementation of &utomation 'ramewor( Pro*ects. Total duration of QTP course will be +$"+% days , 'ees is -s../$$0" and held in 2 timin!s in a day. 1ornin!2 $/23$ " $423$ 5venin!2 $/2$$ " $42$$ Total duration of QTP wee(ends will be 6"4 wee(ends held on both Saturday and Sunday. 7ee(ends2#$2$$&1 " $#2$$P1. 'ees structure for QTP is -s../$$0". 'ees structure for 8oad runner alone is -s..$$$0" , )f you ta(e QTP and 8oad -unner, fees will be -s.#$$$$0". The above trainin! is enou!h for you to ta(e u the HP certification of both QTP , 8oad -unner. Please do call us for any clarifications. Than(s,
Qspiders Software Testing Training Institute Basavanagudi branch #13 &14, 1st floor, uttanna !hett" !o#ple$, Bull Te#ple %oad, Bengaluru&'()))4 !ontact *u#ber+ ,-1&-.4'(.//.1 0 -(.(/))')) 0-(.(/))-)) 1 2ail + 3spiders4basavanagudi53spiders6co# 7ther Branches &&&&&&&&&&&&&& %a8a8inagar + --/9('').. 7:% + --))))9.(( Banaswadi + --.)-))4)) 2"sore + -(.(-))')) une + /3./)31919 !hennai + -.4)(11)99

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