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Types of pollution are1.Air Pollution. 2.Water Pollution. 3.Noise Pollution. 4.Land Pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damage the environment . Examples of air pollution : Smog Acid rain ndoor air pollution !ust particles

1.Smoke from chimneys of factories. 2.Smoke from Vehicles. 3.Smoke from burning of fire.

1.We should share vehicles for going to office. 2.We should get a regular pollution check of our vehicle. 3.We should use a bicycle for going to near by places. 4.Chimneys of factories should be fitted ith proper filters to prevent smokes from coming out and effect atmosphere.

Water pollution is the introduction into fresh or ocean waters of chemical, physical, or biological material that degrades the quality of the water and affects the organisms living in it. Examples of Water pollution : Industrial affluents ining and Agricultural Wastes !ewage "isposal and "omestic Wastes

Water Pollution

1.!actories thro their aste in ater bodies.

2."eople bath and ash clothes in ater bodies. 3.Some oil ships dro n in ater hich hardly effects the a#uatic life. 4.Smoke from vehicles lets the river to dry.

1.!actories should not thro there aste in ater bodies. 2."eople should not bath and ash clothes in rivers or lakes. 3."eople should not take there animals to take bath in rivers or lakes.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is unwanted humancreated sound that disrupts the environment. The dominant form of noise pollution is from transportation sources, principally motor vehicles, referred to as environmental noise. Examples of Noise Pollution: Loudspeakers ircrafts

1.$et planes. 2.%oud speakers and other loud speaking things. 3.Cinema halls. 4.!actories &.'oad traffic

1.We should not use loud speakers. 2.!actories should be made out of the city. 3.(here should be not more noise making vehicles on the roads.

Land Pollution

#and pollution is the degradation of the Earth$s land surface through misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, industrial waste dumping, and indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes . Examples of #and pollution : !oil %ollution Waste "isposal

&.%eople 'ut forest for furniture. (.%lastic is the main source of land pollution. ).%eople throw house garbage on roads. *.!ome industries throw their waste on land.

1."eople should not cut trees for making furniture. 2."eople should not thro garbage on land. 3."lastic bags should be avoided for prevention of land pollution. 4.)ndustries should not thro there aste on land.

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