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RATIFICATION PAGE Complete report of Basic Biology practicum with title Lazzaro Spallanzani Experim ent, that arranged

by: Name Registration Number Group Class : Nur Pratiwi : 11140 40196 : III (three) : ICP Biology B After checked and consulted by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this repo rt was accepted. Makassar, November Assistant Coordinator, Assistant, 2011 Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Gunawan Rahmil NIM. 091404174

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Lazzaro Spallanzani was an Italian physiologist who extensively st udied animal biology and reproduction. He is probably most famous for his experi ments that helped to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation, which helped to pave the way for future research by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Spallanzani w as a creative and endlessly inquisitive researcher who studied subjects in biolo gy as varied as sexual reproduction, blood pressure and echolocation in bats. He is also well known for his forays into other areas of the physical sciences. Fo r instance, he studied lava flows inside an active volcano. The theory of sponta neous generation asserted that living things could come into being without a liv ing predecessor. Georges Buffon (1707-1788) and John Needham (1713-1781) largely championed these theories. They believed that all living things contain, in add ition to inanimate matter, special "vital atoms" that are responsible for all ph ysiological activities. After death, these "vital atoms" would escape into the s oil and would be taken up by plants. The two men claimed that the small moving o bjects seen in pond water are not living organisms but merely "vital atoms" esca ping from the organic material. Spallanzani designed elegant experiments that he lped to support his theory that these were in fact small living microorganisms. In his most famous experiment, Spallanzani showed that a sealed container of boi led broth would not have any microorganisms present, while those that were left unsealed or at room temperature would have evidence of living creatures. He reas oned that if spontaneous generation really took place, then all flasks should ha ve evidence of infestation. These experiments were also significant because they were the basic steps that Louis Pasteur initially followed in order to kill ger ms in milk without harming the liquid.

B. Purpose The purpose of this practicum, to give the chance for the students to follow the steps that had been done by the scientist to solve the biology probl em. Especially to know where the life begins. C. Benefit Based on this practicum . The student will know and understand the theory about beginning of life. Besid e of that, the university student will know how the steps scientist can be solve this biology problem.

CHAPTER II PREVIEW OF LITERATURE The question about Where the life begins? had tried to answer with some theory and experiment. One of the theory and the experiment is Spallanzani which is not be lieve about Abiogenesis Theory or Generation Spontaneous theory that said by Ari stoteles (Tim Pengajar, 2011). Started from the era of Aristoteles (300 SM) all the people believe that the life body was happened with spontaneously from the t hing that didn't life. This argument sometimes we can say the Abiogenesis theory ( Generation Spontaneous theory). This argument was follow by John Needham (1745-1 750). He make the experiment with some of rice and meat that had been boiled. An d then, he make the conclusion from his experiment that said although the boiled water kept into the closing bottle but the microbe (microorganisms) can be show in that water. This argument was showed the development and improvement of biol ogy science in that era. But there are some of biology scientist doesn't agree and believe with Abiogenesis theory (Generation Spontaneous theory), and then all o f them trying to make experiment and give an evidence to collapse the Abiogenesi s theory or Generation Spontaneous Theory (Ristiati, 2000). In 1765 Spallanzani began publishing his numerous scientific works. Most of them are motivated by a philosophy of science which nowadays could be called reductionist, namely, a bel ief that most phenomena are reducible to physical and chemical explanation. In 1 769 he accepted the chair of natural history at the University of Pavia, remaini ng at this post until his death on Feb. 11, 1799. Spallanzani is well known for one of his major works on microscopic observation that concerned the systems of spontaneous generation, and was an attempt to disprove J.T. Needhams and the Co mte de Buffons theory in support of spontaneous generation. Although his experi mentation was exact, and he did prove that some organisms can live in a vacuum f or many days (anaerobes), his theory was not

comprehensive enough. Thus Spallanzani did not succeed in establishing in a fina l way that the theory of spontaneous generation was wrong. He also did important work in embryology. He was an ovarian preformation, and through his experiments with artificial fertilization using filtered semen he pointed out the need for the physical contact between the spermatozoa and the ovule. He thus disproved th e fertilizing power of the seminal fluid. Yet he did not fully understand the pr ocess, and in plants he described fertilization as being effected by the spermat ic vapor of the pollen and not by any of the visible parts of it (Anonymous, 201 1). The other scientist biology is Lazarro spallanzzani. Lazarro Spallanzani was born on January 12, 1729, in Scandiano, Italy. He attended the University of Bo logna and began his studies in law. However, his cousin, Laura Bassi, a professo r of physics and mathematics, introduced him to a broad range of scientific stud ies. Lazarro Spallanzani altered his educational course and, in 1754, he earned a Ph.D. in philosophy. He joined the priesthood to support himself while he stud ied natural phenomena, hoping to determine explanations for such events as a sto ne skipping on water, the regeneration of decapitated snail heads, and the elect ric discharge of torpedo fish. Over the course of his career, Lazarro Spallanzan i would examine the pits of spitting volcanoes, the world of reproduction, the w aters of eels, the dark depths of the bats home, and the intricacies of the vas cular system (Anonymous, 2011). Lazarro Spallanzani, meanwhile, set out in 1765 to prove that microorganisms existed because they were already present in some f orm in the solution, the container, or the air. He took solutions which he knew would "breed" organisms and boiled them for up to an hour. The flasks were herme tically sealed to keep out contaminated air. Nothing grew (Anonymous, 2011). Sch ultze (1836) to improve Spallanzani's experiment with to flow the air that pass by the acid and base which is solid in to the tube which is fill by the liquid bro th that had been boiled before. But the people who was supported the Abiognesis

(Generation Spontaneous) theory was said, the air that is pass by the acid and b ase had changed, so there is no microorganisms in the liquid broth (Ristiati, 20 00). Schoeder and Theodore von Ducsh (1854) had been done the same experiment wi th Lazarro Spallanzani, but they were filtered the air that entered into the tub e with sterile cotton, and the result is showing there is not growth in the meal water that had heated. Louis Pasteur take the conclusion from his experiment, i ts saying Omne vivum ex ovo, omne ovum ex vivo. Louis Pasteur conclusion support ed by John Tyndall who found the method which is said Tyndalisation (Ristiati, 2 000). But proponents of the spontaneous generation theory dismissed Spallanzani s experiments, saying only that the boiling process had destroyed elements vital to the propagation of the organisms. It was not until Louis Pasteurs experimen ts on bacteria a century later that Lazarro Spallanzani was proved right (Anonym ous,2011) Lazarro Spallanzani, with his experiment try to show if the microorgan isms didn't come spontaneously with his experiment. He boiled the liquid broth and close it, so that the thing from outside cannot enter to the liquid broth. Loui s Pasteur is a master of biochemistry and microbiology. In the 1865, he observed by boiling the broth in tube also, but the tubes check didn't close properly, but in formed as likely letter of S, so its end still opened. The air could reach the inside part of this tube, but Louis Pasteur had an argument that any bacteria o r microorganism which floated in the air would trapped in the long tube's check. I n fact, as commonly the broth was still sterile until it flowed the broth to the tube's check, then it flowed back again. Through this observation, Louis Pasteur success collapsed the Abiogenesis (Generation Spontaneous) theory (Kimball, 1999 ).

CHAPTER III PRACTICUM METHOD A. Place and Date Day / date Time Place : Tuesday / November 1st 2011 : 10.50 am 12.20 pm : Biology Laboratory at the second floor on west side FMIPA State Unif ersity of Makassar. B. Tools and Materials 1. Tools a. 4 reaction tubes b. 1 tub e reaction rack c. 2 cork covers d. 1 spiritus lamp e. 1 wood clem 2. Materials a. 40 mL liquid broth b. 1 candle c. Match d. Label C. Work Procedure 1. Filled the fourth reaction tube with liquid broth, each tube that filled with 10 ml and give it a label Tube I , Tube II, Tube III, and Tube IV. 2. Tube I is not simmered a let opened it. 3. Tube II is closed by cork closed and then droped the liquid ca ndle between tube's mouth and it's cork cover. 4. Tube III is simmered on the spirit us lamp, then let opened it. 5. Tube IV is simmered on the spiritus lamp, and cl osed it by the cork cover. And then, drop the liquid candle between tube's mouth a nd it's cork cover.

6. All of the reaction tube was putted into the rack and keep it save. 7. Did ob servation and made note to wrote down the data from your observation of liquid broth every day during 4 days.

CHAPTER IV RESULT A. Result of Practicum Table of Experiment Result N o 1 2 3 4 Days c s + + ++ Tube I f + + + II sm + ++ ++ III f + IV sm + + + C + + + s + sm ++ ++ ++ c + + + ++ s + + + f + c + + s f sm ++ + ++ 0 1st 2nd 3th ++ ++ ++ Notes: + ++ c s = unchanged = changed = the changed rise up = color = sediment f sm = foam =smel

l Pictures: 10mL 10mL 10mL 10mL

Notes pictures: Tube I Tube II Tube III Tube IV = unheated and opened = unheated and closed = heated and opened = heated and closed = spiritus lamp = cork cover B. Discussed Based on the experiment during 3 days, in the broth appeared the fo llowing change : a. Tube I Tube I which was let open and without heating. On the 1st day, there is not change yet. On the 2nd-3rd day, its colour become turbid, smell, and there is sediment. Its caused by the broth already contamined with t he bacteria at outside of the tube. Beside that, it's caused by the microorganism which life in the broth, due to three is not heating at first. b. Tube II Tube I I which was closed by using cork, and then between tube's mouth and cork is drippe d with liquid candle, but it doesn't be heated on the 1st and 2nd day, there is no t change that occurred yet. But on the 3rd day, its colour become turbid, there was sediment, but there was not smell. It is caused by the broth doesn't be heated . So, the microorganism that life inside still alive, although there is not air which come into the tube.

c. Tube III Tube III which the broth was heated and it let to open (without cover), on the 1st day there was not a change yet. This condition occur until the 3rd d ay its colour change become turbid , smell, and there exist sediment. Its caused by the broth already contamined with the bacteria from the air, although it had been simmered before. d. Tube IV Tube IV which the broth was heated and closed by cork. Then, between tub e's mouth and cork is dripped a liquid candle. From the 1st-3rd day, there is not change occur to this broth. Its colour still transparent, there is no smell and sediment. It's caused by the broth in the tube is isolated from external air, so i t doesn't contamined by external microorganism, more ever formerly it's already heat ed, so the bacteria in the broth is already destroyed. This situation was fit La zzaro Spallanzani experiment that the tube was not boiled and left open would bi gger possibility contaminated because microorganism was coming from the air and also in stock and tube.

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion From the result of observation we can conclude that: 1. Alive thin g could not come from the stock because the microbes are coming from air or the place of stock/tube that unclearly. 2. In this practicum, we should be careful t o do that. Because everything can influence the result of observation. B. Sugges tion 1. Suggestion about laboratory tools. The tools which were available from l aboratory had adequate supply. But it still should be improved in order that thi s practicum could be held well. 2. Suggestion for apprentice. Apprentice has to know the theory before beginning the practicum so that the apprentice can unders tand quickly and safely in practicum. 3. Suggestion for assistant It will be bet ter if in this practicum, we used the time as well as. So, it could be held like what we hope. Besides that, the relation between the assistant and the practica nts must improved.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Anonymous. 2011. Lazzaro Spalanzani. A ccessed on November 7th 2011 in Makassar. Kimball, John. 1999. Biologi, edisi ke iima. Jakarta: Erlangga. Ristiati, Putu. Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum. Jakarta: D epartemen Pendidikan Nasional. Tim Pengajar Biologi. 2011. Penuntun Praktikum Bi ologi Dasar. Makassar: Laboratorium FMIPA UNM.

ANSWER THE QUESTION 1. The causes of occur the change of broth is microorganism which life in the br oth, it because of that broth doesn't be simmered so it's microba still exist. Besid e that, the broth already contamined by microorganism which life in air, because the reaction tube doesn't be closed. 2. The organism that cause the change of bro th is from and life in the air, and then come into the tube. 3. The change of br oth occur in the tube which does not be simmered / heated or it is let opened, a nd doesn't be simmered and opened. That change occur due to that action causes the bacteria still exist and will still exist in broth. 4. The Tube III there is no t change. This tube is simmered at first and then it's closed properly. When the t ube is simmered, the bacteria in the broth is lost and organism from the air can't contamine the broth due to the tube is closed properly. 5. It's imposible if in b roth appear immediately the new organism, except the bacteria in both. 6. The ob servation result can be used as the strong evidence to deny the Generation of Sp ontaneous Theory, because in this experiment can be proved that the new organism can't be appear in closed tube which has content the broth and it already heat fo rmerly.

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