MEA MDA Minutes Final

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MEA Miting de Avance Questions & Answers January 21, 2014

(To President) It has been difficult to internalize and spread awareness of MEAs CC and CA, are they still appropriate for MEA? If so, why, if not what should we change it to? (Question from Elgin) Angela Andaya: Yes they are still applicable since we are ME majors. SDM is applied,. We should advocate it since it is aligned with being a business org. Better ways to communicate it to MEAns. Yes, I think that they are still applicable. SDM is actually in line in practicing with our majors. CS is good for the corporate setting. Bringing that practice in all operations sustainable in nature. This is something we really should advocate since it is aligned with being a business org. Many ways actively communicate clearly to all MEAns which I have in my platform. It's under Proposed Projects. (To VP Finance, Treasurer, VP HR: Orgdev, VP Externals) Summarize in one word what's the difference between your platforms. What's the difference in your platforms. (Question from Kim Co) Finance: Mabee Clemente: Groundwork - G in BIG platform. All 3 finance candidates proposed branding and improvement. But for me, grand work is what sets me apart. Invest in the members. In order to support what I want, which is branding and improvement, train them in order to make sure that branding and improvements are done accordingly. Miguel Co: Externalize - Market is very saturated. Getting external entities. Which I believed iwill be the key to help finance MEA proejdtsand the possible markets which is very important because this is one issue we could address in the finance cluster. Abi Jacosalem: Stretching the horizons - MEA has already been doing well. MEA has almost reached its full potential . Challenge is to stretch that potential and that could be addressed, building a better image and improving the funding. Treasurer: Riston Balolong: Involvement, there should be a shift from financial processes to member development. Since we are constrained by rules of the Ateneo, we go to something we can change which is involvement. More than just record keeping, we make opportunities for MEAns. Paula Cartera: Solutions. I want to focus on the way we approach the different problems we see in the office of the treasurer. We want to address these problems in the most efficient way as possible. In deploying the AMT, my solution is to deploy them and not to get from their core members. I approached the problem of

strengthening the marketing by creating the training program, icing the database, and fixing marketing package approval. VP HR: Orgdev: Donica Pile: Relationships at the forefront. As an HR cluster, relationships should be what the cluster is all about. We want purpose driven projects that put the HR at the forefront. Georgine Co: Holistic. I want to make Orgdev more holistic, more than just parties. There should be more emphasis on MIB, bring in MEA Fiesta, involve the members in more projects that don't just bond but focus on sports, giving back, service development, making us more sustainable, care more about CA, the environment, how we spend our money. VP Externals: Renzo Santos: Image. WE are all focused on CC/CA but I'm focused on giving a good reputable image of MEA, clean our image among orgs and having the partnership appreciation night. Jeggy Filart: Sustainable. All the points of my platform are a self-sustaining model. Explore-make the cluster even better; Externalize - make our partners better; Expand- sustainable partnerships for the long term. Gabby Nolasco: Reconnecting. Aside from externalizing, it is the biggest cluster with a lot of projects, has the most room for growth, problem lies in the lack of connection with Externals and the members. (To President) No matter how good your projects are, if the MEAns don't see the relevance of your cluster, what's the point? The main thrust is externalization. Is there enough internal stability to now reach out and externalize? Angela Andaya: There is still a lot of room for improvement. Each cluster has a set direction, Solidify, seen in transem. Before any externalization happens, we must solidify. (Follow-up question) Can you solidify and externalize or just one? We have taken a reactive approach to offers. Goal for the long term is a proactive approach by putting ourselves out there. Goal for next year is test the waters to our move for externalization. Doing both serves as a platform for the years to come. (Follow-up question) How do you plan to integrate the rest of COA/BC in externalization? The rest of COA/CB can be integrated in externalization through identifying opportunities to externalize. Since we want to forward CC/CA, maybe expose SDM to other org's members through BC convention. I am hoping for more collaboration like that. Yes, looking for that kind of collaboration. (To VP HR: Memdev) You talked about HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT for MEAns, right? So as VP for member development, do you believe it is important to

cultivate MEAns who embrace the spirit of RESPECTFUL cooperation and friendly collaboration not only with fellow MEAns but more specifically with members of other organizations, YES or NO? Why or why not? PLEASE CITE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE FOR YES OR NO. Jerome Lim: Yes, in the development of the members holistically, we have to point out the importance of having good relationships with other people especially within the organization and also outside the organization because if we do this, this is one of the ways in which we can embody how a MEAn is even outside of the organization. (To VP Externals) How ready do you think MEA is for externalization? Gabby Nolasco: Reconnect and externalize. Focus on my platform is more on reconnecting rather than externalizing. From my experience with Breakthrough, Partnership with San Miguel/Ramcar was put on the line because they did not see a well-execution with one of the GAs. We need to establish that connection with the MEAns so that they support externals projects first before they get more partners. We can't have weak internal foundations. We are risking our image as MEA and we might risk ore partnerships in the future. Jeggy Filart: Almost there 70-80%. MEA should still internalize the externals thrust, embody the CC/CA by integrating them into classes and projects. Externalization means to let MEA's message known to everyone else. That's the only thing lacking now. Renzo Santos: Baby steps - MEA is slowly growing and has already started externalizing even before. I want to externalize it much better. I want them to know what MEA really is and that it has an excellent culture with all its CC/CA Do our projects abide by the vision mission and if not why do we still have them? (Question from Enzo) SKIPPED- Answered by current CB members: Our thrust for MEA is 2-fold: SDM and its being a home org. Not all projects have CC/CA efforts. (To Jeremy Alog) What do you mean by involving 1ydc to the projects of MEA? Jeremy Alog: Current system of 1ydc is to bridge MEA and reties. I've seen them more as utility men as to broadcast messages and to pull people more in. They have a greater vision in what really means to bridge the members to the organization. There should be significant participation by the members in most of the projects. (To President) Your thrust is for externalization. But in you appform, you said that STEPS, ACADS, LEADS are the ones that you would keep for MEA and these do not highlight any CC integration. If ever there is CC/CA

integration, it's only to install this CC/CA to the members only. Why did you not choose projects such as Breakthrough or other external projects? Angela Andaya: I want to move to externalization. But if I was only given 3 projects, ACADS, STEPS, LEADS would be the ones Id choose because I think that what is most important in MEA is to keep the foundation of strong members. If you give the incoming freshmen, sophomores these great projects, these will help them branch out. You're leaving a weak foundation for the years to come if you dont develop your members. ACADS brings people in, LEADS help you develop yourself as a leader, STEPS is part of the formula in which we welcome freshman in to this wonderful organization. (To VP Finance) Should fundraising be the responsibility of the ABs or the finance cluster? (Question from Kyne Lim) Mabee Clemente: Project Head. Current system should stand. There is also value in fundraising: teaches you how to be hardworking. You reap what you sow. (To all VPs) President's thrust is to S.O.A.R. Do you agree with this and in 2 sentences how would your platform fit into this thrust? (Question from Nico Reyes) VP HR: Orgdev Donica Pile: Agree. 3rd point in my platform supports this. We should collaborate efforts within clusters. Georgine Co: Agree. Begin internally before externalization. VP Finance Miguel Co: Agree. Push for SDM and to establish the brand of Finance cluster, making us known to our entities. Mabee Clemente: Agree. Establish good relationships with sponsors. Abi Jacosalem: Agree. MEA has already fortified foundations. So in my platform, you can stretch the potential of the org. VP YDC Awin Ong: Agree. Through YDC cluster, we can help solidify foundation because it's always based on the members on how MEA will externalize. Matthew Sager: Agree. Make active members and use seniors who know the CC/CA to help externalization.

VP Externals Renzo Santos: No. We have already been externalizing. Better to externalize by showing our culture and show MEA more through CC/CA. Jeggy Filart: Lay foundations first but yes I agree. Gabby Nolasco: Yes, I agree because it supports my platform of growing external partners. VP HR: Memdev Jerome Lim: Yes. Support using the HR Memdev projects of MEA. I will integrate CC/CA in the Memdev projects. (To VP Finance) What can be a sustainable fundraising project? Either an existing project or a new project. (Question from Elgin Malari) Abi Jacosalem: Powered By Print is promising but other projects can also be sustainable in the long run by establishing the projects outside MEA so others can look forward to it every year. Miguel Co: There are a lot of bazaars we can join as concessionaires. It can be something we can go back to. We can have multiple bazaar sessions. Buy clothes in Divisoria and sell them again. We can also try targeting a non-MEA market. Mabee Clemente: Powered By Print is a year-round project. To improve it, add more products available to that all year-round sale. Maybe we could also sell lanyards, fans, all year round as well. (To President) What's your stand on MEA's projects being funded by illegal bake sales? (Question from audience member) Angela Andaya: I've had experience with this in the Memdev projects and the AB's and I have pushed more for sponsorships. We should try our best to veer away from this kind of fundraising. We should go for more creative ways to fundraise and push more for sponsorships and partnerships. (To Jeggy Filart) How does your platform reflect on internal changes (cultural change)? (Question from DG) Jeggy Filart: 2nd point of my platform: establish. Establishing a culture in MEA means to make CC and CA more relevant to members through education (first step to externalization). When a MEAn knows what his org is for, that's the only time he can decide whether he is for the org or not. This will be the only time that he can decide to love MEA more.

(To All Senior Candidates) JTA Candidates: What have you done to make sure that you're still connected to MEA. Non-JTA candidates: What do you think about those candidates who have gone to JTA but are running in this year's elections? (Question from Meir Yap) Donica Pile: Not going to JTA is my edge over any candidate. I have nothing against them but this is my edge- active core member in SOM Week and LEADS and my being an AB. Georgine Co: It's going be her (Donica) edge over me, being here. It's a really big part for me. This is the only thing I regret for going to JTA- I missed out on all the projects here. I changed my DP and cover photo but I have been inconsistent because I was inconsistent in my support. There was so much more that I could have done. This experience has humbled me. Gabby Nolasco: Why not? Competence and commitment. If he is competent and committed to MEA then why not? Everyone has a chance to show and prove themselves to MEA. Jeggy Filart: Why not? I don't think we should discount them because it's their life choice. They decided to explore. Why not? When we grow old/youre 18 in the States you leave your home, but when you come back, your home's still there. It doesn't matter how long you're gone because MEA is your home. As long as you love your home then why not? Renzo Santos: I wasn't able to witness firsthand the projects that happened. JTA also changed me. I learned how to be assertive, how to be brave, to go and face another world when I went to JTA. It really changed me because I learned a lot. I always read Ateneo MEA's page. I asked my friends casually also. Miguel Co: It's okay because they have the ability. They've shown that they want it and they have well thought out platforms so why not. It's their call to go to JTA and they will deal with that but we should give them the chance. Abi Jacosalem: I was away for 4 months. I believe that my lack of presence spells the difference. Not updated, not being there, not experiencing it spells the difference. But going to JTA shows how invested and involved I am in MEA. Going away for JTA does not define my passion and how much I want to raise my commitment for MEA. Mabee Clemente: As long as they're serious and committed. There's an impression that going to JTA is a choice between JTA or MEA but not really. If they want to then why not? (To all YDCs) How reliable is the hatak system and how far will the word-of-mouth method go? How will you get inactive members to be active again in MEA? (Question from Luigi)

Matthew Sager: A lot of our batch mates have lost their activeness in MEA. The whole hatak idea is very limited because you can only bring in your friends but I still think it's an effective way. Just like my platform, I want this year to be ours. I am really going to push more people to become more active. The more people who are active, the stronger the hatak will be. Awin Ong: Batch day. Sportsfest and JTA send-off were effective ways to hatak members back. Bring back that feeling. Also, to have different application forms to help inactive members via active members in pulling them into MEA. Martin Chua: The Hatak method is still effective because it's a personal approach compared to texting, etc. We can channel them through blockreps, updated cover photos, maximize peer support. Also by being close to everyone, the friendship is the best way to hatak MEAns to MEA events. Jevon Dy: It is reliable because friends are important. Also I mentioned that ACADS can create a system of an ACADS kada (in my suggestion). If you're part of that kada, mahiya ka naman na hindi mag give back kasi binibigyan ka ng MEA. Renz Chong: Hatak system works. Only freshmen blockreps know what projects are available. We are the only people who can hatak them. Also we should give them a reason using MEAmove, MEAcapella, etc. in order to build attachments with other members. I also suggested MEArketing like a MEAcapella and MEAmove but for those who like Marketing. Jeremy Alog: PI project involvement. MO making opportunities. One of the strongest points of MEA is its familial nature also because of the work ethic they exude. Give them something material to make them go to you. Keep everyone active by PI and MO. Address that via MEAzine. (To 2YDC and VP Memdev) 2nd year is when people shift in and out of ME. How do you make them feel welcome? (Question from Kim Co) Jerome Lim: All projects in Memdev can help them. Shift-ins can feel more welcomed in MEA by introducing to them the ACADS system. Shift outs: improve ACADS system by creating acads for non-ME majors. (Follow up question)Are you open to having a STEPS for the shift ins? They can be included in the STEPS of the freshmen. But this can still be looked into. To make them feel what the ME program is about, they should be given an opportunity to be part of the STEPS program. Jeremy Alog: Providing shift-ins and shift-outs with mentors. Having a personal connection's better. It's important to have something a little bit sentimental since you are a bit outcasted. Its important to maintain familial nature to org. Renz Chong: Don't discriminate them. If you're not a MEAn then you're below everyone. Even if they're not in ME anymore, they should still keep them updated because the projects are not ME major centric. Use MEAcapella and MEAmove to

build great attachments. Once a MEAn always a MEAn is effective to keep nonME members in MEA. Jevon Dy: Talk to them. One of the perks of being a YDC is that you can be feeling close. Know who those people are. They will feel better if the YDC knows them -will make them feel good. Make sure that they're part of the MEAlerts. Make a group for those who shift in and out. Also integrate them by helping them in ACADS. (To Treasurer) What's your policy on DCB disbursements? How lenient or strict will you be in disbursing money? (Question from Ram De Guzman) Riston Balolong: Very flexible monetary policy. We will ratify policies at the start of the year, partition DCB already based on the budget proposals submitted and after hearings and deliberations, we will allocate money already. But we need to have a buffer to maintain a specific amount in the DCB. Maintain 100,000 in the DCB like this year. Paula Cartera: We need to keep a certain level in the DCB as buffer. Part of my platform is to have budget forms submitted in the planning phase for me to manage the funds at the start of the year. So that I can already anticipate how much I should give to certain projects based on those forms. (To Riston Balolong) Is the system now effective? (Question from Enzo Bonoan) Riston Balolong: Rebrand AMTs to get the right kind of talent for the right kind of job. Interests must be matched that's why the split is in my platform. (To Paula Cartera) What is your response to Riston's answer? Paula Cartera: Yes current system is inefficient but I addressed the problem by structuring the job of the AMTs: training, deployment and final submissions. We saw the same problems but we addressed it a different way. (To Cody Ipapo) How do you plan on maintaining a certain standard for all promo materials without disregarding welfare of our designers? (Question from Archie Tan) Cody Ipapo: I want to establish a mentorship program for workshops and training within the school year. Have a team system with a team leader and help approve and disprove posters. Get help from the limited pool of creative people. Follow up question: What's your target number of mentors for next year? (Question from Casey Calara) Summer sem is crucial to training the members of the departments since they don't have much work to be done yet. Commdept should open ABs early on. We have to deal with a larger mentor mentee ratio. Just maximize the potential of the team members so that they may be team leaders in the course of the school year.

Follow up question: Isn't it double work to have a team leader approve it? Eliminate middle ground to have things sent back and forth. There will always be delays because we have to live up to a certain standard. But with the system I have planned we hope to minimize the delay. (To VP HR: Memdev) How do you address the problem of RecWeek being too limiting to the core? (Question from Kendrick Santos) Jerome Lim: RecWeek was originally 2 parts. Memberships and IMD (database) We can have integration of RecWeek to the different projects of MEA via advertisements. (To VP HR: Orgdev) If you could choose only 1 project to retain, what would it be? If you could take out 1 project, what would it be and why? (Question from Meir Yap) Georgine Co: Keep MEAmore because it celebrates MEA throughout the year and the seniors who will graduate. Take out GAP 2 because it has a repetitive team and the focus can be given to another project. Donica Pile: GAP should be retained because it is the tradition of MEAns. This is the foundation of how the relationship with other MEAns start. Take out GAP 2 because it's losing its purpose. (To President) How to make our CC more relatable? Angela Andaya: MEA is not integrated with its core advocacy. Check special project in platform. Modify OSDMCS by making it more implicated. Make every involvement of every project more reflective of the CC/CA and to make the members aware of this. (To VP Finance)"Each project runs their own fundraising, should it be centralized so that the finance cluster is in charge of all fundraising" Migul Co: MEA has so many projects at more than 30 that its impossible for us to centralize. But we have to note that concessionaires and sponsors should be our main target market. Abi Jacosalem: keep system, but we also have to raise funds. It allows the members of each project to be a more creative. Mabee Clemente - current system should stand. We cannot finance everything. There was no single year that there were no fundraising efforts. I also believe that there is also value in fundraising as it teaches you hardwork and discipline. You reap what you sow. (To 2YDC) "Some people aren't that active. How could you concretely solve this problem? Be specific:"

Jeremy Alog: Identifiation Reporesentation, Propagation - represent projects in MEA that you have right now. I'd like to use CS Camp and how I was a participant. Through that experience, I learned to devise a case analysis. You have to identify the nature and context of the members and see how to apply to projects to them. Renz Chong: We have lesser chance to be active. Other MEAns feel that they are only there to fundraise. They don't feel that they are being utilized. No chance to be active. Not allowed to be in higher positions. Jevon Dy: Through utilizing our friends and finding core positions. Having friends helps you. In fresh day, because their friends are with them, the block reps, it helps with the problem. Batch already has some active friends. Friends can get their friends who can get their friends who can get their friends. (To VP Externals) Bigest problem is member participation. How is your platform that is sustained external growth reflect internal growth (organisational change & culture) Jeggy Filart: ESTABLISH. WHEN I WAS TALKING ABOUT ESTABLISH A CULTURE IN MEA, I was talking about how to make CC/CA more relevant and this could be done in the two ways I said. By doing this, we are able to educate the members about what the cc/ca are. When a MEAn knows what my organisation is for, that's the only time I could decide whether I am for this organisation or not. (To Riston Balolong): "You mentioned that you were gonna change the structure within your office of the Treasurer. Is the system now effective or is there really a big need for the partition. Which would be more effective in the long run? Riston Balolong: Ineffective that's why I proposed a split. (To Cody Ipapo) All projects would need to subcommittees. Considering that MEA has no wide variety of graphic designers, how do you maintain a certain standard for all promotional materials without disregarding the welfare of these designers. They will be overworked. Cody Ipapo: Establish a mentorship program. And have standards to look up to. Establish a team system. You have a team leader. These people will be understudies. Make and create output. Schedule workshops all throughout summer semester. Training the members of CommDept. (To President): if ever you want to share your cc to other bc orgs, how can u ensure that it would not be drowned out by others' ccs which are more relatable? Angela Andaya: it's an encompassing concept - making decisions from a holistic perspective. comes from our being versed in a lot of majors, from our course. we show how it's really applied in the corporate setting. Its also felt by members

through project management. basically show them how it's applied through competitions, involvements with external entities. follow up: how would you ensure the credibility of those representatives (for postevent evaluations) when you yourself are aware that our cc and ca are not as evident or felt by the means? Angela Andaya: a lot of MEAns are not aware, but its all about branching out to clients. they have a lot of experience and they know what they're talking about. the nature of it is now is that many are 3rd and 4th year representatives, and they're very involved with acads and good with their majors. they're credible since their first intention is to practice SDM, and knowing that they're well versed in their majors id say they are credible. and being a mean who experiences this first hand, they know the context of what mea is going through (For Georgine Co) can you explain to us what this sustainability means (in sustaining mea fiesta)? Georgine Co: make it more sustainable; during the fiesta i want to have actual groupings and activities participated in by staff and students, to build relationships for students to know more about the staff and know how they are, and be followed up by activities after fiesta i.e. MIB games with the staff members. 2nd, there would be a mea scoop, with insights from the students who were with the LS staff. (For Angela Andaya) In your platform, you speak about externalization. You speak about building foundations, but what concrete examples of externalization, practicing SDM? Angela Andaya: My platform is from the context that without much proactive efforts, we're not putting ourselves out there much, but there are parties coming to us. Responding to these offers as opportunity i.e. we received a deal with HSBC, and through our contacting the JGSOM faculty, we got to organize a case competition for HSBC; through this competition we're showing concrete application of SDM, and MEA is related to that and pushes members to external growth and being aware of it. By reaching out, we are also for inner growth, because by reaching out to this company, we learn from this internally. (To VP Memdev and VP OrgDev) What are your thoughts on having just one HR department for MEA? Jerome Lim: It shouldn't be necessary since first and foremost, the cc of mea includes its being a home org so having these two clusters as they are contributes to that. With regards to SDM, the whole concept of SDM can be integrated in the project management of the Orgdev and Memdev; by teaching our members and ab's the idea of SDM in implementing their projects Donica Pile: It should not be necessary. It already works well since not only are we able to hone these people but we let them grow within the mea culture. We

would also not disregard mea's competency as home org, and this allows it to be more focused on the members to develop even more as compared to having just one hr dept. Georgine Co: I agree that both clusters have separate goals, and we want more of the means to be united. I feel that if we put them together, there would be too many projects for one cluster so overwhelming. (To VP Externals) What exactly is the point of the ME course? And in relation to SDM, we always talk to companies about what we can provide them, but what do we tell them? Why should they go to MEA and not other orgs? Renzo Santos: My platform - to make external entities see that me is really one of the leading courses in the Ateneo because me have a numerical application of making the decisions and the philosophical thing that Ateneo has. MEA has the culture of honing excellent leaders which companies would want to have. Gabby Nolasco: MEA's main assets - we have a lot of members and we can use that as a selling point for the companies. also we are trained to be masters of different fields in business and not all courses have this perspective and not all students know how to apply sdm and cs to their analysis. along with mea's vision i think this can be our selling point na here in mea, our students can provide you with these solutions and are equipped with these skills. Jeggy Filart: mea has a whole holistic view of business. a mean already incorporates all majors in decisions. we are trained to look from the top - seeing all the marketing, operations. we also look at the cs side, which i find really important. the fact that we value it means that we're not just capitalists, we look after our people planet profit (Follow-up question) You just explained what an ME major is. What can a company get in return? What can MEA give? Renzo Santos: Three answers: by associating the company to MEA, they can associate to excellent culture of mea. Two, we can promote the company to the other people better than the orgs. And you can get means for your future employment Jeggy Filart: What we can really offer is just the MEA market. What separates the MEAns from other orgs is really what we can offer. i.e. in my platform, I want to expand. And for public relations to look for other companies we can market them to as future sources of employment - they'd look for an me stream of employees. They'd be able to pinpoint that me is the best, really. And this is why I want it to be sustainable. gabby: MEA has 800 members and what companies look for its advertisements, its reaching out to more people for them to get to know the companies - promotion. But thats only the first part, and what matters is how we link the companies to the members and thats the relationship we build between the two parties. we focus on these relationships since they want future employees to

apply to them, and by linking to them now, the students can get to know the company and perhaps in the future apply for that company. (For Gabby Nolasco): based on your definition of cs, its about companies being sustainable, not just enterprises. how come in your platform you wanted to partner up with social enterprises for cs camp when they won't really show your definition of cs? Gabby Nolasco: i want to strengthen cc and ca efforts and when i said expansion, we need to tap social enterprises since thats the market we haven't tapped yet and we would be telling our members that our core values - cc and cs - they can be applied not just to corporate setting but social enterprises follow-up: maybe you just have reverse perspective. Gabby Nolasco: we're marketing cs now for corporations; we don't want to limit our members to just focus on corporations follow up: we'll be overlapping with the core advocacies of other organizations (For all the candidates): Give me 1-2 success indicators for your position for us to say that your term was successful. They should be SMART. Jerome Lim: at least 1 seminar to integrate cc/ca to imd Cody Ipapo: at least 15 commdept members to deployed. to increase regularity of info Riston Balolong: all tasks of amt must be acccomplished; submission of financial statements on time and prescribed format; at least 50 means must attend the marketing workshop and seminar Paula cartera: concrete, detailed and standard financial records for al projects gabby: 50% increase participation rate in external projects, increase in number of partners, increase in number of project heads using the database Jeggy Filart: increase in sustainable partners and organizations, increase in member involement in externals Renzo santos: 90% from them will partner with us again next year, Doncia Pile: 80% membe participation by the core team and member participation, the people who are in the orgdev core teams. Successful core handling and planning Georgine Co: Greater attention to Christmas Show/MIB. Sstain financially Miguel Co: 200,000 in revenue; at least 7abms to step up as future

Abi Jacosalem: at least 180,000; at least 1 major sponsor for project Mabee Clemente: at least 300k from fundraisers; average satisfaction rating of 7.5 Awin Ong: Half of batch mates ; 50% would know which company would wanna go to Matthew Sager: Increase in number of people taking opportunities Martin Chua: Batch involvement; 50% in attendance; 90% high passing rate Jevon Dy: 85% core and ab positions; 90% retention for the batch Renz Chong: Academic improvement. Reduction of numb of people who are pushed away from MEA. Increase in active means Jeremy Alog: 10% increase of inactive means becoming active Angela Andaya: A grade for YE Report; MEA portfolio in use internally & externally (From GoogleDocs to SecGen) You made no mention of evaluations. How do you intend to use evaluations in the office of the secgen. Is there a plan to institutionalise how to make evaluations more useful Cody Ipapo: I only had limited time to fit it in my platform points. At the start of the year, schedule Individual consultations. How they want their evaluations to be structured. Even if we want to standardise, each project has different metrics, different goals. We need to tailor fit these evaluations. These evaluations would be dependent on their success indicators. 360 degree evaluations. From project heads to core, core to project heads, participants to project. (To Memdev & President) MEA is a miss or hit org. If a batch has bad steps, that means a project wouldn't be active in MEA. IF Steps is not successful, how would you recover that batch. Jerome Lim: I agree that STEPS is one of the projects that makes the first impression on the MEAns. The fact that it may be a hit or miss. I don't want that to happ ento different MEAns. Memdev has so many other projects that could invite MEAns for them to be active. Acads, meacapella, meamove. Angela Andaya: It's not a loss. Main goal of MEA is to provide follow throughs. We have lots of opportunities still: mentorship, ydc, acads and leads. (To VP Orgdev) rank 3 things: member empowerment, onebc, win then one sentence explanation)

Georgine Co: Member empowerment > One bc > Win. Member empowerment Members contribute a lot to the organisation. BIggest opportunities to utilise the members. This should be the main goal One BC Winning - By empowering our members, we could win Donica Pile: Member empowerment - Main goal this year was not to win. But to have sustainable involvement from the people who were in the core team. We saw a lot of people who stepped up. One BC, Winning - Just a bonus (To VP Finance): - Given that Donica, orgdev candidate, suggested an open party collaboration with Finance Cluster. Would you allow this? Yes or no? Abi Jacosalem - Yes. I will be open to the projects of Orgdev. Encourage collaboration among project heads. More optimised way of raising funds Mabee Clemente- Yes. Branding. Tie-up with an open party; example is business training and events management. Miguel Co - No. We are just going to saturate the MEA market. MEA is not a party org. Follow-through: What would happen - How would you feel if they pushed through with open party? Miguel Co - If they do it, I can't say no to it but the most I can do at least is to support it. (To Renzo Santos): AIMES ORSP FAME relations under Pubrel. (1) Do you think kaya ng isang set of project heads to handle these projects when the work entailed is so hard (2) The people you meet here are external entities: FAME Alumni, La salle VPs. Ok lang ba na ang haharap sa kanila project heads and not the VP Externals? Renzo Santos: 1 - Kaya ba? Revamp FAME in such a sense that there should be an exchange of culture among organizations. DLSU IE or UP IE to GTKM. AIMES part is negligible since we're just gonna represent them. If we would call for a new project head, then we should recruit one. 2 - Representative of FAME Project heads themselves with me will represent MEA to FAME and not the core members. (To Renzo Santos): You said that MEA has been facing negative criticisms in the community. Whats your Sample size. what did these people say? Renzo Santos: 1 - I was also active in other organizations. The first thing that they would say is.. that's the cliquish org or kung sino lang young active, sila lang young gumagawa ng projects. I think that externals can have a concrete solution to

this by actually representing what MEA really aims to do by creating more and more collaborations with them. Follow up: WHat concrete collaborations can you think of for other organizations? Renzo Santos: 1 - LEX. There are MEAns who have plans for law firms someday. If they have plans, I could also invite other MEAns to participate in LEX talks & projects. (To Georgine Co) Could you elaborate more on the overall marketing package you said? Georgine Co: Over all sponsorships packages - grouping all orgdev projects in 1 marketing package. Have a major sponsor throughout the year. Follow up: Are you aware That at the start you have to have project proposals approved first. Also knowing that GAP's planning is during summer. Georgine Co: Have earlier planning (To 2YDC): What Strengths do you have to offer? Who between the other two candidates would best complement your strength? Jevon Dy: Renz; New ideas, hardworking Renz Chong: Jeremy; approachable, may passion Jeremy Alog: Renz; sense of understanding (To President):Anong meron ka na wala yung past 3 presidents Angela Andaya: professionally speaking, i think that what i have that tel, del and nico didn't have as much is that i believe i have a more direct connection with the member because i think that as a freshie under tel's term, we didn't feel her and this is common opinion. delfin was very active to the freshies, but concentrated on certain places only and wasn't establishing relationship among all batches. for nico, he could've done more in that sense to connect to freshies and other batches. as a very active core member and not being cb, i bring that to the table, a mea that is more externalised yet connected to members in a more personal way. (To SecGen and Treasurer): since those are the only parts na admin arms of the board, do you see any opportunities for collaboration or parts that should be kept completely separate? Paula Cartera: yes i think theres a chance for the two arms to work together I've proposed in my platform that we tie up w/ comm dept for marketing package for visuals and content. Its possible since we are under one org and were here to

maximize efficiency in internal operations. Its really possible and efficient to work together Riston Balolong: its inevitable that well be handling mkt packages and its the best way to collaborate with the secgen to have these packages approved with the proper quality and standards. and since my thrust is member involvement, i can rely on the commdept by creating good promos under the treasury dept since it doesn't have its promo dept Cody Ipapo: my answer is yes since in my platform i want to put an emphasis in training abs and project management, how to submit mkt packages and how to budget. i want to have workshops to train members. i also want to manage their databases more efficiently, like their financial reports and packages that can be consolidated to a single database for future reference (To All VPs): what is your approach in handling your project heads under your cluster? esp the yearlong projects? Miguel Co: hands-on rigorous planning for empowerment Abi Jacosalem: Sidelines that motivate them when they're done and give them extra push Mabee Clemente: overbearing; just the right amount of freedom and guidance Donica Pile: Establish foundations through core-specific project updates. Org-dev project briefing Georgine Co: Will be there in GAs; give opinions but allowing them to make own decisions Renzo Santos: empowerment Jeggy Filart: always checking up and maintaing close personal relationship Gabby Nolasco: casual leadership style, giving own freedom to fulfil their goals Jerome Lim: macromanager (To VP Finance) You plan to teach business. how would you differentiate this from AMA's Competency Entrep Mabee Clemente: i want to focus on what i need to achieve branding and how to communicate that good branding - good advertising efforts, and out of the box thinking

Abi Jacosalem: i believe as a a vp, its up to you to guide them and help them into making the best business practices Miguel Co: for me, i try to avoid the word enterprise, but rather we should use the word enterprising which is basically seeking opportunities but for the finance clusters, it develops the mindset. i want to differentiate it so that we market it towards the members of mea (for the 2ydc's) given that the problem is awareness of cc and ca, what would you implement to address this problem? Jevon Dy: i don't think that as a sophomore you can fully grasp those but by promoting the projects of mea you can get a glimpse of what ca and cc are and by promoting gtkm and other projects that can lead to a better understanding of what these projects are Renz Chong: MEArketing - you can train them as early as 2nd year so they could have an insight into what it is and by doing so, promote ca and cc Jeremy Alog: Part of my revision for the 2ydc is that for the project, it would be an analysis for them to have the projects they can be involved in. and i want to assess if he was able to be aware of their position - how they did and how they helped (To MemDev and OrgDev) Is it the responsibility of the HR VPs to hatak people to externals cluster HR VPs Jerome Lim: Yes. As a vp, develop members in terms of being MEAn and one of that is including the CC/CAs Donica Pile: No. It's not the realm of the HR dept. Not necessary for them to do this. Veers away from the primary goal of Orgdev Georgine Co: Yes. HR should be supporting the projects of externals. HR clusters should be promoting the cc/ca projects of MEA (To ALL): Last thing you want the MEA members to remember about you Jevon Dy: Give back to MEA Renz Chong: Passion to serve Jeremy Alog: Guy who cares, dreams awake and thinks forward Martin Chua: Approachable Matthew Sager: Make the most of the year #sulit

Awin Ong: One happy family Mabee Clemente: Not just money but holistic development Abi Jacosalem: Experienced, qualified, mother Miguel Co: Give back to the org Renzo Santos: I'm an inspiring candidate Jeggy Filart: Show them what externals is all about Gabby Nolasco: Connecting Paula Cartera: Passion. Let me treasure you Riston Balolong: Under me, you can truly experience the treasury Angela Andaya: My passion is here Donica Pile: Vision & experience Georgine Co: Growth Cody Ipapo: Bridge of members to MEA Jerome Lim: I want to serve you because MEA has always bee there for me. I wanna be there for MEA

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