Comm Setup Doosan Fanuc

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CommunicationsInstructionsfor DOOSAN,FANUCControls

Ethernet & RS-232 for;

18i, 21i, 0ib and c 30i Series & 0id Dec. 2010 Ver1

Section 1 .............................................................................................................. 3 Ethernet Set-up for the PC ................................................................................ 3 Description ........................................................................................................ 3 Connection: ....................................................................................................... 3 Data exchange between host and NC ............................................................... 3 Windows Firewall .............................................................................................. 3 Hardware requirements ..................................................................................... 4 Software requirements ...................................................................................... 4 PC Setup Instructions ........................................................................................ 4 Section 2 .............................................................................................................. 8 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 18i, 21i, 0ib, 0ic Controls ......................... 8 Section 3 ............................................................................................................ 10 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 31i, 32i Controls ..................................... 10 Section 4 ............................................................................................................ 14 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 0i_d Controls.......................................... 14 Section 5 ............................................................................................................ 18 RS-232 Set-up, PC Configuration .................................................................... 18 HyperTerminal in Windows 7 for 32 and 64 bit Computers ............................. 18 RS-232 C Interface Wiring (For use with DC Codes) .................................... 20 RS-232 C Interface Wiring (No Hand Shake) .................................................. 21 Communication with CNC via RS 232C using Hyper Terminal ...................... 23 A new connection for Hyper Terminal is setup as follows: .............................. 23 Downloading from the CNC to the PC ............................................................. 24 Uploading from the PC to the CNC ................................................................. 25 Notes on downloading to the PC: .................................................................... 25 Notes on uploading to the CNC: ...................................................................... 25 Notes on changing the communication settings for Hyper Terminal................ 26 Appendix ........................................................................................................... 27 Revision History: ............................................................................................. 27

Dec. 2010 Ver1 -2-

Ethernet Set-up for the PC

Section 1
Ethernet Set-up for the PC Doosan Turning centers and Machining Centers that are equipped with FANUC controls, Ethernet port and the Embedded Ethernet function can be connected either to a local area network or directly to a single PC. Description The FANUC Embedded Ethernet function allows convenient exchange of NC programs; tool offset data, system parameters and other NC data between the host PC and the NC. A directory page at the NC displays all the files in an assigned folder located at the host PC. Connection: A single PC can be connected to the NC via Ethernet port. A network can be connected to one or more NC units. A workstation on the network is assigned as the host for one or more NC machines. Data exchange between host and NC Data transfer operation between host and NC is started at the NC-side. Data transfer cannot be started from the host. The NC can access and display the files located at an assigned directory at the host. Data is transferred between the assigned directory at the host and the NC. The host cannot access files or screen displays located at the NC. DNC-operation (drip-feeding of NC programs in tape-mode) cannot be done. Windows Firewall In rare cases Windows firewall does not have Allow incoming Echo Request box checked. This must be allowed for communication between the machine and Computer. To verify the settings: Go to the control panel.
Find the Windows Firewall. Click it. Go to the Exceptions tab Make sure the TYPsoft FTP Server is checked Go to the Advanced tab Look for the ICMP setting and click Settings Make sure Allow incoming Echo Request box is checked.

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Ethernet Set-up for the PC

Hardware requirements Personal Computer equipped with LAN connection and Windows operating system (Windows 97 through Windows 7), or a PC workstation connected to a local area network. LAN Cable a) Cable type RJ45, Male to Male-Crossover, CAT5e. This type of cable is used when connecting a single PC directly to the NC. b) Standard LAN cable is used when connecting the NC to a network. Software requirements The software TYP Soft FTP Server 1.xx must be installed on the host PC. If not attached to this file, the software can be downloaded at no charge from: PC Setup Instructions 1. Install the software TYP Soft FTP Server 1.xx on the host-PC. Upon completed installation, launch FTP to make sure there are no problems starting it then shut FTP down again. 2. Make a new folder on the host PC, for example: C: \ NCDATA. This folder is needed for transferring data back and forth between the PC and the NC. For test purposes, please store a few NC-programs (NC-text files) in this folder. 3. When connecting a local area network to the NC, please go to item #6. After reviewing item #6, please consult your system administrator or network specialist for obtaining the IP address, subnet mask and router IP address that is applicable for the network. 4. When connecting a PC directly to the NC please power up the NC at first then plug in the RJ45 cable on both the NC and on the PC. 5. With the cable plugged in on both sides, please reboot the PC as follows: On a PC that has not been configured for a local area network, please login the normal way. After power up it is possible that the New Hardware Detection process may be activated by the system. After completion of this process, please reboot the PC again. On a PC that has already been configured for a LAN connection, please make sure to click on Work Station Only when you login. In case of a wireless LAN, please do not activate it when powering up the PC. 6. Get the IP-address of the host-PC. The IP-address consists of a number that looks similar to this: 123. 456. 789. 122 The IP-address is obtained through the DOS command prompt. For Windows, the DOS command prompt is found in Programs under Dec. 2010 Ver1

Ethernet Set-up for the PC

Accessories. At the command prompt, type in the command as shown, below: In case of Windows XP or later, type in: ipconfig (enter) In case of Windows - other than XP -, type in: winipcfg (enter) The system will reply with the IP-address and the Subnet Mask address. Write down the IP address and Subnet Mask. You will need them for setting the Ethernet parameters on the NC. If the numbers do not come up or if they are all zeros, please check the cable connection again and reboot the PC. Consult a network specialist if necessary.

7. Launch the FTP Server.

Click on Setup then click on Users. Click on New User. The system will ask: What is the new login?

Type-in a name and click on OK.

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Ethernet Set-up for the PC

The tile shown below will appear. First you must select the root directory. To do this click the button at the end of the dialog box underneath the Root Directory, a window will pop up and you can browse the directory to select where the program files will be stored. This Root Directory is the path and folder name you made for uploading and downloading NC-data, for example: c:\ NCDATA. Click on Ok . This will close the window. Do not close the tile just yet. On the tile List of Users is shown your new user name that you just registered. The new user name will be highlighted. This will let you complete the items under Directory Access on the right side of the tile.

In the tile labeled Directory Access the directory you just select will be displayed and highlighted. Click that listing with the same name as shown under the root directory on left. Review all other items and check mark items (Download, Upload, etc.) as desired. Save the data then close the tile. Next, click on FTP.

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Ethernet Set-up for the PC

This will display the tile shown below.

Check boxes as desired then click save. Close the tile. Do not close the program.

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Ethernet NC setup for 18i, 21i, 0ib, c Controls

Section 2 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 18i, 21i, 0ib, 0ic Controls
1. Go to the NC. Select MDI-mode. Set parameter write enable=1. On the same page, set the I/O-channel =9

Press SYSTEM, then repeatedly press the +-key, until the key ETHPRM appears. Press ETHPRM, then OPRT, then EMBED. On page (1), key in the IP-address of the NC. This address should be nearly identical to the IP-address of the host except for the last digit. It must be one number higher or lower than the last digit of the hosts IPaddress. If using a network this cannot be another address on the network. Set the Subnet Mask-address = ex (This is same number as found on the PC and will vary between configurations) Go to page (3). On PORT, key-in 21. Key in the IP-address of the host on this page. The user name and password must match the names used on the FTP-server. Set the parameter write enable=0 POWER OFF the NC (Every time when changes are made to the Ethernet parameters the power must be turned OFF).

2. Launch the FTP server on the PC. 3. On the NC, please select EDIT -mode. Push PROGRAM, then push +, then HOST, then OPRT, then push EMBED. At this time the NC is looking for the host. A page will appear that displays all of the files in the assigned directory of the host (e.g.: C:\NCDATA). If the Dec. 2010 Ver1

Ethernet NC setup for 18i, 21i, 0ib, c Controls

settings are incorrect or the network cables are not connected an alarm will appear: DATA NOT FOUND 4. In EDIT-mode, the system is ready to transfer programs or other NC-data to and from the host. Please push the + soft key then Using the READ or PUNCH functions on the NC starts the transfer of NC programs to or from the host, respectively. When uploading to the NC, key-in the file number you want to upload - not the program number. Data, such as tool offsets or NC parameters can punched or sent to the host when tool-offset or parameters are displayed, respectively.

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Ethernet NC setup for 31i, 32i Controls

Section 3 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 31i, 32i Controls

Note: 31i shown, 32i controls are similar

For a 2 path machine, select the Lower Path on the Control Panel Select MDI on the Control Panel

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Ethernet NC setup for 31i, 32i Controls

Settings for the LAN can be found by pressing the [System] Hard key then pressing the [+] soft key repeatedly until the Screen above appears. Press [EMBED PORT]

The MAC Address (Media Access Control) are most often assigned by the manufacturer of a network interface card (NIC) and are stored in its hardware. This number cannot be changed. The IP address of the Ethernet adapter is static; this means the number is permanently assigned upon set-up and is active until changed by the user . The least significant value (90) in this example string must be larger than the Host Computer. Example:

Note: The Subnet Mask of each device in the Network must match each other.


Subnet Mask

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Ethernet NC setup for 31i, 32i Controls

The Host Name (IP Address). (The Host computer is the computer running the FTP Server software, (PC)) FTP means File Transfer Protocol. This computer will direct all traffic between the two Systems. Advance to the screen shown below by pressing [FTP TRANS]

Fill out the HOST NAME (IP ADDRESS) with the IP address from the PC (Host) Port Number 21 User Name, if any (Must match the PC configuration) Password, If any (Must match the PC configuration) Using a Crossover Cable connect the two devices. (If a crossover cable is not available, a network switch must be placed between the two devices.) Press the [+] Key, then press [PING]

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Ethernet NC setup for 31i, 32i Controls

Press [OPRT]

Finally Press [PING FTP1]

This will check the communications of the configuration, If the connections and settings are correct, the host computer will respond with the (response is received) message.

(If not, check all the settings) If the settings match but there is no response back with ping, power down both the Computer and NC. With the cables still connected, power the computer all the way up first, then the control. If Communication problems occur, check all of the previous steps including cabling, and PC FTP configuration. If Response is received, the configuration is correct. Go to [Program] then [Folder], and select the [EMB ETHER] to see the Directory from the Host PC (This is the Folder that was selected from

the FTP Server during setup of the PC side.)

The status of the FTP I/O can be monitored from the PC Server Dialog as shown below.

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Ethernet NC setup for 0iD Controls

Section 4 Ethernet NC setup instructions for 0i_d Controls

Note: 0itd 10 Screen shown, 8 controlls are similar

Select MDI on the Control Panel Settings for the LAN can be found by pressing the [System] Hard key then pressing the [+] soft key repeatedly until the Screen above appears. Press [EMBED PORT]

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Ethernet NC setup for 0iD Controls

The MAC Address (Media Access Control) are most often assigned by the manufacturer of a network interface card (NIC) and are stored in its hardware. This number cannot be changed. The IP address of the Ethernet adapter is static; this means the number is permanently assigned upon set-up and is active until changed by the user. The least significant value (90) in this example string must be larger than the Host Computer.


Note: The Subnet Mask of each device in the Network must match each other.


Subnet Mask

The Host Name (IP Address). (The Host computer is the computer running the FTP Server software, (PC)) FTP means File Transfer Protocol. This computer will direct all traffic between the two Systems. Advance to the screen shown below by pressing [FTP TRANS]

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Ethernet NC setup for 0iD Controls

Fill out the HOST NAME (IP ADDRESS) with the IP address from the PC (Host) Port Number 21 User Name, if any (Must match the PC configuration) Password, If any (Must match the PC configuration) Using a Crossover Cable connect the two devices. (If a crossover cable is not available, a network switch must be placed between the two devices.) Press the [+] Key, then press [PING]

Press [OPRT]

Finally Press [PING FTP1]

This will check the communications of the configuration, If the connections and settings are correct, the host computer will respond with the (response is received) message.

(If not, check all the settings) If the settings match but there is no response back with ping, power down both the Computer and NC. With the cables still connected, power the computer all the way up first, then the control. If Communication problems occur, check all of the previous steps including cabling, and PC FTP configuration. If Response is received, the configuration is correct.

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Ethernet NC setup for 0iD Controls

Go to [Program] , and select the [EMB ETHER] to see the Directory from the Host PC (This is the Folder that was selected from the FTP

Server during setup of the PC side.)

The status of the FTP I/O can be monitored from the PC Server Dialog as shown below.

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

Section 5 RS-232 Set-up, PC Configuration

HyperTerminal can be found in the accessory folder of all MS Windows computers prior to Windows Vista. For Windows Vista and later, please follow the instructions in the text on this page below. HyperTerminal in Windows 7 for 32 and 64 bit Computers On a Windows 7 32 bit computer make a new folder as shown below C:\Program Files\HyperTerminal On a Windows 7 64 bit computer make a new folder as shown below C:\Program Files (x86)\HyperTerminal If not attached to this file, you can download the files you need from this link: Copy the following files to the folder that was just created above:

Simply run hypertrm.exe and HyperTerminal is on Windows 7. If you want to have HyperTerminal on your Start Menu, create a shortcut to hypertrm.exe and put it in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and when you go to All Programs under the Start Menu HyperTerminal will be there. Note: A known issue is that when creating a connection, the icons do not show, this does not affect program operation.

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

A USB to serial adapter is required for most new computers today. Windows 7 will most likely find the drivers it needs, if not, a source for USB to Serial drivers can be found at: PL2303 Prolific Driver Installer

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration RS-232 C Interface Wiring (For use with DC Codes)

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration RS-232 C Interface Wiring (No Hand Shake)

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

A usb to RS-232 adapter may be needed to connect modern PCs or laptops to the CNC Machine. These can be obtained from many internet and local sources. These adapters have been tested and provide the necessary signals needed by the FANUC communications port. The null modem cable configuration from the previous pages must be used in conjunction with these adapters. Note: These adapters dont replace the crossover cables from the previous pages; they simply provide an RS-232 connection port for the PC.

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

Communication with CNC via RS 232C using Hyper Terminal 1

It is strongly recommended that a working connection between the PC and Machine be established using the methods contained in this text before using an alternate communications software package. The settings of other software will vary making it imposable to cover all scenarios in this document. Communication between a PC and FANUC CNC via RS 232C can be established, using the program Hyper Terminal. This will allow transferring of text data, such as NC-programs, Tool offset data and NC-parameter data between the PC and the CNC. DNC operation (Drip-feeding) can be done as well. Notes: The Hyper Terminal program is found on most PCs under Accessories You will need a properly configured cable that connects the serial port (COM1 or COM2) of the PC with the RS-232C port on the CNC. Setting of the I/O-Channel (on the CNC - Setting Page) is normally set to 0. Punch Code is set to ISO Parameters at the CNC are set as follows: Par #100 bit 3=1 Par #101 bit 0=1 Par #102=0 Par #103=10 (No carriage return) (Two stop bits) (I/O device type = RS-232-C, using control codes) (Baud Rate =4800 BPS)

(Above are the normal default settings on Doosan Machine Tools that are equipped with FANUC controls). Clicking on ProgramsAccessories Communication Hyper Terminal starts the program on your PC

A new connection for Hyper Terminal is setup as follows:

1. Click on Hyper Terminal. Specify the New Connection by entering a connection name and picking an icon that can be used for the shortcut. For example: Name: CNC-1, then pick the GE-icon. Click OK. 2. The tile Connect to: comes up. Click on either COM 1 or COM2 at the bottom of the tile, depending upon the serial port number that is available on your PC. Then click OK. 3. The Properties-tile comes up. Enter data as follows:
Note: (The settings below must match the settings that are established on the PC software.)

Baud rate: 4800 Data bits: 7 Parity: EVEN Stop bits: 2 Flow control: X-ON / X-OFF

Text Borrowed From Hyper Terminal.PDF - Kasper Zweifel 3/21/2006

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

Make sure that this data is compatible with the communication parameters as set at the CNC (as per notes, above). When data entry is completed, click: OK. 4. Now, the main communication page is displayed. The title on top of the page should show up as CNC-1-Hyper Terminal (or whatever you named it). It is labeled with the GE-icon (or whatever icon you picked). Click on FILE, then Save. The connection is now saved as Click on FILE again, then EXIT. 5. On your PC, create a new folder, for example: C:\NC Programs. This folder will be used for uploading / downloading of NC programs. Make the path short and simple so the folder can be located quickly and easily. You may paste some typical NC programs (Text files only) into this folder for the purpose of sending it to the CNC, later. 6. Open the program Note PAD. Save the blank file in the folder C:\NC Programs, as Program 1.txt. (The file contains no text at all). Then, minimize Word Pad. 7. Now, connect the communication cable to the CNC and to the PC. 8. Click on ProgramsAccessories CommunicationsHyper Terminal. Under Hyper Terminal you will see the new program start tile CNC-1 with the GE-icon (or whatever you named it). Copy the icon and paste it onto your desktop as a shortcut for quick access. 9. Run the program by double clicking the new icon on your desktop. The communication page will now appear. On the bottom of the page the setting details are displayed, like connected or disconnected, auto-detect, 7-E-2-4800, etc. 10. On the second row from the top you will see two small pictures of a telephone receiver. One with the receiver on the hook, the other one off the hook. Clicking on one or the other connects or disconnects the line. Make sure the line is connected. You may also click on Call to connect. When the tile shows Connected at the bottom of the page, you are ready to send and receive. If the Hyper Terminal page takes up too much space on the screen, you can make it smaller by dragging the top, bottom or the sides.

Downloading from the CNC to the PC

1. On the CNC, select edit-mode. Display the program you wish to download on the screen. Suppose the program number on display is 1234. 2. Go to the PC. Click on Transfer then Capture Text. Make sure you do not click on Receive file. 3. Click on Browse. Locate the; C:\NC Programs folder you made. Then open the folder. Click on the file Program 1.txt. Then click on Save. The PC is now waiting for the data to come in. For 18i, 21i, and 0ic 4. Go to the CNC. Key-in the letter O then 1234, then press: PUNCH. For 30i, 0id 4. Go to the CNC. Press [OPRT] [+] [+] [I/O] then 1234, [F OUTPUT] [EXECUTE]

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

On the PC the program text will now be rolling diagonally across the screen. This is normal. If the text consists of a lot of unusual looking characters the communications parameters are not set as instructed. (See page 25 for setting changes) 5. When transmitting stops, click on; Transfer, then Capture Text and Stop Text. This action will close the file. You must always stop text after capture text or else no further action is possible. 6. For the purpose of verifying the file content open the file with Note Pad. The text should appear almost identical to the way it appears on the CNC screen. You may close the file without saving, save as or leave it open.

Uploading from the PC to the CNC

1. For test purposes, you may wish to upload the same program 1234 you just downloaded to the PC. On the CNC, select edit-mode. Re-name the existing program 1234 with another number. For example: when the program is displayed on the screen, key in O4321, then press: ALTER. For 18i, 21i, and 0ic 2. Now, key-in O1234, then press: READ. (LSK is now blinking. CNC is waiting for data) For 30 series, 0id 2. Now, key-in 1234, and then press: [F INPUT]. (LSK is now blinking. CNC is waiting for data) 3. Go to the PC. Click on Transfer then click Send Text File. 4. Click on Browse. Locate the file Program 1.txt in the; C:\NC Programs folder. 5. Save the file as a UNICODE text file, in case of WINDOWS XP or later, prior to uploading. 6. Click on Open 7. Click on Start 8. Text is now sent to the CNC.

Notes on downloading to the PC:

Downloading can be done into an existing text file only. You cannot make a new file after you click on Capture text. The program number that is downloaded is simply regarded as text, not as a new file. When you download text into a file that already contains text, the new text that comes in will be appended to the existing text. Different downloads within the same file are separated by the %-sign and the program number. Never click on Receive file

Notes on uploading to the CNC:

A text file to be sent to the CNC must always have this format at the start of the text: % (A single Percent sign on a line by itself). On the next line: O1234 (The letter O followed by 1 to 4 numerals). The : (colon sign) instead of the letter O is also acceptable. The file must end with M2 or M30, followed by the Percent sign on a separate line.

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RS-232 Set-up, NC Configuration

Never click on Send file

Notes on changing the communication settings for Hyper Terminal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hang up (disconnect) the line. On top of the Hyper Terminal tile, click on Properties For changing baud rate settings, etc. click on Configure For other details click on Settings, then ASCII setup Click on OK Click on File, then Save Click on Call to connect the line again for sending and receiving

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Appendix Appendix
Revision History:
Version 1.0 December 1, 2010

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