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It is a rather common BRETHREN understanding albeit partly true that AASR Sublime Temple Works

do happens when triggered by the BRETHREN MIND UNION while modeling, sculpturing and stone-
cutting a SINGLE INTENTIONinto a ROYAL ART ARCHITECTURE that when fully energized do resonates
shall coagulate at Profane World somewhere in time ahead.
Since the Night of Times this Wisdomis continuously cyclic recovered and exercised to be shortly after
it completely lost by the MIST embedded into Veiled Minds. It is known profanely as WHITE MAGIC! Ever
since that no annoying accident does dropdown IT neither the Battery at Sublime Works close!
What is really a Mist Veiled Mind?
It is the final outcome of one or more factors taken out of 3 [three] basic ones basket, usually out of
control by the Prospect Initiate: the Birth Hour, the absorbed Culture & Education Inserts and yet the
Environment from where the Profane Candidate has come from till knocking at the AASR Philo-
sophical Order Temple Gates.
I explain: At an AASR Temple there are 12 [Twelve] Columns topped by 12 Zodiac Signus, evenly dis-
posed half at the South Column and half at the North Column. They are sequentially disposed in the
same order as observed at the Ecliptic sky minute movement [counter-clockwise] yet as they are presented
in a non-circular shape the Brethren Mind faces them as a mere symbolic wall decor.
Just out of the AASR Temple Gates there is a room that is known as a Lost Steps into Void Roomthat
Simple Freemasons Minds believes it as to merely represent the Profane World.
However if an Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasoncould minimally grasp the Powerful En-
ergy Flux [Egregore] of an AASR TEMPLE (other Templar Rites either do exhibit a much lower Energy
Flux e.g. York Rite or are mere placebos) He could easily detect that albeit the Temple architecture do
portrays a rectangular shape in reality it exhibits a Circular Energy Flowdue all Officers and all Participants
are looking at The Lights Altar and The Book of The Law at the Temple Center Focus.
Continuing: if the same Ancient and Accepted Freemason sharpens His Mind focus and geometri-
cally divide while roundly repositioning all Ecliptic Signus by completely and circularly encompassing the full
Temple Architecture He would realize the full measure of the Lost Steps into Void Roomto be composed
by 3 [Three] Signus span wide.
If the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasoncould recall that Christ Himself spent 3 [Three] days
at Hell before the 40 days at the Desert and yet verify that the Temple Circulation at the Occident (Chess
Squares B&W Floor: Desert) is always performed Clockwise while if He simultaneously tries to confers that As-
trologicallyany Personundergoes Titanic Forces that inner purifies His Body and Soul and that fact can only
happens when triggered by The Planets Energies [Officers] when in a retrograde movement [Clockwise
Sense], then Hecould finally realize that this Fiery Furnaceis always ignited at an AASR Temple with Egregore.
If additionally one considers that in a Counter Clockwise Sense the first Signus is Aries and Pisces is
the last one then geometrically and astrologically when considering a Clockwise Sense Pisces arouses as
the First Signus and Aries becomes the last one.
Christ actually a Higher Rank Egyptian Priest of Amon-Ra: The Sheep Head God = Gods Lamb
(allegorically He grew adult at Egypt due His Family escape from Israel while still a Newborn) by perform-
ing the Fishes Multiplication Miracle (Divine Sparks Fragments) simultaneously to the Breads Multipli-
cation Miracle (Evolution Bodies) at PISCES SIGNUS that represents the Mineral Domain [Raw Stones]
thus conveying a Deep Naivety of a Redeemed Newer Mankind: Their Newborns.
The Royal Art - AASR Initiates Clearing
The Western Tradition - The Perception Gates
Proceeding further clockwise sense then the next Signus of AQUARIUS do represent the Exacerbated
Teenagers Libido and finally at the last of the 3 [Three] Signus: the CAPRICORNUS where anyone can
spot the Young Adult Aggressiveness.
Therefore all people born at these 3 [Three] Signus Hours are still at Hell Lost Steps into Void Room,
living at the Mist of Veiled Minds and their outstanding behavior relies in trying to behave as Good Persons.
It is overweening to recall that Christ told us that Hell is overwhelmed of Good Intentions.
everything at EARTH is always seeking evenness or equilibrium; if by any chance a biased Egregore decision
arouses: be it for good or evil then there will be the simultaneous eclosion of the original Energy plus
the opposite One at the Lost Steps into Void Room [Real Life] in order to counterbalance it!
The Royal Art - AASR Initiates Clearing
The Western Tradition - The Perception Gates
Now we shall unveil the Real Meaning of The Royal Art Sublime Works to exactly start at Midday
[Noon]: 12 Hours a.m.. As the full day is evenly divided in 24 hours and how there are 12 Signus around
the Ecliptic thus they are each one allocated into an 2:00 hour time span [Latitude dependent]. Therefore
by subtracting 6 hours [Three Signus] from Noon [Noon: Sagittarius Signus start - the Desert reached
after the Mind darkness slavery Exodus last performed by finally crossing the Red Sea: Capricornus
Signus], we do have 06:00 hour a.m. that albeit being the Dawn it is also the start of the PISCES Signus:
Total Mist Veiled Minds or the Fall at the Hell.
Here is an additional proof that PISCES Signus is the First Mist Veiled Minds Signus at the Lost Steps
into Void Room: we all know that the LION of JUDAH (King Solomon) is the WM that takes seat
(mounts) at The Throne located at the Orthat by its turn [The Throne] holds the Energy of VIRGOthat
represents the Celestial Virgo: The Black Queen of Shabbat(ai). Well LION Signus is the opposite one
of AQUARIUS Signus that by its turn is the Second Signus of The Total Mist Veiled Minds and from
where Ezequiel while [Flesh] captive at River Hebar margins (River = Water = AQUARIUS) had an
insight with a Celestial Wheel portraying the Eagle at the left side [Scorpion: Treas], Taurus at the
right side [JW], Lion at the foreground [WM] and a Man at the Occident [IG], and be-
hind the Wheel He spotted TGAOTUTHRONE!
The Ezequiel Wheel by the way is the Astrologic/Astronomic Ecliptic!
All these technical details further supported with a long time researcher hands-on experience and deep
Brethren [bad] behavior observation plus corrupted rites detection and faulty tracing boards deciphered
among Brolousy speeches while at Sublime Royal Arts Works does evidences this Thesis defense yet
instructed with an array of criminal offenses at lattere sensed at AASR. Quod Demonstratum Est!
There is one more Christ speech that is worthy to recall: Show me your companions and I shall say
who You are! Yet Men companies do mold inner personalities but those still at Hell Lost Steps into
Void Roomwith Total Mist Veiled Minds do deep dissimulate their selves as to look alike to the best ac-
cepted ones till they are discovered/detected.
One shall always remember that all those still living at the Lost Steps into Void Room(the gross Mankind
majority) albeit with Total Mist Veiled Minds, are an integral part of Mankind, Our dear Newborns.
However due their Total Mist Veiled Minds they cannot enroll at a BRETHRENMIND UNIONas they can-
not resonate with them all and yet if they try so an unacceptable segregation feeling would arouse and they
shall try to enforce the admission of more equals in order to take Temple Rite command and to force hap-
pens what they very primitively wonder about what really is a Good Behavior, a Philanthropy Act and a
Welfare One.
And by doing these actions they finally drop down the Temple Columns due the forced imposition of
misbehaved Good Intentions not the Just and Righteous Ones due they were backed by their major-
ity. Several Ancient Stone cut Built Temples ruins speaks for it selves!
At last, a must needed and worthy mention is to not allow amidst the Brethren anyone holding a tatoo
due is enforces submission to heavy telluric energies that shall endure all life. One shall recall that even In-
dians do only tatoo their selves temporally for a rite (aprons) or for a war/combat.
Sao Paulo/Brazil, August 2009
One of the Righteousness Actions Masters of the Ordo Tri Megistus
The Royal Art - AASR Initiates Clearing
The Western Tradition - The Perception Gates

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