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Simulation With Controlled Fourier Spectrum Shifting for Efcient Computation of Power System Transients

Kai Strunz, Feng Gao

Abstract Simulators of the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) are widely used for the accurate simulation of transients in electric power networks. EMTP simulations are inefcient in representing low-frequency transients whose Fourier spectrum is concentrated on a narrow bandwidth around the carrier frequency of either 50 Hz or 60 Hz as typically found in AC electric power networks. This is because the carrier frequency component is always tracked even if the main interest is concerned with envelope information. Recently it was proposed to modify the EMTP formulation through the introduction of analytic signals and the shift frequency as a novel simulation parameter such that efcient simulation of both highfrequency and low-frequency transients is made possible. The shift frequency allows one to specify by how much the Fourier spectrum associated with the analytic signal is shifted. In the case study presented in this paper, the added value of this technique is illustrated through the simulation of network energization, transitional steady state, and deenergization. Index Terms Algorithms, EMTP, envelope detection, Hilbert transform, numerical integration, power system modeling, power system simulation, power system transients.

value of the method for power system simulation. Conclusions are drawn in Section V. II. A NALYTIC S IGNALS All naturally generated signals are real. For the purpose of signal processing, it can be desirable to modify the original real signal. By adding a quadrature component as an imaginary part, analytic signals are obtained [6], [7]. 1) Hilbert Transform: The quadrature component of a signal is obtained through the Hilbert transform :


The analytic signal, marked by an underscore to indicate that it is complex, is then obtained as follows:


I. I NTRODUCTION Simulators derived from the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) [1] are the most widely used tools for the emulation of high-frequency transients in AC and DC electric power networks. The efciency of the EMTP solution is reduced when it is of interest to study low-frequency transients in AC electric power networks. In this case the low-frequency transients modulate the AC carrier and so create a bandpass waveform whose Fourier spectrum is concentrated on a narrow bandwidth about the AC carrier frequency of either or . To study such waveforms, dynamic phasor calculus was introduced [2], [3]. In [4], [5], a solution method that is effective in dealing with both low- and high-frequency transients was developed and implemented as simulator Virtual Integrator for Synthesis Testing and Analysis (VISTA). It makes use of shiftable analytic signals to combine the virtues of EMTP and dynamic phasor calculus. The discussions in this paper center on the application of simulation that processes shiftable analytic signals. To provide the reader with background information, the concept of analytic signals is reviewed in Section II. In Section III, it is shown how analytic signals are used to formulate companion models as known from EMTP. The case study presented in Section IV details the
Dr. Kai Strunz and Feng Gao are with SESAME Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2500, USA

The effect of the creation of the analytic signal from an original signal with bandpass character and carrier frequency is shown in Fig. 1. While the Fourier spectrum of the real signal extends to negative frequencies, this is not the case for the Fourier spectrum of the corresponding analytic signal .

s (t) = s(t) + j [s(t)]

[ s (t)]

- fc


- fc


Fig. 1. Application of the Hilbert transform.

2) Frequency Shifting: The analytic signal can be shifted by the frequency , which is hereafter referred to as shift frequency, as follows:


Expressed in terms of the angular frequency is rewritten as:

(3) (4)

Of particular interest is the case where the shift frequency is made equal to the carrier frequency: or . In this case, the complex envelope [6] is obtained:


1-4244-0493-2/06/$20.00 2006 IEEE.

The graphical interpretation of this operation is given in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the complex envelope is a lowpass signal, whose maximum frequency is reduced as a result of the shifting.
[ s (t )]


[ s (t )] = s (t ) e- j2 p fc t

[ [s(t)]]

Equation (11) can be rearranged as follows:

(12) (13)

- fc


- fc



Fig. 2. Shifting by the carrier frequency.

3) Magnitude: The envelope or magnitude of the analytic signal is calculated as follows: Since , the magnitude is not changed through the shifting. It follows from (5) that the magnitude can readily be derived from the complex envelope [6]:



This becomes the analytic-signal-oriented companion model for the inductor, whose structure is shown in Fig. 4.


As evidenced by Fig. 2, the complex envelope is a lowpass signal whose maximum frequency is lower than that of the original real bandpass signal. In accordance with Shannons sampling theorem [6], a lower sampling rate can be chosen when tracking the complex envelope rather than the original bandpass signal. III. C OMPANION M ODEL U SING S HIFTABLE A NALYTIC S IGNALS In [4], a companion model for the representation of network branches that support the study of both electromagnetic and electromechanical transients was introduced. Using analytic signals, the behavior of the inductor depicted in Fig. 3 is described through the following differential equation:

Fig. 4. Companion model of an inductor enabling controlled Fourier spectrum shifting.

The envelopes of the waveforms can be represented very , where is the frequency of the AC efciently for , this companion model is suitable for carrier. For representing natural waveforms as generated in reality. Models for branches other than the inductor are derived in an analogous manner. The nodal equation system of the network model is obtained using the stamping method [8]. IV. C ASE S TUDY For the purpose of illustrating the added value of the shift frequency setting, the study of network energization, transitional steady state, and deenergization appears of particular interest because the presence of the AC carrier is intermittent. It is shown how the setting of the shift frequency in VISTA is adapted to account for the changing presence of the carrier. A. Test Network In the network of Fig. 5, the resistive load and capacitor are connected to an AC voltage source via a line. A further resistive load and capacitor can be supplied through a transformer. The latter has a turns ratio of 6:1 and a leakage inductance . The AC voltage source has an amplitude of and a frequency of . The line is represented through two series-connected -models [9] with lumped parameters: 2


The corresponding shifted analytic signals are obtained as follows: (9)

Insertion into (8) yields:


Using trapezoidal integration with time step size to transform (10) into a difference equation, substituting complex variables back and gathering like terms yield:

Fig. 3. Current and voltage conventions for an inductor.



voltage (kV)

with shift frequency parameter

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s)

Fig. 5. Test network for switching of carrier.

, , . Alternatively, the constant distributed parameter line model for simulating natural and envelope waveforms [5] could be used. For and connected at the end of the line: , . Further power can be supplied via the transformer with leakage inductance and the shown load: , , .

without shift frequency parameter

voltage (kV)

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s) 1

B. Waveforms At , all voltages and currents are zero, and a single phase is considered. At , the energization switch S is closed. The resulting electromagnetic transient of the load voltage simulated with and without shift frequency parameter is shown in Fig. 6. The selected time step size is . In this initial phase of the energization with hefty changes of the amplitude, the shift frequency is and the natural waveform is tracked. As the electromagnetic transients damp out, it becomes of interest to track the envelope, as it contains the key informa-

Fig. 7. Simulation of load voltage with and without shift frequency parameter for .

voltage (kV)

with shift frequency parameter

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s)

without shift frequency parameter

voltage (kV)

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s) 1

tion. The shift frequency is set to to eliminate the carrier component. This allows for efcient tracking of the envelope at a much larger time step size. In Fig. 7, the case , with shift frequency parameter uses settings of . In focusing the simulation on the envelope only, the simulation process is now much more efcient because the number of operations to be computed is reduced by the factor of . Without shift frequency parameter . The simulation the time step size has to stay at shows that the envelope tracking is accurate. This observation where a drop of the includes the time around amplitude of the AC source voltage is imposed. Due to the persistent low voltage following the drop, the switch CB is opened to disconnect loads at . This deenergization also implies that there is no carrier present at , the load. Therefore, the settings return to for the case with shift frequency parameter. This leads to the simulation results depicted in Fig. 8. When the switch CB is closed again to reconnect the , an energization process starts. As the loads at electromagnetic transients damp out, it is sensible to return to , . envelope tracking at with settings of The corresponding waveforms are depicted in Fig. 9. C. Operation As already discussed in the previous sections, the operating point settings in VISTA cover the time step size and the shift frequency. The setting is therefore two-dimensional. This makes the method different from all other power system simulation techniques where only the time step size is adjusted. 3

Fig. 6. Simulation of load voltage with and without shift frequency parameter for .

voltage (kV)

with shift frequency parameter

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s)

The transition of the operating points in the given case study is illustrated by means of Fig. 10. The lower left point , is suitable for the tracking of high-frequency electromagnetic transients as those caused by energization and deenergization. For the study of DC networks without carrier, an operating point setting with is mandatory. The upper right operating point , is suitable when the observed waveform has bandpass character. Of course, operating points may be located elsewhere in the shown chart of Fig. 10 and are not restricted to the shown points.

without shift frequency parameter

voltage (kV)


AC voltage disturbance, AC steady state

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s) 1

energization, deenergization


Fig. 8. Simulation of load voltage with and without shift frequency parameter for .

Fig. 10. Two-dimensional operating point settings.

voltage (kV)

with shift frequency parameter

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s)

without shift frequency parameter

voltage (kV)

25 0 25 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 time (s) 1

Fig. 9. Simulation of load voltage with and without shift frequency parameter for .

V. C ONCLUSIONS The use of the shift frequency as a novel simulation parameter was studied based on the analysis of network energization, transitional steady state, and deenergization. In the described simulation concept, the waveforms are modeled through analytic signals in order to enable frequency shifting. It was shown that frequency shifting is particularly interesting when low-frequency transients perturb the AC carrier of the power system. It is then desirable to set the shift frequency equal to the carrier frequency. The original bandpass waveform is so transformed into an equivalent lowpass waveform. It can be tracked at a much larger time step because of the elimination of the carrier component in the Fourier spectrum. The value of frequency shifting is reduced if the upper frequency limit in the Fourier spectrum is much higher than the carrier frequency. This is the case for high-frequency electromagnetic transients, which can for example be observed during energization and deenergization. Through the availability of the shift frequency, the simulation process can always be adapted to the prevailing waveform. It so combines the accuracy of EMTP-type simulation and the speed of phasor-type simulation without the need to actually switch simulation programs.

VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation under award ECS-0238523. R EFERENCES
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Dr. Kai Strunz graduated with the Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Saarland in Saarbrcken, Germany, in 1996, and he was awarded the Dr.-Ing. degree with summa cum laude from the same university in 2001. From 1995 to 1997, Dr. Strunz pursued research at Brunel University in London. From 1997 to 2002, he worked at the Division Recherche et Dveloppement of Electricit de France (EDF) in the Paris area. In April 2002, he joined the University of Washington as an assistant professor. He is the Convener of CIGRE Task Force C6.04.02 on computational tools for the study of distributed energy resources. Kai Strunz received the Dr.-Eduard-Martin Award from the University of Saarland in 2002, the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award in 2003, and the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in 2004.

Feng Gao received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2000 and 2003 respectively. He is a research assistant in electrical engineering at the University of Washington. His research interests include power system transients simulation, state estimation and computational algorithms.

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