Assessment 2 (Task 1)

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Assessment: 2 Task: 1

1) E) Planning the change process,

F) Identifying uses and organizational requirement, A) Researching the planned change, C) Assessing the needs for change, D) Implementing the change, B) Evaluate the outcomes.

2) SWOT analysis is used to assessing the organization strengths, weakness,

what are the market opportunities and threats through swot analysis and its very simple process that can offer powerful insights into the potential and critical issues that can be affect our venture. 3) Fear- Fear creates paralysis Comfort, Lack of knowledge, Personal presence, Not perceiving the needs, Lack of trust, No faith into process, Heavy handedness by the leaders. 4) stakeholders, _ tendering, _ SWOT analysis, _ Emotional, _ PERT chart,

_ Intelligence. 5) Pilot/trial: Advantage: problems can be identified and modifications can be made before the system is introduced throughout the organization. Disadvantage: lots of resources and times required to conduct the trial. Phased: Advantage: the changes can be made one at a time hence it is easier before implementing. Disadvantage: lots of time wasted if each process needs to be redone for each increment. Parallel: Advantage: both old and new systems are working simultaneously. Disadvantage: higher cost and added responsibilities to ensure that both systems are updated. Direct implementation: Advantage: the entire organization uses the new system by the set date making sure that everyone is aware. 6) 1) On job training: it is usually the primary method used for broadening employees skills and increasing productivity. Eg learning to use a new system 2) coaching/mentoring/buddy system: effective way to used skilled staff to help or assist staff that are new or staff that needs to up skill themselves. For Example up skilling oneself to new things. 3) Classroom training: can be used for professional development or seminars, for example to help in organizational manners. 4) off the job training: used to help participants share and learn from the experience of each other. Example understanding change management. 7) Internal drivers change:

The introduction of new machinery in the workplace, Relocating to new place or new continent, Changes in management positions, Change in the workplace External drivers change: The introduction of new competitors in the market place, Changing the economic conditions, Change to market trends, Change to employee engagement style 8) It is very important to involve the right people to ensure that the change implementation is a success. Who and why they are important must be identified, explain the reason for undertaking the change, communication is the key for any aspect and hence must be done effectively. 9) GANT chart: to view task in order of hierarchy, Flow chart: algorithm representation, Fishbone analysis: casual diagram that shows causes of certain events, PERT diagram: statistical tool used to organize events and keep tracking of things need to occur in sequence. 10) There could be budget restrictions thus narrowing what system can be brought, Allocation of resources must be planned so that productivity is not hampered and there are no cashes with other schedules. 11) Improve the quality of process by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variabilitys in manufacturing and business processes. It uses the set of quality management methods, statistical methods

12) - That means what skills are lacking or what gaps are identified within organization. - identifying what more can be done to assist the employees to improve their performance. - can be done for new organization to determine what skills it requires before training to understand what skills are vacant? - It is important to assess the level of competency that exist as the appropriate training needs can be identified.

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