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Abhijeet Vijay Ratolikar

Mo1ile8 0$393 !&0 :1$ ;mail8 a1hi<eetratoli=ar> ? a1hi<eet@ratoli=ar>

Location : Pune
Address : 3,Perin Residency, Pallod Farms, Street No.1, Behind Mauli Petrol Pump, Baner Road, Pune 41104

Experienced Operations Professional w orking w ith Auto o!ponent "# ha$ing Plant set up and Plant "anage!ent Experience% urrently spear heading "anufacturing Engg% & setting up 'reenfield plants%

(ate Of )irth * Age: + 1! t h "u#ust 1$!3 % 3& Acade!ic Record: +

,u al if i cati on M. M. S. (MB A ) Ma rke t in g (20 00 20 03 ) B. E . (P ro du ct io n ) (1 0 ! ) (.S . #. (12 t ) ) (1 0) -n sti tu ti on Pu ne Un ive rsit y "o vt . #o $$e ge % & E n gg. 'a nd ed Scie n ce #o $$e ge * 'an de d P ra t i, )a 'ike ta n (ig) S c) oo $* 'a nd ed . core * l ass

Fi rs t Cl as s Di s ti nc ti on Di s ti nc ti on Di s ti nc ti on

S. S . #. (1 0 t) ) (1 + + )

Additional ,ualification: +

Post 'raduate (iploma in Business Mana#ement )P'(BM* +rom Pune ,ni-ersity. .erti+ied /nternal "uditor +or the assessment o+ the 0uality System. Mem1er o+ .// core committee +ormulatin# 2'reen /ndustrial 1uildin#s ratin# system3 at all /ndia le-el.
O$erseas /raining: +

4rained at Schrader, ,S" on success+ul 1usiness mana#ement practices. 5isited ,S, .hina and Bra6il plants o+ Schrader as leader o+ 24echnolo#y 4rans+er 4eam3 and to learn and understand a1out Schrader Manu+acturin# Systems and technical e-aluation o+ the plants. 4rained in /taly 7 'ermany on .arraro Production System.

Ac0uired .kills:

People mana#ement 7 ne#otiations /nterpersonal .ommunication Process "nalysis 7 ReAen#ineerin# Situational (ecision ma=in# Beadership 7 coAcoordinatin# s=ills in pro1lem sol-in# Cell rounded eDposure to -arious 1usiness +unctions r an#in# +rom Ep erations, FR, Finance, (esi#n, Sales and Mar=etin#

Professional Experience:
1% Lear Auto!oti$e 2-3 P$t% Ltd% 2 Lear orporation34 )hosari4 Pune

(uration: 1 s t Sept 900$ Cor=in# Presently (esignation: Senior Mana#er )/ndustrial ;n#ineerin#* Bear .orporation is a +ortune 100 ,S MN. in the 1usiness o+ "utomoti-e Seatin# Systems. /t has 10 manu+acturin# plants at -arious locations in /ndia. "s a .ountry head +or /ndustrial ;n##., / am mana#in# the Manu+acturin# ;n#ineerin#, pro<ects and the real estate acti-ities o+ Bear +or entire /ndia.

5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas:

1. /owards Existing progra!s & facilities .apital ;Dpenditure ).ap;D* plannin# 7 spend control )responsi1le +or pan /ndia pro-ision o+ resources ).ap;D, Men, Machines and in+rastructure**. 9. Standardi6ation o+ Processes, ;Guipments and process documents )PF., FM;", and .ontrol Plan etc.* across all plants. Bench mar=in# initiati-es Hithin all plants. 3. /mplementation o+ Bear Production System )BPS* and Bean tools )Iai6en, S, Ian1an, Po=aAJo=e, SM;(, B."* across all plants. 4. 'eneratin# sa-in#s Horth Rs. 10 Million thru cost Reduction cum .ontinuous impro-ement ).RA./* initiati-es. . /owards new progra!s Responsi1le +or settin# up neH plant% pro<ect % Process in all respect. -i6. Bocatin# the plant site, Band acGuisition, determinin# and esta1lishin# the or#ani6ational resources reGuirements )Bi=e Fuman, Machines 7 ,tility eGuipments, Plant layout plannin# 7 eDecution.* :. (eterminin# 7 #ettin# the pro<ect plan )Bud#et 7 4ime* appro-ed +rom the 1oard and controllin# the same e++ecti-ely. !. Biaison Hith 'o-t. 1odies li=e State /ndustrial .orporation )M/(., S/P.E4*, Pollution .ontrol Board )P.B*, Factory inspector, ;lectricity Boards )S;B* and the "rchitects, contractors to esta1lish the plant. ;nsurin# Be#al compliance Hhile and a+ter construction. &. (ecide on the specs. o+ machinery, eGuipments 7 other +acilities reGuired? identi+y suppliers, procure 7 #et the +acilities installed.

Achie$e!ents at Lear : "cGuired 3 leased +acilities, re-amped 7 relayed them to suit Bear Standard and success+ully launched 5C, M7M and 'M pro#rams at these +acilities. Shi+tin# o+ runnin# production lines +or 5C and 'M +rom one plant to the other Hithout a++ectin# customer supplies and customer production. 'ot the neH pro<ect )300,000 SG. Ft o+ construction* and itKs 1ud#et appro-ed +rom the Board.

7% .chrader (uncan Ltd% Ranjangaon4 Pune & "ulund4 "u!bai

(uration: 1& t h (ec 900: 9$ t h "u#ust, 900$ (esignation: 'M )Eperations* i.e. Plant Fead
Schrader (uncan )S(B* is a part o+ ,S 1ased SchraderABrid#eport, a 4om=ins #roup company. / Has responsi1le +or the entire operations o+ the Mum1ai 7 4arapur plants. S(B is a leadin# manu+acturer o+ 5al-es +or automoti-e tyretu1es. / Has mana#in# a team o+ 9 0 employees )990 Eperators L 30 sta++* and 0 di++erent machines )ma<ority machinin#*. .oncurrently, / Has also en#a#ed in esta1lishin# the +irst state o+ art, modern 'reen+ield plant at Ran<an#aon, Pune.

5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas: 1. As '" 8 Operations 2 Plant 9ead 3 assumes complete responsi1ility +or the plant per+ormance and operational P7B and cost e++ecti-e mana#ement o+ resources 9. (aily coAordination Hith -arious reportin# +unctions )Production, 0uality, Maintenance, PP., (esi#n 7 (e-elopment, supply chain :Purchase4 .ourcing4 .tores & Logistics; , .ales & "arketing , FR 7 "dmin., customer relations* and unit +inance to achie-e 1usiness o1<ecti-es. 3. Responsi1le +or e++icient and e++ecti-e dayAtoAday operations o+ the plant. "ssumes o-erall responsi1ility o+ Production, Producti-ity, 0uality, Machine ,tili6ation, /R, customer satis+action, Maintainin# optimum in-entory le-els, .ost Reduction, .han#e Mana#ement, Fouse=eepin#, Fealth, Sa+ety 7 ;n-ironment )FS;* impro-ements and lean impro-ement initiati-es ) S, I"NB"N, I"/M;N, 4PM*. 4. Plannin# operational strate#ies, operatin# 1ud#et +or the unit and #ettin# it appro-ed +rom the 1oard and e++ecti-ely mana#in# the plant Hithin the 1ud#et.

. (iscuss Hith employees union and sort out la1or related issues as 7 Hhen needed. :. Preparation o+ short 7 lon# term 1usiness strate#ies !. Er#ani6ation structure plannin# 7 recruitment. Firin# the ri#ht resources, (e+inin# per+ormance #oals +or direct reportees, &. 4echnical up#radation o+ the su1ordinates and o+ the o-erall plant thru use o+ latest technolo#y, trainin# and moti-ation. $. "s a Mana#ement Representati-e )MR* +or the 0uality Mana#ement System )0MS* Has responsi1le +or layin# and adherin# to documented systems and procedures +or the +irst one year. 10. /owards the 'reenfield Project + Responsi1le +or settin# up neH plant% pro<ect % Process in all respect. -i6. Bocatin# the plant site, Band acGuisition, determinin# and esta1lishin# the or#ani6ational resources reGuirements )Bi=e Fuman resources, Production, ,tility 7 other capital eGuipments, Plant layout plannin# 7 eDecution.* 11. (eterminin# 7 #ettin# the pro<ect plan )Bud#et 7 4ime* appro-ed +rom the 1oard and controllin# the same e++ecti-ely. Supportin# in product costin#. 19. Biaison Hith 'o-t. 1odies li=e State /ndustrial .orporation )M/(.*, Pollution .ontrol Board )P.B*, Factory inspector, ;lectricity Board )MS;B* and the "rchitects, contractors to esta1lish the plant. 13. 5isit o-erseas plants o+ the company 7 choose 1est machines, processes, practices 7 systems as a part o+ 4echnolo#y trans+er acti-ity 14. (ecide on the specs. o+ machinery, eGuipments 7 other +acilities reGuired? identi+y suppliers 7 #et the +acilities installed. 1 . Supportin# ,I 1ased (irector in de-isin# /ndia strate#y o+ the #roup. Achie$e!ents at .chrader : Reduction in material consumption 1y 3. N )o-er 900:A0!* Reduction in manpoHer +rom 9 1 to 1$! Hithout compromisin# on production capacity /mpro-ement in in-entory turns +rom 3.& )900:A0!* to .3)900&A0$* 'ot the neH pro<ect and itKs 1ud#et appro-ed +rom the Board

"cGuired prime plot +rom the state industrial authority )M/(.* +or the neH pro<ect and completed all the le#al as Hell as technical +ormalities +or the pro<ect much 1e+ore the schedule
<% /ata Auto o!p .yste!s Ltd% 2-nteriors & Plastics di$ision34 Pune (uration: 1$ t h May 9003 1: t h (ec. 0: (esignation: 9ead Asse!bly operations & "e!ber 8 Producti$ity .yste!s and (e$elop!ents 2i%e% "anufacturing Engineering3 4".E /P( ;E, is the auto eDteriors 7 interiors manu+acturin# arm o+ 4".E #roup. /t eDports -alue added products to E;Ms li=e 'M and Ford HorldHide.

5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas:

1. /n char#e o+ ;Dport "ssem1ly operations. 9. Responsi1le +or settin# up the plant% pro<ect % Process ) (etermine and esta1lish the resources reGuirements )Bi=e Men, Machines 7 other eGuipments li=e <i#s, +iDtures, Plan the layout? (ecide on the +acilities reGuired? identi+y suppliers 7 #et the +acilities installed* 3.Support "d-anced Product 0uality Plannin# )"P0P* 7 PP"P acti-ities +or neH products % pro<ects. 4.Supportin# the '.M )Eperations* in mana#in# operations o+ 1oth the ;E, plants )9 SB,s one each dedicated to FER( 7 'M* ."dherin# to the Guality systems 7 procedures as re#ards 4S 1:$4$, 0S $000 7 Ford 01 7 trainin# su1ordinates +or the same. :./denti+y pro<ects and Hor= Hith eDperts on +or : Si#ma, 4PM and S implementation. !./mplementation o+ Bean Manu+acturin# techniGues on the shop +loor )/mplementin# I"NB"N system +or the entire supply chain +rom RaH Material to (ispatch*. &.Bead 7 implement Process .han#e Mana#ement.

Achie$e!ents at /A O : Set 7 esta1lished the production systems +or FER(, 'M 7 M' Ro-er supplies Recei-ed the much respected 201 certi+ication3 +rom Ford Motors );urope* "s a certi+ied Business ;Dcellence .hampion assessed the 1usiness processes +or 4".E #roup companies )as a 4"4" Business ;Dcellence Model )4B;M* assessor*. Mem1er o+ core #roup responsi1le +or #ettin# 7 maintainin# /SE 14001 ;n-ironmental mana#ement certi+ication.


arraro -ndia Ltd%

M./.(..., Ran<an#aon, Pune, Maharashtra.

(uration: ! t h "pril 9000 1 t h May 9003 (esignation: Assistant "anager 8 "anufacturing Engineering .arraro /ndia is a MN. 7 acts as eDport 1ase +or the manu+acture o+ transmissions )'ear BoDes, Front 7 Rear aDles* +or tractors +or mother plant in /taly +or assem1ly in Oohn (eere, .ase, Renault 7 .arraro 4ractors. "ajor 5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas: 1.Facilities pro-ision +or production. 9.(eterminin# the resources )Men, Machines 7 eGuipments* reGuirement +or production. 3.(eterminin# product control methods, instruments and eGuipments. 4./nitiatin# and monitorin# "d-anced Product 0uality Plannin# )"P0P* acti-ities +or neH product % pro<ect de-elopment. .Mana#in# the process modi+ications 7 impro-ements. :.Monthly M/S status a#ainst 1enchmar=s +or manpoHer 7 machine related acti-ities )e.#. Machine .apacity Plannin#, manpoHer utili6ation calculations etc.* Achie$e!ents at arraro :

Set 7 esta1lished the production systems )assem1ly 7 machinin# acti-ities* +or 3 FP 4ransmission Machinin# and "ssem1ly lines. Part o+ the core #roup responsi1le +or esta1lishin# 0MS as per the reGuirements o+ /SE $001? Hith this #roup e++orts, the .ompany recei-ed the /SE $001 .erti+ication >% Ashok Leyland Ltd% M./.(..., Bhandara, Maharashtra. (uration: 1! t h Ecto1er 1$$: 4 t h "pril 9000 (esignation: -ndustrial Engineer "ajor 5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas: 1. Prepare, (iscuss Hith the employeeKs representati-es ),nion* and settle the production norms +or machinin#, assem1ly 7 inspection processes. 9. ;sta1lish norms )standards* +or la1or 7 machines. 3. ;-aluate the e++ecti-eness o+ present operations 7 processes. 4. /denti+y opportunities +or impro-ement 7 implement them usin# impro-ement techniGues )li=e SM;(, PEI" JEI; etc.* Achie$e!ents at Ashok Leyland: /ncreased the capacity o+ #ear1oD machinin# lines 1y 1: N throu#h machinin# process redesi#n 7 parameters optimi6ation. Reduced the manpoHer reGuirement 1y a1out 90 N 1y a1o-e process redesi#n 7 parameters optimi6ation.

"ssisted department head in success+ully completin# the discussions Hith the union re#ardin# the impro-ed Hor= norms 7 more strin#ent Hor= procedures Proposed 7 +inali6ed the layout +or the neHly 1uilt machine shop. ?% 6alyani .harp -ndia Ltd% Pune, Maharashtra. (uration: 9 n d Fe1ruary 1$$ 11 t h Ecto1er 1$$: (esignation: Engineer 2Production Engineering3 "ajor 5unctional Responsibilities* 6ey Result Areas: 1. Process desi#n 7 Facilities plannin# 7 procurement. Iai6en 7 .ost reduction initiati-es 9.;sta1lish norms )standards* and compare Hith actual Man producti-ity 7 machine utilisation as a part o+ monthly M/S report. Achie$e!ents at .harp : Success+ul 7 1e+ore schedule completion o+ the BPR pro<ect )con-ertin# a domestic production shop into an ;E,.* Language Proficiency : + ;n#lish, Findi 7 Marathi

1* 9* 3* 4* * :* !* &* $*

.urrent .4. 8A Rs. 91. 4 ;Dpected .4.8A Ne#otia1le 4otal ;Dperience8A 1! Jears ;ducational 0uali+ication8A B.;. )Production*, MMS )MB"A Mar=etin#* Present (esi#nation % +unctional area %Present .ompany8A Senior Mana#er % Bear "utomoti-e, Pune ;Dpected Role % Oo1 %+ield you are loo=in# +or 8A Plant Mana#er, Eperations Mana#er, SB, Fead, Manu+acturin# ;n#ineerin# Fead, /; Fead, Pro<ect Fead .urrent Bocation8A Pune Ready +or relocation Jes % No8A Jes Notice period Hith .urrent .ompany % Oo18A 30 days


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