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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

New Brunswick International Retail Scale Management RSM

Setup and Operation Manual

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Revision 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1., 1.&


Date 1st December 200 &t' Marc' 2010 2,t' Marc' 2010 1st /)ril 2010 31st Ma0 2010 1,t' 2#ne 2010

1.6 1.8 1.9 1.


1st 2#l0 2010 9t' 2#l0 2010 28t' 2#l0 2010 13t' :ctober 2010

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.,


30t' No+ember 2010 11t' %ebr#ar0 2011 1st Marc' 2011 26t' /)ril 2011 3r" 2an#ar0 2012

Reason Ne! "oc#ment $ %irst release ()"ates to RSM soft!are* +0. ()"ates to Scroll Se-#ence an" 2 line P.(s* +1.00 Im)ort f#nction an" Release Notes #)"ate". Im)ort DigiNet a""e". Image Im)ort* Scale Diagnostics an" Preset 1e0s. RSM +1.01 De+ice 3onfig#ration 3om)atibilit0 Mo"e remo+e". De+ice 3onfig#ration /"+ance" 3omm#nications Mo"e a""e". 45ternal Database Interface a""e". Borlan" BD4 Installation instr#ctions. Main Men# 3om)atibilit0 Mo"e. SM110 Image si7e !arning. Intro"#ction Soft!are +ersions remo+e". De+ice 3onfig#ration /"+ance" 3omm#nications Mo"e mo"ifie". RSM +1.01a $ RSM config#ration* P.( Programming sa+ing "efa#lts* Sc'e"#le" Im)ort. RSM +1.02. ,600%;P "e+ice config#ration* P.( ;otals re)ort* P.( Price "iscre)anc0 re)ort* Preset 1e0 tem)lates (inc RSM config#ration file mo"ifications)* %SD t0)e set b0 RSM config#ration. RSM +1.03. 3ler<s* Price Batc'* S0nc'roni7ation* Recei+e %rom Scale* RSM settings* .abel %ormats (tilit0. RSM +1.0,. ,600 Integration* :rigins* ;ra0s* S)ecial Messages. RSM +1.0, ()"ates. ,600 ;otals an" Im)orting 45ternal Databases. RSM +1.0, Release. ()"ate for =in"o!s 2009 Ser+er an" RSM #)gra"e )roce"#re. RSM +1.0& Release. ()"ate for Programming Men#* Minimi7e ;o ;ra0* .abel Designer* Pro)ortional ;are* S'o) Name* 1#'ns Im)ort* SM&&00 3ler< Recei)t ;otals* Main >ro#)* Dongles* Scale Date/;ime.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Intro"#ction....................................................................................................................6 Set?#).............................................................................................................................8 Installation..............................................................................................................8 RSM Registration...................................................................................................8 ()gra"ing RSM.....................................................................................................9 Start#)............................................................................................................................ .ogin...................................................................................................................... Minimi7ing RSM..................................................................................................10 45iting RSM.........................................................................................................10 Na+igation In RSM......................................................................................................11 1e0boar" S'ort 3#ts............................................................................................11 Main Men#...........................................................................................................11 Main Men# $ Bac<!ar"s 3om)atibilit0 Mo"e....................................................11 Main Men# $ %li))er Mo"e.................................................................................12 Initial Programming Set?#)..........................................................................................13 Store.....................................................................................................................13 De)artment...........................................................................................................1, Main >ro#) Selection..........................................................................................1& Main >ro#)..........................................................................................................16 De+ices.................................................................................................................18 Preset 1e0s...........................................................................................................20 Defa#lt Programming Settings.....................................................................................22 Defa#lt P.(.........................................................................................................22 N#trifact Decimal Places......................................................................................23 P.( Sa+ing :)tion..............................................................................................23 %re-#ent S'o))er Disco#nt ;0)e.........................................................................23 RSM 3onfig#ration......................................................................................................2, (ser 3onfig#ration...............................................................................................2, (sing RSM %or Defa#lts......................................................................................26 Database .ocation................................................................................................28 Bac<#) /n" Restore.............................................................................................28 Stic<0 Stat#s.........................................................................................................28 Im)ort Data ;em)lates.........................................................................................29 Programming................................................................................................................2 De)artment Selection...........................................................................................2 P.( Selection......................................................................................................30 P.(......................................................................................................................31 Price Batc' Selection............................................................................................3, Price Batc'...........................................................................................................3& >lobal P.(..........................................................................................................36 Ingre"ient Selection..............................................................................................38 Ingre"ient..............................................................................................................39 ;e5t Selection.......................................................................................................3 ;e5t.......................................................................................................................,0 .abel Design Selection.........................................................................................,1 .abel Design.........................................................................................................,2 Image Selection....................................................................................................,& Image....................................................................................................................,6

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scrolling Message Selection................................................................................,8 Scrolling Message................................................................................................,9 Scrolling Se-#ence Selection..............................................................................., Scrolling Se-#ence...............................................................................................&0 3ler< Selection.....................................................................................................&1 3ler<s...................................................................................................................&2 Places :f :rigin Selection...................................................................................&3 Places :f :rigin...................................................................................................&, S)ecial Message Selection...................................................................................&& S)ecial Message...................................................................................................&6 ;ra0 Selection.......................................................................................................&8 ;ra0......................................................................................................................&9 S'o) Name Selection...........................................................................................& S'o) Name...........................................................................................................60 Data Sen"ing................................................................................................................61 Sen" Data Imme"iatel0........................................................................................61 Sc'e"#le" Data.....................................................................................................62 Data Men#....................................................................................................................63 Sen" Data ;o Scale..............................................................................................63 %aile" Data ;o Scale............................................................................................6, S0nc'roni7e..........................................................................................................6& Sc'e"#le" Data.....................................................................................................66 Recei+e %rom Scale..............................................................................................69 Im)ort...................................................................................................................80 Im)ort DigiNet.....................................................................................................90 45)ort...................................................................................................................91 Im)ort 45ternal Database.....................................................................................92 Re)orts.........................................................................................................................9, /ll Data Recor"s Re)orts.....................................................................................9, Price Discre)anc0.................................................................................................96 ;otals B0 P.(......................................................................................................98 ,600 ;otals...........................................................................................................99 3ler< ;otals..........................................................................................................9 SM&&00 3ler< Recei)t ;otals.............................................................................. 0 Stat#s men#.................................................................................................................. 1 Store..................................................................................................................... 1 Real ;ime >ra)'ical Store Stat#s........................................................................ 2 Real time store...................................................................................................... 3 De)artment........................................................................................................... , De+ices................................................................................................................. & Diagnostics Men#......................................................................................................... 6 De+ices................................................................................................................. 6 .abel %ormats (tilit0........................................................................................... 8 ,600 3omm#nications .og.................................................................................. 9 S)ecifications ;ransfer......................................................................................... 9 Set Scale Date /n" ;ime..................................................................................... 45ternal Database Interface........................................................................................100 More 45am)les...................................................................................................101 .ist of Datasets...................................................................................................101 .ist of %iel"s in eac' "ataset. ............................................................................102

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Miscellaneo#s ............................................................................................................108 4ngineer Information.................................................................................................109 RSM 3onfig#ration %ile.....................................................................................109 Iss#es* Release Notes an" Scale S)ec Settings..........................................................110 Ingre"ients for 3600 an" ,600 scales.................................................................110 N#trifact Percentage Set#).................................................................................110 Scroll Se-#ence Scale Set#)..............................................................................110 3ommo"it0 names* ingre"ients* te5ts an" ot'er te5t entr0................................110 ,600 %onts..........................................................................................................111 ,600 %irm!are an" RSM %eat#res ....................................................................111 Diagnostics.........................................................................................................111

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;'is man#al is to e5)lain t'e set?#) an" o)eration of t'e Retail Scale Management soft!are* <no!n from no! on in t'is "oc#ment as RSM. RSM is a =in"o!s )rogram t'at allo!s sen"ing of P.(* ;e5t an" Ingre"ient "ata to Retail e-#i)ment. ;'is e-#i)ment incl#"es DPS,600 an" /=,600. It is e5)ecte" t'at t'e rea"er of t'is man#al is familiar !it' Microsoft =in"o!s an" Retail e-#i)ment.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

If RSM has been previously installed, please skip this section and goto Upgrading RSM ;o install RSM* ens#re t'e P3 is #sing =in"o!s @P* Aista* 8 or Ser+er 2009 !it' at least 100MB free 'ar" "is<* at least 1>B ram an" 1 Net!or< Port* )referabl0 4t'ernet !ire". It is also )referable to be #sing a BD#al 3oreC )rocessor !'en )erforming "ata intensi+e f#nctions s#c' as Recei+ing Data from t'e Scale. !ote if using Server "##$, the Desktop %&perience 'ust be installed on the Server (o do this, select the Server Manager on the Server, select )eatures, select Desktop %&perience and click on Add )eatures %irstl0 t'e Borlan" Database 4ngine (BD4) nee"s to be installe". ;o "o t'is* insert t'e RSM Installation 3D* let t'e a#tostart )rogram start an" clic< on t'e BBorlan" Database 4ngine (BD4)C b#tton. :nce t'is 'as been installe"* t'ere is no nee" to remo+e or reinstall t'e BD4 if installing an RSM #)gra"e. :nce com)lete* t'en clic< on RSM Install b#tton an" follo! t'e on screen instr#ctions. Installation normall0 onl0 ta<es a fe! moments. / reboot ma0 be re-#ire" an" it is strongl0 a"+ise" t'at t'is is com)lete" if its re-#este". If "#ring t'e first time its r#n* if errors s#c' as "5."ll cannot be fo#n"* t'en )lease install Direct @ .0c* or abo+e* from Microsoft =ebsite. ;o #se t'e S)ecification ;ool* t'e se)arate installation )rogram calle" BS)ec;oolSet#)C nee"s to be ran* !it' t'e "efa#lt installation o)tions follo!e".

RSM Registration
Initiall0 RSM is installe" as a "emo. ;o f#ll0 #se RSM it m#st be registere" b0 t'e )#rc'ase of a (SB <e0 <no!n as a "ongle. ;'e "ongle m#st be a inserte" fe! moments before RSM is starte" an" left in t'e (SB slot !'ilst RSM is r#nning. :nce RSM 'as been registere" b0 #sing t'e "ongle* t'e "ongle M(S; be )resent !'ene+er #sing RSM. =it'o#t t'e "ongle RSM !ill not start. RSM !ill not re+ert bac< to "emo mo"e once registere".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Upgrading RSM
;o #)gra"e RSM from a )re+io#s +ersion to t'e c#rrent +ersion* t'e "atabases s'o#l" be bac<e" #) before t'e latest RSM is installe" as an0 old databases will be erased. ;'is can be "one b0 #sing t'e Bac<#) an" Restore b#ttons locate" on t'e RSM a#tostart 3D )rogram* !'ic' is starte" !'en t'e RSM installation 3D is inserte" (or "o#ble clic< on a#tostart.e5e). ;'e "ata is store" in 3DERSM;em). Note t'ere is no nee" to remo+e t'e e5isting RSM or BD4. 2#st r#n t'e installer to #)gra"e RSM. :nce RSM 'as been installe"* t'e "atabases can be restore" as RSM !ill a#tomaticall0 #)"ate t'em !'en ne5t selecte". ;o restore t'e "atabases* #se t'e same )rogram #se" for bac<ing #) t'e "ata* t'e RSM a#tostart 3D )rogram as "escribe" abo+e* an" )ress t'e Restore b#tton. ;'e "atabases !ill be restore" from t'e )re+io#sl0 ma"e RSM;em) fol"er on t'e 'ar" "ri+e to t'e RSM installation fol"er. Note t'at RSM !ill onl0 #)"ate t'e "atabase selecte". ;'erefore if #sing m#lti)le "atabases from t'e )re+io#s +ersion* it is necessar0 to select eac' "atabase in t#rn an" start RSM #ntil all t'e "atabases 'a+e been #)gra"e". ;'e "atabase #)gra"ing onl0 !or<s as an #)gra"ing tool. Its not )ossible to B"egra"eC t'e "atabases to #se t'em on an ol"er RSM. ;o #se t'e S)ecification ;ool* t'e se)arate installation )rogram calle" BS)ec;oolSet#)C nee"s to be ran* !it' t'e "efa#lt installation o)tions follo!e".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o start RSM* "o#ble clic< on t'e RSM Start#) icon on t'e "es<to) or in t'e start men#. ;'e c#rrentl0 selecte" "atabase* RSMData #s#all0* !ill be a#tomaticall0 bac<e" #) an" t'e !or<ing "atabase !ill be com)acte" an" re)aire" if necessar0. ;'e bac<#)s are )lace" into installationE"atabaseEbac<#) (!'ere installation is t'e installation fol"er of RSM* #s#all0 cDEProgram %ilesERSM). ;'e "efa#lt config#ration is to 'a+e a ma5im#m of 10 bac<#)s in t'is fol"er. ='en t'e 11t' bac<#) is ma"e it !ill o+er!rite t'e 1st bac<#). ;'is n#mber of bac<#)s can be config#re" an" is "etaile" in t'e 4ngineer section of t'is "oc#ment. If t'e "atabases cannot be fo#n"* or t'e RSM )rograms cannot be fo#n" an error s'all be s'o!n.

;o login* enter 0o#r #ser name an" )ass!or". Pressing .ogin starts t'e soft!are !'ile cancel closes t'e soft!are.

Figure 1, Login ;'e #ser "oes not 'a+e to be logge" in to sen" sc'e"#le" "ata. ;'erefore once a #ser 'as logge" in to RSM an" ma"e c'anges* t'e0 can .og o#t to )rotect t'eir !or< station. ;'e master login name is set to B/"minC ? !it'o#t -#otes. 3ontact NBI or 0o#r "ealer for t'e /"ministrator )ass!or" if lost.


of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Minimizing RSM
RSM can be 'i""en from +ie! an" minimi7e" to t'e =in"o!s ;ra0 instea" of 'a+ing to be left at t'e login screen. ;o "o t'is sim)l0 ret#rn to t'e login screen an" )ress t'e stan"ar" =in"o!s minimi7e b#tton. RSM !ill no! be )lace" into t'e =in"o!s ;ra0. Fo!e+er )lease note t'at some +ersions of =in"o!s ma0 'i"e t'e RSM icon from normal +ie! in an attem)t to re"#ce t'e n#mber of icons on screen. ;o rectif0 t'is* see 0o#r =in"o!s settings. ='en RSM is minimi7e" it !ill s'o! its c#rrent stat#s of B:1C* B4rrorC* BB#s0C or BIm)ortingC b0 c'anging t'e te5t an" b0 c'anging t'e color of t'e icon. If an error 'as occ#rre" t'en t'e error m#st be cleare" before RSM stat#s can ret#rn to :1. ;o "o t'is )rocee" to t'e %aile" Data section an" eit'er sen" or "elete t'e "ata t'at faile" to be transmitte" to t'e scale. ;o restore RSM to t'e normal login screen on t'e "es<to)* eit'er "o#ble clic< on t'e RSM ;ra0 icon or rig't clic< on t'e icon an" select Restore. If a secon" co)0 of RSM is starte"* t'e secon" co)0 is sto))e" an" t'e c#rrentl0 r#nning RSM is restore" to t'e "es<to).

Exiting RSM
;o e5it RSM* clic< on t'e e5it b#tton or if RSM 'as been minimi7e" to t'e ;ra0* rig't clic< on t'e RSM icon an" select 45it. RSM !ill no! as< for t'e e5it )ass!or" an" !ill onl0 )rocee" if t'e correct )ass!or" 'as been entere". 3ontact NBI or 0o#r "ealer for t'e 45it )ass!or" if lost.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Navigation In RSM
Key oard S!ort Cuts
4sca)e !ill ret#rn to t'e )re+io#s )age* b#t if "ata 'as not been sa+e" 0et* t'e #ser !ill be )resente" !it' t'e c'ance to sa+e it t'en. %1 "is)la0s 'el) on t'e c#rrent )age. %2 can be #se" to sa+e "ata as )er Scale 3on. Page ()/Do!n are #se" to select Ne5t/Pre+io#s in P.( )rogramming. G/N are #se" to select Ges/No in "ialog#e bo5es. 3ontrol 3 can be #se" to co)0 a fiel" !it' 3ontrol A )asting it into an entr0 bo5. ;ab <e0 is #se" to mo+e aro#n" t'e +ario#s "ro) "o!n an" entr0 bo5es.

Main Menu
;o c'ange bet!een %li))er Mo"e an" Bac<!ar"s 3om)atibilit0 Mo"e* see t'e man#al section BRSM 3onfig#ration %ileC.

Main Menu " #ac$%ards Compati ility Mode

Figure 2, Main Menu - Compatibility Mode ;o select an o)tion sim)l0 left clic< t'e mo#se on t'e )ict#re.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Main Menu " &lipper Mode

;o Na+igate t'ro#g' t'e main men# o)tions* eit'er clic< on t'e fli))er* clic< on t'e "irection arro!s or #se t'e left an" rig't arro!s on t'e <e0boar".

Figure 3, Main Menu - Flipper Mode ;o select an o)tion H#st sim)l0 left clic< on t'e mo#se or )ress enter on t'e <e0boar".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Initial 'rogramming Set-up

Initiall0 a Store nee"s to be set?#). ;o "o t'is select t'e config#ration men# an" select store. :nl0 one store can e5ist in eac' RSM "atabase config#ration. ;'e store re-#ires a n#mber* a name* a "efa#lt barco"e t0)e* barco"e flag "ata* barco"e item "ata an" a "efa#lt label format.

Figure 4, Store Configuration ='en com)lete* )ress Sa+e to ret#rn to t'e config#ration men#. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e )re+io#s )age* b#t if "ata 'as not been sa+e" 0et* t'e #ser !ill be )resente" !it' t'e c'ance to sa+e it t'en. Fel) on t'e Store 3onfig#ration can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Initiall0 a De)artment nee"s to be set #) as "e)artments are containe" !it'in Stores. Select t'e "ro) "o!n "e)artment n#mber an" select BNe!C. ;'e "e)artment re-#ires a n#mber* a name* a "efa#lt barco"e t0)e* barco"e flag "ata* barco"e item "ata an" a "efa#lt label format.

Figure 5, Department Configuration If e"iting an e5isting "e)artment* sim)l0 select t'e De)artment in t'e "ro) "o!n bo5. If t'e barco"e or label format are selecte" as BDefa#ltC t'en t'e store config#ration !ill be #se". ='en com)lete* )ress Sa+e to ret#rn to t'e config#ration men#. Note* !'en creating a ne! "e)artment* label formats are create" #sing t'e stan"ar" settings (;& to ;10* (2 to (9 etc). /lso* if a ne! "e)artment is a""e"* its not a#tomaticall0 a""e" to t'e #sers )ri+ileges. It 'as to be a""e" man#all0 as "escribe" in t'e (ser 3onfig#ration section of t'is "oc#ment. ;o remo+e an e5isting "e)artment )ress Delete b#t be a!are t'at this *ill re'ove any devices set to this depart'ent. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e )re+io#s )age* b#t if "ata 'as not been sa+e" 0et* t'e #ser !ill be )resente" !it' t'e c'ance to sa+e it t'en. Fel) on t'e De)artment 3onfig#ration can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Main )roup Selection

;o )rogram a Main >ro#)* select Main >ro#) b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Main >ro#) or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Main >ro#) is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Main >ro#) n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Main >ro#)* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 6, Main roup Sele!tion" ;o "elete a Main >ro#)* enter t'e Main >ro#) n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Main )roup
;o na+igate t'ro#g' Main >ro#) )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0.

Figure #, Main roup $rogramming ;o enter Main >ro#)* sim)l0 select t'e lin<e" "e)artment* gi+e t'e Main >ro#) a name an" select t'e rele+ant ;a5 Reference. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Main >ro#)* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Main >ro#) t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Main >ro#)* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Main >ro#) t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Main >ro#) c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Main >ro#) n#mber. If t'e original Main >ro#) 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Main >ro#) )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e Main >ro#) n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Main >ro#) n#mber. ='en Main >ro#) )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e Main >ro#) imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Initiall0 a De+ice nee"s to be set #) as "e+ices are containe" !it'in De)artments.

Figure %, De&i!e Configuration Select t'e "ro) "o!n "e+ice n#mber an" select BNe!C. ;'e "e+ice re-#ires a scale n#mber* IP a""ress* "escri)tion* enable" or "isable"* mo"el* "ri+er* a"+ance" comm#nications mo"e* "e)artment !'ere #se"* )reset <e0s* ;'ermal Fea" "ot )er mm an" t'e !eig'ing inter+al. If t'e "e+ice is set to SM820/SM110/SM&&00 or 3600* t'en t'e "ri+er is force" to ;3P. If t'e "e+ice is set to ,600* t'en t'e "ri+er is set to %;P b#t it can be c'ange" to ;3P if re-#ire". Note t'at to get t'e f#ll f#nctionalit0* t'e "ri+er m#st be set to %;P. (s#all0* t'e /"+ance" 3omm#nications Mo"e is set to :ff an" t'e Dots )er mm are set to 9. If t'e "e+ice is set to ,600 an" its "ri+er is set to %;P t'en t'e a""itional settings of (sername an" Pass!or" !ill be s'o!n. ;'ese settings 'a+e to matc' t'e ,600 settings. If e"iting an e5isting "e+ice* sim)l0 select t'e De+ice in t'e "ro) "o!n bo5. Select t'e correct mo"el t0)e for t'e scale* s#c' as 3600 or ,600. ='en 3600 or ,600 mo"el is selecte"* it !ill "efa#lt to t'e B=ra))e" ;areC !'ilst a retail scale s#c' as a SM820 !ill "efa#lt to an B(n!ra))e" ;areC. ;'e ;are t0)e can be c'ange" !'ere re-#ire". B=ra))e"C an" B(n!ra))e"C ;areIs are )rogramme" in P.( )rogramming.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/""itionall0* t'e mo"el t0)e is #se" to s'o! an" calc#late t'e correct si7es for te5t )rogramming* 'ence its im)ortant to select t'e correct mo"el t0)e. /"+ance" Mo"e is #se" to comm#nicate to "e+ices t'at "o not 'a+e t'e latest Scale soft!are. If /"+ance" Mo"e is set to :ff* t'en t'e basic "ata is sent to t'e De+ices s#c' as Dates* Prices an" ;e5ts. %#rt'er or e5ten"e" "ata s#c' as Pro)ortional ;are or 3o#ntr0 :f :rigin .abel (3::.) !ill onl0 be sent if /"+ance" Mo"e is set to :n. Its "efa#lt setting is set to :ff* 'o!e+er if a""itional "ata s#c' as 3::. is re-#ire" t'en it m#st be set to :n. ='en a "e)artment contains a mi5t#re of "e+ices s#c' as SM series !it' a 3600 or a 3600 !it' a ,600 t'en t'o#g't is nee"e". ='en )rogramming te5ts* RSM !ill )erform calc#lations to s'o! 'o! man0 c'aracters are left on a line an" 'o! man0 lines are a+ailable. ;o "o t'is* RSM nee"s to <no! t'e label si7e ("isc#sse" in t'e ne5t section) an" t'e font t'at t'e #ser 'as selecte". /s "ifferent "e+ices 'a+e "ifferent font si7es* for e5am)le* S1 on t'e SM scales is not t'e same as a &58 on t'e 3600 an" not t'e same as a &5 on a ,600. ;'ere are t!o o)tions to get aro#n" t'is iss#eD 1. Ma<e all t'e "e+ices t'e same t0)e of "e+ice* #sing t'e maHorit0 as 0o#r selection. Note 'o!e+er t'at t'e "ifferent "ri+er t0)es cannot be mi5e". ;'erefore if SM scales an" a DPS,600 are in t'e same "e)artment* t'e "ri+er t0)e M(S; be ;3P (%;P "oes not e5ist in t'e SM scales)* b#t t'e "e+ice t0)e can be eit'er ,600 :R SM820. 2. 1ee) t'e "e+ice mo"els mi5e" b#t t'en a !arning message !ill be "is)la0e" at +ario#s times "#ring t'e )rogramming of t'e information for t'at "e)artment* P.(* ;e5t* Ingre"ients etc. If o)tion 1 is #se"* t'en RSM !ill be #nable to )erform acc#rate !or" !ra))ing !'ic' co#l" res#lt in c'aracters or lines missing from labels. It co#l" also mean label s)ace is !aste". It also means t'at if #sing a ,600 t'en t'e a""itional feat#res !ill be #na+ailable. If t'e "e)artment 'as SM scales an" 3600Is t'en select t'e Mo"el ;0)e as eit'er SM820 or 3600. It is a"+isable to c'oose t'e maHorit0 mo"el t0)e. If t'e "e)artment 'as SM scales an" ,600Is t'en select t'e Mo"el ;0)e as eit'er SM820 or ,600. ;'e Dri+er m#st be set as ;3P an" ,600 a""itional feat#res cannot be #se". If t'e "e)artment 'as 3600Is an" ,600Is t'en select t'e Mo"el ;0)e as eit'er 3600 or ,600. ;'e Dri+er m#st be set as ;3P an" ,600 a""itional feat#res cannot be #se". If o)tion 2 is #se"* t'en RSM !ill 'a+e t'e same !or" !ra))ing iss#es b#t t'e a""itional feat#res for t'e ,600 !ill be a+ailable. ;'e "o!nsi"e to t'is is t'e !arning message !ill be s'o!n.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/s !ell as "ifferent mo"el t0)es #se" in t'e same De)artment* care 'as to be ta<en if t'e De+ices 'a+e "ifferent inter+al settings. Unless the tare is set to ZERO* "e+ices !it' "ifferent inter+als must not be mixed within the same department as the Tare could be a factor of ten times out. ='en com)lete* )ress Sa+e to ret#rn to t'e config#ration men#. If t'e Preset 1e0s 'a+e been mo"ifie" t'en t'e0 !ill be sent to t'e Scale at t'is time. Note* if t'e Preset 1e0s 'a+e been "esigne" for anot'er "e)artment an" not t'e De+ice De)artment t'en a !arning message !ill be s'o!n as<ing t'e #ser to confirm t'e #se of t'is Preset 1e0 la0o#t. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e )re+io#s )age* b#t if "ata 'as not been sa+e" 0et* t'e #ser !ill be )resente" !it' t'e c'ance to sa+e it t'en. Fel) on t'e De+ice 3onfig#ration can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'reset Keys
;o set#) Preset 1e0s for t'e "e+ice* first enter a s#itable name for ease of #se* t'e Scale t0)e* ;o#c' screen* Benc' or Pole an" !'ic' "e)artment t'is Preset 1e0 assignment !ill be #se".

Figure ', $re"et (ey" 3'anging of t'e Scale ;0)e !ill s'o! t'e correct n#mber of b#ttons a+ailable on t'e De+ice. Fo!e+er* as t'e la0o#ts are com)letel0 "ifferent* t'e an0 e5isting settings s'all erase". / confirmation of t'is action is re-#ire". ;'e Preset 1e0 assignment can be #se" for /ll De)artments. Fo!e+er t'is means t'at t'e assignment co#l" 'a+e P.(s not accessible to t'e De+ice. %or e5am)le* if t'e Preset 1e0 is )rogramme" to select P.( 123, b#t t'is P.( is onl0 in De)artment 1* as t'e De+ice is set to De)artment 2* t'e P.( assignment !ill not be a+ailable on t'e "e+ice. Initiall0 t'e %#nction 1e0* for e5am)le %1* can 'a+e a name assigne" to it. ;'en b0 selecting t'e re-#ire" )age n#mber* t'e (ser can set#) t'e n#mber of ro!s an" col#mns for 4/3F of t'e 3 )ages in 4/3F of t'e %#nction 1e0s. Note t'at Non ;o#c' screen Scales "o not 'a+e )ages* col#mns or ro!s as t'e0Ire #sing act#al <e0s. ;o c'ange t'e b#tton f#nction* sim)l0 select t'e gre0 b#tton. It !ill c'ange to BS4.43;4DC an" its ;0)e (Blan<* P.(* %#nction or 3ler<) an" its N#mber (P.(* %#nction n#mber or 3ler<) !ill be s'o!n. If t'e scale t0)e is a Non ;o#c' scale* t'en a !'ite bo5 !ill be s'o!n. ;'is bo5 is #se" to store t'e te5t for t'e Preset 1e0 tem)late* !'ic' is "escribe" later. Note onl0 & lines of te5t are a+ailable )er b#tton an" t'e n#mber of c'aracters )er b#tton is "etermine" b0 t'e font si7e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o s'o! t'e P.( n#mber on t'e tem)late* enter t'e <e0!or" te5t BP.(JC. ;'is can be combine" !it' ot'er c'aracters in t'e line* for e5am)le BP.(DP.(JC !o#l" s'o! BP.(D123,C. ='en c'anges 'a+e been com)lete"* )ress t'e BSa+e B#ttonC b#tton. ;o create a Preset 1e0 tem)late for non to#c' screen scales* firstl0 t'e te5t for eac' b#tton s'o#l" be entere" into t'e !'ite bo5 !'ic' is s'o!n !'en config#ring t'e b#tton f#nction. Selecting t'e ;em)late tab t'en "is)la0s t'e %ont o)tions* !'ere "ifferent fonts* si7es an" colo#rs can be assign to eit'er P.( recall or %#nction <e0s. ;o ma<e a tem)late* )ress t'e Ma<e ;em)late b#tton. Select t'e bac<gro#n" re-#ire"* noting t'at a basic 32<e0 an" &6<e0 la0o#t is a+ailable as stan"ar"* an" t'en select t'e file !'ere t'e image s'o#l" be sa+e" too. :nce t'e tem)late 'as been create" a )re+ie! is s'o!n. /s )rinters 'a+e "ifferent )rinting resol#tions* 0o# !ill nee" to select t'e correct DPI before )rinting* eit'er 1&0* 300* 600 or 1200. ;o ens#re t'e correct DPI is #se"* )ress t'e .oa" 3alibrate b#tton. ;'en after )rinting t'e calibration s'eet c'ec< t'e meas#rements matc'* 100mm for 'ori7ontal an" &0mm for +ertical. ;o )rint t'e tem)late* )ress t'e Print b#tton again $ ens#ring its )resse" after a tem)late 'as been create". ='en t'e !'ole Preset 1e0 assignment 'as been com)lete"* Press Sa+e to sa+e it to t'e "atabase. :nce sa+e"* if t'e Preset 1e0 is #se" in an0 "e+ices* it !ill a#tomaticall0 #)"ate t'e "e+ices. It !ill also !arn if t'ere are an0 P.(s assigne" t'at are not in t'e De+ice "e)artment an" as< for confirmation if t'is is correct. ='en an0 Preset 1e0 assignment "ata 'as been sent* it !ill ret#rn to t'e config#ration men#. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e )re+io#s )age* b#t if "ata 'as not been sa+e" 0et* t'e #ser !ill be )resente" !it' t'e c'ance to sa+e it t'en. ;o remo+e t'e Preset 1e0 assignment* )ress t'e Delete B#tton. ;'is !ill remo+e it from t'e "atabase an" /NG "e+ice #sing t'is Preset 1e0. Fel) on t'e Preset 1e0 3onfig#ration can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(e*ault 'rogramming Settings

(e*ault 'LU
;o set?#) t'e "efa#lt P.(* !'ic' can be #se" as a tem)late !'en creating a ne! P.(* select t'e 3onfig#ration main men#* select Defa#lt Programming Settings an" select Defa#lt P.(. If more t'an 1 "e)artment is config#re" in t'e store* t'en t'e "e)artment selection screen s'all be s'o!n. /s Defa#lt P.(Is are set b0 "e)artment* t'at is eac' "e)artment can 'a+e its o!n "efa#lt P.(* t'e #ser rig'ts of t'e in"i+i"#al logge" in are c'ec<e". If t'e #ser "oesnIt 'a+e rig'ts to access t'e "e)artment selecte" t'en an error is s'o!n. ;'e #se of t'is screen is e5actl0 t'e same as normal P.( )rogramming.

Figure 1), Default $L* ;'e B(se P.( N#mberC b#tton is #se" to eit'er co)0 t'e P.( n#mber into t'e barco"e item co"e or to co)0 t'e "efa#lt item co"e into t'e barco"e !'en a ne! P.( is create". :ne of t'e t!o tares* (n!ra))e" an" =ra))e"* is sent to t'e scale "e)en"ing #)on t'e "e+ice config#ration. ;'e %SD "isco#nt t0)e is set in RSM config#ration* Defa#lt )rogramming settings. ;'is is a global setting #se" for all P.(Is !it'in t'e Store. ;'e "efa#lt config#ration is set to B%SD Disco#nt :ffC.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Nutri*act (ecimal 'laces

D#ring P.( )rogramming of N#trifact information* t'e n#mber of "ecimal )laces #se" for t'e g an" mg fiel"s* s#c' as trans fat* sat#rate" fat* total fat* etc. can be eit'er set to a#tomatic "ecimal )laces or man#al "ecimal )laces. /#tomatic "ecimal )laces !ill insert a "ecimal )oint at t'e correct )lace. If man#al "ecimal )lace is selecte" it is #) to t'e #ser to enter t'e correct n#mber of "ecimal )laces.

Figure 11, +utrifa!t De!imal $la!e"

'LU Saving +ption

;'is setting sets t'e "efa#lt sa+ing o)tion !'en )rogramming a P.(. ='en a P.( 'as been )rogramme" an" is t'en sa+e"* RSM !ill eit'er sa+e t'e P.( imme"iatel0 or allo! t'e #ser t'e o)tion to Sa+e it imme"iatel0 or Sc'e"#le it for later. ;'e "efa#lt sa+ing o)tion can be c'ange" tem)oraril0 on t'e P.( )rogramming screen* b#t ret#rns to t'e "efa#lt setting !'en t'e P.( Programming screen is close" an" reo)ene".

&re,uent S!opper (iscount -ype

;'e %re-#ent S'o))er Disco#nt t0)e for t'e Store is set in t'e Defa#lt Programming Settings of RSM. Note t'at all P.(Is !ill be set to t'is Disco#nt t0)e. ;'e installation "efa#lt is set to BNo Disco#ntC. It is Strongly a"+ise" t'at t'is RSM setting is set#) in t'e first fe! ste)s of installing RSM an" is set to t'e same setting as e5isting P.(Is in t'e De+ices.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

RSM Con*iguration
User Con*iguration
;o a"" a ne! #ser or to e"it a #ser* s#c' as )ass!or"* access le+el or allo!e" "e)artment* select (ser 3onfig#ration in t'e RSM config#ration men#.

Figure 12, *"er Fred ;o e"it a #ser* select t'e #ser name on t'e left list bo5. ;'e /ccess .e+el for t'at #ser* t'e )ass!or" an" t'e allo!e" "e)artments are t'en "is)la0e". ;o c'ange t'e /ccess .e+el for t'e #ser* sim)l0 select t'e le+el in t'e list bo5. Note t'at a 'ig'er /ccess .e+el !ill contain all t'e /ccess .e+els before it. ;o c'ange t'e allo!e" "e)artment* left clic< on t'e "e)artment list bo5. If m#lti)le "e)artments are re-#ire"* for e5am)le t'e /"ministrator #ser* t'en )ress an" 'ol" t'e control <e0 on t'e <e0boar" !'ilst selecting t'e re-#ire" "e)artments. Note t'at if a #ser "oesnIt 'a+e access to a selecte" "e)artment t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n. If t'e (ser logge" in "oes not 'a+e an /ccess .e+el t'e same or greater t'an a selecte" #ser* t'en t'e selecte" #sers "etails are not s'o!n. /""itionall0 t'e logge" in (ser cannot ma<e or e"it a (ser t'at 'as a 'ig'er /ccess .e+el t'an t'eir o!n le+el. If a ne! "e)artment is a""e"* its not a#tomaticall0 a""e" to t'e #sers )ri+ileges. It 'as to be a""e" man#all0 as "escribe" abo+e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/ list of t'e access le+els an" t'e access t'ro#g'o#t RSM are as follo!sD (ser Store Stat#s Real ;ime Stat#s >ra)'ical Store Stat#s De)artment Stat#s De+ice Stat#s Re)orts (ser /ll Data recor"s Price Discre)anc0 re)orts ;otal P.( re)orts ,600 P.( re)orts 3ler< ;otal re)orts SM&&00 3ler< Recei)t re)orts :)erator P.( )rogramming ;e5t )rogramming Ingre"ient )rogramming Price batc' )rogramming Scroll Message )rogramming Scroll Se-#ence )rogramming >lobal P.( Image )rogramming 3ler< )rogramming Place :f :rigin )rogramming S)ecial Message )rogramming ;ra0 )rogramming .abel Design )rogramming. S'o) Name )rogramming. Main >ro#) )rogramming. De)artment Manager Sen" Data %aile" Data ;o Scale Sc'e"#le" "ata S0nc'roni7e men# Data Manager ()loa" from scale (ser 3onfig#ration

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Installer 45)ort "ata Im)ort "ata Im)ort 45ternal "atabase Defa#lt )rogramming settings Store config#ration De)artment config#ration De+ices config#ration Preset 1e0 config#ration RSM settings 4ngineer De+ices "iagnostics .abel %ormat #tilit0 ,600 3omm#nications log S)ecifications ;ransfer Date/;ime Scale setting

;o c'ange t'e Pass!or" for t'e #ser* sim)l0 t0)e t'e ne! )ass!or" in t'e )ass!or" te5t bo5. ;o a"" a ne! #ser* select Ne! (ser an" enter t'e ne! #ser name in t'e te5t entr0 bo5. Select an /ccess .e+el an" a "e)artment(s) t'en enter a )ass!or" an" )ress sa+e. ;o "elete a #ser* sim)l0 select t'e #ser in t'e left list bo5* )ress "elete an" )ress Ges to confirm t'e "elete.

Using RSM &or (e*aults

;o #se t'e De)artment or Store "efa#lts in P.( )rogramming* select t'e o)tion B(se RSM for Defa#ltsC. If t'is is not selecte"* t'en t'e "efa#lts #se" are t'e "efa#lts in t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(ata ase Location

;'e "atabase #se" for RSM can be c'ange" to allo! m#lti)le Store an" config#rations )er one P3. ='en a "atabase c'ange 'as been ma"e* RSM m#st be restarte".

Figure 13, ,SM Configuration ;o create a ne! "atabase set?#)* select Ne! in t'e "ro) "o!n o)tion* enter a s#itable name* ens#ring t'e file e5tension B.m"bC is )resent an" select (se Database. ;'e master "atabase !ill be #se" as a co)0 for t'is ne! "atabase. ;o erase all t'e te5ts an" P.(Is etc* b#t <ee) t'e store str#ct#re (Store* De)artment an" De+ice config#rations) select 4rase /ll. Be!are t'at once selecte"* an" confirme"* t'ere is no going bac<. ;'e onl0 o)tion is to #se t'e bac<#)s from t'e Start#) )roce"#re or t'e Dail0 bac<#)s.

#ac$up .nd Restore

;o bac< #) or restore all t'e RSM "atabases installe"* enter t'e bac<#) location an" )ress bac<#). If Restore is )resse"* t'en RSM !ill nee" a restart after!ar"s. If #sing a remo+able memor0 "e+ice* s#c' as a flas' "ri+e* once t'e bac<#) 'as been com)lete"* t'e o)tion to eHect t'e memor0 "e+ice !ill be gi+en. ;o ens#re "ata isnIt lost* )erform t'is eHect to ens#re all "ata 'as been !ritten to t'e "e+ice before remo+ing t'e flas' "ri+e.

Stic$y Status
='en RSM comm#nicates to t'e scale* a 0ello! stat#s bar is s'o!n at t'e to) of t'e screen. ;'is Stat#s bar can eit'er be 'i""en after 3 secon"s of being "is)la0e"* 'el" #ntil t'e #ser clears t'e message or 'el" !'en t'e #ser clears an error message. ;o c'ange t'e mo"e* clic< on t'e Stic< Stat#s Dis)la0 toggle b#tton.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Import (ata -emplates

;o im)ort "ata into RSM from an e5ternal te5t file* t'en an im)ort tem)late nee"s to be create". ;em)lates can be bot' create" an" mo"ifie".

Figure 14, -mport Data .emplate ;o create a ne! tem)late* select t'e "atabase t0)e* for e5am)le P.(* an" )ress t'e Ne! ;em)late b#tton. ;'is list of fiel"s !ill be no! s'o!n. ;o mo"if0 an e5isting tem)late* )ress t'e .oa" ;em)late b#tton an" select t'e file. ;o select t'e fiel" for im)orting* sim)l0 clic< t'e fiel" name in t'e %iel"s /+ailable list an" )ress t'e /"" b#tton to mo+e t'e item to t'e ot'er list bo5. ;o "eselect t'e im)ort fiel"* select t'e fiel" in t'e %iel"s ;o Im)ort list an" )ress t'e remo+e b#tton. ;o insert a s)ace into t'e im)ort* select ignore. ;'is is #sef#l !'en a large te5t file is sent an" 0o# !is' to H#m) o+er "ata. ;o c'ange t'e or"er of t'e im)ort list* sim)l0 select t'e fiel" an" )ress eit'er () or Do!n. :nce com)lete* )ressing sa+e !ill "is)la0 t'e name an" location for t'e im)ort tem)late.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(epartment Selection
;o )rogram items for t'e "e+ices* select )rogramming from t'e main men#. ;'e list of "e)artments !ill be s'o!n if more t'an 1 "e)artment is config#re" in t'e store.

Figure 15, Department Sele!tion Select t'e "e)artment 0o# !is' to #se or t0)e t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. Pressing cancel !ill ret#rn to t'e main men#. /ll )rogramme" items are filtere" b0 "e)artment. ;'erefore P.( 1 3ana"ian Bacon !onIt be s'o!n !'en t'e ba<er0 "e)artment is selecte". ;o c'ange t'e "e)artment once in )rogramming sim)l0 )ress t'e "e)artment b#tton. ;'e #ser rig'ts of t'e in"i+i"#al logge" in are c'ec<e" once a "e)artment 'as been selecte". If t'e #ser "oesnIt 'a+e rig'ts to access t'e "e)artment selecte" t'en an error is s'o!n. ;o increase )erformance* if t'e same "e)artment is selecte" as last time* t'e label formats for t'at "e)artment !ill not be re?rea". Fo!e+er* going to .abel 3onfig#ration or De)artment 3onfig#ration !ill ca#se RSM to re?rea" t'e .abel %ormats from t'e "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'LU Selection
;o )rogram a P.(* select t'e P.( b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting P.( or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! P.( is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! P.( n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1.

Figure 16, $L* Sele!tion ;o "elete a P.(* enter t'e P.( n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. ;'e P.( list s'o!s t'e first an" secon" lines of t'e commo"it0 names. ='en creating a ne! P.(* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire". /fter !'ic' anot'er confirmation !ill be s'o!n as<ing if t'e Defa#lt P.( s'o#l" be #se" as a starting )oint. Setting #) of t'e Defa#lt P.( is "escribe" in t'is "oc#ment. :nce t'e starting )oint 'as been c'osen* t'e first ste) is to enter t'e commo"it0 name. Select t'e %ont as re-#ire". ;'e n#mber of lines a+ailable an" n#mber of c'aracters )er line is "e)en"ent #)on t'e %ont an" label format selecte".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

='en creating a ne! P.(* t'e o)tion to #se t'e Defa#lt P.( !ill be s'o!n. ;'is !ill #se t'e "efa#lts from t'e De)artment Defa#lt P.(. Initiall0 t'e commo"it0 name !ill be s'o!n* follo!e" b0 t'e main P.( )rogramming screen. /lso at t'is time* t'e "efa#lt P.( sa+ing o)tion is loa"e". ;'is setting is config#re" in Defa#lt Programming Settings. ;o na+igate t'ro#g' P.( )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0. Decimal )oints an" 'o#r se)arators !ill be a""e" a#tomaticall0 !'ere nee"e". If t'e o)tion B(se P.( N#mberC !as selecte" in t'e Defa#lt P.(* t'en t'e P.( n#mber !ill be !ritten to t'e Item 3o"e. Note if t'e P.( N#mber 'as more "igits t'an t'e barco"e format* t'e item co"e !ill be a"H#ste" accor"ingl0.

Figure 1#, $L* $rogramming D#ring )rogramming of te5ts* s#c' as S)ecial Message* Ingre"ient or 3ommo"it0 names* "e)en"ing #)on t'e "e+ice mo"el* s#c' as SM820 or ,600* t'e fonts* n#mber of c'aracters left an" !or" !ra) !ill be calc#late" accor"ingl0. Fo!e+er* if t'e P.( in t'is "e)artment is #se" b0 "ifferent "e+ice mo"els* a !arning message !ill be s'o!n an" a "efa#lt "e+ice mo"el !ill be c'osen. /""itionall0* t'e same f#nctionalit0 is )ro+i"e" for "e+ices !it' "iffering ")mm ("ots )er mm). If t'e P.( in t'is "e)artment is #se" b0 "ifferent "e+ice ;are inter+als* a !arning message !ill be s'o!n an" a "efa#lt "e+ice ;are inter+al !ill be c'osen. ;'e /cti+e b#tton allo!s for P.(Is to be )rogramme" in t'e f#t#re b#t not enable". If Defa#lt is selecte" for Print %ormat* t'e De)artment label format is #se"* !'ic' co#l" be t'e Store "efa#lt if t'at De)artment label format !as set to Defa#lt.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

N#trifact "ecimal )laces are initiall0 config#re" as man#al. ;o set to a#tomatic* see t'e config#ration of RSM later in t'is "oc#ment. Pro)ortional ;are can onl0 be sent to t'e "e+ice if /"+ance" Mo"e is set in t'e De+ice config#ration. ;'e %SD "isco#nt t0)e is set in RSM config#ration* Defa#lt )rogramming settings. ;'is is a global setting #se" for all P.(Is !it'in t'e Store. ;'e "efa#lt config#ration is set to B%SD Disco#nt :ffC. ;'e )rogramming tab B,600 /""itionsC !ill onl0 be s'o!n if t'e "e)artment contains a ,600 "e+ice t'atIs been set to #se t'e %;P "ri+er. If a S)ecial Message n#mber greater t'an 16 is selecte" (t'e ma5im#m of t'e SM820) t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n an" t'e #ser !ill be as<e" if t'e0 !ant to co)0 t'e contents from t'e S)ecial Message recor" to t'e P.( S)ecial Message. Note t'o#g' t'at t'e P.( S)ecial Message onl0 'as 10 lines !'ilst t'e S)ecial Message 'as ,0* so lines 11?,0 !ill not be co)ie". /""itionall0* if t'e P.( is transmitte" to an SM820* t'e S)ecial Message n#mber !ill be reset to 0. Note ? If S)ecial Message 'as n#mber selecte" /ND te5t entere"* t'e SM820 !ill #se t'e te5t* !'ilst t'e ,600 !ill #se t'e n#mber selecte". If an Ingre"ients n#mber greater t'an is selecte" (t'e ma5im#m of t'e SM820) t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n an" t'e #ser !ill be as<e" if t'e0 !ant to co)0 t'e contents from t'e Ingre"ients recor" to t'e P.( Ingre"ients. /""itionall0* if t'e P.( is transmitte" to an SM820* t'e Ingre"ients n#mber !ill be reset to 0. Note ? If Ingre"ients 'as n#mber selecte" /ND te5t entere"* t'e SM820 !ill #se t'e te5t* !'ilst t'e ,600 !ill #se t'e n#mber selecte". ;'e formatting of t'e barco"e Item co"e can be set to #se eit'er t'e Normal or ,600 barco"e. ='en t'e #ser selects a normal barco"e* RSM !ill select a com)atible ,600 barco"e. /lso* !'en t'e #ser selects a ,600 barco"e* RSM !ill select a com)atible normal barco"e. Fo!e+er* if RSM cannot "o t'is* "#e to t'e fact t'at t'e SM820 'as "ifferent barco"es to t'e ,600* t'en a "efa#lt barco"e !ill be selecte" an" a !arning message s'o!n. If t'e t!o barco"es )rogramme" in t'e P.( 'a+e a "ifferent n#mber of Item co"e "igits* for e5am)le t'e ,600 barco"e 'as 6 "igits (123,&6) an" t'e normal barco"e 'as , "igits* t'en t'e barco"e !ill be tr#ncate" or e5)an"e" !'ere necessar0. It is no! )ossible to select B(nit Price o+erri"eC an" BRig't si"e of barco"e "ataC )er P.(* 'o!e+er t'e scale s)ecifications ma0 nee" altering to allo! t'ese feat#res. ='en t'e #ser selects a Print %ormat* RSM !ill select a com)atible ,600 Print %ormat. /lso* !'en t'e #ser selects a ,600 Print %ormat* RSM !ill select a com)atible Print %ormat. If RSM is #nable to "o t'is* "#e to t'e fact t'e t'e SM820

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'as a "ifferent selection of label formats* t'en a "efa#lt label format !ill be selecte" as a !arning message s'o!n. It s'o#l" be note" t'at ;20 for t'e ,600 Print %ormat !ill select %1 an" ;6 !ill select %&0. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s P.(* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e P.( t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t P.(* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e P.( t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e P.( c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! P.( n#mber. If t'e original P.( 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a P.( )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. ;o c'ange t'e P.( n#mber* eit'er enter t'e P.( n#mber "irectl0 or )ress t'e Select P.( b#tton. If t'e P.( n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! P.( n#mber. ='en P.( )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton !ill eit'er sa+e t'e P.( Imme"iatel0 or "is)la0 t'e o)tion to sa+e t'e P.( imme"iatel0 or to sc'e"#le t'e P.(* as "escribe" later in t'is "oc#ment. ;o c'ange t'is sa+ing mo"e* sim)l0 clic< on t'e Sa+e P.( Imme"iatel0//llo! Sc'e"#le" P.( toggle b#tton. :nce P.( )rogramming 'as been com)lete" an" t'e #ser )resses t'e bac< b#tton to ret#rn to t'e Programming Men#* all t'e Imme"iatel0 sa+e" P.(Is are sent to t'e "e+ice. Note* if t'e P.( Ingre"ients 'a+e not been mo"ifie"* RSM !ill not #)"ate t'at )art of t'e "atabase an" t'erefore im)ro+e sa+ing s)ee".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'rice #atc! Selection

;o create a Price Batc'* select Ne! an" confirm t'e confirmation "ialog#e.

Figure 1%, $ri!e /at!0 Sele!tion ;o e"it an e5isting Price Batc'* select t'e "ate an" time of t'e c'anges an" )ress :1. Note P.(Is m#st 'a+e been )re+io#sl0 )rogramme". If no P.(Is are a+ailable t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'rice #atc!
() to fift0 )rice c'anges can be )lace" !it'in a batc'. If more are re-#ire" it is a"+isable to select a slig'tl0 "ifferent time for t'e ot'er batc'es as t'is !ill ma<e it easier to select t'e correct batc'. ='en t'is screen is initiall0 "is)la0e"* t'e P.( recor"s are loa"e" into t'e "ro) "o!n list bo5es. ;'is ma0 ta<e a fe! moments to com)lete if t'ere is a large n#mber of P.(s in RSM. Select t'e P.( in t'e "ro) "o!n list or enter t'e P.( n#mber in t'e te5t bo5. ;'e ol" )rice !ill be "is)la0e". ;o enter a ne! Price* sim)l0 select t'e te5t bo5 to t'e rig't of t'e ne! )rice.

Figure 1', $ri!e /at!0 ;IP ? Pressing t'e tab <e0 can -#ic<l0 allo! t'e #ser to mo+e t'ro#g' t'e batc' ;o ret#rn t'e #nit )rice of t'e P.( bac< to it original +al#e* a Roll Bac< Date an" ;ime can be set. Select t'e Ges/No b#tton an" select t'e green te5t bo5 to )ic< a Date an" a ;ime. ;o set all t'e )rice c'anges to t'e same Roll Bac< Date an" ;ime* sim)l0 clic< t'e >lobal Roll Bac< b#tton an" select t'e green bo5 to )ic< a Date an" a ;ime* !'ic' is t'en co)ie" to all &0 )rices. ='en com)lete* )ressing sa+e "is)la0s t'e o)tion to eit'er )reform t'e )rice c'anges imme"iatel0 or to sc'e"#le t'em later as "etaile" later in t'is "oc#ment. If e"iting a )re+io#sl0 sa+e" Price batc'* t'e o)tion to action t'ese )rice c'anges imme"iatel0* resc'e"#le t'e batc' or <ee) t'e original batc' "ate an" time !ill be s'o!n.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

)lo al 'LU
;o c'ange a )arameter in all t'e P.(Is !it'in t'e "e)artment selecte"* >lobal P.( can be #se" rat'er t'an e"iting all t'e P.(Is in"i+i"#all0.

Figure 2), lobal $L* Selecting t'e P.( )arameter list bo5 "is)la0s t'e list of settings t'at are a+ailable. De)en"ing #)on t'e )arameter selecte"* eit'er a Ges/No* te5t or selection bo5 !ill be s'o!n. :nce selecte" an" t'e ne! "ata entere"* )ressing t'e Sa+e B#tton !ill )erform t'e action across all t'e P.(Is in t'at "e)artment. :nce c'anges 'a+e been com)lete"* )ress Bac< to ret#rn to t'e Programming Men#. /s t'e c'anges are onl0 ma"e to t'e P.( "atabase* to sen" t'em to t'e Scale* select t'e men# Sen" Data ;o Scale* select De)artment mo"e an" select /ll P.(Is.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Ingredient Selection
;o )rogram a Ingre"ient* select t'e Ingre"ient b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Ingre"ient or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Ingre"ient is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Ingre"ient n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Ingre"ient* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 21, -ngredient Sele!tion ;o "elete a Ingre"ient* enter t'e Ingre"ient n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o na+igate t'ro#g' Ingre"ient )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0. If Defa#lt is selecte" for Print %ormat* t'e De)artment label format is #se"* !'ic' co#l" be t'e Store "efa#lt if t'at De)artment label format !as set to Defa#lt.

Figure 22, -ngredient $rogramming ;o enter Ingre"ients* sim)l0 select t'e te5t bo5 an" select t'e %ont as re-#ire". ;'e n#mber of lines a+ailable an" n#mber of c'aracters )er line is "e)en"ent #)on t'e %ont an" label format selecte". De)en"ing #)on t'e "e+ice mo"el* s#c' as SM820 or ,600* t'e fonts* n#mber of c'aracters left an" !or" !ra) !ill be calc#late" accor"ingl0. Fo!e+er* if t'e Ingre"ients in t'is "e)artment is #se" b0 "ifferent "e+ice mo"els* a !arning message !ill be s'o!n an" a "efa#lt "e+ice mo"el !ill be c'osen. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Ingre"ient* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Ingre"ient t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Ingre"ient* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Ingre"ient t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Ingre"ient c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Ingre"ient n#mber. If t'e original Ingre"ient 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Ingre"ient )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

If t'e Ingre"ient n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Ingre"ient n#mber. ='en Ingre"ient )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton "is)la0s t'e o)tion to eit'er sen" t'e Ingre"ient imme"iatel0 or to sc'e"#le t'e Ingre"ient as "escribe" later in t'is "oc#ment. Note* t'at if an attem)t to sen" an Ingre"ient greater t'an is ma"e to a SM820 scale* t'e Ingre"ient !ill be ignore" an" a !arning message !ill be s'o!n.

-ext Selection
;o )rogram a ;e5t* select t'e ;e5t b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting ;e5t or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! ;e5t is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! ;e5t n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! ;e5t* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 23, .e1t Sele!tion ;o "elete a ;e5t* enter t'e ;e5t n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. /s t'e SM820 scale can onl0 acce)t ;e5ts #)to 20 an" t'e ,600 can acce)t #)to * te5ts* if a n#mber greater t'an 20 is entere" t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o na+igate t'ro#g' ;e5t )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0. If Defa#lt is selecte" for Print %ormat* t'e De)artment label format is #se"* !'ic' co#l" be t'e Store "efa#lt if t'at De)artment label format !as set to Defa#lt. If a te5t n#mber of greater t'an 20 'as been entere"* t'en its "etermine" to onl0 be s#itable for a ,600. ;'erefore* t'e Print %ormat o)tion is remo+e" an" t'e label te5t area is set to t'e ma5im#m a+ailable* 90mm !i"e b0 1&0mm long.

Figure 24, .e1t $rogramming ;o enter ;e5t* sim)l0 select t'e te5t bo5 an" select t'e %ont as re-#ire". ;'e n#mber of lines a+ailable an" n#mber of c'aracters )er line is "e)en"ent #)on t'e %ont an" label format selecte". De)en"ing #)on t'e "e+ice mo"el* s#c' as SM820 or ,600* t'e fonts* n#mber of c'aracters left an" !or" !ra) !ill be calc#late" accor"ingl0. Fo!e+er* if t'e ;e5t in t'is "e)artment is #se" b0 "ifferent "e+ice mo"els* a !arning message !ill be s'o!n an" a "efa#lt "e+ice mo"el !ill be c'osen. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s ;e5t* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e ;e5t t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t ;e5t* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e ;e5t t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e ;e5t c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! ;e5t n#mber. If t'e original ;e5t 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o "elete a ;e5t )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e ;e5t n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! ;e5t n#mber. ='en ;e5t )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton "is)la0s t'e o)tion to eit'er sen" t'e ;e5t imme"iatel0 or to Sc'e"#le t'e ;e5t as "escribe" later in t'is "oc#ment. Note* t'at if an attem)t to sen" a ;e5t greater t'an 20 is ma"e to a SM820 scale* t'e te5t !ill be ignore" an" a !arning message !ill be s'o!n.

La el (esign Selection
;o )rogram a .abel* select t'e .abel Design b#tton an" enter t'e %ree %ormat or % n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1.

Figure 25, Label Sele!tion ;o "elete a .abel* enter t'e %ree %ormat or % n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from RSM an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

La el (esign
;o create a label "esign* first select t'e .abel Settings b#tton to "is)la0 t'e screen belo!.

Figure 26, Label Setting" De)en"ing #)on t'e scale mo"el* s#c' as SM820 or ,600* t'e label )arameters a+ailable !ill c'ange. %or e5am)le* a ,600 !o#l" also "is)la0 t'e Pre)rint an" >a). 4nter t'e label )arameters as re-#ire" an" select t'e label 0o# !is' to "esign* Normal .abel or ;otal .abel. ='en rea"0 )ressing t'e :1 b#tton !ill ret#rn to t'e label "esign screen. Note t'e label t0)e can be c'ange" as t'e label is being "esigne". Bot' Normal an" ;otal label "esigns are store" in t'e same file. ;o )rint t'e "esign onto a =in"o!s )rinter* select t'e correct DPI for 0o#r )rinter an" t'en )ress t'e )rint b#tton. If t'e incorrect DPI is selecte" t'en t'e )rinto#t !ill be eit'er too large or too small. Note t'e calibration f#nctionalit0 in t'e Preset 1e0 can be #se" to "etermine 0o#r )rinter DPI setting. ;o reset t'e !'ole label "esign an" ret#rn to a totall0 blan< label* )ress t'e 3lear .abel b#tton an" t'en confirm 0o# !is' to "o t'is. ;o )lace label BobHectsC onto t'e screen* first select t'e :bHect ;0)e "ro) "o!n bo5 to s'o! t'e list of obHects a+ailable. ;'en select t'e obHect re-#ire" in t'e :bHect "ro) "o!n bo5. ;'e obHects )arameters !ill no! be s'o!n. ;o )osition t'e obHect on t'e label "esign* t0)e t'e co?or"inates* si7e or font !'ere re-#ire" an" set t'e Print stat#s "ro) "o!n bo5 to eit'er =eig't* Non=eig't or /ll. ='en com)lete )ress t'e Sa+e b#tton ne5t to t'e Print stat#s "ro) "o!n bo5 an" t'e obHect !ill be "is)la0e" on t'e screen.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Note* t'e @ an" G co?or"inates can be set b0 mo+ing t'e mo#se to t'e )osition on t'e label an" )ressing t'e rig't mo#se b#tton once. :nce t'e obHect is "is)la0e" on t'e screen* it can be e"ite" b0 eit'er selecting t'e :bHect ;0)e an" :bHect "ro) "o!n bo5es as before or b0 sim)l0 left clic<ing on t'e obHect on t'e label "esign. If 2 or more obHects are )lace" o+er eac' ot'er an" t'e #ser selects t'e obHect b0 left clic<ing t'e mo#se* a list of t'e obHects are s'o!n an" t'e #ser is re-#ire" to select t'e obHect t'e0 re-#ire. ;o mo+e an obHect on t'e label "esign* mo+e t'e mo#se o+er t'e obHect as if to select it b#t )ress an" 'ol" t'e left mo#se b#tton. ;'e obHect !ill no! 'a+e a re" boar"er aro#n" it to in"icate its no! able to be "ragge" aro#n" t'e label "esign. Note t'at t'is f#nction is not a+ailable if 2 or more obHects are )lace" o+er eac' ot'er as RSM !ill nee" t'e #ser to confirm !'ic' obHect is re-#ire". ='en t'e )ositioning of t'e obHect is com)lete* release t'e left mo#se b#tton an" t'e obHect !ill be a#tomaticall0 sa+e". If an obHect is e"ite"* t'e #ser !ill nee" to )ress t'e Sa+e b#tton ne5t to t'e Print stat#s "ro) "o!n bo5 to sa+e t'e c'anges B4%:R4 t'e ne5t obHect is selecte". Fo!e+er* if an obHect is "ragge" b0 #sing t'e left mo#se b#tton it is a#tomaticall0 sa+e". /n e5am)le screen is s'o!n belo!.

Figure 2#, Label $rogramming ;'e refres' b#tton is #se" to re"ra! t'e label "esign if re-#ire". ;'e .abel "esign can be eit'er "esigne" #sing "ots or mm #nits. ;o c'ange t'e #nits of meas#rement sim)l0 select t'e :bHect (nits b#tton. ;'e co?or"inates of t'e )osition of t'e mo#se on t'e label are s'o!n. ;'e0 are s'o!n as eit'er "ots or mm as )er t'e #nits selecte".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;'e Dis)la0 %ilter is #se" to filter o#t label obHects not #se" on t'e "esign. %or e5am)le t'e K#antit0 an" K#antit0 S0mbol is )rogramme" b#t onl0 for a Non=eig't label an" t'is ma0 not !ant to be seen !'en "esigning a =eig't label. ;o c'ange bet!een label formats* eit'er ret#rn to t'e Programming men# or )ress t'e Pre+io#s or Ne5t b#ttons. If t'e label "esign is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! label "esign. ;o co)0 from an e5isting label "esign* select t'e 3o)0 b#tton. ='en co)0ing from an e5isting "esign* t'e #ser can c'oose to co)0 from one fi5e" format* s#c' as ;9 or from a %ree %ormat. It is also )ossible to co)0 from a !'ole "e)artments label formats. ='en t'is co)0 f#nction is selecte"* once t'e label formats 'a+e been co)ie"* all t'e label formats in t'at "e)artment are sent to t'e "e+ices in t'e "e)artment to ens#re t'e "e+ices matc' RSM. ='en label "esign )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e label "esign to t'e "e+ices #se" in t'e "e)artment selecte".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Image Selection
;o )rogram a Image* select t'e Image b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Image or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Image is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Image n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Image* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 2%, -mage Sele!tion ;o "elete a Image* enter t'e Image n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o enter t'e Image* sim)l0 clic< on t'e filename bo5 an" select t'e gra)'ic re-#ire". It can im)ort eit'er Bitma) (BMP) or 2)eg (2P>).

Figure 2', -mage $rogramming /n a))ro5imate Feig't an" =i"t' in "ots an" mm is "is)la0e" to allo! t'e :)erator to create t'e .abel %ormat. If t'e image is too big t'en a !arning message !ill be "is)la0e". Note t'e Scale SM110 cannot accept larger i'ages than "#+, bytes (1265126 "ots). Sen"ing "o!n an image larger t'an t'is !ill )ro"#ce a comm#nications error. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Image* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Image t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Image* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Image t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Image c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Image n#mber. If t'e original Image 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Image )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e Image n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Image n#mber. ='en Image )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s it imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scrolling Message Selection

;o )rogram a Scrolling Message* select t'e Scrolling Message b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Scrolling Message or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Scrolling Message is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Scrolling Message n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Scrolling Message* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 3), S!rolling Me""age Sele!tion ;o "elete a Scrolling Message* enter t'e Scrolling Message n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scrolling Message
;o enter t'e Scrolling Message* sim)l0 select t'e message te5t bo5.

Figure 31, S!rolling Me""age ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Scrolling Message* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Scrolling Message t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Scrolling Message* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Scrolling Message t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Scrolling Message c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Scrolling Message n#mber. If t'e original Scrolling Message 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Scrolling Message )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e Scrolling Message n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Scrolling Message n#mber. ='en Scrolling Message )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s it imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scrolling Se,uence Selection

;o )rogram a Scrolling Se-#ence* select t'e Scrolling Se-#ence b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Scrolling Se-#ence or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Scrolling Se-#ence is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Scrolling Se-#ence n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Scrolling Se-#ence* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 32, S!rolling Se2uen!e Sele!tion ;o "elete a Scrolling Se-#ence* enter t'e Scrolling Se-#ence n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scrolling Se,uence
;o enter t'e Scrolling Se-#ence* sim)l0 select t'e Messages* t'e Patterns* t'e Scroll S)ee"s an" t'e 3olo#r.

Figure 33, S!rolling Se2uen!e ;'e name of t'e Scrolling Se-#ence is to allo! t'e #ser to easil0 "isting#is' bet!een t'e ot'er Se-#ences. Note t'at !'en a Scrolling Se-#ence is recei+e" from t'e sale* its name !ill be BRecei+e" %rom ScaleC as t'e scales "o not 'a+e a name entr0. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Scrolling Se-#ence* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Scrolling Se-#ence t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Scrolling Se-#ence* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Scrolling Se-#ence t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Scrolling Se-#ence c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Scrolling Se-#ence n#mber. If t'e original Scrolling Se-#ence 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Scrolling Se-#ence )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e Scrolling Se-#ence n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Scrolling Message n#mber. ='en Scrolling Se-#ence )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s it imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Cler$ Selection
;o )rogram a 3ler<* select t'e 3ler< b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting 3ler< or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! 3ler< is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! 3ler< n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! 3ler<* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 34, Cler3 Sele!tion ;o "elete a 3ler<* enter t'e 3ler< n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o enter t'e 3ler< name* sim)l0 select t'e 3ler< Name te5t bo5.

Figure 35, Cler3 $rogramming ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s 3ler<* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e 3ler< t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t 3ler<* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e 3ler< t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e 3ler< c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! 3ler< n#mber. If t'e original 3ler< 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a 3ler< )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e 3ler< n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! 3ler< n#mber. ='en 3ler< )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s it imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'laces +* +rigin Selection

;o )rogram a Place :f :rigin* select t'e Place :f :rigin b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting Place :f :rigin or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! Place :f :rigin is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! Place :f :rigin n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! Place :f :rigin* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 36, 4rigin Sele!tion ;o "elete a Place :f :rigin* enter t'e Place :f :rigin n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. Note t'at Place :f :rigin is onl0 s#))ort on t'e ,600 !'en #sing t'e %;P Dri+er.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'laces +* +rigin
;o na+igate t'ro#g' Place :f :rigin )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0.

Figure 3#, 4rigin $rogramming ;o enter Place :f :rigin* sim)l0 select t'e te5t bo5 an" select t'e %ont as re-#ire". ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s Place :f :rigin* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Place :f :rigin t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t Place :f :rigin* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e Place :f :rigin t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e Place :f :rigin c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! Place :f :rigin n#mber. If t'e original Place :f :rigin 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a Place :f :rigin )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e Place :f :rigin n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! Place :f :rigin n#mber. ='en Place :f :rigin )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e Place :f :rigin imme"iatel0. Note t'at Place :f :rigin is onl0 s#))ort on t'e ,600 !'en #sing t'e %;P Dri+er.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Special Message Selection

;o )rogram a S)ecial Message* select t'e S)ecial Message b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting S)ecial Message or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! S)ecial Message is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! S)ecial Message n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! S)ecial Message* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 3%, Spe!ial Me""age Sele!tion ;o "elete a S)ecial Message* enter t'e S)ecial Message n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. /s t'e SM820 scale can onl0 acce)t S)ecial Message #)to 16 an" t'e ,600 can acce)t #)to * te5ts* if a n#mber greater t'an 16 is entere" t'en a !arning message s'all be s'o!n.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Special Message
;o na+igate t'ro#g' S)ecial Message )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0. If Defa#lt is selecte" for Print %ormat* t'e De)artment label format is #se"* !'ic' co#l" be t'e Store "efa#lt if t'at De)artment label format !as set to Defa#lt. If a S)ecial Message n#mber of greater t'an 16 'as been entere"* t'en its "etermine" to onl0 be s#itable for a ,600. ;'erefore* t'e Print %ormat o)tion is remo+e" an" t'e label te5t area is set to t'e ma5im#m a+ailable* 90mm !i"e b0 1&0mm long.

Figure 3', Spe!ial Me""age $rogramming ;o enter S)ecial Message* sim)l0 select t'e te5t bo5 an" select t'e %ont as re-#ire". ;'e n#mber of lines a+ailable an" n#mber of c'aracters )er line is "e)en"ent #)on t'e %ont an" label format selecte". De)en"ing #)on t'e "e+ice mo"el* s#c' as SM820 or ,600* t'e fonts* n#mber of c'aracters left an" !or" !ra) !ill be calc#late" accor"ingl0. Fo!e+er* if t'e S)ecial Message in t'is "e)artment is #se" b0 "ifferent "e+ice mo"els* a !arning message !ill be s'o!n an" a "efa#lt "e+ice mo"el !ill be c'osen. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s S)ecial Message* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e S)ecial Message t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t S)ecial Message* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e S)ecial Message t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e S)ecial Message c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! S)ecial Message n#mber. If t'e original S)ecial Message 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o "elete a S)ecial Message )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase an" also from t'e "e+ice. If t'e S)ecial Message n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! S)ecial Message n#mber. ='en S)ecial Message )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e S)ecial Message imme"iatel0. Note* t'at if an attem)t to sen" a S)ecial Message greater t'an 16 is ma"e to a SM820 scale* t'e S)ecial Message !ill be ignore" an" a !arning message !ill be s'o!n.

-ray Selection
;o )rogram a ;ra0* select ;ra0 b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting ;ra0 or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! ;ra0 is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! ;ra0 n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! ;ra0* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 4), .ray Sele!tion ;o "elete a ;ra0* enter t'e ;ra0 n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o na+igate t'ro#g' ;ra0 )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0.

Figure 41, .ray $rogramming ;o enter ;ra0* sim)l0 gi+e t'e ;ra0 a name an" enter t'e t!o ;are +al#es. ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s ;ra0* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e ;ra0 t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t ;ra0* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e ;ra0 t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e ;ra0 c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! ;ra0 n#mber. If t'e original ;ra0 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a ;ra0 )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e ;ra0 n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! ;ra0 n#mber. ='en ;ra0 )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e ;ra0 imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

S!op Name Selection

;o )rogram a S'o) Name* select S'o) Name b#tton an" eit'er select t'e e5isting S'o) Name or enter t'e n#mber into t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. If a ne! S'o) Name is re-#ire"* enter t'e ne! S'o) Name n#mber in to t'e n#mber bo5 an" )ress :1. ='en creating a ne! S'o) Name* a confirmation !ill be re-#ire".

Figure 42, S0op +ame Sele!tion ;o "elete a S'o) Name* enter t'e S'o) Name n#mber* )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

S!op Name
;o na+igate t'ro#g' S'o) Name )rogramming #se t'e mo#se or #se t'e tab <e0. If Defa#lt is selecte" for Print %ormat* t'e De)artment label format is #se"* !'ic' co#l" be t'e Store "efa#lt if t'at De)artment label format !as set to Defa#lt. If a S'o) Name n#mber of greater t'an 32 'as been entere"* t'en its "etermine" to onl0 be s#itable for a ,600. ;'erefore* t'e Print %ormat o)tion is remo+e" an" t'e label te5t area is set to t'e ma5im#m a+ailable* 90mm !i"e b0 1&0mm long.

Figure 43, S0op +ame $rogramming ;o enter S'o) Name* sim)l0 enter t'e 3 lines of te5t an" select t'e font re-#ire". ;o mo+e to t'e )re+io#s S'o) Name* )ress t'e )re+io#s b#tton or )ress Page "o!n on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e S'o) Name t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". ;o mo+e to t'e ne5t S'o) Name* )ress t'e ne5t b#tton or )ress Page #) on t'e <e0boar". If c'anges !ere ma"e to t'e S'o) Name t'e o)tion of sa+ing t'em !ill be )resente". If t'e S'o) Name c#rrentl0 being e"ite" nee"s to be co)ie"* select t'e co)0 b#tton an" enter t'e ne! S'o) Name n#mber. If t'e original S'o) Name 'as been mo"ifie" before co)0 is selecte" it !ill be sa+e" first. ;o "elete a S'o) Name )ress t'e "elete b#tton an" confirm t'e action. It s'all be erase" from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e S'o) Name n#mber is c'ange" it !ill offer to sa+e an0 c'anges an" t'en "is)la0 t'e ne! S'o) Name n#mber. ='en S'o) Name )rogramming is com)lete* )ressing t'e sa+e b#tton sen"s t'e S'o) Name imme"iatel0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(ata Sending
P.(Is* ;e5ts* Ingre"ients an" Price batc'es can be selecte" for imme"iate sen"ing or sc'e"#le" sen"ing.

Send (ata Immediately

='en t'e o)tion to sen" "ata imme"iatel0 is selecte"* t'e "atabase recor" is sa+e" an" t'e "ata !ill be sent to all t'e 4nable" "e+ices !it'in t'e c#rrentl0 selecte" "e)artment.

Figure 44, Sending Data -mmediately D#ring comm#nication to t'e "e+ice* a )o)?#) message !ill be "is)la0e" s'o!ing t'e c#rrent stat#s. ;'is )o) #) message !ill be eit'er a#tomaticall0 remo+e" after 3 secon"s* al!a0s !ait for t'e #ser to cancel t'e message or onl0 !ait for t'e #ser to cancel t'e message if t'e message !as in"icating an error. ;'is f#nctionalit0 is set in RSM 3onfig#ration* Stic<0 Stat#s. If an error occ#rs* t'e )o)?#) message !ill be "is)la0e" in re". :t'er!ise it !ill be "is)la0e" in 0ello!. /n0 faile" comm#nications !ill be a#tomaticall0 retrie" after & min#tes. If t'is fails again* t'e recor" is <e)t !'ere it can be man#all0 resent b0 going to t'e %aile" Data ;o Scale men# as "etaile" later in t'is "oc#ment.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Sc!eduled (ata
='en t'e o)tion to c'oose a sc'e"#le" "ate an" time is selecte"* t'e follo!ing screen !ill be s'o!n !it' to"a0Is "ate an" time alrea"0 'ig'lig'te".

Figure 45, Date and .ime $i!3er Sim)l0 c'ange t'e mont' an" "ate #sing t'e calen"ar* an" t0)e t'e time re-#ire". If cancel is )resse" t'e c'ange !ill be lost. / list of sc'e"#le" recor"s an" t'e o)tion to action t'em imme"iatel0 is "escribe" later in t'is "oc#ment. ='en t'e time an" "ate 'a+e been reac'e" for t'e recor"* t'e "ata !ill be co)ie" to t'e li+e "atabase an" t'e #)"ate" recor" sent to t'e "e+ice. D#ring comm#nication to t'e "e+ice* a )o)?#) message !ill be "is)la0e" s'o!ing t'e c#rrent stat#s. ;'is )o) #) message !ill be eit'er a#tomaticall0 remo+e" after 3 secon"s* al!a0s !ait for t'e #ser to cancel t'e message or onl0 !ait for t'e #ser to cancel t'e message if t'e message !as in"icating an error. ;'is f#nctionalit0 is set in RSM 3onfig#ration* Stic<0 Stat#s. If an error occ#rs* t'e )o)?#) message !ill be "is)la0e" in re". :t'er!ise it !ill be "is)la0e" in 0ello!. /n0 faile" comm#nications !ill be a#tomaticall0 retrie" after & min#tes. If t'is fails again* t'e recor" is <e)t !'ere it can be man#all0 resent b0 going to t'e %aile" Data ;o Scale men# as "etaile" later in t'is "oc#ment.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(ata Menu
Send (ata -o Scale
;o sen" "ata to t'e scale imme"iatel0* t'e o)tions to #)"ate t'e store or in"i+i"#al "e)artments are a+ailable.

Figure 46, Sending S!ale Data Pressing t'e Store b#tton alternates from Store to De)artment. ='en "e)artment is selecte"* t'e "e)artments a+ailable are s'o!n. Note !'en "e)artment mo"e is selecte"* all t'e P.(Is* etc are filtere" b0 t'e "e)artment. ;'e t'irteen recor" o)tions* P.(* Ingre"ients* ;e5t* Scroll Messages* Scroll Se-#ences* Images* 3ler<s* Places :f :rigin* S)ecial Messages* ;ra0s* .abel %ormats* S'o) Names an" Main >ro#)s 'a+e t'ree t0)es of selection o)tions $ None* /ll or in"i+i"#al. ;'erefore it is )ossible to sen" H#st one P.( or anot'er o)tion is to select all t'e P.(Is* one te5t an" no ingre"ients. :nce t'e re-#ire" "ata 'as been selecte"* )ressing t'e Sen" b#tton !ill action t'e selections.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

&ailed (ata -o Scale

;'e list of "ata retries are s'o!n as "escribe" )re+io#sl0 in t'is "oc#ment. ;'is retr0 list can be o+erri""en an" retrie" imme"iatel0 or t'e retr0 list can be "elete". Note t'e retr0 list is sa+e" !'en RSM is s'#t "o!n an" loa"e" !'en starte" to ens#re information is sent to t'e "e+ices !'en t'e "e+ices are ne5t a+ailable.

Figure 4#, +o Failed Data

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/not'er "ata sen"ing o)tion is S0nc'roni7e. ;'is o)tion is a+ailable for t'e !'ole store* for in"i+i"#al "e)artments or for in"i+i"#al "e+ices.

Figure 4%, Syn!0roni5e Data ='en #sing S0nc'roni7e* t'e o)tion of "eleting all t'e P.(Is* ;e5ts* Ingre"ients* Scroll Messages* Scroll Se-#ences* Images* 3ler<s* Places :f :rigin* S)ecial Messages* ;ra0s* .abel %ormats* S'o) Names an" Main >ro#) from all t'e "e+ices selecte" is a+ailable. ;'is is set b0 )ressing t'e toggle b#tton #ntil it t#rns re". Note t'at t'e b#il" in 3ler< n#mbers & to !ill also be "elete". ='en t'e Sen" Data b#tton is )resse"* RSM !ill as< for confirmation. If a "elete 'as been re-#este" t'en m#lti)le conformations are nee"e" b0 t'e #ser. :nce an0 re-#este" "eletes 'a+e been )erforme"* all t'e P.(Is* ;e5t* Ingre"ients Scroll Messages* Scroll Se-#ences* Images* 3ler<s* Places :f :rigin* S)ecial Messages* ;ra0s* .abel %ormats* S'o) Names an" Main >ro#) for t'e "e+ices are sent. ;'erefore* if Store mo"e is selecte"* all t'e "e+ices are selecte". If De)artment mo"e is selecte"* all t'e "e+ices in t'e "e)artment are selecte".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Sc!eduled (ata
;'is screen s'o!s all t'e RSM sc'e"#le" recor"s an" allo!s config#ration of a Sc'e"#le" Im)ort. ;'e sc'e"#le recor" list can be actione" imme"iatel0 an" can also be "elete"* a)art from Sc'e"#le" Price c'anges !'ic' are "etaile" in t'e )rogramming section of t'is "oc#ment.

Figure 4', S!0eduled Data /""itionall0* t'is screen is #se" to set#) a Sc'e"#le" Im)ort. ;o "o t'is* create an Im)ort ;em)late as "etaile" in t'is "oc#ment* select t'e "e)artment !'ic' !ill be #se" (#nless its "etaile" in t'e Im)ort tem)late)* select t'e cs+ file to im)ort an" t'e time for t'e im)ort to occ#r. If a contin#o#s scan of t'e cs+ file is re-#ire"* t'en b0 )ressing t'e (se ;ime b#tton an" c'anging it to 3ontin#o#s* t'en t'e cs+ file is c'ec<e" e+er0 min#te. Note in t'is mo"e t'e cs+ file is "elete" b0 RSM. ;'e 3lear b#tton clears an0 )re+io#sl0 entere" settings. ;'e 4nable b#tton allo!s a sc'e"#le" im)ort to be config#re" b#t not ran. ;'e Process No! b#tton allo!s t'e Sc'e"#le" Im)ort to be ran imme"iatel0* !'ic' is +er0 #sef#l to ens#re t'e im)ort tem)late an" im)ort file !or< correctl0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

If (se ;ime mo"e is selecte"* t'e sc'e"#le !ill a#tomaticall0 fire once )er "a0 at t'e time s)ecifie". ;'erefore* if t'e time is c#rrentl0 3)m an" t'e sc'e"#le time is set for 3am* t'e sc'e"#le ma0 fire imme"iatel0 an" t'en not again #ntil t'e follo!ing "a0 at 3am. /lso* if t'e time is c#rrentl0 3)m an" t'e sc'e"#le time is set for ,)m* t'e sc'e"#le !ill fire at ,)m an" t'en not again #ntil t'e follo!ing "a0 at ,)m. If (se ;ime mo"e is selecte"* t'e im)ort file is not "estro0e" or mo"ifie". ;'erefore its safe to lea+e t'e file. If 3ontin#o#s mo"e is selecte"* t'e im)ort cs+ file is "estro0e". ;'erefore t'e e5ternal s0stem !riting t'is cs+ file s'o#l" :N.G !rite !'en t'e file "oes N:; e5ist. :nce t'e Sc'e"#le" Im)ort 'as been com)lete"* onl0 t'e im)orte" P.(Is (or te5t* or ingre"ients if im)orte") !ill be sent to t'e "e+ices.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Receive &rom Scale

;o recei+e e5isting P.(Is* te5ts etc. from t'e scale an" im)ort t'em into RSM* select t'e Data Men# an" t'en select Recei+e %rom Scale.

Figure 5), ,e!ei&ing Data Select t'e scale n#mber* t'e "ata re-#ire" an" t'en )ress :1. ;'e "ata !ill t'en be re-#este" from t'e scale an" !ritten to t'e RSM "atabase. D#ring t'e )rogress of t'e recei+e* a stat#s message an" a )rogress !'eel !ill be "is)la0e". Note t'at t'e recei+e )rocess ma0 ta<e some time* a))ro5 20 min#tes to recei+e &00 P.(Is. If t'e recor" n#mber recei+e" 'as a sc'e"#le" recor"* for e5am)le* if P.( 1 !as recei+e" b#t P.( 1 !as alrea"0 sc'e"#le"* t'en a !arning !ill be s'o!n an" t'e o)tion to "elete t'e sc'e"#le !ill be gi+en. If 45isting Recor"s is set to B/#tomatic Re)laceC t'en e5isting recor"s are a#tomaticall0 #)"ate". :t'er!ise a confirmation !ill be re-#ire" )er recor". If a Se-#ence is recei+e"* t'en t'e Se-#ence Name is set to BRecei+e" %rom ScaleC beca#se t'ere isnIt a Se-#ence Name in t'e Scale. /ll S)ecial messages are store" in t'e S)ecial Message "atabase. If a recor" n#mber greater t'an 16 is "etecte" a !arning message s'all be s'o!n. /ll S'o) Names are store" in t'e S'o) Name "atabase. If a recor" n#mber greater t'an 32 is "etecte" a !arning message s'all be s'o!n. Ingre"ients !ill be store" in t'e embe""e" P.( ingre"ients if RSM is rea"ing from a 3600 or ,600. :t'er!ise it !ill !rite t'en to t'e Ingre"ients "atabase. ;'is to ens#re P.(Is an" Ingre"ients rea" from a 3600 or ,600 "onIt corr#)t t'e SM820 scale.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

It s'o#l" be note" t'at if rea"ing Ingre"ients !it' RSM !riting t'e "ata to t'e embe""e" P.( Ingre"ients* t'e P.( s'o#l" e5ist first. %or e5am)le* rea"ing Ingre"ient 101 from a ,600 !ill !rite ingre"ients to P.( 101. It is Strongly a"+ise" t'at t'e RSM %re-#ent S'o))er Disco#nt t0)e setting is config#re" to t'e same setting as e5isting P.(Is in t'e De+ices before )erforming Recei+e P.(s. :nce t'e "ata 'as been recei+e"* it is a"+isable to restart RSM to com)act an" bac<#) t'e "atabase.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o im)ort "ata into RSM from a te5t file* first create a tem)late as "etaile" in t'is "oc#ment.

Figure 51, -mport Data If a normal im)ort is re-#ire"* loa" t'e tem)late create" b0 selecting .oa" ;em)late. ;'e "atabase t0)e !ill t'en be "is)la0e". If a s)ecial im)ort is to be )erforme"* )ress t'e Normal Im)ort b#tton so it s'o!s S)ecial Im)ort. ;'en select t'e s)ecial im)ort t0)e an" )ress t'e Start Im)ort b#tton. Please note t'at if 1#'ns "ata is to be im)orte"* t'e tem)late 1#'nsP.( m#st be selecte" as t'e tem)late. :nce t'e 1#'nsP.( tem)late 'as been loa"e"* t'e s)ecial P.( an" Ingre"ient cs+ "ata files m#st be selecte" to start t'e 1#'ns Im)ort. ;o !rite t'e "ata #sing t'e "e)artment n#mber in t'e im)ort file* select BPer ;em)lateC. ;o o+erri"e t'e "e)artment n#mber* )ress Per ;em)late to c'ange it to Per De)artment an" t'en select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". Pressing im)ort "is)la0s a file selection !in"o! an" )ressing o)en loa"s t'e "ata into t'e im)ort tem)late an" t'en stores it into t'e RSM "atabase. Note t'at t'e "atabase t0)es* P.(* Ingre"ient etc. are )reloa"e" !it' "efa#lt "ata. ;'erefore if t'e tem)late is missing "ata fiel"s t'e "efa#lts !ill ens#re "ata integrit0. It is Strongly a"+ise" t'at t'e RSM %re-#ent S'o))er Disco#nt t0)e setting is config#re" before )erforming an Im)ort. /n a#tomatic barco"e t0)e is no! a+ailable. ='en t'is mo"e is enable"* it !ill select t'e Price or =eig't Barco"e "e)en"ing #)on t'e P.( !ieg'ing mo"e. See RSM 3onfig#ration file for f#rt'er "etails.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

='en Barco"e Item 3o"e or %lag "ata is im)orte"* RSM !ill si7e t'e "ata correctl0 b0 #sing t'e Normal barco"e an" not t'e ,600 Barco"e. ;'e im)ort te5t r#les are as follo!sD 1. 4+er0 "ata fiel" m#st be se)arate" b0 a comma. 2. If a comma is #se" in t'e "ata* e.g. a commo"it0 name of Ba*bC t'en an in+erte" comma or "o#ble in+erte" comma (s)eec' mar<) m#st be aro#n" t'e !'ole "ata. 4.g. 1*Ia*bI*2 or 1* Ba*bC* 2. 3. /n in+erte" comma can be #se" in t'e commo"it0 name b#t it cannot be at t'e first c'aracter after t'e comma. 4.g. 1*I;oms*2 is ba" b#t 1*;omIs*2 is o<. 1* I;oms*2 !o#l" also be o< (note t'e s)aces bet!een t'e comma an" t'e I;. / list of t'e "atabases !it' an e5)lanation of eac' fiel" no! follo!sD SM820 %onts S1 L 0 S2 L 1 S3 L 2 S, L 3 S& L , M1 L & M2 L 6 M3 L 8 M, L 9 M& L 3600 %onts &58 L 0 6510 L 1 8512 L 2 11520 L 3 1051, L , 12520 L & 1,52, L 6 225,0 L 8 225,0 L 9 225,0 L ,600 %onts &5 (S1) L 0 6512(S2) L 1 851&(S3) L 2 9516(S,) L 3 1152&(S&) L , 11518(M1) L & 1152&(M2) L 6 1352&(M3) L 8 1&530(M,) L 9 2,5&0(M&) L

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

.abel formats 0?1 L "efa#lt 1?1 L / 2?1 L B 3?1 L 3 ,?1 L (2 &?1 L (3 6?1 L (, 8?1 L (& 9?1 L (6 ?1 L (8 10?1 L (9 11?1 L ;& 12?1 L ;6 13?1 L ;8 1,?1 L ;9 1&?1 L ; 16?1 L ;10 18?1 L %1 18?2 L %2... 18?


,600 .abel %ormats 0?1 L ;1 1?1 L ;2 2?1 L ;3 3?1 L ;, ,?1 L ;& &?1 L ;6 6?1 L ;8 8?1 L ;9 9?1 L ; ?1 L ;10 10?1 L ;11 11?1 L ;12 12?20 L ;20... 12?6 L ;6 Ingredient N#mber L Ingre"ient n#mber* from 1 to ( for SM820). .abel%ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is ingre"ient* n#mber 1 to ;e5t (1 to 100) L ;e5t "ata. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont (1 to 100) L %ont "ata.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)


N#mber L N#mber* te5t n#mber* from 1 to (20 for SM820). .abel format L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is te5t* n#mber 1 to . ;e5t (1 to 10) L ;e5t* ;e5t "ata. %ont (1 to 10) L N#mber* %ont "ata.

-rice .atch DoItDate;ime L ;e5t* Sc'e"#le "ates an" times m#st be in t'e format Bmm/""/0000 ''DmmDss PMC (!'ere PM is afternoon or /M is morning)* for e5am)le B03/2 /2010 10D39D00 /MC. Descri)tion L ;e5t* Descri)tion for t'e )rice batc'. N#mber L ;e5t* P.( N#mber from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is ingre"ient* n#mber 1 to . Ne!Price L ;e5t* Ne! #nit )rice* m#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. -lace /f /rigin N#mber L :rigin n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is message* n#mber 1 to ;e5t1 L ;e5t "ata. 100 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont1 L %ont "ata. (ray

N#mber L N#mber* ;ra0 n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is ;ra0* n#mber 1 to . ;e5t1 L ;e5t* Name of ;ra0. ;are L ;e5t* (nit Price. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. %ilm;are L ;e5t* (nit Price. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C.

Special Message N#mber L S)ecial Message n#mber* from 1 to . (16 for SM820) .abel%ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is message* n#mber 1 to . ;e5t (1 to ,0) L ;e5t "ata. 100 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont (1 to ,0) L %ont "ata. Shop !a'e N#mber L S'o) Name n#mber* from 1 to . (32 for SM820) .abel%ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is message* n#mber 1 to ;e5t (1 to 3) L ;e5t "ata. 100 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont (1 to 3) L %ont "ata.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)


N#mber L P.( n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is )l#* n#mber 1 to . /cti+e L N#mber* Ges L 1* No L 0 3line1 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 1. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont1 L %ont "ata for 3line1. 3line2 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 2. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont2 L %ont "ata for 3line2. 3line3 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 3. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont3 L %ont "ata for 3line3. 3line, L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line ,. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont, L %ont "ata for 3line,. 3line& L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line &. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont& L %ont "ata for 3line&. 3line6 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 6. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont6 L %ont "ata for 3line6. 3line8 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 8. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont8 L %ont "ata for 3line8. 3line9 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 9. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont9 L %ont "ata for 3line9. 3line L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line . 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont L %ont "ata for 3line . 3line10 L 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 10. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont10 L %ont "ata for 3line10. Price L ;e5t* (nit Price. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. Mo"e L N#mber* P.( Mo"e. =eig' L 1* B0 3o#nt L 0. ;are L ;e5t* (n!ra))e" ;are. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. ;are2 L ;e5t* =ra))e" ;are. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. K;G L N#mber* K#antit0 !'en in B0 3o#nt Mo"e. S0mbol L N#mber* S0mbol #se" !'en in B0 3o#nt Mo"e. NonL0* forL1* lbL2* o7L3* )cs L ,* <g L &* g L 6* Metric L 8. Disco#nt ;0)e L N#mber* No "isco#nt L 0* (nit )rice L 1* M total )rice L 2. Disco#nt L ;e5t* Disco#nt )rice. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C Ingre"ient N#mber L N#mber* .in<e" ingre"ients file $ not to be conf#se" !it' )l# ingre"ients. Print;ime L N#mber* Print Pac<e" time Ges L 1* Print Pac<e" time No L 0. Print;ime1e04ntr0 L N#mber* (se scale cloc< L 0* or P.( setting L 1. ;imeData L ;e5t* P.( setting for )rint timeC''DmmC* 2,'r format. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B12D3,C. Pac<Date L N#mber* Print Pac< Date Ges L 1* Print Pac< Date No L 0. Pac<DateData L N#mber* Pac< Date "a0s offset* normall0 0. SellB0Date L N#mber* Print SellB0 Date Ges L 1* Print SellB0 Date No L 0. SellB0Data L N#mber* SellB0 Date "a0s offset. SellB0;ime L N#mber* Print SellB0 time Ges L 1* Print SellB0 time No L 0. SellB0;ime1e04ntr0 L N#mber* (se scale cloc< L 0* or P.( setting L 1. SellB0;ime Data L ;e5t* P.( setting for Sell B0 timeC''DmmC* 2,'r format. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B12D3,C.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(se"B0Date L N#mber* Print Pac< Date Ges L 1* Print Pac< Date No L 0. (se"B0Data L N#mber* (se"B0 Date "a0s offset. Barco"e;0)e L N#mber* Defa#lt L 0 % 333333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 1 %% 333333 @@@@ 3D L 2 % 333333 @@@@@ 3D L 3 %% 3333333333 3D L , %% 33333 3D L & %% 33333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 6 %% 33333 0 @@@@ 3D L 8 %% 33333 @@@@@ 3D L 9 % 33333 @@@@@@ 3D L %% 3333 @@@@@@ 3D L 10 % 33 @@@@ 3D L 11 Non Barco"e L 12 %@ 333333 @@@@ 3D L 13 % 33333 @3D @@@@@ 3D L 1, %% 33 @@@@@@@@ 3D L 1& %% 33333 P3D @@@@ 3D L 16 %@ 33333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 18 %% 3333 @3D @@@@@ 3D L 19 %% 333 @@@@@@@ 3D L 1 333 ==== PPPPP 3D L 20 %%Mo"e L N#mber* (se Defa#lt L 0* (se P.( setting L 1. 33 L ;e5t* Barco"e Item "ata. 4ns#re lengt' of "ata matc'es barco"e selecte". S)ecial Message L N#mber* S)ecial Message recor" to #se. .abel %ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se" in P.(. Place N#mber L N#mber* Not #se"* 0. PlaceN#mberData L Not #se"* em)t0. Pac<In" L N#mber* 1 n#meric "igit #se" for 1293 barco"es. Prefi5 L N#mber* 8 n#meric "igits #se" for 1293 barco"es. Serial L N#mber* n#meric "igits #se" for 1293 barco"es. N#trifact4nable L N#mber* Print N#tifact Ges L 1* Print N#tifact No L 0. N#tri;em)late L N#mber* Stan"ar" L 0 Sim)lifie" L 1 Sim)lifie" con"ense" L 2 Stan"ar" con"ense" L 3 ;ab#late" L , ;ab#late" e5ten"e" con"ense" L & Sim)lifie" con"ense" 2 L 6 ;ab#late" e5ten"e" con"ense" 2 L 8 Ser+ingSi7e L te5t* 20 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Ser+ingsPer3ontainer L te5t* 10 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3alories L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %at3alories L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;otal%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;otal%atPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Sat%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Sat%atPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3'olesterol L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3'olesterolPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. So"i#m L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. So"i#mPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3arbs L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3arbsPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %iber L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %iberPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. S#gars L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Protein L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Aitamin/ L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Aitamin3 L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3alci#m L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Iron L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;'iamin4nable L N#mber* Print ;'iamin Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. ;'iamin L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Ribofla+in4nable L N#mber* Print Ribofla+in Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. Ribofla+in L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Niacin4nable L N#mber* Print Niacin Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. Niacin L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;rans%at4nable L N#mber* Print ;rans%at Ges L 1* Print ;rans%at No L 0. ;rans%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Image1 L Image n#mber. Image2 L Image n#mber. Image3 L Image n#mber. Image, L Image n#mber. Image& L Image n#mber. Image6 L Image n#mber. Image8 L Image n#mber. Image9 L Image n#mber. Image L Image n#mber. Image10 L Image n#mber. M#ltibar1 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar1Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar1;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar2 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar2Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar2;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar3 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar3Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar3;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar, L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar,Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar,;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

S)ecial.ine1 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine1. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont1 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 1. S)ecial.ine2 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine2. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont2 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 2. S)ecial.ine3 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine3. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont3 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 3. S)ecial.ine, L S)ecial ;e5t .ine,. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont, L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine ,. S)ecial.ine& L S)ecial ;e5t .ine&. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont& L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine &. S)ecial.ine6 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine6. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont6 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 6. S)ecial.ine8 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine8. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont8 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 8. S)ecial.ine9 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine9. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont9 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 9. S)ecial.ine L S)ecial ;e5t .ine . Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine . S)ecial.ine10 L S)ecial ;e5t .ine10. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont10 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 10. Ing.ine (1 to 100) L ;e5t* ;e5t "ata Ing%ont (1 to 100) L N#mber* %ont "ata. (P:+erri"e L N#mber* 4nable L 1* Disable L 0. Barco"eMo"e L N#mber* Price L 1* =eig't L 0. Barco"e;0)e ((se t'e barco"e mo"e to c'ange t'e @Is to PIs or =Is) Defa#lt L 0 %% 33333 @3/D @@@@ 3D L 1 % 333333 @3/D @@@@ 3D L 2 %% 33333 0 @@@@ 3D L 3 %% 333333 @@@@ 3D L , %% 33333 @@@@@ 3D L & % 333333 @@@@@ 3D L 6 % 33333 @@@@@@ 3D L 8 %% 3333 @@@@@@ 3D L 9 % 33 @@@@ 3D L %% 3333 @3/D @@@@@ 3D L 10 S3/NDIN/AI/N/@ L 11 % 33333 @3/D @@@@@ 3D L 12 %% 3333 0 @@@@@ 3D L 13 %% 33333 3D L 1, % 333333 3D L 1& %% 3333333333 3D L 16 % 3333333333 3D ((P3) L 18 Print%ormat,600 L ;e5t* ,600 .abel format #se" in ,600 P.(. SellB0Fo#r L N#mber* SellB0 Fo#r L 1* SellB0 Da0 L 0. Min=eig't L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. Ma5=eig't L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. .abelSc' L N#mber* Not #se"* 0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Pac<3o#nt L N#mber* Not #se"* 0. .in<;oS#b L N#mber* 4nable L 1* Disable L 0. .in<.abelSi7e L ;e5t* ,600 .abel format #se". .abellerSelection L N#mber* Main L 1* S#b L 0. :rigin1 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin2 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin3 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin, L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin& L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t1 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t2 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t3 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t, L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t& L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. ;ra01 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. ;ra02 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. ;ra03 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. Pro)tare L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. S'o)name L N#mber* S'o) name n#mber recor" to #se. Main >ro#) L N#mber* Main >ro#) recor" to #se.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Scroll se1uence N#mber L N#mber* Se-#ence n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is se-#ence* n#mber 1 to ;e5t1 L ;e5t* Name of se-#ence. Dis)1 L N#mber* Message n#mber to #se. Dis)2 L N#mber* Message n#mber to #se. Dis)3 L N#mber* Message n#mber to #se. Pat1 L N#mber* Scroll Pattern for message 1 Static L 0* Scroll from left L 1* Blin< L 2. Pat2 L N#mber* Scroll Pattern for message 2. Static L 0* Scroll from left L 1* Blin< L 2. Pat3 L N#mber* Scroll Pattern for message 3. Static L 0* Scroll from left L 1* Blin< L 2. Scroll 3olo#r L N#mber* No colo#r L 0 Re" L 1 >reen L 2 Normal Re" N >reen L 3 Bl#e L , Re" N Bl#e L & Bl#e N >reen L 6 ='ite L 8 In+ert No colo#r L 9 In+ert Re" L In+ert >reen L 10 In+ert Re" N >reen L 11 In+ert Bl#e L 12 In+ert Re" N Bl#e L 13 In+ert Bl#e N >reen L 1, In+ert ='ite L 1& Scroll Rate1 L N#mber* Scroll s)ee" for message 1* Slo! L 0* Me"i#m L 1* %ast L 2. Scroll Rate2 L N#mber* Scroll s)ee" for message 2* Slo! L 0* Me"i#m L 1* %ast L 2. Scroll Rate3 L N#mber* Scroll s)ee" for message 3* Slo! L 0* Me"i#m L 1* %ast L 2. Dis)la0 L N#mber* Not #se"* 1 Scroll Message N#mber L N#mber* Message n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is message* n#mber 1 to ;e5t1 L ;e5t* Message te5t.

Page 8 of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Import (igiNet
;o im)ort "ata into RSM from a DigiNet Database* first clic< t'e b#tton B.oa" DatabaseC to fin" an" select 0o#r DigiNet Database. ;'is file is #s#all0 locate" in cDE)rogram filesEDiginet

Figure 52, -mport Digi+et Databa"e Select t'e "e)artment an" t'e "ata to be rea" from t'e DigiNet Database. / list of all t'e recor"s !ill no! be s'o!n. /s "efa#lt* all t'e recor"s for t'e DigiNet Database are selecte" for im)orting. ;o Remo+e a recor" from t'e im)ort list* select t'e recor" on t'e Im)ort list an" )ress t'e Remo+e b#tton. ;o /"" a recor" to t'e im)ort list* select t'e recor" on t'e /+ailable list an" )ress t'e /"" b#tton. ='en recor" selection is com)lete* )ress t'e Im)ort b#tton. / )rogress message !ill be s'o!n. If an e5isting P.( is in t'e RSM "atabase* a confirmation message bo5 !ill be s'o!n. Note t'at t'e "atabase t0)es* P.(* Ingre"ient etc. are )reloa"e" !it' "efa#lt "ata. ;'erefore if t'e tem)late is missing "ata fiel"s t'e "efa#lts !ill ens#re "ata integrit0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o e5)ort "ata from RSM select t'e Data Men# an" t'en 45)ort Data.

Figure 53, 61port Data Select t'e "atabase re-#ire" an" )ress t'e .oa" B#tton. ;'e list of fiel"s not selecte"* an" t'e list of fiel"s selecte" for e5)ort are t'en s'o!n. ;o remo+e all t'e fiel"s from t'e (se" .ist* )ress t'e None B#tton. ;o mo+e an in"i+i"#al fiel" from t'e Not #se" to t'e (se" .ist* Press t'e /"" B#tton. ;o mo+e an in"i+i"#al fiel" from t'e (se" to t'e Not (se" .ist* Press t'e Remo+e B#tton. ;o select t'e e5)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". Select t'e e5)ort t0)e* 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file an" )ress Sa+e. Select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e. If t'ere are a large n#mber of recor"s it ma0 ta<e a fe! moments to e5)ort t'e "ata. ;'ere is a limit of 2&& (se" fiel"s. If t'is is e5cee"e" a !arning message s'all be "is)la0e".

Page 91 of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Import External (ata ase

;o im)ort "ata into RSM from a e5ternal "atabase* select t'e Data Men# an" t'en Im)ort 45ternal Database.

Figure 54, -mporting 7n 61ternal Databa"e ;'e e5ternal "atabase im)ort tool is +er0 )o!erf#l as it can im)ort "ata from ot'er /ccess Databases #se" on ot'er s0stems* b#t care m#st be ta<en !'en config#ring it. ;'e #ser can s)ecif0 t'e "atabases to #se* t'e fiel"s to co)0 from an" too an" e+en t'e 1e0 fiel" $ t'e #ni-#e i"entifier #se" to searc' t'ro#g' t'e "atabases. ;'is allo!s t'e #ser s)ecif0 t'e O(nit Price in t'e e5ternal "atabase co)ies to t'e Price in RSMO. :r s)ecif0 t'e O(nit Price in t'e e5ternal "atabase co)ies to t'e commo"it0 name in RSMO. ;'e #ser can e+en co)0 "ata o+er "ifferent "atabases so t'e0 co#l" s)ecif0 O45ternal ;e5t "atabase* .ine 1 to RSM P.( 3ommo"it0 line 1O. /""itionall0* t'ere is a setting to ma<e s#re t'e "atabase O1e0O +al#es are c'ec<e". ;'is means t'at if P.(PN#mber is selecte" as t'e 45ternal 1e0 an" N#mber in t'e RSM "atabase* t'en onl0 e5isting P.(Is in RSM !ill be #)"ate". ;'is tool also allo!s for more e5treme #)"ating !'ere t'e 1e0 +al#e can be s)ecifie" as t'e Price* sellb0 "ate* 3ommo"it0 name etc. In t'e case of t'e commo"it0 name* onl0 recor"s !it' matc'ing commo"it0 names are #)"ate". %or e5am)le* t'is !o#l" allo! t'e #ser to create a set#) !'ere if O()"ate meO e5ists in commo"it0line2* t'e sellb0 is t'en #)"ate" in RSM ? for /.. P.(Is !it' O()"ate meO in commo"it0 line2. ;'is is a )o!erf#l tool b#t its )ossible to brea<. Protection 'as been a""e" to sto) sill0 mista<es b#t care is still nee"e".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o config#re t'e Monitoring of t'e e5ternal "atabase* t'e follo!ing ste)s nee" to be follo!e"D 1. :)en #) t'e "atabase file. 2. Select t'e table re-#ire". 3. Select t'e fiel" to be co)ie". ,. Select t'e 1e0 fiel" (to com)are !it' RSM). &. Select t'e r#le* H#st co)0 (#se" for te5t #)"ates) or 2") (#se" to con+ert )rices from 123 to 1.23). 6. Select t'e RSM table. 8. Select t'e RSM fiel" to acce)t t'e "ata* 9. Select t'e <e0 fiel" (to com)are !it' e5ternal "atabase). . 4nable/"isable t'e set#) an" )ress sa+e. /t t'e moment* t'e "atabases are c'ec<e" e+er0 min#te an" t'ereIs onl0 one r#le/set#) at t'e moment. If t'e set#) is being e"ite"* t'e e5ternal "atabase im)orting is sto))e" #ntil t'e #ser e5its t'e screen. Note its )er Store an" not )er De)artment. /ll #)"ates are ma"e at a store le+el. :nl0 c'ange" items are sent to t'e scale (P.(Is etc). If #sing te5t as t'e "atabase 1e0* ma<e s#re ca)itals matc'. If t'e e5ternal "atabase cannot be fo#n" at start#)* t'en t'is f#nction is "isable" an" re-#ires t'e #ser to re?enable it. If co)0ing from a te5t to a n#mber* ens#re t'e te5t 'as "igits in it an" not letters* eg. O123O is o< OabcO isnt beca#se 0o# canIt !rite OabcO to a n#mber fiel". ;'ere is some )rotection to sto) 0o# from "oing t'is* b#t its still )ossible to brea< if 0o# tr0 'ar" eno#g'. If con+erting a n#mber #sing t'e 2 "ecimal )lace r#le an" it !as alrea"0 2 "ecimal )laces* t'en t'e n#mber !ill be ro#n"e". 4g. If O1.23O s)ecifie" t'en t'e o#t)#t !ill beO0.0123O. In t'is case* select t'e r#le O2#st co)0O.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

.ll (ata Records Reports
;o )rint "ata from RSM select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en /ll Data Recor"s.

Figure 55, $rinting Data Select t'e "atabase re-#ire" an" )ress t'e .oa" B#tton. ;'e list of fiel"s not selecte"* an" t'e list of fiel"s selecte" for Re)ort are t'en s'o!n. ;o remo+e all t'e fiel"s from t'e (se" .ist* )ress t'e None B#tton. ;o mo+e an in"i+i"#al fiel" from t'e Not #se" to t'e (se" .ist* Press t'e /"" B#tton. ;o mo+e an in"i+i"#al fiel" from t'e (se" to t'e Not (se" .ist* Press t'e Remo+e B#tton. ;'e re)ort can be sorte" into "ifferent or"ers. ;o "o t'is* select t'e fiel" in Sort :r"er list an" )ress t'e /scen"ing b#tton to eit'er sort t'e recor"s in /scen"ing or Descen"ing or"er. ;o select t'e Re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". :nce t'e (se" list an" Sort or"er list 'as been "eci"e"* )ressing t'e Dis)la0 b#tton !ill )ro"#ce t'e re)ort. If t'ere are a large n#mber of recor"s it ma0 ta<e a fe! moments to constr#ct t'e re)ort. ;'ere is a limit of 2&& (se" fiel"s. If t'is is e5cee"e" a !arning message s'all be "is)la0e". ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!.

Page 9, of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e. :nce a re)ort la0o#t 'as been "eci"e"* it can be sa+e" as a tem)late an" #se" again. ;'is ma<e t'e )rocess m#c' faster t'an reselecting t'e (se" .ist e+er0 time. ;o Sa+e t'e )rint tem)late* )ress t'e Sa+e ;em)late b#tton. ;o #se a Re)ort ;em)late* sim)l0 )ress t'e .oa" ;em)late b#tton an" select t'e tem)late.

Page 9& of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

'rice (iscrepancy
;o "is)la0 an0 Price Discre)ancies bet!een RSM an" t'e "e+ices* select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en Price Discre)anc0.

Figure 56, $L* $ri!e Di"!repan!y ;o "is)la0 t'e re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". ='en t'e Dis)la0 b#tton is )resse"* RSM !ill comm#nicate to all t'e "e+ices selecte" an" s'o! all t'e )rice "ifferences bet!een RSM an" t'e "e+ices. Note t'at t'e 3ommo"it0 .ine1 an" .ine2 are from t'e RSM "atabase. ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!. ;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

-otals #y 'LU
;o generate P.( total "ata from RSM select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en ;otals B0 P.(.

Figure 5#, $L* .otal" ;o select t'e Re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". :nce t'e De)artment or Store 'as been c'osen* select t'e Re)ort ;0)e. Dail0 or Dail0 ;erm. :nce t'is 'as been selecte" t'e Dis)la0 b#tton !ill be s'o!n. ='en t'e Dis)la0 b#tton is )resse"* RSM !ill comm#nicate to all t'e "e+ices selecte" an" generate t'e totals in t'e gri". If a P.( is #se" on more t'an one "e+ice* t'e )ieces an" !eig'ts are acc#m#late". Note t'at t'e ,600 'as "ifferent totals. ;'ese totals are s'o!n as BDail0 ;ermC totals. /""itionall0* note t'at t'e 3ommo"it0 .ine1* .ine2 an" Item 3o"e are from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e P.( cannot be fo#n" in t'e RSM "atabase* t'en t'e 3ommo"it0 .ine 1 an" 2 are blan< an" t'e Item 3o"e is rea" from t'e scale ? !'ic' !ill incl#"e t'e %lag "ata. ;'e 3lear ;otals B#tton clears all t'e P.( ;otals for t'e "e+ices selecte"* eit'er t'e !'ole store or t'e "e+ices #se" in t'e selecte" De)artment. ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!. ;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/011 -otals
;o generate ,600 P.( total "ata from RSM select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en ,600 ;otals.

Figure 5%, 46)) .otal" ;o select t'e Re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". :nce t'is 'as been selecte"* )ressing t'e Dis)la0 b#tton starts t'e comm#nications to all t'e ,600 "e+ices selecte" an" generates t'e totals in t'e gri". Note t'at t'e 3ommo"it0 .ine1 an" .ine2 are rea" from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e P.( cannot be fo#n" in t'e RSM "atabase* t'en t'e 3ommo"it0 .ine 1 an" 2 are blan<. ;'e 3lear ;otals B#tton clears all t'e P.( ;otals for t'e "e+ices selecte"* eit'er t'e !'ole store or t'e ,600 "e+ices #se" in t'e selecte" De)artment. ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!. ;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Cler$ -otals
;o generate 3ler< total "ata from RSM select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en 3ler< ;otals.

Figure 5', Cler3 .otal" ;o select t'e Re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". ='en t'e Dis)la0 b#tton is )resse"* RSM !ill comm#nicate to all t'e "e+ices selecte" an" generate t'e totals in t'e gri". Note t'at t'e 3ler< name is from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e 3ler< cannot be fo#n" in t'e RSM "atabase* t'en t'e 3ler< name is left blan<. ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!. ;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

SM2211 Cler$ Receipt -otals

;o generate 3ler< recei)t totals "ata from RSM select t'e Re)orts Men# an" t'en SM&&00 3ler< Recei)t ;otals.

Figure 6), Cler3 ,e!eipt .otal" From SM55)) ;o select t'e Re)ort of t'e !'ole Store ens#re t'e Store B#tton in"icates Store. :t'er!ise )ress t'e Store B#tton to s'o! De)artment an" select t'e "e)artment re-#ire". ='en t'e Dis)la0 b#tton is )resse"* RSM !ill comm#nicate to all t'e "e+ices selecte" an" generate t'e totals in t'e gri". Note t'at t'e 3ler< name is from t'e RSM "atabase. If t'e 3ler< cannot be fo#n" in t'e RSM "atabase* t'en t'e 3ler< name is left blan<. ;'e >ri" B#tton selects a gri" for t'e )rinte" o#t)#t an" t'e )re+ie!. ;'e Print B#tton )rints t'e re)ort to t'e Defa#lt =in"o!s )rinter. ;'e Pre+ie! B#tton )ro"#ces a )rint )re+ie! of t'e re)ort. ;'e Sa+e B#tton allo!s t'e re)ort to be sa+e" in 45cel* =or" Doc#ment or /S3II te5t file. ;o "o t'is* select t'e o#t)#t file t0)e* )ress t'e Sa+e B#tton* select t'e location an" name of t'e file an" )ress Sa+e. Note t'at t'is f#nction s'o#l" onl0 be #se" on SM&&00 De+ices. If #se" on SM 0/SM110 etc. no or incorrect re)orts ma0 be generate".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Status menu
;o obtain t'e stat#s of t'e Store* select t'e Stat#s men# an" select Store stat#s. ;'e n#mber of "e)artments* P.(Is* Ingre"ients* ;e5ts* Sc'e"#le" P.(Is* Sc'e"#le" Ingre"ients* Sc'e"#le" ;e5ts* n#mber of "e+ices in t'e store an" t'e general 'ealt' of t'e store !ill be s'o!n.

Figure 61, Store Statu" ;'e 'ealt' of t'e store !ill be goo" if no comm#nications 'a+e faile". If an0 comm#nication to a "e+ice fails t'en t'e Store stat#s !ill be ba".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Real -ime )rap!ical Store Status

;o obtain t'e Real ;ime stat#s of all t'e "e+ices an" "e)artments !it'in t'e Store* an" to see t'e la0o#t of t'e store in a gra)'ical form* select t'e Stat#s men# an" select Real ;ime >ra)'ical Store. /ll t'e scales config#re" in t'e Store are c'ec<e" for online* offline or "isable". /n online De+ice an" f#nctioning De)artment is s'o!n in >reen. /n offline De+ice or De)artment is s'o!n in Re" an" "isable" De+ices are s'o!n as >re0. ;'e stat#s of t'e "e+ices is a#tomaticall0 refres'e" e+er0 30 secon"s. Note t'at t'is o)eration is +er0 fast* 'o!e+er if a "e+ice is offline or "isconnecte" from t'e net!or<* it ma0 ta<e a fe! secon"s to s'o! t'e Store stat#s.

Figure 62, ,eal .ime rap0i!al Statu"

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Real time store

;o obtain t'e Real ;ime stat#s of all t'e "e+ices in t'e Store* select t'e Stat#s men# an" select Real ;ime De+ice stat#s. /ll t'e scales config#re" in t'e Store are c'ec<e" for online* offline or "isable". ;'e stat#s of t'e "e+ices is a#tomaticall0 refres'e" e+er0 30 secon"s. Note t'at t'is o)eration is +er0 fast* 'o!e+er if a "e+ice is offline or "isconnecte" from t'e net!or<* it ma0 ta<e a fe! secon"s to s'o! t'e Store stat#s.

Figure 63, Store Statu"

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o obtain t'e stat#s of a De)artment* select t'e Stat#s men# an" select De)artment stat#s. :nce t'e "e)artment 'as been selecte"* t'e n#mber of P.(Is* Ingre"ients* ;e5ts* Sc'e"#le" P.(Is* Sc'e"#le" Ingre"ients* Sc'e"#le" ;e5ts* n#mber of "e+ices in t'e "e)artment an" t'e general 'ealt' of t'e "e)artment !ill be s'o!n.

Figure 64, Department Statu" ;'e 'ealt' of t'e "e)artment !ill be goo" if no comm#nications 'a+e faile". If an0 comm#nication to a "e+ice fails t'en t'e "e)artment stat#s !ill be ba".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

;o obtain t'e stat#s of a De+ice* select t'e Stat#s men# an" select De+ice stat#s. :nce t'e "e+ice 'as been selecte"* t'e n#mber of P.(Is* Ingre"ients* ;e5ts* Sc'e"#le" P.(Is* Sc'e"#le" Ingre"ients* Sc'e"#le" ;e5ts* n#mber of "e)artments #sing t'e "e+ice an" t'e general 'ealt' of t'e "e+ice !ill be s'o!n.

Figure 65, De&i!e Statu" ;'e 'ealt' of t'e "e+ice !ill be goo" if no comm#nications 'a+e faile". If an0 comm#nication to a "e+ice fails t'en t'e "e+ice stat#s !ill be ba".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

(iagnostics Menu
;o rea" f#ll "iagnostic information from t'e De+ice* ens#re t'e setting BScale %ileC in t'e De+ice is set to B4N/B.4C. ;o rea" De+ice Diagnostics* select t'e scale n#mber an" )ress :1. ;'e follo!ing screen s'all be s'o!n.

Figure 66, De&i!e Diagno"ti!" :nce t'e De+ice 'as been rea"* a re-#est to t'e De+ice is ma"e to #)"ate t'e information concerning t'e :)eration of t'e De+ice. ;'is information incl#"es ;'ermal 'ea" )osition* Pa)er Hams* Peel sensors* cassette o)en or close" etc. /fter t'is re-#est 'as been ma"e a timer !ill be s'o!n on t'e screen an" t'e :1 b#tton !ill be "isable". :nce t'e timer 'as e5)ire"* t'e :1 b#tton !ill be enable" again an" t'e (ser can )ress :1 to rea" t'e #)"ate" :)eration information of t'e De+ice. ='en t'e timer is r#nning an" t'e :1 b#tton is "isable"* t'e (ser can select anot'er Scale an" re-#est t'e information. ;'ere is no nee" to !ait #ntil t'e timer 'as e5)ire" before selecting anot'er scale. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e Diagnostics men#. Fel) on t'e De+ice Diagnostics can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

La el &ormats Utility
;'is #tilit0 allo!s t'e #ser to rea" an" sen" t'e %ree .abel %ormats #se" in t'e scale.

Figure 6#, Label Format" *tility ;o rea" an" store t'e .abel %ormats from a De+ice* select t'e scale n#mber an" )ress t'e Recei+e an" Store b#tton. ;'e #ser is )rom)te" for a memorable file name an" t'en t'e %ree %ormats are recei+e" from t'e scale an" store" b0 RSM. ;o sen" t'ese bac< to t'e scale* sim)l0 select t'e scale n#mber an" )ress t'e Sen" b#tton. ;'e #ser is )rom)te" to select t'e file name t'e0 !is' to #se before RSM sen"s t'e %ree %ormat labels to t'e scale. It is )ossible to transfer t'e label formats bet!een scales b0 Recei+ing from one scale* c'anging t'e scale n#mber an" t'en )ressing t'e Sen" B#tton. ;'is f#nction !o#l" be #sef#l for t'e initial set?#) of a ne! scale for an e5isting c#stomer. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e Diagnostics men#. Fel) on t'e .abel %ormats (tilit0 can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/011 Communications Log

;o rea" ,600 3omm#nications .og* select t'e scale n#mber an" )ress :1. ;'e follo!ing screen s'all be s'o!n. (note onl0 ,600Is set to t'e %;P "ri+er !ill be selectable).

Figure 6%, 46)) Communi!ation Log ;'e "ata s'o!n 'as t'e %ilename re-#este"* 'o! man0 recor"s !ere in t'at transfer* t'e "ate an" time of t'e transfer* t'e mac'ine t0)e an" t'e soft!are +ersion n#mber. ;o clear t'e comm#nication logs* select t'e re" b#tton B3lear comm#nication logC an" confirm 0o# !is' to "o t'is o)eration. Pressing 3ancel or Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e Diagnostics men#. Fel) on t'e De+ice Diagnostics can be "is)la0e" b0 )ressing 'el).

Speci*ications -rans*er
;'e S)ecifications ;ransfer f#nction is )ro+i"e" b0 an e5ternal )rogram an" 'as to be installe" se)aratel0 as "etaile" in t'e Installation section of t'is "oc#ment. 3onfirmation is re-#ire" to la#nc' t'is )rogram. It is strongly a"+ise" t'at t'is )rogram is close" once its been #se" as it ma0 interfere !it' RSM "ata transmission to t'e scales.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Set Scale (ate .nd -ime

;'is o)tion is a+ailable for t'e !'ole store* for in"i+i"#al "e)artments or for in"i+i"#al "e+ices.

Figure 6', Setting .0e S!ale Date 7nd .ime Press t'e Mo"e b#tton to s!itc' bet!een store* "e)artment or "e+ice. Initiall0 t'e calen"ar an" cloc< !ill s'o! t'e c#rrent com)#ter "ate an" time. If t'e #ser re-#ires* t'e "ate an" time can be c'ange" to a "ifferent +al#e. :nce t'e Date an" ;ime is set* )ressing BSen" Date an" ;imeC b#tton comm#nicates to t'e scales. Note t'at De+ices #sing ;3P comm#nications can onl0 be set. Pressing Bac< !ill ret#rn to t'e Diagnostics men#.


of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

External (ata ase Inter*ace

;'e e5ternal "atabase interface is an SK. inter)retor #sing @M. te5t as a !ra))er. ;o #)"ate t'e "atabase* com)lete or )art of t'e recor"* sim)l0 constr#ct t'e SK. comman" as normal b#t )#t t'e @M. 'ea"er in front. ;'e format of t'e "ata m#st beD ;'e "ataset to be altere" s'o#l" be after t'e (PD/;4 comman". ;'e te5t B S4; B s'o#l" follo! t'e "ataset. 4ac' of t'e fiel"s to be #)"ate" m#st be in t'e format Bfiel" L +al#e*C for n#mbers* or Bfiel" L I+al#eI* for te5t. Note t'e s)ace bet!een t'e fiel" an" t'e L s0mbol* t'e s)ace bet!een t'e L s0mbol an" t'e +al#e an" t'e * s0mbol after t'e +al#e (#nless its t'e last fiel" before t'e =F4R4 comman"* in !'ic' case a s)ace is nee"e"). ;'e =F4R4 comman" m#st 'a+e t'e recor" n#mber an" t'e "e)artment n#mber. / ma5im#m of 2&& fiel"s )er #)"ate is allo!e". If t'is nee"s to be e5cee"e" t'en it can be "one !it' 2 (PD/;4 comman"s. %or e5am)le* to #)"ate P.( 1 )rice* commo"it0 line 1 an" font commo"it0 line 1* t'e comman" !o#l" be QR5ml +ersionLO1.0O stan"aloneLO0esO RSQ(PD/;4 P.( S4; Price L I1.23I* 3line1 L I'elloI* %ont1 L 3 =F4R4 N#mber L 1 /ND De)tNo L 1T/S If t'e recor" "oesnIt e5ist* it !ill #se t'e Defa#lt P.( for t'e basis of its "ata an" merge t'e )asse" "ata to it before sa+ing t'e recor". If t'e P.( "oes e5ist* t'en t'e e5isting P.( !ill be #)"ate" !it' onl0 t'e )asse" fiel"s being #)"ate". ='en a connection 'as been establis'e" !it' RSM* a stat#s "is)la0 !ill be s'o!n in t'e to) rig't corner of t'e screen. ;'is stat#s "is)la0 !ill s'o! t'e IP a""ress of t'e connecting P3. If t'e :)erator is e"iting recor"s s#c' as P.(s at t'e same time as t'e e5ternal connection is acti+e* care m#st be ta<en as c'anges co#l" be lost. %or e5am)le* if t'e local :)erator c'anges P.( 1 to U1.00 )er lb an" t'en )resses sa+e* t'e e5ternal :)erator co#l" c'ange t'e same P.( to U2.00 )er lb* on !'ic' case t'e local :)erator !o#l" not be a!are of t'is c'ange. It is 2I3204 recommen"e" t'at e5ternal :)erator c'anges #sing t'e 45ternal Database Interface an" ma"e !'en RSM is !/( being #se".

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

More Examples
;o set t'e S0mbol to P3S* B0 3o#nt Mo"e an" a K#antit0 of 3D QR5ml +ersionLO1.0O stan"aloneLO0esO RSQ(PD/;4 P.( S4; S0mbol L ,* Mo"e L 0* K;G L 3 =F4R4 N#mber L 1 /ND De)tNo L 1T/S ;o set t'e Sell B0 "a0s to 3* Pac< Date as tomorro! an" Image1 as n#mber 3D QR5ml +ersionLO1.0O stan"aloneLO0esO RSQ(PD/;4 P.( S4; SellB0Data L 3* Pac<DateData L 1* Image1 L 3 =F4R4 N#mber L /ND De)tNo L 2T/S ;o set t'e ;e5tD QR5ml +ersionLO1.0O stan"aloneLO0esO RSQ(PD/;4 ;4@; S4; ;e5t1 L INo! :n S)ecial :fferI =F4R4 N#mber L & /ND De)tNo L 1T/S

List o* (atasets
P.( ;4@; IN>R4DI4N;

Page 101 of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

List o* &ields in eac! dataset3

;'e format isD %iel" name L "ata t0)e (n#mber or te5t)* "escri)tion. P.( %iel"sD N#mber L N#mber* P.( n#mber* from 1 to . De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is )l#* n#mber 1 to . /cti+e L N#mber* Ges L 1* No L 0 3line1 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 1. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont1 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line1. 3line2 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 2. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont2 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line2. 3line3 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 3. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont3 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line3. 3line, L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line ,. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont, L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line,. 3line& L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line &. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont& L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line&. 3line6 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 6. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont6 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line6. 3line8 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 8. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont8 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line8. 3line9 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 9. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont9 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line9. 3line L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line . 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line . 3line10 L ;e5t* 3ommo"it0 te5t* line 10. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont10 L N#mber* %ont "ata for 3line10. Price L ;e5t* (nit Price. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. Mo"e L N#mber* P.( Mo"e. =eig' L 1* B0 3o#nt L 0. ;are L ;e5t* (n!ra))e" ;are. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. ;are2 L ;e5t* =ra))e" ;are. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. K;G L N#mber* K#antit0 !'en in B0 3o#nt Mo"e. S0mbol L N#mber* S0mbol #se" !'en in B0 3o#nt Mo"e. NonL0* forL1* lbL2* o7L3* )cs L ,* <g L &* g L 6* Metric L 8. Disco#nt ;0)e L N#mber* No "isco#nt L 0* (nit )rice L 1* M total )rice L 2. Disco#nt L ;e5t* Disco#nt )rice. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C Ingre"ient N#mber L N#mber* .in<e" ingre"ients file $ not to be conf#se" !it' )l# ingre"ients. Print;ime L N#mber* Print Pac<e" time Ges L 1* Print Pac<e" time No L 0. Print;ime1e04ntr0 L N#mber* (se scale cloc< L 0* or P.( setting L 1. ;imeData L ;e5t* P.( setting for )rint timeC''DmmC* 2,'r format. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B12D3,C. Pac<Date L N#mber* Print Pac< Date Ges L 1* Print Pac< Date No L 0. Pac<DateData L N#mber* Pac< Date "a0s offset* normall0 0. SellB0Date L N#mber* Print SellB0 Date Ges L 1* Print SellB0 Date No L 0.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

SellB0Data L N#mber* SellB0 Date "a0s offset. SellB0;ime L N#mber* Print SellB0 time Ges L 1* Print SellB0 time No L 0. SellB0;ime1e04ntr0 L N#mber* (se scale cloc< L 0* or P.( setting L 1. SellB0;ime Data L ;e5t* P.( setting for Sell B0 timeC''DmmC* 2,'r format. M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B12D3,C. (se"B0Date L N#mber* Print Pac< Date Ges L 1* Print Pac< Date No L 0. (se"B0Data L N#mber* (se"B0 Date "a0s offset. Barco"e;0)e L N#mber* Defa#lt L 0 % 333333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 1 %% 333333 @@@@ 3D L 2 % 333333 @@@@@ 3D L 3 %% 3333333333 3D L , %% 33333 3D L & %% 33333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 6 %% 33333 0 @@@@ 3D L 8 %% 33333 @@@@@ 3D L 9 % 33333 @@@@@@ 3D L %% 3333 @@@@@@ 3D L 10 % 33 @@@@ 3D L 11 Non Barco"e L 12 %@ 333333 @@@@ 3D L 13 % 33333 @3D @@@@@ 3D L 1, %% 33 @@@@@@@@ 3D L 1& %% 33333 P3D @@@@ 3D L 16 %@ 33333 @3D @@@@ 3D L 18 %% 3333 @3D @@@@@ 3D L 19 %% 333 @@@@@@@ 3D L 1 333 ==== PPPPP 3D L 20 %%Mo"e L N#mber* (se Defa#lt L 0* (se P.( setting L 1. 33 L ;e5t* Barco"e Item "ata. 4ns#re lengt' of "ata matc'es barco"e selecte". S)ecial Message L N#mber* S)ecial Message recor" n#mber #se". .abel %ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se" in P.(. Place N#mber L N#mber* Not #se"* 0. PlaceN#mberData L Not #se"* em)t0. Pac<In" L N#mber* 1 n#meric "igit #se" for 1293 barco"es. Prefi5 L N#mber* 8 n#meric "igits #se" for 1293 barco"es. Serial L N#mber* n#meric "igits #se" for 1293 barco"es. N#trifact4nable L N#mber* Print N#tifact Ges L 1* Print N#tifact No L 0. N#tri;em)late L N#mber* Stan"ar" L 0 Sim)lifie" L 1 Sim)lifie" con"ense" L 2 Stan"ar" con"ense" L 3 ;ab#late" L , ;ab#late" e5ten"e" con"ense" L & Sim)lifie" con"ense" 2 L 6 ;ab#late" e5ten"e" con"ense" 2 L 8

Page 103 of 111


Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Ser+ingSi7e L te5t* 20 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Ser+ingsPer3ontainer L te5t* 10 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3alories L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %at3alories L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;otal%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;otal%atPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Sat%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Sat%atPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3'olesterol L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3'olesterolPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. So"i#m L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. So"i#mPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3arbs L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3arbsPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %iber L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. %iberPer L te5t* 2 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. S#gars L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Protein L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Aitamin/ L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Aitamin3 L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. 3alci#m L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Iron L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;'iamin4nable L N#mber* Print ;'iamin Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. ;'iamin L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Ribofla+in4nable L N#mber* Print Ribofla+in Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. Ribofla+in L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Niacin4nable L N#mber* Print Niacin Ges L 1* Print ;'iamin No L 0. Niacin L te5t* 3 c'aracters ma5 lengt'. ;rans%at4nable L N#mber* Print ;rans%at Ges L 1* Print ;rans%at No L 0. ;rans%at L te5t* , c'aracters ma5 lengt'. Image1 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image2 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image3 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image, L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image& L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image6 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image8 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image9 L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image L N#mber* Image n#mber. Image10 L N#mber* Image n#mber. M#ltibar1 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar1Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar1;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar2 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar2Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar2;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar3 L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

M#ltibar3Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar3;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. M#ltibar, L ;e5t* M#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar,Si7e L N#mber* .engt' of m#ltibar "ata. M#ltibar,;0)e L N#mber* 129/ L 0* 129B L 1* 1293 L 2. S)ecial.ine1 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine1. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont1 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 1. S)ecial.ine2 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine2. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont2 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 2. S)ecial.ine3 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine3. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont3 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 3. S)ecial.ine, L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine,. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont, L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine ,. S)ecial.ine& L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine&. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont& L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine &. S)ecial.ine6 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine6. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont6 L %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 6. S)ecial.ine8 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine8. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont8 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 8. S)ecial.ine9 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine9. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont9 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 9. S)ecial.ine L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine . Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine . S)ecial.ine10 L ;e5t* S)ecial ;e5t .ine10. Ma5 lengt' 1&0 c'aracters. S)ecial%ont10 L N#mber* %ont n#mber "ata for S)ecial ;e5t .ine 10. Ing.ine1 L ;e5t* P.( Ingre"ients "ata. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. Ing%ont1 L N#mber* %ont "ata. ()to an" incl#"ing* Ing.ine100 an" Ing%ont100 (P:+erri"e L N#mber* 4nable L 1* Disable L 0. Barco"eMo"e L N#mber* Price L 1* =eig't L 0. Barco"e;0)e ((se t'e barco"e mo"e to c'ange t'e @Is to PIs or =Is) Defa#lt L 0 %% 33333 @3/D @@@@ 3D L 1 % 333333 @3/D @@@@ 3D L 2 %% 33333 0 @@@@ 3D L 3 %% 333333 @@@@ 3D L , %% 33333 @@@@@ 3D L & % 333333 @@@@@ 3D L 6 % 33333 @@@@@@ 3D L 8 %% 3333 @@@@@@ 3D L 9 % 33 @@@@ 3D L %% 3333 @3/D @@@@@ 3D L 10 S3/NDIN/AI/N/@ L 11 % 33333 @3/D @@@@@ 3D L 12 %% 3333 0 @@@@@ 3D L 13 %% 33333 3D L 1, % 333333 3D L 1& %% 3333333333 3D L 16

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

% 3333333333 3D ((P3) L 18 Print%ormat,600 L ;e5t* ,600 .abel format #se" in ,600 P.(. SellB0Fo#r L N#mber* SellB0 Fo#r L 1* SellB0 Da0 L 0. Min=eig't L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. Ma5=eig't L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. .abelSc' L N#mber* Not #se"* 0. Pac<3o#nt L N#mber* Not #se"* 0. .in<;oS#b L N#mber* 4nable L 1* Disable L 0. .in<.abelSi7e L ;e5t* ,600 .abel format #se". .abellerSelection L N#mber* Main L 1* S#b L 0. :rigin1 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin2 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin3 L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin, L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. :rigin& L N#mber* :rigin recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t1 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t2 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t3 L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t, L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. M#lti;e5t& L N#mber* ;e5t recor" to #se. ;ra01 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. ;ra02 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. ;ra03 L N#mber* ;ra0 recor" to #se. Pro)tare L ;e5t* M#st incl#"e t'e se)arator* eg B1.23C. S'o)name L N#mber* S'o) name n#mber recor" to #se. Main >ro#) L N#mber* Main >ro#) recor" to #se. Ingre"ient %iel"sD N#mber L N#mber* Ingre"ient n#mber* from 1 to . .abel%ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is ingre"ient* n#mber 1 to ;e5t1 L ;e5t* ;e5t "ata. 1&0 3'aracters Ma5 lengt'. %ont1 L N#mber* %ont "ata. ()to an" incl#"ing* ;e5t100 an" %ont100 ;e5t %iel"sD N#mber L N#mber* ;e5t n#mber* from 1 to . .abel%ormat L ;e5t* .abel format #se". De)tNo L N#mber* De)artment #se" for t'is te5t* n#mber 1 to ;e5t1 L ;e5t* ;e5t "ata. %ont1 L N#mber* %ont "ata. ()to an" incl#"ing* ;e5t10 an" %ont10

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

4+er0 2, 'o#rs of contin#o#s o)eration of RSM* t'e !or<ing "atabase is bac<e" #) an" is )lace" into installationE"atabaseEDail0Bac<#) (!'ere installation is t'e installation fol"er of RSM* #s#all0 cDEProgram %ilesERSM). ;'e "efa#lt config#ration is to 'a+e a ma5im#m of 8 bac<#)s in t'is fol"er. ='en t'e 9t' bac<#) is ma"e it !ill o+er!rite t'e 1st bac<#). ;'is n#mber of bac<#)s can be config#re" an" is "etaile" in t'e 4ngineer section of t'is "oc#ment. /lso* e+er0 2, 'o#rs of contin#o#s o)eration of RSM* a Maintenance Message or Fint is s'o!n. ;'is 'int is to Restart RSM once a "a0 to bac<#) t'e "atabases* com)act t'em an" to re)air an0 "atabase errors. ;'is message )o)s #) for 10 secon"s. ;'is is a"+isable to <ee) t'e "atabase r#nning smoot'l0 an" not becoming too large.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Engineer In*ormation
RSM Con*iguration &ile
Main Section VM/INW 3onfigPRetr03ommsL& Retr0 "ata in min#tes. N#trifactPercentL0 0 L "ecimal* 1 L 'e5 (allo!s for 3 "igits). 3onfigPSim)leMen#L1 :l" 'ar"!are frien"l0 main men#. 0 L /nimate" men#* 1 L static men#. 3onfigPBac<#)Start#)DBL1 Perform RSMStart#) Bac<#)s. 3onfigP(nlimite"Bac<#)L0 0 L #nlimite" n#mber of RSMStart#) bac<#)s* 1 L (se ma5im#m n#mber. 3onfigPMa5Bac<#)N#mberL10 Ma5im#m n#mber of RSMStart#) bac<#)s before ret#rning bac< to 1. 3onfigP45t3ommsL0 45ternal "atabase interface comm#nications. 0 L Disable"* 1 L 4nable" 3onfigP45t3ommsPortL11001 ;3P )ort for 45terna< "atabase interface comm#nications. 11001 L Normal setting. 3onfigPGPos:ffset9L12 (an" si7es * 10* 11* 12* 1, etc) N#mber of "ots bet!een eac' line of te5t for eac' font si7e #se" in t'e Preset 1e0 tem)late. 3onfigPMa53'ars9L11 (an" si7es * 10* 11* 12* 1, etc) N#mber of c'aracters )er line for eac' font si7e #se" in t'e Preset 1e0 tem)late. 3onfigP@Pos/"H#stL 6 N#mber of "ots bet!een eac' b#tton on t'e non to#c' screen scale #se" in t'e Preset 1e0 tem)late. 3onfigPGPos/"H#stL & N#mber of "ots bet!een eac' b#tton on t'e non to#c' screen scale #se" in t'e Preset 1e0 tem)late. 3onfigP=eig'tPriceBarco"eL0 /#to set barco"e t0)e. 0 L :ff* 1 L :n. 3onfigPPriceBarco"eL10 Normal barco"e t0)e to #se if P.( is set to )rice mo"e.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

3onfigP=eig'tBarco"eL19 Normal barco"e t0)e to #se if P.( is set to !eig' mo"e. Dail0 Bac<#) Section VD/I.GB/31(PW 3onfigPBac<#)Dail0DBL1 Perform Dail0 Bac<#)s 3onfigP(nlimite"Bac<#)L0 0 L #nlimite" n#mber of Dail0 Bac<#)s* 1 L (se ma5im#m n#mber. 3onfigPMa5Bac<#)N#mberL8 Ma5im#m n#mber of Dail0 Bac<#)s before ret#rning bac< to 1.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

Issues4 Release Notes and Scale Spec Settings

Ingredients *or 5011 and /011 scales
/lt'o#g' t'e 3600 an" ,600 scales "o not s#))ort t'e ingre"ients file* it can still be #se" in RSM. Sim)l0 )rogram t'e ingre"ients as normal an" select t'e ingre"ients file n#mber in P.( )rogramming. ='en t'e P.( is sent to t'e 3600 or ,600* t'e ingre"ients file is rea" an" t'e "ata is co)ie" into t'e P.( at t'e scale. ;'is allo!s for a re"#ce" set of ingre"ients in RSM* as t'e0 can be re#se"* an" it also re"#ces !or<loa".

Nutri*act 'ercentage Setup

;o set#) t'e scale an" RSM for 3 "igit )ercentage +al#es in N#trifactD 1. S'#t"o!n RSM. 2. 4"it NBINet.ini an" c'ange N#trifactPercentL1. 3. Start RSM. ,. :n t'e Scale* :)eration Men#* (ser Set#)* .abel Printing S)ecs M n#tri e5ten"e" to 3 "igits. &. Restart t'e Scale. ;o set#) t'e scale an" RSM for 2 "igit )ercentage +al#es in N#trifactD ("efa#lt) 1. S'#t"o!n RSM. 2. 4"it NBINet.ini an" c'ange N#trifactPercentL0. 3. Start RSM. ,. :n t'e Scale* :)eration Men#* (ser Set#)* .abel Printing S)ecs* M n#tri e5ten"e" to 2 "igits. &. Restart t'e Scale.

Scroll Se,uence Scale Setup

;o allo! RSM to control t'e colo#r of t'e Scroll Se-#enceD 1. :n t'e Scale* :)eration Men#* (ser Set#)* :)eration S)ec* Scroll color o+erri"e $ /llo!. 2. Restart t'e Scale.

Commodity names4 ingredients4 texts and ot!er text entry

D#e to t'e nat#re of SK. comman" lang#age #se" to comm#nicate to t'e /ccess Database* t'ere is an iss#e !'en #sing t'e c'aracters B an" D in t'e same line of te5t. O O D is acce)table. O is acce)table. D is acce)table. D O is acce)table. O D is not allo!e". ;'e D c'aracter is re)lace" !it' a s)ace c'aracter. X is not allo!e". Its re)lace" !it' I.

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Retail Scale Management (RSM)

/011 &onts
(nfort#natel0* "#e to a firm!are )roblem in t'e ,600* !'en recei+ing P.(Is bot' t'e fonts 11518 an" 1152& ret#rn t'e same n#mber. ;'erefore RSM sets t'em to 1152&. ;'e ,600 font table 'as been mo"ifie" to be com)atible !it' retail font si7es. ;'erefore* t'e font !ill be "is)la0e" as a ,600 si7e an" t'en follo!e" b0 a retail font si7e* s#c' as &5 (S1)* 1152&(S&)* 11518(M1). ;'is allo!s t'e #ser to select a font t'at co#l" be #se" for "ifferent scale t0)es* for e5am)le 1152&(S&) an" 1152&(M2) selects t'e same 1152& font on t'e ,600* b#t allo!s for a larger font to be selecte" !'en sen"ing t'e same P.( to a retail scale.

/011 &irm%are and RSM &eatures

Please note t'at some feat#res "escribe" in t'is "oc#ment re-#ire t'e latest ,600 %irm!are* c#rrentl0 +3.00. %eat#res s#c' as tra0 sen"ing* s'o)name )rogramming an" greater t'an 19 lines of s)ecial message te5t are not a+ailable on ol"er firm!are. 4ns#re t'at all t'e S'o)name* S)ecial Message an" ;ra0 B%ile Sen"/Recei+e SelectionsCare set to enable. ;'is is #n"er t'e S0stem S)ec* %;P comm#nication men#.

;o rea" f#ll "iagnostic information from t'e De+ice* ens#re t'e setting BScale %ileC in t'e De+ice is set to B4N/B.4C. In t'e SM820 ;o#c'* it is locate" in t'e :)eration S)ecs Men#. %ail#re to set t'is to 4nable !ill sto) t'e :)eration* Boot Date an" Boot ;ime information.

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