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Reading body language <<< >>> Doesn't matter whether she is interested in you you'll ma!e her interested e"entually anyway#$ %ut loo! &or these signs to show you whether you're already ma!ing 'rogress#$ It's also &un to loo! &or these signs as a by( stander either in e"eryday situations or &or e)am'le in a bar ( when the guy earnestly belie"es he is being sooo smooth but the woman he is tal!ing to isn't dis'laying any o& the signs 'resented below you *an't hel' but ha"e a *hu*!le about it#$ +er li's# %ig smiles with u''er and lower teeth showing with a rela)ed &a*e, %iting o& the li's or showing o& the tongue li*!ing her li's or tou*hing o& her &ront teeth, She wets her li's some women use only a single(li' li*! wetting the u''er or lower li' while others run the tongue around the entire li' area, She 'uts her &ingernail between her teeth, She 'rotrudes her li's and thrust her breasts &orward, +er eyes# She ga-es in your eyes with dee' interest and her 'u'ils are dilated, She raises both eyebrows e)aggeratedly &or a *ou'le o& se*onds this is o&ten *ombined with a smile and some eye *onta*t, She win!s at you while tal!ing to you or win!s at you &rom a distan*e, .hile tal!ing to you she blin!s more than usual &luttering her eyelashes, /yebrows raised and then lowered then a smile indi*ates interest in you, +er hair# She 'ushes her &ingers through her hair, This *an be one hand mo"ement or more o& a stro!ing motion, She twirls her hair around her &ingers while she is loo!ing at you, She is throwing her hair ba*! o&& her shoulders, +er *lothing# I& she is wearing *lothes that show her ni''les underneath and you noti*e they are getting 'er!y and ere*t, The hem goes u' to e)'ose a little more leg, She is &i)ing 'atting or smoothing her out&it to ma!e hersel& loo! better, .hile she is seated#

She mo"es in time to the musi* with her eyes on you, She starts sitting straight u' and her mus*les a''ear to be &irm, She is sitting with her legs o'en, She sits with her legs *rossed in a manner to re"eal her thigh, +er legs are rubbing against ea*h other, +er legs are rubbing against the leg o& the table, +er *rossed leg is 'ointed towards you or i& that same leg is ro*!ing ba*! and &orth towards you, +er hands# She e)'oses the 'alms o& her hand &a*ing you, .hile tal!ing to you she rests an elbow in the 'alm o& one hand while holding out her other hand 'alm u', She rubs her wrists u' and down, She sits with one hand tou*hing one o& her breasts, She rubs her *hin or tou*hes her *hee!, This indi*ates that she's thin!ing about you and her relating in some way#$ She is &ondling !eys sliding hands u' and down a glass 'laying with toys or other things on the table, She 'lays with her 0ewellery es'e*ially with stro!ing and 'ulling motions, She tou*hes your arm shoulder thigh or hand while tal!ing to you 1in *ase you already ha"en't started !ino yoursel& dumbass#$, She is 'retending to loo! at her wat*h as you 'ass her, +er "oi*e She raises or lowers the "olume o& her "oi*e to mat*h yours, She s'eeds u' or slows down her s'ea!ing to mat*h yours, She laughs in unison with you, In a *rowd she s'ea!s only to you and &o*uses all o& her undi"ided attention on you, 2i*ellaneous# She mirrors your body language and body 'ositions, +er s!in tone be*omes red while being around you, She blows smo!e straight out &rom between her li's and toward you, She leans o"er and s'ea!s into her &riend's ear 0ust li!e in 0unior high s*hool, She is standing with her head *o*!ed slightly at an angle one &oot behind the other hi's slightly thrust &orward, At a 'arty ( e"ery on*e in a while she seems to a''ear out o& nowhere in your "i*inity and i& you mo"e to another s'ot soon she a''ears out o& nowhere again you *at*h her glan*ing in your general dire*tion 1a*tually glan*ing at 3OU dummy4#$ she bum's into you5

a**identally tou*hes you5 a**identally et*#$ .hen tal!ing to a girl these are some o& the more im'ortant signs to wat*h &or# 6an you !ee' *on"ersation going with her7 Does she rea*t well to !ino7 Does she tou*h you7 Does she laugh7 8ow I don't ha"e to e)'lain what the answer 9yes9 to these :uestions means do I#$ ;rom 9Swee' women o&& their &eet,,,9# 9All these signs usually tell you that the girl is *a'ti"ated by your *harms, %ut be&ore you get there *han*es are that her body language *hanges as the dis*ussion 'rogresses, 2a!e sure that you wat*h her *losely and as soon as you get a sign that should be an indi*ation that you are on the right tra*! !ee' going in that dire*tion, I& the o''osite ha''ens 0ust *hange the sub0e*t and see what ha''ens,9 The really gorgeous and beauti&ul girls howe"er "ery seldom get around to dis'laying the signs o& interest des*ribed abo"e, They sim'ly don't ha"e to as they are used to getting some attention already long be&ore that, .ith su*h girls you ha"e to be on a loo!out &or the initial and thus mu*h more subtle signs o& interest, One e)am'le o& this would be a gorgeous girl sim'ly loo!ing at your &a*e, Ob"iously 'eo'le tend to loo! at what or whom they li!e to loo! at, %ut whereas an a"erage girl &irst 0ust loo!s at your &a*e and then 'rogresses into the more o"ert signs o& interest des*ribed abo"e loo!ing at your &a*e &rom time to time might be the only sign o& interest you'll e"er get &rom the most beauti&ul o& girls, So i& you thin! you're not getting any signs o& interest &rom beauti&ul girls ( you are but you 0ust *an't see them well enough yet, Don Steele# 9+ere are signs o& interest sent &rom a*ross the room, 2ost are a''li*able to both se)es, The se:uen*e o& the list a''ro)imates the *ourtshi' se:uen*e, I'2 I8T/R/ST/D Sidelong glan*e1s$ <oo!s at you a &ew times +olds your ga-e brie&ly Down*ast eyes then away Posture *hanges to alert Preens ad0usts hair attire Turns body toward you Tilts head 8arrows eyes slightly DO8'T %OT+/R 2/ 8e"er snea!s a 'ee! ;leeting eye *onta*t <oo!s away :ui*!ly <oo!s away eyes le"el Posture un*hanged Does no 'reening Turns body away +ead remains "erti*al /yes remain normal

Smiles 8eutral 'olite &a*e 2at*hes your 'osture Posture un*hanged /yes s'ar!le 8ormal or dull eyes <i*!s her li's =ee's mouth *losed Thrusts breasts Sags to de(em'hasi-e breasts In Summary, ;re:uen*y o& eye *onta*t the more the better, Amount o& time she or he holds your ga-e the longer the better, +ow she brea!s o&& eye *onta*t down be&ore away is great4 Shine o& the eyes the brighter the better, Dire*tion o& body toward you good away bad, O"erall 'osture ere*t and alert are good, Tilt o& head "erti*al is bad in*reased tilt is great, .here the drin! is held high in &ront as a barrier that's bad, +and a*ti"ity *len*hed s:uee-ing or 'in*hing is bad o'en *aressing or stro!ing is great, 2ost o& us are slightly a&raid as well as somewhat e)*ited in settings where so*ial intera*tion is e)'e*ted and re:uired, So most 'eo'le do not sit or stand in an o'en 'osture, %ut during *ourtshi' the more o'en the other 'erson's 'osture is the more o'en that 'erson is to you and your ad"an*es, And the more o'en you are the more li!ely the other 'erson is to o'en u' to you, ;irst 6on"ersation Signals, 2en 'ay attention to all the ways she *ommuni*ates during the &irst &ew minutes as you tal! with her, =//P TA<=I8> 2OV/ O8 Alert energeti* Tense restless Pu'ils dilated 8ormal or small 'u'ils >radually o'ens 'osture Posture remains *losed <owers drin! =ee's drin! high Tou*hes sel& gently >ri's or 'in*hes sel& 6aresses ob0e*ts S:uee-es ta's ob0e*ts 6rosses and un*rosses legs <egs remain *rossed ;lashes o& 'alm %a*! o& hand gestures 6rossed legs steady Swings *rossed legs Dangles shoe on toe =ee's shoe on +ands ne"er tou*h &a*e Tou*hes &a*e Tou*hes you any reason 8e"er tou*hes you ;eet &irmly on &loor ;eet on edges or toes <oosens anything Tightens anything <eans &orward <eans away Steady hands &eet Ta''ing drumming

In so*ial settings most o& us start out in a *losed de&ensi"e 'osture be*ause we're a bit a''rehensi"e, A *losed 'osture &eels sa&e, .hen the 'erson you are tal!ing with shi&ts to a more o'en 'osture it signi&ies trust and *om&ort, That 'erson is literally o'ening u' to you and what you ha"e to o&&er, It ta!es *ourage to o'en u' to the other 'erson, I& you go &irst she or he will usually &ollow your mo"e &rom *losed to slightly more o'en, O'en u' in slow gradual shi&ts o& 'osture,

A "ariation o& mirroring is dis*ussed in the arti*les dealing with eli*iting "alues and using tran*e(words ( that is "erbal mirroring, %ut a better(!nown "ariation o& mirroring is 'hysi*al mirroring, A*tually you'"e most 'robably been doing it all your li&e without !nowing it but on*e you !now how to harness the 'ower o& mirroring *ons*iously ( its li!e young S!ywal!er re*ogni-ing and harnessing the 'ower o& the ;or*e#$, 8oti*e how 'eo'le that seem to be engaged in an interesting *on"ersation ( they are e)*ited about what they themsel"es are saying they are about to say and what the other is saying in other words they ha"e ra''ort ( seem to ta!e the same 'oses whether sitting or standing u', .hen sitting either side by side or on o''osites sides o& the table ( one leans &orward and then the other leans &orward as well one leans ba*!ward and then the other leans ba*!ward as well they *ross their hands in the same manner tilt their heads similarly seem to be ha"ing similar side(a*ti"ities 1one 'laying with his !ey*hain the other with her 'en$ et* et*, Are they dire*ting their a*tions *ons*iously7 8o all their energies and *on*entration is on the dis*ussion e"erything else ha''ens sub*ons*iously, %ut a*tually they don't e"en ha"e to be ha"ing a dis*ussion they may 0ust both be thin!ing their own thoughts5 and still you *an see mirroring going on ( they ma!e the same mo"ements almost the same time without seemingly without ha"ing any 'er*ei"able intera*tion with the other 'erson, .hat is all this !nowledge good &or7 .ell mirroring *an be used as a tool &or building ra''ort, %eing similar or ha"ing someone similar in your "i*inity *reates a &eeling o& ease *om&ort being understood 'rote*ted 1should there a''ear a threat o& any sort there's two o& you now#$ et*, So you *an use the

'ower o& mirroring to *reate these &eelings in the one you are mirroring she'll sub*ons*iously lin! all those &eelings to you 1a&ter all you are the one mirroring her#$ and ra''ort is going to de"elo' between you without you ha"ing li&ted a &inger 1unless she li&ted a &inger and you had to mirror her#$, +ow whom and &rom where should I mirror7 .hom ( that's easy the girl you want o& *ourse#$ +ow ( assuming the same 'osture doing the same mo"ements with your hands in all res'e*ts using your body in a similar &ashion to hers, 2ore as'e*ts o& mirroring are# ;ollowing ( doing the mo"ements a&ter she did them, 8ote that although your mind s*reams 9This is stu'id4 I'm going to get *aught4 She 2UST see me doing the same mo"ements4 This is ridi*ulous4? don't' listen to it &ight it it is the "oi*e o& the Dar! Side4#$ .hy7 %e*ause they 8/V/R 8OTI6/ it4 Instead they &eel more *om&ortable and rela)ed in *onne*tion with you and e"entually 1that's why you e"en bothered right7#$ ( more drawn to you, Pa*ing ( doing the mo"ements the same time with her, 3es, Sounds im'ossible7 .ell it isn't, +a"e you e"er noti*ed how you sometimes ha''ened to do the same things at e)a*tly the same time with another 'erson7 2aybe yawn and then ha"e a laugh about it#$7 %e*ause you thought it was a**idental7 .ell it wasn't you had rea*hed the se*ond stage o& mirroring#$ 13awning is not a good e)am'le though@ the last thing you want is the girl yawning with you#$, %ut there's nothing magi*al or su'ernatural about doing the mo"ements at the same time be*ause essentially the se*ond 'hase is a stage o& transition between the &irst and the third, In mirroring there's always a leader and a &ollower, So &ar she has been leading you 1be*ause you'"e been &ollowing her$ but now you are *oming to the stage when 3OU will be leading her4 And the ine"itable stage between &ollowing and leading is 'a*ing ( you are doing mo"ements simultaneously, leading ( i& you'"e done your mirroring right ha"e &ollowed and 'a*ed then you are ready &or a re"elation, 3ou *an lead4 Try it, 6ough, She *oughs, S*rat*h your elbow, .ell maybe she'll s*rat*h her shoulder instead o& her elbow big deal#$ In addition to being a tool o& building ra''ort you *an lead her into doing some 'retty &un stu&&, Do a mo"ement with your hands mimi*!ing the 'arting o& legs 1this should be asso*iated with something you are tal!ing about i& it loo!s strange she'll noti*e it and you don't want her *ons*ious attention on your mo"ements !ee' her mind busy with what you're tal!ing about$, .at*h her legs 'art#$ +a"e &un#$ Another more ad"an*ed as'e*t although *ontro"ersial as to the e&&e*ti"eness o& it is mirroring her blin!ing her eyes and breathing, %eing

able to mirror her breathing and blin!ing her eyes is su''osed to *reate an e"en dee'er ra''ort but &irst o& all ( trying to see when she breathes might seem li!e you staring at her breasts 1and you would 8/V/R do that would you7#$@ and se*ondly ( all the *on*entration re:uired to dete*t and mat*h your breathing and blin!ing with hers will ta!e away mu*h(needed attention &rom what she is saying how is she res'onding to your 'atterns "alues !ino et* so e"entually this *ould do more harm than good, As to &rom where to mirror ( the most *ommon situation is when you're tal!ing to her, %ut you *an also try mirroring &rom a distan*e say in a *lassroom meeting night(*lub or *a&eteria 0ust ma!e sure she has a *han*e to sub*ons*iously dete*t you mirroring her in other words she must be able to see you 1so you *an &orget about mirroring her while wat*hing her ta!e a shower through a 'ee'(hole#$, A te*hni:ue o& *reating instant ra''ort by 9&a!ing9 body(language, Tom AS;# 9I 0ust &inished another boo! about body language and they mention se"eral times that when someone is interested in a dis*ussion they tilt their head slightly, I thought that now that I !new when someone was interested maybe I *ould do the same to 9simulate9 my dee' interest in what they say, And,,, it wor!s4 .hen someone's li!e 9and you !now my dog 0ust got a new *ollar and it &its wonde&ully with the li"ing room &urniture@ the shade o& green is 0ust the same as the !id's bedroom *ar'et and that's great be*ause,,,9 ( usually you would be using a &ew words they said 1dog *ollar et*$ and using the same ad0e*ti"es 1wonder&ul great et*$ and as! something ma!ing them *ontinue, %ut when you tilt your head slightly and do the same thing it's ob"ious the im'a*t is mu*h stronger,9 2a)im 1htt'#AAma)immag,*om$# BI lo"e it when a guy sort o& mirrors my 'hysi*al beha"ior li!e when ICm sitting a*ross &rom him and I lean in to say something I li!e him to lean in, I& ICm tal!ing really &ast and he *an !ee' u' with me it ma!es me &eel li!e weCre in the same 'la*e, I& ICm being a little &reneti* and heCs slow and rela)ed and laid(ba*! I &eel really &ar away, D6arlie EF Salt <a!e 6ity?

=inestheti*s 1a!a !ino$ ( ha"e !ino with your &emale &riendsAa*:uaintan*es <<< >>> Psy*hologi*al studies show that *asual tou*hing during a &riendly *on"ersation *auses 'eo'le to remember the *on"ersation more &ondly a&ter the &a*t, The *ombination o& !ino with so*ial 'roo& is dynamite, Tou*h one girl and the other girls seeing this thin! its normal or e"en 9good9 to be tou*hy(&eely with you#$, 8ow you *an :uite naturally mo"e on to tou*hing those other girls and so &orth#$, AS;# 9It's :uite sim'le ( hug them tou*h their hand s'oradi*ally and in A 8O8 T+R/AT/8I8> .A3 that is not li!e the des'erate 'er"ert we all are#$ So the idea is you hide *om'letely the interest you might ha"e A8D at the same time you a*t really tou*hyAhuggish, The 'roblem is ( you ha"e to start this early in the 9&riend9 relationshi' it has to seem natural or otherwise she'll wonder 9what the &u*! is he doing lately79#$ On*e you'"e de"elo'ed that !ind o& &lirtatious &riendshi' it's easy to s'awn other su*h '&riendshi's' with other women# they will see you being *lose to another woman and I thin! the !ey here is that it 'robably does not trigger as mu*h 0ealousy as it ma!es them 1the 9new9 ones$ &eel *om&ortable (( they see another woman being tou*hed by you in a non(threatening way and blam so*ial('roo& it be*omes a ''roo&' to them that it's normal &or you to tou*h them in turn,,, 9 AS;# 9O! I use this all the time now, TOU6+ +/R444 It doesn't matter i& you 0ust met her, +old her hand rub her arm her elbow her ba*! her shoulders her hair her &a*e, TOU6+ +/R 4449 AS;# G, PA3 ATT/8TIO8 TO +O. S+/ R/SPO8DS TO 3OU444 H, PA3 ATT/8TIO8 TO +O. S+/ R/SPO8DS TO 3OU444 E, One more time# PA3 ATT/8TIO8 TO +O. S+/ R/SPO8DS TO 3OU 444 I& you do this you will be able to better gauge i& you ha"e the a''ro'riate ra''ort to in"ite a !iss, I& her body seems to res'ond to the non(se)ual tou*hing then get gradually more se)ual, ;or women some areas o& the body outside o& the 'rimary erogenous -ones are intimate# Palms inside the elbow ear lobes *hee!s the hi's were the waist meets the hi's between the &ingers,,,, I, <ast thing# PA3 ATT/8TIO8 TO +O. S+/ R/SPO8DS TO 3OU444 Do the things that lo"ers do ( brush o&& 9something9 that's stu*! in her hair gently stro!e her *hee! 'retending to wi'e o&& an eyelash et*, These are the ty'es o& things lo"ers do and by doing them you will ma!e her &eel 1doesn't e"en matter i& only sub*ons*iously$ li!e you were her lo"er, Plus

you'll get 9inno*ent9 yet 'leasurable !ino#$ =ino as soon as you meet a girl, 2eeting someone &or the &irst time is an e)*ellent *han*e &or starting !ino ( sha!ing hands when e)*hanging names is a tradition o& many *ultures and *ultures, %ut ma!e sure you hold on to her hand longer than e)'e*ted long enough &or you to en0oy it and her to noti*e i& not you en0oying it but at least you not letting go as :ui*!ly as 'eo'le usually do, .hen meeting girls you already !now sha!ing hands might seem strange so gi"ing some sort o& a hug is the way to go, 3ou don't need to &all all o"er her to gi"e her a hug 1whi*h de'ending on the situation might e"en ma!e you loo! li!e a &ool or a 'er"ert or ma!e her embarrassed instead o& ha"ing her en0oy it too#$ a hug *an also be 'utting your arm around her waist or shoulders when standing to her le&t or right and 'ulling her *loser &or a moment or ta!ing her hand &or a moment 1but not sha!ing it$ or her elbow or arm et*, Daniel AS;# 9=I8O on the armAhand as soon as you say hi to show her you are a se)ual being,9 Set the mood o& the date &rom the start, .hen going on a dateAget( together establish the mood immediately, 3ou *an o& *ourse *hange the mood &rom 9'olite and *alm9 to 9warm and &riendly9 to 9aroused and sweaty9 during the *ourse o& the meeting but why go the hard way i& you *an 0um' right into 9warm and &riendly9 or beyond in the &irst 'la*e, It is best to ha"e a*ting enthusiasti* u'on meeting the girl to ha"e agreed u'on 're"iously 1most 'robably when you set u' a meeting on the 'hone see Re&ining the *lose in 6losing &or more in&ormation$, %ut e"en without that you *an be all smiles when you meet her gi"e her a big hug right away try to ta!e and hold her hand all the way to wheree"er it is that you'll be going and wat*h her *hange &rom slightly ner"ous to ha''y smiling starry(eyed and glowing all o"er#$ And remember ( enthusiasm is *ontageous#$ ;oot(&lirting, 3ou'"e all seen it done in the mo"ies#$ The &oot looses the shoe and the woman is stro!ing the man with her bare &oot or "i*e "ersa, 6orny you say#$7 A *li*he maybe#$7 Try it and then see what you thin!#$ am AS;# 9Jin res'onse to 9you *an't !ino sitting a*ross the table9K A*tually you L*anL !ino when you are sitting a*ross &rom the target, Must use your &eet4 O& *ourse this re:uires a small table but this also hel's to set u' an intimate atmosh'ere 1remember *andles et*,$, Tou*h her &eet 9o**asionally9 with your own under the table say something li!e 9tee hee you are &oot( &lirtin' with me79 in a 0o!ing way, <oo! her dee'ely in the eyes while doing this and *ontinue using your &eet, Do it the right way and at the right time with a *hi*! in the right mood and "oila4 3ou *an a*tually 'ro*eed to rubbing ea*h other's *rot*hes with your toes under the table then say 9my bed is that way9 and %A8>4 3ou're I849

96an't hear you#$9, <ord>aeden AS;# 9Try this# I& she says something lean &orward as i& you aren't hearing her "ery well and tou*h her 1arm or ba*!$, Then lean ba*! again and answer, Are there any easy *lues as to when is the right time to go !ino7 The *lue is when it's 'ossible 1ie she's within in range$9, =ino is the di&&eren*e between getting and not getting the girl, It is the sa"ing gra*e o& e"en the otherwise doomed 9ni*e guy9 a''roa*h, And in some instan*es being the 9ni*e guy9 together with using !ino *an e"en be :uite e&&e*ti"e, +ere's why# the su**ess o& !ino de'ends on whether the girl 'er*ei"es you and your tou*h as a threat to her or not, 3ou *an be a rough and tough guy 1I try to a"oid the word 90er!9 as it is not really :uite re'rsesentati"e o& what the o''osite o& 9ni*e guy9 a*tually is$ and still ha"e the girl &eel you are not a threat to her s'e&i*i*ally thus initiating !ino will be easy, A ni*e guy usually 0ust has an easier time ha"ing girls &eel he is not a threat to them, Usually though that is also his undoing as he is *onse:uently 'er*ei"ed as wea! neutral and non(se)ual all o& whi*h are ma0or turn(o&&s &or girls, %ut here is where the sa"ing gra*e o& !ino ste's in, 3ou are sa&e so tou*hing and hugging with you is,,, well also sa&e, +owe"er be&ore she !nows it ( tou*hing and hugging with you mo"es &rom &eeling 'retty good to :uite e)*iting to really ele*tri&ying until all that good sa&e and &riendly 'hysi*al *onta*t with you is going to ma!e her wonder# 9I& it &eels so good 0ust to tou*h with him why on earth not do more7 I wonder what that would be li!e79, .hi*h is not to say that being the 9ni*e guy9 is the way to go, This was sim'ly meant to illustrate the strength o& !inestheti*s ( it e"en wor!s &or the 9ni*e guy9#$ So remember ( !ino really is the di&&eren*e between getting and not getting the girl, The 'rote*ti"e gesture, 2a)im 1htt'#AAma)immag,*om$# BIn a *rowded bar i& 'eo'le are wal!ing by and 'ushing you thereCs a way a guy *an 'ut his arm around youDnot a*tually tou*hing you but behind your ba*! so heCs sort o& !ee'ing you &rom getting sho"ed, A man doesnCt need to 'i*! a &ight with some guy who a**identally ste's on my toes but itCs ni*e i& heCs 'rote*ti"e, D=ris HN <os Angeles?

.here to meet girls <<< >>> 1Ta!en &rom 9Swee' women o&& their &eet,,,9#$ Sho''ing 2alls, Try to remember the last time you went to a mall, 6an you 'ossibly loo! in a dire*tion and not s'ot a beauti&ul girl that you would li!e to sedu*e7 I'd "enture a guess and say no, The malls are always &ull o& girls, >irls who wor! at "arious stores and sho's within the mall but also a lot o& girls who go sho''ing or 0ust hang out, >irls lo"e sho''ing, Though it is harder to sedu*e a girl i& she is surrounded by her &riends it is not always the *ase, .al! u' and down the halls and loo! inside stores &or beauti&ul *ler!s or sho''ers, I& it is a women's *lothing store or something &eminine e"en better, 3ou *an easily wal! u' to a girl 1*ler! or sho''er$ and as! her# 9/)*use me, .ould you be so !ind to hold this u' in &ront o& you &or a moment7 It's my sister's birthday ne)t wee! and you are about the same si-e as her and &rom what I *an tell you ha"e the same e)*ellent &ashion sense,9 %etter yet a&ter the initial a''roa*h you *an e"en as! her i& she sees anything else that she really li!es in the store that your sister might li!e too be*ause o& the similar tastes in &ashion, Probe &or !eywords why she li!es *ertain things o"er the others et*, On*e you ha"e su&&i*ient in&ormation o& not only what she li!es but also why she li!es it you *an start your *harm, /)'and the *on"ersation to li!es and disli!es in other areas o& her li&e to get her "iew on things and so on, I& she's a sho''er you might want to a*t "ery :ui*!ly to &inding ways &or you to *ontinue your *on"ersation somewhere else but i& she wor!s there she won't mind s'ending the time with you es'e*ially i& it's not "ery busy, <ibraries, I& there is one 'la*e that girls almost always outnumber guys it has to be the library, .hether it's a 'ubli* library or a *ollegeAuni"ersity library you will always &ind young girls trying to do resear*h &or a 'ro0e*t or homewor!, These girls are usually "ery intelligent and dedi*ated to their wor! but the 'lain truth is the &a*t that e"erybody *an use a brea! on*e in a while, I& you 'ro"ide a bit o& a 'leasant distra*tion they'll be more than ha''y to tal! to you, 3ou *ould be as!ing them &or some hel' to lo*ate a s'e*i&i* se*tion or s'e*ialty boo!, /"en i& they *an't hel' you out they will at least ha"e to tell you that they don't !now where you *an &ind your boo!, %ut guess what7 That is a *on"ersation ta!ing 'la*e right there, As! them about their own wor! interests et*, Show interest and let them tal! about it &or a while, These girls li!e to show o&& their !nowledge so they'll tell you more than you

need to !now about the sub0e*t, %ut i& you de"elo' good ra''ort at this stage you *an easily *ontinue this &as*inating *on"ersation elsewhere, >et my dri&t7 3ou *an start as!ing why they're interested in this 'arti*ular sub0e*t what's the most &as*inating thing about it what are the *hallenges and so on, On*e you mo"e to answering this ty'e o& :uestions then you will be able to get an insight as to what ty'e o& girl she is what she holds dear and so on, >ourmet 6o&&ee Sho's, %e&ore wor! at lun*h and a&ter wor! these 'la*es are 'a*!ed with girls, Sometimes the more 'a*!ed the 'la*e the better be*ause you may ha"e to share a table with 9someone9, I& it's not "ery busy you *an still as! to sit ne)t to a beauti&ul girl, Must tell her that you don't li!e to sit alone and i& she'd mind you sitting with her till you're done with your drin!, I& you're sitting together might as well tal! about something, And remember this is a gourmet *o&&ee sho', These girls don't *ome here &or the *o&&ee they *ome here &or the s'e*ialty *o&&ee and they *ome &or the &rills and sometimes e"en the 'restige asso*iated with a 'arti*ular s'e*ialty *o&&ee sho', So what do you tal! about7 +er &a"orite drin! and why she li!es it o"er regular *o&&ee how does it ma!e her &eel and so on, Try and tal! in detail about the di&&erent sensations and aromas, .omen lo"e des*ri'ti"e tal! in detail es'e*ially i& it in"ol"es something that *an e"en be *om'ared to a se)ual sensation, The whi''ed *ream the *herry on to' how the blend o& the *o&&ee with the di&&erent li:ueurs reminds you o& a hot and steamy <atin lo"e dan*e stimulating your taste buds beyond *om'arison et*, I guess while you are at the library you *an 'i*! u' some boo!s on gourmet &oods and s'e*ialty drin!s to learn the language &ine *riti*s use to des*ribe them, %elie"e me tal!ing li!e that *an ma!e a girl melt e"en though you're only tal!ing about a s'e*ialty *o&&ee be*ause you end u' 'lanting all these wonder&ul images in her mind by using meta'hors, .or!'la*e or S*hoolA6ollege, This is a more rela)ed atmos'here &or sedu*ing women be*ause you are not under time *onstraints, I& you *an't get her hotter than hot &or you today you *an tal! to her again tomorrow, 3ou'll ha"e mu*h better o''ortunities to get to !now her, In addition i& you wor! or study *losely together &or an e)tended 'eriod o& time *han*es are that you will be*ome attra*ted to ea*h other anyway, Personals, JA word o& warning about 'ersonals ( they will ne"er get you the e)'erien*e o& a*tually a''roa*hing and getting the attention o& the woman you want be*ause a meeting arranged through 'ersonals sim'ly s!i's this im'ortant 'hase, So although meeting women this way might &eel easier

initially ultimately you will ne"er learn the s!ills that really ma!e the di&&eren*eK Is this too low &or you7 Is it beneath you7 +ell no, .hether it's news'a'er 'ersonals tele'hone 'ersonals "ideo 'ersonals or Internet 'ersonals and *hat rooms they o&&er you e)*ellent o''ortunities to meet a lot o& women to 'ra*ti*e your s!ills, .ith the e)*e'tion o& "ideo 'ersonals the drawba*! is the &a*t that you don't really !now what the 'erson loo!s li!e, %ut that's not a 'roblem, It shouldn't be your goal to meet someone to sedu*e right away, This is nothing but an a"enue &or you to get 'ra*ti*e and e)'erien*e tal!ing to women, %ut i& things *li*! &or you why not go &or it anyway7 I& she turns out to be butt ugly 0ust tell her that as shallow as this seems without the 'hysi*al attra*tion things aren't going to go anywhere between you two and mo"e on, 8ow when 'la*ing these 'ersonals you *an attra*t a whole lot o& women with some *at*hy headline and be bothered with a lot o& re'lies that get you nowhere wasting your time, Or you *an be "ery s'e*i&i* and dis*riminating about who you are what you loo! li!e and what you're loo!ing &or, ;eel &ree to in*lude any *hara*teristi*s they may &ind una''ealing, This will eliminate a lot o& women who might otherwise re'ly but the ones who do re'ly are more li!ely to end u' somewhere be*ause they already !now what to e)'e*t &rom you and are willing to a**e't it, %etter yet read a lot o& the women's 'ersonals and try to model yours a&ter them, As an added dirty tri*! you *an 'la*e a 'ersonal as a woman see!ing a man to get a lot o& good ideas &rom other men who re'ly to it, 2ost o& them will be really bad but on*e in a while there will be one that will *at*h your eye and *uriosity, .hen you re'ly to a woman's 'ersonal ad try out these other ideas to see i& they wor!, I& they wor! you learned something new, I& they don't wor! mo"e on, An e)am'le o& a 'ersonals ad, AS;# 9Isn't attra*tion in*redible7 Imagine rela)ing into strong arms holding you &eeling sa&e and a''re*iated and intimate !nowing you're e)a*tly where you belong,,, I'm edu*ated su**ess&ul emotionally mature and I !now what I want, 2y wor! !ee's me busy but I ma!e time &or tra"el dining out musi* 1"ery di"erse tastes$ and anything new and interesting, I'm tall in great sha'e with green eyes and dar! wa"y hair 1'i*ture a"ailable$, <oo!ing to meet a woman who's smart honest and lo"es to laugh, 8ow tell me all about you,,,9 A &ew more US(s'e*i&i* 'la*es and times to meet women, S'eed Sedu*tion newsletter Ross Me&&ries#

Restaurants with atta*hed bars# These 'la*es are o&ten great Tuesday to Thursday nights around O ( P#EF P2, /s'e*ially u's*ale 'la*es they *ater to a 'ro&essional *rowd, Some V/R3 ni*e loo!ing women loo!ing to unwind a&ter wor!, Also o&ten these 'la*es ser"e as a meeting ground &or women ha"ing ba*heleorette 'arties, 6o&&ee houses# li!e Starbu*!s 6o&&ee %ean Tea <ea& et*, >reat &rom P ( GF#EF A2 e"ery day o& the wee!, A&ter Q A2 you are more li!ely to get women who wor! in retail outside sales li!e 'harma*euti*al re's sel&( em'loyed students et*, Su'ermar!ets# 2 ( ; noon to around G#EF P2 as women on their lun*h hours 'o' into buy things, 2onday to Thursday O ( P#EF P2 Saturdays GF A2 to noon same &or Sundays, Sho''ing malls# This is a no brainer, I& they ha"e a good &ood *ourt and are near o&&i*es then noon til G#EF P2 2 ( ;, +it the &ood *ourts and &orget most o& the rest o& the stores, Other good times# Tues ( Thurs O#EF ( P P2 and Sat a&ternoons, Sel&(im'ro"ement seminars# Su*h seminars are <OAD/D to the gunwales with good(loo!ing SU>>/STI%</ women who are totally o'en to the ty'e o& themes dis*ussed in any good S'eed Sedu*tion 'attern, Same with most o& the sel&(hel' gurus, 6hrist ya don't e"en ha"e to sign u', Must &ind out where they are being held hang out in the lobby o& the hotel and swoo' in on the +%'s during the *o&&ee 'ea and dinner brea!s, >yms# The women are in awesome sha'e and usually :uite ad"enturous, 3oga 6lasses# Unbelie"able amounts o& hard(bodied wildy well(sha'ed women, Ta!e a beginners *lass i& you'"e ne"er done it be&ore and you'll met lots o& women who are also V/R3 suggestible and o'en to 9new ways9 o& thin!ing, Mohnny Sha*! 1htt'#AAshowgirls,*om,au$# S'orting *lubs and asso*iations# 9These areas are "ery good &or meeting single women, 3ou &ind out easily whi*h women are single and you *an tal! with them easily be*ause you ha"e a similar interest, .hat *ould be easier7 There is immediate *on"ersation to tal! about and its enough to get to !now ea*h other enough to wor! out# 9Am I attra*ted to this 'erson or not79 8ow the &ooty *lub JAustralian &ootball7K is maybe not the best 'la*e &or hunting women but a netball *lub that has mi)ed *om'etitions de&initely is, >ymnasiums are good to, .omen at gyms will tal! to any guy that tal!s to them, /"erything is on your side in these 'la*es be*ause the woman !nows you are in the same *lub and there&ore will not automati*ally be rude to you, Also it gi"es them a harmless e)*use to tal! with you without 'eo'le thin!ing any slea-iness is going on, They may be waiting &or you to say something,9

See also# 8ight(*lubs "s other 'la*es to meet girls

Demonstrate "alue and 'ersonality <<< >>> 3ou ha"e nothing absolutely nothing to e)'e*t &rom a girl to whom you do not demonstrate "alue and 'ersonality, %e it being 2r Smooth or ma!ing her horny with >2 or leading her imagination with 'atterning or sim'ly being you in a great mood *on&ident and witty whi*h she &inds attra*ti"e ( you ha"e to demonstrate her something about you that she dis*o"ers to be o& "alue &or her, And she will dis*o"er it being o& "alue &or her &or the sim'le reason o& li!ing the way that "alue ma!es her &eel, So many guys thin! that their mere 'resen*e and *om'any is o& some s'e*i&i* "alue to the girl ( well it is not, I& you s'ort a great &a*e andAor big mus*les then your 'resen*e *an sometimes be a turn(on &or a girl ( she li!es the way the 'ro)imity o& your &a*e and mus*les ma!e her &eel and thus your 'resen*e *an be o& se'arate "alue &or her, %ut e"en the &ew times that ha''ens it will wear o&& &ast i& it turns out that that is all you ha"e to o&&er, Any time the girl is bored disinterested turns you down wal!s away re0e*ts you or ignores you ( you ha"e sim'ly not demonstrated enough "alue to her, Demonstrating the right !ind o& "alue and 'ersonality the !ind that she is es'e*ially loo!ing &or in a 'artner is not an issue at this 'oint you'll get to that when /li*iting "alues, Right now you sim'ly need to get her attention by ta!ing an edu*ated guess at what she might be interested in ( see >ood traits to ha"e and de"elo', Demonstrating any !ind o& "alue and 'ersonality &rom that list o& traits will do 'er&e*tly &ine &or starters and is in&initely better than the 9+ere I am this is the way I loo! 1and I'm sorry I'm not better(loo!ing$ now 'lease li!e me9 attitude used by most guys 1who are also 9trying9 to be &unny and *on&ident et* but e"entually their A;6'ness will ine"itably shine through#$, .hi*h will lea"e them s*rat*hing their heads while the girl wal!s away and thin!ing 9oh better lu*! ne)t time I'm sure someone somewhere will li!e me,,, I ho'e9, In &a*t you are li!e a tra"elling salesman gi"ing girls only a &oretaste o& the goods and o&&ering them an o''ortunity to get the real stu&&,,, 9i& they beha"e well enough9#$ See the di&&eren*e with A;6 thin!ing7 .hi*h seems to *onsider that the girls are the 9goods9 whi*h you might e"entually get i& you date 'ay &or dinnersAmo"ies and ta!e their disres'e*t long enough7 8o 3OU are the goods but you're not selling to e"eryone ( you o&&er only to a sele*t grou' o& 'otential *ustomers, %ut you don't need to 'ush it the stu&& is &or real and you !now it and i& one *ustomer doesn't want it its her loss another one will grab you gladly#$ Must don't &orget ( nobody will want your goods i& they don't e"en !now anything about it, So sam'le it ( by demonstrating "alue and 'ersonality,

Tal!ing to her R e*hoing her <<< >>> >irls want to be understood, In order &or her to &eel understood you need to listen to what she says re'hrase it and &eed it ba*! to her 1it hel's i& you agree with whate"er statement she made#$, <isten to what she says remember it and you *an ma!e her &eel *onne*ted to you and understood by you e"en wee!s a&ter your *on"ersation by 0ust sim'ly re'eating what she told to you during your *on"ersation#$ So ma!e sure a lot o& your *ommuni*ation to her is a subtle e*ho o& what she &eeds you, 8ow this strategy is already :uite e&&e*ti"e on its own but *ombine it with using tran*e(words and she's gonna le"itate right in &ront o& your eyes#$ AS;# 93ou need to do more than 0ust agree with her,,,going uh uh won't *ut it, +owe"er you also *an't 0ust re'eat what she said "erbatim, 3ou ha"e to ta!e something she's said and 'ara'hrase it and 'resent it as an original thought or o'inion,9

Demonstrate "alue and 'ersonality <<< >>> 3ou ha"e nothing absolutely nothing to e)'e*t &rom a girl to whom you do not demonstrate "alue and 'ersonality, %e it being 2r Smooth or ma!ing her horny with >2 or leading her imagination with 'atterning or sim'ly being you in a great mood *on&ident and witty whi*h she &inds attra*ti"e ( you ha"e to demonstrate her something about you that she dis*o"ers to be o& "alue &or her, And she will dis*o"er it being o& "alue &or her &or the sim'le reason o& li!ing the way that "alue ma!es her &eel, So many guys thin! that their mere 'resen*e and *om'any is o& some s'e*i&i* "alue to the girl ( well it is not, I& you s'ort a great &a*e andAor big mus*les then your 'resen*e *an sometimes be a turn(on &or a girl ( she li!es the way the 'ro)imity o& your &a*e and mus*les ma!e her &eel and thus your 'resen*e *an be o& se'arate "alue &or her, %ut e"en the &ew times that ha''ens it will wear o&& &ast i& it turns out that that is all you ha"e to o&&er, Any time the girl is bored disinterested turns you down wal!s away re0e*ts you or ignores you ( you ha"e sim'ly not demonstrated enough "alue to her, Demonstrating the right !ind o& "alue and 'ersonality the !ind that she is es'e*ially loo!ing &or in a 'artner is not an issue at this 'oint you'll get to that when /li*iting "alues, Right now you sim'ly need to get her attention by ta!ing an edu*ated guess at what she might be interested in ( see >ood traits to ha"e and de"elo', Demonstrating any !ind o& "alue and 'ersonality &rom that list o& traits will do 'er&e*tly &ine &or starters and is in&initely better than the 9+ere I am this is the way I loo! 1and I'm sorry I'm not better(loo!ing$ now 'lease li!e me9 attitude used by most guys 1who are also 9trying9 to be &unny and *on&ident et* but e"entually their A;6'ness will ine"itably shine through#$, .hi*h will lea"e them s*rat*hing their heads while the girl wal!s away and thin!ing 9oh better lu*! ne)t time I'm sure someone somewhere will li!e me,,, I ho'e9, In &a*t you are li!e a tra"elling salesman gi"ing girls only a &oretaste o& the goods and o&&ering them an o''ortunity to get the real stu&&,,, 9i& they beha"e well enough9#$ See the di&&eren*e with A;6 thin!ing7 .hi*h seems to *onsider that the girls are the 9goods9 whi*h you might e"entually get i& you date 'ay &or dinnersAmo"ies and ta!e their disres'e*t long enough7 8o 3OU are the goods but you're not selling to e"eryone ( you o&&er only to a sele*t grou' o& 'otential *ustomers, %ut you don't need to 'ush it the stu&& is &or real and you !now it and i& one *ustomer doesn't want it its her loss another one will grab you gladly#$ Must don't &orget ( nobody will want your goods i& they don't e"en !now anything about it, So sam'le it ( by demonstrating "alue and 'ersonality,

Pa*e and lead <<< >>> An e)am'le o& "erbal 'a*ing and demonstrating understanding to in*rease ra''ort 1see 92irroring9 &or an e)'lanation and e)am'les o& 'hysi*al 'a*ing$, S'eed Sedu*tion newsletter Ross Me&&ries# 9V/R%A<<3 PA6/ T+/ O8>OI8> SITUATIO8 ( I *annot em'hasi-e enough the 'ower o& this V/R3 im'ortant rule, %asi*ally what it means is to "erbally des*ribe and there&ore A6=8O.</D>/ the situation and reality that she &inds hersel& in with you, An e)am'le# <et's say you're a lu*!y s,o,b, and li!e me you li"e right by a 0og or bi!e 'ath, .omen are *onstantly s!ating blading running or bi!ing right by you, And let's say &urther that you li!e me are a la-y son o& a bit*h and ha"e no intention o& mo"ing your own &at ass "ia bi!e blades running et*, .hat do you ha"e to do in order to meet and tal! to these women7 .ell %u*!wheat what ya &irst and &oremost gotta do is,,, 3a >otta >et '/m To Sto'4 .ith that in mind I ha"e a*tually US/D the &ollowing a''roa*h and A6TUA<<3 gotten it to wor!4 I merely wait &or a ni*e loo!ing young lady to *ome 0ogging blading or bi!ing toward my stationary 'osition along the 'ath, I then 0um' out hold out a hand and in my most authoratati"e tone yell# STOP4 1This is a*tually 'retty &unny to wat*h, I ha"e ne"er had them 8OT sto'4$ I then say something li!e 9I& you're that easily sto''ed,,, you need a boy&riend who will 2OTIVAT/ you4 2y name is Ross9, In the e)am'le abo"e where I'"e 0ust 0um'ed in her 'ath and yelled 9STOP9 what do you thin! this girl is thin!ing7 It's a sa&e bet it is something along the lines o& 9this guy is &u*!in' nuts94 So I better US/ that instead o& ignoring it, I say something along these lines 9<oo! I !now this is a totally nutty way to meet someone 1'a*ing her ongoing belie&$,,, but I !new i& I didn't do SO2/T+I8> to sto' you we'd ne"er get a *han*e to tal! 1also *om'letely true,,, a truism with whi*h she *annot argue$ and maybe see how mu*h ./ 6OU<D R/A<<3 <I=/ /A6+ OT+/R 1embedded suggestion$9, The 'rin*i'le here is V/R3 im'ortant, And that is,,, %3 D/2O8STRATI8> U8D/RSTA8DI8> 3OU I86R/AS/ RAPPORT4 8ow let me ma!e something *riti*ally *lear# I did 8OT say demonstrate that 3OU are 9understanding sensiti"e9 et*, I said demonstrate 9understanding9,,, o& her ongoing reality and situation, 8ot in the sense o& a'ologi-ing or e)*using but sim'ly that you are alert and A.AR/ o& who she is and what she is e)'erien*ing,

;rom here what I will do is say 9<oo!,,,I don't ha"e a lot o& time here 1a bit o& a 9ta!eaway9 whi*h always ma!es you more a''ealing$, And it's ob"ious that you are on the mo"e too, %ut i& you'll sit with me &or S minutes I'll analy-e your handwriting, 3ou'll get to learn se*rets about yoursel& your best &riends don't !now and I'll get to &ind out i& 3OU are the !ind o& 'erson I want to !now better 1here I'm stru*turing an o''ortunity and o&&ering her a *hallenge$,9 See also# 2irroring

%uying her a drin! <<< >>> I'll ma!e it short# don't buy her a drin!, Don't o&&er to buy her a drin! neither agree to her demands 19I'm thirsty,,9 9.ill you buy me a drin!79 et*$, +ere's why ( i& you do you su''li*ate, And women ha"e nothing but s*orn and disres'e*t &or su''li*ating men, <et me gi"e a &ew e)am'les to illustrate this, +er 1thin!ing 9<et's see i& I *an hoo! this su*!er#$9$# 9.ill you buy me a drin!79 3ou 1thin!ing 9Oh boy am I in lu*! this woman must li!e me she's as!ing me to buy her a drin!#$9$# 9Sure49 +er 1thin!ing 9+a4 Another su''li*ating male to buy me a drin! 0ust be*ause I as!ed him, .hat a wim', Do they really all thin! I'm gonna go in bed with them &or a bottle o& beer7 Mee-5 I'll ta!e my drin! and *ontinue sear*hing &or a R/A< 2A8,9$# 9Than!s4 3ou're so sweet4 %ye now4#$9 3ou 1*on&used$# 9+ey5 wait4 Um579 So e"en i& she stays &or say &i"e or ten minutes and has a ni*e little *hit(*hat with you ( you started with a *rash and burn you'"e already been *rossed out in her boo! o& 'ros'e*ti"e 'artners be*ause you SUPP<I6AT/D4 O&&ering to buy her a drin! is e"en worse, 3ou are "oluntarily be*oming a su''li*ator, The women will either re&use the drin! 1they want nothing to do with a wim' li!e you$ a**e't the drin! and then ignore you 1they still want nothing to do with a wim' li!e you but they wanted the drin!$ or ( the more sensiti"e women will a**e't the drin! and e"en stay with you but all the while &eeling un*om&ortable about it 19I a**e'ted the drin! so I guess I should stay &or a while it would be rude to lea"e, %ut he must be thin!ing now that i& I a**e'ted the drin! and am staying with him then there's some more in this &or him, %ut there isn't4 +e's a su''li*ator4 I don't want him4 I'll ha"e got to try to ma!e my e)it the moment the situation 'resents itsel&49$, And i& she &eels un*om&ortable about being with you do you thin! you stand a *han*e with her7 O& *ourse you *an turn the situation around &or you i& you're R/A<<3 >OOD ( but why ma!e li&e harder &or yoursel&7 So what to a*tually do i& she gi"es you a 9.ill you buy me a drin!79, I& she seems to be a*tually interested in you ( you ha"e been ha"ing a *on"ersation &or a while and she uses the 9buy me a drin!9 to test you 19So does this guy li!e me enough to buy me a drin!79$ or she is a''roa*hing you with the intention getting to !now to you and 0ust ha''ens to use the most 'o'ular A;6(line 196an I buy you a drin!79$ re"ersed 19.ill you buy me a drin!79$ to initiate a *on"ersation ( then e)'lain to her that it is not your 'rin*i'le to buy drin!s to women but she *ould buy 3OU a drin!#$ An

e)am'le# +er# 9.ill you buy me drin!79 3ou# 98o, %ut you *an buy me a drin!#$9 +er 1thin!ing 9Argh5 >m'h5 +e didn't su''li*ate4 6ould this be5 a real man47 .hat's this I'm getting wet479$# 9Am5 um5 3es49 I& howe"er she seems to be *ruising &ishing &or drin!s and doesn't seem to *are the least bit about you telling her 98o9 would mean she'd 0ust mo"e on without listening to you any &urther and getting her drin! &rom some *hum' e"entually anyway, So you need to sto' her *old in her tra*!s#$ +ere's an e)am'le &rom AS;# +er# 9.ill you buy me a drin!79 3ou# 9>i"e me a ;ren*h !iss,9 8OT/ that the tongue 'lay must be an e)'li*it 'art o& the bargain u' &ront, 8one o& this 'e*! on the li's %U<<S+IT be*ause you are still su''li*ating i& you settle &or that, +ere's the beauti&ul 'art# I& she says no now S+/ is the 'erson who said 9no9 in the situation instead o& you4 3ou don't ha"e to be the 90er!9 &or turning her down, I& she says yes tongue(a*tion and !ino right away, Then get her a drin! as a reward#$ 8ote that she will 'robably demure be&ore *a"ing in this is your *han*e to show 'ersonality and be 'lay&ul, >o >2 and 2r, Smooth on her right away4 93ou aren't u'tight are you7 Don't you go out to ha"e &un7 .e're ha"ing &un4#$9 93ou li!e *ool guys don't you7 #$9 9It's not hot se) or anything,,,0ust a little !iss4#$9

Pa*ing the ongoing reality <<< >>> A good tool to use &or instant ra''ort es'e*ially when a''roa*hing 1as you need to o"er*ome her 'ossible *autiousness about you and do it &ast$ is 'a*ing the ongoing reality, .hat this means is des*ribing both the "ery re*ent 1&or e)am'le her ha"ing been idle and you ha"ing a''roa*hed her$ ongoing 1you tal!ing to her and her being 'leasantly sur'rised$ and near &uture e"ents 1her &eeling good about getting to !now a handsome stranger li!e you$ in a 'leasant humorous and belie"eable manner, +ere's a modi&ied e)am'le originated by 6li&&ord in 6li&&ord's Sedu*tin newsletter, It starts out with some basi* a''roa*hing elements 1'ardoning *om'limenting her o&&ering your name$ whi*h are sometimes &rowned u'on by more e)'erien*ed PUA(s 1see 96om'limenting her9 98eghits9 and 9Should I o&&er my name79 &or more in&ormation on why$ but the ensuing 'a*ing o& ongoing reality *reates an o"erall 'leasant atmos'here o& honesty sim'li*ity and sin*erity whi*h is o&ten almost im'ossible to resist#$ The modi&ied e)am'le 'a*ing by 6li&&ord 6li&&ord's Sedu*tion newsletter# 9/)*use me I don't mean to interru't you Jdrin!ing *o&&ee A reading the news'a'er A waiting &or the *ommuter A your train o& thoughtK but I 0ust wanted to tell you that I &ind you "ery attra*ti"e and wanted to meet you, 2y name is Ri*! what's yours79 J+ere *omes the 'a*ingK 93ou !now you ne"er !now when something wonder&ul is about to ha''en li!e you *ould &ind yoursel& Jin the *a&e A in the waiting(hall A sitting on the ben*h A wheree"erK 0ust thin!ing about Jeating another donut A what time the *ommuter arri"es A whate"er she's doing or e)'e*ting to ha''enK and the ne)t thing you !now an attra*ti"e stranger is tal!ing to you and as you listen to him you may noti*e that e"en though Jyou'"e ne"er seen him be&ore A you'"e seen him be&ore at this bus(sto' A you'"e met him be&ore here in this libraryK somehow today be*ause he is tal!ing to you you may see him in a new and di&&erent way, 6an you imagine that79 8ow what you did here is you told her something that she in"ariably had to agree with ( yes she was where you said she was doing what you told her she was doing thin!ing in the lines o& what you hinted she was yes yes and yes, And all o& these things were :uite sim'le &or you to say ( all you had to do was to des*ribe the s*enery#$ %ut in her mind it doesn't matter ( she &inds hersel& agreeing to what you're saying o"er and o"er again, And its not some unim'ortant who(*ares and so(what stu&& li!e 9the sun is shining,,, and the buildings are tall,,, and 'eo'le are wal!ing by9 either its a*tually something :uite im'ortant as it is about what LsheL was doing and what LsheL was thin!ing about, So while she is listening to you and she &inds

hersel& agreeing with you on some &airly im'ortant matters the agreean*e she has in her mind *reates a &eeling o& enthusiasm and being *lose to you and in e&&e*t ( instant ra''ort, +a"ing had to agree with so many things the &ew things that she 'robably wouldn't agree with on their own seem also mu*h more a**e'table as a *onse:uen*e, So maybe she wasn't 'leasantly sur'rised when you a''roa*hed her or maybe she wouldn't des*ribe you as 'arti*ularly handsome ( but now that you'"e showered her with so many truisms to begin with the ones that wouldn't ring so true by themsel"es seem mu*h more true amongst all the other truisms, Thus &or e)am'le you telling her she was 'leasantly sur'rised when she thought she wasn't will ha"e her re(e"aluate the nature o& her sur'rise as a *onse:uen*e o& all the other truisms that surround it, Don't o"erload her mind with things that she 'robably wouldn't agree with though ( !ee' a &ine balan*e 'ush things in your 'a*ing 0ust a bit abo"e the a*tual and towards the more 'ositi"e &or i& you go o"erboard she will sto' agreeing with you,,, and bye(bye instant ra''ort, 6li&&ord *ontinues# 98ow listen &or her res'onse ( one thing that may ha''en here and whi*h has ha''ened to me many times is that she may be one o& those women who starts tal!ing a lot and you won't be able to get mu*h o& what you are thin!ing o& saying out, This is a great sign, Usually I 0ust smile !nowingly and let them tal! their little hearts out, As soon as the to'i* o& se) *omes u' you !now you'"e got her, Must lay ba*! be &riendly don't say too mu*h and she will tal! hersel& right into your bed, 3ou may need to in"ite her &or a *o&&ee or a drin! at the right time 1I ha"e &ound a lot o& the tal!ers will e)tend an in"itation to you themsel"es and you 0ust ha"e to wat*h &or it$,9 /"en during the remote 'ossibility that she doesn't dis'lay immediate interest you still ha"e 'lenty o& o'tions to e"o!e it ( eli*iting "alues *on"ersing on general 'atterning themes or e"en outright 'atterning dis'laying the general attra*ti"e traits o& humour and *on&iden*e 'lus anything you *ame to !now she wants in a man "ia eli*iting "alues et* et*, +owe"er e"en i& you need a &ollow(u' te*hni:ue to *ontinue with than!s to your initial 'a*ing o& the ongoing reality you're well on your way to getting her to li!e you, And &rom there on to,,, well whate"er your

Should I as! &or her name7 <<< >>> ;orget it, It might seem li!e an inno*ent and easy way o& 9getting to !now ea*h other9 ( 92y name's 5 what's yours79, %ut as e"eryone and their mom is doing that it is 0ust 'lain lame, I& she's not interested in you she'll &orget your name in an instant, And i& she is belie"e me she's gonna as! &or it#$ And this way it e"en be*omes a little test o& 9am(I(getting(anywhere(with( this(girl79#$ I& during the *on"ersation she suddenly dis*o"ers to her ama-ement that 9goosh I don't e"en !now this guy's name749 and as!s &or it5 you're well on your way#$ As!ing &or her name is 'ro'agated by some on the 'reten*e that this way you'll get to be 9&ormally introdu*ed9, And what is that su''osed to mean7 8ow that she !nows your name she'll be burning hot &or you7 +ardly, Rather you get to be &ormally *ategorised as a *hum' or maybe a 9&riend9 i& you're lu*!y 1belie"e me you're not i& that is what ha''ens#$ One more argument against as!ing &or names ( you as! &or her name and then oh goosh you &orget it4 She e)'e*ts you to !now it but you don't, And 9.hat's you're name again79 is not e"en a neg ( where's the *om'liment in that7 3ou *ould o& *ourse go 9.ell I !now you had a "ery beauti&ul name5 but what was it e)a*tly79 ( use this one to neg her i& you as!ed &or her name and &orgot it, %ut better 0ust &orget trying to 0uggle with names and let her as! yours &irst, And see i& she remembers#$ In *on*lusion ( names are &ine as long as she initiates the e)*hange, Until then ( remain a man o& mystery#$

The :uestions game <<< >>> I bet you always ha"e a lot o& 9interesting9 :uestions you'd li!e to as! a lady when you &irst meet her, <i!e# 9.hat was your &irst !iss li!e79 9.hen did you ha"e se) &or the &irst time79 9+ow did you ha"e your &irst orgasm79 9.hat ma!es you horny79 9+a"e you e"er been *aught masturbating79 et* you get the idea 1see 9/li*iting "alues ( the :uestions9 &or a list o& some slightly more normal :uestions to as!$, %ut you *an't 0ust go ahead and as! them ( you'll *ome o&& as a *om'lete insensiti"e 0er! i& you do, And unless you are 'ro&i*ient in the art o& dire*ting the &low o& the *on"ersation in the dire*tion o& your 're&eren*e 1see 9/li*iting "alues ( introdu*ing the :uestions9$ these issues won't usually *ome u' in an ordinary *on"ersation, Thus you ha"e no way o& as!ing them without sounding weird,,, almost#$ %e*ause howe"er is a little but ingenious way o& as!ing them ne"ertheless ( 0ust start 'laying the Tuestions game with her#$ Originated by 2ystery 'ro"ided by 6raig 6li&&ord's Sedu*tion newsletter# 3ou# 9<et's 'lay the :uestion game,9 +er# 9.hat's the :uestion game79 3ou# 9.ell it's li!e Truth or Dare but without the Dare be*ause I don't !now how weird you are yet4 The :uestions ha"e to be good ones no 9where do you wor!9 bullshit o!7 3ou go &irst49 +er# 9I *an't thin! o& anything49 3ou# 9O! how many boy&riends ha"e you had79 ;rom there the :uestions will get dee'er and more se)ual as the game goes along, Then a&ter you ha"e been 'laying &or a &ew minutes when it's your turn you *an say 3ou# 9I ha"e a good :uestion &or you,,, .ould you li!e to !iss me79 +er# 9I don't !now9 3ou# 9<et's &ind out49 U!issU 3ou# 9I thought so49 Don't go o"erboard with the se)ual :uestions though, As!ing e"en one o& the abo"e :uestions might do 0ust &ine es'e*ially i& she res'onds 'ositi"ely whi*h is your *ue that she would also be ready &or the &inal :uestion#$ See also# /li*iting "alues ( introdu*ing the :uestions /li*iting "alues ( the :uestions

/li*iting "alues ( the :uestions <<< >>> +ere's a sam'le list o& :uestions to use to eli*it her "alues and tran*e words, 836 AS;# .hat she wants7 .hat she li!es7 .hat she thin!s she needs7 .hat she thin!s she deser"es7 .hat she had in the 'ast that she wants to re'eat7 .hat she had in the 'ast that she wants to a"oid7 .hat s*ares her7 .hat ma!es her ha''y7 .hat ma!es her &eel se)y7 As! the right :uestions don't try to 'ush her towards some s'e*i&i* state 1li!e e)*itement &or e)am'le$ it might mean nothing to her, AS;# 9Realise that 9do you "alue e)*itement in your li&e79 is a useless :uestion *om'ared to 9what do you "alue79 +ere are some additional :uestions you *an as! that might be a little less "alue(eli*iting oriented but hel'&ul ne"ertheless, They'll hel' you to get to !now to her and should also 'ut her in an altered state by ma!ing her dig u' answers &or these &rom dee' within her *ons*iousness and sub*ons*ious, 9.hat are the *hallenges in her line o& wor! A what are the easy 'arts A what she li!es A what she doesn't li!e about her 0ob79 9.hat is the most unusual thing you'"e done when 'laying 9truth or dare979 +o'e&ully she *omes u' with some se)ual stu&&#$ 9+ow do your &riends des*ribe you79 Use this both &or "alue(eli*iting and as 're' in&o &or 'alm(reading a&ter whi*h you *an say 9<et me see whether you a*tually are li!e that as well9 and transition to 'alm( reading, See 9Palm(reading9 and 9Palm(reading e)'lained9 &or more details, 9.hat do you thin! I am li!e79 3ou'll get use&ul &eedba*! on how you're doing and how she 'er*ei"es you#$ 93our &irst *hildhood memory79 I& its 'ositi"e an*hor it and e"en i& its 0ust neutral ne"er mind that in her mind she sees hersel& as o'ening u' to you when telling you about su*h stu&&#$ 93our most 'leasant A sweetest memory &rom s*hool79 +o'e&ully has something to do with a guy an*hor it#$ I& not be more s'e*i&i*, 93our &irst day at s*hool79 Same as with 9&irst *hildhood memory9 but don't use it be&ore the 9sweetest memory &rom s*hool9 ( it would ma!e it too easy &or her to answer 9well my &irst day at s*hool was it9 and

a"oid any 'ossible romanti* memories#$ 9In what 'eriod o& your li&e where you most 'o'ular79 +a"e her remember the 9good times9#$ 9Do you remember the &irst time you &ell seriously *om'letely and hel'lessly in lo"e#$ +ow did it ha''en79 9The ha''iest moment o& your li&e79 9.hat role would you li!e to 'lay in some mo"ie79 9A*hie"ing what goals in your li&e ha"e brought you the most 0oy79 9+ow well do you !now yoursel&79 I& the answer to some :uestion is not to your li!ing 19what s*ares you79 9mi*e9$ elaborate on what you meant with your :uestions, And i& there's anything you don't understand in her answer *om'letely s'e*i&y and as! additional :uestions, Don't T+I8= you understand be SUR/ you understand be*ause that is the only way o&# G$ ma!ing her &eel *om'letely understood by you H$ and *om'letely understanding her ( whi*h is what you need in order to !now how to ma!e her &eel the way she wants to &eel with that s'e*ial man o& hers#$ Don't &orget though that you ha"e to be able to introdu*e these :uestions as a natural *om'onent and *ontinuation o& your *on"ersation with the girl, Sim'ly as!ing them out o& the blue will ma!e it sound li!e you're interrogating her or that you'"e 're'ared and rehearsed them be&orehand 1insin*erity4$ and on*e that ha''ens you're through, 836 AS;# 93ou *an tell when a *hi*! is a&&e*ted by !ino OR tal!ingAthin!ing about something, The sub0e*ts that she doesn't rea*t to and the !ino that she doesn't rea*t to,,, don't bother with them, .hen you lat*h onto something that really 'hases her in the dire*tion you want her to go ta!e her dee'er into it by as!ing her more intri*ate :uestions about it that she +AS TO meta(state into the situation to a**ess, She will ha"e to <IV/ in that moment again &or a 'eriod o& time, .hile she is in there you *an ma!e it worse &or her by introdu*ing worse s*enarios than the a*tual out*ome or better by suggesting better out*omes or results &rom it, So don't bother with the se*tions where they don't &eel anything but when you see them be*ome a&&e*ted get into it as &ar as they'll let you, I& you ha"e done your *onne*tion and ra''ort they will be ><AD to tell you that stu&& and glad that you are listening to them,9 D6L>U3 AS;# 2e# Do you li!e li"ing here in Jwhate"er(the('la*e(is(*alledK7 +er# 3a I guess, 2e# UUPlay&ullyUU .hat do you li!e to do &or &un7 Do you ha"e a lot o& guys *hasing you7

+er# 8o not really,,, I'm !ind o& 'i*!y, 2e# Really7 I mean I don't mean to sound strange or anything,,, but what :ualities do you loo! &or in a guy7 UUUThis is where you shut u' and listenUUU See also# /li*iting "alues e)'lained

+ow to ha"e her lea"e the grou' %y 8ightShadow, 2indlist# 9I see a hottie tal!ing to all o& her &riends and I want to meet her, JThe &ollowing des*ri'tion is useless in this *onte)t but it was Uso mu*h &unU I 0ust had to Ulea"e it inU@$K, She is wearing a beauti&ul !nee high s!irtAdress her li's are e"er so *aringly outlined with 0ust the right amount o& li' sti*! to a**entuate her slightly 'outy li's, An angels &a*e with a bed de"ils grin, 8i*e round &irm breast tight and sha'ely ass legs that s*ream to be s'read li!e butter with your hot !ni&e o& 'leasure, 8ow I bet hal& the guys on the list are going 9.+AT .OU<D 3OU DO79 9She is with &riends you don't !now her and she is that hot47479, I would 0ust wal! u' to her and tal! to her, These are the !ind o& women that want attention, I *asually but 'olitely wal! u' to her usually &rom behind 1I li!e to wis'er in her ear$ lightly tou*h her arm and say 9may I tal! to you &or a minute79 This is SO de"ious444 It is the ultimate %R/A= STAT/ yet it is so nonintrusi"e that she .A8TS to *ome tal! to you, +er imagination will ra*e and she will ha"e no idea what you want to say to her, /"en i& she doesn't *ome o"er there 1I gi"e them about H minutes ma!e sure you either ha"e a &riend with you or &riends near you so you *an wal! o&& easily$ she will see you later and 0ust +AV/ to say something to you, This ta*ti* wor!s I86R/DI%<3 at bars 'arties *lubs 'ar!s marriages seminars *hur*h gyms 1you *an go wor!out and not loo! li!e you are waiting$ wor! /V/R3.+/R/4449 I& she says 9%ut I *an't lea"e my &riends9 8ot s'e*i&i*ally rele"ant to the strategy des*ribed abo"e but still rele"ant to the general situation, I& you're already alone with her in a 'ubli* setting that she arri"ed at with her &riends and now when you're ready to mo"e to another "enue are we going79 ( 96lub 2y'la*e you're gonna lo"e it9#$ she *omes u' with the 9%ut what about my &riends79 line then here's a suggestion by Mohnny Sha*! 1htt'#AAshowgirls,*om,au$# 9In a situation li!e that you will ha"e to !ee' the momentum going and *annot a&&ord to brea! it be*ause on*e you do you might &ind it "ery hard to get things rolling again, In res'onse to the 9.hat will ha''en to my &riends9 say somehting in the lines o& 9Don't worry about them, .e ha"en't seen them &or ages so loo!s li!e they're not e)a*tly worrying about you either, %esides at this time o& the night its e"ery man &or himsel& anyway#$ 6ome on let's go#$9 8ow grab her hand again lead her outside and 0um' into a ta)i#$9

Patterning e)'lained <<< >>> Dis*laimer# Part o& the *ontentsAideas a''earing in this se*tion o& the Player >uide ha"e been re&eren*ed or 'artially re'ur'osed &rom Ross Me&&ries' S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site 1&ree newsletters$ *ourseware 'rodu*ts or seminar re*ordings, I& you &ind the materials in this se*tion use&ul you may want to *onsider loo!ing into Ross' 'rodu*ts a"ailable &or 'ur*hase &rom the O&&i*ial S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site, Patterns &orm the *ore o& Ross Me&&ries' S'eed Sedu*tion te*hni:ue, Patterns are s*ri'ts o& des*ribing "arious wonder&ul states o& mind and &eelings to a girl seemingly ha"ing nothing to do with you and her 1&or e)am'le by des*ribing the wonder&ul &eelings and states that musi* dan*ing eating strawberries and *ho*olate et* *an *reate$ but sub*ons*iously getting her aroused5 by what you're saying and in e&&e*t by you#$ 3ou *an either lin! all those wonder&ul &eelings you ma!e her &eel by what you're saying by sel&('ointing at a''ro'riate times 1whi*h is what Ross Me&&ries re*ommends$ but the sim'le &a*t that you're there while she gets all those &eelings and that you are the originator o& them should do the 0ob as well#$, 2a!ing her &eel all those wonder&ul states not only means des*ribing them to her it also means gi"ing her *ommands embedded in what you're saying to e)'erien*e those states, Des*ri'tions by themsel"es might not always wor! she might not be 'aying too mu*h attention and wander o&& in her thoughts but on*e you'"e gi"en her *ommands ( 9;eel it building,,, &o*us in on those &eelings,,, surrender *om'letely,,,9 ( she might &irst e"en be aroused by su*h *ommands by themsel"es but she will de&inetly be mu*h more attenti"e towards the des*ri'tions you are about to o&&er, Patterns also *ontain sub*ons*ious messages !nown as binder *ommands, ;or e)am'le an e)*er't &rom a 'attern# 95 that's the way to do it, 8ow with me its di&&erent be*ause59 in*or'orates a binder *ommand o& 9DO IT4 8O.4 .IT+ 2/49 whi*h will bind all &eelings and desires her arousal has *reated to 3OU, On*e you ha"e her attention one o& the most 'ower&ul methods o& ma!ing her 9&eel9 is using se)ual meta'hors, They sound inno*ent in the *onte)t o& what you're saying but she is bound to 'i*! u' on them and on*e you ha"e her imagining all those 'hrases out o& *onte)t5 don't be sur'rised i& she says has to go to the bathroom &or a moment and you noti*e her seat is all wet#$ A &ew e)am'les o& su*h 'hrases are# 96reate an o'ening &or it,,, &eel that thought 'enetrate you,,,, you *ome o"er and o"er again to the same

*on*lusion,,,9, 8ow that you !now what to loo! &or you'll &ind more 'hrases in the e)am'le 'atterns 'resented in this guide, One rather dubious as'e*t o& 'atterns is the so(*alled weasel 'hrases, ;or e)am'le the 'hrases 95these "alues are below me9 'ronoun*ed 9%<O. 2/49 95a &eeling o& ha''iness9 'ronoun*ed 9ha'(P/8IS49 95in you're mind9 'ronoun*ed 93OU'R/ 2I8/49 95thoughts &lowing in a new dire*tion9 'ronoun*ed 98UD/ /R/6TIO849 9,,,the s!y is so beauti&ul9 'ronoun*ed 9T+IS >U3 IS SO %/AUTI;U<49 ( these double(meaning 'ronun*iations are su''osed to gi"e her sub*ons*ious messages but the e&&e*ti"eness o& su*h attributes o& 'atterning are slightly :uestionable though, The main "alue o& 'atterns remains in their ability to ma!e a girl re*all or imagine absolutely wonder&ul &eelings and states o& mind while sub*ons*iously lin!ing them all to you, The other im'ortant as'e*ts o& 'atterning are# An*horing Tran*e words Tuoting and sta*ing realities Time distortion Thought binding Presu''ositions and other 9mind(tri*!s9

Deli"ering 'atterns ( general rules <<< >>> Dis*laimer# Part o& the *ontentsAideas a''earing in this se*tion o& the Player >uide ha"e been re&eren*ed or 'artially re'ur'osed &rom Ross Me&&ries' S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site 1&ree newsletters$ *ourseware 'rodu*ts or seminar re*ordings, I& you &ind the materials in this se*tion use&ul you may want to *onsider loo!ing into Ross' 'rodu*ts a"ailable &or 'ur*hase &rom the O&&i*ial S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site, %eing "ague, It is im'ortant to be as "ague as 'ossible in your 'atterns, ;or one thing "agueness &or a woman doesn't sound in*oherent or obs*ure li!e it does to the rational and matter(o&(&a*t mind o& a man, ;or a girl "ague e:uals romanti* thrilling mysterious and intriguing, ;or another thing being "ague in your 'atterns lets her more easily lin! the &eelings you des*ribe with her own e)'erien*es or dreams, The more "ague the better4 Doesn't 'atterning sound unnatural7 1Ross Me&&ries#$ 9.hen you learn how to do S'eed Sedu*tion a**ording to that it *eases to be about mind(&u*!ing and ramming memorised 'atterns into a 1ho'e&ully#$ *o(o'erati"e sub0e*t and be*omes a mutual e)'loration o& how you thin! and how she thin!s about *ertain to'i*s that naturally would lend themsel"es to 'attern ty'e tal! e"en i& you didn't !now a thing about S'eed Sedu*tion4 Using the 'attern language there&ore in this *onte)t is utterly natural in*redibly 'ower&ul and allows you to a*tually learn something about the woman on a "ery dee' le"el while you are *reating in*redible *onne*tions se)ual &eelings et*, et*,9 On*e more the 'atterns here are only e)am'les, Ross Me&&ries# 9The 'atterns are e)am'les 8OT rules, 2any students thin! that unless they 'resent the 'atterns to women word &or word that they won't wor! or get results, T+IS IS MUST GFFW ;A<S/4 The 'atterns are only e)am'les,,, "ery >OOD e)am'les,,, o& the !inds o& *ommuni*ation that turn women on, %ut they aren't meant to be rigidly or e)*lusi"ely &ollowed, <earn &rom them +O. they wor! and you'll be able to e"entually *reate your own 'atterns,9 The Stages o& <earning Patterns as stated by Ross Me&&ries# 9I would say students go through three stages o& S'eed Sedu*tion 2astery, Stage One# memorising and using memorised 'atterns word &or word, Stage Two# learning to use themes that in*or'orate 'ie*es o& the 'attern language, Stage Three# learning to use themes that ha"e dee' 'ersonal meaning &or the student as well as being intriguing to women and allowing the student to use 'ie*es o& the 'attern language,9 6an I tal! &reely or will she interru't me7 Ross Me&&ries# 9There are two

*lasses o& women who res'ond to 'atterns@ those who want to be o"erwhelmed and those who want it to be their own e)'erien*e, The women in the &irst *ategory will 0ust sit and let you run 'atterns without interru'ting@ the se*ond *ategory will interru't by tal!ing, That's o!,,,let them tal!,,, be*ause they will gi"e you their 'ersonal tran*e words whi*h you use ba*! with them when you *ontinue with the 'atterns4 >irls in the se*ond *ategory are a*tually more entertaining and &un49 The time delay, Ross Me&&ries# 9Some women &or whate"er reason ha"e a 9time delay9 e&&e*t@ the 'atterns might not a''ear to wor! but an hour or E days or e"en E months later out o& the blue they want to bang you, This 9time delay9 *an be an )(&a*tor that *an ma!e res'onses seem a bit more un'redi*table,9 1Ta!en &rom 9Swee' women o&& their &eet,,,9#$ 9I& she's still not res'onsi"e maybe she's ne"er e)'erien*ed su*h &eelings in the 'ast and is ha"ing a hard time !ee'ing u', Slow down and tal! as though you are trying to understand as well &rom the e)'erien*e o& your &riend, It will be easier &or her to imagine all the &eelings you are des*ribing i& there is no 'ressure &or her to readily understand them, >i"e her the time she needs to absorb e"erything, And sometimes it ta!es a while be&ore she'll absorb e"erything, %elie"e me that does ha''en, ;or e)am'le there was this girl I thought was unres'onsi"e yet a &ew days a&ter we had a dee' *on"ersation about lo"e and &eelings she *ame u' to me and a*ted as though she was truly in lo"e 'i*!ing u' that same *on"ersation a&ter I almost &orgot what we were tal!ing about in the &irst 'la*e,9 6ombine &eelings with body sensations, Ross Me&&ries# 9As &ar as 'ossible layer in body sensations along with your *onne*tion 'atterns4 .hen you *ombine body sensations along with emotional *onne*tions either at the same time or ra'idly in se:uen*e the e&&e*t is 'ra*ti*ally irresistible and the 'ower isn't additi"e,,,it's e)'onential49 ;ear77 8o, ;U844 Ross Me&&ries# 9I& you want to be hilariously su**ess&ul with S'eed Sedu*tion then you must realise that the 'atterns aren't about begging, They aren't e"en really about tri*!ing or misleading, 8o sir the 'atterns are about being able to *reate su*h in*redible states o& 'leasure and &un and highs &or her that no one else *an su*h that she really .A8TS to gi"e you her se)ual goodies, They're about *reating states &or her that no one else *an, Viewed li!e this that in*redible babe you want to bang isn't someone you need to &ear, She's someone who's about to re*ei"e an in*redible gi&t &rom you a gi&t she might *ontinue to re*ei"e I; she's smart enough and hot enough and se)y enough to gi"e you what it ta!es to !ee' 3OU *oming ba*! &or more, 3ou see it sure ma!es a damn big di&&eren*e

when you *an loo! at a honey('ie and honestly thin! to yoursel& 9+ow good *an this woman stand to &eel7 <et's go ha"e &un and &ind out49 S'ea!ing o& &un another big 'art o& being in the right &rame o& mind to ma!e SS wor! is re&using to ta!e it seriously, %y that I mean you ta!e the attitude that you are e)'erimenting ha"ing &un and i& what you try doesn't wor! you'"e sim'ly 'olished your s!ills and learned something new,9 ;or more s'e*i&i*s about 'atterns 1using "isual auditory or !inestheti* language &or girls with "isual auditory or !inestheti* imaginations a**ordingly@ running at least three di&&erent 'atterns in a row &or ma)imum e&&e*ti"eness et*,$ turn to www,sedu*tion,*om and see the newsletters, Ada'ted &rom Ross Me&&ries' 'ubli* seminar tans*ri't, The right attitude, Ross Me&&ries# 93ou see *hallenge is where the &un is, I& it's not easy li&e is not meant to be easy but li&e was meant to be &un, I& you're not going to ha"e &un in the 'ro*ess then what's the 'oint, And also this is a "ery se)y attitude, A guy who is not 'ut o&& but is also not hungry and is ha"ing &un in the 'ro*ess o& *ourtshi' a woman is attra*ted to that, A man who'll 'lay&ully *ourt her without being 'ushy a man who is 'ersistent but at the same time is not 'ushy or needy but is 'lay&ul about it, JThe attitude is#K 9/"entually you're going to *ome around and see what a great deal it is and in the mean time I'll 'lay and ha"e &un with you9, That's "ery se)y, 3ou !now I'm telling you something you *an loo! li!e a &rea!ing 'ig and many o& my students do and still it doesn't ma!e any di&&eren*e be*ause it's a "ery rare attitude, It's a "ery rare a''roa*h, 3ou be*ome one man in a million,9 See and obser"e her res'onse, Ross Me&&ries# 9O! we'll tal! about the s!ills, <et's tal! about the s!ills you need to ma!e this wor!, The &irst s!ill you need is the ability to obser"e and to see what res'onse you are getting, Shall I re'eat that7 The ability to obser"e and see what res'onse that you're getting, In order to do that you ha"e to be doing what7 <ouder I *an't hear you, To do that you *an't be in your head worrying is this wor!ing oh oh does she li!e me what i& I blow it you ha"e to turn all that *ra' o&&, ;li' that swit*h to o&& 'ull the 'lug on that, 3ou ha"e to be totally &o*used on what res'onse you're getting, Ste' out o& your own way and turn all that *ra' o&& and 0ust &o*us in on the res'onse you're getting,9 %e &le)ible yet 'ersistent, Ross Me&&ries# 9O!, S!ill 8o, H, The &le)ibility to *hange to something else i& you aren't getting the res'onse you want, I& you try 9ha"e you e"er9 let's ta!e that one, 9+a"e you e"er &elt the sense o& in*redible *onne*tion579 yet then you get 9no9, Instead o& gi"ing u' you *an go 9.ell ha"e you e"er &elt really attra*ted to someone579, =ee' going until you get that res'onse, Do you understand, =ee' going until you get the res'onse be*ause e"entually you will, Or ste' ba*! and shi&t to something

else, Does this ma!e sense7 I !now sto' a minute *lose your eyes, /"eryone has some when I say *lose your eyes I want the lids down, Anyone who's lids do not *lose will &ind their se)ual &uture shrin!ing away ra'idly ra'idly, Some o& us don't ha"e long to wait, I want you to thin! o& some situation where you ha"e alot o& &le)ibility where something gets thrown in your 'ath you shi&t around and you !ee' going, I don't *are what *onte)t it is, And as you thin! o& that thing I want you to raise your hand in the air raise your hand in the air do it and ma!e a &ist raise your arm all the way u' in the air ma!e a &ist and as you bring that hand down I want you to in*rease that &eeling o& utter &le)ibility and &ero*iousness that you go &or what you want and !ee' going, And do it again, Thin! o& that thing again raise your hand in the air and as you do that thin! to yoursel& yes don't say it but thin! to yoursel&, And remember that &eeling o& being &le)ible and you go to the ne)t thing, O! one more time, And this time in your mind's eye I want you to see some woman that you would really li!e to sedu*e and see her not res'onding the way you'd li!e to, As you 'ut your hand down noti*e how you *an in*rease that &eeling hey I'm going to try something else and !ee' going, 8othing is going to sto' me, Do you get that7 Alright, O'en your eyes and loo! at me,9 %e 'atient and learn &rom trial and error, Ross Me&&ries# 9Ability 8o E is the ability to be 'atient and learn &rom trial and error, I !now you all admire me and you're not worthy and all that other shit but guess what, I ma!e mista!es with this, %ut I don't want to thin! o& ma!ing mista!es I am learning, I o**asionally do things guess what they don't wor! the way I'"e 'lanned, >uess what7 I get e)*ited, =ent and 2ar! here had lun*h with me and the &irst thing I as!ed them was what ha"e you done that doesn't wor!7 Tell me about what you'"e done where it didn't wor!, Did I not say that7 %e*ause that's where I get e)*ited, That tells me I'm about to ste' into a new le"el o& 'ower, I& something isn't wor!ing *ongratulate yoursel& be*ause you're about to &ind out what does wor!, 3ou're about to learn something new, .ithout that mind set you will be at best medio*re with this material, .ith this mind set no matter what blo*!s you may start out with you will lea"e them behind :ui*!ly and go where"er you want to with the material, %ut i& nothing else i& all you do is really begin to li"e the attitude that there are no &ailures there's only learnings you will be ahead QQW o& the 'eo'le in so*iety,9 %e able to mo"e &rom one 'attern to the ne)t, Ross Me&&ries# 9Ability 8o, I, Ability to mo"e &rom one 'attern to the ne)t, I will go o"er some transitional 'hrases that will allow you to mo"e &rom any 'attern to any other 'attern, /"en i& it ma!es it logi*ally seem it's nothing more &un to me than ma!ing it seem li!e my ideas are logi*ally *onne*ted when there's no

logi*al *onne*tion at all, I'm 0ust *onne*ting them so I *an ram 'atterns in, O!, And there's *ertain 'hrases 9now here's another thing9, Or 9here's something else that is interesting9, It doesn't ha"e to be any logi*al *onne*tion to be any ideas at all,9

Deli"ering 'atterns ( tonality <<< >>> Dis*laimer# Part o& the *ontentsAideas a''earing in this se*tion o& the Player >uide ha"e been re&eren*ed or 'artially re'ur'osed &rom Ross Me&&ries' S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site 1&ree newsletters$ *ourseware 'rodu*ts or seminar re*ordings, I& you &ind the materials in this se*tion use&ul you may want to *onsider loo!ing into Ross' 'rodu*ts a"ailable &or 'ur*hase &rom the O&&i*ial S'eed Sedu*tionV .eb Site, The way you deli"er the 'atterns determines the di&&eren*e between ma!ing her &eel wonder&ul dee' inside or you sounding li!e a 'honey or a 'atheti* *lown re*iting some weird(sounding monologue or s*ri't, Presenting her with the te)t a**om'lishes you nothing the words itsel& will not ma!e her &eel anything, 3ou ha"e to be the te)t you deli"er you ha"e to &eel it with her be with her e"ery ste' o& the way5 until the &inal eru'tion#$ 13es women ha"e been re'orted to ha"e orgasms sim'ly by listening to 'atterns being deli"ered the right way#$, So memorising the 'atterns 'resented in this guide does nothing &or you unless you really li"e out and not sim'ly re*ite e"ery word to her, The 'atterns that you *an &ind on www,sedu*tion,*om or in this guide are mere e)am'les o& what 'attern(tal! is li!e they are not s'ells that ma!e magi* things ha''en 0ust be*ause they are mumbled out loud, 3ou *an *ertainly start by memorising some 'atterns but you will start ha"ing real su**ess only when you'll be able to ma!e u' a 'attern on the &ly about anything that is e)*iting and *lose to heart &or that one s'e*i&i* girl you are tal!ing to, It hel's i& you ha"e a so&t low mesmerising and a slightly hy'noti* "oi*e and i& you don't5 try to modulate your "oi*e to be*ome as su*h while deli"ering your 'atterns#$ 1AS;#$ 9Using a low sedu*ti"e "oi*e may seem unnatural at &irst but you must 'ra*ti*e, Try ta'e re*ording your own "oi*e so you get an idea o& how you sound in general, Then ta'e yoursel& re*iting a s*ri'ted 'attern, 3ou'll hear how stilted and unnatural it sounds, 8ow ta'e yoursel& while im'ro"ising that same 'attern but this time wor! on ma!ing how you say the words sound soothing and well sedu*ti"e, Don't worry about s*rewing u' the word order 0ust *on*entrate on +O. 3OU SA3 IT, Also ( 'ause mid( senten*e to *reate a sense o& anti*i'ation and mystery,9 Ada'ted &rom Ross Me&&ries' 'ubli* seminar tans*ri't no G# Ross# Some o& you your tonality u' until tonight su*!ed, It 0ust su*!s, 3ou need to 'ra*ti*e, 3ou'"e got to ma!e a *ommitment to 'ra*ti*e these s!ills, +ow many 'eo'le here wal!7 +ow many 'eo'le here tal!7 +ow many 'eo'le here *an stand u'7 +ow many 'eo'le here are toilet trained7 =ee' your

hand down %ru*e, Must teasing o!, Do you thin! those are all things that you a*:uired immediately7 Did you 'o' out o& the womb being able to do it7 3ou had to 'ra*ti*e, 3ou must 'ra*ti*e these s!ills on a *onsistent basis, I don't !now why I ha"e to *ontinue to hammer on this 'oint be&ore you get it and in*or'orate it, So let's wor! on *ontrolling tonality let's 'ut your notes down, I dont want to see anyone writing or holding notes anyone with a 'en in their hand will &ind their gentile is shrin!ing, And some o& you ha"e no time to waste, +ow many o& you !now what the "owels are7 .hat are the "owels7 Audien*e# A / I O U Ross# .rong here are the "owels, AAAA //// IIII OOOO UUUU, Those are the "owels, So we're going to do an e)er*ise, Put one hand on your *hest so you *an &eel the residen*e o& your "oi*e ta!e a dee' breath 'ut your head ba*! and say with me, AAAA //// IIII OOOO UUUU, .el*ome to the &i"e hour orgasm, O!, .hen you s'ea! to a woman you should be s'ea!ing su*h that your "oi*e resinates, .hen you 'ra*ti*e these 'atterns out loud and you must 'ra*ti*e e"ery 'attern OUT <OUD, 8ot in your head, Out loud be*ause you're s'ea!ing these out loud, So we must learn to *ontrol our tonality, O! let's try another e)er*ise, <et's 'i*! a neutral word li!e watermelon, O!, <et's all 0ust say watermelon, Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# Try it one more time Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# O! now, I want you to remember a time when you were angry really 'issed o&& and say watermelon as i& you were e)'ressing that angry &eeling, Ready7 Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# Again Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# Alright *an you remember a time when you were *urious7 I want you to say watermelon with a tonality o& *uriousity, Ready7 Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# .atermelon and now sedu*ti"e and se)y, Say watermelon, <et's start with this row o! guys, <et's hear you do your watermelon sedu*ti"e and se)y are you ready7 Audien*e# .atermelon Audien*e# <aughs Ross# Do you see what I mean7 <oo! o! let's hear you say the words sedu*e me let's hear you say sedu*e me, Audien*e# Sedu*e me Ross# <ouder 'ut your hand on your *hest get the resident no these guys

only 'ut your head ba*! ta!e a dee' breath and go sedu*e me ma!e it resinate, Say it out loud, Audien*e# Sedu*e me Ross# %etter a little louder, This is not obser"ant, Do it, Sedu*e me better o! now do watermelon, Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# Su*! it in li!e this and go watermelon, Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# +e's got it, 8i*!y *ome on in and ha"e a seat, O! do you guys want to try it7 <et's hear it, <et's hear the se)iest watermelon in the world, Are we ready7 Audien*e and Ross# .atermelon Ross# That's good, +e's got it go ahead one more time, Audien*e# .atermelon Ross# Very good, O! all together ready, G H E Audien*e and Ross# .atermelon Ross# I& you guys need e)tra hel' on doing this you ha"e my 'ermission to *all two QFF numbers, I'm serious, Ta!e them and listen to how these women s'ea!, O! i& ne*essary *all a gay QFF number, Audien*e# <aughs Ross# I'm serious I'm serious and listen to how they s'ea!, +ere's a good way to ma!e sure you say it right get the &eeling &or yoursel& right here, And then as you're s'ea!ing to the woman the &eeling that you want her to &eel will guide your tonality, Do you get that7 So imagine the &eeling that you want to &eel right here and then allow that &eeling to guide your "oi*e, So as the warmth o& that "oi*e 0ust wra's itsel& around you li!e a 'air o& legs around your ne*! you'll !now really !now on the inside 0ust e)a*tly what's ha''ening you !now, 3ou must learn to *ontrol your tonality, I *an't em'hasi-e this enough, It is the single biggest stumbling blo*!, Some other ways to learn to *ontrol your tonality, >et a di*tionary, Pi*! out words at random and e)'eriment saying those words with the right tonality, Pi*! out loaded words li!e troo' lo"e sedu*tion *onne*tion, .rite these words down, Troo' lo"e sedu*tion *onne*tion desire lust absolutely &as*inated, O!, And wor! on saying these in the right tonality, I 0ust *annot em'hasi-e this enough, Trying to learn this without getting master o& your tonalities is li!e trying to dri"e your *ar without gasoline, It's 0ust not going to wor!, See also# Arti*le in Playboy

6ommon signs o& interest <<< >>> 6ommon signs o& interest &rom the girl a''li*able mostly in bar(room and *lub situations, Ste'hanie Ale)ander 2a)im 1htt'#AAma)immag,*om$# She *om'liments you on "irtually anything, .omen are used to re*ei"ing *om'liments not gi"ing them, So i& she 'oints out a 'ositi"e *hara*teristi* youC"e im'ressed her, SheCs disagreeing but laughing, ;lirtatious sar*asm as in B3eah right li!e I belie"e that4? means sheCs into you, I& she werenCt sheCd sim'ly BUh(huh? you into obli"ion, She !ee's as!ing you to re'eat yoursel&, SheCs not allowing the blasting musi* to *ome between the two o& you, A suggestion o& a :uieter *orner to tal! in will be well re*ei"ed, She laughs at your lame 0unior high s*hoolXle"el 0o!es, SheCs ob"iously lust drun!, Or maybe 0ust drun!, She tou*hes you anywhere, Tou*h her ba*! in the e:ui"alent 'la*e and let her u' the ante 0ust in *ase her tou*h was an a**idental sli' o& the hand, She stays 'ut, I& you run to drain the monster and sheCs still where you le&t her when you return youCre doing something right, <i!ewise i& she *omes ba*! to you a&ter she 'owders her nose, She doesnCt &lin*h, I& you rea*h a*ross her to grab a drin! or an ashtray and she doesnCt 'ull ba*! sheCs &eeling 'hysi*ally *om&ortable with you, DonCt blow it 'al, She says B+ey where ya goinC7? as you lea"e the bar, SheCs angling &or an in"ite, /"en i& she ultimately says no 1she may not &eel sa&e going o&& with you or may not want to dit*h her &riends$ itCs a sign sheCs game &or a &uture hoo!u', 2a)in 6li&&ord's Sedu*tion newsletter# 9I ha"e built &or mysel& a 'ro)imity alert system, .hen you wal! into a roomAstoreAbar et* while a woman might be relu*tant or too shy to ma!e eye *onta*t sometimes on a *ons*ious or un*ons*ious le"el she will re"eal her interest through 'ro)imity, >uys do this all the time, +a"e you e"er wal!ed into a bar and then made 'ra*ti*ally a bee line &or the hottest *hi*! i& only to be near her and *he*! her out more7 And maybe you 9*hanged your mind9 and instead o& a''roa*hing her you ordered a drin! at the bar right ne)t to her7 I'"e been in stores sho''ing where it seemed that a woman I had seen 'ut hersel& near me se"eral times o"er the *ourse o& GF(HF minutes, 6oin*iden*e7 2aybe but I don't really belie"e that and it's &ar more use&ul &or me to belie"e that a woman &inds me interesting or attra*ti"e and is 'utting hersel& near me on 'ur'ose

ho'ing that I may start something,9 ;or more signs o& interest see# Reading body(language

Reading the signs o& a 9*ommitted9 woman <<< >>> ;or starters ( a story whi*h at &irst glan*e only seems to illustrate the mista!e o& 0udging a girl by her words and not her a*tions, %ut a&ter a more *are&ul ins'e*tion e"en those seemingly 9re0e*ting9 words o& her are a*tually a *om'lementary sign to her a*tions 1the sign being ( 9I want you49#$, 2r +a''y AS;# 9O! boys and girls learn &rom 2r, +a''y's mista!e so that you don't &all &or it yoursel&, I met this *hi*! online and got her to agree to meet me to 'lay some 'ool, She was UreallyU hot, I also did a really good 0ob o& *on"eying 'ersonality,,, I got in some good negs some humor some teasing it was "ery 'lay&ul and also some light !ino, 1I !now I did this right be*ause she still messages me et* so maybe I'll get a *han*e to *orre*t the ;U6= UP that I made,,,read on,$ See the whole time she is tal!ing about how she is a 6hristian and she wor!s &or 6am'us 2inistries and she has a ;IA86/ and how they're not 0ust DATI8> but they are 6OURTI8> and how s'e*ial it is blah blah, She also says how busy she is be*ause o& s*hool and that i& I'm going to see her it'll be on her terms 1ha4$ so at that 'oint I thought s*rew this I ha"e better things to do with my time, She in"ited me to a me*hani*al engineer 1her ma0or$ 'arty that &riday and I turned her down, She messages me a &ew days later and tal!s about how she got drun! and stoned at the 'arty and how she went home with some other student and got her brains &u*!ed out, She ho'es she isn't 'regnant she doesn't intend to tell her &ian*e et* blah, That *ould ha"e been me in there4 I will ne"er s'are a *hi*! again#$9 %ased on the story abo"e here are *ommentaries by Odious on what wereAare the signs o& a married or bore&riended iow 9*ommitted9 woman being interested in you, Odious AS;# 9O= ha"ing been with married women be&ore there are E !ey signs that she's hot to trot and ready to ste' out, G, She will 9o'en u' to you9 and tell you what IS 8OT ha''ening with her man, This goes &or married women women with boy&riends,,, all o& them, She will tell you &lat out what it is she is missing and what she wants, .hen she starts telling you how he's not *utting it she's letting you !now that door is o'en, 8ow this woman did this but it sounds li!e she was being subtle about it, She said they were *ourting not dating,,, what the hell is that7 I

thin! that meant 9we ha"e a *ommitment but he's not &u*!ing me,9 H, I& she's interested she'll *reate o''ortunities &or the two o& you to be alone together, I had a woman who I didn't e"en reali-e was interested in me *ome o"er to my house to study and wor! on a 'a'er,,, be*ause her *om'uter was on the &rit-, The thought that she was hot &or me did not e"en *ross my mind until she started as!ing me my o'inions on the meaning and "alue o& marriage iow 9what would you thin! o& a woman who *heated on her husband,,, with you,,, right now49 E, She !nows when he'll be around or not so she'll want to *all the shots as to when you see ea*h other, She ob"iously did that one, +owe"er don't *ount yoursel& out 0ust yet be*ause she is still gi"ing you a subset o& the &irst sign 1whi*h was ( telling you what is LnotL ha''ening with her man$, She may tell you about other se)ual e)'loits ( i& she *heated on him be&ore or i& she *heated on an old boy&riend et*, So this woman is hitting all the signs, She's o'ened u' to you she's ma!ing time she wants to *all the shots as to when you get together and now she's telling you she *heated, The ne)t time you see her or tal! to her ( a*t li!e you thin! her *heating is no big deal that you res'e*t it when women *an go &or what they want, I ha"e also &ound an atta*! on the se)ist nature o& the whole idea o& monogamy to be "ery e&&e*ti"e# 9The whole idea o& monogamy dates ba*! to a time when women were treated as 'ro'erty, 2en ran the world and made all the rules, So men *ould ha"e mistresses and *on*ubines but i& a woman *heated she was stoned to death, It is *om'letely se)ist and hy'o*riti*al, I thin! you should listen to your heart and your desires and see where that leads you, To me that is the only way to go, ;ul&ill your desires and see! 'leasure, .ith me that's what's im'ortant, Pleasure is a gi&t indulge it and you be*ome a more &ul&illed and *om'lete 'erson,9 et*,9 836 e)'lains why 9*ommitted9 women are a*tually :uite easy both to a''roa*h and e"en get 9"ery &riendly9 with#$ 836 AS;# 9.omen that are 9ta!en9 are di&&erent &rom women that are single in that they are either </SS PI6=3 or 2OR/ +OR83, Single women are either loo!ing &or more than 0ust di*! 12OR/ PI6=3$ or they ha"e less o& a se)( dri"e so they don't R/TUIR/ a man in their li"es unless he's 0ust what they want, A *hi*! that is 9ta!en9 gi"es hersel& to her boy&riend so he *an &u*! her, 8ow the 'ressure is on the guy to 'er&orm, Unless the guy is still +OT &or the *hi*! the se) is routine or most im'ortantly,,, OR>AS2</SS &or the woman, .hen she meets you she &eels that D/SIR/ to be with a man, She &eels 3OUR D/SIR/ to 'lease her and ta!e your 'leasure &rom her, It is that

RO2A8TI6 !ind o& intera*tion that she doesn't get &rom her 9boy&riend9 *oming home turning on the TV wat*hing s'orts &eeling her u' &or a se*ond 1la*! o& &ore'lay is a 2AMOR turno&&$ and &u*!ing her until +/ *ums and &alling aslee', As long as she &eels li!e she *an get away with it and still ha"e her hum(drum relationshi' inta*t she will &u*! you, 3ou would be sur'rised how many women are 9ta!en9 but nowhere near SATIS;I/D4 ,,, +%s are 8/V/R without a man, They !ee' the one they ha"e until they hoo! u' something new, Then they s!i' o&& so i& you are waiting &or an +% to be*ome SI8></ you *an &orget it4

6a'italise <<< >>> To *a'italise when doing a 'i*!(u' would be to U and Y*lose with a girl, To *a'italise with a girl that you'"e already Y or U*losed would be to do a &ollow(u' o& *alling her and then either by 'atterning or using any other sedu*tion te*hni:ue hel'ing her to realise what you both ha"e really wanted all along#$ And then doing it o& *ourse#$ A'art &rom your usual 'i*!(u's though you might ha"e gotten a girl interested in you in the midst o& your e"eryday *hores ( maybe a *o(wor!er a neighbour a &ellow student a girl at the *ashier, To *a'italise would mean 8OT TO </T T+AT .I8DO. O; OPPORTU8IT3 6<OS/4 She is already 're*onditioned to li!ing you so why let su*h a 'er&e*t o''ortunity sli'7 I assume o& *ourse that you &ind her :uite amiable as well#$ As &or how to dete*t su*h an o''ortunity ( you should !now the signs o& interest 1see Reading body language &or more details$, She initiates *onta*t *alls emails or starts a *on"ersation with you smiles as!s :uestions et* or rea*ts to your initiations more ha''ily than be&ore or more ha''ily than your a"erage indi&&erent girl would giggles with her girl&riends when you 'ass her by draws hearts in her *ollege(blo*! while sitting beside you 1now you're not *hasing high(s*hool girls are you7#$, See 9Reading body language9 &or more signs, %ut she won't stay interested &ore"er, Any day 1or night#$ a new 'ros'e*t might *at*h her attention and e"en without the threat o& *om'etition her interest &or you *ould wear o&& any moment no matter what the reason, /"en i& not really ha"ing sedu*ed her 'ur'ose&ully i& you dete*t her interest 1and most 'robably she is doing her best to let you !now#$ and she is also :uite to your li!ing do end her su&&ering and e)tend a hel'ing hand#$ 2a!e sure that is not a su''li*ating A;6(ish hand though ( that is one o& the main reasons o& the 9I was interested in himAher only until heAshe de"elo'ed an interest &or me then it be*ame boring9 'henomenon, Stay on to' o& matters, A girl that has de"elo'ed an interest in you inde'endently in the *ourse o& a &ew months is no di&&erent &rom a girl that you 0ust met and hel'ed realise that you are the man o& her dreams ten minutes &rom meeting her ( they both need guidan*e or else they might get lost, %ut you need to begin right away ( don't wait &or some non(e)istent 9right time9 to a''roa*h her or as! her out 1ho'e&ully you're 'ast any su*h thin!ing though#$ or &or her to ma!e the &irst mo"e 1she .O8'T and i& you don't ma!e the &irst mo"e she will e"entually dismiss you as an ignorant *hum' or thin! you're not interested and in either *ase ( she'll mo"e on$, %elie"e me i& you already noti*ed the signs o& interest S+/ IS interested4 And don't e"en try

to dismiss them as random &riendliness or your imagination i& you noti*ed them they're &or real#$ 8ow on*e you !now she is interested ( *a'italise on it4

Put a 'ri*e on yoursel& <<< >>> Ross Me&&ries# 9And one o& the most true and 'ower&ul realities o& human nature is# I; SO2/T+I8> 6O2/S AT V/R3 <ITT</ 6OST P/OP</ T/8D TO T+I8= IT IS O; <ITT</ VA<U/4 .e belie"e that things that are di&&i*ult to 'ossess are inherently o& better :uality and that things that are easy to 'osses are o& little "alue or :uality, In other words absent !nowing what something *an do &or them 'eo'le will ma!e a 0udgement based on what they ha"e to gi"e u' to get it, They *on&use 'ri*e with "alue, I *ertainly ho'e that you are smart enough to see the di&&eren*e, Personally I 0udge the worth o& something based on what it will do &or me, %ut 'ra*ti*ally s'ea!ing here are some ways to do it in your beha"iour in the &ield# G, At the a''ro'riate 'la*e and time S+O. 3OUR A8>/R44 >uys who ne"er get mad who ne"er show that they will stand u' &or themsel"es and ma!e a woman &eel a bit o& un'leasantness are in e&&e*t gi"ing themsel"es away &or &ree44 <et the &emales in your li&e !now that i& they brea! your rules *ross you or show any la*! o& res'e*t that T+/3 AR/ >OI8> TO PA3 A PRI6/4 H, %e willing to withdraw your time and attention and be una"ailable4 There are a*tually two rules wor!ing here# one is that 'eo'le "alue more what they ha"e to wor! &or but also the rule is# i& it's rare or be*oming 2OR/ s*ar*e it's "iewed as being more "aluable, .ell in any *ase as I'"e said it's a reality so use it in the &ollowing ways# A, A, 8ow and again *an*el dates, %, %, Don't always return her 'hone *alls 'rom'tly 6, 6, On o**asion and es'e*ially in the beginning >/T O;; T+/ P+O8/ ;IRST44 Don't ha"e unlimited time or willingness to tal!44 That should get her "iewing you as s*ar*e and there&ore a lot more "aluable and there&ore something,,, She's .illing To Pay A +ell O& A <ot 2ore To >et44 8ow the &inal and 'erha's the most im'ortant rule I *an gi"e you is# <et .omen 1and 'eo'le in general$ =now .hat 3our Rules Are And .hat 3ou /)'e*t O& Them444 8ow I didn't say whine or demand, I 0ust said let them !now with the attitude o&# +ey these are the rules, I& you *are to obey them great, 3ou'll re*ei"e >R/AT "alue in return, I& not 'lease get out o& the way be*ause 'lenty o& 'eo'le are lined u' who .I<< 'ay and gladly so, ;inally on this to'i* you should ta!e ste's to totally eliminate &rom your li&e anyone in any *a'a*ity who will not 'ay your 'ri*e a&ter you ha"e *learly in&ormed them what that 'ri*e may be and most es'e*ially i& they ha"e e)'li*itly agreed to 'ay it, As I ha"e long said *on&iden*e wor!s two ways# both in going &or what you do want and mo"ing away &rom what you don't, I&

you don't eliminate those who won't 'ay the 'ri*e then you will be under*utting your *on&iden*e when you want to mo"e towards what you want be*ause your beha"iour is not GFFW *ongruent with your belie& that you are a 'erson o& "alue who is deser"ing o& the best,9 6raig 6li&&ord's Sedu*tion newsletter# 92a!e her 'ut some wor! into hanging out with you in order &or her to "alue you, 2a!e her *ome and 'i*! you u' ma!e her s'end some money on you ma!e her *all and do you &a"ors et*, .hen she does things &or you it will 0usti&y her own &eelings &or you and allow them to grow,9 See also# Attra*t girls by being busy

Attra*t girls by being busy <<< >>> <et the girls !now that you are a busy and im'ortant 'erson, Don Diebel# .hen a girl as!s you what you did yesterday ne"er say 9Oh I 0ust sat around and was bored,9 %etter to say 9I was u' early to run errands and ta!e *are o& business then 'layed tennis met a &riend &or lun*h and wor!ed in the a&ternoon,9 <ie i& you ha"e to, And don't worry you'll get used to it#$ I& a girl *alls and as!s what you are doing re'ly with 9I 0ust wal!ed in the door9 or 9I'm 0ust on my way out to ta!e *are o& business,9 Don't hang on the the 'hone &or hours tal!ing to girls indi*ating you don't ha"e anything else to do, >et the business o& the *all o"er be 'leasant then e)*use yoursel&, %y not *alling a girl e"ery night or *onta*ting her e"ery day you show that you are busy and ha"e other things that are im'ortant in your li&e besides her, This lets her !now that she is going to ha"e to *om'ete &or your time, I& you run into someone be 'leasant and &riendly, Show that 'erson that you ha"e an interest in her but then e)*use yoursel& be*ause o& ha"ing things to do, In this way you show her that she is going to ha"e to wor! &or your time, 3ou are not 9easy,9 %y letting 'eo'le !now that you are a 'erson doing things and a*ti"e you suggest a lot to a girl, 6ertainly you must be someone who !nows where you are going hen*e leadershi', 3ou 'lay on her sense o& wanting what she *an't ha"e be*ause she will ha"e to *om'ete &or your time with all o& your other a*ti"ities, 3ou will a''ear to be di&&erent &rom all the other guys who are hanging on her begging &or her time, She will sus'e*t that there are other girls in your li&e or you wouldn't be so busy, And &inally she is going to ha"e to use her *harms to sedu*e you away &rom all these other a*ti"ities ( and girls 0ust lo"e a *hallenge#$ 6raig 6li&&ord's Sedu*tion newsletter# 92a!e her miss you, %ut in order &or s*ar*ity to be e&&e*ti"e you ha"e to be sure o& one thing, The time she does s'end with you must be absolutely ama-ing and without a doubt the best time she *ould ha"e with anyone, 3ou need to be able to *reate an awesome 2/2ORA%</ e)'erien*e with anyone anywhere es'e*ially when it really *ounts, Also she *an 8/V/R be the &irst 'riority in your li&e, Always 'ut her se*ond to something whether it be your &amily *areer &riends whate"er but lea"e

a small 'ie*e o& ho'e in her mind that she *ould be*ome YG,9

Show a willingness to wal! away <<< >>> Ross Me&&ries# 93ou see a&ter years o& e)'erien*e and study I'"e *ome to the *on*lusion that a woman *an only e)'erien*e real 'assion &or i& on some le"el she belie"es she *ould do something to lose you4 Understand that when you show this willingness to wal! away in any area o& your li&e it *on"eys the message that you are the 'ri-e to be 'ursued that you are the 'erson o& "alue and they had better ta!e ad"antage o& the o''ortunity, This is an attitude that will mo"e you &orward in any area that's *hallenging you, %y way o& *ontrast i& you show a non(sto' &ore"er and e"er de"otion to her and 'ut u' with her *ra' and ambi"alen*e then where is that tension o& !nowing she *ould lose you7 Answer# nowhere4 And that's why you get nowhere when you 'ut u' with this !ind o& stu&&4 I& you'"e seen an initially hot relationshi' grow i*e(*old this is one big reason4449

Use her &riends <<< >>> Ross Me&&ries# 9;lowers wor! wonders on young *hi*!s es'e*ially i& you gi"e them to her in &ront o& her &riends, Always let her &riends !now 1by being not saying$ you are a great guy, 8e"er e"er underestimate a girl's desire to ma!e her &riends 0ealous o& her man, In addition to that always let her thin! her &riends want you, 9Per*ei"ed "alue9 is why only some baseball *ards are worth more that the store you bought them in when they are all 'rinted on worthless *ardboard, And i& you want to 'ut a *herry on to',,, you *an ma!e slight *omments that ma!e her thin! that 0ust maybe there is the smallest *han*e you'll go &or one o& her &riends i& she doesn't do right by you, Or you *an go the other way and do things li!e say 93ou &riend Sarah has a huge ass,,, you're so mu*h better loo!ing than her9 et*, A girl's &riends are a &antasti* tool,9

Mudge her by her a*tions not her words <<< >>> It ha''ens e"er too o&ten, 3ou're with a girl and she SA3S she's gonna ha"e to go home, On*e you rea*h her house she doesn't seem to ha"e the slightest o& intention o& lea"ing you, In silent agreement you mo"e on to 9ta!e a loot at9 your house#$ Or she SA3S she doesn't slee' with a guy on the &irst night or she SA3S it is too soon et* et*, 8ow these were all 'ositi"e e)am'les o& what she SA3S is ne*essarily not what she wants or e"entually DO/S#$ %ut nothing to *om'lain about right7#$ .rong, %e*ause the o''osite is :uite *ommon as well ( although she 'romises this and that ma!es e)*uses is sorry 19Oh I'll *all you9 9Oh I was soo busy I 0ust didn't ha"e any time49 9I lost your number what was it79 9.e'll do it ne)t Tuesday I 'romise49 et*$ but 8/V/R deli"ers ( whi*h *an lea"e an A;6 hanging on and ho'ing 'til retirement and then some, In the words o& Ross Me&&ries# 9.AT6+ .+AT 3OUR PROSP/6TS DO A8D 8OT .+AT T+/3 SA344 /s'e*ially with women who are e)*ellent e)*use ma!ers and bamboo-lers, The O8<3 real !ey to a 'ros'e*t being :uali&ied is T+/ A6TIO8 S+/ TA=/S4 A<.A3S <OO= ;IRST A8D ;OR/2OST AT +O. A .O2A8 IS TR/ATI8> 3OU A8D I; 3OU AR/ %/I8> TR/AT/D .IT+ PRIORIT3 A8D R/SP/6T, O8<3 T+/8 <OO= AT T+/ 6+ARA6T/RISTI6S A8D TUA<ITI/S 3OU <I=/ I8 T+AT .O2A84 One o& the 'rimary di&&eren*es between 90er!s9 and 9ni*e guys9 is what they &o*us on, The 0er! is &irst and &oremost &o*used on how he is being treated and ea*h mo"e he ma!es is 'ut through the test# 9will this in*rease or de*rease the 'riority she gi"es me79, I& the answer is de*rease,,, T+/ M/R= DO/S8'T DO IT444 8i*e guys 1*hroni* masturbators$ by way o& *ontrast &o*us on the *hara*teristi*s they li!e in the girl, They ignore or o"erloo! rude beha"iour &rom her, They a*t to show their a''re*iation and interest in her rather than to get res'e*t whi*h is why li!e Rodney Danger&ield,,, T+/3 DO8'T >/T A834449

She *an*els a date <<< >>> Ross Me&&ries# S*enario G +er# I *an't ma!e it, I'"e got a rare tro'i*al disease that's *ausing me to shrin! by the hour, 3ou# 1dead silen*e &or as long as it ta!es &or her to tal! again, Must say 8OT+I8>444$ +er# +ello7 Are you there7 .hat's wrong7 3ou# .hat's wrong is I *an't belie"e the bullshit I'm hearing, +er# .hat77777 3ou# <oo!,,,you made a *ommitment to s'end time with me and now you're blowing me o&&, 3ou're disres'e*ting me and disres'e*ting my time and I'm 8OT going to 'ut u' with it, 2y rule is i& someone ma!es a *ommitment to me I e)'e*t them to !ee' it, I& they *an't !ee' it I need to !now at least a day in ad"an*e so I *an ma!e other 'lans, >ot it7 I& you *an li"e with that rule great,,,i& not sayanora4 Then +A8> UP44 8ow this may sound e)treme but man does it wor! well444 In &a*t she'll 'robably *all ba*! with &i"e minutes and a'ologise and as! you out444 I'm not !idding here@ I'"e seen the hardest 0aded bit*hes go to giggly little girls eager to 'lease me when I'"e done this, It throws some !ind o& swit*h in their heads, I guess with some 'eo'le you don't really get their attention until,,, 3ou >i"e Them A Swi&t =i*! In The Ass44 S*enario H 3ou go to 'i*! her u' at her 'la*e and she either !ee's you waiting outside &or more than ten minutes or lets you in and then 'ro*eeds to tal! on the 'hone &or at least that long while totally ignoring you, .ait &or her to &inish and as soon as she does say something li!e this# 3OU# 6an I as! you a :uestion7 +/R# Sure, 3OU# Are you being intentionally rude to test me or are you 0ust an a**idental asshole7 +/R# 1mouth dro''ing o'en in sho*! unable to say anything4$ 3OU# Don't e"er !ee' me waiting li!e this again o!7 I'll always treat you res'e*t&ully but I e)'e*t the same, Do you understand me7 +/R# Uh5 uh5 yes, 3OU# >ood, <et's see you ma!e it u' to me, And at this 'oint grab her and !iss her 'assionately, I& you *an try to turn this into a &u*! then and there, .hy gi"e her an e"ening on the town and

reward her rotten beha"iour7

I& she doesn't return your 'hone(*allsAe(mails <<< >>> Things are loo!ing grim i& she doesn't seem to be returning a 'hone(*all or an e(mail, %ut not all is lost yet as it all de'ends how you 'ro*eed &rom here, One *ertain way to mess things u' is *alling A e(mailing her some more with the message being that although you are 0ust slightly *on&used as to why she hasn't answered you yet its o! anyway lets try again 9here's my number one more time9 et*, %ad, This is sure(&ire method o& losing her, Another way to rea*t is not to rea*t at all ( you sent your message she re*ei"ed it now its her turn to a*t and i& she doesn't well too bad, This method lets you !ee' your integrity and 'ride but you *ould also be losing out on women who either *an't seem to be able to ma!e u' their minds 1but beware they will de&inetly de*ide against you on*e they re*ei"e a su''li*ating &ollow(u' message &rom you4$ andAor are the !ind o& girls that !now to start 9beha"ing9 only a&ter ha"ing re*ei"ed a &ew 9sla's9 &rom you, So i& ho'es were high 1you hit it o&& well she ga"e you her number et* any signals o& 'ossible interest you might ha"e re*ei"ed &rom her will do$ but now she seems to ha"e disa''eared ( show that you .I<< 8OT TO</RAT/ su*h a beha"iour and only be*ause you saw some 'otential &or the two o& you are you .I<<I8> to gi"e her O8/ <AST 6+A86/, %ut i& she dares to &L*! u' again ( its bye(bye( and blam4(door(slam(time#$ A sam'le e(mailA"oi*e message by ZZFLPro% AS;# 9+i Jgirls nameK, This is Jmy nameK, I wanted to let you !now how disa''ointed I was that you didn't *all me ba*!, %ut sin*e I saw so mu*h 'otential &or us I thought I would gi"e you one last *han*e, So why don't you gi"e me a *all,9 This a''roa*h also wor!s i& she does return your e(mails and 'hone(*alls but ne"er seems to ha"e time to a*tually get together with you, So i& she always seems to ha"e some 'rior engagements or 'ro0e*ts or business or other %S to ta!e *are o& and ne"er time &or you here's an e)am'le o& a sim'le and dire*t message by 2ania* +igh 1htt'#AAwww,'i*!u'guide,*om$ AS;# 9+i ))) So are you going to ma!e time to meet me or are you always busy7 I am &ree Sunday a&ternoon btw,9 See also# I& she disres'e*ts you

I& she disres'e*ts you <<< >>> 2rSe)Iu836 AS;# 9At the &irst sign o& disres'e*t to you OR 'assing u' an o''ortunity to s'end time with you you dum' her, .hen she *alls you wanting to go out or something you tell her that her beha"iour was una**e'table and that the only way you are going to let her hang out with you again is i& she 1ma!e u' whate"er shit you want her to do be*ause she bro!e the rules &u*! su*! whate"er$, I& all you want &rom her is a !iss get that, I& all you want is &or her to dress se)ily ma!e her do that, I& she doesn't agree to your terms tell her don't *all you again until you are ready to meet my demands and +A8> UP, The 'oint o& returning &o) is that she is *rawling ba*! to you so you ha"e the PO./R in the relationshi',9 &rom# htt'#AAwww,&astsedu*tion,*omA*gi(binAsear*h,*gi7 a*tionRretrie"e[gr'RG[mnRSHGGQQNNH Ross Me&&ries suggests issuing a warning at &irst whi*h is 'retty mu*h the same thing ( you ha"e to show that you're serious about it# 9Don't be a&raid to *all her on bullshit she might 'ull, >irls will always test your limits,,, so the &irst time they do *all them on it, Tell her that you won't 'ut u' with that shit and not to do it again, 8/V/R &orget you were born without her, And that there are a hundreds more li!e her and a thousands more that are e"en better than her,9 &rom# sour*e &or original 'ost un!nown Disres'e*ting you *an also be a &orm o& testing you i& the *hi*! li!es you at &irst but wants to determine your worthiness or la*! o& worthiness ( she will be testing you in order to &ind out whether you are a su''li*ating ta!ing(all( her(shit 'ussyboy or a man with sel&(*ontrol and the ability to ta!e *harge, 2r +a''y AS;# 9In order to 'ass su*h a test 1an e)am'le o& whi*h is *an*elling a date$ you must# E, Show that you don't lose your tem'er o"er it, I, Show that you don't whine li!e a baby o"er it, S, Show that it doesn't really 'hase you, O, Show that you DO &ind it disres'e*t&ul and that you don't tolerate that, 1I$ is the most im'ortant 'oint but you 2UST do it in su*h a way that 1G H E$ are true,9 &rom# htt'#AAwww,&astsedu*tion,*omA*gi(binAsear*h,*gi7 a*tionRretrie"e[gr'RG[mnRQEPFIGPIPIQEEN See also# I& she doesn't return your 'hone(*allsAe(mails

I& she says# 9<et's 0ust be &riends9 a!a <M%;'s you <<< >>> Ideally you should ne"er get to a 'oint where a girl is &or*ed to 9<M%;9 you ( that is when she doesn't want you but you don't seem to be able to ta!e a hint, ;irst o& all you should be able to ma!e most any girl want you anyway and se*ondly should she really be disinterested you should ha"e mo"ed on long be&ore she has a *han*e to 9<M%;9 you, I& howe"er you still ha''en to wind u' in a mess li!e that this is what Don Diebel suggests 1he should !now he is the 9dating guy9#$, Don Diebel# 9I& a girl e"er blo*!s ad"an*ing the relationshi' by saying 98o let's 0ust be &riends 9 say 98o I ha"e lots o& &riends, See you later,9 %y *ontinuing this ty'e o& relationshi' you 'ortray yoursel& as someone who has nothing better to do than hang around with a girl who is not that interested in you, The relationshi' will ne"er get to where you want to go ( to bed &or some roman*e 'assion and se), And e"en i& by some mira*le the relationshi' did ad"an*e to the bedroom she would be doling out se) ( di*tating the where when and how mu*h, I& she wants to *ut you o&& at any time she *an and you ha"e to a**e't it be*ause that is the im'lied agreement &rom the start, She is in *om'lete *ontrol hen*e she will ne"er be satis&ied with you, I& on the other hand you wal! away &rom this relationshi' you ha"e established that you are the ty'e used to leading a relationshi' you ha"e 'lenty o& other girls willing to ta!e you on your terms and she is losing out, .e ha"e seen *ases where a man will *om'letely turn around the relationshi' as soon as a girl sees that he is willing to 9wal!9 rather than a**e't something that is not on his terms, .hen do you gi"e u' on a girl7 .hen do you de*ide that a relationshi' is not ad"an*ing7 .hen you are the only one ma!ing an e&&ort to !ee' it ad"an*ing, I& she is not 'utting energy in to you ta!e the hint and mo"e on to the ne)t 'ros'e*t, Don't stay where you're not a''re*iated, I& this situation does o**ur try to &igure out why, +ow did she 'er*ei"e you7 .hat turned her o&&7 <earn &rom your mista!es,9 .hat to do i& you *an see that you're a''roa*hing <M%;(land with a girl, >lenn Durden AS;# 96om'letely and totally *ut o&& all *onta*t with her &or a &ew months, .hen you *ome ba*! you *an almost start &rom s*rat*h, 2ore o& a stranger less o& a 9*lose &riend9,9

;un and games <<< >>> The !issing bet, An old tri*! you *an also use it with or without the >2 te*hni:ue, AS;# 9Tell the girl that you will bet her a dollar 1or a drin! is ni*e$ that you *an !iss her without using your li's or your tongue, >irls usually thin! 1!now$ that your u' to something so sometimes it ta!es a little *on"in*ing to get them to ta!e the bet, They will ta!e it about GAE o& the time, I& the girl is a good &riend and she doesn't ta!e the bet say 9O!, ;ine,,,Must *he*! out this tri*! I learned,,,you *an use it to ma!e money o&& 'eo'le 9 then 'lay it o&& li!e your doing her a &a"our by showing her this 1Trust me you are$, Then i& she a**e'ts the bet or you o&&er to show her 9the tri*!9 do this# Say# 9Ready,,,.at*h this49 Then mo"e in li!e you are going to !iss her on the li's, O! this is &u*!ing im'ortant, .hen you rea*h the 'oint o& no return you absolutely 2UST lay the smoothest and I mean the smoothest sma*! on her she has e"er e)'erien*ed, Then say 9>od Damn you're a good !isser4,,,I guess I owe you a bu*!49 I& your !iss is smooth enough this will most de&initely lead to more !issing and maybe e"en a *hild i& your a real asshole, 1I& you need a good line here say 9I don't thin! that !iss was worth more than SF *ents you owe me another9$,9 Osama ( the !ing, A Ma'anese "ersion o& truth or dare, /"eryone shows their hand with the amount o& e)tended &ingers &orming a number &rom one to &i"e, The numbers are added u' and the resulting numbers are *ounted *lo*!(wise &rom the last 9!ing9 1or &rom the one the added u' the numbers i& the game has 0ust begun$, The one who ends u' with the &inal number will be the ne)t 9!ing9 and *an 9truth or dare9 any other two 'layers to do anything#$ A(hole \ truth or dare, AS;# 9Remember how easy it was to !iss girls 'laying truth or dare in high s*hool7 .ell guess what,,, it still wor!s with *ollege age women,,, /)*e't now you're &u*!ing4 2y wingman and I use this e"erytime we bring girls ba*! to my house, .e always end u' banging our *hi*!s o& *hoi*e but the best 'art is you get to do &rea!y shit with both o& them4 8ot to mention that the lesbian a*tion 1una"oidable when 'laying with me4$ is a great way to 'sy*he yoursel& u' &or some serious se), .e ma!e a 'lan about what and who we are gonna do be&ore we start and 're' ea*h other with good dares and truths, DO 8OT 'lay this without whi' *ream,,, this is the most im'ortant a**essory you will need, 3ou will be ama-ed when you see how turned on a girl *an get 0ust by li!ing whi''ed *ream o&& her stoma*h, Start o&& with little stu&& li!e !isses and then mo"e u' to li*!ing whi''ed *ream o&& ni''les dry&u*!ing la'dan*es and the

*loser,,, Dare your wing to go in a room with one o& the *hi*!s &or S minutes and see what ha''ens, At this time grab the other girl and wear out your *ar'et, At this 'oint the girls will be so turned on &rom the li*!ing and !issing that you *an basi*ally do whate"er you want with them, .hen you're alone in the room you *an be li!e 9I dare you to let me *ome in your mouth9 et*, Sounds great so &ar right7 %ut your worried about how to get the game started, 3ou *ant 0ust say 9O! time &or truth or dare9, To the girls it sounds more li!e 9O! time &or us to use you &or our se)ual entertainment,9 3ou ha"e to snea! them into it, 2y re*i'e goes li!e this# start o&& with the greatest drin!ing game o& all time Asshole to get them ni*e and li:uored u', Then mo"e on to the game I'm about to des*ribe, Throw out any *ards below an P, Ta!e the rest and s'read them in a *ir*le around the biggest *u' you *an &ind, 8ow you ta!e turns drawing *ards, P R %and 8ames, >o around the table saying band names, /a*h name has to start with the last letter o& the 're"ious name, ;or instan*e I say Vanilla I*e the ne)t 'erson says /ri* 6la'ton ne)t 'erson says 8ine In*h 8ails, I& you *ant thin! o& one in ten se*onds then you drin! and the ne)t 'erson draws a *ard, Q R Truth, 3ou *an as! whoe"er you want, GF R Person to the le&t drin!s &or S se*, Ma*! R Dare, .hoe"er you want, Tueen R /"eryone drin!s &or S *ount, =ing R ;ill u' the huge *u' with GAE o& the way &ull with whate"er you are drin!ing, The 'erson who draws the last !ing has to 'ound whate"er nasty mi)ture ends u' in the *u', A&ter a &ew rounds you will start running out o& band names sin*e you *an't say the same one twi*e, .ait till one o& the girls *ant remember a band name then say 9<ets 0ust 'lay truth or dare9, They will ha''ily agree i& your dares and truths were e)*iting and getting them horny, 2y wing and I 'layed this thursday night with E girls and I guys, At the beginning o& the night the girls a*tually as!ed me i& they *ould stay o"er so they didn't ha"e to dri"e home drun!4 A&ter mu*h a serious truth or dare session with tons o& se)ual a*ts I dared my wing to go in a room &or S min with one o& the *hi*!s and see what ha''ens, They ne"er *ame out, It was getting late and I had to wor! the ne)t morning, I tossed the other two girls some blan!ets and said 93ou two *an slee' in my bed i& you want but dont be thin!ing we're gonna hoo! u' and shit *ause I really gotta get some slee',9 GF minutes later one o& the girls *ruises into my room 0um's in bed with me and starts !issing me, She was about an P but it was E#EF so I told her I had to slee' and to lea"e her number and we would *ontinue this the

ne)t night, In the meantime my brother has gotten the Erd *hi*! into his room and my other &riend is s'an!ing han! in my bathroom, I'"e ne"er 'layed this game be&ore without all the girls willing to bang at the end whether they ha"e boy&riends or not, I got the idea a year ago when I was as!ing a girl i& she had e"er had a lesbian e)'erien*e, She told me that the only time she e"er did was in a *ra-y game o& truth or dare when she got dared to eat some girl out &or S min, 8either o& these girls were bi be&ore it ha''ened, This 0ust goes to show that the 'ossibilities are endless4449

Play a game o& 6rash and %urn <<< >>> by Ra-or 6at A little idio*y is great &or *on&iden*e, The game# 6rash and %urn, The ob0e*t o& this game is to *rash and burn, +it women with the worst lines the most outrageous innuendoes lame 'i*!u's and so &orth, >o down in &lames re'eatedly, +a"e &un doing this, 2a!e this your goal, O!ay now you'"e been shot down in the most horrendous o& ways, ;un wasn't it7 And you are still ali"e4 And a whole lot more desensitised, 3es this does wor!, I had si) women laughing &or an hour this way at a 'arty, It's based on the Muggling s*hool o& management, In brie&# they tea*h you to 0uggle in order to be a better manager, The &irst thing that they ha"e you do is dro' the balls, 3ou s'end &i"e or ten minutes 'ra*tising this, The lesson is that you *an't be a&raid o& dro''ing the balls, S*rewing u' isn't' &ailure it's 0ust s*rewing u',

/ye *onta*t e)'eriment <<< >>> by Da"id Shade I as!ed one woman &riend o& mine 9why did you go out with him79 and she re'lied# 9be*ause when I loo!ed at him he !e't eye *onta*t with me,9 .hen I re*all the "ery su**ess&ul 'eo'le I ha"e had the 'leasure o& wor!ing &or in the *or'orate world I remember that they all maintained eye *onta*t while s'ea!ing to me, .hen you wat*h somebody su**ess&ul being inter"iewed on TV li!e S*ott 2*8ealy o& Sun you noti*e that they ne"er loo! away &rom their inter"iewer's eyes and they rarely blin!, 3ou are a''roa*hing a *hi*! in the hall as you wal! towards ea*h other, .hen should you loo! at her7 1+er eyes silly, I& you loo! at anything else it's o"er,$ I ha"e tried all *ombinations, I& I wait until the last instant I either &ind she is not loo!ing or i& she is loo!ing she :ui*!ly loo!s away, I& I loo! at her and she loo!s at me and I loo! away then she ne"er loo!s again, Then I tried something bold and de*ide I will loo! at her eyes the entire time, To my ama-ement she ga-es li!e a deer into headlights, 8e"er brea!s eye *onta*t, So I de*ide to try this little e)'eriment, Re*ently I s'ent a wee! attending meetings in one o& our buildings &illed with edu*ated su**ess&ul 'ro&essional women in their HF's and EF's, 2ost are de&initely doable, Some are gorgeous, Some are married some are not, I s'ent my time between meetings trying this# I would 'i*! a di&&erent &loor and I would wal! down ea*h hall wal!ing 0ust slightly to the right o& *enter, .hen I saw a woman wal!ing towards me I maintained loo!ing at her eyes, Only the hea"y ones did not !ee' loo!ing, %ut &or all the others in*luding the gorgeous ones they maintained eye *onta*t the entire time, I ne"er blin!ed, They ne"er blin!ed, They bro!e eye *onta*t only when we were 0ust about ne)t to ea*h other, I bro!e eye *onta*t only a&ter she did, .hat really ama-ed me was that by the time we 'assed almost e"ery *hi*! had bro!en a smile, Some e"en said 9+i,9 I did not smile or say +i until they &irst did, These halls were not long, /a*h woman was no &arther than EF &eet away when I &irst saw her, %ut what i& it had been a "ery long hall7 +ow &ar down the hall should I start loo!ing at her eyes7 I *ertainly don't want to s*are her, I loo! straight ahead and then when she is about EF &eet away I start loo!ing into her eyes, I then went to the mall a &ew times to try the e)'eriment there, 2ost did not loo! at all, O& those who did loo! most only loo!ed &or a se*ond, Only about a third lo*!ed on, O& those about hal& bro!e a smile or said +i, A *ou'le o& them where so mo"ed that they almost tri''ed, Do you ha"e to be wal!ing7 I tried the e)'eriment while sitting, Almost none

maintained eye *onta*t, Do they ha"e to be wal!ing7 .hile I was wal!ing I would loo! at any *hi*!s who were sitting, The results were the same as i& we were both wal!ing, I& I was a''roa*hing two *hi*!s and loo!ed &rom one to the other I lost them both, So i& I am in su*h a situation I lo*! onto one and I don't *hange my mind, I& I smiled or said +i while she was still loo!ing at me but be&ore she smiled or said +i it would usually result in my loosing her, On rare instan*es did it ma!e her smile and say +i with enthusiasm, So I ne"er smile or say +i until she &irst does so and I smile i& she smiles and say +i i& she says +i, I& she did not lo*! eye *onta*t with me I would go ahead and say +i when she got *lose to me, In many instan*es she would then enthusiasti*ally turn to me and smile and say +i, I would also loo! at *hi*!s who were with a man i& he was not loo!ing in my general dire*tion, I was sur'rised at the number o& times that she would lo*! on and a*tually smile, I noti*ed that the better I dressed or the se)ier I dressed the better I did, I noti*ed that the women who loo!ed where better dressed then those who did not, /ye *onta*t in a bar is an entire s*ien*e in itsel&, .hen done *orre*tly it *an be &u*!ing lethal, Real 'layers ne"er stare, They lo*! eye *onta*t, There is a di&&eren*e between staring and lo*!ing eye *onta*t, They are two totally di&&erent things, .hen you loo! at a woman here is what you do, <o*! eye *onta*t with her, Don't blin!, Don't loo! at her &riend, Pi*! one eye and don't let go, 3ou only get one *han*e at this, Don't gi"e u', Don't smile, Don't say anything, 3ou are telling her that you are interested in her and you are not intimidated by her, Then lea"e it u' to her, 3ou will be ama-ed at the staring *a'ability that women 'osses, She is thin!ing 9.ho is this guy to be so bold as to *ontinue loo!ing at me while I loo! at him7 8ow this is interesting, +e is di&&erent,9 She !nows that i& she lets go now she will loose you, She will go one o& two ways, I& she wants to loose you she will brea! eye *onta*t and loo! away, I& she does not want to loose you but is instead intrigued by what you are doing she !nows that she has to e"entually end the stare down and she will ha"e to ma!e the mo"e, She will ha"e to either smile or say +i, I& she smiles you smile, I& she says +i you say +i, Don't say +ello, Then you reward her and ma!e your mo"e, O& *ourse you don't always ha"e to wait &or eye *onta*t to ma!e your mo"e, Da"id Shade AS;# 9.hen you are tal!ing to a woman always maintain eye

*onta*t, This demonstrates *on&iden*e and intent, Don't theori-e about it 0ust do it, Pi*! one eye and sti*! with it, Don't go &rom eye to eye that is ner"ous, That *an only be done with great s!ill as she will asso*iate eye *hanges to *ontent, The only time you do not loo! a woman in the eyes is when you are 9motioning away9 as you mention something 9bad9 su*h as her bore&riend, Anything 9bad9 is asso*iated with 9loo!ing away,9 That is a&ter you ha"e already started tal!ing to her, %ut what about be&ore that7 Again ( always remain in eye *onta*t, <et her be the &irst to brea! eye *onta*t, Then ma!e your a''roa*h, It does not matter what the setting is, It is uni"ersal,9

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