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en Educacin Primaria 3er Semestre Ingls AI Teacher: Salvador Daz Snchez Students: Gabriela Dafn Lpez Jurez and Mara Medina Alvarado.

Gaby: Hi Mary! How are you? Mary: I feel so tired and I am boring. What about you Gaby? Gaby: Im great, its been a long day but everything is fine. Why are you so tired? Mary: Because yesterday was a stressful day, I had a lot of homework and I havent time, but now I feel better, well that is not your case. Can you tell me what happened to you this morning? Gaby: Im glad you are ok now. This morning was a nightmare for me, the door from our house was closed and we couldnt open it, we try so hard but it was impossible so the teacher Flemate, the owner of the house, came and helps us to Clarisa, Doris, Valeria, the other girls and me to get out of the house from the balcony, I had to get down a horrible stair. It was so scary, Im so afraid of the heights. Can you believe it? Mary: Waoo! Maybe this is your first scary experience here and you only have two weeks living in Zacatecas, but dont worry our teacher Flemate was able to fixed the door and you can be relax in your room and you can watch your love( Bill Kaulitz) remember that today we dont have things to do, well, only sleep :D

Gaby: My first scary experience? Are you expecting that Ill live more scary experiences? No, thanks. You know, Im such a baby in certainly situations; Im used to be confortable in my home with my loving and caring family. But you know whats funny? One of my biggest dreams is make parachute jump, I will love to do it someday, seriously, I want to do it, I hope one day being able to make parachute jump. I was so scary of a few meters of high, imagine me being in a plane ready to jump and fly through the sky. I hope wont be scared when that day comes. But for now, yes, Im waiting to go back to the house and get some sleep and then Ill spend the whole afternoon watching some Tokio Hotel videos, you know, I have to see my love everyday. Mary: Well your love has beautiful hair and he is very handsome but sometimes the boys say that he looks like a woman, but changing of topic: wont be afraid, try it!! Maybe I can go with you in your crazy adventure. Oh, I have to go now, but before that I need to know something I heard a rumor about Yessy. Does she plan to pinch out the wheels from the new truck of the teacher Chava? Gaby: Yes, she does, she plans to pinch out the wheels of his new truck, I dont know why but heard her talking about it with Gabriel. Keep the secret and stay away from the problems! And btw, the boys are blind or maybe jealous about Bill, its

understandable. And yes, you should come with me and make parachute jump one day, but for now see you later! Mary: Im agree, see you soon, bye! Gaby: Bye!

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