Minutes - Friends of Community Path 11032010

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# 7:00 9:00PM, Visiting Nurse Association, Lowell Street, 3rd floor Co

unit! "oo

#a$ing inutes: %anet Steins Nu &er of Attendees: '3 Ne(t eeting: #)ursda!, *ece &er 9, '0+0 A$ In%rodu&%'ons

,ounding e &ers of t)e ,riends of t)e Co unit! Pat), Alan Moore and L!nn -eiss an, called t)e eeting to order. All attendees introduced t)e sel/es and s0o$e &riefl! a&out t)eir interest in t)e goals and acti/ities of t)e ,riends of t)e Co unit! Pat) 1i.e., t)e 2,riends34. Man! offered to &e acti/el! in/ol/ed. Meeting 5oal: #onig)t6s eeting inaugurates w)at is )o0ed to &e e(0anded acti/it! &! a re7u/enated, larger grou0 of 0eo0le a core8grou0 wor$ing to e(tend t)e Co unit! Pat). At t)e ne(t eeting 1+'994 we can &egin to 0rioriti:e our tas$s and co ittees9indi/iduals can start to ta$e on t)ose tas$s. ($ (r'e) H's%ory o) %he Fr'ends o) %he Commun'%y Pa%h *"##! %o +resen%,

Attac)ed to t)e eeting agenda was a list of selected acco 0lis) ents of t)e ,riends including uses to w)ic) funds raised )a/e &een a00lied, ongoing acti/ities ad/ocating for t)e 0ro0osed Co unit! Pat)6s e(tension, and grants awarded. #)e e(isting Co unit! Pat) reac)ed its eastern and 0resent ter inus at Cedar Street in +99;. So far t)ere is /irtuall! unani ous su00ort for t)e So er/ille Co unit! Pat) e(tension, &ut design and construction funding are needed. Alan e(0lained t)at in t)e +9<06s t)ere was so e o00osition to &uilding t)e Minute an Pat) 1w)ic) t)e CP e(tends eastwards4 in 0arts of t)e co unities nort) and west of So er/ille t)roug) w)ic) it 0asses, including =el ont and Arlington. =ut now it is e(tre el! 0o0ular. L!nn ga/e a &rief )istor! of t)e al ost +08!ear old grou0 and infor ed us t)at t)e ,riends is an ad/ocac! grou0, wit) 5roundwor$ So er/ille ser/ing as its non80rofit >0+1c4134 fiscal s0onsor. S)e e(0lained t)at t)is eeting was called in order to continue and ra 0 u0 t)e ad/ocac! wor$ of t)e ,riends &ecause it is essential t)at t)e Pat) 1east of Lowell St4 &e designed and constructed at t)e sa e ti e as t)e 5reen Line ?(tension 15L@4, along t)e A new stations fro Lowell Street in So er/ille to Lec) ere in ?ast Ca &ridge. Constructing t)e Co unit! Pat) would add a&out 'B to t)e cost of t)e 5L@, w)ic) is now o0ti isticall! sc)eduled to finis) construction and &e o0erating in '0+>. #)e current status of t)e se/eral sections of t)e 0ro0osed Pat) was descri&ed, 0er agenda.

C 0ortant t)ings to $ee0 in ind: ,unding is not currentl! a/aila&le to design and construct all of t)e Co unit! Pat) e(tension. Mass*D# 1t)e Massac)usetts *e0t. of #rans0ortation4 )as agreed to fund t)e design and 0artial construction t)e Co unit! Pat) fro Lowell to -as)ington Streets, &ut not furt)er sout)east t)roug) Cnner &elt and Nort) Point to Lec) ere. -it)out t)is section, t)ere will &e no connecti/it! to t)e C)arles "i/er Pat)s, ?llin "eisner, t)e President of So er/ille #rans0ortation ?Euit! Partners)i0 1S#?P4 e(0lained t)at &ecause 5L@ construction is dela!ed, Mass*D# ust enact an 2interi offset 0ro7ect3 12 itigation3 for lost clean air reductions4 &ecause of Clean Air Act reEuire ents. -e are ad/ocating for Co unit! Pat) as an interi offset 0ro7ect. =ecause of t)e geogra0)! and to0ogra0)!, connecting t)e Co unit! Pat) to Lowell Street will &e c)allenging. Fowe/er, t)e de/elo0ers of t)e Ma( Pac$ residential de/elo0 ent near Lowell and Cedar streets su00ort construction of t)e ad7acent Co unit! Pat) and are 0lanning on creating 'A97 access t)roug) t)e site fro t)e Pat) to Lowell Street fro t)e site and t)e Pat). #)e! are reEuired to turn o/er use to t)at 0art of t)e railroad rig)t8of8wa! w)ere t)e Pat) will &e constructed to t)e cit!. #ransit "ealt! #rust is t)e ar of t)e M=#A res0onsi&le for unused rail &eds and ot)er real estate issues of t)e M=#A. A00ro(i atel! ele/en roadwa! &ridges need attention, ranging fro reconstruction to odest widening, in order to acco odate t)e 5reen Line trac$s along wit) t)e trac$s for t)e A tra$ *owneaster to Maine and t)e Lowell co uter train.. C$ Curren% Goa-s and .ha%/s Ne0% =ecause t)e 5L@ and t)e Co unit! Pat) are so interconnected, we are urged to &eco e in/ol/ed wit) t)e for al 5L@ station design 0rocess w)ic) is a&out to &egin. =efore t)is co unit!8initiated, station8en/isioning eetings were alread! )eld, de onstrating t)at a &road consensus alread! e(ists in So er/ille for t)e 5reen Line: )tt0:99www.so er/illeste0.org9files9CCPStation-or$s)o0sG0;+0.0df ,undraising and outreac) will &e essential to get t)e Co unit! Pat) e(tended. C)elsea Clar$e of 5roundwor$ So er/ille s0o$e a&out t)e CCP 1Co unit! Corridor Planning, a coalition for ed &! co unit! grou0s H5roundwor$ So er/ille 15-S4, S#?P,So er/ille Co unit! *e/elo0 ent Cor0oration 1So er/ille C*C4I focused on t)e neig)&or)oods around t)e 5L@ corridor. #)e Co unit! Pat) e(tension is a to0 0riorit! of t)e 5reen -or$ing 5rou0 9of t)e CCP. Jent ?lliott and "e&ecca Sc)ru /olunteered to wor$ wit) C)elsea as our liaisons to t)e CCP95reen -or$ing 5rou0. #)ere is &road su00ort for t)e Co unit! Pat), including fro Mass*D#, MAPC 1Metro0olitan Area Planning Council4 and t)e Conser/ation Law ,oundationK now we need to strategi:e a&out )ow to &est get t)e needed funding to co 0lete t)e design and constructions of t)e Pat). Man! 0eo0le t)oug)t a new ,ace&oo$ site is )ig)er 0riorit! t)an u0dating t)e ,riends we&site.

AGENDA Friends of the Community Path www.pathfriends.org/scp/ Thursday Novem er !!" #$!$ %eeting &ynn 'eissman" A(an %oore" founding mem ers Introductions 1. Volunteer to take minutes B. Brief history of the Friends of the Community Path (2001 to present) 1. elected !ccomplishments ee attached 2010 "Po#derhouse !#ard$ for Best %on&profit from the omer'ille Cham(er of Commerce 2. Current status of proposed Community Path e)tension (desi*n+ fundin*+ timin*+ etc.) Cam(rid*e line to Cedar t. (e)istin*+ impro'ements under#ay+ ne# city lease) Cedar t. to ,o#ell t. ,o#ell t. to to Inner Belt (-ashin*ton t.) omer'ille .unction Park Inner Belt to ,echmere/%orthPoint/Charles 0i'er C. Current 1oals2 -e are ur*in* 3ass456 to2 1. Consider the desi*n+ construction+ and completion of the Community Path e)tension as an interim offset pro7ect for the likely 1reen ,ine delay (i.e.+ the Community Path could (e completed prior to the 4ecem(er 81+ 2019 deadline for the 1reen ,ine :)t. since the retainin* #alls and reconstruction of (rid*es should (e completed early in the construction phase. 2. :nsure the inclusion+ in the 1reen ,ine Pro7ect (1,;) #ork plan+ of the desi*n of the last section of the Community Path from Inner Belt to ,echmere/%orth point and then 'ia %orthPoint<s internal links to the 4C0<s Charles 0i'er Path net#ork.

4. 5ur !cti'ities2 5r*ani=in*+ !d'ocacy+ :ducation+ trate*y+ etc. Colla(oration2 #ith the 3assachusetts 4ept. of 6ransportation (3ass456)+ 3B6!+ omer'ille 6ransportation :>uity Partnership ( 6:P)+ 1reat %ei*h(orhood Initiati'e+ 1round#orks omer'ille/Community Corridor Plannin*/1reen -orkin* 1roup (CCP)+ City of omer'ille+ 1reen treets+ hape&?p& omer'ille+ omer'ille Cham(er of Commerce+ others 2. !d'ocacy/Promotin* the Importance of the Path 3ass4562 1,; Community 3eetin*s+ 1,; 4esi*n -orkin* 1roup (!lan 3oore+ mem(er)+ 3ass456 Board meetin*s+ 1reen456 conference 3! 4epartment of :n'ironmental Protection ("enforcer$ of the IP Clean !ir commitments (of #hich the 1,; is one) Federal 456 re2 3P52 Pu(lic comment (#ritten and oral) ,ocally2 6he Community Path and 1reen ,ine e)tensions #ill run near @ omer'ille pu(lic schools to create safe+ acti'e routes to schools (and #ork) #ith *ood air >uality+ helpin* to fi*ht the epidemics of childhood o(esity and asthma. 0e*ionally2 6his e)tension of the 18&mile 3inuteman 6rail #ill e'entually link to the 1A&miles of Charles 0i'er path+ connectin* 8AB miles of path net#ork throu*h Bedford+ ,e)in*ton+ !rlin*ton+ Cam(rid*e+ omer'ille+ and 3edford to the 0ed and 1reen ,ines (in Cam(rid*e and omer'ille) and to Boston+ -altham+ and -aterto#n. !cti'ities #e need mem(ers to help #ith 5n*oin*2 !ttendin* meetin*s/e'ents+ takin* minutes+ ta(lin*+ strate*i=in*+ makin* inroads+ mappin*+ ur(an plannin*+ #ritin*+ fund raisin*+ research+ press announcements+ technical+ #e(/(lo*+ social net#orkin*+ etc. Current2 !ttend Community Corridor Plannin* meetin*s -e(2 -e(site+ Blo*+ Face(ook account+ Cahoo email name 4esi*n and #ork on 1&pa*e (rochure 4onations from (usinesses 4raftin*/*ettin* letters from re*ional supporters from nei*h(orin* cities/to#ns and *roups+ esp. alon* current and future path :. 3eetin* schedule for the core *roup F. 1roup discussion and DE!

elected !ccomplishments of the Friends of the Community Path Some uses for past funds weve raised:
200@2 4onated FG+000 to the City of omer'ille to pay Pan !m 0ail#ays (formerly Boston E 3aine 00) to file for federal a(andonment of tracka*e ri*hts to the a(andoned track from Cedar t. to ,o#ell treet 200H2 Contri(uted FH+000 for .unction Path Park+ to sho# community support in the City<s *rant application to construct the park and ne# path se*ment http2//###.somer'illema.*o'/ ection.cfmIor*J5 PC4Epa*eJ1821 20102 Committed FG+000 from our funds and procurin* an additional FG+000 match for the City of omer'ille<s 6i*er II *rant application for Path Construction http2//###.somer'illema.*o'/cosKcontent/documents/6I1:0L20IIL20!pplicationL20and L20!ppendi)L20FI%!,L20MKA.pdf

Ongoing Advocacy for the Community Path extension

2010 -inner2 Po#derhouse !#ard for Best %on&Profit+ from the omer'ille Cham(er of Commerce 3eetin* #ith and #ritin* letters to local+ state+ and federal officialsI a(out the local and re*ional si*nificance of the Path+ especially in relation to the 1reen ,ine e)tension (1,;). Participatin* in 1,; meetin*s and in current 1,; 4esi*n -orkin* 1roup meetin*s. Colla(oratin* #ith local *roups like omer'ille 6ransportation :>uity Partnership ( 6:P)+ 1round#ork omer'ille (1- )+ hape ?p omer'ille+ omer'ille Community Corporation ( CC)+ the omer'ille Bicycle Committee+ and 3ass Central 0ail 6rail+ to ad'ance pro*ress on the Path. !ttendin* conferences and 1reen ,ine meetin*s to ad'ocate for the Path 1atherin* hundreds of Path support letters to su(mit to federal and state officials.

Education and Awareness

3ade "the Community Path$ a household phrase on the lips of state and local *o'ernment officials and politicians+ non&profits+ ad'ocacy *roups+ community mem(ers+ and the press. People lo'e the Community Path and #ant it to (e e)tended #ith the 1reen ,ine. :mphasi=in* that proposed Community Path e)tension #ill (e a shared multi&use path N a Community Path N and not simply a (icycle path. Conductin* periodic #alkin* tours of the proposed Community Path

6a(lin* and paradin* at !rt(eat+ pice of ,ife+ 3ystic Oerrin* 0un Festi'als. 0aised funds E spirits #ith the Bicycle Canoe ri*. 5r*ani=ed City clean&ups at the Cedar&to&,o#ell section of the Path (2001&200@). Conducted community outreach includin* or*ani=in* a series of community meetin*s+ presentin* at homes ne)t to path+ door&to&door outreach+ etc. (2001&2008).

Grant Successes

200A & Colla(orated in a FG00+000 0o(ert -ood .ohnson Foundation *rant effort (200A& 200M) for !cti'e ,i'in* (y 4esi*n. 6his *rant funded the City of omer'ille<s first Bicycle&Pedestrian Coordinator. 2008 -on a FG0+000 6ourism *rant from the 3assachusetts 6urnpike !uthority. 6his #as 7oint application #ith the City of omer'ille for the City to do early path desi*n ((efore the 1reen ,ine e)tension #as definitely happenin*). 2008 -on a F10+000 0o(ert -ood .ohnson Foundation *rant for the City to do early path desi*n. 2008 -on a F10+000 Bikes Belon* *rant. 2008 -on a F1+000 Ben and .erry<s Foundation *rant. 2002 -on a F200 Fields Pond Foundation *rant.

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