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The Short Circuit Current Ratings of Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)

B.R. Cole, IEEE Member, K. Brown, IEEE Member, P.S. McCurdy, IEEE Member, T.E. Phipps, IEEE Member, and R. Hotchkiss, IEEE Member
Abstract--This document examines the standards associated with the short circuit current ratings (SCCRs) for surge protective devices (SPDs). A review of the IEEE, UL, and NFPA documents is used to determine why SCCRs are required for SPDs and what is the correct methodology for determining the coordination of the SPD and the electrical distribution. An example is provided detailing the proper and improper application of the SPD as it relates to the SCCR. For improper applications of an SPD, remedial actions are presented. Keywords AC circuit breakers, overvoltage protection, short circuit currents, surge protection

the SPD, but will provide specific methods that will allow the application to be corrected. II. STANDARDS AND GUIDES In the United States, there are a small number of documents that have been produced to evaluate both the performance and safety attributes of a properly installed and coordinated SPD with the electrical distribution. These documents have been produced by telecommunication companies, by regulatory bodies, and independent organizations. The primary documents developed and addressed in this paper include those by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated (UL), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). A. The NFPA The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is the primary sponsor of the National Electric Code (NEC), a top-level document detailing the guidelines for application of electrical and/or electronic equipment connected to lowvoltage power distribution. The NEC is primarily concerned with the safety aspects of all electrical wiring and electrical/electronic devices, including SPDs. As an essential component of ensuring the safe application of an SPD, the NEC requires that virtually every component of the building wiring or device connected to the building wiring, including SPDs, be provided with a means of over-current protection [1]. In particular, Article 110-10 of the NEC states: The over-current protective devices, the total impedance, the component short-circuit current rating, and other characteristics of the circuit to be protected shall be selected and coordinated to permit the circuit-protective devices used to clear a fault to do so without extensive damage to the electrical components of the circuit. This fault shall be assumed to be either between two or more circuit conductors. Listed products applied in accordance with their listing shall be considered to meet the requirements of this section.2 The NFPA 70 has added a new article to the 2002 codebook. Article 285 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors was added to address general, installation and connection requirements for permanently installed Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. Prior to Article 285, the installation of SPD systems was generally referenced under NEC Article 280 Surge Arresters. In the 2002 NEC, Article 280 continues to address the general installation and connection requirements

I. INTRODUCTION Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS), more commonly referred to as surge protective devices (SPDs), have been applied as part of an overall power quality strategy for more than three decades. As power and control systems become more complex through the utilization of semiconductors used in electronic devices to control, process, and communicate information, SPDs will continue to be recognized as an essential component of power quality. However, a large knowledge base regarding the proper application of SPDs does not exist; therefore, many issues cloud the safety, performance, and the correct application of the device. In particular, the short circuit current rating (SCCR) of the SPD is discussed within this paper. The SCCR of an SPD is defined as the suitability of the SPD for use on an AC power circuit that is capable of delivering not more than a declared rms symmetrical current at a declared voltage during This paper will examine the a short circuit condition1. standards, electrical codes, and application guidelines associated with the installation of SPDs. Detail will be provided determining sufficient testing methodologies associated with obtaining the SCCR and the pass/fail criteria as determined by the listing agency. In addition, two examples will be provided that detail specific applications of an SPD, as related to coordinating the SCCR of the SPD to the power distribution system of the facility. One example will be a correct application. The second example will be an incorrect application of

UL 1449 3rd edition Draft, Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, dated 2005 December 2005. This report has been developed by a task force of the Surge Protective Devices Committee Working Group 3.6.6 on the Applications of Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices and recommended for presentation at the PES General Meeting, 2006 July. Members and contributors of the task force included: B. Cole, K. Brown, P. McCurdy, T. Phipps, and R. Hotchkiss,

NEC 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Incorporated (NFPA) 70, 2002.

1-4244-0493-2/06/$20.00 2006 IEEE.

for Surge Arresters; however, this is beyond the scope of this technical report. Items in the 2002 NEC, the short circuit current rating of the SPD are detailed in Article 285.5, and Article 285.6. Article 285.5 states that the SPD shall be a Listed device [1]. Article 285.6 states that the SPD shall be marked with a short circuit current rating, which is obtained through an independent safety organization, and that the SPD shall be installed at point on the electrical distribution that does not exceed the rating of the SPD [1]. Listed products are those products that have been evaluated by an independent safety organization in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.7 [2]. The predominate safety agency that provides product listings in the US is Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated (UL). UL provides product Listing of SPDs in accordance with the Standard for Safety, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor, number 1449, Second Edition, dated 1996 August. This standard will be discussed in greater detail later in this article. As detailed in Article 285.6, the code allows SPDs to be used at points within the electrical distribution system where the short circuit current rating of the SPD is greater than that of the system, but not where the short circuit current of the system is greater than that of the SPD SCCR. What the code does not address is the type of over-current protection that is required for the SPD to comply with these requirements. It is the responsibility of the facility engineer to detail what the proper over-current protective device is and how the SPD is evaluated and determined to comply. B. UL Standards Within the United States, the UL Standards for Safety have long been considered the primary documents in assessing the safety of products. In Canada, the Canadian Standards Association is the primary safety assessment organization. There are also many other organizations that have been approved as independent safety assessors by OSHA. The UL Standard for Safety, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors requires that the devices be subjected to many tests that determine the overall safety of the product. These tests include, but are not limited to dielectric withstand, surge testing, and the testing of the product to two-types of abnormal over-voltage scenarios: high current and limited-current. To meet the requirements of Article 285.6, UL utilizes the test procedure associated with abnormal over-voltages and high available fault currents. This is achieved by performing the full-phase voltage, high-current abnormal overvoltage test described in section 37.3 of UL 1449 [3]. The testing consists of applying an over-voltage with a specified available short circuit current to production representative SPDs. The applied over-voltage is the maximum phase voltage or twice the conductor pair voltage. For 120/240 Vac, single-phase, 3W+G system, the phase-to-neutral and phaseto-ground test voltages are 240 Vac. For a 120/208 Vac, three-phase wye, 4W+G system, the phase-to-neutral, and

phase-to-ground test voltages are 208 Vac. In a 240 Vac, three-phase delta, 3W+G system, the phase-to-phase, and phase-to-ground test voltages are up to 480 Vac. To either trip or open the over-current protective device during the testing of the SPD, it is necessary that the surge components conduct a significant amount of current. The SPD may use either internal or external over-current protective components. During and following the full-phase voltage, high-current test, the SPD shall not create openings in the enclosure, exhibit emission of flame, charring, glowing or flaming of the cheesecloth wrapped around the product during the test, or compromise the enclosure grounding of the SPD. Once the SPD has successfully completed the testing, the device shall be marked with its short circuit current rating. The marking states that the SPD is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than (the nominal) rms symmetrical amperes, (at tested) volts maximum3. The short circuit current rating shall be one of the values indicated in Table I, but not less than the amount detailed in Table II, which is a reproduction of Table 61.3 and 12.1 respectively in [3].

Available Fault Current Rating RMS Symmetrical Current (Amperes) 5,000 10,000 14,000 18,000 22,000 25,000 30,000 42,000 50,000 65,000 85,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 200,000 If the SPD requires an external fuse or circuit breaker to pass the test at a specified SCCR, the device shall have an additional marking as described: when protected by __A__ class fuses and/or when protected by a __B__ circuit breaker rated __C__ volts maximum. The interrupting rating of the fuse or circuit breaker shall not be less than the available fault current, where A is Class CC, CD, G, H, J, L, R, T or K fuse, Reference to Class H or Class K fuses shall not appear in the marking if the indicated rms symmetrical fault current is

Standard for Safety, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, UL 1449, 1996 August.

greater than 10,000A, B is the current rating of circuit breaker, and C is the nominal system voltage.

careful attention should be made when coordinating series connected over-current devices with SPDs to ensure not only the safe end-of-service scenario, but additionally the maximum performance and reliability of the SPD. An example is the best way to illustrate the correct and incorrect application of an SPD in accordance with the codes, conditions of acceptability, and guidelines of the NEC, the UL, and the IEEE, respectively. In addition to providing an example of an incorrect application, the authors will also present remedial methods, which engineers and installers can use to bring the installation into compliance with the aforementioned recommendations and guidelines. As an example of a correct application, assume that an SPD is going to be installed on the power distribution system of a facility at a branch panel location. At this point in the power distribution system, the available fault current capability is 42,000 A. The available fault current at this location, or any other within the power distribution system of the facility, must be determined through a fault current analysis by the supervising engineer. Assume that this SPD is placed behind a circuit breaker with an SCCR of 42,000 A, shown as in Figure 1. In addition, the SPD has obtained a SCCR of 65,000 A. In this example, the SCCR of the SPD is coordinated with that of the facilitys power distribution system, resulting in correct and coordinated application. In fact, as long as the SCCR of the SPD is equal to or exceeds the point of application within the power distribution and the preceding over-current protective device, the SCCR of the SPD is correctly coordinated. As an example of an incorrect application, assume that a SPD has obtained a SCCR of 25,000 A from UL. Assume that this particular SPD was placed behind a circuit breaker with an SCCR of 65,000 A, as shown in Fig. 1. Additionally, assume that the maximum SCCR available at this particular location on the power distribution system is 42,000 A. As with the previous example, the supervising engineer is responsible for determining the available fault current at this particular point within the power distribution system of the facility. In this particular example, the SPD is incorrectly applied. Because the SPD has obtained an SCCR rating of only 25,000 A, it might not be capable of withstanding an interrupt current of 42,000 A. A few different approaches can be considered to rectify this particular example so that the SPD has been installed in accordance with the NEC, the IEEE recommendations, and UL conditions of acceptability. The first approach would be to apply an SPD with an SCCR of 42,000 A or greater. Even though the circuit breaker preceding the SPD is greater than the SPD, the maximum short circuit current available at the panel is 42,000 A. Therefore, the SPD has an SCCR equal to the power distribution system at that point. The second approach is to utilize a current limiting circuit breaker that will limit the SCCR to the SPD to a value of 25,000 A or less. This option presents some complications.

TVSS (SPD) Rating 100A or less 101 400A Over 400A

Available Current in Amperes 5,000 10,000 25,000

UL 1449 states that an external circuit interrupting device may be used and if one is employed in the test, then it is required at installation [3]. When an SPD is marked for use with an external over-current protective device, the test circuit is to include that device: e.g. circuit breaker or fuse. Installing an over-current protective device with an adequate interrupting rating in series with the SPD is required at installation. With UL providing the test and marking requirements of the SPD and the NEC providing the marking requirement of the electrical system, an installation with the correct coordination of the SPD and the power system available fault current is obtainable. The coordination of power system, over-current protective device and SPD are made easier as each is marked with its appropriate short circuit current rating. C. IEEE Guides The IEEE is active in providing recommendations and guidelines that help engineers correctly describe transient environments, and help to identify the many attributes of a correctly applied SPD. The most notable document on surge environments and the anticipated waveforms at specific locations within a facility are IEEE Guide on Surge Voltages in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits, IEEE C62.41.1-2002, and IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits, C62.41.2-2002. While the aforementioned documents do provide an overview of the surge environment, they do not provide any input into how the SPD can, or should be coordinated to the electrical distribution. Therefore, recommendations on the performance, suitability, or best engineering practice for using an over-current protective device in series with an SPD is relegated to other industry standards. III. APPLICATION EXAMPLE Two main factors should be considered when selecting over-current devices to be used with SPDs. First, the ability to limit the available short-circuit energy to levels that are compatible with an SPD during an end-of-service life event. Second, the over-current device should not significantly affect the ability of an SPD to divert transients within the electrical distribution system. If an over-current protection device connected in line with an SPD disconnects during a transient, the SPD is removed from the circuit when it is needed most. In addition, it could be some time until this is noticed, thereby making the SPD ineffective. Therefore,

In accordance with the NEC, the device must be applied in accordance with its safety agency listing requirements. The SPD must have been tested with a specified circuit breaker at a specified current rating. Using a circuit breaker produced by a different manufacturer, at a different SCCR, or even a different part number is not acceptable and is outside the scope of its safety agency listing. If the SPD is installed utilizing an untested or improperly tested current limiting circuit breaker, then it is the same as not utilizing a product evaluated by an independent safety agency, such as UL. The third approach would be to install a finite amount of impedance in the line prior to the panel. The amount of impedance would have to be high enough to limit the amount of SCCR to 25,000 A or less. One possible method to accomplish this is by installing a transformer in the power distribution system to lower the overall SCCR rating at that particular point. This option can be very expensive and might require additional space, but has some advantages in mitigating other power quality problems that might need to be addressed. Fig. 2 represents a SPD that includes the over-current protection within the device itself. In this case, the SPD does not require that the device be preceded with a circuit breaker. However, the same rules apply. The SPD has a specified SCCR, which has been evaluated by UL; it is marked either on the product or in the accompanying installation instructions, and must be connected appropriately. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS To ensure that a short circuit current rating (SCCR) of the SPD has been properly coordinated with the power distribution system of the facility, the authors recommend the following: 1. A fault current analysis of the power distribution system be performed and documented at the time of new construction, 2. A fault current analysis of the power distribution system be updated and documented every time new distribution equipment is installed, e.g. power class transformer, increase in size of electrical conductors, etc., 3. A fault current analysis of the power distribution system be updated whenever there is a change in the utility service, 4. A fault current analysis of the power distribution system be updated and documented whenever an SPD is installed or replaced and, 5. That the available fault current, as determined by the engineer conducting the fault current analysis, be marked on the distribution panel.

As part of these recommendations, it is imperative that the SCCR of any SPD be coordinated with the power distribution system of the facility. This includes examining all existing SPDs and ensuring that the SCCR of the SPD is coordinated to the available fault current at these specific application points. V. CONCLUSION As SPDs have become a common device in the overall picture of a complete power quality strategy, their performance and safety attributes have continued to be examined and tested. One of the top attributes is the safe and correct application, and coordination of an SPD to a power distribution system of the facility. Analysis is required for the shortcircuit current rating of the power distribution system, for any over-current protective devices, and for the SPD itself. The NEC has established rules determining the relationship between the interrupting rating of a device and the over-current protective device required. An added clarification was implemented by the second edition of UL 1449 by testing SPDs to a particular set of conditions and providing SPDs with a short circuit current rating. Additionally, contributions made by the members of the IEEE on guidelines and recommendations of a correctly installed SPD will help ensure the correct application of an SPD. Responsibility for the coordination of the SPD to the application rests on the specifying engineer, the contractor or end-user installing the SPD and the inspecting official. In conclusion, the only set rule for determining the short circuit current rating of an SPD is to examine the labeling, paperwork and installation instructions of that particular SPD. Once the short circuit current rating of the SPD has been determined, and a fault current analysis has been performed on the power distribution system, the appropriate SPD can be installed. Failure to ensure the proper application of the SPD with the development of specifications, guidelines, and standards can result in a potentially dangerous condition. The inappropriate application of an SPD can no longer be tolerated or excused.
1. 2. 3.

V. REFERENCES National Fire Protection Association, National Electrical Code, 2002, Ninth Edition, Quincy, MA. US Department of Labor, Program Regulation (29 CFR 1910.7), [Online]. Available: Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, Standard for Safety, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, Second Edition, 1996 August 15, Melville, NY.

Conductors to Other Branch Panels

Branch Panel M ain Circuit Breaker 3-Phase Circuit Breaker

Conductors to Other Branch Panels


Branch Panel Main Circuit Breaker L1

Branch Panel
L1 L2 L3 G N

M ain Circuit Breaker (Service Entrance)

L2 L3 N G

Branch Panel

Ground Bar

Neutral Bar

Main Circuit Breaker (Service Entrance)

L2 L3 N G


Ground Bar
N L3 L2 L1 G

Neutral Bar


Fig. 1. Connection of the SPD utilizing a dedicated circuit breaker Bryan Cole, NCE (M, 1993) is the President of Technology Research Council, LLC, and former Director of Engineering & Product Safety Officer for Control Concepts Corporation. Bryan has been involved with the R&D of one-port and two-port surge protection devices, electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters, and harmonic filters, and product safety for eighteen years. He a member of the IEEEs Power Engineering, Engineering Management, Product Safety, and EMC Societies, a member of UL Standard Technical Panel for TVSS, temporary power taps, and Switchgear and Panelboards, and member of the US National Committee to the IEC on SPDs. Bryan is a NARTE Certified Engineer in product safety, has a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Binghamton University, a MBA from the University of Phoenix, and is a PhD student at Northcentral University. Pat McCurdy (M, 1996) is the Product Marketing Manager and technical specialist for Phoenix Contacts North American Surge Protection division. Patrick has worked for Phoenix Contact in various technical, application, and management roles for eleven years. Patrick has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from Penn State University and a Master in Business Administration from Lebanon Valley College. Active professional associations include: International Society of Measurements and Control (ISA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), American Gas Association (AGA), and National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). Ron Hotchkiss is the Vice President of Engineering for Surge Technology. Ron has been involved in the design, development and certification testing of oneport and two-port surge protection devices for thirteen years. Ron also manages engineering, safety agency, compliance and quality operations. He is a member of IEEEs Power Engineering Society and is an active participant and contributor to several IEEE SPD working groups and the Underwriters Laboratories Standard Technical Panel for Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. He is a member of the balloting group for IEEE. Ron received his Electrical Engineering degree with Honors from the University of South Florida in Tampa.

Fig. 2. Connection of the SPD utilizing the main circuit breaker of the panel. Kenneth Brown (M', 1996) is the Director of Engineering for Power Quality Products at Leviton Manufacturing Company. Ken has been involved with the design and development of surge protection devices for 8 years. Ken is presently chairman of the technical committee for the NEMA 5VS Section. Ken is a member of the US National Committee to the International Electro-technical Commission on SPDs (37A) and he is a member of the IEEE Working Group's 3.6.4, 3.6.6, 3.6.9, and 3.6.10. Ken received an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio Institute of Technology, and an MBA from West Coast University.

Thomas Phipps (M 2000) received the Manasseh Cutler Scholarship at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio while majoring in Electrical Engineering. Tom has been involved in power quality engineering over the past seventeen years working in areas of Production, Applications, Test, and Research & Development Engineering. His employment experience includes the areas of power conditioning, power distribution, Rotary and Static UPS and for the past eleven years TVSS. Tom has worked for several of the power conditioning companies within the industry including Power Distribution, Incorporated, United Power, Incorporated, Power Systems & Controls and is presently the Vice President of Engineering for Thor Systems, Incorporated located in Richmond, Virginia.

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