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ASIS Spring Seminar

10 March 2005
BAT were the hosts for the 2005 Spring Seminar and the Chapter thanks them for their hospitality and support The !Corporate Slot" was filled #y John Purnell, Group Loss Prevention and Security Director for Tesco plc$ the world%s third largest retailer with o&er 2$'00 stores in 1( countries )ohn e*plained how$ he had restructured the department o&er the last nine years and his thoughts on the key skills needed for a role such as his Colin Denyer, the Africa and iddle !ast "egional Security anager, for #AT spoke on !Securing Business in the Middle +ast" ,e outlined some of the threats a #usiness like BAT -./$000 staff in 1.0 locations0 can face These range from illegal sales and counterfeiting to military conflict and terrorism The risks can &ary at &ery short notice$ particularly in a region such as Colin%s Allen and $very is an international law firm with a presence in 2/ countries +nsuring !Business Continuity Management" is a topic close to the heart of Joe Greenan CPP, %ead of Safety and Security for the firm )oe e*plained to the 1'0 attendees his processes for ensuring that the firm was always a#le to pro&ide an accepta#le le&el of ser&ice to its clients no matter what Diversity in the workplace is a su#1ect that should only #e ignored at your peril Tracey S&inscoe, Area Security anager Specialist for the '%S $ #ecame in&ol&ed in the training of 23i&ersity and +4ual 5pportunities% in the 6olice Amongst other topics$ her interacti&e session e*plained that ha&ing a di&erse work force did not mean treating e&eryone the same7 in fact it means treating e&eryone differently so that e&eryone has e4ual opportunities Crime "eduction and Contingency Planning $fficer for the British Transport 6olice Stephen Anderson(s Case Study co&ered the process #y which the 5peration ,awkeye sur&eillance scheme came into #eing Stephen ga&e his guidelines for ensuring the success of such pro1ects and took 1ustifia#le pride in the success of the operation$ which has lead to a 809 reduction in car crime in :ondon ;nderground car parks The seminar was closed with and energetic and up#eat presentation #y "ussell Tomlinson $perations Director of the day%s sponsors$ The Shield Guarding Company) AS<S would also like to thank the other companies who supported the e&ent ADT *ire and Security, A"C Training International, Geoffrey +,-. Ltd, Initial Security Services and ,niversal Security Systems Ltd all had e*hi#ition stands at the seminar

Stephen Anderson Stephen is a career police officer$ and one of the leading indi&iduals to negotiate with the ,ome 5ffice for 5peration ,awkeye funding The :ondon ;nderground$ #y its nature #eing the main transport for the Capital$ is open to o&er ' million passenger 1ourneys e&ery day$ which then makes it a target for any criminal or terrorist =rom its large network of car parks throughout :ondon the ;nderground suffered from a high le&el of crime The British Transport 6olice #id for and were awarded the highest amount of go&ernment funded money to install a network of CCT> cameras in all of the ;nderground car parks The session will focus on the work that was undertaken$ from the operational re4uirement$ 6S3B -6olice Scientific 3e&elopment Branch0 standards$ implementation$ lessons learnt$ future and results Colin Denyer =ormer Army 5fficer$ ser&ice in ?orthern <reland$ the ;@ and Aermany with the <ntelligence Corps Colin then worked in :ocal Ao&ernment responsi#le for +mergency 6lanning$ Crime Beduction and Bisk Management ,e 1oined BAT in 2000$ initially responsi#le for Security in Cest Africa area$ and now co&ering Security and AntiD<llicit Trade for Africa$ the Middle +ast and Caucasus Begion Joe Greenan CPP )oe is ,ead of Safety and Security for Allen E 5&ery ::6$ an international legal practice comprising Allen E 5&ery ::6 and its affiliated undertakings Their clients include some of the world%s leading #usinesses$ financial institutions$ go&ernments and pri&ate indi&iduals )oe retains glo#al responsi#ility for security$ safety$ crisis management and #usiness continuity planning and is a graduate of :eicester ;ni&ersity and a ser&ing mem#er of AS<S ,e is also a =ellow of the <nternational <nstitute of Security and sits on their e*aminations marking #oard Business Continuity Management is now a go&ernance issue and one of the four pillars of any corporate security programme$ which are central to effecti&e risk management Specifically$ the processes that this organisation -a glo#al legal practice0 ha&e gone through to ensure that it can continue to pro&ide an accepta#le le&el of ser&ice to its clients and #usiness partners$ regardless of any e*ternal e&ents or incidents that occur$ will #e discussed The de&elopment of the reco&ery strategy and what the plan should deli&er$ together with an o&er&iew of plan testing and the firm%s awareness programme will also #e e*amined John * Purnell G /P )ohn is the Aroup :oss 6re&ention and Security 3irector for Tesco plc Tesco is the ;@%s leading retailer and operates internationally in fourteen countries ,e 1oined the company in May 1FF. and is responsi#le to the plc Board for protecting company assets$ CB<S<S Management and Business Continuity in all spheres of Tesco Aroup operations ,e is a senior director of Tesco reporting directly to Sir Terry :eahy the C+5 6rior to 1oining Tesco he ser&ed with the :ondon Metropolitan 6olice ,e 1oined in 1F/'$ and retired in 1FF. with the rank of 3eputy Assistant Commissioner <n 1F88 ,er Ma1esty the Gueen honoured him for his part in the capture of terrorists and again in 1FF/ for distinguished police ser&ice ,e is a graduate of the +nglish 6olice Staff College$ the British Ca#inet 5ffice Top Management 6rogramme$ and was a =ellow Commoner researching at Colfson College$ Cam#ridge As well as <SMA$ he is mem#er of the Selwyn ,ouse Committee$ the Bisk and Security Management =orum$ and AS<S ,e is a =ellow of The Security <nstitute$ 3eputy Chairman of British Betail Consortium 6olicy Ad&isory Aroup -Security0$ =ounder of the Company of Security 6rofessionals and a ?on +*ecuti&e 3irector of the ?ational Security <nspectorate

Tracey S&inscoe Tracey 1oined the Cest Midlands 6olice after lea&ing ;ni&ersity in 1F.F She was a police office for 15 yearsH the last 5 of which were spent as a force trainer at #oth local and national le&els As a police trainer$ Tracey #ecame in&ol&ed in the training of 23i&ersity and +4ual 5pportunities% ?,S Counter =raud E Security Management Ser&ice -C=SMS0 in Septem#er 200'$ as a Training 5fficer <n her new role she regularly trained and deli&ered the Accredited Counter =raud Specialist -AC=S0 course ,owe&er$ her initial main responsi#ility was the de&eloping and writing of the new Accredited Security Management Specialist -ASMS0 course 5ne particular lesson that she wrote resulted in her #eing asked to attend the AS<S conference I 3i&ersity E +4ual 5pportunitiesJJJ After the course was de&eloped$ and Tracey had deli&ered it in its entirety a couple of times$ she left the Training 3epartment to 1oin the Security Management Ser&ice of the ?,S -5cto#er 200(0$ where she is now one of the Area Security Management Specialists -ASMS0 responsi#le for the Cest Midlands and +astern regions of the country

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