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Chapter 24 The Origin of Species -speciation= one species splits into more species -microevolution= allele freq changes

in population -macroevolution= broad pattern of evolution about species level 24.1 The biological species concept emphasi es reproductive isolation !iological Species Concept -species= group of populations" able to interbreed in nature fertile offspring -gene flo# holds gene pool together $eproductive %solation -reproductive isolation= e&istence of biological factors that impede members of species from breeding'reproducing -h(brids= mating t#o species -)re (gotic barriers= bloc*s fertili ation before occurring -+abitat %solation -diff habitats" both rarel( meet each other -can be in same geo areas -Temporal %solation -!reed dring diff times'season'(ears -!ehavioral %solation -mate recognition -courtship rituals to attract mates -,echanical %solation -prevent mating intercourse ph(sicall( --ametic %solation -sperm ma( not fertili e egg of another species -)ost (gotic barriers= h(brid ma( be fertile -$educed +(brid .iabilit( -shared genes of diff parents impair h(brid/s development -$educed +(brid 0ertilit( -Sterile -parents differ in number'struct of chromosome" h(brid doesn/t have normal gametes -+(brid !rea*do#n -1st-gen h(brids can be fertile but mating #ith other h(brids or #ith their parent species ne&t gen is sterile 1imitations of the !iological Species Concept -2.O13T%O4 O0 $2)$O53CT%.2 %SO16T%O4 -hard to evaluate reproductive isolation of fossils -!C Concept also doesn/t appl( to ase&uals 7pro*ar(s8 -!C Concept= species designed b( 6bsense of gene flo# -species can still be distinct despite gene flo# Other 5efinitions of Species -3nit( #ithin species too" not separation of species

-,orphological Species Concept -b( bod( shape or structure -relies on sub9ective criteria though -2cological Species Concept -b( its ecological niche -ma( group ase&ual #' se&ual -)h(logenetic Species Concept -smallest group that shares a common ancestor 24.2 Speciation can ta*e place #' or #'o geographic separation 6llopatric 7:Other Countr(;8 Speciation -gene flo# is interrupted geographicall( isolated populations -barrier )rocess of 6llopatric Speciation -barrier mutations" genetic drift" natural selection -mosquitofish high predation faster bod( 2vidence of 6llopatric Speciation -shrimp bordered up b( isthmus -reprod isolation increases as distance increases -geographic barrier is not the biological barrier to reproduction -)re (gotic')ost (gotics are the barriers S(mpatric 7:Same Countr(;8 Speciation -s(mpatric speciation= speciation in pops living in same area -1ess common -happens due to these )ol(ploid( -cell division accident e&tra sets of chromos -can happen animals" more common in plants -<=> of plants come from ancestors b( pol(ploid( speciation -autopol(ploid= has more than 2 chromosome sets derived from 1 species -diploid accident tetraploid" can have fertile offspring b( self-pollinate' mating other tetras -tetras separated from dips 7?ns are not as fertile too8 -allopol(ploid= t#o diff species produce h(brid offspring -man( are sterile= chromo set cannot pair #ith other/s chromo set during meiosis -infertile h(brid can ase&ual= sterile h(brid fertile pol(ploid( called 611O)O1@)O%5 -pol(ploidsA oats" cotton" potatoes" tobacco" #heat +abitat 5ifferentiation -a subpop can use a habitat'resource not used b( parent pop -apple maggot fl(= original habitat= ha#thorn tree -ne# introd apple trees" maturing more quic*l( -natural selection favors apple eating flies -temporal isolation #ith ha#thorn-feeding -pre (gotic and post (gotic 7allele #ith diff eff.8

Se&ual Selection -s(mpatric also driven b( se&ual selection -cichlids in one la*e much speciation due to -se&ual selectionA some males #ith blue bac* and red bac* -breeding choice reprod barrier -cichlids under orange light" females breed randoml( -resulting h(brids are fertile'viable -genetic divergence bet#een these species li*el( small

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