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ROCKFALL 6.1 Rockfall Simulation Program

November 2001


Register of Companies No. HRB 971, District Court Witten, VAT-IdNo. DE126873490, President Dr. Raymund M. Spang

Main Office Witten: Westfalenstrae 5 - 9, D-58455 Witten, Tel. (23 02) 9 14 02 0, Fax (23 02) 9 14 02 20,, Branch Offices: Bank Accounts: D-09596 Freiberg/Sachsen, Halsbrcker Str. 34, Tel. + Fax (37 31) 36 55 31, D-73728 Esslingen/Neckar, Bahnhofstr. 23, Tel. (7 11) 9 31 91 88, Fax (7 11) 9 31 59 93, Stadtsparkasse Witten, Code 452 500 35 - Acc. No. 4911 - Deutsche Bank 24, Witten, Code 430 700 24 - Acc. No. 8139511

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1

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2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5. 5.1 5.2 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3

INSTALLATION THEORY AND GENERAL OUTLINE OF ROCKFALL SIMULATION INPUT DATA Slope geometry Slope surface qualities Qualities of rockfall Rockfall barriers Sampling cross sections Parameter variation Start parameters Steering parameters OUTPUT Single rock More than one rock HANDLING AND USER INTERFACE Files Input and Editing View Run Screen Print

3 4

6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9

9 11

14 15 18 18 22 24 27 30

6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4 7.


Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1



ROCKFALL is a computer program for the simulation of rockfall. It was developed by Dr. rer. nat. R.M. Spang, Dr.-Ing. L. Weber, Dipl. Geol. N. Graf and Dr.-Ing. B. Romunde. The program is based on the laws of motion and the collision theory. The path of a single rock block or of up to 10.000 blocks, can be calculated and interpreted by the same run. At each point within a profile (especially at the positions of planned interception structures or rockfall barriers) the kinetic energies and bounce heights can be calculated. The input data are varied by a random number generator within user defined boundaries. The results are presented in class and summation histogram. ROCKFALL can be used for the following applications:  Evaluation of the rockfall risk for slopes.  Examination of existing rockfall barriers. Positioning of new rockfall protection structures. Optimization of the position and dimension of protection structures as for height and energy. The software can be used with every commercially available computer working under W INDOWS NT or W INDOWS 95, or 98. There are no requirements for any additional hardware. Any computer showing sufficient performance under the mentioned operating systems, is suitable. Installation needs approximately 7 MB free disc space for the exe file, the auxiliary files and some DLL libraries. As the required disc space for project data and calculation results strongly depend on your individual project geometry and boundary conditions no general specifications can be given. At least 5 MB of free space should be available. Some menu images in this manual may show Version 6.0, but the menus are the same as in the actual version.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1



Within this chapter the installation procedure is described. To install the program execute the following steps:  Insert the ROCKFALL program CD. If possible close all running applications. Start SETUP/SYSTEM/SOFTWARE/INSTALLATION.   Choose setup.exe from your CD drive and start the installation procedure. Indicate drive and directory for program installation. Default path for the program installation is: C:\PROGRAMS\ROCKFALL61. The installation procedure copies RF6B.EXE, some auxiliary files and six examples for input data files into the mentioned directory and establishes an entry in the W INDOWS start menu.  If ROCKFALL is the first software coded in VISUAL BASIC 6.0, you are going to install at your computer, W INDOWS needs a reboot of the system to actualise system files. After booting your system, simply repeat the installation procedure. If the following message appears: File xy.DLL is older than the file to be copied you should select KEEP EXISTING FILE

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1



For the purpose of rockfall simulation a twodimensional slope profile is established and divided into slices with vertical boundaries. The width of slices depends on the curvature of the slope surface and can vary from slice to slice. Each slice can have its own surface properties. The calculation is based on the laws of motion and considers the change in angular momentum during collision. The algorithm follows an iterative scheme governed by a variable time interval. A general flow chart of the algorithm is shown in figure 3.1. Sliding, rolling, toppling or free fall are possible as initial movement. All possible types of subsequent movements, such as rolling, sliding, collision and inclined throw are considered. On the occasion of every collision with the slope surface and every transition from one slice to the next, the actual rock movement is evaluated as a base for the decision on the type of the subsequent movement. The calculation is carried out until a collision with a protection structure occurres or the rock stops. It stops by itself if it has lost its momentum in an area of decreasing slope gradient or by bouncing backwards after a surface collision. If none of these incidents happens, the calculation is carried on until the rock leaves the profile or is stopped by a protection structure. Whether a rock stops or the subsequent movement is rolling or inclined throw depends on the velocity dropping below certain limit velocities tangential and normal to the slope surface. They have to be defined by the user. The movement stops, if the velocities of the rock are smaller than the tangential and normal limit. If the velocity after an impact is smaller than the normal limit velocity, the subsequent movement is rolling.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1

Figure 3.1: General flow diagram for the simulation of movement with the program ROCKFALL

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1



Within this chapter the input data of the program are described. They can be divided into the following groups:   Slope geometry, i.e. geometry of slices. Slope surface qualities, i.e. dynamic friction, static friction, normal and tangential damping, rolling resistance and surface roughness.    Qualities of rockfall, i.e. radius, shape, density. Rockfall barriers, i.e. x-abscissa of the base point, height and inclination. Start parameters, i.e. position, type of initial movement and number of rocks to be rolled in one run.  Steering parameters, i.e. time step and limit velocities.


Slope geometry

The slope surface is idealised by a polygon. The polygon points represent the limits of the slices, the profile is divided into. The slices are defined by the cartesian coordinates of their edges. The slope surface between the edges is assumed to be linear. Frequently the coordinates are already stored on disc from surveying. Therefore the software includes an import feature for co-ordinates from ASCII files.


Slope surface qualities

To calculate the interaction between the boulder and the slope surface the following slope surface qualities have to be defined for each slice:

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1

Dynamic friction angle, Rg in degrees; governs the friction between boulder and surface in case of sliding; range of accepted input values: 0 to 89.

Static friction angle, Rh in degrees. governs the friction between boulder and surface in case of a static contact; range of accepted input values: 0 to 89.The static friction angle has to be greater than or at least equal to the dynamic friction angle

Normal damping Dn governs the damping of the velocity component normal to the slope surface during collosion; range of accepted input values: 0 (fully plastic impact) to 1 (fully elastic impact).

Tangential damping Dt governs the damping of the velocity component parallel to the slope surface during collosion; range of accepted input values: 0 (fully plastic impact) to 1 (fully elastic impact).

Rolling resistance Rw governs the energy loss of the rollling boulder slope surface; range of accepted input values: 0 (no rolling resistance) to 0.35 (extreme rolling resistance).

Amplitude of surface roughness Oa in meters; defines the vertical distance of the peaks of asperities below and above the connecting line of the edges (see figure 3.1.2-1); range of accepted input values 0 5 m. With a value of zero for the amplitude, the calculation will consider no roughness.

Frequency of surface roughness Of in meters; defines the horizontal distance between the peaks of asperities; range of accepted input values 0 20 m.


Qualities of rockfall Shape; sphere or cylinder can be chosen. Radius, in meter. Length of cylinder in meter. Density in t/m.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Rockfall barriers x - abscissa of the base point in meters, h - height in meters, Incli - inclination, in degrees


Sampling cross sections  x - abscissa in meters, denoting cross sections at which the data of all passing rocks is sampled for later statistical analysis.


Parameter variation Parameter variation V- in %. This percentage defines the limits the given mean value of the corresponding parameter is varied within.


Start parameters Type of initial movement, i.e. free fall, sliding, rolling. X-Coordiante in meter; abscissa of the rocks centre at the beginning of the movement. Y-Coordiante in meter; ordinate of the rocks centre at the beginning of the movement (in case of free fall only).

number of rocks to be rolled in one run.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Steering parameters

Delta T - time step in seconds; a user defined time interval which determines the accuracy of the path calculation. The value for the time interval can not exceed 0.05 secconds.

Limit Vn, - normal minimum velocity in m/s.

Limit Vt - tangential minimum velocity in m/s; the rock is stopped if it undergoes the minimum velocities.

Interval of envelope curve in meter; the distribution of the kinetic energy and the bounce height along the profile is represented by envelope curves. For the generation of these curves the profile is divided into small sections, which widths is defined by the above mentioned interval of envelope curve. For each interval the maximum occurring value of energy or bounce height is stored. Finally these values are used to construct and plot the envelope curve.



Within this chapter the possibilities for the presentation of the results are described.


Single rock

Listing of rockfall path data, i.e. time dependent coordinates, kind of movement.

Graphical presentation of slope geometry and rockfall trajectory.

Distribution of energy and bounce height along the slope profile.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


In case of impact on a rockfall barrier:

Required Height in meter; required rockfall barrier height. The rockfall barrier height is defined as the distance parallel to the structure axis. The algorithm detects an impact on a barrier if the rockfall trajectory of the centre of mass of a rock intersects the axis of the barrier below its top. The minimum required barrier height is calculated by adding the radius of the rock to the height of the intersection between the above given rockfall trajectory and the barrier axis.

Mass of rock in kg. v, in m/s; translational velocity of the rock at the moment of impact. v(n), v(t) in m/s; tangential and normal translational velocities with respect to the barrier axis.

E trans in kNm; translational kinetic energy. Momentum in t m/s; momentum of the rock at the moment of impact. M(n), M(t) in t m/s; tangential and normal momentum with respect to the barrier axis. Omega in 1/sec; angular velocity (2 /T) (+) clockwise (-) counter clockwise. M ang. in tm/s; angular momentum at the moment of impact. Erot in kNm; rotational kinetic energy at the moment of impact. Etot in kNm; total kinetic energy at the moment of impact.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1



More than one rock

(at least one parameter varied) Envelope curve along the rockfall trajectories: total (translational and rotational) kinetic energy, bounce height.

Statistical distribution at the barrier(s): total impact energy, bounce height, translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy, translational velocity and angular velocity, momentum and angular momentum, angle between trajectory and axis of the barrier.

Statistics only consider rocks hitting the barrier, rocks failing the barrier are neglected. Height means the distance between the intersection of the trajectory and the barrier axis, measured along the barrier axis. In case of the envelope curves the bounce height is defined as the vertical distance between the rocks mass centre and the slope surface. Only in case of a vertical barrier both quantities are identical.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Statistical distribution at sampling cross section(s): total impact energy, bounce height, translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy, translational velocity and angular velocity, momentum and angular momentum,

Statistics consider all rocks passing the section. Bounce height is considered vertical and thus directly comparable to bounce height as defined for envelope curves. Number of passing rocks: Diagram showing the number of rocks passing a specific point of the profile of slope. This visualisation implicitly indicates the endpoints of the paths of stopping rocks.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1




The following illustration shows the main menu of ROCKFALL. From here each function of the program is accessible by navigating through the pull down menus.

File serves for opening new and existing files, for saving and import data etc. and the administration of all general project data. Edit leads to the input and manipulation of data (slope surface geometry, surface qualities and barriers). View draws the profile on the screen and opens a submenu. This submenue allows for entering the remaining input data, starting of the calculation, presentation of results and adjustments of graphical presentations.

Run requires the input of the qualities of rockfall, the steering parameters and the start parameters. At the end of this submenue the simulation can be started. Results stands for the visualisation and analysis of results on screen. Print allows for the output by printer or plotter and data export. Options offers different features for changing and manipulation of the general settings of the output. Furthermore the language can be chosen

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1




New: is used to initiate a new ROCKFALL file. First the file name has to be selected. The file name has to follow W INDOWS conventions. Dont give an extension; it will be automatically added (*.PRF for slope geometry, slice and barrier data). Afterwards there is a possibility to insert project specific details as project No., date, name of project engineer, etc. For the input of slope geometry, slope surface qualities and barrier geometry proceed to Edit.

Open: starts an existing ROCKFALL file. Save: Saves all data including calculation results of the profile under its current file name.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Save as .......: Saves all data including calculation results of the profile under a new file name. The rules for file name and project specific data are the same as described in New. Open surface types: Opens a table containing a set of typical surface qualities for different surface types, for example hard rock surfaces, meadows, debris slopes etc. This table is assigned to the current profile. It will be opened automatically, whenever this ROCKFALL file is opened again. Save surface types as : Saves the data of the actual table of surface types under a new file name. This is to create a file for storing specific surface qualities for the current profile or a group of profiles and projects. This table will be opened automatically, whenever the project file is opened again. Import profile coordinates (X/Y) : feature for reading coordinates from ASCII files. The file needs the extension ".TXT" and must consist of two columns: 1. column x-coordinates, 2. column y-coordinates. To separate the columns blanks or tabstops are allowed. Commas are not allowed. Decimal points have to be according to the country settings of W INDOWS. Data can be saved as described in Save as ........ Quit: Terminates ROCKFALL.


Input and Editing

Activate the EDIT menu to handle profile geometry, slope surface qualities and barrier data. Slope geometry has to be fed in first.

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Slope geometry Program function for editing the coordinates of the slices of a profile. The coordinates are given by x/y-values in metres, as shown by the example below. The general dip direction of the slope and thus the general direction of movement has to be from left to right. Overhanging slope sections are possible too. The input sequence has to follow the polygon continuously.

Slice (single): Program function for editing slice parameters. Each data line corresponds to a single slice. For each slice, the full set of parameters as mentioned in chapter 4.2 and 4.5 have to be fed in.

Slice (acc. table): Enter slice parameters by selecting the number of a surface type, whose values will be picked from the surface type table (see below). Table of surface types: Creates a table of surface types with specific surface qualities. The parameters are the same as in Slices (single), with the additional entry of a name or a short explanation of the surface type. The values can be applied for a single slice or a range of slices (menu Slice (acc. table) see above).

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


If editing a parameter, which is already assigned to one or several slices, the value will not be considered for the calculation unless the menu entry Slice (acc. table) is activated (at least open and close it). Beginning a new project, which has no surface type table yet, the still empty table can be filled in. Before leaving the program or opening an other project this input can be saved with Save parameter table as . Alternatively an existing surface type table can be used (menu Open surface type table). Rockfall barriers: Program function for handling of rockfall barriers. The x - coordinates of the base and the height of the structures have to be given in metres. ROCKFALL determines the y - coordinate of the base on the slope surface. In addition the inclination of the barrier has to be given by the angle between vertical and the axis of the structure. (Incli = 0 means a vertical structure, Incli = 5 means a inclination of five degrees downhill). Negative degrees are not accepted, which would mean a barrier inclined uphill. Up to 10 barriers can be installed per profile.

Sampling cross sections: The x - coordinates of the sampling cross sections can be given in metres. Up to 20 sections can be defined per profile.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1




View draws the profile onto the screen and opens a submenu. This entry is activated only when a profile with at least one slice is given. It allows for entering the remaining input data, starting of the calculation, presentation of results and adjustments of graphical presentations.

6.3.1 Run Opens an input form for starting parameters, rockfall qualities and steering parameters. Finally it starts rockfall simulation. This menu entry is activated only with a complete set of surface qualities for each slice.

Rocks: Describes all qualities related to the rockfall element (boulder) including the number of rocks to be calculated with a single run. The following parameters have to be defined: Number of rocks: Each run can be carried out with a single rock or up to 10000 rocks.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Sphere / Cylinder: The simulation can be conducted alternatively with a sphere or a cylinder.

Radius: A sphere is defined by its radius in meter. Radius variation: If more than one rock is chosen, a variation in percent of the radius can be given.

Length: A cylinder is defined by its radius and length, both in meter. Length variation: If more than one rock is chosen, a variation in percent of the cylinder length can be given.

Density is given in t/m (equivalent to g/cm)

Options: This feature allows for recalculation of surface roughness and interruption of the calculation after each rock. Recalculation of Roughness: Usually the random representation of slope roughness is calculated, if a profile on the screen is activated by View. Recalculation of roughness creates a new random representation before starting a simulation run. Run without stop: Normally the rockfall paths for the given number of rocks are calculated without any stop. Choosing a run with stop means, that the calculation is interrupted after each rock, which offers the possibility to get a closer look on the results (path data) before continuing he simulation for the next rock. Limits: Determines the steering parameters for the calculation. Delta T: The calculation is executed in time steps. The duration of this time step is defined by Delta T in seconds. After each time step ROCKFALL checks if the actual position is physically possible (for example the position is not below the ground surface). Otherwise the correct position and the corresponding time interval is calculated. The value determines the accuracy of the path calculation. To avoid improper results it can not exceed 0.05.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Limit VN and limit VT: determine the lowest allowed velocities, normal and tangential to the slope surface. Should the normal and tangential velocity of the actual rock fall below these limits, the calculation is terminated (compare chapter 3).

Interval of envelope curve in meter; the distribution of the kinetic energy and the bounce height along the profile is represented by envelope curves. For the generation of these curves the profile is divided into small sections, which widths is defined by the above mentioned interval of envelope curve. For each interval the maximum occurring value of energy or bounce height is stored. Finally these values are used to construct and plot the envelope curve. The default value of the interval is 0.2 m. For profiles exceeding a length of 600 m the default value is profile length divided by 3000. Usually there is no need to change this parameter. In some cases a greater value offers a possibility to smooth the envelope curve a little. Start position: Determines the location from where the rocks start. The location is given by its x-coordinate in meter. For runs with more than one rock, the start position will be varied by random within the given variation. The start position including the variation must lay within the profile. If start positions lay outside the profile limits, ROCKFALL will place the rock at the beginning or the end of the profile. If the profile contains an overhanging section and the start position lays within the overhanging rock, the start position is not clearly defined. The rock could start for example either above the overhanging section (1), from the slope below the overhanging section (2) or in free fall from the lower rim of the overhanging section (3) (compare figure). If the start position is not clearly defined, a message box alerts the user. Then the location of the starting point has to be specified by indicating a y-coordinate from the list, which will show up below the input frame for start positions. Title of run: This Input box can be used to specify the actual run. This specification will appear within all prints.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


OK button: Starts the calculation. In case of any violation of the allowed input ranges or incomplete input data a message will show up. ROCKFALL requires either to go back to the input and correct the data or cancel the input procedure.

After starting the calculation, the rockfall paths are drawn on the screen, additionally a window is opened on the right side showing the corresponding data as described in chapter 5.2.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


6.3.2 Screen The following functions are only active, if a calculation has been carried out.

Listing of path data: Opens a window showing the path data of a selected rock. Choose the rock from the presented list. The listing gives generally within a pre selected distance the actual time dependent coordinates and kind of movement. The pre selected distance is only valid if no impact occurs and the kind of movement doesnt change, otherwise the distance is selected by ROCKFALL thus that all relevant points are shown. This feature is only active for calculations with up to 10 rocks, in order to avoid excessive volume of data stored on disc. Energy and bounce height distribution: Shows the energy distribution and bounce height distribution along the slope profile. If more than one rock is initiated envelope curves are shown. Statistics barriers: Shows the statistical distributions of the following calculation results at the selected barrier:  total impact energy  bounce height,  translational kinetic energy  rotational kinetic energy,  translational velocity  angular velocity,  momentum  angular momentum,  angle between path axis of the barrier.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Each combination of this results can be selected for statistical evaluation and output on screen. The presentation can either be in the form of a class or a summation histogram. This function is only reasonable if a parameter variation has been carried out. First select the rockfall barrier, in case there are more than one. In addition the class range or the number of classes can be adjusted. The default values are approximately 1/20 of the difference between minimum and maximum value. Simply press ok to keep the default values. For less than 5 hits at the selected barrier no statistics are available.

Statistics cross sections: Shows the statistical distributions of the following calculation results at the selected cross sections:  total energy  bounce height,  translational kinetic energy

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 rotational kinetic energy,  translational velocity  angular velocity,  momentum  angular momentum, The handling of the selection process, class- or summation histogram, sampling section, adjustment of class-number and -range goes according to statistics of barriers as described above. Passing rocks: Shows the diagram along the slope profile of the number of passing rocks

6.3.3 Print Print allows for the output by printer or plotter and data export. To print data or diagrams, choose under Print one of the following output options:

Table of Surface types: prints the actual table of surface Input Data: Prints a list of the slope surface qualities as fed in

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Profile: Plots the profile as shown on the screen. If a calculation was carried out, the plot includes the rockfall paths Listing of Path data : Prints the path data of a selected rock

Profile, energy and bounce heights : Profile, energy: Profile, bounce heights : Energy and bounce heights : For different combinations for plots of the slope profile together with the rockfall paths and envelope curves of energy and bounce height. Profile; Statistics Barriers: Statistics Barriers: Plots the statistical distributions at the selected barrier. Either with or without the profile. Profile; Statistics cross section: Statistics cross section: Plots the statistical distributions at the selected sampling cross section. Either with or without the profile. For the selection of the barrier and class range etc. please compare the comments to menu entry Screen/Statistics Profile; passing rocks: Plots the number of passing rocks

Printer & Plotter: This menu appears automatically before printing or plotting operations start. It allows for the following selections. W INDOWS printer. The format of the W INDOWS printer is set under Printer Setup, which leads to the W INDOWS standard dialog for printer settings. Format of files for storage, for presentation the program supports: HPGL, POSTSCRIPT and AUTOCAD-DXF output formats. For HPGL, POSTSCRIPT and AUTOCAD-DXF output diagrams can be in vertical (Portrait) or in horizontal format (Landscape) up to the size DIN A2.

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Modify project specifications as project No., date, name of project engineer, etc. The scale of the profile can be adjusted by the user. The scale for envelope curves and histograms is determined by ROCKFALL, according to the space left within the output frame.

OK button to start printing.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1




Options offers different features for manipulation of the general settings of the output. Furthermore the language can be chosen

Boundary values for data output: Function for setting the extent of path data. By standard each calculated value will be stored on disc and if required printed as listing. This may lead to extensive amounts of output data. To reduce the volume of output data a filter can be set limiting the output data to a certain distance of x-coordinates in metres. This distance is only valid if no impact occurs and the kind of movement doesnt change, otherwise the distance is selected by ROCKFALL so that all relevant points are listed.

Size of end point: If a rock stops because of the slope geometry and not because an impact on a barrier its last position is indicated by an asterisk. The size of this asterisk in millimetre is set by this function.

Plot of slice boundaries: If this function is active, the slice boundaries are drawn in the profile for screen and printer output.

Zoom: The scale of the profile on screen can be modified. The zoom factor is in percent of the actual graphics.

New profile coordinates: By this function the output of the profile can be limited to a certain section. Enter the coordinates of the desired edges, BOTTOM, LEFT (X min/Y min) and TOP, RIGHT (X max/Y max).

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


System language: This function allows for the selection of the system language. Graphical output: Opens the program function for setting the graphical layout (printing).

Pens: This feature allows for selection of colours and width of pens  Palette.: select the colour of the corresponding pen from the palette which pops up after clicking at the corresponding button .   Width: width of the corresponding pen in millimetres. DXF Colour: choose one of the basic DXF colours for the output of AUTOCAD-DXF files.

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


Size of Output : this feature determines the size of the outer frame of the printer output     Left: left margin in mm; distance from the paper edge to the output frame. Right: right margin in mm; distance from the paper edge to the output frame. Bottom: lower margin in mm; distance from the paper edge to the output frame. Top: upper margin in mm; distance from the paper edge to the output frame.

Layout: this feature allows for the selection of the distance between the slope surface and the rockfall path and the presentation of the slope profile.  Path lift: the amount of raising the rockfall path from the slope profile in millimeters for screen and plotter output. This is for better recognition of the rockfall paths in case of rolling or sliding, when the path and the slope surface lines normally would collide. Usually the amount should correspond to the selected width of these pens.  Hatching : density in millimetre of the hatching below the slope surface line for presentation of profiles.

Header: three lines to enter the name of your company etc. These lines will appear in all printer outputs in the upper left corner.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1




JOHN, K. W. & SPANG, R. M. (1979): Steinschlag - Ursachen, Mechanismen und Sicherungen. UIC - Tagung Schutz der Verkehrsanlagen gegen Steinschlag, Kandersteg (Schweiz). SPANG, R. M. (1987): Protection against rockfall - stepchild in the design of rock slopes. Proc. 6th Int. Congr. Rock Mech., Montreal, I, 551-557. SPANG, R. M. (1988): Empirical and mathematical approaches to rockfall protection and their practical applications. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Landslides, Lausanne, II, 1237-1243. SPANG, R. M., KURZ, G. & HALLER, B. (1993): Rechnergesttzte Planung von Steinschlagschutzbauwerken an der Geislinger Steige. Geotechnik, Sonderheft 1993, 87-90. SPANG, R. M. (1994): Geologisch-Geotechnische Grundlagen des Steinschlagschutzes. Vortr. 11. Bodensee-Tag. Ing.-geol. Naturgefahren, Risikoanalysen, Schutzkonzepte, 21.10.1994. SPANG, R. M. & SNSER, TH. (1995): Optimized Rockfall Protection by "ROCKFALL". Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Rock Mech., Tokyo. SPANG, R. M.(1997) Geologisch-geotechnische Grundlagen des Steinschlagschutzes Bndnerwald 4/97

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Simulationsoftware ROCKFALL 6.1


ANGERER, H., SNSER,.TH. & SPANG, R. M. (1998) Steinschlagrisiko und Investitionsentscheidung Gibt es eine rationale Basis? Felsbau 16 Nr. 3 SPANG, R. M.( 1998) Rockfall Barriers Design and Practice in Europe Seminar on Planning, Design and Implementation of Debris Flow and Rockfall Hazards Migation Measures, Hong Kong SPANG, R. M.( 1999) Dimensioning anchors for rockfall fences Fatzer AG Sem. Rockfall Tests and Standardization, Davos 25.-26. Jan. Romanshorn SPANG, R. M.( 2000) Standardisierung von Prfverfahren fr Steinschlagschutzbarrieren Ziele und aktueller Stand 2. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels, Technische Akademie Esslingen SPANG, R. M. & KRAUTER, E. (2001) Rockfall simulation a state of the art tool for risk assessment and dimensioning of rockfall barriers. United Engineering Foundation, Conference on Landslides, Davos, June 2001, in print.

Manual (release: 27.11.2001)

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