Questionnaire: Section I: Personal Information

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Section I: Personal Information

1. Gender
1) Male 2) Female

2. In what age group are you?

1) 19 and below 2) 20-29 3) 30-39 4) 40 and abo e

3. !lea"e #hoo"e the h$ghe"t year o% "#hool #ompleted.

1) 2) 3) 4) !r$mary &$gh "#hool 'ollege or (n$ er"$ty Graduate

4. !lea"e #hoo"e your %am$ly $n#ome le el.

1) 2) 3) 4) )ower $n#ome le el M$ddle $n#ome le el (pper m$ddle $n#ome le el &$gher $n#ome le el

Section II
Please read criteria for choosing
1 * +trongly ,$"agree 2 * ,$"agree 3 * -eutral 4 * .gree / * +trongly .gree Attitude

1. ,o you th$n0 the one who try new $dea" and approa#he" to problem" pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

2. ,o you th$n0 the one who openly d$"#u"" w$th h$" %ellow "tudent" and #olleague" pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

3. ,o you th$n0 the one who wel#ome un#erta$nty and unu"ual #$r#um"tan#e" pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

4. ,o you th$n0 the one who "pea0 out $n #la"" and $n meet$ng" pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

/. ,o you th$n0 att$tude play an $mportant role %or "omeone to de"$re to $"$t #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

SOURCE1 Inno at$ e .tt$tude +#ale2 3ohn 4. 4ttl$e 5 6obert ,. 789ee%e :19;2)2 <Inno at$ e .tt$tude"2 =alue"2 and Intent$on" $n 7rgan$>at$on"2? 3ournal o% Management +tud$e"2 191 1@3A 1;2.

1. ,o you th$n0 the one who ha" a w$de range o% $ntere"t pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

2. ,o you th$n0 the one who $" mode"t and #ar$ng pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

3. ,o you th$n0 the one who $" emot$onal pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten?

4. ,o you th$n0 the one who $" #reat$ e and $nno at$ e pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

/. ,o you th$n0 per"onal$ty play an $mportant role %or "omeone to de"$re to $"$t #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

Source1 Bhe C-+ort Method $n !er"onal$ty .""e""ment and !"y#h$atr$# 6e"ear#h 3a#0
Dlo#02 !h.,. ,epartment o% !"y#hology (n$ er"$ty o% 'al$%orn$a Der0eley2 'al$%orn$a 'harle" ' Bhoma" !ubl$"her +pr$ng%$eld Ill$no$" (+. .M46I'.- )4'B(64 +46I4+:#) . Monograph $n the D.--46+B7-4 ,I=I+I7o% .M46I'.- )4'B(64+ I- !+E'&7)7GE 4d$ted by M7))E &.667F462 !h.,. !ro%e""or o% 6e"ear#h $n 'l$n$#al !"y#hology ,epartment o% !"y#h$atry Bemple (n$ er"$ty +#hool o% Med$#$ne !h$ladelph$a2 !enn"yl an$a

Family and reference group

1. ,o you th$n0 the one who"e %am$ly member" are more #on#ern $n de#$"$on ma0$ng pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

2. ,o you th$n0 the one who"e re%eren#e group" are more #on#ern $n de#$"$on ma0$ng pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

3. ,o you th$n0 the one who $" more loyal to h$" %am$ly pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

4. ,o you th$n0 the one who $" more loyal to h$" re%eren#e group pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 / /. ,o you th$n0 the one who "hare" "ame alue w$th the$r %am$ly and re%eren#e group pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

Source1 Bhe F-!4' +#ale o% Fam$ly In%luen#e1 . !ropo"al %or +ol $ng the Fam$ly
Du"$ne"" ,e%$n$t$on !roblem by 3o"eph &. ."tra#han2 +ab$ne D. 9le$n2 9o"ma" G. +myrn$o"

Social class
1. ,o you th$n0 the one who belong to lower $n#ome le el pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

2. ,o you th$n0 the one who belong to m$ddle $n#ome le el pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

3. ,o you th$n0 the one who belong to upper m$ddle $n#ome le el pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

4. ,o you th$n0 the one who belong to upper $n#ome le el pre%er to go$ng to #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

/. ,o you th$n0 "o#$al #la"" play an $mportant role %or "omeone to de"$re to $"$t #o%%ee "hop more o%ten? 1 2 3 4 /

Source: 9nowledge o% the &$dden 6ule" o% +o#$al 'la""1 . Cue"t$onna$re .dapted

%rom 6uby 9. !ayneH" boo02 . Framewor0 %or (nder"tand$ng !o erty2 4th re . ed. :200/)2 %or an eIer#$"e de eloped by !atr$#0 3. ."hton. !urpo"e1 Bo help you ga$n $n"$ght $nto the ta0en-%or-granted 0nowledge needed to "ur $ e $n ar$ou" "o#$al #la""e".

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