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posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:37


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Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face. Once upon a time I was in the United States Army and I not only seen alien space ships UFOs, but I was in one. Inside the ship is real life Alice in Wonderland stuff. Distinguishing what is real or imaginary is impossible. Its another dimension like the Twilight Zone. That is only one reason governments dont talk about extraterrestrials; they dont know what they are and have zero ability to defend against them. What government is going to admit they are inferior? Really inferior, like an ant against an elephant.

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Governments are terrified of the aliens----should they tell that to the people? Aliens are not here to do harm----if they were a snap of the finger would eliminate all life on this planet. Proof----not going to happen---------------for awhile.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:53


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Originally posted by Frith While there is little here to give your story veracity, can you go into any more detail on what you personally have seen and know about ETs and their vehicles? Also, how could anything be "imaginary" inside a UFO? Wouldn't everything inside be real? Why would ETs put fakery in their own vehicles? To amuse themselves? [edit on 10-4-2005 by Frith]

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Perhaps everything is real, but while inside the ship the atmosphere is like a drug induced experience and difficult to differentiate between reality and imaginary. The minute you step out of the craft the mind goes back to normal.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:59


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Originally posted by Lady of the Lake I do not believe it is about inferiority it is about suppression for government gain not ours. They do not want us to know the truth - but it will prevail.

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The governments are not calling the shots----never have---never will. If the aliens wanted to make contact with the general population there is nothing stopping them----they don't want to-----yet.

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posted on 10/4/05 @ 10:43


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Originally posted by PsykoOps Some1 has seen Steven Spielberg's 'Taken' bit too much lately.

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Steven Spielberg's TAKEN is so far off the mark that even the military with their vast resources could not come close to matching the depth of deception in that one film. Perhaps Spielberg works for the aliens.

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posted on 10/4/05 @ 11:03


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Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource It's not that inside the ships is imaginary. It's simply that you are in two different realms simultaneous.

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What shape was the vessel? How big was it? What did the inside and outside look like? What type of propulsion system was used? What else do you know about the alien contact with our hapless leaders?

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Did someone actually pilot the vessel or just turn it on? And about a million and a half other questions....

You got that one right "two realms" can be confusing at first. The ship I was in was about thirty feet wide, but once inside the ship was much larger. The propulsion system is magnetic wave of sorts, and runs on a mixture of pixy dust, far to complex to explain or understand. Reverse engineering is a long way off on that system. I know they are helpless leaders, concerning the aliens. The craft had no seats, and no cockpit. It operated on its own, perhaps controlled by telepathy, not sure.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 11:14


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Originally posted by MiTo In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it. -Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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The aliens have no intention of conquering the human race, nor would they be concerned about preserving infrastructure if they did----in comparison to them we live in caves.
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However, they are involved in world affairs, nothing happens without their knowledge and possibly their approval.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 12:06


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Originally posted by Vitchilo The wine is hard, the king is harder, the woman harder than the king but the truth is harder than anything and it's eternal... so the truth will prevail soon.

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The truth is as clear as the nose on your face, but we can't see our own noses very well unless we look in the mirror. You've heard the old clich "truth is stranger than fiction." Most people don't want strange, or truth, they prefer fiction, it's easier on the digestive system.

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posted on 10/4/05 @ 12:31


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Originally posted by Klepto Could you perhaps draw a diagram of what you saw, explain what business you had in entering the craft and also if they are in the future going to take 'action' against humanity that they would make humanity privvy to their existance.. Certainly an interesting thread I must admit but I can see it fizzing out when the author loses interest like so many threads similar to this have done [edit on 10/4/05 by Klepto]

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A diagram proves nothing, there are hundreds of diagrams out there and anyone can draw whatever they want. The military never told me why they gave me access to the ship---my guess they didn't know. I can see this tread going south because after all It's only my word----it's not in my power to provide proof.


All I can do is tell some of my story, I was in a ship, the ship flew away from this planet while I was in it----there was no sensation of movement--no g-force. I was standing up looking out one of the port holes and in seconds I was in space, the force didn't knock me down. The extraterrestrials are not going to take over this planet, its possible they have always had some control of this planet and the inhabitants. What do they look like? Whatever they want to look like. I had contact with them but in an altered state of mind, and telepathic communications. You have to really be drunk or drugged up to meet them face to face---they provided the altered state telepathically, otherwise no communication was possible.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:08


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Originally posted by baaronhaile so the "dreamland" is just that. a physical space on earth mixed with a dimension shift. the source of the shift is a space craft.[???] a diagram of your experience would be great sleeper, maybe some more words to describe the feeling of "pushing reality". lately in the morning when im still half asleep, it feels like two worlds are getting closer. could the dimensional shift you experienced be similar?

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I don't know if it's a dimensional shift or if it has something to do with the high magnetic energy on the ship that somehow alters or interferes with the electrical circuits in the human brain. The ship is definitely a dreamland but it can be a chamber of horrors---many unknowns inside the ship.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:26


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Klepto There were others perhaps four or five, on the ship but we didnt speak to each other. They were preoccupied with stuff, I was in contact with an alien, the size of a six year old child, I dont recall what it told me. It was not a question and answer session, it told me things and that was it. I had other encounters but I cant go into every detail. Even though I was in army uniform those who gave me access to the ship acted like they didnt trust me, so there was little conversation between us. They were not allowed access to the ship when it flew into space, perhaps they were jealous.

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posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:38


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Originally posted by pantha As others have said, I think we are missing some detail here. When you relay an experience to people, there is usually a beginning a middle and an end to the tale. I think this is what is making this so hard for people to take in. It might be a good idea to start again from the very beginning and tell us exactly what you experienced start to finish. [edit on 10-4-2005 by pantha]

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I'm sure you would agree that this is not a run of the mill tale; It's to say the least very complex phenomena. There is a reason people like me don't tell their stories, much cannot be told, and what is told has to be done delicately.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 19:49


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Originally posted by Croat56

Okay where exactly did the government get a 30 foot extra terrestrial craft?

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The aliens are garrisoned on this planet and on the moon. They have bases in several countries in cooperation with those governments. They let us play with their toys, take them for a spin, learn a few things along the way on how to improve our technology. Humans are on the verge of stepping into space-----there is a lot of stuff to know about that next big leap.

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posted on 10/4/05 @ 21:16


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Klepto, I know they are stationed here because I was in their ships. They are not planning to take control of this planet; control was theirs from day one. My military rank and clearance had nothing to do with my involvement with the aliens; it came about because of my previous contact with aliens from childhood. My clearance to enter the ships was from the aliens, not the military. I was not a military experiment taking drugs and having hallucinations. The military was curious of my involvement with the aliens----much like those posting questions on this post----except they know aliens are real.

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The military is eager to know as much as possible about aliens, like everyone else they cant quite get a handle on them and they are scared to death of that fact. Im not sure what my role is----if anything.


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posted on 10/4/05 @ 21:43


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Originally posted by Alien Infiltrator Since when did you have alien contact from childhood? earlier.Your story has lots of holes in it. You should have said that

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You mean like Swiss cheese? You know as well as I do that nothing I say will convince you. Short of you and the others seeing and joy-riding in a spaceship you will not believe.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 11:25


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The nice people at the institute promised that people wouldnt make fun of me if I talked about extraterrestrials------they lied!

But seriously folks, when I use the word pixy dust Im talking in a higher language like metaphorical, not Peter Pan.

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Since we are the inferior race here describing fantastical things (to us) where words have yet to be invented to describe them---------silly words like pixy dust will have to do. How would you describe nuclear physics to a tribe of aborigines whose highest form of technology is throwing a spear? There is a huge gulf, gap, void, space or whatever you wish to call it between human technology and alien technology. Explaining things I saw and experienced in the alien ship is not simple---Ive already been torpedoed for using the words Pixy Dust. I will write more about my experience when I find the correct words to describe it.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 12:24


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There is nothing spectacular about my military service, I enlisted in January of 1970 and my tour ended three years later in 1973. My rank was spec 4, primary mos was tank crewmen, secondary mos was supply. My basic training was in fort Leonard Wood, Mo. I was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky, Fort Ord California, Fort Hood, Texas, and did a tour in Okinawa. I have some college.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 13:54


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As I mentioned I was stationed at several military installations, I received my joy rides more than once and at more than one base. I was able to observe the exterior of the ship on a military base----not going to mention which one for obvious reasons. But entering the alien ship took place mostly away from military bases, and I found myself inside them, in other words I didnt walk into them, I was taken into them. The ship I remember the most about had corridors. There was a main corridor that circled around the main compartment like a hallway separating the portholes or viewing area from the interior of the ship. I was able to walk around the interior circumference and look out of the ship from the many portholes. Never noticed it they were tinted, the view was crystal clear. The ship was not a large open space, there were rooms or compartments. I never seen the engine or propulsion system, Im guessing that it was magnetic because in certain parts of the ship I could feel a strong energy force around my body, electrical or something like it, difficult to put into words.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 14:17


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I smoked a little marijuana until I was told by one of the aliens to stop, I also liked drinking, and they told me to cut back on that, you would have thought they were my mother. I was never injured or given drugs other than the vaccinations the military gives out in basic training and when they ship you overseas.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 14:33


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What contradiction, the electrical force I felt had nothing to do with the movement of the ship; I felt it while the ship was parked in the VIP parking space on one of the military bases, and at other times.

The military brass never gave me permission to enter the ship even when it was on a military installation----it wasnt theirs to give, they accepted it. The military doesnt own the ships but they have diplomatic relations with the aliens, the aliens have parking privileges on any military base. However, they dont control who can enter the ships. I was never debriefed by the military because I never entered the ships on behalf of the military or the government. Besides, they didnt trust me to tell them what they wanted to know.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 16:47


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Originally posted by electric Is there anything more you can tell us about the aliens? What do you know about them beyond appearance?


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Im not good about remembering human faces of strangers; let alone what the aliens looked like, under bizarre circumstances. I dont recall seeing any lizard types, or the big bug eyed ones reported by most people that have been abducted. I have been approached by normal looking people on base and civilian life that stopped time as we know it, and took me onboard a ship. I may have been around those weird looking aliens and if so for some reason unknown to me their images have been blocked from my conscience.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 16:56


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Originally posted by NoPhobos sleeper, What kind of material were the outside, inside floor, and inside walls made of, or what did they look like they were made from? Were you taken from the bases, or other locations?

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Besides being disoriented at times the ship was a comfortable place-----the materials were soft, it seem to be somewhere between organic and synthetic----with very strange properties----like standing on a cloud----if you can imagine that.


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posted on 11/4/05 @ 17:29


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Gazrok I was never formally questioned by military people but I have observed certain special military people abducting other humans for specific programming. I knew they were human because aliens radiate energy that affects humans psychologically and physiologically, and these particular soldiers didnt. We had infrequent conversation about human stuff-----they never talked

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shop. The army didnt allow anything-----from what I could tell they went along with whatever the aliens wanted----the aliens were training them.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 17:44


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Hal9000, I put off telling my story for 52 years, thats how old I am. I had alien contact from day one. I havent talked about it because of the stigma place on those who have----at my age I have decided that what people think doesnt matter anymore----I know whats out there. I was involved with some secret military stuff, many of us were during that war but it had nothing to do with the aliens that I was aware of.

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posted on 11/4/05 @ 20:23


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Originally posted by Hal9000 Can you elaborate on the secret military stuff? What purpose was the special programming for? I'm sure your refering to hypnosis, right? And have you stayed in contact with anyone who might corroborate your story? And BTW, thanks for serving.

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[edit on 4/11/2005 by Hal9000]

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Once it was over we were split up and sent to new units, names were aliases, but it didn't matter I had no desire to get back in touch. Id be surprised if anyone came forward to collaborate, if they are still alive----they were a rough bunch anyway----doubt that they cared about anything.



Aliens can hypnotize anyone, any place, at any time-----those soldiers on the ship were being trained for other things----not sure what. Everything is on a need to know basis----if it didn't concern me I wasn't told. It's the best way to keep secrets. If the aliens were concerned about this story getting out they would stop it. Perhaps they know most people will not believe it and are unconcerned. Thanks


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 09:40


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Originally posted by Truthforall

1. Who else saw these crafts parked at Army bases? 2. What was your assignment during the end of the Korean War?

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I was born at the end of the Korean War. Others that have seen the ships one would presume would be a few select scientists, government officials, and certain military people. When I entered the ship there were a few people standing behind what was a protective? Glass partition, no guards near the ship, they were posted outside the building.

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posted on 12/4/05 @ 09:57


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Originally posted by Gazrok Thank you for your answers, but I'm still not seeing WHY you were brought on


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board by the aliens, nor allowed to be by the military (as you say, they agreed obviously to this). You've mentioned no specific training done by them, nor reported anything back to superiors, so we're still left with no identifiable reason for these repeated joyrides.

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There would be no military without alien technology. The military (US) receives huge amounts of information from the aliens----but few understand how that knowledge is transferred. The aliens don't had our people a set of blueprints and tell them to go build it. Information is transferred partially threw telepathy, like uploading information on a computer. I use the word telepathy because we don't have a word to describe higher forms of brain-to-brain transfers of knowledge, ideas, creativity. We (I) don't always know who is sending the information----aliens, a super computer on the ship----a living mind on the ship? We are like ants cleaning up a piece of candy that has melted on the sidewalk.


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 10:07


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Originally posted by Lady of the Lake Had you expressed interest or belief in aliens? Why did the millitary 'select' you above others if as you say is correct they allowed this exchange to happen. Did the aliens convey to you what your mssion was post contact. That is did they say your role was to help create awareness about their existence?

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I have no idea why I am involved with the aliens-----but it began from the first day I was born----and possibly before-----I have vivid memories of my early contacts----not sure what I can talk about. The military did not select me----they knew about me----before I knew about them. I don't know what my role is, perhaps I'm the dishwasher on the ship and when I leave they blank that part out.


Maybe to tell this story.


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 10:17


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Originally posted by Hal9000 Sleeper, have you done any research on this, and found any cases similar to your own? Can you tell us where you were taken on your trips? You mentioned bases, where you taken there? If so can you describe them. Also, can you tell us about one of your childhood experiences. Thanks.

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I have read books, magazines, and the internet, hoping to find something like my experience-----I haven't yet.


[edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper] [edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 12:59


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Originally posted by Gazrok[/i

That ship has sailed...

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That's a good one!


Alpha Centauri one of the nearby stars is about 4.3 light years away. For an alien thats not very far, for humans with our present technology it would take several lifetimes.
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Our probes can travel about 22,000 miles an hour----we dont have a ship that can carry humans that fast yet. But if we did, it would only take about 130,000 years to get to our nearest neighbor, so pack a big lunch. I visited a star system much further than Alpha Centauri----dont know which one and it didnt take more than a few weeks, if that. I dont know how long the journey was, but it was under a month that I was away. It was like taking an ape into New York city and showing it the town and taking it back to the jungle and letting it tell the other apes what it saw. I remember crystal type structures----not much about the people. However I have seen places more in line with earth, human looking people in what we would call futuristic cities I leaned one thing-----Darwin was wrong, nothing evolved from slime.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 13:57


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Originally posted by robertfenix Sleeper, since you know already that the "alien" can present themselves as anything or anyone they want. How can you tell what is real and what is not ? You stated that normal soliders did not give off the "power" type feeling and thats how you knew they were not aliens as opposed to the "real" aliens that you felt some sort of energy off of. How is it that you have the ability to sense this energy while the mass of humanity is unaware ???? As for where you are going with this I already know. I know what it is that you are trying to say without saying it. But I am curious why is it that you have the ability to "see" them, yet you know nothing about what they really look like or even any physical features.

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Instead of trying to lead us down a path of bogus data, why don't you just tell everyone the one secret that you are hiding from us. The one thing you know for sure without a doubt about the information that you want to tell us all.


Some of us know more then others and some of us can "see".

Im not a religious person so thats not where Im going with this -----it that is what you mean? I know there are a lot of people that know infinitely more about this stuff than I; perhaps you are one of them. Feel free to point out the bogus material, or correct me if you know I strayed off base on something. For those who dont believe-----everything I said is bogus. Belief in my story is not integral to my existence. What all encompassing secret to you think I am holding out on? All humans know when an alien is near them----most havent associated the feeling with the alien.


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 14:23


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Originally posted by robertfenix You can fabricate stories about "constructs" becauce they can always be plausible, but you can not fabricate "stories" about tangible evidence of an alien culture because you are unsure if anyone else knows the real truth, thus you never say anything because you, yourself do not want to have your story shot with a bunch of holes.

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Steven Spielberg can give you more details, crisp dialog and lots of visual effects----that's what most people want. The truth is not as polished, can be boring, definitely lacking in detail---and would not make a good movie unless it was pumped full of "fabricated" material.


Sorry but I'm not a fancy movie director or screen writer.


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 14:36


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Originally posted by pompano

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Sorry "sleeper" Alpha Centauri is actually a star in the milky way; that would be the galaxy we live in. By the way no galaxy is 4.3 light years away, our own galaxy is about 100,000 light years across. Despite your apparent lack of knowledge about basic astronomy I guess that doesn't mean you are not being truthful, If I were you I would continue with the story because I know their are many on the boards who will continue to lap it up like dog in heat.

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Well here on planet earth that's called a typo Feeling pretty proud of yourself I bet.


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:01


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Originally posted by robertfenix But be honest, you have said somethings that are not the truth for a reason. Tell me what your fear is... Tell me why you can not say what it is that you really want to say.... Why is it that you can not make that ultimate connection in your mind. What is it that is betraying your confidence in what you think you know from what "they" want you to believe to be the truth.....

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Obviously you know something why keep me and the rest of the board in suspense----spit it out.



There are lots of people that would like me torpedoed----its what makes life worth living. What are you waiting for?


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:40


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Sleeper , you said earlier in this thread, that they used " Pixy Dust" for propulsion. Any connection to this "Angel Hair" stuff ?
[edit on 12-4-2005 by lost_shaman]

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Angel hair is very strong, and a fine filament that can stretch hundreds of feet without breaking
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The best thing about it its nearly invisible and worked well for the early hoaxers that fastened Frisbees to it, and pawned the film off as footage of a flying saucer. Kidding! Have to entertain the skeptics every now and then. Interesting story----I dont know what the angel hair is.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:58


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Sleeper what an interesting story! Its true that in 2002 , I had a sighting of a Foo Fighter , or ball of light , and I found myself in a state of fear! Is that what your talking about ?


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Fear comes after, that may be why most people miss the early signs or triggers in the central nervous system. However you have to be near them, inside their magnetic "like" field.
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The sensation is subtle, once you identify it you never forget.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 00:03


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Hey I agree, the aliens should have made contact with more deserving people like Gazrok, or Spielberg, or any other more articulate individual than I. Obviously super duper technology doesnt necessarily translate into high intelligence, otherwise why would the aliens pick a bone head like me to indulge in their magic? I apologize for putting so many people through my agonizingly cryptic, detail lacking, boring and tortuous account. I cant promise to do better----Im regretting my decision for starting this post, if I could take it all back I would.

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[edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 10:59


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Thanks TheObserver, Im not peeved at the skeptic, they made fair observations of my lack of information sharing. Alien contact is a BIG DEAL, but for those of us that claim to have it, its a COMPLEX DEAL.

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We are not always fascinated by the prospect of our relationship with highly mysterious beings. Aliens are not like the neighbors next door, friendly or otherwise. Aliens can be your worst nightmare or they can be like angels from heaven. The majority of people that come into contact with aliens-----are terrified beyond belief for having done so, and have no desire to ever experience aliens again. So be careful what you wish for! This is not Disney Land, few people ever what to return after their first visit-----not for the faint of heart. On the other hand some like myself have had enjoyable times-----fantastic experiences----and look forward to more contact-----but not always, there have been some hellish rides, where I was taken kicking and screaming. And I never want to go there again-----wherever there was.

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Making up a story is easy-----there are millions of fiction writers and story tellers. Writing or relating alien contact is so difficult----thats why there are so many skeptics and thats why there are few that make the mistake I did by attempting to tell my story. We are not allowed----or our human brains cant grasp and hold onto the mind-boggling things we see and experience when we are with aliens----in their machines or in their cities, planets, etc. We live in two realities-----and information does not transfer from one of the realities to the other very well. There are huge gaps-----how do we (I) fill them in? I understand everyones frustration with my hit and miss accounts-----my quandary is do I keep torturing those who wish to know more about my insanity or have mercy on everyone who has been snarled by this post and bring it to and end. Thats where I am right now. Ps---If you think Im doing this for attenti on think again-----I would pay if I could undue what I have started on this post.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 12:23


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Originally posted by jritzmann SleeperCan I ask ya a few questions? Theyre real simple. 1)Have you ever experimented with drugs. (I think this would be a yes considering your previous posts.) 2)What is your IQ? Do you know? 3)What nationality are you decended from? 4)Have you ever "messed with" the occult in any way, including something as seemingly mundane as a Ouija board, to Wiccan practices, etc. List anything you can think of in relation to such.

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If you wouldnt mind, I'd appriciate you answering those questions. Thanx

Italian, born in Italy, grew up in the states. US citizen Smoked a little pot in the army. Did not dabble in the occult Don't know my IQ


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 13:16


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Originally posted by Gazrok And despite not being allowed (a common contactee copout), you are telling it... I'd advise also against using the other copout of "our brains can't handle it". anonymity, so no problem, right? [edit on 13-4-2005 by Gazrok]

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Those copouts are used often because they are true. Most contactees remember nothing of their experiences-----and those that have tried


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regression are not getting accurate information---aliens and sometimes the government can implant fake scenarios during abductions. You know very well that no one can hide their identity behind on internet post. Im not concerned about the army tracking me down and putting me out of commission, Im a veteran, and not in hiding, they know where to find me if they want me. My experience began before I was born on this planet. I dont know if I came from another planet or if they took me out of my mothers womb during her abduction (no one in my family believes in aliens including my mother). My mental awareness was not that of a child but near to that of an adult. The ship I was in was all over the place like I was being given a tour of the solar system before they dropped me off or returned me to my mothers belly. I remember leaving this solar system and then returning. It was like a train ride I could see planets in the distance some shrouded in the haze of the sun as we made our approach to the earth----at that time I did not know that the planet I was looking at was earth and my new home? The glare of the sun did not bother my eyes---presumably the glass or whatever it was blocked out harmful radiation.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 13:27


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Originally posted by elevatedone sleeper... Have you by any chance read the book "Above Black" ? thanks E

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Never heard of it.

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posted on 13/4/05 @ 17:03


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Originally posted by el cid
great book, IMHO...has that "ring" of truth that so many other books do not. plus similar to your experiences, sherman is somewhat at a loss to explain exactly WHY he was chosen...other than the fact that he had the "ability".

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Thanks for the link, I read some of the comments on his webpage, interesting stuff and I know he is telling the truth.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 17:20


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Originally posted by pantha one thing that I don't understand is, if you were the subject of abduction all of your life, why did these aliens chose to invite you aboard their craft within the setting of the military base. Why bring you to the attention of the military? Also , sorry if I've missed this anywhere, but have you had any experiences since leaving the army and have the army kept tabs on you because of this?

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The aliens don't want to create panic in the military establishment and they try to be diplomatic----letting the military know who they have an interest in----it's like diplomats here on earth they have immunity but their is protocol that must be followed. You have seen how nervous the US and the USSR were during the cold war----having to share the same planet in not easy. The aliens know our paranoia and as far as I have been able to determine they don't want to rock the boat. However, the waters are turbulent----and the military does not trust the aliens----for obvious reasons. I have experience aliens many times since my army days-----if the military or anyone else is watching me I am not aware of it. Maybe after this they will.




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posted on 13/4/05 @ 18:29


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Originally posted by electric Thanks for answering this question. What I'm really after though is some information about where ET's may have originated. Obviously if you can say "there's life within 50 light years of Sol," then you can start 'guesstimating' about how prevalent life is in this galaxy.

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The aliens never told me where they were from but they did tell me that planets like earth and humans similar to us are the most common species in the galaxy-----the planets with life number in the billions.
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In other words we are not unique.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 18:52


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Originally posted by TrentReznor tell me more about these "fantastic experiences"

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What if someone handed you the keys to a Lamborghini and said enjoy the ride and let you take the car for a day, a week. Most people would have an orgasm on the spot.
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As nice as a Lamborghini is an alien space ship is a billion times cooler. Unfortunately most people who are taken into a UFO are so freaked out they crap in their pants. The anal probing is a clean-up job.


They dont enjoy the experience at all. Ever pick up a turtle or bird and see the terror in their eyes----they know you are going to eat them and they let loose. That is how most respond to alien contact. If you can get through that, the ship is pure magic----and there is no fatigue, you can go twenty-four seven without ever being tired.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 21:29


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Originally posted by Frith Was anything else mentioned about the origins of life, man, or ETs? Since so many other planets with human-like beings are around, did they mention any having the same problems that we have here? Is earth and its inhabitants unique in any way?

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From what I learned life has been around forever, trillions of years. That contradicts the age of the universe (according to our scientist) by a whole lot----so I don't know if I misunderstood, but I figured they would know more than we----we haven't hatched form this planet yet---what the heck could we know about anything in the universe? Go to any city on this planet and they have their own unique buildings and traditions----but they have one thing in common---crime, hate, rape, robbery, love, poverty, abundance, etc. I never asked that question but I do know that there are many levels---there are millions of planets much more primitive than this one and millions much more advanced. On this planet we have the whole gamut----from primitive villages----to modern cities----I assume that would be true throughout the galaxy.


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posted on 13/4/05 @ 21:45


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Originally posted by Klepto 1/ Had you only experienced visualisation of one particular Alien being? 2/ Do you convers with them or do they mearly just communicate details to yourself? 3/ Have you thought about taking a souvenir from your abduction? 4/ Can you describe the details of you activities before each encounter you have and where/how you find yourself after your return? 5/ How many do you believe are existant in the current human populous on earth.

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6/ Am I to believe that the fact that we are not unique as human that they are unique in their own right? 7/ If so then are they the reason? Sorry about all the questions.. i've smoke tooooo much this evening... 8/ Why did they say for you to cut back on the 'erb?

I have experienced more than one alien----dont know how many-----for some reason I cannot retain what they look like. Most of the time they are not near me but at a distance, and they communicate with me----I dont ask them questions they know what is on my mind and sometimes they answer. There is no taking anything from the ship-----every object is a living thing, biological or machine----and they would not allow themselves to be taken----would you put something like that in your pocket? I have no idea how many are on his planet----but I know there are many thousands. They are not unique----but they come in many verities----do the math---450 billion star systems in our galaxy-----there are lots of what we call aliens out there.


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posted on 14/4/05 @ 09:03


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Originally posted by XL5


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Have you ever asked them what they are prep'ing you for? If you haven't told the amy any of this, I bet they would want to hear the rest of it.

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Once they fatten me up I might make a good meal. The military knows more than I do, they also know how helpless they are in comparison to the aliens-----the worst part they only have contact with a few of the visitors to this planet-----many aliens remain incognito.

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posted on 14/4/05 @ 09:15


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, if I can ask you to elaborate on something that greatly interests me: You said that when an alien is close to you that you feel something, and you would not mistake that feeling again. Is that feeling something like deja vu or maybe feeling strangely cold or maybe feeling like you're being watched? If an alien was close to you would it be observing you? Can we acknowledge it's presence in some way? Or even communicate with them?

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The aliens carry some kind of electrical charge-----and they radiate this field---there is a subtle physiological effect on the human body when they are near. When they get to close----it may be love!----kidding. We can't acknowledge them-----they have total control of the encounter---thats why the governments of the world don't like them ----they love their technology exchange program though.


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posted on 14/4/05 @ 09:30


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[edit on 14-4-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 15/4/05 @ 09:26


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Can you elaborate on this so-called - technology exchange program? What are they really offering the government?

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I try to inject a little humor now and then----the exchange is one way----they get nothing from us----we get everything from them. Like a child parent relationship----the children receive-----the parents give and give and give. Reverse engineering----and I have used the term myself----is misleading----there is no way we could reverse engineer their stuff. They simply teach us and show us how to get to the next step of technology the old fashion way, like teaching a child to ride a bike-----they fall off until they fine tune their equilibrium. Thats why we have to test things over and over, before we get it right. Too test the reverse engineer thing try it yourself reversed engineer your television-----from scratch, make the resistors, capacitor, transistors, ICs picture tube. That should be simple for the average person. And the average person is what our best scientists are when faced with alien technology; they understand nothing about it. Televisions have been around for more than fifty years----yet most people have no clue how they work-----make one from scratch, yeah!

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posted on 15/4/05 @ 16:03


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Have you ever considered writing and having your story published, sleeper?

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You mean stop giving it away for free? Know a good agent?


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posted on 15/4/05 @ 16:15


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Originally posted by Truthforall Son, You need to stop this nonsense right now. [edit on 15-4-2005 by Truthforall]

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The Moderators are free to pull the plug anytime they want----they have my blessing. But there are people making lots of money selling books about alien stuff that is completely wrong yet many flock to buy their books, fiction sells very well. I tell my story----granted----a little at a time----for free, and for some reason it really bothers a lot of people. As far as I know no one is forcing anyone to read this stuff----change the channel if you don't like what I am saying. When the questions stop----I will stop.

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posted on 15/4/05 @ 16:43


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Originally posted by warthog911 Hey sleeper could you confirm that there was a slaughter of 66 human delta force by the greys in 1979 at dulce base and is the govt still doing alien exchange with the greys and do reptilians exist.Here the link And do you think after STAR WARS 3 and WAR OF THE WORLDS showing would the govt tell the shocking truth? [edit on 15-4-2005 by warthog911]

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I don't know that story but I know that the government is concerned about protecting its people here on earth----that's their job. They fire on aliens all the time, after all they don't know who the aliens are and the aliens routinely violate protected air space in every country. The aliens are intruders on earth----the military has contact with a fraction of the aliens that visit this planet----so there is a nervous trigger finger in the military. Friendly fire kills thousands of soldiers in war, although we are not at war with the aliens some military people believe we should be. And those that were killed at dulce may have been victims of that type of tragedy. Aliens are not allowed to kill humans (intergalactic protocol) -----although, in some cases they have provided support. The government cant tell the people about aliens because they know little about aliens----look how much flack Im getting for telling my two-cents.


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posted on 15/4/05 @ 17:25


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[edit on 15-4-2005 by sleeper] [edit on 15-4-2005 by sleeper] [edit on 15-4-2005 by sleeper]

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posted on 15/4/05 @ 17:29


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Originally posted by mpeake [From experience, the military is not going to let you go with the Alien Ship and not instruct you or get a debriefing from you ESPECIALLY when you are gone for a month. This is exactly correct! This alone proves the whole story false.

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Since you know what the military can or can't do go to them for your information.
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posted on 15/4/05 @ 22:15


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[edit on 15-4-2005 by sleeper]

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posted on 17/4/05 @ 10:09


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Good job mpeake, now that you have a reliable military connection have them tell you something about the aliens.


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posted on 17/4/05 @ 10:32


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Originally posted by warthog911 Sleeper have a look ath this lacerta files and you didn't tell me about the ducle base.Are the ducle files true

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There is no reason for me to have information about the lacerta files, I read them, they seem to be in line with things I have experienced, so there may be truth in them. As I said before the aliens I had contact with looked human, those on the ship were usually a distance from me and their faces blurred. Don't recall ever seeing a Reptilian. I have no information on what happened at Dulce. But I have been placed into an area that was under ground like the Dulce caves, in a large cavern filled with strange machinery enclosed in huge metal containers. I was left there for a long period, day or more----alone. Why? Dont know but it was not a fun time.



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posted on 17/4/05 @ 16:29


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No psychiatrist, no hallucinations, or mental issues. The strongest drug I take is an aspirin now and then. I am married have two children, probably


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your age, started two businesses, live in a nice neighborhood, own four cars, and several rental properties. I know the difference between a dream and real life-----I suppose there are those who dont-----which is tragic.

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posted on 17/4/05 @ 17:34


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Originally posted by warthog911 [Well thanks for the ifo,i think you should u2u vertu,he knows about reptilians and could you explain the cavern part and you said it was not fun,were you punished?

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Inside the cavern was a huge metallic room. The room had machinery as that seen perhaps under a large city, like a power plant or water treatment, don't know but it was completely silent. No city was on the surface only desert. The place was lit up but I don't recall the light source, whether it was florescent lighting (human stuff) or alien. There were no doors that I could see or find, I was in the cave and then I was in the metal building, compartment, cube, or whatever it was. Once I was in I couldnt get out. I wasn't panicked but I had a bad feeling about it the whole time I was in it. I walked and explored it for hours---it had no end to it. I wasn't punished it was like I was misplaced or left behind by accident. It felt like a void, I never felt that alone, like I was the only human alive. Everything has a vibrations, humans, animals, insects, and plants. Humans like to be around other humans, thats why people gravitate to large cities. There is certain energy around humans and their activities. The level of energy corresponds to the size of the crowd. But even in a desert alone you can feel and know that there are other humans around, a few miles away, in some town. Inside that container the energy we humans give off could not penetrate it; nothing could penetrate it, not even supermans x-ray vision. It wasnt like I felt alone----I was alone----there is no worst feeling than that. It could be they were testing me to see how I would handle being away from other humans for any length of time----like a mission to another planet. Perhaps the military or NASA, needs certain volunteers before they

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subject their astronauts to long voyages----like Mars.

posted on 17/4/05 @ 20:55


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Originally posted by Klepto What in particular made the abductions so different from one to the next, I mean, there must have been a purpose to abduct you on each occasion and bearing in mind that these would not be simple creatures,it would need to be for a purpose that could not be simulated and secondly different from the previous..

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There are many entities in the abduction business, including some governments. Reasons for abductions are as varied as those doing the abducting. Certain experiments can't be done openly in a free society-----there is lots of paper work, red tape, and bureaucracy. People could get sued, and it just doesn't look good all around. Most of these experiments are done with alien equipment by humans, and if the humans botch something the aliens fix it. Compared to human hospitals abductees are in excellent hands. Most abductees remember nothing of the experiment, and in most cases are better off after the visit, for instance, no more cancer in the person. Some aliens care little about terrifying their subjects because they know they will wipe away all memory of the experience. Its like dealing with government personnel, they treat people like cattle because they can, unfortunately they don't erase the experience from our memories. Abductions are negative because there is no control of the situation, and panic can set in, followed by the survival instinct of kicking, screaming, yelling, biting and punching-----to no avail, they simply carry you away. Sometimes they encase you in a rubbery substance (the movie "Fire in the Sky" is dead on). This substance instantly immobilizes you, yet you remain conscience, you cant see anything because of the cocoon you are in. Every experience and encounter is unique, some pleasant others you don't want to go there but once. What separates the good from the bad encounters is the level of autonomy they allow you.



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posted on 17/4/05 @ 22:19


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Originally posted by Dulcimer if you explored this for hours, and it had no end etc, id like to learn some of the details of the machinery etc. im sure with your time spent you looked at them. p.s. during all these times did you ever eat ?

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The machinery or equipment had metal skins or casings covering them. No gages, pulleys, wheels, levers, valves, only large odd shaped things. I call them machinery because that's what they reminded me of. I like having my three squares a day, yet I don't recall ever eating or drinking while I was a possession of the aliens.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 10:13


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Here is an experiment for those wishing to know a tiny bit of the feeling of an alien encounter. At night, no moon out, in the dark, in the woods, no lights around you, no flashlight------by yourself----anticipate an alien touching your hand. You can go into a dark basement (at night) alone and experience the same effect, if no one else is in the house. Stand in the quite darkness for fifteen minutes----you might force an encounter. You may also have a heart attack.

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Aliens work at night and in the daylight but mostly late at night, when you are sleeping. The human mind can handle alien contact better from a semi-sleep state, and thats where they keep you for the duration of time spent with them. It takes a mighty large hair up you butt to meet an alien while you are wide awake. It don't matter how bad you think you are (around other humans) when you are in the presents of an alien you are a small helpless creature----in


shock with fear. I have been present at some abductions and I have seen large grown men cry like babies-----even before anything was done to them----just being in the presence of an alien. Aliens take lots of getting use to.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 10:52


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I have had alien contact all of my life and I still never know what to expect from them. They obviously have jobs to do here on this planet, giving us bits and pieces of information to improve out technology, medicine, education, war machine, etc. If, as many people believe, they want to make this planet a peaceful place----they could have-----but all the wars we have and had, have been supervised by them, made possible by them, and perhaps formulated by them-----to what ends only they know. Believe it or not-----they are in control of everything, if they want this planet to be utopia it is in their power-----they can also make it into a hellhole.

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From what I have learned they are not here to make themselves known to the majority of the people of the world-----they dont have to have contact with any governments, they only do so because of some higher extraterrestrial protocol. They can do their work without humanity knowing about them. Since they have made contact with certain governments and individuals it seems practical that they have intensions of making themselves known at some point-----I have no information on this. Perhaps humans need to make a physiological leap before we can handle them face to face. A leap that will not happen until we hatch from this egg we call planet earth and move out into the solar system.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 13:54


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Certainly Aliens/ET have something to fear from us as well?

Aliens are probably as fragile as tissue paper but brawn and strength are nothing against a far superior race. We cage lions, tigers and bears (oh--) because they can tear us apart in seconds----however, these animals are at a disadvantage to our superior brains, and we can do as we please with them. Can the animal kingdom ever rise up against us because of their claws, sharp teeth, and superior strength? Sure they can kill one or two people--- who are careless, otherwise No. Aliens are never careless around humans, but they have fallen victim to other aliens (UFO crashes).

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posted on 3/5/05 @ 15:36


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Originally posted by mbkennel how would they take being chewed out by a human?

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You take your kids to the zoo and the best thing that can happen is hearing the roar of a lion-----that's entertaining to us-----as long as the lion is behind bars. The lion is not wishing us a nice day, its also not chewing us out ----its letting us know it would like to just chew on us. A human chewing out an alien might be entertaining for the aliens if it were possible. From what I have seen humans are totally docile around aliens and one hundred percent under their control----once in the ship.

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posted on 3/5/05 @ 15:56


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Sleeper I was within 50 yards of an E.T.V. on private property. Are you saying this was An attemt on thier part to reveal themselves to me , or just a mistake on thier part for being so obvious. ( Glowing brightly at night ..ect.)

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Compared to humans, aliens are perfect, they don't make mistakes. Anyone who sees an alien ship (UFO) that close more than likely has been inside the craft, and possibly taken on a leisurely cruse around the solar system.

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Or they were programmed for something, repaired of something (illness, disease, etc) or even damaged for reasons only the aliens know. They also take sperm, eggs and fetuses. To bad you don't remember your experience.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 16:24


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Originally posted by Faeryland Sleeper......why don't the aliens want to reveal themselves to us? Just curious if you know why.

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Because they know how detrimental that would be to our development. If they came out our lives would totally be disrupted----no one would go to work, everything would come to a standstill-----whose operating the trains, the street lights, delivering the food to the stores, gas pumps would go dry----and on and on. Everyone would be so blown away----that they couldn't function. Could you go about you daily routine if an armada of alien ships suddenly

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appeared on this planet? BTW----they are here----incognito for your protection. They would have to take complete charge of six billion people, reorganize the whole planet pronto before humans starved to death. It would not be a pretty picture-----for one, there would be lots of people against what they would see as an alien invasion and form a resistance movement, in the mean time chaos would engulf the planet. Formal alien contact sounds nice but its impossible at this stage of human development. Humans need to cut their teeth in space and become more like the aliens before we can communicate with them openly. It will happen.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 22:00


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p What about exploring inner space? Through a type of psychic-telepathic mission with ET? If that's how they communicate with each other, perhaps we should begin training ourselves in their methods.

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ETs can get into your head and access everything in there----like a computer hack. So plotting against them is impossible.

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Some ETs are essential to humans, and I believe that if they were not here shielding us earth and humans might look much different, perhaps more chaos, more poverty----life might me like it was in the Dark Ages.


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posted on 3/5/05 @ 23:41


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Originally posted by Bursuc sleeper, Did you ever considered writting about your experience(since you decided to make it public) instead of just posting bits and pieces here ? On a web site maybe where you can update it as you remember new things.

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Bursuc, I have started writing a book, but getting something published in this overly crowded field is a long shot. That's why I post here.
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My reason for posting is to tell those interested that extraterrestrials are real-------they are real------they are real. Aliens have fantastic mind-boggling flying machines. I can say the same thing in a three hundred page book----perhaps I will some day.


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posted on 4/5/05 @ 00:29


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Ok thanks sleeper that makes me realize some things ..... When I was a child this "Humming bird type thing " came up to me as I was playing in the field by my house and it checked me out and scanned my mind or something ! It wasn't a humming bird ! I never have been able to explian it . Do the aliens have anything like that ? P.S. Everybody i'm not insane!

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It's more like what don't the aliens have? They have every gadget imaginable, and mostly unimaginable----by human concepts. Their stuff is so futuristic compared to our stuff, that much of it has life like qualities----animation. Humans are slowly getting there----we have talking cars, coffee pots, microwaves, etc.


Their stuff can move about, make decisions, communicate, and take many forms-----that sometimes change in front of your eyes. Some of the objects have more personality than the alien beings. This object that came to you took you to the ship------don't know for what. I don't like telling things like this to people because that's not my job---and I don't know how it will affect them. So I will rephrase-----those types of encounters usually, can, may, include a trip to the inside of an alien ship. For the most part abductions are harmless-----and can be extremely beneficial.


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posted on 4/5/05 @ 10:20


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Originally posted by Frith Are you stating that ETs are omnipresent/omniscient? That they track all human movements at all times? ETs barging into your house uninvited would never be acceptable to humans either no matter what state of mind a human is in. Why do ETs not bother with treating humans with any dignity once they actually do show up for individual contact, but remain hidden to keep human civilization from freaking out? Why the seemingly arbitrary and highly selective help?

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Frith, It's not that big a deal for ETs to be omnipotent, they have the technology. Have you noticed that cameras are going up everywhere in your city? Have you ever driven in a neighborhood without seeing a single cop and the moment you go over the speed limit they are right there on you? ETs are infinitely more attune to humanity than that, however, to what degree they get involved, I don't know.


ETs never barge in-----they permeate into your room. Apparently their concepts of privacy and individual rights are vastly different than ours---and the powers that be "alien protocol" must allow it.

We hold a power over our children----we discipline them, go into their room without asking and treat them badly------as they often interpret our actions towards them-----when if fact we are only looking out for their well being. It's a matter of perspective Why the selective help----good question.


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posted on 4/5/05 @ 12:21


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Originally posted by smallpeepsWhy did they tell you to lay off the herb? From my understanding, it has been proven by the CIA that subjects who are stoned are very difficult to hypnotize.

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smallpeeps, Hi, They never said why on the herb. I think it has been proven that hypnosis requires a willing subject----in other words most people can be hypnotized if they want to be----like quit smoking, or other human modifications. Aliens dont hypnotize, they program like software into a computer hard drive. But, only in extreme circumstances-----we still have freewill, and their purpose is not to create robots out of us.

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Have you read Phillip Krapf's story in his books "The Contact has Begun" and "The Challenge of Contact"

I havent read Krapfs book, but The Contact has begun implies something new is about to happen-----in the old day the aliens are the gods of mythology. Nevertheless, in this New Age environment many people need the affirmation of Contact because the gods (for many) no longer apply. It is unfolding for sure, people have been primed by television, movies and crop circles for decades.

But time only stopped on the ship, right?


That was a figure of speech because I dont know how to describe them taking me from point A to point B----inside the ship. I could have said they beamed me up but thats been over used.

So the military will fake abductions?

They dont fake them; humans have been trained to perform certain covert operations, which include abductions. This is one item I should have left out of my disclosure, so I wont elaborate much on it now.

Why did you serve in Vietnam if you had knowledge of aliens on a very intimate level? Wouldn't such an experiencer usually develop a more pacifistic or at least less-patriotic view of the world? We want to know more about you, so please tell us why you went to war in Vietnam when you had to know the universe really didn't give a crap about that war.

The war was in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; I never said where I was sent to----or what I did, for reason I would rather not elaborate on. It may me difficult to believe but politics is not unique to humans. ETs are not supposed to soil their hands with war----but I know they were involved. ETs have been active in every conflict, from what I have learned. Because of the number of other aliens on this planet earth could me a large chess game-----confusing, I know.

You're saying you had the awareness of an adult while still a child? Is this something that faded over time or were you mentally advanced all through your childhood? I am curious.

It faded but I was always aware of my extraterrestrial rides. When I was young my mental state was not altered while in the ship. I was not a prodigy child, I hated school, did bad in all my subjects.

How do you know this? What intergalactic protocol is there and how do you know of it? Is there a federation of aliens?

I dont have details but when I have a question in my head they give me round-about answers. The way they do certain things makes it obvious they are bound by rules and policies----those I have contact with are not a band of outlaws----however, alien outlaws probably are out there----


humans are not shooting down alien ships.

You've said that aliens can manipulate our emotions, so possibly this fear is being broadcast into these folks heads? Are you saying that a person couldn't condition themselves toward calmness in the presence of an alien? I mean, what can an alien do to me that a human cannot? Why would I be afraid of them?

Good observation, nothing works better than fear as an immobilizer. We would all like to think we could control our situations but not true, an example would be a pride of lions----some meaner than others----however, their disposition makes no difference to us----we can cage them, sedate them, operate on them, kill them---do anything we wish to them, even eat them. Humans have a mind and humans can outwit other humans----unfortunately and I know no one wants to hear or believe it but ETs hold all the cards. Perhaps there are humans able to condition themselves better----after all we are all unique----I havent run into any. I see no reason to be afraid of them but we are. Pick up a turtle on the road and move it to safety off the road----the turtle knows not that you save its life----it pees out of fear because something strange picked it up.


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posted on 5/5/05 @ 10:38


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how come so many people arent granted the ability to really experience their time taken aboard a spaceship..

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I am surprised that more people who claim to have been abducted don't remember more-----without regression. That makes it difficult for people to believe those that do remember.

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I don't post to change anyone's mind about the subject, but to tell what I have experienced.

what really boggled my mind is when u said that u remember being on spaceship


before you were born on the planet earth and u when u saw earth arriving in the distance u didnt know this would be your in when u were in an embryionic state..or u were just a soul or something with no body

There are several possibilities, perhaps life never ends and we continue forever----we go somewhere or come from somewhere else when we die or get transferred, or relocated or stationed like some kind of covert military garrisoned on earth. Oops, I let the cat out of the bag. Or I am a mixture of whatever concoction the aliens implanted in my mother's womb and taken on several test runs around the solar system before being let loose on this planet, and they bring me in for an occasional tweak, or checkup, or perhaps to clean the bathrooms on the ships---I don't know.


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posted on 5/5/05 @ 13:03


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Originally posted by mbkennel Apparently ETs have the ability, should they so desire, to convey some information to us, and understand us conversing back. I think that puts more burden on them to explain and justify themselves, and to make more respectful and formal diplomatic relations.

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One would think, however take a look at how well we humans communicate with each other-----there are wars all over the place---always have been.
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We have problems communicating with our children (not bragging but I was lucky and had few problems with mine) but I was a pain as a teenager and so are most kids. Try changing someones mine about anything-----communication is not what its crack up to be. That may be why the aliens dont talk with their mouths, they use their minds instead. BTW aliens communicate with humans everyday----on many different levels-----they can talk to us and do----they dont feel the need to talk to everyone. How often have you talked to the president of the US, the pope, or other


high ups? If the president or the pope had a one on one conversation with an alien yesterday do you think the world would know about it other than them and a few top advisers? Aliens can make communications easy, they can make themselves look like humans, and chat with you at your favorite drinking hole. How often do they do that and those they are taking to know? Many dont know they are taking to ETs, and ETs do it plenty. At this very moment and every minute of the day ETs are talking with humans----most just dont know it.

Originally posted by mbkennel Who says that advanced technology leads to more wisdom? Do we see much more political wisdom today than we did 2000 years ago in Rome? Not too much. There's a slightly greater degree of guilt over warcrimes but that ain't stopping Sudan.

Good point. Once we get into space and set up colonies on Mars and the moon----China, US, UN, EU, Japan, India, and others----do you think its going to be smooth sailing? There will be disagreements, conflicts, and wars over land and boarders on those planets. Eventually Mars and the moon will unify under their own flags and separate from earthlings. That has been the pattern for thousands of years----who believes that will change? Aliens do battle each other.


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posted on 5/5/05 @ 15:59


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Originally posted by smallpeeps If you do believe that aliens are like benevolent parents whose job it is to guide us toward a higher state of understanding, then I am interested to know how you personally feel this will happen. I mean, if you were taken on a star-journey while still in embryo and have had alien experiences all your life, you must have some kind of insight or opinion on how future events will unfold.

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I think there is a misconception about what the ETs will do. What they will not do is transform our way of life into their way of life in a day, year, decade, or century---ies.


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We have a large portion of the world living like they did four thousand years ago----simple huts, no sanitation, no clean and running water, mindboggling poverty----why dont the advanced nations of the world cooperate and bring them into the twenty-first century? Because not everyone thinks they should interfere with sovereign nations, regardless on how bad off they are. There is disagreement among the ETs about the level of interference they partake in on this planet as well.

Personally I think everyone should be brought up to a minimum of civilized standards-----and if it were up to me I would love to see this world taken into a way of life similar to that of the ETs----they exist in what we call utopia. From what I can tell, they are going to gradually and ever-so-slowly take us there-----most will not see it unfolding.

Originally posted by smallpeeps do you believe that these aliens assisted the folks at Los Alamos to build the atomic bomb? Also, do you feel that aliens will allow us to engage in nuclear war?

ETs assisted in the development of the atom bomb, without them we wouldnt have nuclear physics. They also allowed the US to drop the bomb on Japan. In affect they allowed a nuclear war to take place, whether they would allow it again is anyones guess.


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posted on 5/5/05 @ 18:43


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Originally posted by Gazrok Bogalla living in a hut doesn't have to hit the alarm clock, worry about bill collectors calling him, car insurance, traffic, deadlines, etc. Which of us is really more advanced?

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Are you sure?


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Yeah, fishing and hunting 24/7 sounds great, its those added benefits that suck----lots of flies and mosquitoes buzzing around them non-stop, human poop all over the place, the putrid smell might be good for clearing up the sinuses but thats probably not a good thing. They drink water that the EPA would classify as a hazard to life as we know it, they eat food that fido would run from. They sweat and are sticky all the time during the day, and freeze their buns off at night. There are a few benefits to the rat race.



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posted on 5/5/05 @ 19:25


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Originally posted by mpeake there is obviously those of us who's lives are spent working towards the next big leap in tech and advancements in bettering our ways of life. These nations would greatly benefit from assistence from an outside influence.

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Don't you believe that we are getting assistance from the ETs? It's subtle but it's non-stop. All the breakthroughs on the leading edge of science and technology is not by way of human ingenuity alone.

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posted on 5/5/05 @ 23:24


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Originally posted by smatts Truth or fiction, this thread is a great read, and I'm enjoying it (while eating dinner) Now my question is, since you say that aliens are always in control of human / alien encounters how does people like the guest on the radio show fit into that plan? Do the aliens have any sort control over people who can use thier psychic abilities to initiate thier own encounters?

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Humans can't sneak up on ETs even in spiritual form. The ETs allowed the encounter and provided the means of the out of body experience. Many if not all of those kinds of paranormal episodes are alien encounters----they are gifts where the alien presents is benign.


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posted on 5/5/05 @ 23:44


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Originally posted by Jacqua With ALL the technology and stuff that they have, what can they possible get from us......what is it that we have, if anything, that they could use....

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Hi Jacqua, We have nothing that they need or could use----its simply their job to do whatever they are doing here on earth.-----so why dont they fix every little problem humans have------thats not their job.

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Is there something 'else' we don't know about this place where we live???

Are you asking if earth is hell?------for some it is.

Or are they just beyond getting something for 'giving' Is that just a Human trait and way of thinking

Humans are very generous-----do you remember the tsunami? Most humans would give you the shirt off their back-----when they believe the need is real.

posted on 6/5/05 @ 00:15


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Originally posted by Jacqua When you said that you would 'know' when you have been close to one......Would this mean that you would also 'know' when you are sitting at, say, a bar with one.....Would you get that same feeling?

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Yes I would get that feeling, but it's been a long time since I sat in a bar with anyone.

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posted on 6/5/05 @ 00:29


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Am I to understand that you know for sure that these events are actually the work of aliens? To say it another way, is it impossible for such a thing to happen without alien assistance? Humans can't astrally project without aliens?

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smallpeeps, There are lots of things humans can do on their own; astral projection is not one of them.

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Moving the soul out of body is not sacking groceries, its not even in the abilities of rocket scientist this is the realm of the gods-----ETs.


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posted on 6/5/05 @ 10:02


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Originally posted by Jacqua However, they are not ALL 'helping' us.......and it is 'these non-helpers' that I am asking if you know??.......What they want from us???


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Jacqua, These "non-helpers" are a mysterious bunch, what is their angle----what do they want from us, surly they have ulterior motives, as you say-----I can't answer for all of them-----I don't know all of them. But, from the ones I know about they too have jobs to perform on this planet. An example for me was my basic training in the army-----the worst time in my life-----the DIs were spawns of Satan------they hated us and on many times it seem they tried to kill us rather than train us-----it wasn't until I got out of basic training that I realized how valuable that hell-hole was---and they really didn't hate us or try to kill us-----they actually liked us and were preparing us to survive a hellish war, should we end up there. Often what we perceive to be evil is in reality the exact opposite, it works the other way around too, good is not always good for us.

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posted on 6/5/05 @ 10:38


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Originally posted by logic_tank Originally posted by sleeper Don't you believe that we are getting assistance from the ETs? It's subtle but it's non-stop. All the breakthroughs on the leading edge of science and technology is not by way of human ingenuity alone.

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Proof ? Cause thats a massive statement to say. Can you give exsamples ?
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[edit on 6-5-2005 by logic_tank]

logic_tank, I can't prove god, ETs, the tooth fairy or Santa Clause. However-----there is a tooth fairy I have seen her on more than one


occasion----she had a strange resemblance to my wife and put money under my daughters pillows when they lost teeth. Santa Clause was more difficult but he exists too----I once had to fit myself into one of those red suits and bring gifts to put around the tree while the children peeked from the other room with my wife. Everything on this level of existence (earth) is an allusion-----something or someone is behind the allusions-----children don't know who is behind those fairytales-----they don't care-----they are real----the presents are real-----the money under the pillow is real. The technology that seeps out of our laboratories, universities, corporations comes from where? Santa Clause, scientist, Einsteins, gods, ETs. Do you know-----can you point the finger at who is responsible-----hundreds of people, thousands of people-----where do they get their ideas? A whisper, a nudge, hard work, a breakthrough, a gift-----from Santa Clause---AKA----ET. Ingenuity comes from hard work, desire, perseverance and luck. What is luck?


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posted on 6/5/05 @ 12:07


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Originally posted by logic_tank PS: Dont reply to this with another childish allergy just keep to stating hard facts like UFO's, Abductions, Government covers ups. After all you think i log on here to here about santa suits and the tooth fairy ? Thanks Logic_tank

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Oh, you want a free ticket on an aliens ship----VIP treatment, and all that other stuff. You got it-------how bad do you want it?------do you want to remember the whole thing? It could be a wild ride, better be sure-----like anything in this world if you really really want it you will get it.



Get yourself in a quite dark place----no weapons, flashlights or other people around feel the presents of an ET----I can't guarantee which of the ETs will show up, that's the gamble you take if you don't know any, you might get lucky and none show up. Some times you can force on encounter, and baby then you will know the truth! If it doesnt happen the first try----keep at it. BTW I dont recommend it. There are people that would pay lots of money if they could erase the few memories they have of alien contact.


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posted on 6/5/05 @ 13:36


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Originally posted by logic_tank waitng............oh wait nah just the wind. Anyway if i have any luck i'll let them know sleeper says hi.

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That's the least you can do logic-tank. You think I'm kidding, I forgot to mention it has to be late at night. I apologize if I sound condescending with some of my statement on this tread, its unintentional

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If I sound crazy then I am on the mark because describing things people cant see, feel, or eat----is crazy talk to them. If I didn't experience this stuff I would be the biggest skeptic and probably would never visit UFO boards. Aliens have jobs to do-----they are not here to play footsies with us. When they abduct people it is strictly business, however some of them have a sense of humor and pranks are not out of the question. Why are you on here? Has something happened to you that you can't explain? Most human specimens don't know they have ever had contact with ETs-----some have bits and pieces of memories of aliens, others only a strange feeling or deep curiosity.



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posted on 8/5/05 @ 22:50


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p So I would think that if Aliens/ET really to wanted prevent humans from understanding them, they would better their amnesia inducing skills than anything currently in use.

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Abductees remember what they are allowed to remember, nothing more, nothing less. The fact is there are numerous people that remember more than they are willing to talk about. They know about ETs very well and don't need additional information to validate their experiences. In other words they are not going to be searching internet sights for UFO information, or reading UFO books. Many of these people are professionals in respectable leadership positions and will never divulge what they know-----they don't have to------if they did they would compromise their standing in the community. They are the same people that would call you crazy if you mentioned anything about ETs and UFOs around them. They shield themselves well. The people who are searching for the "truth" about aliens are those with bits and pieces of memories of their encounters, and are trying to make sense of what happened to them, or is happening to them-----some believe they are losing their minds, and need to know if ETs are real. ETs in addition to whatever else they do with these people, intentionally leave broken memories in them as part of their (ETs) program to slowly condition mankind to extraterrestrial reality. Thousands of these people with their cumulative UFO stories (not enough information to fill in the puzzle) make up the catalyst that fuels the UFO phenomena. Because of them there are millions of people aware that something is going on-----even thought these millions of people have never seen or experienced UFOs and ETs themselves. Real extraterrestrials don't make mistakes, only those produced in Hollywood do.

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posted on 9/5/05 @ 17:44


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Originally posted by HumanBrother im sorry if u have already answered this question but how do the aliens choose there abductees and are they chosen at simply random ? or do they have a specific mental advantage than another human.

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Hi HumanBrother, I don't know the particulars of how or why they choose who they do. My dad while he was still alive never believed in extraterrestrials but told me that when he was a boy he saw huge flying disks, had no explanation for them but adamantly did not believe they were aliens. He didn't know it but he was being abducted. So there is evidence that many abductions run in the family. No one in my family believes in ETs. BTW, if I were you I wouldn't talk much about it at school----as you already know people will make fun of you. The fact is even those who believe and have experienced ETs will seldom admit it-----the subject remains taboo for the general population.

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posted on 9/5/05 @ 23:29


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Originally posted by meshuggah1324 I'm one of those people who don't care about what others think of me most of the time. So I talk about UFOs and ETs at work, and around other people. Once I tell them all that I know they're like "Wow, that sounds possible and interesting" so don't be affraid!

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Times are changing; more people believe or want to believe in extraterrestrials, so there is more acceptance.


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Still if you are in a certain job like airline pilot, teacher, clergy, CEO, scientist, politics, and the military----talking ET stuff is a sure route to early retirement-----without the benefits. It took me a long time to come out of the closet, my wife knew, but I never told my offspring until they were older. One day my daughter came home from school, she was in the forth grade and rode the school bus. We lived in the typical neighborhood in one of the suburbs that were sprouting up all over the place. While on the bus ride to school a boy older than her came over to her seat and told her that he saw a UFO hovering over our house the night before---he lived three houses up on the other side of the street and had a clear view of our house. She didn't know what a UFO was, but she was in shock that an older boy spoke to her, she didn't responded to him and he returned to his seat without saying anything else. She asked me what a UFO was and why was it over our house---- I told her it was an unidentified flying object, I didn't elaborated and she shrugged it off. I was tempted to get her to ask that boy more about it but not wanting to put her into a position of talking about "those kind of things" I decided not too. I don't regret my decision; stigmatizing young children with strange phenomena can be detrimental. High school and above is a different story. My children are much older now and I have mentioned a few things about ETs to them----however they don't seem that interested, if and when they become curious I will tell them whatever they wish to know.



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posted on 10/5/05 @ 09:28


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Originally posted by s7e6e Sleeper, why do you think that all pictures of ufo's are blurred and fuzzy? Why do you think that all ufo sightings are summary described ?

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ETs are slowly making themselves known, eventually they will come out and everyone can take pictures of the neatto flying machines and them---but Im thinking it will not be for sometime yet.


We have stealth aircraft designed to avoid radar and other forms of detection because we wish to remain incognito during reconnaissance.
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The ETs have the ability to mask their ships in infinite ways, including making them very difficult to photograph. They are invisible most of the time and uncloak only when they want certain people to see them----however, they dont allow clear photos of their ships because they are not ready to make full contact. That is why most contactees can only give brief statements of their experiences----nine-five percent of what most experience is blocked from memory------regression only reveals what the aliens allow and most of the time info from regression is only stuff the ETs put there for that purpose----ETs are not as dumb as some people think. But ETs will dictate information telepathically like questions asked of them----seeing is believing, they know this and dont want much of their stuff described on the front pages of newspapers.

Originally posted by s7e6e how come you're still here, beeing able to speak rather than dead ?!? Do you actually think that someone believes just because he wants to?

Im still here because obviously Im no threat, being slightly entertaining is not going to upset the apple cart of the military or the ETs. Obviously the ETs want some of this out there, a little at a time otherwise no one would be able to tell their stories. The military cant whack people like me without permission from the ETs.

Originally posted by s7e6e Proof is what makes beliefe a constant and not a variable.

I agree one hundred percent------without proof I wouldnt believe either----and I believe one hundred percent.


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posted on 10/5/05 @ 14:12


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Originally posted by mbkennel


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1) what precisely are they doing here, and why? 2) what is the purpose of their limited, and apparently involuntary, interactions with certain humans? 3) why certain humans, such, as, apparently, yourself? 4) why do they apparently allow marginal independent contact, but do not make full and open diplomatic relations with the population as a whole? 5) Do they believe this is ethical?

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6) why haven't they bothered to ask us about it?

1. This planet is in the incubation stages----there are more than one race of ETs here because there are many programs involved----humans share identical DNA because that is a requirement of this planet-----but that doesnt mean all humans originated from one place, but from hundreds of places in the galaxy. 2. They interact with those they use as vehicles to bring things into this planet, like technology, and higher awareness. 3. I was willing to work cheap. 4. The population as a whole would revolt against an entity from other worlds-----not everyone wants ETs down here telling us what to do. The vast majority is not ready. 5. It is ethical to keep this planet from a mental meltdown, because thats what would happen if all of a sudden humanity became aware that there are thousands of ET ships on earth, on the moon, in orbit around the planet and throughout the solar system. 6. We wouldnt understand the questi on.

Originally posted by mbkennelIf they had the ability to colonize the galaxy why it wouldn't be bursting with obvious EM signs that we would have seen with SETI. {Frankly I would have thought that if major ET civilizations with interstellar travel were possible, then SETI would have given a positive result the very first time it was turned on, as thousands of solar systems would be giving artificial emissions.

Humans have yet to hatch out of this planet yet we believe that we can pick up advanced extraterrestrial communications. Humans are a few hundred years from that kind of ability. SETI is the pioneer, but they hardly have any devices to detect exotic ET stuff. There are thousands of alien ships buzzing all over the place right here on earth and our technology cant detect them, yet we point our equipment at places light years away and we expect what?


It wasnt that long ago that we communicated with smoke signals, and cuneiform tablets. The electromagnetic spectrum is a nice communications vehicle for us today, but its not what the big boys in galaxies faraway play with.


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posted on 10/5/05 @ 20:51


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Sleeper, would you then agree, that there is an ET 'contain/hide our identity and technology trickle-down effect' being played upon human beings?

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We are not contained on this planet by ETs we are contained on this planet by politicians who keep us grounded for personal agendas. They would rather spend tax money on other things. NASA is so fearful that they ground their fleet for years every time a shuttle has a mishap. The space program belongs to those who are not frightened so easily. The government has the money but they don't have the will to put people into space. The chains of containment will not be broken until private enterprise gets into the game. ETs have been infusing technological information into the hands and minds of people for a long time-----they teach us how to build and ride a bike but they will not do it for us. The only thing that is keeping humanity from taking that next big step into the cosmos is the lack of backbone from the bureaucratic public sector. ETs are not concerned about the speed of human development, nor are they fearful that we will bring our belligerence into the galaxy and contaminate the waters of blissful peace loving advanced cultures. Our nuclear technology----given to us by the ETs, is like a small firecracker in the realm of alien weapons. Our belligerence and war mongering is nothing but child play, rough-housing on the playground. There are no ETs concerned about us causing mischief. We are centuries away from populating our two closes rocks, the moon and Mars. Thousands of years away from being able to leave our solar system-----which will not happen until ETs give us the know-how to traverse light years in days. By then humanity will understand their place

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in the galaxy a little better, and know we are only a small fish in a big ocean.


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posted on 11/5/05 @ 00:36


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Originally posted by mbkennel There's no evidence at all that any nuclear technology was "given" to us by ET aliens. I'm a professional scientist and I've seen no development which shows anything but incremental human progress.

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There is no evidence of ETs. We dont see the magic at work behind every day phenomenon like simple things as plants. Flowers sprout from nowhere, leaves turn energy from the sun into apples oranges and grapes---popping them out from wood----the process is slow-----nevertheless, it happens without our understanding it. ETs deliver incrementally-----they dont drive up in a stealth bomber and hand us the keys, they put ideas in many peoples heads spread over many years.

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Originally posted by mbkennel There is a very consistent chain of evidence from Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner observing spontaneous decay of Uranium to Fermi, to nuclear reactors created with Earth materials, and based on Earth physics known at that time.

Where do ideas come from? A perceived need and a desire to meet that need is the mother of invention, mother=ET. Many people ponder a problem until an answer comes to them----some problems take longer than others, observing spontaneous decay of Uranium, for instance. Had you the opportunity to talk to Hahn, Meitner, and Fermi, they may have told you they didnt quite understand how they came about with some of the stuff they are credited with discovering.

Originally posted by mbkennel I'd sure like ET help on whatever they do to fly and communicate faster than light. But so far, there' s no evidence they've helped us with squat.

ET showing us how to fly at the speed of light is putting the cart before the horse. Would you hand you five year old child the keys to the family car?


What would humans do with the ability to fly at the speed of light at our present stage of underdevelopment?

Originally posted by mbkennel If they want to help us, one month answering questions from the faculty at MIT would be amazing.

Are you sure that ET is not at MIT? ET is not going to accelerate dispensing information to bring about Utopia in a single swoop, there is a process, and they follow that process.

Originally posted by mbkennel The world wouldn't freak out if 1) ETs introduced themselves. 2) didn't molest people against their will 3) ETs talked about themselves, and helped us, openly.

The world would freak out. Some people would see it as no different than a Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, or a Bush, claiming technological superiority and taking over. 1. ETs have introduced themselves to quite a few people. 2. I dont believe ETs are molesting anyone; however, they are quite intense super beings and exceedingly intimidating. 3. Humans would cease being productive in the presence of ETs. Expecting them to create the perfect world----and why not they have the capability to turn our whole way of live around-----but thats not what they are here to do. How would they explain to humanity that they can make earth into a paradise----but they just dont feel like it?


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posted on 11/5/05 @ 00:54


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p You really think that 'the private sector' is going to be any more forthcoming about ET and help bring humans forward in life?


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Im not talking about disclosure----which is not up to the government (public sector) or the private sector. ETs are the only ones that can disclose their reality to the world. Im not going to embark on private verses public, thats a discussion for other threads.

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posted on 11/5/05 @ 12:26


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Originally posted by mbkennel2What we (as in say scientists from major universities) could use? Some ideas on an experiment which shows us a key physical principle that we aren't aware of now. We could then run with that. Right now, we appear to understand the basic physics of our everyday world which is feasibly engineerable extremely well. There doesn't seem to be any obvious major loophole. We can describe all physical objects we see on Earth damn well, at least w.r.t. basic science. There are anomalies still unexplained, but they are exotic things in observational cosmology towards the beginning of the universe, or at ultra high energies in particle accelerators.

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You insist and believe profoundly that scientist in the past used lots of elbow grease to finagle their theories and inventions from the basic elements of this planet-----and I agree it was their efforts and dedication that led them to the answers they so craved and eventually received. But why are you and other scientist not following in their footsteps, doing all the work, pounding your heads against the wall when you inevitably run into that barrier----that fortress----that keeps secrets tightly and stingily from us. Why should ET give you info if they didnt give info to your predecessors, as you believe and stated in the quote below?

Originally posted by mbkennel2. Assuming that any moment of scientific creativity is attributable to ET aliens is an insult. Where did Fermi and Hahn and Meitner get their ideas? By having lots of background knowledge and thinking about it.


Originally posted by mbkennelAnd why is the interaction so one-sided? Why can't WE ask them about, oh, their music or literature, or anything about their culture?

How many of us are interested in our childrens music, or the latest fads they are ensnared by? What if a bunch of MIT guys went to one of those villages, where people still live as they did in the stone age----and told them about their taste in music, their literature----or the latest things you discovered in you lab-----I bet they would really be excited.

Originally posted by mbkennelI have the feeling that either 1) ETs dont' understand human society and feelings at all. 2) they don't give a about us or any ethical reciprocity.

ETs know us inside and out, better than we know ourselves-----thats why the have limited contact with us. ETs come in many different flavors, some care deeply-----most are indifferent-----its a job-----then there are those that plain dont like us----why? Have no idea.


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posted on 11/5/05 @ 13:04


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Sleeper, Did you mention earlier anything about your children being involved with ET? Do you have any idea as to whether they have been abducted or contacted by the ET/Aliens? Can you share some insights regarding consecutive generational abductions?

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My children both of them are part of the program-----but they have no idea or any memories of their contact with ET. I have several brothers and sisters-----none of them are involved----that I know of----none have shown the least bit of interest in the ET phenomenon. There is a notable difference between myself and my siblings----we get along very well, yet I see the world differently than they do, I often wonder if I am related to them. They, as most people, are fixated on this planet and can't imagine the existence of extraterrestrials. They are absorbed in the 9 to 5 everyday existence that makes up the grand allusion many live out their lives in. DNA is like a barcode, it identifies our basic equipment package, our location (earth) our manufacture (which ET species) and a lot more. That is why many people involved with ET go back several generations.


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posted on 12/5/05 @ 22:54


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Originally posted by mbkennelI don't think people would be upset if ETs said "it's your world and your future, you will have to make it yourself, but we'll be there to give you a hand, or at least think about it, if you ask nicely." I think that would be great.

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People meditate in order to discover a higher awareness in themselves. Millions throughout the ages prayed to their gods for guidance----and favors.
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Meditation and prayer is simply telepathic communications with higher beings. People fixate on an object or idea and focus energy to it----sometimes with supernatural results. Success usually comes to those most determined to get what they desire. The fact is there are higher beings among us----they have always been around----in various forms-----spiritual, corporal, and something inbetween.


If you ask nicely they might give you what you want ------after all, they have access to most of the secrets of the universe. They don't care what religion you are, or if you have no beliefs whatsoever.


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posted on 13/5/05 @ 09:46


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Originally posted by Herman I haven't sifted through all of the other posts in this thread yet, so correct me if I say something stupid. Didn't you say you were born and raised in Italy Sleeper???? If so, how were you in the U.S. Army?

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I was born in Italy, my parents move to America a few years after WW2 and became citizens. I was a US citizen through them and eligible for the draft----I choose to enlist.

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posted on 13/5/05 @ 10:57


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Jaychael, In this big bad world you have to get your own proof-----no earthling has the authority to hand it out. I have proof but I can't share it so I look the fool-----still, since I am able to remember many of my experiences I take that as sign that I can speak about some of them. Many know something is going on-----so I tell a few things to validate that there is something going on. What is proof for me? I have listed some in this tread, I have been in ET ships----most of the time I find myself inside them with no idea how I got there----I leave the same way.

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I entered them on military bases (walked in) ----as I have already stated in this thread.


However, I have a clear memory of something like a worm hole opening up in my bedroom wall, and an alien came out of it, we talked for awhile and then it took me into the hole and we were in the ship. This did not occur from a sleep state----it happened before I went to bed. I was one hundred percent awake and cognizant-----until I entered the ship. Once in the ship I have patches of memory----with many empty gaps. They took me places away from this planet-----much of the time I was asleep or knocked out. I talk about what I remember-----they obviously don't want me or others to come back with more detailed accounts-----but just enough to know that there is something big going on in our solar system, and that the galaxy is swarming with civilizations millions of years ahead of us. They gave me proof----and I never asked for it-----they give proof to thousands of people----most will never admit to it, and many will take what they know to the grave with them. It took me fifty-two years to talk about my involvement. The proof is not "out there" it's here on this planet-----for thousands, maybe millions of people that have tasted it.


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posted on 13/5/05 @ 13:43


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Originally posted by JaychaelMeditation and prayer are very different and you even contradict yourself in the first quote. Also, can you expand on the phrase "simply telepathic" ???

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I didnt contradict myself when I said People meditate in order to discover a higher awareness in themselves. Meditation is mental communication with a higher power as is prayer. Unless you believe that the subconscious is just another part of the human brain and dies with the body-----at death----it doesnt.

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The subconscious is a communications center with higher powers outside of the human body. That part of the mind is where we receive much of our intuition and other pertinent information that we call creativity, -----and its the place where we experience the thing known as eureka, after pondering over a problem and getting an answer.


Prayer uses these same facilities. What is telepathy? Taking with other people or invisible entities non-verbally. When people pray they usually do so in silent meditation. If they pray out loud their thoughts are still aimed at certain deities, or objects. All our verbal and non-verbal communications are monitored by the gods----I prefer to call them ETs.

posted on 13/5/05 @ 14:33


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Digital_Reality, You being a child could get away with talking about ETs, the coach on the other hand probably would have lost his job-----and definitely his credibility-----when those kids went home and told their parents that the coach told them about aliens from outer space, it would have been all over for him. Its rare that anyone who sees things like you described------not have had contact-----especially when the coach became fearful. Abductions are not always measured in hours-----they can be a few seconds or a few minutes in duration-----therefore no lost time. Perhaps the coach remembered more that he wanted-----and was having to deal with that new reality. You apparently dont remember any of it other than seeing the craft flying around-----and it is very possible that it was only the coach they came to visit. Abductions are mostly positive-----regardless of the fear and other bizarre things that may take place during an ET encounter. Many of them are a one shot deal----and it never happens again.

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posted on 13/5/05 @ 16:15


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Spirituality is a funny thing, no one knows exactly what it is. Although every living thing has a form of it including the ETs-----unless they are biological machines created as probes, or as a workforce around the galaxy. All living things exist at some level of awareness, presumably the higher the level of awareness the higher the spirituality. However, spirituality is use as a measure of higher virtue by those who claim to have lots of it. Here on earth many competing rivals have claimed exclusivity to true

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spirituality and all those others (those with contrary beliefs) are imposters, heathens, and spawns of Satan.
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Mormons, Catholics, all five thousand denominations of Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, Anarchist, Communist, Socialist, Democrats, Republicans and the thousands of others that I havent mentioned. All these peoples and organizations claim to be more virtuous, more enlightened and therefore, more spiritual, than their competitors. In that respect spiritually is nothing more than an ego trip. We have a soul and so do ETs-----unless they are pure machine-----and there are lots of machines out there involved in abductions as part of the ET workforce.


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posted on 13/5/05 @ 16:25


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Originally posted by robertfenix As for you sleeper I still think you are a bunch of hog wash that has scrapped a few bits and pieces together from here and there and are trying to make yourself look interesting. Nothing more

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Apparently I have failed to make myself look interesting----but thanks for the feedback!

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posted on 13/5/05 @ 18:32


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Originally posted by robertfenix Sleeper your above post was absolutely pointless, we know what the concept of spirtuality is, it does not need explaining here. We all know that it has different meanings in different cultures and religions. To say that Russians are different from Chinese are different from indian people etc


is pretty obvious.
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Its called diversity, different names, same basic concept.

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Apparently speed reading doesnt work for some people-----where in that post did I mention anything about different races? By reading some of your posts I can tell that you are a powerhouse when it comes to spirituality. And by the way I though that post was very good-----I didn't borrow any of it from anyone-----everything I have written is mine----my experiences---if not I put quotes on it, if it is similar to someone elses experiences, then I cant help that. Casting stones is what the Pharisees and Sadducees d id, and Jesus didnt appreciate the lack of spirituality in those self-righteous teachers. Just a thought


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posted on 14/5/05 @ 09:43


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It's fascinating that some self-proclaimed experts on ETs are those that have admitted they have no experiences with them. Presuming to know what others have seen or not seen or experienced or not experienced is arrogance in its purest form. Because there is lack of proof for many does not negate the fact that thousands have the proof----been there---done that. Perhaps those of us that know about ET-----should have known better than to talk about our experiences-----knowing how we humans get mighty envious of things we dont have and cant get our fingers on.

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There is a big difference between healthy skepticism and spiteful jealous tantrums.


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posted on 14/5/05 @ 10:34


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Originally posted by Paul_Richard The more accurate paradigm that I and other researchers espouse is the less popular perspective on the alien situation. It sells less books, not more. We further the idea that the Zetan-aliens are in fact not benevolent, but self-serving and subtly imperialistic. Scores of abductee testimonal evidence corroborates and confirms this hypothesis

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Hi Paul, I have to admit I don't know much about the Zetans, there is a lot of stuff written and I have only scratched the surface. I don't know which aliens are dealing with me-----I do know that nice friendly ones have-----and some very ugly personality types too. The personality spectrum seems to be as varied as that of humans. As time goes by I remember a bit more----perhaps eventually I will have a better picture of what they are about. I have never been regressed-----and personally I know it would be pointless----since they can place whatever they wish in our minds. Overall, I don't feel they are malicious----even the ugly ones-----because I believe I leave with a bit more of something after each encounter.

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posted on 16/5/05 @ 17:50


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Originally posted by celticniallDo you believe/know if there has been contact between EBEs and ancient peoples? How long have they been "helping" humankind to progress?

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As I'm sure you know that not everyone agrees that humankind has progressed. Most people consider anything less than utopia unacceptable----especially if ETs are real and have the means to solve all our problems.
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This galaxy as well as most of them are very complex-----but not chaotic. There is structure and accountability-----unfortunately there are outlaws too. Earth is an incubator-----and like any nursery there are lots of incubators---millions of them just like this place. Good help is hard to find----therefore there are good caretakers, and bad caretakers. I'm inclined to believe that what we see as good and bad is not necessarily so-----when looking at the big picture. The reason I believe this is because I have learned more through adverse situations than desirable ones. Few of us will chose to go through hardship-------so all of us are thrown into it at sometime or other-----some would call it chance or bad luck. ETs have always been here-----they are everywhere. There are millions of solar systems that are pure Utopias-----whether earth will be turned into one----I have no idea. Everything already exists; there is no technology that we can imagine that doesnt exist. Sickness, poverty, war, pestilence, hate, prejudice and a host of other calamities, are simply apparatus of planets as this one-----and not a permanent condition of mankind.


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posted on 17/5/05 @ 09:56


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Originally posted by mbkennel As a nice bonus it would help if they could help us with some aspects of our life which may include some of their advanced technology. With that we could perhaps start solving our own problems a little bit better.

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Only one hundred years ago indoor plumbing didnt exist for the vast majority of people. There were no airplanes----other than a few experimental ones.


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Electricity that would revolutionize everything and take mankind into the twenty-first century was slowly being introduced to mankind by (E)dison and (T)esla. As you can see ET has been helping-----we didnt get from horse drown wagons to space shuttles in less than sixty years by ourselves------.


Originally posted by mbkennel So far, if they are flying around without our explicit knowledge and permission, they are causing us problems and doing nothing in return. Telling us it's for our own good, and then putting things into our mind is even worse.

They are not flying around without our knowledge-----lots of people know about them. By putting things into our minds we then turn around and put those things into blueprints, new inventions, and build a better mouse trap, a faster airplane, etc.


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posted on 17/5/05 @ 10:56


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Originally posted by celticniall From this I get the feeling that there is something more that these EBEs are conditioning the human race for. Are we being conditioned for violence to be used in an intergalactic future war?

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The only battles we are being thought to fight are the everyday battles of life. The ETs have millions of years of technological superiority to humans----believe me they can fight their own battles. The nuclear physics that came from ET has given us the ability to fight without the use of ground troops----one or two well placed nuclear or biological weapons can disable any country and or planet, sending them back to the Stone Age or eternal rest. If humans can do that think what ETs can do.

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Originally posted by celticniall


Why would they orchestrate and allow the many conflicts around the world to continue? Why are they allowing our society to become more and more violent?

More violent then when----WW2----WW1, Napoleonic wars, Dark ages, the Romans, the Crusaders, the Moslems, the Greeks, Vikings, etc. Believe it or not these are very peaceful times compared to the insanity of the past. Why do they allow belligerence?-------Several reasons, 1. humans enjoy violence, 2. its easier to take than create, 3. Successions of peoples and societies create a sense of history-----which legitimizes the human allusion that we originated from this planet---savages evolving through the ages. 4. Because more than one ET is involved on this planet they introduced competition between the races------for a reason. 5. Everyone on this planet chose to be here-----to be challenged by a void in their being, greed, hate, and the need to quench a thirst for blood-----are but a few of the reasons. 6. We use fertilizer to get healthy and beautiful plants and vegetables---the best fertilizer is manure. 7. To appreciate love, peace and tranquility----some have to experience hell first. 8. ETs accommodate those needs and requirements.


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posted on 17/5/05 @ 13:27


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Originally posted by celticniall Are you saying that these EBEs only started helping us around 100 years ago?

This world didnt need to take a giant leap forward until it reached a critical mass of population-----and it could not feed, and house the numbers of people coming in without a major shift in technology. That point in time


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was the turn of the century. Humanity is precisely where it should be, technologically speaking. That was true one hundred years ago, one thousand years ago, etc.

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Originally posted by celticniall This is a long process, so this tells me that time means nothing to them? Is time percieved differently by the ETs? Do you know whether they are capable of interdimensional travel?

Time is an illusion-----get out into space away from planet earth and what do you use to measure time with? Our twenty-four hour system is based on the rotation of this planet, and its movement around the sun-----I know that you know this, I only point it out to demonstrate how fickle the whole idea of time is. ETs are not constrained by the illusion of time-----they dont have time clocks-----they dont have to be anywhere at certain times-----most of the life forms in this galaxy do not conform to time and schedules. Its a fairly new phenomenon on this planet; it became important with the industrial revolution at the turn of the nineteenth century. Eventually it will not be important for the vast majority once we enter the next transitional period----possibly in the next few decades. They are capable of inter-dimensional travel------we are too, our souls can travel on that super highway.

Originally posted by celticniall mbkennel has a good point.....why aid us in creating weapons of destruction like the A-bomb....when it would be more beneficial to aid us in creating for example food that grows in any climate, or a way to prevent global warming, a way to stabilise the climates throughout the world? What about revolutionary cures for the most common diseases? If the earth population didn't have to worry about cures, wars, etc, we would focus our energies into advancing the human race and we could already have been populating the stars by now!

They are not here to turn this planet into utopia-----what you see is what we get-----the illusion of what many perceive as life as you quote above---is only that-----an illusion. We all see the world from unique perspectives----someone you think is suffering may in fact be experiencing something pleasant-----it works the other way around too. However I am not denying that suffering and pain dont exist-----in fact it is rampant----but I cant go there.


Originally posted by celticniallTo what end are there millions of "incubators"? Why nurse us through life?

There are millions of planets in this galaxy just like earth-----same type of people----same type of problems. They nurse us through life because there is no other way to get us from point A to point B.

[edit on 17-5-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 17/5/05 @ 22:59


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Would you agree then that the aliens are like "God" in that they sort of sit back and allow good and evil (free will) to do their thing but they are "minding the crib" so that we don't wreck ourselves?

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smallpeeps, ETs are technical advisers, teachers, slave drivers, your best friend and your worst nightmare. They dont sit back and watch-----they are neck deep in mankinds affairs. We have free will -----although it doesnt always feel like it. They mind the crib, and are now preparing the house so that we can crawl around some of the rooms. As is obvious to most of us the next few decades well be stepping out of the crib and venturing into space. They are preparing the way----but will remain behind the stage scenery----so not to distract. We are entering a phase of phenomenal change-----the problems on this planet are only a distraction----not a deterrent to what is ahead. While many fear the future and believe that life on this world is going down the toilet fantastic changes will happen right under their noses. Many will participate----many will run and hide fearing the change.

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Originally posted by smallpeeps I guess that's a nice thought, but who is the governing body? Who controls aliens and tells them what they can and cannot do to us?


There is a hierarchy----the upper echelons remain shrouded in mystery, much like the ETs.


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posted on 18/5/05 @ 10:35


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Originally posted by celticniall unless I am way off the mark and the EBEs are planning on helping/aiding humankind to a more meaningful existence before we are 'allowed' to venture into space.

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celticniall, The world will never be a perfect place-----in the minds of everyone----your idea of utopia, right and wrong, true happiness------is not shared by the six billion and growing other fellow earthlings------with their unique perspective of those same ideals. I live in a prosperous country-----amongst people who have good and great living conditions-----yet if you talk to them some are not happy, they are concerned about the future, the economy, their children, gridlock in the large cities, the politicians, getting sick, getting old, etc. In general humans tend to be pessimistic about life----regardless of their economic condition, there are plenty of optimists-----but they are the exception. Therefore there never will be a Promised Land that will suit everyone here on earth. ET took mankind-----kicking and screaming through the Industrial Revolution, they will take mankind into space-----regardless of the unfinished problems many perceive we still have on earth. Not to say that we as individuals, communities and nations shouldnt do everything we possibly can to help our fellow man-----after all, that is the fine line that separates man from beast. However, many of the answers to the problems on earth will only be found in space-----in zero gravity, and super clean labs-----from which will emerge new advances in medicine, electronics, and agriculture-----all there for the picking.

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ETs are not softies-----they are more in the tough-love business.


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posted on 18/5/05 @ 15:40


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Originally posted by celticniall I am interested to know your views on the theory that an advanced people once inhabited the Earth many thousands of years ago, before "official" civilisation began. Yes, I am talking about an "Atlantis" of sorts. This was a civilisation with a vast knowledge of the stars, precession, the constellations, building, and understanding of the world around us. They allegedly flourished aound 15,000BC - 7,000BC, and probably earlier, are thought to have built the Sphinx, and after a disaster of sorts, the few survivors spread throughout the world. They taught their knowledge to the early Egyptians, the peoples of S. America, and the Far East, amongst others.

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celticniall, Since you asked for my opinion here it is, ETs were here way before those dates you mention. They worked openly among the native experiments and had colonies, cities with all the magical apparatus of their home planet. More than one race of ETs resided on earth and some believe that perhaps some battles took place between a few of them. That may have happened. But I am inclined to the more probable scenario which is that the ETs didnt have a battle, or an accident, they simply destroyed much of the evidence of their existence. They never left, but as humans became aware of their surroundings the opulent life style of ETs clashed with the primitive lives of humans. ETs blended into the societies they worked with, as priest, senators, teachers, and other notables. Smaller colonies continued to remain in areas devoid of human population. They live amongst us to this day, in our primitive cities, but some chose to commute; its a short ride to any of the planetary suburbs and mother ships in the solar system.


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posted on 19/5/05 @ 11:14


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Originally posted by celticniall I was thinking about this last nite, and I was wondering if you could tell us the sequence of events from you being "told" that there is a space ship waiting, to you actually stepping on board. Did the military come and tell you that it was time to go on a trip? Were you on base when you were told? Or did you have to travel some distance to arrive at the ship? Did you just drop what you were doing and go, or did you have a specific time that you had to embark, like "at 1800hrs you are to report to Hangar 15 for a trip on Spaceship 1" ?

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celticniall, The military is a well oiled machine, and highly bureaucratic. Every second of every members life is accounted for-----you dont sneeze without a requisition order. Nevertheless of my three years of active duty nearly eight months of it is unaccounted for----totally blanked out of my mind----most of that blank space was while I was overseas. I was fetched by an NCO, dropped off at a hanger and told to go inside----I was mentally briefed by ET before hand. Most of the time I never saw the ship, I walked through plywood corridors that led into the ship. Sometimes there was no one around----not even guards-----that I could see. Much of what goes on in the ship stays in the ship----sometimes I have a clear understanding of everything I did but when I try to put in on paper---I cant make it happen, nor can I verbalized it. ETs like to make us look foolish----they give us just enough information to achieve that.

Originally posted by celticniall When you came back from, your trip and disembarked, did you just go about your business? Did you go home to rest, and were you given any leave time by the military after such trips? Or did the military let you come and go as you pleased? Were you debriefed when you got back from these trips?

Afterwards I had a few beers. The military never officially gave me more time off than the thirty days per year-----but since there is missing time, at least in my mind perhaps they allowed extra leave. I could not come and go as I pleased during normal duty.


I can't recall being debriefed-----it may have happened I don't remember if it did.


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posted on 19/5/05 @ 13:23


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Sleeper , When I was younger (17) I was diagnost with Circaidian Discronism. Dr.Bartell in Wichita Falls Tx, made the diagnosis.

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He told me at that time not to worry . It was very rare , and the number of potential patients worldwide would never justify the development of any drugs to specifically treat my disorder. He said ,but hey you know the guy that wrote Lonesome Dove lives 45 miles from here , and he has the same thing you have ! And I'm like O'k , but , so what does that mean? He tells me if a sleep disorder could make you Famous this is the one to have ! Needless to say I'm not famous , but i totally understand what you were saying about time! I know , becuase I'm always on a different schedual than the average person. We Humans are not tied to the 24 hour rotation of the Earth , I'm living proof of that!

lost_shaman, As you know our biological clocks are triggered by daylight and nighttime based on the earths rotation. People like you have problems conforming to that cycle----perhaps you spend more time out there than you think. Ets biological clock runs on a different frequency, assuming they have one----while on the ship their bodies are not weighed down by gravity so they need less energy than if they existed only on earth as humans do. While in space the human brain somehow detects the loss of gravity and the absence of darkness-----and we can literally go without sleeping for long periods-----ETs as far as I know don't sleep at all. Because of the lack of gravity and the brightness on the ship, the mind and body are not taxed-----no jetlag----no fatigue, no mental exhaustion. What does that translate to? Less food and drink-----I don't recall ever eating or drinking on the ship-----obviously to keep the kidneys from


failing there must be some system that compensates for that. The flip side to joyrides, if your gone any length of time-----earth can be a drag both mentally and physically.


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posted on 19/5/05 @ 18:09


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Tell me about it------I could have been doing something productive like writing a book.


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posted on 20/5/05 @ 10:24


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Originally posted by menguard Sleeper,Is our government in a stalemate right now with these advanced souls? Are they still showing us techknowledgy advancement?By the year 2012 will they start to make themselves more known to the general population?

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menguard, There is no stalemate------that requires equivalence, we humans arent there.

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ETs infuse people on earth with new knowledge at appropriate stages, and it will go on for a long time------humans are still playing in the sandbox with little shovels and buckets-----but bigger stuff is coming off the assembly line. Some stuff takes years before the general public becomes aware of it.


New ideas and technologies continue unabated to be introduced across the board, not only to the military, but to individuals, entrepreneurs, industry, and universities. The exotic stuff falls to the military and their contractors because the average Joe shouldnt be running around with dangerous materials that only select ET approved scientist and physicists know how to play with. Will they show themselves openly around 2012-----I would be surprised----however a lot more people will be working with them and know it.


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posted on 20/5/05 @ 22:25


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Originally posted by menguard Sleeper, What kind of feeling did you get when you interacted with these beings?Did they show any emotion of any kind?Or was it more like the worker drone kind of syndrome?

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menguard, My early encounters were casual almost friendship like. As I got older they became distant, they were around me but not face to face while on the ship. ETs in human costume off ship could fool anyone, they are eccentric but for the most part they communicate like humans----they talk. I have had some horrific encounters but it may have been my misinterpretation-----they may have been showing me some type of disaster----or something in the future-----like an earthquake or battle scene-----Im not physic, and cant predict things but I have felt the pain and fear and seen some strange things like I was watching a movie while on the ship. Perhaps it was only movie night with ET and the feature film was some horror show----otherwise why expose me to situations I cant do anything about? Worker drones are part of the program-----they do the manual, tedious and dirty work. They are highly advance machines that are difficult for the human mind to comprehended----it would be like your dishwasher moving about the house collecting dirty dishes, or your car running errands, changing its own oil, taking the dog out for a walk.

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Drones process abducted humans like nurses taking your temperature and blood pressure before the doctor sees you. Like some nurses they are impersonal----its a job-----and they scare the crap out of those they handle.

Originally posted by menguard Did you feel anytime that you were being manipulated?Or does it feel as if more like you are the pupil?

ETs manipulate the same way your boss, teacher, or parents do----to get you to do something you dont want to do. Are they manipulating mankind-----yes-----thats why they are here----to entice us into space, like a mother bird nudges its young to take flight out of the next. Am I the pupil? Nah----more like cheap labor.

Originally posted by menguard Also Sleeper can you describe your altered state? What were your emotions like in this state? Did it feel like you were in a dream state of reality, yet you were in the physical?

For abductees, the altered state is possibly brought on by confusion, extreme fear, and disorientation. Something like giving a long speech at the Academy awards-----times ten. Many of my encounters were anxiety free and my state of mind was normal----they can make things very comfortable, much of the fear that abductees remember and report is due to the drones that process them----fear is also used to block out many of the things that go on in the ship. The state of mind is not dream like, its normal like, with blank spaces, however, some instances have no earthly description-----there are regions of the mind most people know nothing about until ET takes you there---then try and hang on to your sanity.....!


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posted on 22/5/05 @ 10:12


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Originally posted by menguard Sleeper, So have you ever been to area 51,if you are not allowed to talk on this,could you


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say yes or no to the question, and I will leave it at that.

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Area 51 is famous because lots of people believe thats where----if aliens are really visiting earth----they are hiding out. I have been to lots of places where ETs are "hiding out. Most of these places I only see from the inside so I really don't know where they are located. I'm never aware of everything in those places-----not being a smart a--, but they don't have signs telling you where you are-----the ETs don't believe that to be pertinent information to give us----especially since what they are doing is obviously secret.

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Originally posted by menguard How fast did that ship get into space?

There is no sensation of movement and the ship is in space in seconds, if that.

Originally posted by menguard When you talk to your wife about these alien encounters whats her response?And yet you would think women would be more open to this.

She believes-----theres been a few things she was able to see to convince her.

Originally posted by menguard All and all you would think the aliens would get tired of saving us humans from our own demise over and over.I wonder how many times they went to our ancient civilizatons and tried to balance us out.

Its their job-----plus they dont get tired and bored like humans do------I believe they enjoy it immensely-----they have excellent working conditions-----fantastic equipment, travel benefits and a great retirement plan. Actually Im only guessing at that last part.

The ETs dont have to get comfortable with us-----we have to get comfortable with them-----thats a pretty big leap-----and it will only take place over time. I dont know where they are concerning their level of spirituality, I believe it to be quite high, much of our contact is with their machines----which are intelligent but lacking in that area.



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posted on 22/5/05 @ 16:09


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Hi, digorius,

I dont know about those aliens or their motives that you mention in your post, perhaps they are renegades. The ones I am aware of are not in need of anything we have, instead they provide incremental information that we need to advance to the next stage. These ETs are not from a dieing planet-----they are from highly advance systems in this galaxy in need of nothing. In our galaxy there is no shortage of any material and those with the technology can harvest whatever they need------indefinitely.

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There is a higher power that rules over our solar system and this planet and its not a bunch of greedy people hording resources unless they are ETs or put in place by ET. There are no humans calling the shots----thats only a smoke screen. Technology is not kept from people by CEOs because they havent figured out a way to make money on it. Technology is released by ETs-----and controlled by ETs, not greedy humans. But no one wants to believe stuff like that, nevertheless, that is the way it is.
posted on 22/5/05 @ 16:36


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Originally posted by Annanuki GoddessI have never myself seen one (UFO)...that I can recall, but my father has seen them a number of times while living in Upstate New York. And it goes further back than just him. His Mother and Father have also seen them a number of times living in the same area. If it is true that it happens within generations...than could it be possible that I have witnessed them also, but do not recall it?

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Hi Annanuki Goddess From what I have seen it tends to run in families, my two children have no


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clue, yet I know they are involved. In my humble opinion it sounds like you are too----on a limited bases. Most people have no idea they have been abducted----some remember a little, others more----but never by accident.

Originally posted by Annanuki Goddess I have always looked up to the skies in complete wonder, and pondered how small we really are, before I should have been wondering the meaning of life (around 5 or 6 years of age). Then recently I woke up from sleeping with a start in the middle of the night, and the last thing I remember seeing before I awoke, was this face about a foot from my face and I knew as soon as I awoke that it was some type of alien, but thats it. I need to learn as much about this subject as possible. I don't know why I am so passionate about it, but it drives me day after day.

From what you state in that paragraph you have visited with ETs, and to confirm it they let you remember the little that you do. Another clue is your deep need to know or remember what you have experienced----while in space. Everyone loves to look at the stars----which has nothing to do with ET visitation, but those that have seen the stars from another perspective other than from earth have a strong desire to do so again.


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posted on 22/5/05 @ 20:48


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Originally posted by digorius Hello Sleeper, how about DNA. Our planet is a genetic pot at the end of the rainbow.

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digorius, Many ETs have thousands and millions of years on us-----dont you think that they could simply create or make any DNA they need? DNA is complex for us but not for them. They do manipulate our DNA----for us----they also use it on intermediate species----human/alien breeds----but I dont know much about it. Thanks for the information, you seem to know stuff I dont know about ---but then again I dont know a whole lot about ET.

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posted on 22/5/05 @ 22:03


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Originally posted by menguard Sleeper, What was it your wife saw that made her a believer?

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My wife was curious like most people about ETs, I told her they will scare the hell out of you----she didn't believe me, and was positive she could handle it----besides, she said how bad can they be, Will Smith kicked their butt in the movie Independence Day, and Sigourney Weaver handled that freaky alien in three episodes of Alien, very well. When people think ETs they use the only references they have which are from television, movies, and fiction novels. She got her wish and caught a glimpse of one in our living room one night. They were there for me and they decided to let her see one of them, knowing about her wish they granted it----shes been a firm believer since and does not want to meet any of them again. I never seen the women so frightened in my life, I though she was going to have a heart attack. Debunkers are going to say I played a thick on her----I didnt.

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Originally posted by menguard There are some alien races I believe to be very spiritual and some that seem to have there own agenda.Have you ever been in contact with the praying mantis aliens?Also you have said you went to other locations,did they have diifferent aliens there then the previous ones?

Praying mantis aliens, not aware of them. I have little recollection of the facial features of any of the ETs.



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posted on 22/5/05 @ 23:37


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy As a matter of interest, what does it mean when you get an inkling that they are coming?

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Hi, howmuchisthedoggy, They come mostly in the early morning hours-----I am usually awake in bed. When they enter the room my whole brain becomes electrically aware similar to a florescent bulb when placed in the vicinity of a high energy field----it picks up the energy and lights up, and a loud sound fills my ears---no one hears it but the intended----my wife sleeps right through it, they keep her sleeping. I have met them during daytime and they were garbed as humans and their energy field affects me---sometimes causing stomach cramps. They affect certain electrical things including my car when I took them places.

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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy How does one prepare themselves for that? How does one overcome that fear?

There is no preparing that I am aware of-----I have known them my whole life and they still scare the heck out of me, although, I also have comfortable encounters.

Do they come anyway and just erase the bad bits afterwards?

Yes, they can throw you off a sky skyscraper just for the experience (yours)----and then make it all better. Figuratively speaking.


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posted on 23/5/05 @ 09:13


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy By early morning hours, do you mean 1/2 a.m.? Just as you are drifting off? When you describe the brain lighting up, is it a similar experience to say, thinking the light has come on in the room while your eyes are closed with a whoosing noise? Followed by opening your eyes to find it is still actually dark in the room?

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Usually between 2-6 AM

Sounds like youve been there.

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posted on 23/5/05 @ 09:27


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Originally posted by menguardWell tell me sleeper is your family ready to beamed up yet?I know mine isn't not yet anyways.Theres truth to this post,thats why I found it ironic.

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menguard, My family likes terra firma, they dont like it when I occasionally bring up the subject around them----so I dont. It appears you remember the chase in detail but not the visit, which is common and possibly a good thing.

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Visiting with ETs is not always the adventure one finds in movies like Lost In Space. Sometimes they forget their manners.


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posted on 23/5/05 @ 09:57


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Digorius, You bring up some fascinating stuff about DNA.


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Perhaps instead of only 90% of it being in the spiritual realm why not one hundred percent? All matter is made of atoms-----atoms are further broken down into quarks----quarks into strings and strings are nothing but exotic energy vibrations. In other words matter is only an illusion that is a byproduct of spiritual reality.

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ETs have a handle on this phenomenon, they can materialize-----and spiritualize at will.


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posted on 23/5/05 @ 14:23


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Originally posted by Annanuki Goddess I would also like to share a dream I had about 2 or 3 years ago...A bunch of different people ( I do not know in my waking hours) and I were all scrambling to get out of this one hanger type building with all these different hallways. There was a large count down clock on every wall that I saw, a digital clock, and it was counting backwards very fast. We were all running and people were screaming, and we were trying to run to saftey, but from what I don't know. Then at the very end of the dream the clock runs down to zero and we all just hold our breath and close our eyes...then I woke up. Very strange. But the dream was one of those that felt as if it was no dream at all but really happening. I will never forget that dream for as long as I live because the feeling I got from it was of sheer panic and impending death if we did not get out of there before that clock went to zero. I would love to hear your thoughts on this also.

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Annanuki, I'm not a dream interpreter but perhaps it's a personal message to you that after death, we wake up to a new reality. Death is the number one concern that most everyone share-----when we wake from a dream we cease to exist in that dream world----we die and wake up. That's the same with this life, at death we wake up to another existence-----there is no true death-----only a continuous stream of life with many branches and realities.



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posted on 23/5/05 @ 15:53


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Originally posted by Jakko And this is why I usually don't take any "personal stories" regarding this subject serious, and why I do not believe any aliens have been even close to our solar system. It's always the weird, unproven, in bad english written, short posts that "witness" of the ufo-religion...

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Yeah, I know what you mean after Saturday moring cartoons it's all down hill from there.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 10:24


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Originally posted by Space_CowBoy33 i wonder if those effects are the same for the aliens. do their minds feel as though they have been drugged as well? i wonder if they have just become acustomed to it, or if they are affected at all.perhaps they are not affected at all, but when they spend too much time in our atmosphere, they become disoriented? just theorizing.

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Planet earth is ETs playground; humans are more alien to earth than ETs. They are not affected by placing cups of water around the house----they cannot be locked into a room-----nor can earthly germs harm them----they created the germs. Their minds are not affected by the earths environment at all -----however lots of humans are; allergies, colds and flu etc. ETs have been in their atmosphere here on earth eons before humans and are well adapted to it. ETs dont get sick, or disoriented.

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But then how would I know that? Maybe I am making it all up. Or the ETs have lied to me----you never know who to trust.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 13:11


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Originally posted by menguard what do you know about their technology?Like their electromagnetic pulsed crafts.

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Nothing, other than it seems to be some exotic magnetic wave system that can cloak and move through solid objects.

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And what about hand held weapons do they posess?They are scouts so maybe they posess hand held weapons.I mean they must encounter hostile territory somewhere in our universe.Geez imagine if you were to actually view an intergalactic war,this probaly makes our nukes look like grenades.They probaly have anti matter weapons that would do massive destruction if need be.

Alien ships have been shot down on this planet------since human technology cant do it that leaves other ETs. I havent seen any of their weapons, they dont need them against us ----and I dont think they (those other ETs) can use them on us. No doubt there are battles going on-----there are billions of solar systems in this galaxy which equate to hundreds of millions of highly advanced races-----chances are disputes happen.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 16:16


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Sorry that you had to stoop this low, perhaps youll get lucky and your friends wont see you on here-----so the least I can do is give you an answer. I know youll love it Drake is wrong-----way off the mark of reality-----and proof that a higher education may provide a better income-----but not necessarily wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. According to his equations we humans are very special and quite unique-------not---in this universe.

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posted on 24/5/05 @ 16:56


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Originally posted by CAPT PROTON Sleeper, I guess it would be safe to assume that all aliens who visit are more advanced than us, but not all aliens are equal to each other in terms of technological development. Therefore, would it be safe to assume that the Roswell greys were shot down by a more advanced race, so that we could recover the craft?

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CAPT PROTON, A better assumption is that they purposely crashed a few dumbed-down ships with lifelike androids----we wouldnt know the difference. But your theory has merit.

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They all probably saw us split the atom, and said hey look what they can do. Then the Greys might have come in for a closer look and fell victim to a sneaky idea from someone higher up on the food chain.

Oppenheimer, Fermi and others had ET playmates when they came up with their equations. Geniuses are not so stupid that they would tell anyone where they get their best ideas---otherwise they wouldnt be geniuses---would they?

As for the notion of continued life after death, I buy it. My mother is a very religious person and she's very much into the idea of halos and the Pearly Gates.


The standard idea for most people I guess. But a month after my grandfather died of emphysema, he came back for a short visit to her bedroom one night to say goodbye I guess, according to her. He said don't worry about me, I'm fine...but the message for her before he was gone was "It's not what you think." Which I think means forget the halos and Pearly Gates because its not anything like what most church people would like to believe or imagine. I told her he's just further down the road and we'll catch up with him later. Now, what he's doing, I have no idea, he didn't tell her. I guess he's not allowed or its too complicated.

Religion is a pacifier for many while they are on earth----it serves a purpose. The other side is not that much different than here-----for most. For those expecting to sit around playing the harp----its going to be a big shocker----people have jobs over there too------oh horror of horrors----unless you like staying busy, productive and creative----then it will be like heaven.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 17:03


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[edit on 24-5-2005 by sleeper]

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posted on 24/5/05 @ 17:59


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Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon But.. We can't use that logic along to prove that there are all these alien races


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either, as that logic can explain giant invisable onions as well. Really, We won't know until we find it and get proof. Making up your own reality isn't healthy, let's stay with ours.

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Which reality, the one that kept people believing for thousands of years that the earth was the center of the universe----like many still believe today. The one where for thousands of years everyone believed earth was flat? I know those analogies have been over used and apply to everything including grandmas secret cookie recipe, but they are hard to beat. You live in the world that makes sences to you----what else do you have to go on? Some people have more to go on----or different experiences-----and therefore their reality is changed. You cant project your reality to anyone else-----some people live sterile existences and wear the blinders prescribed by the particular society they happen to live in. There are six billion people on this planet----ETs have removed the blinders from a few million of those people. You may say that I am brainwashed or delusional-----however, Im not the one who believes trillions of solar systems are devoid of life-----I know better.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 19:00


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Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon People found that out by actually exploring, learning, and.. thinking. They didn't just say, My life has no wonder in it, I KNOW! I'll suddenly think there are all these alien races everywhere. Listen, I belive anything is possible, the universe is only what is known. Unknown is infinite, that's where wonder comes from. I don't take that unknown and suddenly transform it into the known from my own ideas. That would not only take out the wonder in life, it would close my mind and also make absolutley no sense.

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When an alien race come sover here, explains where they are from, etc.. or we get proof of them coming here or being out there, I won't assume they are here or even out there. I can understand the possibility, but as far as we can go on, I can only say there is a BIG chance of alien races out there. I stay mentaly healthy, understand the possibility of anything, but do not go on something from my own ideas as our combined reality. And tell people things I have no idea about.

I know that you think I am making all this up because my mom neglected me while I was growing up and I compensated by creating these imaginary friends. Well my life was not that bad, and my mother didnt neglect me. My life has always been fairly good, and sometimes great----so far I have been fairly lucky, if one wishes to use that word. I saw earth from space more than once-----not a dream, not an illusion. When I was very young some fifty years ago before the USSR and the US put people into orbit, before any television shows like Star Track, and many alien movies, and books-----I was running around a space ship with other children----I often looked out the ship and saw huge globes hanging in the darkness of space. I lived in a small village with no modern conveniences, televisions and radios and books of fiction didnt exist for us-----there is no way my mind could have created what I experience without having some reference----like tv, books and stories. My parents didnt and dont believe in ET, so they didnt tell me stories. And how would they have described a fantastical ship when the bicycle was our main form of transportation. To bad you cant push the envelop a bit and stretch your mind around stuff like that-----I guess youll have to wait until it happens to you before you can believe-----nothing wrong with that.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 22:57


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Originally posted by Annanuki Goddess The ET's job is not to make everyone believe in them? I mean free will is taught in almost all religions and ways of thinking in general, so free will lets one determine if you will believe this or not. I don't think they need all of us on this planet to believe in them...the message is out there for us to come to our own conclusions. They know that, and I think that is just fine with them. Just like not everyone believes in the same God or that there even is a God, the same is true with ETs. Just my humble opinion though...


-Annanuki Goddess-

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Annanuki, If ETs wanted full disclosure it would be easy for them to do it----they don't want that-----way to disruptive, instead they let it permeate out slowly through crop circles, abductions, movies, books, and people like me who seek lots of attention. Most will not believe----look how long it took to figure out that the earth moves around the sun and this planet is not flat----even though simple instruments and common sense could have disclosed those facts. Some people will believe-----not because they are easily fooled but because they know instinctively. Most will continue to graze on the same old sod because that's what everyone else is doing. And that's fine like you stated-----they will come around when they are ready----or not.


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posted on 24/5/05 @ 23:24


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Originally posted by Roper Howdy Sleeper, question, to see the aliens one must go to a dark place or out in the country, be alone in the early AM? Did I get that right? Why will this event scare me? Are they hideous? Roper

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Roper, What I was getting at was that if you want something bad enough you can make it happen, including an alien abduction. ETs can pick you up and even visit with you in Time Square in broad daylight if they wish-----without anyone seeing them except you. You don't need an ET to feel fear late at night in a dark forest alone by yourself with no weapons or flashlights. But if you can handle that for about a half hour or more you will have a tiny bit of an idea of what abductees feel when ETs pick them up.

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I don't know if they are hideous I don't recall exactly what they look like---but there is something about them that brings the fear of god to the surface. Perhaps they control the situation by projecting things into the mind---because they can make it a pleasant experience as well.


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posted on 25/5/05 @ 00:02


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

I wish they'd get a move on. I haven't had a decent nights sleep in ages. At least then they could email me and make an appointment...!!

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I hope you are not losing sleep because you are waiting on ET to visit. Our lives do not revolved around ETs. They do their jobs-----we have to do our jobs on terra firma. It's ok to believe in something but don't become obsessed with it------believe it or not I'm not obsessed with ETs-----I just put a little information out and it grew rapidly----much more than I expected.

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posted on 25/5/05 @ 01:15


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Originally posted by Dulcimer Sleeper, i have a simple question for you. If aliens are superior to us, and there are numerous races of aliens then somewhere down the line there are alien races superior to other alien races. So my question to you is, who do you think is at the top?

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Something has to create an alien.


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Well we have six billion people on earth-----by some estimates about two billion are Muslim, one billion Christians, and maybe another billion Buddhist that leaves two billion for everything else. More than three billion humans believe one god created everything. What came first the chicken or the egg-----Darwinist believe the egg came first, Creationist believe it was the chicken. Scientists believe the universe is about fourteen billion years old and came into existence in a split second----the Big Bang-----not much different then what the creationist believe. But the universe could easily be ten times older than that and much more----whos counting? If it is then it throws the big bang theory out the door. It's possible that the universe is not only infinite----but that it has always existed-----constantly remaking itself at the centers of galaxies and exploding stars. So in essence intelligent life could have existed for trillions upon trillions of earth years----which signifies absolutely nothing in the scheme of things. So that leaves only one conclusion of who the top dog is----its Hillary Clinton. There are ETs that will back me up on that.
posted on 25/5/05 @ 01:49


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Originally posted by saddestlandscape Sleeper, I've been reading this thread and am absoltely fascinated with what you have to say. I beleiv every word of it, and i think its incredible. I want to thank you for sharing your story with us. I have a question for you. Througout the last few pages there has been talk as to how aliens are trying to help us and stuff of the sort, would you say that the aliens are only trying to help us, or could they possibly have created us? I know thats a bit, out there, but I was just curious.

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The stuff that's "out there" is usually the good stuff----everything else is lame and plain. This planet is a nursery and we have yet to hatch from it. What we see as brilliant technology, and scientific breakthroughs----is nothing but Childs play compared to what exist in the real big galaxy we live in. We were planted here many eons ago----and nurtured by certain ETs.


However, the body is only one element----there is an everlasting soul plugged into each body-----so there are many levels of ETs involved in this process we call mankind.


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posted on 25/5/05 @ 22:12


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Originally posted by saddestlandscape Thats really interesting. Are you saying that the universe could have just simply existed? I have been thinking that lately. But there could be a top dog as well, but its all so hard to understand. The idea that the universe simply existed, which is what i feel you are hinting at, is very interesting. If this is so, do we really have a purpose after "hatching from this nursery"?

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The idea that the universe has always been is harder to swallow than the existence of one all powerful god----or that Ets are real, or that we are intelligent apes. We humans get comfortable with something and would rather die that give it up. The idea of a perpetual universe would throw monkey wrenches into many beliefs (religious and secular), overturning the whole concept of what matter is. What I mean by hatching is spreading out into the solar system, building cities on other planets, moons and in space. Eventually creating a mega complex of cities containing billions of people. The purpose of humanity is to design and build the extraterrestrial structures and in so doing add exponentially to our collective knowledge as we discover and work with new and exotic materials found on the other planets. Humans are individual cells creating a bigger self, like cells that multiply and fill-in the cranium of a human brain. Thousands of years from now the solar system will be glowing with human activity----and a greater range of intelligence.


We will then be closer to understanding our origins and what it is that pulls the strings. There is no death----and some come back to this place, others will remain in the spiritual sector----and continue their work from there----some become other types of beings working in this solar system or one of the trillions of others.


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posted on 26/5/05 @ 00:45


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Originally posted by lmt_student75 Ok Sleeper, First off thanks for sharing your experience. Stepping back to your time(s)that you have left Earth and on the ship. I am curious to know the impact on your body. We are all aware of the chemical reacations that occur in our body are constantly changing so how did your metabolism feel after the voyage? How did your body feel? How did ET compensate for your cellular activity? Did your stool look any different when you got home? (not trying to be funny) I am just trying to figure out how things impacted you anatomically and physiogically. I think the mental, emotional etc etc has been covered nicely with the prior posts. LMT Student

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As you know here on earth metabolism is nonstop to meet the demands of mind and body 24/7. But in space----inside ETs ship things are different-----the body and the mind require a fraction of the energy-----and that fraction seems to be met from the glow of energy radiated by the ship. Going into the ship is physiologically easier on the system than leaving. There is a difference----adjusting to the gravity and the metabolism going from near hibernation back up to full speed creates a drain on energy----but its usually of short duration----however there were times I felt like I worked in the coal mines for a couple of shifts. There is a noticeable difference in the bodily products.


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posted on 27/5/05 @ 09:36


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Originally posted by menguard Sleeper, Do the alien crafts have a gravity device in them?Did you float around while up there in space?Did the speed move so fast like you weren't moving at all?Did your body age or become more ageless?Well buddy thats it for questions for now, but there is always another day.

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I never floated, nor was I aware of a gravitational pull. There is no up, down or sideways in space but there is a sense of equilibrium, standing up and walking is the same as if you are on earth-----less any fatigue, so the gravity or whatever force that keeps you from bouncing about the ship hardly taxes the muscles. There was no sensation of moving when the ship beamed around at neckbreak speeds-----there are no harnesses that I was aware of-----I wasn't strapped into a seat-----I never saw a seat-----perhaps they take them out only for the VIPs. I'm thinking that since there is little if any wear-and-tear on the body while in the ship that the ageing process is suspended during those moments, hours, or days with ET.


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posted on 27/5/05 @ 13:28


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Originally posted by EnlightenedOne Hi, sleeper I believe your story, but you seem like you think these aliens are God , sorry to bring religion up on here but ive been christian for a long time but then i always had that feeling that there are things (infinitely) more than what we see i think i have had contact because whenever i see a picture of one i remember strange experiences i've never had and I get stomach cramps.

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EnlightenedOne, I dont think aliens are god-----I know they are not. They never claimed to me that they are. Humans did not create religion ETs did-----religion has many purposes----it lets people know there is something bigger that them and this earthly existence. It helps focus groups of people----creating community and purpose. Those who practice religion tend to be proactive with those who share their beliefs. Religion tends to make people more generous and sometimes more tolerant of others. They are less likely to engage in criminal activity; instead they tend to be a positive influence in their community, The power of religion has also been abused because a large army of like minded followers can quickly be activated-----most wars are of a religious nature. There is a higher power but contrary to the beliefs of every religious organization it is not exclusive to any of them. ETs created religion as temporary godheads to give direction and meaning to uncivilized man-----worship and discipline were and are necessary evils for some people. However----the real Supreme Being or Beings dont require worship of any kind----worship and prayers are strictly for the devotees benefit-----when it makes them feel good. The higher powers hear everyones cries, requests, desires----and always act on them----sometimes not in a way that the requester anticipated---thats why they say be careful what you ask for.

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Originally posted by EnlightenedOne I've found something about islam and after I read about it i decided to read the Quran and everything clicked i understand the ways of the universe, I consistually learn more things everyday whenever i wonder about anything I just start to know its pretty weird.

You are free to choose any path to enlightenment you wish, they all lead to the same place. Evil done for any reason leads to the same place also-----not to everlasting


damnation as some wish to believe----but everything will be made right----the easy way or the hard way.


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posted on 27/5/05 @ 17:48


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Originally posted by Annanuki Goddess

UFO sighting

Sleeper...what do you make of this? Your opinion is wanted. Thank you.

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Annanuki, There are presently thousands of ETs over many cities are some going to show themselves next week in Las Vegas-----we will know next week.
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Anyone can ask for an alien contact and sometimes get it-----what is unusual is that this guy is getting ETs to show UFOs to others. The video is convincing------but there have been many UFO sightings with hundreds of witnesses in the past-----nothing new about that. As so many have pointed out on this board sightings prove nothing----they want the meat and potatoes before they will believe-----ETs have to land and come out and ask someone to take them to their leader. If that's about to happen I have been left out of the loop, darn!


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posted on 27/5/05 @ 19:11


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Originally posted by EnlightenedOne I feel as if i'm being watched while im alone sometimes it gets unbearable and


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when i see pictures of grey i get stomach cramps and other feelings , how can we tell them not to send the programmers(androids) and ask them to come instead?

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[edit on 27-5-2005 by EnlightenedOne]

ETs and their machines will not hurt you----that's not their purpose. If you are evil or have done something bad then you will have to make amends---if not don't worry about them-----they may be there to protect you.
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If you have done something wrong and wish to change your ways they can help you get the encouragement you need without face to face contact. They hear every thought you have and you can communicate your wishes to them that way. Bottom line go about you daily business and don't worry----they will do whatever job it is they have to do----and you don't have to be aware of it. Because of the nature of what they are-----humans have a natural fear of them-----"fear not" because there is nothing to fear.


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posted on 27/5/05 @ 23:28


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Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon Is there anything I can do to make them make themselves noticed by me, not at night though. I have a enough trouble getting to sleep as it is. Just so they can acknowledge me?

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ETs are not here to entertain us that is why most abductees don't remember much-----there is nothing good to remember in many encounters.
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You don't have to do anything for them to notice you they know who you are and deal with you according to whatever reason they are in contact with you. They make the call on how much you will remember----if you remember little or nothing-----then that's for your own good.


Any concerns or requests you have---they know about-----forcing an encounter can be a double edge sword------you know without a doubt they are real but the encounter may not be a positive one and you might even beg them to erase it. Why are some encounters so bad-----because they might show you something about yourself-----you would rather not know. ETs are not going to make themselves known to the general population of earth anytime soon----unless there are major earth changes in the works like natural or economic catastrophe. Short of that worldwide contact is not going to happen-----it's nowhere nears time for them to come out.


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posted on 28/5/05 @ 01:50


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy Since I started reading your thread I have found myself less and less scared. Also the night visits have been gaining in intensity. Just three days ago after we had talked about the lights and the sounds you had mentioned I had the most intense exprience yet. It is hard to put into words. I asked you about the anxiety felt before a visit is due. Since last week a new factor has been added. I keep getting the thought of "Is it okay to come?" "Are you okay?" running repeatedly through my head. Don't know if you could shed some light on that. I am feeling less and less like lashing out as I used to, but it isn't helping me get any sleep!!!

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They have on interest in you that which only they know what that is, however, it may not be necessary for you to remember what and why they have this connection with you. They always work behind the scenes----in a few cases they will gradually let you remember things----but it can be a slow and long process-----they are extremely different than us-----their appearance----the energy they emit----they talk into your mind------they know your thoughts-----there is no causal conversation-----as we humans are use to. They may sense that you really want to remember more and are conditioning you for that eventuality----assuming it is they that are putting those ideas in your head and not you. Nevertheless, no need to lose sleep, there is nothing you can do about them----they cant and will not harm you.


In the mean time enjoy life, dont fret over anything -----most people forget to take advantage of the things we can control.


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posted on 26/7/05 @ 13:21


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Only an infant mind can believe ETs don't exist. Billions of planetary systems equal billions of inhabited planets. Inhabited not by microbes but by people like us----some less advanced and some far far more advanced. Wake up little children.

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posted on 26/7/05 @ 16:42


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TrueAmerican, Thank you very much!

I dont appreciate when others plagiarize so I dont. I do not read science fiction books. My experiences are real. I understand that it is difficult if not impossible to believe that Extraterrestrials are here without being able to see them----but the true mystery is not why many dont know about them, instead it is why so many do. BTW most that know about ET will never admit to it.

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[edit on 26-7-2005 by sleeper]


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posted on 27/7/05 @ 09:44


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Originally posted by warthog911 Considering after 9\11,iraq war,tsunami dont you think tht ET's should show themselves

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ETs show themselves every single day, they are in constant contact with certain people on this planet in an advisory capacity. However, most dont know they are dealing with ETs.

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and also you worked for the mil so what did the mil think about the bible revelations?


The military is a big community of people with the same mixture of religious beliefs as the civilian world. Thats true with the top brass. Some believe as you do that Armageddon is just around the corner, others dont know what to believe-----but those that know and deal with ETs are the most confused of all. Its like being in a lions den with no weapons for defense. These lions (ETs) can consume us in seconds should they wish to but that is not why they are here. There is no end time, no Armageddon as talked about in the bible and other ancient literature with world wide destruction. However, there will be a major shift in technology and standard of living as we gear up to meet the challenges of space travel. Most people will not even notice, so for those waiting for the big change or revolution or to be taken into the sky by a savior-----is not going to happen. BTW lots of people have been taken into the sky in ships---its been going on for thousands of years. The trip usually doesnt last long and they bring you back.


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posted on 27/7/05 @ 20:52


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Hi yeahright, Once upon a time there was a blue planet third rock from the sun and all


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of its people believed they were at the center of the universe, and why not the sun (star) circled their fair planet once every day, surely that meant that the gods favored them out of all the other star systems. Now one would think that was a fairytale yet it was what the average person believed for eons. Now days we know that the sun is stationary yet we still believe we are at the center of the universe----millions still believe that the gods have favored us above the rest of the billion times billions of star systems out there, left them all empty and void except for ours. What sounds like a fairytale is in fact a true story----most people really believe that. Oh there are many that are willing to believe that there is a possibility that some of those planets have microbes and other inferior life forms but drawing the line at intelligent life like us or superior. This thread is about aliens from space that have traveled billions of miles in fantastic machines and they have been doing it for thousands of years and will be doing it for thousands of years to come. They do this without human approval because they were here first and they are infinitely more complex than humans----an adult does not need to ask his five year old child permission to do anything----can such a child give any usable advice to the adult? The child depends completely on the adult----without ever understanding anything about that adult. And thats no fairytale!

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posted on 29/7/05 @ 20:20


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Originally posted by wangho

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It sounds like you are speaking about your experiences with one type of alien on behalf of all the different aliens. Maybe you are programmed or led to beleive that they don't make mistakes and that they are god-like. Maybe Clifford Stone was programmed by the aliens to believe in 57 different manifestations and was made to beleive that they do make mistakes. which is how aliens were captured and ships recovered and studied. Maybe he ir right in his testimony, maybe you are right in your testimony. Who fu**ing knows!?

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Let me put it this way----I know there are thousands of aliens coming and going, and living on this planet---lots of people know.


What are the odds that nothing is ever found by the civilian population--litter, UFO parts and alien bodies? Nothing is found because they make no mistakes. Ships and aliens or most likely androids from crashed ET vehicles that are in possession of various governments and their militaries are planted for the purpose of the awaking process mankind is undergoing. I dont know how many alien species there are visi ting this planet and I doubt anyone knows----four to five hundred billion star systems in this galaxy equates to countless possibilities. Nevertheless, its a big puzzle and the pieces are highly dispersed among the population----the awaking process is slow and drawn out, so that a kink in the program doesnt form and throw everything off kilter.


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posted on 30/7/05 @ 09:36


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Originally posted by YoungN I had an encounter with an alien once, granted it was through the tv. I felt an emotion connection with the alien, I forgot the movie..but yeah, I had dreams for days after seeing the movie.

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Perhaps you should turn off the tv and go outside every now and then. People that believe we are alone in the universe need to see a psychiatrist. Then again lots of psychiatrists believe we are alone in the universe----that fact alone should tell you something.

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posted on 30/7/05 @ 11:15


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Originally posted by yeahright I'm still a big-time skeptic but you have me convinced you believe. Not sure what value there is in that for you, but there you go. Hang in there.


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yeahright, Its understandable that some people need proof of things unseen. But much of what millions of people accept with little hesitation, natural selection (Darwinism), has no proof.

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Darwin had many good ideas about the origins of life yet he never came up with proof. To this day none of what he espoused, theorized and believed strongly towards----is provable, although much of it makes sense. His lack of proof doesnt receive the same criticism from the scientific community that other disciplines and philosophies seem to garner. Nevertheless, unlike religion and its secular counterpart (Darwinism) both pretty much based on conjecture, thousands of people have experienced extraterrestrial contact----real physical contact----yet those who havent experience this physical contact refuse to believe them. How can one prove they hugged their child last week, the hugging can be recreated but that does not prove you hugged your child last week----can we take the childs word for it? How do we know that the child wasnt having the same delusion----perhaps their deep need for a hug is behind this delusion? Not believing in something because one lacks personal experience is not rational. If that concept was applied across the board there would be few things left to believe in. Just a thought


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posted on 30/7/05 @ 12:10


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Originally posted by GREGNOW SLEEPER, you say that they can't and will not harm people, yet there are numerous reports of people saying that expirements were performed on them that caused them pain. not to mention that these people are taken against there own free will. So what is that supposed to mean?

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Much of the pain comes from the horrendous fear triggered by the mighty strange alien encounter. That fear intensifies the whole experience----the slightest touch or movement around the person is cause for alarm and panic. In the midst of the terror one can create all kinds of horrific scenarios. It also depends on who is doing the abducting and for what purpose----but the vast majority of those taken are retuned in the same physical condition as they were before the encounter. Some will be better off, perhaps leave with a slight improvement to their DNA or a physical ailment repaired. Other than a slight skin blemish on a few abductees little other evidence of the abduction remains.


also since they know everything about us, then why are there so many people out there that WANT to meet and be taken by ET's , yet it almost always seems that the ET's take people who do not want to be taken or know nothing about ET's? Again against free will.

Those that want to meet ETs have the glamorized version in their minds---Star Trek and space travel in fantastic ships by entities that have figured it all out---utopia. Which is all true---fantastic trips for some, and the ETs do live in utopia compared to us. Regretfully they are not here to provide joy rides to the inhabitants of earth, although for some that is one of the benefits of the encounters. ETs have jobs to do, complex jobs which include taking people against their will. Only in a few democratic societies do humans have the illusion of rights----in the rest of the world no such fantasy exists, apparently ETs dont follow that line of thinking either.


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posted on 31/7/05 @ 17:02


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Originally posted by GREGNOW Ok, then what is this "job" they have to do?


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Since they are illegals and have no work visas they could get into big trouble if I tell.

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posted on 31/7/05 @ 17:31


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Originally posted by GREGNOW Either that or you just don't have an answer which is more what i think. If you know so much , why are you on this site talking about it? why not go get yourself proven sane and then tell your story to people that can actually make your story known to the masses?

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The level of skepticism on this UFO board tells me that the general public is not ready or interested in knowing what is going on. People live in a cozy bubble and have no real need to leave that make-believe world.
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Can anyone really be proven sane? Or for that matter insane? I have attempted to get my story out----no one is interested. So I post bits and pieces on this thread. The nearer the truth I get the more preposterous it sounds so I keep it toned down and somewhat believable----still few believe.



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posted on 31/7/05 @ 18:04


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Originally posted by akilles This is not a UFO board, it s a conspiracy board. And did you know, there are possible explanations for UFOs that do not include the existence of aliens with physical bodies, AKA the precious Grey hoax.


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Try think in terms of non-human intelligence, and non-physical entities. Should get you back to waking up there. Its not misfounded skepticism.

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I don't speculate or conjecture about extraterrestrials, I know they are real, and are here. Because you don't know does not negate the fact that they are real. You can go ahead and believe we are the center of the universe if you wish---you have lots of company.


posted on 1/8/05 @ 19:29


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Originally posted by yeahright Just so we're clear, we are in about 90% agreement. And I'll submit I could be wrong about the other 10%. Is it possible that you experienced everything you experienced and there was no extraterrestrial involvement? That a government with fantastic secret technologies and virtually unlimited resources could have pulled this off and "allowed" you to come forward to share what you believe to be alien interaction? I'm not being accusatory, I'm just asking. And I'm still interested in whatever you have to relate. And to further clarify, I'm not suggesting it must be either "A" or "B". I'm open to the possibility that there may be extraterrestrial activity AND governmental/powers-that-be efforts to fake same.

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Not a chance. While in Italy during my early years of life, post WW2, I was in ships that flew into space in a blink of an eye and I saw earth and the other planets from these ships----looking through portholes. Those were my first experiences----Italy was like a Third World country at the time, devastated by war----the village I lived in had no radios, televisions, or any concepts of space travel----bicycles and horses were the main form of transportation. Years later in American I was in the military in the early seventies----I was privy to much of the leading edge technology we had, ----the SR-71 spyplane used for reconnaissance over Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, and the USSR was secret and leading edge technology at the time----the general public wouldnt know of it for many years after the war was over. The SR-71 was a toy in comparison to what I was flying in back in the early nineteen fifties, many years before the SR-71 was even on the drawing board. I was able to compare our American technology with alien technology while in the service----how can I put it---ours tinker toys, theirs pure magic---no comparison---not even close, not in the ballpark, we are infants they


are Einsteins times a thousand. Even our Sci-Fi stuff like Star Trek is embarrassingly insignificant in comparison. They have thousands if not millions of years advantage over us----the us military and the secret governments are afraid of these ETs and their magic machinery. Like I said in my earlier post the nearer I get to telling the truth the more bizarre it sounds and the more people that will think me nuts----so how the heck do I tell my story and make it believable short of dragging an extraterrestrial out into public? So I tell my story for those who are interested in knowing the fantastic possibilities that are out there----no one has to believe it, but its true.


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posted on 2/8/05 @ 00:42


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Originally posted by yeahright 1) I won't call you 'nuts'. 2) I'm interested. I appreciate your willingness to be forthcoming. Nobody knows who you are anyway, so I'd advise you to not take anything personally. Obviously, I have my own theories. I'm trying to be open-minded enough to not discount out of hand those things that don't support my theory. The big problem is that virtually all the available evidence supporting a definite EBE presence is anecdotal, so we're left with attempting to somehow make a judgement call about the person relating the story. Is it a fifteen year old kid with a vivid imagination, or a lonely middle aged guy with an attention jones, or someone with a serious mental issue, or The Real Deal? You've got my attention...

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What if I was to ask the ETs for the cure of major illnesses, and they gave it to me and I posted it on this thread----once verified I would be considered a genius, a god, or possibly that I was telling the truth about aliens. The ETs know the cure for everything that ails us, they could make everything right on this planet with little effort----why dont they? What would a sudden cure for cancer and other diseases do to out economy? Countless billions of dollars are spent researching these plagues in the US alone---trillions more throughout the world.


Thousands of scientist, lab assistants, nurses, doctors, janitors, would be out of work. Hospitals, pharmaceuticals, supporting industries would go bankrupt. The domino effect would take down home builders, bankers, and the slew of industry that supports them. Any major and abrupt change on our planet would be devastating. If one alien ship showed itself and made it known that extraterrestrials are real earth would be doomed. It would be as if God showed up----everyone would expect Got to take care of their every need----and God better get to it or the whole shebang will go down the tubes very quickly. I lot of people have to show up for work so that six billion people dont starve to death. That is why proof is not forthcoming. My account (all true) and those of others are harmless because the vast majority will remain unconvinced---as it should be. However, these stories serve a purpose as do movies and books of extraterrestrials regardless of how far off the mark they might be. Only a few people at a time need to become aware of what is really going on in this big fat universe, that way there wont be any major disruptions.


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 20:56


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Originally posted by akilles This is not a UFO board, it s a conspiracy board. And did you know, there are possible explanations for UFOs that do not include the existence of aliens with physical bodies, AKA the precious Grey hoax. Try think in terms of non-human intelligence, and non-physical entities. Should get you back to waking up there. Its not misfounded skepticism.

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You might be on to something, I don't go to the mall often but was at one the other day----full of alien looking creatures----disguised as funny looking humans, or maybe they were human---it woke me up! Thanks



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posted on 5/1/06 @ 22:10


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Originally posted by MagicPriest420 Has our government asked any ET's to deliver us a cure for aids?

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The governments of the world are like children at the candy counter asking for anything they can get.

Why would the most powerful men in the world.. Want to lose there superiorty over society?
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The most powerful men are not that powerful, they die, get sick, and have heart-attacks and strokes---power is fleeting and non-existent.

There is to much for "us" to gain.. And even more for "them" to lose..

Thats an illusion, everyone is here to learn something, no one is better off then anyone else

Btw...our government is controlled secretly by negative aliens...

All extraterrestrials are under one authority (Im not talking religion) good cop/bad cop

All the other aliens in our galaxy know this..



They know ,if they gave us the cures.. That the N.A's will misuse the treatments.. Before you can fix the problem.. You need to know what the problem really is!

The ETs in charge of this planet have a mandate, and they are carrying it out


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 22:57


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Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face.

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When Michael Jackson read this, he assumed extraterrestrials where not real.

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I saw Michael Jackson on MIB, his nose has nothing to do with anything, his face is melting. He really is a closet extraterrestrial.


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 23:14


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Originally posted by nullster People have no faith or trust in mankind so they pin all their hopes on altrustic creature or beings to fix all that ails us. It doesn't matter that there is not one shred of evidence beyond anecdotal stories to support an almost zealous beliefs. By pegging the hopes on aliens for righting wrongs and fixing problems this looks more like an excused resignation to accept that nothing really can be done. So it


will be their (Aliens) fault for allowing it to happen.

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Aliens are not a religion or a faith. People should learn to stop treating them as if they are.

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Nevertheless without extraterrestrials humans are nothing. The difference between humans and ET is that ET needs not to have recognition----they do everything while keeping themselves hidden in the background. Why then don't they fix all the problems?----answer---they have fixed many problems millions of them---look at human history---look at today---big difference. How long does it take us to fix our personal problems? The world is a big and complex place and problems are being fixed at the appropriate pace.


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 23:22


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Originally posted by lensphlere

So Sleeper...... do you believe that when capitalism finally collapses, and a peoples socialist society begins to rise from the chaos.... when resources are finally shared, when class structures and poverty are understood as VIOLENCE.... then will the aliens show?

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Capitalism is not going to collapse; resources are created as they are needed by industrialized and free countries. ET doesnt need to show themselves openly, they haven't for thousands of years. However, they have contact with thousands of people every day----those people don't talk about it.


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 23:30


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Originally posted by magnito_student Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by Frith While there is little here to give your story veracity, can you go into any more detail on what you personally have seen and know about ETs and their vehicles? Also, how could anything be "imaginary" inside a UFO? Wouldn't everything inside be real? Why would ETs put fakery in their own vehicles? To amuse themselves? [edit on 10-4-2005 by Frith]

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Perhaps everything is real, but while inside the ship the atmosphere is like a drug induced experience and difficult to differentiate between reality and imaginary. The minute you step out of the craft the mind goes back to normal.

Perhaps the surreal effect is caused by the massive emfs produced by these crafts

Emf is very strong but there are other factors, the human senses are much more keen and we humans are not use to keen senses, which creates confusion as the brain is bombarded with new information.


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posted on 5/1/06 @ 23:42


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Originally posted by BRCMontana Originally posted by sleeper The ETs in charge of this planet have a mandate, and they are carrying it out

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What is this mandate?


By all means, spill your guts. Tell us on this board every fact and detail you know, no matter how miniscule.
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Just like the Ghostbusters, We're ready to believe you!

The mandate involves each sovereign country and each country has their own unique challenges and requirements, the mandate can also involved individuals and their problems or inner needs----but they only facilitate people that know what they need to make the next step----there are six or so billion people on this planet---ET is busy


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posted on 6/1/06 @ 00:04


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Originally posted by magnito_student

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Makes sense. We are use to operating only at certain limited levels and anything like that introduced im sure sets off all kinds of visual and auditory experiences. Perhaps the pharm companies are trying to rewire the human to where they can operate more on their(aliens) level. More so than not rewiring the chemistry. As far as them taking over....whos to say they havent been in control all along.

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The pharmaceuticals are like every other industry, they make good stuff and bad stuff but in the long run humans move forward----ever so slowly, except for the last 100 years where we had a spurt. No one wants to admit that ET has been in control, not even those that know ET is real and been around for sometime.


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posted on 6/1/06 @ 21:48


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Originally posted by Im a true sceptic life elsewhere is probable - i say this purly on the maths, so many galaxys, so


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many suns.. some must have the right chemistry. But thats not to say its anything like people expect alien life to resemble. Can you support your claims with some evidence?? a photo, a video?

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It is forbidden to show evidence----not a copout, its just the way it is, but I do have a stone, its a meteorite that was given to me many years ago when I was younger. I even tried to break it open to see what was inside it when I had one to many drinks, again many years ago. Obviously the stone is not proof of anything, meteorites are everywhere but they never told me if its from this planet or some other planet or moon---or other star system. I'm sure I will get lots of flack for posting that I have a meteorite from an extraterrestrial but ET would not let me video tape or take pictures of their ship So bring on the laughs and snickers


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posted on 7/1/06 @ 00:41


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Originally posted by damefool sleeper, indeed your thread really answers alot of my questions. But I would really like to know the answer to the ulitmate question. What are we and why are we here, what purpose does it serves for the aliens to aid us during our changes?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Its best that most don't remember who they are and why they are here, for one that information would detract and add nothing to this experience.
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Without the aid of ET there would be no escape from this planet, no moving forward, no advancement in technology and no hope for mankind, earth would be a dead zone. Humans helping humans is like the blind leading the blind, yet few people understand that or are aware of that reality. The vast majority need not know any different that's the way ET wants it



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posted on 7/1/06 @ 10:05


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Originally posted by SirDomino SLEEPER, I am curious if the plant, Salvia Divinorum, helps the human mind connect with aliens and allows contact on many levels? From my research, the herb, Salvia Divinorum, seems to bring the human soul or spirit or mind to a level that allows them to travel throughout the multidimensional realities of the universe instantly to experience many things. One of the many things that people state during Salvia Divinorum "trips" is the essence of visiting alien worlds and meeting alien beings. I am curious what your thoughts on this are? Also, has anyone had similar experiences with Salvia Divinorum?

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This is the first time I have heard of Salvia Divirorum it sounds like LSD---never tried that either. If you are asking if I take drugs----I do----an aspirin once in a while, and I have a glass of wine with my meals---one glass.


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posted on 7/1/06 @ 10:34


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Originally posted by chiS2000

Sleeper, if you're for real, please give us something tangible to go on. Even if 10% of this sh** is true, you're talking about changing people's entire world. [edit on 1/7/2006 by chiS2000]

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100% is true, but there is no chance that the apple cart is going to get over turned any time soon.
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Most people are locked into their illusions----however----ever so slowly, ET unlocks the minds of thousands of people, and these people suddenly notice that there are billions of stars in the night sky, and their curiosity begins to unfold. How many people do you know----need or want their view of the world to come to an end? No one is going to be dragged "kicking and screaming" into another reality---into the truth of what life really is about. Proof would shatter the illusions of this world for all----but all are not ready for the next big step.


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 00:50


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Originally posted by rydhr sleeper, very exciting read! I was curious about the et's reproduction. since they are much more advanced than us, do they reproduce like we do or do they concieve by scientific methods?

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As I was typing the answer my mind went blank, it was clear and then it was gone. So I will have to wing it, the ETs that are here, the ones that make contact with humans are strictly business and show no signs of gender. There are alien tourist but they don't have any contact with humans that I know of. The aliens that are in human uniforms hav e bodies that are anatomically correct but whether they function or are sterile I don't know, my feeling is they are sterile. How they procreated on their planets is a blank However they do have facilities in our solar system that house hybrids, many of them, but these hybrids are not for this planet or for this solar system.

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posted on 8/1/06 @ 01:03


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Originally posted by Hal9000 Originally posted by sleeper It is forbidden to show evidence----not a copout, its just the way it is, but I do have a stone, its a meteorite that was given to me many years ago when I was younger. I even tried to break it open to see what was inside it when I had one to many drinks, again many years ago. (trimmed quote) I'm sure I will get lots of flack for posting that I have a meteorite from an extraterrestrial but ET would not let me video tape or take pictures of their ship

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Hey sleeper, remember me? Seeing as how this thread was revived with questions of your credibility, maybe you could take a picture of this meteorite and post it. Surely, that is not too difficult.

Yes I remember you Hal, how have you been? I will have to go dig that rock out of the basement; its buried under some of my other space junk paraphernalia stuff---ha--ha And I will post it tonight or tomorrow


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 01:58


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[edit on 8-1-2006 by sleeper] [edit on 8-1-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 02:59


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Originally posted by Hal9000 sleeper, thanks for posting the pictures. Are those pictures of three different rocks? The shape looks different in each photo. Not that I am saying this validates anything, but why have you waited all this time before providing any evidence to your claims? I will comment more later on these photos.

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Hal, it's one rock, and I didn't post it as evidence or proof----I don't have a picture of ET handing it to me, and even if I did who would believe it?


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 12:45


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Originally posted by Im a true sceptic


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hehehe - how many times have i read this stuff before... those rocks look like just garden stones.

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Most people wouldn't know a diamond if it weren't polished and in a display case at a jewelry store.


What is your expertise in rocks? Are you a gardener? Or is your BS or masters degree in "true skepticism". It doesn't take much education to be a skeptic; even a child can be one. If you are an archeologist then say so and tell us what kind of rock that is.


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 13:21


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Originally posted by Klepto Q1. is it cold to the touch and does it absorb heat from your hand thus warming the 'rock'?

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The rock is cold and hard, it is 2 inches by 2 inches. Weighs about a pound

Q2. Did you ask for this rock or not? If not, then why give you it if you aren't to have any proof to show the masses?
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I dont remember if I asked for it. If they wanted me to present proof they would have given me something more believable, a rock is a rock even if its from another planet or solar system. I have said several times that this rock is not proof of anything; its only part of my story. ET is not interested in proving themselves to the masses, if they were they surely wouldnt need humans like me to do it for them.


posted on 8/1/06 @ 17:40


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Originally posted by Hal9000

That yellow colored mineral looks strange though, and I don't see any other meteorites with the same color. It could be due to some oxidation from a mineral. If I were you I would have it checked out, it may be unique and valuable.

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Nice pics.

Hal thanks for the info.

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Ive had that rock for a long time and I never gave it much thought until last week, that's why I haven't brought it up before.


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 18:27


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Originally posted by SirDomino Sleeper, You say the aliens follow 'rules' of some sort (Except for the OutLaws I guess), with these rules, are there any 'rights' that we as humans have? Or are we just considered 'animals' to them in a sense?

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Humans have a soul, the animal part----the body is only a vehicle, nevertheless because of the soul every human has immeasurable value. People in prison have immeasurable value also yet they are not treated well---they believe and in many cases its true. Our situations whether bad or good is not a statement by ET that we are nothing but animals or commodities. However, our lives are not accidents, or coincidences, everything we go through or experience on this planet has a purpose.



Also, how does one attract the attention of the ET's in regards to one being exception spiritually or in intelligence? I mean what causes an ET to decide who to 'abduct' and reveal things unto, and those to avoid?

ETs are not attracted to our personal spirituality, intelligence or good looks---ET works with everyone on some level. Most people dont need to understand what makes the engine in a car operate---to operate a car---ET works in a similar way---ET is the engine that makes thing go---hidden underneath the hood.

I know I have a lot of health problems myself, wish they could fix me up since I have no real healthcare/insurance.

Doctors have a purpose but they are only one small part of the equation to good health. America with its state of the are health industry has more sick people than Third World countries. Therefore the best health care is not the total solution. Extraterrestrials dont have doctors and hospitals as we do on earth. They dont get sick or ill, their bodies and minds fix things before they break. Accidents are practically non existent for ET Human minds are equipped to fix many things that ail mankind----the human mind is designed to fix anything and some day when people realize the power that resides in their head health care will be obsolete----the vast majority is not there yet----but many are. But you never know, maybe ET will sneak in when you are not looking and fix you up. It happens all the time.


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 21:31


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Originally posted by SirDomino So, the ETs basically are so advanced in technologies that they have conquered the spiritual realms? It sounds like they are guiding the evolution and growth of our spirits/souls through reincarnation, from what you have stated earlier.

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The physical realm is an illusion and is only an extension of the spiritual realm. Everything is spiritual or plain energy. Considering that the universe is without beginning and will never end---and that souls have the same inextinguishable qualities reincarnation is a vehicle for many kinds of adventures---learning, vacation, growth, punishment, reward and a gamut of other motives.

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also, do you have any idea what type of religion the ETs ascribe to? Or what their philosophy of life and the universe is?

Religion has its purposes on earth----community----extended family----and many other things but not for war as many speculate. Religion as humans know it doesnt exist at higher levels, the level where ET resides. Philosophy is for those who can only guess about life and the universe----ET knows everything

Do they believe in a Multi-dimensional reality in regards to copies of us in parallel universes/etc living out other probable lives?

I dont know

I know you have stated that it is like 'pixy dust' in a sense due to just how advanced their technology is. And Understanding it at our level is nearly impossible.

We dont understand their technology because when we are placed into this planet those memories are erased for the duration of life while here.

In regards to our minds healing ourselves, is this done on a physical chemical level? Or is it done on a spiritual/reality altering level? I am guessing when you say there are some that have the ability you are talking about the faith/psychic healers? Also, what is stopping most of us from utilizing this? is it evolutionary or is it more or less a state of mind?

Since there really isnt any physical---everything we accomplish is through our spiritual energy----the soul can tap into a vast energy source----some people like to call it god. Everyone has the ability to tap into that energy----most deign it for a multitude of reasons Some faith/psychic healers have discovered it


I think we can all agree that the state of mind is more than half the battle to any achievement.


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posted on 8/1/06 @ 21:49


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Originally posted by SirDomino Originally posted by sleeper The physical realm is an illusion and is only an extension of the spiritual realm. Everything is spiritual or plain energy. Considering that the universe is without beginning and will never end----and that souls have the same inextinguishable qualities reincarnation is a vehicle for many kinds of adventures---learning, vacation, growth, punishment, reward and a gamut of other motives.

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So are you saying that the Physical World is a form of Technology? Almost "Matrix" like that was created/manifested from the spiritual realms to create a type of 'university' in the physical where we can live, learn, experience, and 'play' the game of life and then return? if that is true, then the ETs and UFOs we see in the physical are nothing more then 'vehicles' for them to interact with the physical world. With that said, does that mean that we are equal with the ETs on a spiritual level or are in fact ETs ourselves, one consciousness, one energy? And that we take turns "playing" and learning in the game of life and when we die we take a different 'role' in the game either in the spiritual or physical realm somewhere in the 'game universe' of sorts? Again I thank you for taking the time out to answer all my questions. I hope you aren't developing carpal tunnel from all the typing. If so, hopefully the ETs can fix that for ya. [edit on 8-1-2006 by SirDomino] [edit on 8-1-2006 by SirDomino]

You put it very nicely into a nutshell----I think you know more than you are letting on. However, most people will not buy it----it's far too simple a concept.



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posted on 8/1/06 @ 23:32


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Originally posted by SirDomino

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Also, for as long as I can remember I have had vivid dreams that have slowly shown me reality, my world, the universe, and a multidimensional existence. Many times in my dreams I 'awake' in my dream into another vivid, life like reality and I am someone totally different and its confusing at times. This happens on several other levels at times making it extremely hard to wake up.

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There are physical abductions and there are spiritual abductions where your body remains in bed and they take your soul for a joy ride. Either abduction can be difficult to wake from----if you panic---lot of people panic. What are abductions? They are opportunities to visit with people on the other side---they are sessions to help you get through a hardship or a difficult problem----and again a gamut of other reasons.

I don't know if I am ever been abducted, if so, I don't know why they havn't fixed my health problems. But I do know that reality exists on so many other levels, that outside of the very universe is another and another and in a way that is hard to comprehend there are an infinity of infinities of realities and creation and spirituality where the soul exists on an infinite level and I honestly feel that beyond all that there is another reality being the soul that the very souls that are connected in the essence of the group mind, "GOD" are attempting to discover and evolve.

They can make things a lot easier for many people but everything we go through is by design---sometimes you can renegotiate a life change during abduction---most of the time you can't.


I wonder at times who I am? Where I am from? Who was I? and even if I am a God of sorts? I wonder if the people around me are real, and are there 'fake humans' without souls mixed with others like me who indeed are 'real' and what not? And how did I, who I am, get picked to live this life in this body at this time?

God implies perfection so if you were a god you would know without a doubt. We run into fake humans every day----figuratively and literally Unless you are here for some kind of punishment you chose to be here---you just don't remember signing that contract

Honestly, I feel like my body is nothing more then a 'controller' that allows me to participate in this reality.


All very hard to explain.

Maybe you can understand where I come from?

I think I do

I do have a question. What has this 'revelation' of the true nature of reality affected your life? Your beliefs? your philosophies/religion?

I go through the same stuff that bothers everyone----but I consider myself fortunate that they let me know the small details. I was raised as a Christian, and I understand the purpose of religion but like I said earlier religion is a thing of earth and other planets that are similar to earth. Same with philosophy its nice to have if you have nothing else. I don't let many problems get to me because I know they are illusions and finite. May I ask what ails you?


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 10:35


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Originally posted by fallen_sentient sleeper, what are your thoughts on the connections of the "fall" of the human race/mind caused by Satan and ETs? Is their any link between the bible, spirituality, and the physical realm whatsoever, and where is it leading to?

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All religions and beliefs are fables created by ET as a component of life on earth and millions of other planets like earth. Have you read the book of JOB? In that book Satan is one of gods servants----works for the big guy.

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Good and evil are illusions and nothing more than programs running on this computer we call earth. However, there are rewards and consequences on our actions based on that program----murder, rape and a host of other criminal activity will not get you brownie points on the other side. Your next tour of duty is determined by your actions on this place----more and better opportunities or fewer and crappy ones.

I"m sorry but I can't accept the simple concept of us in heaven saying "I'm bored, I think I'll erase my knowledge and experience cancer on earth!".

Many people believe that if they are good and believe in certain things that they will be rewarded for all eternity with playing the harp on a soft cloud for ever and ever----others that they will be given a bunch of virgins to play with----their own personal cat house----and still others are hoping that they will not have to come back as insects. Then there are those that believe this life is it---you die and become worm food. None of that stuff is true but most will not be allowed to know it until they die---and get their evaluation. Cancer like everything on earth is by design----I dont think anyone signs up for it---but you never know.


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 10:56


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Originally posted by SirDomino


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So, do the aliens ever allow individuals to 'move' to other planets within current lifetimes? Or is that something that waits until the next lifetime? Thanks!

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They do in extraordinary situations----but some of these people are dragged kicking and screaming to their new location----for reasons I don't know.
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There is no eternal hell like in the bible but there are some places and conditions even on earth that feel like hell is forever. The vast majority of those on this planet are not going to any place like hell once they leave this hell----most are moving to a better place. Sorry if I strayed from your question a bit.


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 11:12


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Originally posted by Im a true sceptic Yes i am a gardener by trade at present - but ill probably get piss bored with that too. I quite fancy a job in the stock market......or a jeweler perhaps?

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I love gardening, for me it's not a job, that's why I don't get tired of it.

Sorry - but until i see something that hits me on the nose - that kind of evidence, then the grey areas will stay in the sceptical box.

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Since everything on earth is an illusion it's unlikely that your nose is going to take a hit from something real. If you wish to get a small peek at reality you will have to step out of the box that the vast majority remains trapped inside of. Stepping out the box is not easy---and very few people do it----those in the box call us crazy for leaving the box.


Imagine that....


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 13:07


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Originally posted by noslenwerd

sleeper, i have read the first couple pages of this thread and the last 5 or so. A few questions if you don't mind

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1. So you are saying the bible is a fable? Are you saying Jesus was an ET? Also who will 'evaluate' us on the other side?

Jesus was not an ET, nor a man; he is a fable, a well crafted fable by ET.
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You will be one of the judges on the panel----the harshest judges on the panel----and a throw the book at you kind of judge----once you cross over your flaws will glow like hot coals----and it is your responsibility to correct those flaws----no one else can do it for you.

2. Are you implying that there is no god? heaven? hell?

There is no old bearded man running the whole show, or a mother earth--and there is no hell----but some of us will have to put ourselves into hellish predicaments to remove our flaws---if we dont do it voluntarily it will be forced up on us----

3. You also say that we don't end up here by accident, we in a way signed a "contract".. when you sign this contract, do you know where you will be born? For instance do you go into it knowing if you will be born into a family in a third world country? or a rich family? Or is it all random

You know exactly what you are signing up for----most of the time it is 100% your call. Random is on a crap table or slot machine and is an illusion, if you win it was given to you if you lose it was taken from you.


How many people walk away with money in their pockets?

4. Do you astral project? visit the astral plane?


5. Whats your feelings on the NWO... is it real or paranoia? I'll leave the questions at that for now

NWO---humans have never run anything, never will----earth is a place of learning, a playpen, can be a wondrous place to explore or a hell hole. Earth has something for everyone but complaining will do you no good--chances are you signed up for it


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 14:03


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Originally posted by nullster As Real as the Nose on my Face? I can touch my Nose. I can let others see and touch my nose. I can prove my nose exists. I can go to any doctor and/or specialist and have them prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my nose is in fact real and therefore exists. I can submit samples for study in the effort to prove that my nose does indeed inhabit this world. Aliens on the other hand. Well.....debate debate debate. None of the above can be done and there simply aren't any aliens aside from a few questionable photographs, stories, and accounts.

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When will we get an Alien that we can examine like the noses on our faces? [edit on 9-1-2006 by nullster]

You don't believe that this world is a hall of mirrors? To see your nose you have to look in the mirror


If you are happy with what you see your search is over If life as you know it suits you, you need not search any longer or at all The illusion of life was created for a purpose and it serves that purpose very well. However, there are those who are allowed to know a few other realities and those people know who they are. The rest only see nonsense----nothing wrong with that. Live long and prosper my good man---or woman


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 15:32


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Originally posted by noslenwerd Sleeper, have you yourself seen an alien? If so how do they appear? Are any of the photos floating around on the internet of aliens real? Or atleast come close to what they look like for instance.. this one?

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[edit on 9-1-2006 by noslenwerd]


Yes I have, the one in the picture looks familiar but many creatures we call aliens or ET are machines----drones and have the personality of a wet rag, they don't communicate at all they only process humans or their souls. Those that have communicated with me telepathically have an appearance that is impossible for me to describe. Of all the pictures or drawings that I have seen on the internet none ring a bell for me---for some reason ET will not let me remember their faces.


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 17:21


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Originally posted by ch1le First off... Thanks for the interesting reading, ive been following the entire thread with great intrest. dang, the upper post just gives me the creeps, really, i get shudders from pics of greys, they just freak me out, i feel bad when i see a pic of them. Maybe you, Sleeper, know the reason for that? Seems like something subliminal to me. As for abductions, well, i really cant distinguish a dream and an abduction, i have had a huuuge fear of e.t since i was a little boy, mby 5 or so years old. Most nights i look into the sky with fear, and at many nights i wake up in the middle of the night not remembering anything, sweating like hell and the first thing i do is i look at the sky, thinking... alien... im nuts

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You may have had contact with drones they are unpleasant they do a job and kick you out the door when they are through with you. But usually they only treat adults that way. I havent had any bad experiences while I was young, I played with others my age inside the ship, sometimes it was parked above earth other times it flew around the solar system and we got to look out thought the portholes. I hear many stories where people like you describe abductions at an early age and being afraid---many visits are for medical procedures----ET doesnt use anesthesia so that may explain the fear. We humans are afraid of a lot of things including life itself----you can only imagine when faced with something extraterrestrial---with brains that are not wired for that kind of experience.


If you are nuts then we all are. No point fearing ET they have your best interest in mind----even the drones can't hurt you.


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 19:28


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Originally posted by fallen_sentient All religions and beliefs are fables created by ET as a component of life on earth and millions of other planets like earth.

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And where did the ET get the idea for these beliefs and fables? Did they just conjure them out of thin air, or do they have some connection with the past events of our world?

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ET has been around for billions of years they havent just fallen off the turnip truck---they probably know a few more things then we do.

Good and evil are illusions and nothing more than programs running on this computer we call earth. However, there are rewards and consequences on our actions based on that program----murder, rape and a host of other criminal activity will not get you brownie points on the other side.

You sound as if you're saying we pretty much have no free will and have already signed up for exactly what we're getting on this plane of existence. Why then should we be punished or rewarded for anything we do here? Are the rewards and consequences a part of what we signed up for as well?

Not all of us are here by choice like I stated in my post that you conveniently ignored. When you sign up to improve yourself for whatever reason----you sign up for the whole ball of wax----otherwise where is the challenge? If you come down here and become a bum, a criminal or what have you then there are consequences.


None of that stuff is true but most will not be allowed to know it until they die--and get their evaluation.

Again, evaluated by who? Evaluated by people who "signed up" to be evaluators for things we have no control over?

When you are in school dont you do self evaluations---along with teacher evaluations, and parent evaluations? Between lives there are evaluations by a number of entities that know you, and help you.

Cancer like everything on earth is by design----I dont think anyone signs up for it--but you never know.

Again, you go on later to say:

You know exactly what you are signing up for----most of the time it is 100% your call.

So then we do sign up for terminal illnesses? I hate to nit pick your posts like this but what else can you expect when you put so much stuff out there.

Why do we sky dive, race cars, swim near sharks and do many other stupid things that can and do get us killed or injured? -----for the challenge perhaps Terminal illnesses is a huge challenge----assuming some one pick that---maybe its punishment for a past life infraction

Jesus was not an ET, nor a man; he is a fable, a well crafted fable by ET.

So Jesus wasn't even a man who ascended the physical realm and reconnected with pure spirit through compassion (as did many others such as Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed), he was just another fable huh? These ETs sure like making stuff up, I'd be careful what they tell you


Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed were real people----Jesus wasnt---ETs didnt make that up its simple and basic history. Even the most harden criminals have compassion, but compassion alone will not clear you of your infraction with the law.

You will be one of the judges on the panel----the harshest judges on the panel---and a throw the book at you kind of judge----once you cross over your flaws will glow like hot coals----

Again, how can we be judged for predetermined illusions? At what point did we go from pure beings to having flaws to correct? Was that at the signing of the contract to be thrown into this world? Maybe that's where the idea of Satan comes from.

Because most souls while on earth dont know they are illusions ---we put up with speed traps and sobriety check points because even good people will break the law if they get the chance to do so. You can often get away with things on earth but nothing slips by ET and they will point out your shenanigans.

and it is your responsibility to correct those flaws----no one else can do it for you.

You say it's our responsibilty to correct these flaw, no one else can do it for us, then you say:

There is no old bearded man running the whole show, or a mother earth---and there is no hell----but some of us will have to put ourselves into hellish predicaments to remove our flaws---if we dont do it voluntarily it will be forced up on us----


So now it will be forced up on us? HUGE contradiction.

It will be forced up on us by ET, not a bearded old man with an attitude and a smote inclination. As a comparison to what you label a contradiction, take the military, most people would never complete military basic training if it were up to them---many are forced through it kicking and screaming---yet now days everyone in the military volunteered to go through basic training. Most are glad that they werent let off the hook---and are proud of their accomplishment----that they needed persuasive encouragement to get through----for their benefit.


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posted on 9/1/06 @ 23:06


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Originally posted by Beer_Guy Greetings Sleeper, I'm not sure whether I believe everything in your story, but I just have to say that most of what you say I agree with 100%. If this is a hoax you've done a hell of a great job! I've had a few encounters with UFO's, one of which was olive drab with USAF painted with white on the side (happened in northern Michigan). I don't have any questions, just wanted to give you a pat on the back.

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Greetings Beer_Guy Thanks! Sounds like the UFO you experienced was an air force Boeing AWACS, or did I misunderstand your comment about UFOs? I would imagine the AWACS pick up many unidentified flying objects while they scan the skies for possible hostile aircraft---from both terrestrial and extraterrestrial origins.



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posted on 10/1/06 @ 16:11


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Originally posted by SirDomino Thanks for your concern sleeper, I appreciate it. I do have a question. Do the ETs constantly 'browse' or 'download' our Internet for study? Or do they already know everything on earth in an instant through some sort of 'consciousness/spiritual download' in a sense? Do the ETs ever get online and chat?

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The idea of prayer came from ET. Essentially prayer is a form of communication with them. Our thoughts have frequencies like radio transmissions but the frequencies are to high to be picked up by human equipment----ET picks them up instantly. Six billion plus brains on earth--and all have their own unique frequency---like finger prints. ETs do get on line and chat----most humans dont know about ET and that they can communicate directly with ET so ET uses the conventional means of communication---incognito---prayer no matter which god its directed to goes to ET----sometimes ET responses to those requests.

Also, earlier you stated that SETI was in essence a waste of time since it can't pick up the 'high tech' signals the ETs use due to our primitive state of technology. But what about picking up signals from other primitives/like technology civilizations? Since you stated there were millions upon millions in our galaxy alone.

There is no need for the primitives to communicate with each other----for one the distance will never be traversed and physical contact completely out of the question. Eventually people on earth will build cities on many of the moons and planets in the solar system but the human race will never leave this solar system----alive Many people alive today will move on to other more advanced planets and solar systems and enjoy contact with a multitude of other life forms----things that will boggle the mind even once the human blinders are removed. Others will return to this planet or other cities that get built in the next thousand years---so either way it will be a fun time for most---but not everyone.


I brought up Salvia Divinorum before as from what I have heard, the origins of the plant are really unknown, the species was *never* before discovered except for a very small pocket of growth. Many who have partaken of the Herb state they experience interdimensional travel and travel throughout the universe at mind boggling speeds. Experiencing Aliens worlds, walking amongst alien beings, etc. Many times they are 'regarded' but most of the aliens seem indifferent or not concerned with their presence and folks are usually 'noticed' but ignored when visiting these other realms/planets. Thats why I asked your take on it. Perhaps you can ask the ETc about Salvia Divinorum? It has been theorized that the plants were genetically created by ETs and placed here as a communication tool. There is no Lethal Dose possibility, and it has so many safe guards in place it almost seems like it is an advanced software program in many respects. Like the holodeck with all safeties enabled.

ET can take anyone to any place in the galaxy and the universe if they want to---and they do. The human body never leaves the solar system, when ET takes people out of this solar system the body remains in a container usually off planet, and the soul is the only thing that travels. There are many synthetic and organic drugs that will do many things but taking the soul out of the solar system is a stretch. However, being under the influence of drugs does make it easier to be in the presence of ETs----but ET can do that without drugs I am not allowed to take drugs.


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posted on 10/1/06 @ 18:47


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Originally posted by nullster sleeper - in you last post you wrote a heck of allot of Fiction. If it's not fiction, where are you getting this information?

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I dont write fiction----I get my information from the horses mouth---ET


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Those are pretty grand claims and I imagine you'll want to share this proof or evidence to support everything you write is true. Can you post the comprehensive evidence here in this forum so we can review this proof/evidence for ourselves? If you can't supply this, then I will presume it is fiction and based on unfounded speculation bourne of wishful thinking.

I want to share the proof but the proof is not mine to give----its patented and belongs to ET, I have asked----they said no---so you are free to ask them---maybe they will give it to you. You can presume what I write is fiction---no law against that I dont speculate or do wishful thinking, I write what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes.

There's nothing wrong with Fiction or curious imagination, but writing Fiction as Factual information seriously damages the already battered core of UFO/Alien foundation. Please post some facts and or proof to support your statements.

There is something wrong about writing fiction and claiming its the truth---I wish people would stop doing that---but if they did much of whats on the internet and written in books would have to be discarded. No one has extraterrestrial proof because ET hasnt given it to anyon e---ET doesnt want the proof out there----and until then there will be no proof. Only factual stories like mine


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posted on 10/1/06 @ 22:30


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy Anyhooo, just wanted to get your opinion on recent developments since last we chatted. What is your take on the move by numerous governments jockeying to be ambassadors to ET, i.e. Canada and the UN.


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Hi howmuch, Since ET has always been here they have no need of ambassadors. People are frustrated because many suspect that something is going on and their governments are not addressing the ET issue.

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Obviously the UN which sees itself as the world representative would throw their hat in the ring, and Canada needing to show the world that it is a progressive country would do so. But the leaders are only placating certain citizens and doing some grandstanding in the process---I doubt that they are serious---or that they are that nave to think that ET hasnt landed because they are confused on who to approach.

Also, how about this recent jump in space travel technology? Mars in 3 hours and all that? Sort of, oh look! We had this idea since the 50's, maybe it would be a good design for space travel. Like, they have been probably using it for years and just want to make it public.

There is no such thing as new technology, everything already exist somewhere. There are people and places on earth that dont have cellular phones and computers----fewer and fewer places. ET ships exist and some day that magic technology will be just another part of every day things like former magic stuff---electricity, the phone, radio, flight, and sliced bread. The military is playing with some flying machines now that would boggle the minds of everyone on this planet if they knew about them----ET is releasing fantastic toys at a rapid rate into the hands of certain governments, only slowing down to give us time to incorporate their magic into our reality. Everything we have today is magic, the airplane, computer, electricity life itself ----yet because people are use to those things they dont see them for what they are----things of the supernatural world


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posted on 10/1/06 @ 22:42


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Originally posted by StarBreather Sometimes bits and pieces of truth are found in fiction, objects like the "water


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container" that is used for "space travel". It might not be a water container and it might not be space travel.

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Fiction holds more truth than what people call reality. Fiction talks about space travel, other inhabited worlds, magical star ships--all true Reality talks about what can be observed----for thousands of years humans observed the sun going around the planet---so that was reality. Today those with both feet firmly planted on reality believe that billions and billions of star systems are void of intelligent life simply because ET hasnt picked up the phone and called us.

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posted on 10/1/06 @ 23:18


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

Did I ever ask you about your take on Planet X, and all that jazz? Fear-mongering, or something we should be genuinely concerned about?

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Winston Churchill once said that all we have to fear is fear itself. Lots of fear mongering going on in every level of society---fear sells books, movies, newspapers and every other news medium----keeps the economies of the world going Fear is an integral part of human nature---we thrive on fear---Halloween, chain saw massacre, etc 1984 big brother was going to get us----2000 the millennium fiasco, that never happened and the religious gloom and doom that goes back thousands of years---but this is the year that it will really happen----well maybe. There is nothing extraterrestrial that is going to get humans, eat humans, or enslave humans However humans are known to do all those things. Still regardless of our circumstance its only temporary

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I havent read Planet X or zetatalk but if they are taking about aliens d oing us harm then they are selling fear Having said that----nothing happens on earth without ETs input---including wars On the face of this it may appear that there are contradictions going on--but looking at the big picture they do everything for the betterment of all humans.


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posted on 10/1/06 @ 23:52


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Originally posted by nullster But between you and I, we know my aliens are the superior aliens. And they have ok'd you to disclose all your proof to this board by tomorrow. Now you believe me right? Cool. Can't wait

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Im not insubordinate and if your higher ranking ETs gave me the clearance to release the proof than so be it. But I can only show you the proof everyone else must ignore this post.
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Go look in the mirror---what you see was created by ET To simple and absurd you say? Is there any human technology that could create your eyes? Your hearing, your taste buds, your heart, lungs, billions of cells that replaced themselves every few days without you being aware----that the body you resided in today is not the same body you were in last week and the week before all the way back to when you were born? And by the way before you were born----at the very beginning of you, two strands of microscopic DNA joined together and began creating your body---they would build the most complex machine known to man and do it in less than nine months. What have you done in the last nine months?


posted on 11/1/06 @ 10:29


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Originally posted by SirDomino Sleeper, So if ETs 'listen' to and comprehend each and every mind and all of our thoughts at every moment of every day and they do this to all life in the universe, then what do they with this 'data' that they collect? I mean is reality itself basically a large distributed computational computer that is churning out probabilities, possibilities, within multiple dimensions of reality?

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You know that all radio and television signals are perpetually drifting out in space Vibration live on forever---every thought---every action----and though we can hide behind names such as sleeper or any other moniker everything that is mine can be traced back to me or whoever it originated from----for eternity. Data is not collected----whatever you generate follows you where ever you are or go----and whatever you are is known by ET and those at that level. The moment you die depending on who you are you may be at that echelon. Probabilities and possibilities are human level concepts.


Do they relay this data to God? And thats another question, have the ETs met God? or is God still a mystery? I'm guessing the true reality is still a small part of the whole picture of the super reality.

I hate to ruffle feathers but there isnt one point where all power emerges from---the universe is billions of times larger that what is perceive by mortals----it is really a big place----and it is occupied my billions of distinct energy forces like a school of jelly fish Human reality is a pinprick on a strand of vibrations that make up the smallest part of an atom----super reality is the outward universe

Also, what is the best way to get in touch with the 'good' ETs? You said to sit alone in the dark and concentrate on thinking of ocmmunicating with them. But are there specific thought patterns that they look for? Specific incantations or rituals that can call them?

When you talk to yourself in your head you can also talk to ET---in a conversational voice

When I said to sit alone in the dark I was referring to the fear factor one will encounter when they are face to face with ET. Concerning people who pray, many believe that being in a church or on their knees or spinning a prayer wheel will enhance communication with their deities. Incantations, rituals and chanting not only annoys humans it annoys ET---strait talk is all that is required----they hear your thoughts while you drive to work, go shopping, taking a bath, while you are having dinner, etc Humans have zero privacy

Also, are 'angels' and 'demons' basically other forms of ETs?

Angels and demons are often the same ET, but they can be separate----it all pays the same.

Also, you said that a majority of the aliens are the 'drones' and the guys who run the drones are rarely seen or remembered, correct?

Drones are soulless machines that operate on their own like a washing machine or space probes that function at the discretion of ET

Also, if our bodies are the creation of the ETs, then why do they fail and have so many problems?

Humans do have freewill and they can abuse or misuse their bodies---look at how some of us treat our cars, houses and other things entrusted to us. However, many things are programmed into the body----like a car assembly line----different things go into certain cars.

Also, how do you know that Jesus was 'made up' and if so, why would they make up Jesus and create an institution of religion as oppressive as Christianity?

I cant say how I know, I just do Its not the institution of Christianity or the other religions and beliefs that are good or bad, its the people that are put into positions and are given the opportunity to be good or bad. Everyone is tested on this planet----to prove to themselves what they are

truly made of


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 10:43


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Originally posted by noslenwerd sleeper what is your take on 2012? sorry if this has been discussed..

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2012 will be only one more year that we have to pay taxes, get up and go to work, take vacations, be happy about the good things that are happening and sad about the bad things There will always be wars, rumors of wars, famines, and natural disasters---otherwise we will never get off this planet

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Life and death is one and the same----you die here and live somewhere else Its been that way forever----and it will be that way forever But dont despair----most of existence is really fun


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 11:04


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Originally posted by noslenwerd Thanks for all the quick replies sleeper. Hope all the questions aren't getting annoying. If they are just ignore me What about the Prophet Yahweh? Was he a load of bull or did he really have the power to summon UFOs.

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He had the power that all of us have----to make fools of ourselves

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posted on 11/1/06 @ 11:08


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Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous I would have to say.............................. I have been reading and seeing a lot of things. There is no one place or siting that can not be discredited or made to look the way it did. Before I get the label as just a nonbeliever of UFOs I am a believer in God! I would love to find out some real info on UFOs or something. I do not think that We are the only ones out here! I know that 50% of the sightings of UFOs are just Experimental Aircraft. The one thing I do know and I would say most of You guys would say I wright on this is. If We were out in space looking at some planet that had a race for beings that acted like us on it, would You make contact ?

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If you could help them----would you?


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 14:25


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Originally posted by Truthforall Sleeper, Do you know anything about "Project Serpo Project Exchange Program" that has been disscussed in another thread on this site?

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I have read bits and pieces of that tread, but there was no exchange as mention in that tread and others

Humans are taken to other planets every day and returned on the same day----some remember their experiences, most don't.
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The government has sent certain scientist on learning expeditions with ET, however most trips off planet are by ordinary people who then return a bit less ordinary.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 14:33


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[edit on 11-1-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 11/1/06 @ 14:54


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Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous Originally posted by sleeper The government has sent certain scientist on learning expeditions with ET, however most trips off planet are by ordinary people who then return a bit less ordinary, and a tad more enlightened.

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You mean they take all of our small change?

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They only take special tokens


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 16:50


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Originally posted by hobo_321 -The vocabulary sleeper uses doesn't seem like one of a fifty (what age are you exactly sleeper?) year old ex civil servant.

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Hi hobo_321 Im 53 and I did a three year stint in the US army, not sure if that qualifies as ex civil servant.

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-I'm certainly a believer in aliens and their contact with various people on earth. However, if i was to believe what sleeper is talking about would really rule out most other mainstream theories (supported with plenty of evidence) as it doesnt seem to fit in or correlate with any of them.

If an extraterrestrial craft landed on earth from a star system 50 light years away and made formal contact----that would rule out everything humans believed in or theorized about----facts and evidence would be meaningless. ETs make those kinds of trips regularly

btw, I know you always seem reluctant to answer these sorts of questions but where there ever any cultures that had some sort of resemblance to that of our own, you know, same technology and cultural and political issues of similar nature to ours? If so, out of curiosity, what were they like?

There are many planets exactly like earth, so much so that if ET plucked you from this one and placed you into one of the others you wouldnt know until you tried to find your house and make contact with your family and friends---they wouldnt be there.


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 17:20


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Originally posted by dgoodpasture I can't help but find this very disheartening. I hope no one buys any of this. I could have done a better job of forcing my philosophies down lost, truth seeking human throats. This is just another project Serpo. Jesus was set up by the aliens. Jesus is fake. etc. bah blah blah. Humans will go to any means necessary as long as it gets one's agenda some publicity. Yes aliens are real. Yes, this guy is lieing and trying to spread his own ideas.

I dont intend to mess with people's beliefs, thats not my job

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But I think I am free to express my opinions and share with those who might be interested----some of my experiences You say you believe in Jesus and extraterrestrials, that in itself is a quandary The fact that there are billions of solar systems and billions of galaxies is common knowledge today. Many people are slowly coming around to thinking that perhaps we are not alone----even you said you believe that The problem is if there are millions or billions of planets similar to earth with say humans like us on them, then do all of them need to be saved, is there millions of Jesus out there or only one? Thats a pretty big job for one Jesus Jesus also tried to back away from being crucified---he ask his father God to take this cup from me, if it is your (gods) will If Jesus would have backed out what would have happened to salvation? The fact is the god that many people idolize would not forsake four or five billion non believers on this planet alone----condemning them to hell for eternity----what father would be so cruel to the children he loves----the most I have done with my children was give them a bad look----and then I felt bad about it. Eternal damnation----absurd

Even the worst kind of human has a valuable soul----some will take a lot of work to get the kinks out but most of the time it can be done----and is done For those that need fire and brimstone to get through the day----sorry--isnt going to happen.


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posted on 11/1/06 @ 20:05


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Originally posted by Dmitriy There are many planets exactly like earth, so much so that if ET plucked you from this one and placed you into one of the others you wouldnt know until you tried to find your house and make contact with your family and friends---they wouldnt be there.

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Do go into depth on this, sleeper.

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How is it possible for there to be other planets just like earth? Well if Darwin is correct then its impossible. Darwin did his job very well, so well that millions will go to the grave believing in Darwinism---and get the shock of their lives when they see him on the other side---perhaps playing Darwinism on some other planet The great thing about dieing is that it only last a few seconds and then you are alive again somewhere else. The place you wake up in will be a temporary place----a fantastic city that you will never want to leave. You will be in spirit form and in complete ecstasy----you may be there for a short time or hundreds of earth years (time as we know it is non existent there) From there you will be sent to any number of planets, or back to this one. New planets and stars are created every second in every galaxy But there is no tossing the dice as Einstein once said off god. ET doesnt toss the dice either. Planets are created for human habitation.

There are planets at every stage of so called evolution----many people will remain with a planet from beginning to end----start out as a member of a primitive tribe and end up cruising around the solar system. This story would make a nice fairytale if it werent true BTW suicide for no good reason is unacceptable---and those who do it will be returned and presented with additional challenges----more difficult than what they ran away from.


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posted on 12/1/06 @ 10:42


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Originally posted by SirDomino I am curious, are there such things as GHOSTS? IF so, what are they and what do ETs think of them?

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Have you ever seen one? When you die you can revisit any place that you wish----before you are reassigned to another situation.

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If you died or were involved in something sinister you may return on your own or perhaps sent there for some kind of resolution Some people are attuned to other souls more than what is normal and sometimes they pick up the vibrations of these poltergeist

Also, are there humans who 'work' with the ETs and remember 100% of evertyhing they do with the ETs? If so, how does one 'get a job' with the ETs?

Many and they are fully cognizant of their duties with ET, and there are thousands that carryout ET orders without a clue that they are working for a higher cause----their paycheck may come from an IBM or government agency or some fast food restaurant but they work for ET You many have a job with ET---its their call on how much you will know

about them

Another quesiton I have, I know time is an illusion, but is "Time travel" possible and has it been utilized by ETs to try out various items, see the end result and for them to return and correct it/etc for a more favorable end result?

Trial and error is a human level activity so ET is not out there experimenting----one might think that it could be extremely boring living an existence where everything has been figured out---and they might be right----but someone has to do it Time travel is a mind boggling concept but I have been shown a few things before they happened so it must work on some level

You stated earlier that the human body is the work of ET engineering. So does that mean that everything we classify as 'organic' is infact a type of 'synthetic' that we currently have no knowledge of?

Everything is a machine---plants, animals, even basic matter----souls are the only exception

You also stated that this reality is a complete illusion. If that is the case then are we really here in this physical reality interfacing through this body interacting with real physical objects? Or is it more of a matrix type situation where we 'jack into' the matrix through an interface? Or is it more of a 'holo deck' type situation?

Our souls are attached to the bodies we resided in, we are here inside a machine we call a human body----the pain is real, the joy is real, hate and love are real---They say you cant take it with you when you die----not quite true, everyone leaves earth with plenty of baggage----all the pain you caused to others and yourself, and all the joy you created for you and others---that all goes with you when you die

I was thiniking the other day about what you said, and it made me think of Star Trek and "Q" and how the ETs were basically "Q" in a sense. So if what you said was true earlier, then Star Trek is probably more accurate then most of the other TV shows out there eh? Or maybe Firefly? lol

Everything the human mind can imagine----and that is not much-----is being played out in millions of star systems throughout the galaxies To say the least----galaxies are never ending wonderlands-----created for




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posted on 12/1/06 @ 15:27


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Originally posted by superduperman Originally posted by sleeper BTW suicide for no good reason is unacceptable---and those who do it will be returned and presented with additional challenges----more difficult than what they ran away from.

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hi i have been reading this thread for just a couple of days and have found it extremely interesting. if you are making all of this up off the top of your head, sleeper then you have got some really incredible persistence! (not that i do think that). Anyway, what you said above is very stange because i had a really weird dream the other day, and just before i woke up a voice (i say voice but it was inside my head) explained to me this exact concept. That if you commit suicide simply because you are depressed, or for no good reason, you will not have solved anything and will be in the next life just as depressed or worse than before. I just thought it was odd that you posted that around the same time of my dream. I also wanted to ask you, are you getting all the information that you are relaying here from the aliens, or is some of it from your own meditaion or whatever?

I don't meditate----everything that I write that inspires readers is from ET---they refuse to claim the rest.


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posted on 12/1/06 @ 15:35


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Originally posted by Truthforall


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Originally posted by sleeper

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[edit on 8-1-2006 by sleeper]

Sleeper, I assume that this is your hands in the pictures. You seem to age well at 53. [edit on 8-1-2006 by sleeper]

I was born in 1952,---thanks for the complement


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posted on 12/1/06 @ 15:54


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Originally posted by noslenwerd ok sleeper... what about dreams? what are they....

Thats your brain shuffling through the work load it receives everyday
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But also ET can talk to you with out freaking you out----and people in your life that have passed can also visit you in your dreams.


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also dejavu.. what is that?

DejaVu did you really do that once before? Have you seen Ground hog day? Think thats not possible, think again and again and again....

also, what famous UFO sightings WERE real? could you name a few? Roswell? battle of LA in 1947, and what are the "black triangles?"

Most if not all of them were real----but then again how would I know?

Any famous presidents that you know of that had contact with ET?

Every president beginning with George Washington knew and met with ET--so have other world leaders


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posted on 12/1/06 @ 17:33


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[edit on 12-1-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 12/1/06 @ 17:54


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Originally posted by noslenwerd hmmm... some more questions heh The dulce base.. is it real?

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Dulce may be the least place ET activity is going on----to much publicity

The sherman ranch in Utah.. know anything about it? (its a long but very quick read)

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There are thousands of ETs on this planet every second of the day---coming, going and permanently garrisoned----strange things happen for many reasons----mostly to keep people away or to deflect attention from other places.

You say dreams are just thoughts from real life, but people who OBEE say its actually your soul on the astral plane. Do you even believe Astral Projection is real?

Astral Projection cant happen without ET, its an abduction of sorts, where the soul is siphoned from the body and taken places mostly via a ship or capsule


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posted on 12/1/06 @ 18:04


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Originally posted by PKD Originally posted by sleeper You say dreams are just thoughts from real life, but people who OBEE say its actually your soul on the astral plane. Do you even believe Astral Projection is real?

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Astral Projection cant happen without ET, its an abduction of sorts, where the soul is siphoned from the body and taken places mostly via a ship or capsule

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people, this person is lying here. Astral projection takes place without the usage of the aliens. trust me. you can do it yourself. anyone here ever heard of Carlos Castenada? How about Shaman Indians. Ever hear of them. Oh wait and then we have the buddhist's. I guess none of them count in the realm of Cointelpro disinformation campaigns. Freakin lying bastards. Please I hope nobody takes anything that these two (sleeper and mrhazardous) have to say. They complete and utterly disinforming this board. They get paid to lie on the forum. It is their job.

ET can be standing right next to you and you wouldn't know it----most people are clueless of ET existence, let alone their presence


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posted on 13/1/06 @ 10:03


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Originally posted by TheObserver Hey Sleeper, long time no speak... I have a million questions to ask you, but I'll start with just a couple to keep things simple..

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TheObserver----good to hear from you! I havent missed any of your comments and I appreciate them!

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You say that everything here is a machine; plants, animals even our bodies. The only thing that is real is our soul. If this is the case, at what age do our children have their soul inserted into their bodies? Is it when they are still in the womb or is it earlier or later maybe? What about stillborn babies? Did they die or just have no soul in them?

The souls are inserted after birth, but sometimes just before the baby comes out, why? Stillborn and babies that are aborted have no souls

Also, you say that our "real" selves chose to put us on this planet and they would be the harshest judges when we leave (die). Does this "real self" live on another planet somewhere? If I had a spaceship and it could be possible to visit this planet, could I then go and shake the hand of my "real self"?


No, you are here in your body and when you die there is a period that you go through before you regain complete awareness of who you are----some reach this awareness immediately upon death others spend more time grasping what they are----a kind of limbo


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posted on 13/1/06 @ 10:08


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Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous OK sleeper is this a REAL extraterrestrial or not? If not please enlighten those the think other wise

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No ET controls the situation they don't make mistakes and get caught on camera
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However poltergeist can be mischievous----so can humans


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posted on 13/1/06 @ 10:10


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Originally posted by superduperman sleeper, is there a question that you dont know the answer to?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Everyone has the capacity to know----the soul can tap into the vast library of knowledge that exists in the universe---seek and you will find----blame


others for your predicament and you will remain buried in ignorance
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posted on 13/1/06 @ 15:51


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 So, why are these ET's focusing in on are it because their population is so large they could almost have a few focusing in on every planet or are we just next in line?

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A city large or small is like a galaxy and there are many galaxy some large some small Each city has enough daycare centers to service the needs of the cities, each galaxy has more than enough ETs to service all the needs of each solar system ETs have jobs like us---but not the eight to five kind----they love their jobs----once you leave earth depending on who you are and what you have accomplished during your existence here and other places you may have the pick of great jobs or return here or some other planet and be a rock star or president----or a coal miner, dishwasher---etc

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Also what is your opinion what will be accomplished in the next....50 years? Will the ET's begin giving us even more at a time or will they stay with the same pace?

They have opened the flood gates of technology coming into this planet because earth is on the brink of hatching out into the solar system---perhaps not as fast as many people would like----but maintaining the illusion that humans are doing it on their own is important

And last what do you think about these ET's appearance? Do you think it is customizable like ours? Or do you think maybe they are all relatively the same? Remember, they may seem to be all the same but to them they are quite different. Like when you look at an animal here on Earth they are all the same looking (assuming it is the same species) but actually they all might be quite different to them.

ETs are unique as everyone else----what is reported by abductees is window dressing----they can take on any appearance----same with their drones and machines.



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posted on 13/1/06 @ 16:05


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 About the discussion that Sleeper and Sigdomino were talking about on page 24 & 25. I think this could be true however I have more to add. Maybe the universe is like our "playing field" for our souls. However the reason why our Earth fights is because we have been a planet that holds all the newcomers. Like Earth is basically square one. You live your life here then when you "die" if you did good you will maybe be sent to another planet but if you are bad you will be kept on Earth or a planet similar or worse.

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There are new souls but billions on earth today have been around for sometime


This is why the aliens are trying to help us. They have been here a while and know how the game is played....maybe some of them started out on Earth as cavemen. So the reason why they have high-tech gear is because they earned it. kind of like a role-playing video game.

ET isnt trying to help they have been helping----without adult supervision--ET in this case Earth would be like a school yard without supervision----absolute chaos--a hell no human would be able to escape from. As you stated many ETs were humans at one time on this planet.


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posted on 13/1/06 @ 18:30


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Originally posted by one_small_step Hi sleeper, you make some interesting points, and i appreciate you trying to answers as many questions as you can. Belief is personal in my opinion, so people should take from you what they need, and never force their opinion of you onto others.


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I guess reading through this thread, something jumps out at me - and please correct me if I am wrong. Co existance with aliens will never happen in our lifetimes - or what we percieve as lifetimes - period? In the sense that - I will never be able to walk down the street holding hands with my ET friend talking about music of another planet and seeing other humans doing similar. In essence that would be life (me or you, now) and afterlife ('aliens') coexisting on the same reality(here on earth)? Which by definition, and partly due to our limited understanding, can not happen - or can it?

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Hi one ET has always coexisted with humans In the in-between zone depending on your level you will interact with many entities---family and friends from past lives and future ones----on this earth or one of the many others. BTW, this planet is fine but it is way low on the intergalactic scale concerning things to do---like comparing a small town of 200 people with a city like New York,

So all that jazz about sharing tech with ET - the human race "BOLDLY GOING" etc etc etc - is rubbish, current space travel and exploration is token, hope is given & taken to pass the time - so basically folks - live life, do good, help others etc, and wait for death, as then you will truly be free to experience the wonders that await us all.

Even after humans build cities throughout the solar system Boldly traveling in a star ship out of this solar system is unlikely in a physical body. However there are many solar systems that have multiple suns, and there are star clusters where Boldly Going to other stars in fantastic Star Trek kind of ship is a reality. Most people living in the western world are clueless to how bad many people on this planet have it, more than four billion people live way below poverty---So the rest might count their blessing if they live above the poverty line Strangely enough more people in the west and well-off communities commit suicide, and sit around waiting for death than those who live on the edge of hell in Third World countries I paint a nice picture of whats to come after here to encourage those who believe that life has nothing to offer----but this life is very important and


what you do with it will determine where you end up next---use this life wisely

Also who gauges "GOOD & BAD"? - I have always had a problem with that one.

Your flaws if any will be as plain to you as a swollen thumb having been hit by a hammer.

Just to add, I firmly believe there is Life out there - possibly even some visiting us however I make that assumption purely based on what has been presented to me via books / print media / schools yada yada yada... So in saying that, I've been told that space is infinite - so I must assume there are infinite possibilites of existance, thus my personal belief in ET. For all I know, and because I assume I am sentient, all that material could be falsified (for whatever reason - which would be irrelavant anyway) and we are nothing be a 1 or 0 or a automated Lego set or whatever..

Your soul is priceless and there is a huge amount of energy being expanded on your behalf---as is true for all of us

[edit on 13-1-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 14/1/06 @ 15:41


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Originally posted by baaronhaile Hi sleeper, I'm interested to know what you think of the StarshipCapricorn correspondance.

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The website is updated daily, posting the telepathic communications between starship persnel, mostly Helena, and a human here on earth named Lavar. Recent posts indicate that First Contact is happening right now! My thoughts are that this is a genuine correspondance and an accurate one.

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There is no StarshipCapricorn----sorry


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posted on 14/1/06 @ 20:15


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Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous Hey sleeper.......... How is PKD and some of the others placing us in the same boat I think they need to go back to reading comprehension class!

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Go figure!


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posted on 15/1/06 @ 12:44


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Originally posted by seabee and what makes you so important that the army would have you inside a ship that they want to keep a secret on? why would the army have it when the Air force would be the people to get it? I totally believe in UFO's but not your story.

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If you know that the air force has a UFO you should share that information

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The US builds fighter jets and sells a few to our allies but what they sell are inferior to what the US has


Likewise the air force and the army both have ET ships that they recovered from crash sites. But what they have are junk that the ETs let them acquire through supposed crashes ETs land their ships on many military installations, army navy, air force,


and marines; ET has VIP parking privileges at all military bases in the world No military or government owns any real ET ships----however some are allowed certain and restricted access. The military and our government has no say on who can enter the ships---ET makes all those calls

I know my story is unbelievable if you want the real truth tune into one of the major news stations.


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posted on 15/1/06 @ 19:30


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Originally posted by lkas sleeper, great story, very logical and most of it is well thought out. Great to see a story that doesn't drone on and on about self-pity over humanity. Normally people are devoid of logic or so desperate to find greater meaning in their lives that they are completely delusional when it comes to 'conspiracies.' Your story isn't perfect; if it were there wouldn't be 30 pages in this thread... Ever since I got suckered into buying that Above Black book in high school I've been coming back to these types of websites every few months to see what's going on. I never post or contribute, but this was the first time I saw someone posting something sensible. It's finally brought me some closure over the $15 I wasted on that book!

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1kas Thanks! As you know those conspiracy and self-pity books sell very well BTW, you might be able to get 2 or 3 bucks for the book on Ebay and cut your loss a bit


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posted on 15/1/06 @ 22:15


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Originally posted by Mad Man Lotar Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by w1kdtr1p You really think that 'the private sector' is going to be any more forthcoming about ET and help bring humans forward in life?

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Im not talking about disclosure----which is not up to the government (public sector) or the private sector. ETs are the only ones that can disclose their reality to the world.
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Im not going to embark on private verses public, thats a discussion for other threads.

He means that private enterprise is full of risk takers that can and probably will invest lots of money into sectors monopolized by the government; such as space travel. If one company makes a mistake, it will not cripple others attempting the same hurdle, such as the government entity. Private corperations and free enterprise are definate keys to advancement in any type of technology race. Competition breeds ingenuity.

Exactly, NASA is a huge government agency in fear of losing its prestige, power, and taxpayer funding.

If the private sector was allowed in the game twenty years ago there would be hotels on the moon and in orbit around the earth now. Governments serve the status quo and are slow to change and adapt America is the leader in the world only because of private and free enterprise but those freedoms are being curtailed by the day. Free enterprise is under attack by those who believe that government is the great equalizer concerning quality of living and resources. Unfortunately that is not true----every industry where government rules has lagged far behind free enterprise NASA is one of these stagnant government industries Private industry with a fraction of the trillions of dollars that NASA has received from the taxpayer would have given America a real and viable


space program by now.


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posted on 16/1/06 @ 09:41


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, You continue to fascinate me with your comments. But please tell me, how do come by such information? Is it given to you by ET? I guess it is! Does ET know that you communicate with us on ATS? If so why do you think they let you talk to us?

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They know, its their way of communicating information to those able to hear it
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p.s. If military bases give ET VIP access. Can you tell me is there any bases in the UK that allow this? There is a fairly large US military base near where I live, would this be a good place to go UFO spotting??

Not a good place, a UFO can appear anywhere-----there are no accidental sightings


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posted on 16/1/06 @ 10:23


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Originally posted by Mad Man Lotar Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by yeahright I'm still a big-time skeptic but you have me convinced you believe. Not sure what value there is in that for you, but there you go. Hang in there.

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Its understandable that some people need proof of things unseen. But much of what millions of people accept with little hesitation, natural selection (Darwinism), has no proof. Darwin had many good ideas about the origins of life yet he never came up with proof. To this day none of what he espoused, theorized and believed strongly towards----is provable, although much of it makes sense. His lack of proof doesnt receive the same criticism from the scientific community that other disciplines and philosophies seem to garner. Nevertheless, unlike religion and its secular counterpart (Darwinism) both pretty much based on conjecture, thousands of people have experienced extraterrestrial contact----real physical contact----yet those who havent experience this physical contact refuse to believe them. How can one prove they hugged their child last week, the hugging can be recreated but that does not prove you hugged your child last week----can we take the childs word for it? How do we know that the child wasnt having the same delusion---perhaps their deep need for a hug is behind this delusion? Not believing in something because one lacks personal experience is not rational. If that concept was applied across the board there would be few things left to believe in. Just a thought

Pick up any Physical Anthropology bood or study some biology and you will see your proof. Scientific theories, unlike layman theories, need to be falsifiable in order to be named theories. Do the same observations as Darwin or Gregor Mendel and you will come up with the same results.

The thing about a book is that anyone can write anything they want----all they need is a few other people to agree with them. Every important discovery that has been written concerning Darwinism has a slew of books with counter opinions, proposals, theories, and discoveries to show otherwise Much of Darwinism is a matter of opinion and nothing else A lot has been invested in the belief of Darwinism


All countries have come to depend on that false religion----life as we know it from the day we are born depends on the belief of Darwinism Darwinism is ingrained in our institutions and without it the house of cards will fall Thats why it is forbidden to teach anything else in American public schools and public universities A lot is riding on Darwinism but like all false doctrines Darwinisms time is about up and it will eventually come crashing down by the weight of its absurdity


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posted on 16/1/06 @ 13:42


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Originally posted by TheObserver Hey Sleeper, Can you tell ET to get in touch with me or anyone else on this forum? Why doesn't ET want everyone to know about them? If they did, presumably they have the abilty to comunicate with everyone and chose not to? Are they waiting for something before they give full disclosure?

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Hi, TheObserver
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ET is aware of those that wish contact----when and if that ever takes place with any certain individual is known only by them. At this stage of the game and for the foreseeable future contact with humans is mostly business They have the ability to communicate with everyone but they know the big picture and they operate within those parameters---concerning those they make contact with Full disclosure is not on the table----when and if it will happen they are not saying


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posted on 16/1/06 @ 14:38


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, I'm still reading this dicussion carefully since I discovered it weeks ago. If sometimes somewhat dubiously. But still, this is one of the most convincing things I'v ever read (For that, I gave "way above")

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Thanks hobo

Just a few questions (no need 2 answer all):

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1) If your saying that Darwins theory of evolution is incorrect then what is? How did everything evolve, if it did at all?

One can say that the mode T Ford has evolved and split into many lines of Ford cars over the decades----humans were behind that evolution---not luck or chance Humans havent evolved over the centuries----there were different species of humans throughout the centuries and there still are The Homo sapiens of today were the homo sapiens of yesterday---humans havent changed only their surroundings, cultures and technology have.

2) Also when was the last time you were in contact with these beings?

Have you ever been out of contact with people you know? ---Family friends work associates---if not face to face we keep in touch with them by cell phones ET stays in touch with slightly more advanced technology

3) Are you only visited by one race?



4) Surely not all ET races never make mistakes ?(Reffering to EBEs capable of traveling to earth) As you said there are millions/billions of different races all at different stages of evolution and technological progress and by what you've told us the U.S is already in posession or close to being in posession of vehicles capable of space travel and of course it's common knowledge that the human race is eons from reaching a utopian, errorless state of existence. So perhaps, could there be EBEs who make mistakes?

None will admit to it

6) If one finds the concept of being abducted, no matter how harmless or good natured it is, would ET, out of empathy, not abduct or erase memory of the event completely without the abductee having an inkling of what had happened? (btw im paranoid ) I ask this as an old friend of mine always tried to tell me stories of being abducted with perhaps the same strange qualities you describe (obviously he wasn't as knowledgable as you are of the whole situation you claim is real). So say these beings are real, no thanks, no matter what, my mind wouldn't be able to comprehend something of this magnitude. Thus I approach this topic of ETs by telling myself I believe it's true but in the back of my mind theres always something saying it's not.

ET knows the breaking point of those they come in contact with----they never push pass that point

I sometimes appreciate the concept of only revealing ET when mankind is ready as I have often thought about the negative and devastating impact it would have on the world and it would probably ruin a lot of lives if you think about it.

Thats why full disclosure hasnt happened


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posted on 17/1/06 @ 09:43


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, What is your opinion of ouija boards? Who do we really communicate with when we use them? Can I use one to comunicate with ET?


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Ouija boards are toys-----for both humans and poltergeist-----can you trust either?

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posted on 17/1/06 @ 12:45


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Originally posted by TheObserver Originally posted by sleeper Ouija boards are toys-----for both humans and poltergeist-----can you trust either?

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Come on stop talking in riddles!! Answer it in more detail please. You didn't say whether ET is contactable through it either.

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Ouija boards are nothing but wood and plastic-----in the few cases where poltergeist answer questions the answers are playful or devious. I wouldnt recommend using such a device to make serious decisions in your life

Poltergeist can hear your thoughts when you seek them out----a door often best left closed ET is aware of all your thoughts regardless of whether you seek them out or not ET can communicate in many ways including directly to your mind, in dreams, and nightmares----again not information you want to take to the bank

Chances are you have had physical ET contact----but they cant leave you with those memories because they might encumber your daily life.


Knowledge from ET bestows an unfair advantage----therefore ET limits total recall and in most cases any recall about the encounter with them. You mentioned that my ET encounter hasnt dramatically impa cted my life, true but I have known them before I was born, and they maintain regular contact with me----Im kind of acclimated to them----nevertheless, their presents can be extremely intimidating at times----especially when they are not in human costume. Human intimidation in comparison is childs play Im sure you havent read many abduction accounts where the abductee was delighted about the contact The contrast of intellect between ET and the human level mind makes causal conversation nearly impossible and most of the time unpleasant I know thats not what you want to hear


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posted on 17/1/06 @ 21:56


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy Originally posted by sleeper ET can communicate in many ways including directly to your mind, in dreams, and nightmares----again not information you want to take to the bank Chances are you have had physical ET contact----but they cant leave you with those memories because they might encumber your daily life. Knowledge from ET bestows an unfair advantage----therefore ET limits total recall and in most cases any recall about the encounter with them.

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Just one question. If ET gives people this information, only to blank it out of their memory afterwards, then why bother? What is the point of letting people in a fugue with unanswered emotions and feelings in their heads. Surely that is as encumbering to their daily life as knowledge of their visits, or fear of the unknown factor should they visit again?


The Wright brothers remember how to build and tweak their flying machine they dont remember their visit with ET----the source of the information for the flying machine.

There are abductees that have problems integrating what they have received during an abduction, perhaps they were told to change certain destructive behaviors and they refuse to do so----and then they are unsure of what is causing their inner conflict---Under those conditions ET may let them remember parts of their abduction----to let them know-----and others, those that eventually will hear their story, that humans are not alone in the universe----for ET it's like hitting two birds with one stone. Most of the abductions people hear about are from those people----the ones that remember the nightmares, the probes, the scary aliens and their ships. The abductions no one hears about are those from people that are pillars of the community, scientist with breakthroughs in their fields of research, etc, ET abductions serve primarily to inject new ideas and technology into the world and to help individuals who are seeking assistance with certain personal problems To answer your last question helping people doesnt always mean treatin g them with kid gloves----sometimes the best medicine leaves a bad taste


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posted on 17/1/06 @ 23:04


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Originally posted by lkas It's best to quit while you're ahead...

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We all come into this world with just enough rope to hang ourselves with---its our prerogative But ignoring questions and comments from posters is rude My answers are sincere and from a higher source than myself----when my


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connection cuts me off I hang


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posted on 17/1/06 @ 23:44


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy So human ingenuity amounts to nothing? Everything we are and everything we have accomplished is thanks to ET? It that were true, I would be seriously depressed. I can understand that singulary we can be stupid animals at times, but as a part of a larger group collective I thought we added up to something more than ET's version of a Sim-Game.

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You can always go on the assumption that its only my opinion and nothing more
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ET doesnt do everything for us we are here for a purpose----but that purpose is not necessarily the occupation we find ourselves in----but it may be. The big stuff like flight and splitting the atom were big steps for planet earth and were inspired by larger than human intellect.

--- That we have no power over our future and need to be constantly shunted into the right groove for them. I think the concept of Alien Abduction is firmly rooted in the collective conciousness right now, and not exactly as a very positive thing. Does ET understand the concept of beating a dead horse? How could they possibly come back from such bad PR?

You have all the power you can handle----some people can handle lots of power, others need assistance at every turn----welfare for instance. Everything they do for you is for you----not for them America dropped two atom bombs on Japan----Japan is Americas closes ally----and not because they fear America

Not only can't we advance by ourselves technologically we also need them to act as Agony Aunts??? Yikes. If ET is so alien in the first place, how could they possibly comprehend the personal problems of an entity (us) which is as alien to them?


Kind of ET is alien to humans----humans are not alien to ET

A bit of "tough-love" then? ET obviously doesn't like Gene Roddenbery or the Prime Directive. Or are they just trying to clean up the neighbourhood?

Have you seen the neighborhood?

Sorry if I come off as being a bit snide, it was not the intention. Just a bit frustrated by the whole shebang right now. A couple of hours sleep a night for months on end wouldn't endear me to anyone's cause.....

I understand, but if what I say hinders you in any way----walk away from this tread, after all everyone has an opinion


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posted on 18/1/06 @ 10:06


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Originally posted by TheObserver Originally posted by sleeper Poltergeist can hear your thoughts when you seek them out----a door often best left closed

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Please tell me why this is the case. What is your definition of a poltergeist anyway?

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If you could put on magic glasses you would see a soup of entities everywhere you looked----like a crowded dial on your radio----each entity representing a frequency They know the rules of the game and can observe but not interfere with humans----unless the contact is initiated by a human----in which case the


human may become an object for fun--We can talk to loved ones that have passed on simply by thinking about them What humans see and understand as difficult situation needing resolution---carries little weight on the other side----like a childs complaints or simple naive curiosities. Poltergeist can be what we call ghosts and even ETs The dead as we call them are more alive and aware than anyone on earth

I can understand that ET would not like to be engaged in idle chit-chat, but in all fariness if I was to speak to ET the last thing on my mind would be to talk to him about the weather! But why do you say unpleasant? What could possibly be unpleasant about talking to a greater mind?

When talking about ET the intellect differential is vast----like talking to a pet that doesnt know you-----the animal---human----is spooked easily But there are some that take human form and make conversation possible---many people have had contact with them they just don t know it

Ok so here's the real deal: I am aware of ET's existance, and I am not going to go loopy if they talk to me, and I want to talk to them, or rather I want them to talk to me. So how do I initiate this? Is there anything that I can do that says to ET that I am 'ready'??

Only ET knows when you are ready-----but being ready is not a prerequisite for an encounter Can you imagine the line that would form if ET had an open door policy?


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posted on 18/1/06 @ 10:13


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Originally posted by TheObserver


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Originally posted by sleeper ET doesnt do everything for us we are here for a purpose----but that purpose is not necessarily the occupation we find ourselves in----but it may be.

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Sleeper, do you know what your purpose is here? Is it possible for us to know what our purpose is?

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Our purpose is anything that helps us move forward in this life If you can get through the illusion of difficulties we all are presented with and remain happy and content you have achieved your purpose Everything else is filler



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posted on 18/1/06 @ 10:29


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, Another thing that occurs to me is if ET is so intelligent and so busy going about their business, do they appreciate the brilliant things that humans do like a beautiful artwork or our music. Do they have a sense of humour? Do they think we are funny? What about a sense of adventure? What do they think of our movies? The ET that you portray seems so scientific, does ET have time to play games?

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They tape some stuff to their refrigerator door

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They never get my jokes----so I would say no If you could see from where they are coming from----their cities----cultural centers----entertainment districts, etc, we come up a bit short Remember how fascinating the play ground at the park was when you were young-----how about today?-----ET was once or twice in our shoes Science can be a lot of fun, especially the kind of stuff they get to play with!

posted on 18/1/06 @ 17:14


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Originally posted by hobo_321 hi, sleeper. What you've stated over the last few post seems to imply that it's not humans who figure things out its the aliens who implant the thoughts in our brains so we think we figured it out. Why would they do that? I mean surely it would be much more healthy for a civilization to evolve on it's own and if they kill each other or dont advance that surely means that they aren't beings that are fit to handle the powers that the more advanced beings have (who acquire their technology through natural intelligence).

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Hi hobo -----Im going to post a disclaimer: Things on my thread can be hazardous to the beliefs which are standard issue from our learning institutions. Unfortunately we cant have it both ways, you either believe in one or the other----its oil and water, they dont mix well, We are not a civilization we are individuals living in a civilization-----we are not a colony of ants or a herd, or robots, nor zombies-----we are each unique individuals with souls forged in celestial furnaces by the gods. We enter this planet alone and we leave it alone----we dont come and go as a society, herd or colony. No civilization acquire anything on their own, intelligence or technology---just like we have children, and our children have children, each generation of parents takes care of their children----otherwise there would be no children.

Surely a civilization that got itself to where ever it gets is far better than one thats almost "cheating"? You could look at it like this: Why, if Bob wants to get big and strong, would he take steroids instead of doing it himself? Why doesn't he get there himself doing the more healthy alternative: lifting weights?

Individuals are free to get from point A to point B however they choose----how they do it will determine their next test and eventually their next hunting ground in the galaxy.

What about the first civilization that ever was how did they get by? (what was first the chicken or the egg?) Is ET just going to keep leading mankind, blindfolded, for ever? Whats the point of having a civilization that has no independence? A civilization that couldn't survive on its own?(even if you say they wont ever be left on their own I think its still an important principal)

There is no beginning and there is no end----we exist in a loop, both the chicken and the egg are one.


Just dont tell that to those fast food fried chicken places


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posted on 18/1/06 @ 18:46


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Thanks, sleeper, great answers! Completely answered my question .

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However, (i know I'm delving into the realms of philosophy here but...) theres just one thing. I just cant grasp the concept of existance almost playing over and over again in a loop. If I were to take this literally that would be saying that I have been at my computer typing this post an infinite number of times in the past and will do again an infinite number of times in the future . This brings me to the question: If the physical realm is just like a music track on a cd player playing on loop setting (same track over and over again) surely this track has an amount of time. How long is the loop? If I were some ultra superior celestial being watching over me right now how long would i have to wait until I can observe the same moment again? It's been proven that the human brain cannot comprehend the concept of infinity (i wonder if anything can) so its understandable that I would question your statement.

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The loop is infinite and if you live forever and you will, you will never experience the same thing twice unless you want to

And finally when I read what you said about looping existence the biggest question that has ever existed popped into my head (If you can't answer this and, understanably, I doubt you can, please take it as a retorical question .): Why does everything exist? Why isn't there just nothing? Surely there must have been a start somewhere or atleast a reason for everything to exist in this exact way.

For there to be nothing something has to be----there in no light if there is no darkness

Result of ADD I think to much about things.

You are asking stuff that many adults dont want to know the answers to--nor could they handle the answers----Some of this stuff can be a burden if you chose to believe it----because you still have to live in a world that is fast asleep---and being one of the few that is awake----is a challenge not suited for everyone----especially at your age.


As long as you keep this stuff in the realm of philosophy youll stay out of trouble


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posted on 18/1/06 @ 22:21


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Hey Sleeper

Is there a possibility of a infinite world where there is always a greater being?

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For example: Let's say somebody owns a cat (indoor cat) in this world....the cat is almost like us and we are the ET's. The cat lives in the house and has no thoughts about the earth because it is too big to comprehend. It can look out the window and see the Earth but unless we , the aliens, can bring the cat outside it wil never find out about a greater world. So there's the cat with us being the aliens....then there's us with the ET's being the aliens. So if this is true than the ET's must have another life form which is greater than them. And that means they live in the universe and the greater life form can take them out of the universe just like we can do with the cat. And if this is true there should be a never ending cycle.

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I think you are on to something Shadowshocker


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posted on 18/1/06 @ 23:00


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

America dropped two atom bombs on Japan----Japan is Americas closes ally---and not because they fear America


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I would stake big money on fear being the major cause. Remember Kobe? If not fear, then what exactly would endear them to the US? Having too much fun in Tokyo DisneyLand?
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It was fear at the beginning but once they realized that America wasnt going to finish them off and instead helped them rebuild their economy fear turned to respect. Japan was under the spell of the wicked witch of the East and once that spell was broken Japan became a democracy and its people set free. There was lots of darkness before and during WW2 and ET lifted the shades a bit and let some light into the world, they will continue to lift the blinders from the human race little by little, and as the blinders go so will the shackles of institutionalize ignorance. Profound change visits earth every few decades and fifty years from now people will look back and not believe how dumb mankind was at the turn of this century

Of course excluding all those who read this post----and agree with me


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 09:57


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Originally posted by Spreadthetruth Sleeper, didn't you also post this thread on Or was it ufocasebook?

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Not sure it just seems familier from along time ago...

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I have posted on other boards similar stuff but not w hats on this tread---however, this thread had been dormant for a few months.


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 10:06


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, You say that ET has involvement in wars. Has ET communicated to you when the next war will be? Do you know if it is iminent and whether it will be nuclear?

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There has never been a day without wars in some corner of the world---There are dozens of wars going on as we speak The only wars that make headlines are the conflicts super powers get involved with----because those are the ones with the most consequences There is no major conflict in the works outside of the war on terror A worldwide nuclear holocaust is not going to happen

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posted on 19/1/06 @ 10:17


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Originally posted by TheObserver

You say that my only purpose in life is to get through the illusion of problems and remain happy. This seems to me to be a pretty lame purpose in life, I always thought that we were made for a greater purpose. BTW It's great talking to you again!

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If you manage to dodge all the bad things life will throw at you and maintain a healthy and positive perspective on life-----you have achieve more than 95% of the world population----and that takes some doing Effective people are those that dont lose their cool in the battle of life Most people lose their focus at the first hint of trouble and never regain it---living the rest of their lives as unproductive and cynical people-----in


effect they have wasted their lives and opportunities to help themselves and others----not a good thing in the big picture


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 10:28


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Originally posted by one_small_step Originally posted by sleeper There was lots of darkness before and during WW2 and ET lifted the shades a bit and let some light into the world, they will continue to lift the blinders from the human race little by little, and as the blinders go so will the shackles of institutionalize ignorance. Profound change visits earth every few decades and fifty years from now people will look back and not believe how dumb mankind was at the turn of this century

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Of course excluding all those who read this post----and agree with me

I wish it would speed up, so many of our brothers and sisters die or deprived from the basics we all should be entitled to everyday because of our selfish & ignorant ways. But in the grand scheme of things it is irrelevant hey I wish they could help us be more compasionate beings than being caught up with economies and self worth. All in good time I guess. millions will die to realize million didnt have to.

Some people have to die to learn how to live-----those who have died are more alive than those who are on this planet---and think that they are alive. Life and death are both illusion People on this planet are here because they are not perfect


The trip to perfection is a long and treacherous journey----and not achieve easily in one life-----most people require many lifetimes to get there.


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 10:39


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Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy Originally posted by sleeper It was fear at the beginning but once they realized that America wasnt going to finish them off and instead helped them rebuild their economy fear turned to respect.

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I am sorry, but that is the most off the mark remark made about Japan and America's relationship. There isn't too much "respect" floating about Japan right now for the US. They may love the culture (it is designed to be universally loved after all!!) and all that jazz, but there is still a deep distrust, resentment and fear of foreigners.

Japan was under the spell of the wicked witch of the East and once that spell was broken Japan became a democracy and its people set free.

Err.....? and traded it to be put under spell of the wicked witch of the west? I must be reading from a much more cynical

True much of the world is focused today on what they perceive to be the wicked witch of the west----sixty years ago ET used the west to stop Japan, Germany, and Italy in their tracks. Now the West is the bad guy Anyway, there is no bad or good-----only learning experiences----its really that simple What you do in any situation you find yourself in----determines what you are made of


The blame game is an earth level activity-----childs play with no winners


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 17:06


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, still a bit puzzled... Wouldn't an infinite loop of existance imply that the same "beings" that we see in the physical universe are reborn over and over. Keeping this in mind, wouldn't that mean that there are a finite number of beings that have ever existed in this physical realm? That means that my sould would have already experienced being me an infinite number of times and will again an infinite number of times in the future? And the same with every other being in the universe? I'll assume I misunderstood your answer, but how, in this situation, would we be able to never experience the same life more than once? I don't know. Maybe I'm just taking what you said about the loop too literally.

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Ps I appreciate that you have not yet left a question unanswered!

Like I said it's a big universe trillions of times bigger then what is speculated---it will not keep expanding and then like a slinky fall bank to square one and start all over again----the only big bang happens on the fourth of July----it never gave birth to the cosmos Because the universe is so big and the possibilities endless---it's really not a far stretch to believe that you will only live you life once-----but thats not to say you cant relive your life an infinite amount of tim es----you can. Go to any beach in the world and pick up a grain of sand----throw it into the ocean-----what are the chances that you will ever pick up that same grain of sand?


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posted on 19/1/06 @ 19:41


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Ah but the problem there is that if the universe is trillions of times bigger than what is thought then wouldn't that imply that it is still finite so there is a finite number of beings in this universe no matter how large. So put this together with what you said about everything has always existed and always will then this would mean that I have had forever to experience being every single living thing in the universe, therefore I have been everything an infinite number of times. I can even express it mathematically... I throw a grain of sand in to the sea, then I go and sit down and wait for it to fly right back into my hand.

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The chances of this happening the same day I threw it in? lets say 1 in 9999999999^999999999999 (even that is probably an understatement). So I guess im in trouble then. Surely I don't have that many days to wait for this to happen. Ive got something better: forever. So I have an infinite amount of days to wait ... ----> 1/9999999999^999999999999 X Infinity = Infinity Therefore, this single grain of sand has not only fallen into my hand once its happened an infinite amount of times and still an infinite amount of times to come. The case is also the same for every other grain of sand in that ocean or on this planet in this universe. Basically, given forever, EVERYTHING will happen. Either I haven't read between the lines properly or I've found the first rock hard inconsistency in your story.

You are smart for a fourteen year old

Most souls have better things to do than wait for a grain of sand to come back to their hand, or live the same life over and over again Thats why memory is wiped clean when entering into planets like earth ---so that you can concentrate on this life-----as if it were your first time Much of existence is that way----you dont know that its forever----and you cant know until you die. Unless ET showed you BTW, human based reasoning, mathematics and physics do not apply on the other side--On earth the existence of a soul is contradictory to all scientific absolutes and theories----it does not compute



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posted on 20/1/06 @ 00:11


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Originally posted by Diego If I may ask, what is your outlook/plan on the rest of your life since you have this knowledge of beyond/what is to come? Will you return here again for a repeat yourself? Or will you choose to move on to bigger and better things in the next realm/dimension? From what I've read, It is your choice. What will your chosen "specific" job be if you do deside to move on past this realm/dimension. I'm pretty sure you have clear idea here also.

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I have been shown a few things but for the most part I have to take one day at a time I will not returned to this planet for a long time, unless I am sent back or certain other circumstances pull be back I am planning a long vacation before deciding on my next assignment


From my assumptions you have filled your "loved ones" in of any short comings they may have in this life? After all we are here to claim "perfection" to move on, correct?

My children are on the right track but not for perfection-----reaching perfection on earth is a rarity----but you can move on from here to other more challenging planets

For me I'd like to know I'll see my loved ones again after death. No matter where I go. You said we take that with us to. Only upon our return to earth will we have our memory wiped. What about if we move on? Will it be wiped again?

When you die you will see friends and family on the other side that are in the in between place----staging area before you or they go elsewhere---and you will be fully aware of those you left behind----as much as you want to be----until you enter a new life If you return to earth or another planet like it your memory will be wiped---but the higher the level you achieve you retain more and more----


regardless of where you go

I can say I have seen a UFO close up. They are real. No E.T. encounters that I know of yet. My personal feelings are that of self awareness of this untaught unknown have been there from the beginning. Don't know how or why it just is. Greater purpose? Maybe. I'm optimistic.

Chances are if you have seen a UFO up close you have been inside it


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posted on 20/1/06 @ 10:02


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, I've been thinking about what you've been saying about what happens when we die. Right now I am aware of myself and I only have the knowledge that I have gathered in this lifetime. I eat, drink, talk, and sleep etc. This person is me! Now then, when I die do I instantly become me again in the 'staging area'? Will I have all the memories that I have attained through this life. Will I be able to say to myelf that sleeper was right?

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You never stop be you when you die----you will be aware of more that what you are aware of now All your memories will be intact and crystal clear----unlike they are here on earth. You will know sleeper was right

In the staging area I have the choice of where my next destination will be or I can stay in the staging area if I choose. Is this staging area where poltergeists exist? You have said previously that poltergeists can be humans or aliens, and that when we use the ouija board this is who we communicate with. So logically speaking this must be the place you are referring to.

In the staging area you and others will decided whats best for you ----take it easy in the staging area----go visit other planets in physical or spirit


form including this planet----or move on to other advanced planets-----if you are really good you might even get to be a super star If you commit suicide -----without just cause----- you will be returned back to this planet very quickly and placed into much more difficult circumstances-----no ifs, ands, or buts Yes you can be a poltergeist and come back here and mess with those playing with Ouija boards

Someone asked you about de ja vu in a previous page. And I think you said that if you think that you have been somewhere before, then you most likely have. Are you talking about this lifetime or a previous one? If you are saying that people that have experienced de ja vu really have been there before in a previous lifetime, then that means that pretty much everyone has had a previous lifetime, because I don't know anyone that hasn't experienced de ja vu at least once in their (current) life.

There are more than six billion souls on earth do you know for sure that they all have experienced it?


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posted on 20/1/06 @ 15:03


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Does your family know about your connection with ET?

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What made you feel inclined to tell a few people you don't know, over internet forums, about the "real" situation with ET? (I could think of a few reasons but would prefer to hear from you)

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I came for the fame and fortune

Lets say you had to guess an exact date (no matter how cluelless you are of when it will happen. I just like to hear other peoples guesses.) of disclosure or more


precisely the exact date we will all know that aliens exist, what would your guess be? Mines, lets say, August the 24th 2046. Its that easy.

There will never be full disclosure where ET will announce they are here---disclosure takes place one soul at a time----in the privacy of their ship.


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posted on 20/1/06 @ 16:56


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Originally posted by hobo_321 I think you just need to go into more depth with this looping existence idea as I'm getting the impression that your ignoring my argument... Im not saying that its because you're lying and you can't think of anything to say. Is it possible you can't explain it yourself? Can humans not understand how the universe started, why it exists, how it loops etc?

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Do you think that the human mind is perfect? Evolutions greatest masterpiece? In the big picture the human mind is no more than a calculator---processes numbers and probabilities----human minds are barely conscience----their only purpose in life is to ask questions----who am I---whats my purpose in life-----is this all there is-----what does that remind you of?-----perhaps an inquisitive child----and Im talking about adult minds. Im not denigrating----only pointing out facts

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So if you can, just tell me everything you know about why the same universe has always existed and always will do.

The body you reside in is like a universe----every cell renews itself and every few days you have a completely new body-----the universe is the same it constantly renews itself And as far as why----no particular reason-----because there could be an infinite number of reasons----and yet not enough to satisfy everyone


Also can you explain away the radiation that scientists claim is from the big bang and the fact that its been documented that scientists have already observed the birth of the universe through state-of-the-art telescopes?(i cant remember when or through what telescope but I remember I read it on Are these stories just a cover up?

The radiation is from massive stars and galaxies being recycled which gives off enormous amounts of radiation across the spectrum----this radiation comes from what scientist believe to be the edge of the universe because that is the furthest their instruments can pick up these exotic particles, which is about thirteen billion light years away----they think They are so off base its almost embarrassing----but thats another thread--Im not going to get into that here.


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posted on 20/1/06 @ 18:55


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Originally posted by one_small_step Sleeper, so the quest for perfection is virtually unatainable in this life?

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You tell me-----how many perfect people have you run into or read about throughout history? Im not talking about those who think they are perfect----that would be at least half the population if not more

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So why try, some may be asking? If eternity greets us after what we percieve as death, big deal!!! Lets just party or play the chance game, afterall there is no end.

There is no end to the universe but not so for souls, however most souls are salvageable----and BTW there is nothing wrong with merriment

The whole suicide thing - if you instantly come back, then suicide again some years later, or if you will 'perhaps' a suicide loop, you say you will be faced with harder challenges. Is it safe to say that this soul will never get better - essentially living a life of neverending hardship? If they suicide in the first place, you can only assume they will do it again if the next life will be harder than the first.


Hardships are not the cause of suicide if it were there would be no people in Third Word Countries----where BTW suicide is low compared to the rest of the world. Many people commit suicide to get back at a parent or lover----they do it out of anger and revenge----and it works----suicide is devastating for those left to pick up the pieces Many people have thoughts of suicide but the vast majority doesnt carry it out-----there is no suicide loop All suicide is not wrong----terminally ill, and other circumstances like honor---- Samurai warriors and others defeated in battle----the reason behind it makes a difference

On a final note, if all you are saying is true, and the human mind is barely conscious, why bother even informing us? Your answers point us in a direction that is pointless to even question.

Because the saying----search and you will find----is a legitimate statement----everyone is searching and most will not find-----and thats not important----but they will get a big surprise when they wake up from this life

Its somewhat reassuring to a degree- just enjoy and make the most of this one folks, the best is yet to come...........

Isnt that what life should be about?-----not worrying about every little thing 24/7


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posted on 21/1/06 @ 12:38


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Originally posted by Im a true sceptic and what makes you sleeper the expert in this field exactly? seems your preaching how things are in *your* universe - but what gives you the position of all knowing?? - can you base one shred of this on any docterate? (and do you have a tin foil hat?)

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Are you making fun of my tin foil hat?

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posted on 21/1/06 @ 13:20


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Originally posted by Im a true sceptic ^^^^^ as if Ive had a near death experience myself, but thats another story. Id like to know how you come to your conclusions - with life, the universe - and just about everything.

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Near death experiences are great for getting basic insider information---like there is life after death-----but they are very brief journeys into the next life----like entering a hallway of a house but not seeing the actual rooms in the house. Most people that have near death experiences dont remember much about them but do remember feeling unconditional love----which is real I never had a near death experience-----I experienced it while alive----in a ship----those things call UFOs ETs are emissaries from the other side----other planets in other star systems and dimensions in this universe I would say that they are of the spirit type of existence except that everything is a spirit existence of one form or other----matter is only another level of that kind of energy BTW what do you remember about your NDE?----Hell----heaven----or something all together different?


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posted on 21/1/06 @ 14:12


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Originally posted by Diego Sleeper, Thanks for the answers. Now, if the "we are good we might be superstars" answer. Can you iterate for us here? Good how? I'm sure a few of us would love to be a superstar.

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Well most know what bad is----hate, envy, stealing, killing, lying, cheating, etc-----good is the opposite of those things----helping others just for the heck of it----being happy, encouraging others and yourself----for the fun of it----having fun and being happy----when you would rather not be---taking advantage of the gifts given to you, etc

What do you mean take it easy in the staging area? Exploration will be on everyones mind i'm sure. Will fear be a factor at all?

Taking it easy means exploring----vacationing with loved ones on the other side----not working----you do work on the other side----not everyone hates working here on earth so work is not necessarily a four letter word. No fear on that level

Why would we ever want to leave? Especially since our loved ones are there for us already. They didn't move on when they could have? Our other living loved ones will be here soon to. You said it's our choice. Is there some sort of alarm that goes off saying your loved one is getting ready to kick the bucket get back to the staging area for a reunion?

No one wants to leave that place----some dont have a choice----some do so for personal reasons----some to be super stars on planets like earth----and for any number of challenges or experiences including fighting in a war If you are in that plane of existence you will be aware of loved ones as much as you wish to be----no alarms will go off----you will know and will be there to greet them

Also, you said you plan on a long vacation. Like you know exactly your plan. That you wouldn't be back unless you were called back? <== so it' not all our choice then?


Not everyone has a choice----we dont let our young children walk across the street by themselves, we also dont let them decided whether or not they will go to school----if we did most of them would chose not to get an education.

Were are you going on your vacation?

Havent decided yet

Can you travel with loved ones or only alone? Can we travel back in time to see events we did before? Another question is will we be given any answers to all these questions we have been asking for years about all our on earthly thought mysteries?

You can travel with anyone you wish if they are there You can revisit any moment in any of your lives Somethings will be answered----others you will have to find the answers yourself

Do we eventually reach a plateau or an end of all knowledge? Or do our souls get reused over and over an infinite number of times. Repeating this infinite loop? Never to jump off track? Because we may be summonded back? That would be such a bummer.

The plateau is infinite and there is no end of knowledge Souls are very durable and not easily extinguished----but they can be Life on earth and on other levels is difficult when there are unresolved issues in your soul----in the in-between zone you can see these issues more clearly-----while here you have to search your soul to root out those problems----most would rather not


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posted on 21/1/06 @ 19:04


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Originally posted by mbkennel sleeper, some non-soul type questions: 1) You have said that most ET encounters are very traumatic to humans. Can you explain why? Is it just because of human reactions or is it on account of what ET does and doesn't do? (Abductions do suck as opposed to asking nicely).

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ET encounters are for a number of reasons but many are used to----how should I put----take you behind the barn-----they are intimidating for a reason-----sometimes you are forced to confront situations you would never confront on your own. For one ETs dont look like ETs on the other side because the mind sees them differently----during earthly encounters humans see them with a human mind-----and the human mind does not comprehend the supernatural---ghosts, ETs, and other freaky stuff that is not normal

2) You have said that ETs also can disguise themselves as humans and interact in society. IF that were the case, then at least some of them know how to not be intimidating to humans (and pass for them in casual interaction) and understand enough about human psychology to make this possible.

They all know how to interact with humans; intimidation when it happens is intentional

If both are true, then it seems that ETs don't have to necessarily make encounters traumatic and unpleasant if they don't want to. But if they do as you say, I get the feeling that they're real jerks.

Many see authority figures as real jerks, police, school principal, parents, the boss and ET

Parents sometimes do things that seem mean to children, but they also do things that even children realize is very nice. How do we end up with just the mean ones?

ETs are the original two-face----they can be both good and bad----but they are always right----and looking out for your best interest


posted on 21/1/06 @ 19:36


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Are there "unpopular" lives? I mean, who would enter the body of an aborted baby or a baby who dies at birth? I'm sure there are people who have short pointless lives of permanent suffering. Or who, if people are so loving and benevolant on "the other side", would enter the life of a serial killer/rapist/cannibal or what about hitler?

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For the most part the soul is not inserted until the baby is born----the body is only a machine-----we dont enter cars while they are on the assembly line
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Its not always the choice of the soul where they will be put----once they are inserted they have to deal with their situation----no matter what it is People like Hitler and serial killers are souls that have taken on horrific jobs----like Satan----Satan is an ET with a job----but he really isnt the Satan of the bible that will be locked away in a pit for a thousand years---he is only another soul----one thats been around a long time

Do souls have any influence on the beings that host them? If not wouldn't that just make their lives like a long movie?

Souls and beings are one and the same

I've always been fond of Einstein's saying: "God does not play dice". This implies that everything in the universe happens one way. If it happened another way then it would be disobeying the laws of physics. I may be more open minded than the next guy but I would have to shake hands/tentacles/paws with the aliens you talk about before I could begin to question this. Keeping this in mind, from what I know, a soul is a celestial/spiritual entity with no mass or attributes that apply in this physical realm, therefore, how can it have any influnce on the brain, a purely physical entity? The brain operates through sending/recieving electrical impulses through the body. Theres nothing "spiritual" about that.

The brain is a machine that controls the body-----the brain is like the command center, the cockpit, without a soul the brain is a machine without a pilot Electricity and all matter----one and the same-----is a creation and subservient feature of the spiritual or spirit or soul-----the only thing that is real is the soul

Sorry if you find this narrow minded but it has to be asked.


Not at all, you are astute for your age


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posted on 21/1/06 @ 22:04


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Originally posted by hobo_321 -Its not always the choice of the soul where they will be put ----once they are inserted they have to deal with their situation----no matter what it is Who chooses where there put? Is there a superior being who chooses? Surely this would mean there is some form of religion or something of that nature.

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There are higher powers many strata of them-----a chain of command of sorts----if you are religious than you may see it as such-----but after you are there long enough to acclimate you will see things much differently than you do now.
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with religious beliefs----or most beliefs----ET created all structures and institutions. I was a Catholic, and when I married I changed my religion to one of the protestant ones----the one my wife and children belong to-----I even thought my children to be good Christians----yet I do not adhere to any religion or secular beliefs

Electricity and all matter----one and the same-----is a creation and subservient feature of the spiritual or spirit or soul-----the only thing that is real is the soul. So in short, the soul does have influence in the physical realm? Do I want what my soul wants? What would happen if someone didn't have a soul?

You are your soul-----the thinking part of you is your soul----your soul with blinders while you are on this planet Going to church and following the commandments is a good thing because for many the other side will be like heaven However, heaven is not exclusive-----all are invited to the fathers table---even those that dont believe No soul equals machine



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posted on 21/1/06 @ 22:27


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Originally posted by mbkennel "ETs are the original two-face----they can be both good and bad----but they are always right----and looking out for your best interest"

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How do you know? How would I know?

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I know because I was told and shown, why----that I dont know---------------but you will have to decided for yourself what you know and are willing to believe-----everyone has the capacity to know the truth-----however, knowing the truth is not requisite to achieving a fulfilling and productive life----knowledge is a two edge sword-----to much and it can disrupt things

So far, there is no evidence they're doing anything other than what they want.

Its their show

Parents who spank their children when they're naughty also ask them what they want for dinner and what they want for Christmas.

ET for the most part remains behind the scenes-----thats why everyone has human parents and guardians

And when they take people and then zap their memory: what is the point of "initimidation" or "giving them a lesson" if the people don't remember it?

The conscious mind remembers little----the unconscious mind remembers everything and changes take place is a subtle way What kind of changes? Thats between you and ET



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posted on 21/1/06 @ 23:11


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Originally posted by StarBreather Sleeper, you give a very multifaceted message. I just want to concentrate on one aspect: you constantly refer to a view that the world is made of layers upon layers of levels of consciousness. Your view includes the concept that higher levels may have different semantics than lower levels, so that dialogue becomes almost pointless. Now: a human and an animal are separate entities. But the human can implant electrodes in the animal's brain to crudely control its movement: so the animal becomes in a sense an extension of the human. Or: the alien and the human are separate entities. But the alien can sometimes inject information in the human's life stream, that will modify the field of choices that the human has when responding to situations: the alien makes use of the human. The motivations why they do such things could be exactly the same: just as the psychologist is trying to increase his knowledge, the alien may have the same difficulty across conceptual levels. You say that the alien is all-knowing, and the galaxy is a wonderland and everything, but the alien may be using us in scientific experiments to understand what he's made of, just the opposite situation from what you imply with your rosy picture. Have you considered the possibility that they have not told you the truth?

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I have been aware of ET for all of my life----I even remember then dropping me off on this planet Nevertheless, for the first four decades of my life I didnt want to know about them and I did my best to block them out of my life----totally impossible They have literally taken me kicking and screaming into a life I didnt want----in short they forced me to clean up my act----I wasnt always the nice guy I am today.. Evil beings wouldnt have gone to so much trouble to make me respectable..or would they? What these ETs have shown me leaves no doubt in my mind that they are on the same level as deities-----they are not out there trying to figure things out-----their cities are beyond fantastic----everything is magic-----


and love radiates from everything including them----when they dont have their bad face on----which they only put on while on earth Here on earth as we all know the truth is difficult to come by----and most of us wouldnt know the truth if it fell on us like a brick wall ----the truth is a tough concept down here But its not on the other side


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posted on 22/1/06 @ 00:24


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Originally posted by StarBreather Sleeper, I can agree with many of your observations, especially the one that "love radiates from everything including them". But my problem can best be expressed as (and this is not meant to be cynical or anything): A domesticated chicken says to a wild chicken: "look how good the aliens treat me, they have only my best interests in mind, it's all for my own good". We all know the sad fate of domesticated chickens. How could they (the domesticated chickens) think otherwise? To me, the presence of love is not by itself reassuring, because love is the blood of deities. It is just the light they shine upon us to better observe our souls.

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Think of a human scientist shining light on a cold-blooded creature, how the light feels good for the creature.

The chicken domesticated or not is at the mercy of man----man and woman can keep the chicken and make it a pet or they can fatten and eat it Using the chicken as a metaphor for humans and man for ET----the chicken is SOL and lives at the whim of man-----there is nothing the chicken-----or for that matter, man, can do about it. I just happen to know ET is not cannibalistic------but altruistic


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posted on 22/1/06 @ 17:30


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Originally posted by hobo_321 sleeper, I just saw a thread on cow, human and even dolphin mutilations. In their autopsies apparently they had cuts that were so fine that they could have only have been performed with cutting tools on the atomic level. Although these sights don't really bother me the pictures are quite gruesome and gory (There are shots of a person whose face seems to be completely ripped off). Could this be the "evil" alien's work (surely it could be done by "good" ET as I doubt it's in noones best interest to be brutally murdered)? Is it the government? Or have you not heard much on this subject (it is a somewhat obscure area of ufology)? Do you think it is related to the chupacabra myth? [edit on 22-1-2006 by hobo_321]

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Secret governments do abduct people and animals for various reasons but they dont have to leave evidence, neither does ET They cant allow full disclosure but UFO sightings, mutilations, and alien crashes are part of the mind games played on humans by both ET and covert organization.


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posted on 23/1/06 @ 10:22


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, I find it a bit difficult to digest that the pinnacle I can achieve in this lifetime is to be a "superstar". I would hardly consider the movie and music stars here to be the best we can possibly achieve. Many of these said stars end up committing suicide anyway, so they can't think they are that great either!

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You dont achieve stardom because you reached a higher level of nirvana ---you can be a star in the same way you chose to be the hero in a video game. Once you are on the other side you have certain options and life choices you can choose from for your next life----perhaps you might want to be a


leader of a country, a general in some army, a school teacher, or a janitor. Depending on what level of consciousness you are----determines how many things you can pick from----and the quality of those things You can also be someone who is selfless, like a mother Theresa----or return to earth to help a family member or friend After you make your choice you will be placed into circumstances that lead you to those positions in life. Anything you chose is not a guarantee of success or happiness----you have to make those things happen for yourself-----once you are in the shoes of a world leader or super stars like John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin you will learn that those lofty positions are not necessarily easy street-----as you pointed out

You also said that you are only here for the fame and fortune, I do hope that was a joke

Well I have neither fame nor fortune----and yes I was joking


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posted on 31/1/06 @ 19:32


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Originally posted by Truthforall Originally posted by TheObserver Has this thread died again?? Sleeper, tell us something that will breathe some life into this thread!!

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Sleeper has no knowledge of what he is typing in the first place (IMO). I have had the photos analyzed. "Person in their thirties at best. Appears to be male. " IMO Sleeper is not 53(IMO).
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[edit on 30-1-2006 by Truthforall]

I hope you didnt pay much for the analysis because if you did you got took


I am 53----not that my age has anything to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials Those hands have not had it easy, I have been in construction for 35 years as a carpenter and have built many houses in freezing winter weather and roasted during the hot summer months. I have also built lots of free houses for Habitat for Humanity-----those were the hardest on me----working with amateurs can age you before your time But according to you and your expert friend who did the analysis my hands are fairing well----go figure! BTW----everything I write is true [edit on 31-1-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 1/2/06 @ 11:46


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Originally posted by blue grass I remember a ride with my grandparents but it's not them. They are explaining things to me and I'm asking a lot of questions. I'm not bothered that it really isn't my grandparents. I remember talking about how gravity is like sound, a wave that can be generated or altered. I've played music since I was little.

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Were your grandparents alive at the time? -----some abductions are encounters with loved ones that have passed away. Also ET can take on any shape and personality they wish-----I remember touring the solar system with my grandmother-----I was young about ten and she was still alive and living in Italy while I was in the US----I never was able to ask her if she remembered an episode like that----she lived many years after but I would never see her again

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I remember remembering missing time and wanting to forget again. I know this sounds strange. It's come up again recently but years have gone by since I thought about it last.

Some people are taken more than others and they have the ability to


remember more but those experiences are best left in the subconscious mind where they dont interfere with the present illusions of this life otherwise whats the point of this existence?

Some of the drawings I made as a child were difficult for my parents to understand. I would draw machines, places I visited, flying people, and anatomy. As an adult, I've studied the psychology of children's art - universal images that all children draw before they are taught. There was no basis in experience for some of the things I drew. I could draw anything very well from a very early age. My mom encouraged me to be an artist.

Perhaps parts of a previous life got through the membrane of this life---you may have been an engineer previously and what you saw were things you designed or built on another planet

I was tested with an IQ of 155 in 5th grade. I was placed in a special program for 2 years with a few other students until the state money ran out.

High IQ is a gift as is everything-----those who use it wisely are better equipped to deal with this life----and therefore if they chose to, influence in positive ways other travelers on this journey called life

I remember sensing daylight at night and the feeling of someone entering the room but not being able to turn around. If I'm in bed, I can't open my eyes. It's just very bright pink. This has happened a number of times but I'm more aware of it happening when I was very young. I've read about REM sleep and how this might be a split moment in time as your brain is waking up. I don't know what to think. It seems very real and it used to happen a lot when I was younger.

Most visits take place during REM or when coming out of that stage of sleep----some people like to call it sleep paralysis because they dont understand the supernatural world-----however there are sleep disorders as well.

I remember opening my eyes in the middle of the night and looking directly in the face of someone who is not human. I don't look away. I don't hear voices. I'm scared but curious. There might be someone else with us. I'm not sure.

As much as we would like to think we are alone its just not possible we live in a spirit filled universe and some of those spirits can manifest into physical bodies----ET operates in those parameters.

I was hit by a car while holding my father's hand when I was about 8. Witnesses said I was thrown 10 feet in the air and landed in a thud on my neck and back.


Without thinking, my dad rushed me to the hospital. I had a couple of bruises. I seem to remember watching it like a movie. I didn't feel alone.

While in the military overseas I was in a severe car accident ET stepped in and fixed me and the other occupant up and left before the police and ambulances came----we were in perfect condition without a scratch----the car was a mangled twisted pile of metal----I was the driver and it was my fault----the passenger didnt remember anything that happened but couldnt believe we were alive and unhurt

I remember other conversations with people I cared about (never quite looking in their faces for very long) and asking why and how, what might seem like spiritual questions now. I can't remember any answers but one and it's going to seem a little odd. I'll try to explain. The central point of my understanding is this. We are containers, collecting experiences and growing our soul in preparation for something more. What we see and touch is like a dream made real only because we seem to want to believe it. I'm sure I'll either mess this up or offend someone so please be patient with me. I believe god/the divine is flowing in, around and through everything. In a very real sense, there is no separation. When we choose to take part in this, we are realizing something greater than ourselves.

Have you seen Star Trek the movie? That movie is a perfect metaphor for existence-----in the movie its a space probe that collects infinite knowledge. We are containers of knowledge and experience as you point out; the only difference is that after each life we are clued in to what we are

My experiences seem to climax with those thoughts. Afterward, I wanted the strange things to stop. As far as I'm aware, they have. To be honest, I do still have have dreams, occassional odd sores that heal very quickly and a feeling of being connected to something larger. I'm a night owl, gettimg a lot of work done then. Sometimes I'll leave the studio and feel like someone is watching. It scares me but meanwhile, the work is getting better. There are no accidents. It has all the manifestations of a religious conversion and spiritual awakening. Perhaps that's because it is.

You answered your own question

Much of what I think I realized happened with a year of getting married and trying to have a baby. I was scared of bringing someone else into my experiences. I wanted to forget. I now have 2 children and am very happy. Both are very intelligent and talented in music and art. To set an example, I made a leap of faith years ago, leaving my established professional career for an opportunity to pursue my creative work. I surprise myself sometimes at having been so successful at it.


The funny thing is we dont bring people into the world they are sent in or they volunteer to come into our lives----most of the time they are life changing blessings

Sleeper, I can only hope that your experiences are genuine. I don't have any questions except to invite you to comment on what I'm admitting to.

My experiences are genuine

I haven't talked to anyone else about these things in nearly 12 years. My wife is VERY patient but we don't discuss it much any more. I think she accepts it as being real. We've both seen too many things happen in 13 years of marriage together to dismiss as coincidence. What we both visualize together often comes around. Call it creative visualization if you like but it works...important to stay positive.

My wife wants to believe, she has seen things that have no explanation yet she is not allowed to know, same with my children they are involved yet they dont know nor do they want to know. Nothing goes wrong in a positive state of mind

I've often wondered about the psychological effects of this whole thing. Did my young desire to understand the relationship between things, recognizing patterns, manifest in a science fiction fantasy? I don't know. I'm willing to consider that may be the case. Did the nature of my curiosity guide my interaction with something I still don't understand or want to admit to? Again, it doesn't really matter. I have to believe that whatever brings us closer to making peace with our place and purpose in this world can only be a good thing.

What you experienced is supernatural and real, what you are willing to accept comes with human limitations

Best wishes.


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posted on 1/2/06 @ 14:45


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Hi sleeper Small question... Do all life forms have souls? Do dogs have souls (somehow i doubt this)? What determines what kind of life form is "sophisticated" enough to host a sole?

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Hi hobo
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They have consciousness but to what level I dont know -----many machines that accompany ETs have the same kind of awareness that animals display yet they are nothing but smart equipment that perform services-----in a way similar to what pets provide-----companionship, protection, entertainment, and helpful like seeing eye dogs, or beasts of burden like horses, mules etc. All life forms are sophisticated machines without souls, however a soul is a soul----and a soul can enter into any machine including pets and insects----for a verity of purposes including entertainment or punishment----the machine one enters into determines what that soul can or cant do----anything less than a human life can be a very boring and tedious existence for a soul Most machines are autonomous robots and function without anyone at the controls-----the human machine is the exception, it is designed specifically for a soul


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posted on 1/2/06 @ 17:11


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, thanks for the reply but..

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Are you implying that not all physical bodies host souls? For example are there some dogs that have souls and some that don't? Wouldn't this mean that soulless beings would exibit a "soulless" behaviour as opposed to their soul-hosting counterparts? Thanks.


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Most non human physical bodies are soulless they operate on a high level of intelligence what we call artificial intelligence or instinct-----one and the same btw-----yet souls can enter them----but usually for a short duration There is no such thing as soulless behavior you are either a soul or a toaster-----insects and animals are complex forms of toasters



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posted on 6/2/06 @ 10:16


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Originally posted by Truthforall

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

From your earlier posts you have been in the military service in which you have "gain all of this knowledge" to give out about our friendly neighbors. Working construction for over thirty-five years does not give much time for the military career at 53. So when did you start?

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For an investigator you are a sad case----I have stated many times on this thread and others that I was in the military for only three years My ET knowledge came mostly while out of the military----in other words my military service didnt interfere with my ET contacts


Your hand has nothing to do with ET but they do have everything to do with you and your BS. Very close to finding who you really are. My friend, well lets just say he is working on it. To bad your ET freinds did not tell you about the new technology for hand print photos. Legally you gave up your rights by posting on a public forum with no copy rights on your photos.

There is a lot of BS going on and its coming from you Im not trying to hide my identity----Im all for everyone posting with their real names and when everyone does I will too.

Please note that I will not state who you are on this forum. I may U2 you to give confirmation.


Im looking forward to it


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posted on 7/2/06 @ 20:10


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 There is a chance that Sleeper is lying but I highly doubt that. The ideas or "theories" that he has posted are very advanced and don't sound like anything that is made up or fiction. For awhile I have wondered alot about the universe and about our lives. I didn't really have to many people who can answer my questions without believing I was insane. Most people don't want to think outside of the life they live because they're afraid of the truth. But Sleeper, you've helped me understand some of my questions and provided alot of help. Good job!

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I do however, have a few more questions. First, What does gender represent? Is it just something that exists in this life? And if we are all the same gender before and after this life then why do most men like women and most women like men in this life?

Humans are wired to reproduce and have fun with sex----breaks the monotony of this life

Second, are souls constantly being created and if so then where are they coming from? Who's creating them?

Stars and planets are being created by the billions as we speak----a process that has no beginning or ending----new stars and planets replace dieing ones-----unlike stars most souls live forever----some die for a number of reasons including extinguishing themselves----freewill having got the best of them and they refuse to go on. Who creates souls? A god? A committee of super beings? A soul machine? A mad scientist?-----souls are created in a similar way as we procreate


here on earth----through immense love----on earth it takes the love of two people to reproduce a human machine---body----and then a soul is inserted. Creating a soul is accomplished by a number of souls who have reached a high level of unconditional love----and this soul becomes a part of their community----or family

Last, are there people brought into this world who already know about what exists and what the real truth is? And if not can they discover everything in a single lifetime on Earth? How can they discover this without the ET's help? Do they have to reach a higher consciousness and 'Pry open their third eye'?

Yes, there are many No one can discover everything in a single life time----do first graders figure it all out their first year in school? And even after college or high school learning is a constant requirement to move forward in this life and all the rest. Without ETs help nothing happens----ET is the extended family Its a big universe and a very big consciousness ----the higher you go the more you can grasp


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 10:15


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Originally posted by Monkeyz Sorry if this question has already been answered. i didn't exactly read all 30 something pages. How do you explain the mutilations that are supposedly happeneing to both cattle and humans?

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Animal mutilations are common very few are cattle and none are humans with souls. Mutilations are done mostly by humans in covert operations to extract certain enzymes from animal tissue-----stuff they need in the field---animals provide fresh material----wild animals are everywhere and are an easy source for many biological elements



Also, how do you explain crop circles?

There are two old men with a plank and rope that go out every night after being kicked out of their local pub and vandalize innocent wheat fields----at least that is what many in the media are buying and peddling to the world

Crop circles are made by ET and some are made by humans in ships and equipment provided by ET-----some are coded messages like billboards for other ETs and humans who work for ET, some are nothing more than graffiti made by bored humans playing with cool alien stuff. A very few are made by college students or old men.


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 16:45


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Originally posted by sleeper some are nothing more than graffiti made by bored humans playing with cool alien stuff.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

So there are people who are allowed (or atleast can get away with) to mess around with this technology? I'm a tad jealous. What do you have to do to be trusted with this much power?
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Its not a job you apply for, nor can you get in through a government agency, ET chooses those who work for them----no negotiations, no contracts-----most dont know that they work for ET.

And what sort of messages would aliens leave for each other in these crop circles? Surely, even for aliens this is a bit of an extravagant way of communicating (and i suppose rather primitive)?

Not so primitive that no human outside the program has been able to



Dont they know of a "kinder" way of communicating without destroying peoples livelihood? What kind of "benevolent" being would do this?

Not one single grain is damage when ET makes them

...One last thing that bugs me whenever I look at this thread... If existence has existed for eternity, hasn't everything already happened? This question is so mind boggling for me that I'm not even sure what kind of answer I'm looking for. I've always believed that nothing has a probability of 0. So if thats true then wouldn't that mean at one point of time (actually an infinite number of points in this infinite timeline) the entire universe was ruled by a race of evil oven gloves? (Yes, I know its a rather odd question but I just tried to think of the most absurd randomn thing that came to mind for the sake of argument)

The nearest star to earth is only four light years away----no human will ever visit that star while alive or in a human body----way to far----can you grasp the size of the universe?----the best human minds cant-----the universe is thousands of times larger and more complex than any human mind can imagine-----the possibilities are endless-----the ability to comprehend those possibilities while residing in a human brain are finite. The whole idea of random is nothing but a human toy----something to play with while in this playpen called earth. The only reason I can give this information is because most people will not believe it-----most people shouldnt believe it----distracts them from the life they need to focus on here on earth.


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 17:15


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 But Sleeper in advanced technology can we make our own machines that are so realistic that instead of "your soul entering a baby" your soul can enter a complex realistic machine? So instead of giving birth to a baby then a soul enters, we make


a machine and program it then a soul enters.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Humans could make the machine through cloning but they never will have the ability to transfer the soul from one body to the next----without ET Hypothetically if ET allows humans to successful clone a human a soul of ETs choosing will be placed into the body----ET has always used clones for themselves and for humans that work for them to enter into. Will humans ever create a mechanical replacement for themselves for the purpose of extending their lives----no, its not allowed Humans are placed into baby bodies so that they have a new slate to work from without the distractions of other lives or experiences Once you leave this life you dont need a mechanical or physical contraption to exist

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posted on 9/2/06 @ 17:36


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163

The nearest star to earth is only four light years away----no human will ever visit that star while alive or in a human body----way to far

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

If anything is possible than a human WILL reach that star, the next closest galaxy, and eventually every star in the universe!

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Everything is possible----but not while a human

Even if that's not true, I find it hard to believe that we won't ever reach the next closest star while living here on Earth. You're saying that humans will NEVER become as advanced to reach our neighboring stars?

The soul is advance beyond what we are allowed to do here on earth


The soul has been to neighboring stars and other galaxies----unless you are brand new Humans on this planet will not travel outside this solar system while they are alive or in human bodies. This is not Hollywood, Star Trek type of travel is not in the cards for earth. But you dont have to believe me


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 17:47


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Originally posted by sleeper Will humans ever create a mechanical replacement for themselves for the purpose of extending their lives----no, its not allowed

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We have machines that jumpstart your heart to keep you alive. And we also have some medical advancements that can put your heart on machines to keep you alive LONGER. How is this not a "mechanical replacement" with the "purpose of extending their lives"? I'm not trying to prove you wrong I'm just saying if we are way so far behind in technology compared to others and already have things to keep us alive longer, then out of this whole infinite universe some other planet must have already reached even further improvements of this....perhaps even keeping them alive for ever (unless the machine no longer works)

You asked if humans will build machines that they can transfer their souls to----thats way different from a heart pump Billions of planets have technology far more advanced than earth And life goes on without machines or human type bodies---for most life is forever and although you may not travel between the stars while on earth and in human form you will travel to other stars in other lives----most likely you have unless you are fairly new to the universe


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 18:12


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Originally posted by Wilbert

"Creating a soul is accomplished by a number of souls who have reached a high level of unconditional love" So your view is of those who are borned. But what of those who are borned and do not know their parents? What of those who are born from single parents?

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Lust is a form of love and it takes two people to create a baby even if its by accident or invitro. Humans dont create souls----and creating a baby is a no-brainer----some dont even know how it happens. Not important, the body knows how to procreate without much human input


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posted on 9/2/06 @ 19:29


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Sleeper, We can create something that carries a soul, which is known as a human being. These human beings are made by having sex. I guess my question is, will humans ever create something else that a soul is put into. I'm not saying that the humans transfer the soul out of the human and into a machine, but whatever it is that puts our souls into a human body, can it put it into a machine that a human has made. For example, Sperm and Egg combine making a baby, soul then enters baby. Is there another way? For example, Human makes machine, soul enters machine instead of a baby. I guess I'm asking can a soul ever enter something other than a natural born baby?

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Humans did not create the human body----the human body is self perpetuating----sex is the mechanism ET can insert a soul into anything even a piece of wood Humans on the other hand----would you want to be put into something a human made? Even advanced humans?

Also I was wondering what did you believe in as a child and as you got older how did this chance? Did you believe in what your family believed in because you were scared they might be right? (For example, did you question your religion in your head, but were too scared to ever say anything aloud cause you were scared of going to a hell or something like that?) And if you eventually changed your ideas from theirs or told them what they belived what'd they think?

My mother was very Catholic in her beliefs and I did believe in Christianity but I never was good at it----I went to church as a child but stopped when I became a teenager----I started back up when I had children just to give them something to chew on. I was never afraid of going to hell----it never made sense to me that a loving father---god----would send his children to eternal damnation----I never discussed religion with my parents----they had their beliefs and I had mine.

posted on 10/2/06 @ 00:20


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Originally posted by sleeper ET can insert a soul into anything even a piece of wood

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

You say this like ET's are so incredibly great when really their the same souls as we are, give or take a few lifetimes lived on different planets. I mean, if we are the exact the same souls just ET's have the upper hand cause they've been put into a body that is on a much more advanced planet then why can't we figure things out like they can. What is keeping this planet behind?

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This planet is not behind it is exactly where is should be----all the problems in this world are here to be resolved----most will do good to resolve their own problems----if thats all they are up to doing then that is



There has to be a better reason then that their planet has been around longer. And why do we forget everything during our lifetimes spent on different planets? How are we supposed to reach anything if everytime we enter a planet we forget everything and are just given a new obstacle (our lives) with the same question (what are we here for?) from a different point of view? I know that you said we will remember everything after each lifetime, but if we can't remember it during our current lifetimes then we can't really accomplish anything until after we die.

Perhaps the only thing you have to do while on this planet is finish school, find something you are interested in and make the best of it, get married and have a family----enjoy this life as much as you can----and stop worrying about all the details

And also how can you trust everything the aliens have taught you? What if your completely wrong and when we die that's it....everythings over?

ET cant lie, not so for humans-----when we die its not over----its never over unless somewhere down the line you decided to pull the plug----or you are so bad that they give up on you----which is rare

As much as I want to believe you Sleeper my mind always continuously questions everything. I would like for everything you said to be right and that when I die I'll go to another lifetime when I'm ready. I really don't want it to just end. But as usual I'll come up with another question which will doubt everything until it's answered. And I'm only 15 so I have to put up with this for a long time (most likely). Why can other people become so easily convinced in a religion without ever having to question anything? At first I thought maybe it was a good thing that I'm not so easily convinced on one main idea. But now it's just interupting this life that I'm going to have to put up with for awhile.

Every body is full of questions about life even the clergy----most dont show it-----relax and enjoy the ride-----your not going to know everything because human brains are blocked so take what you can use and move on with your life----life really is not that big of a deal

And that brings me back to the same point, what if when this life is over, everything is over and my one chance at life I couldn't just enjoy it while it lasted?

No one is stopping you from enjoying this life but if you screw it up you will get many more chances to make things right


Just like in this life there are people that fail but they get back on the horse and keep going----thats what it is all about----never giving up


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posted on 10/2/06 @ 09:46


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Wilbert-----are you Jealous that ET didn't give you a ride in their big ship? Or you had a difficult life and no one loves and understands you? So you surf the net looking for threads you don't agree with and attack them because it makes you feel alive? Perhaps my thread ruined your fantasy about ever becoming a Star Ship commander and you are lashing out at me? Or is it all of the above?

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If I so offend you why do you keep coming back to read my thread-----to save others from what I write? You cant burn my book----in order to save the world from sleeper------so you ask that my thread be removed I can see your point by experiences and ideas are very dangerous and they must be stopped.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 10/2/06 @ 13:21


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Wilbert it is obvious that it is you who are seeking attention you cant come up with any ideas on your own so you highjack threads that get lots of hits-----leaching off of them You are also deceitful----you changed your identity from dgoodpasture to wilbert


ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Who do you think you are fooling? Its also obvious that you are a Christian------which is fine-----but you are one of those types that have a burning need for most of the population to burn in hell for eternity-----to justify your own goodness Well I hate to burst your bubble but no one is going to burn in hell for eternity----so that you can play the harp on cloud nine and taunt those evil sinners from above PS Im sure you mean well

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posted on 10/2/06 @ 13:51


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Be careful Mr. Wilber dgoodpasture Lying is a sin and you may go to hell for eternity for doing it----and then you will not be able to taunt those evil sinners All your posts are hateful lies----every thing you say is recorded for eternity and you will have to make amends for your evil deeds

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

[edit on 10-2-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 10/2/06 @ 15:30


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You have way too much time on your hands Wilber----dgoodpasture and who knows how many other names you post under----I would call you Beavis and butthead but thats two people, you are only one----Cybil comes to mind Thats what this is about you spent a lot of time worshiping prophet Yahweh and he shattered your beliefs----your life-----so now you are on a rampage

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Go ahead and throw your silly tantrums on this thread perhaps you will


find some sympathizers here

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posted on 10/2/06 @ 17:49


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Originally posted by hobo_321

Sleeper, the state of existence and of this universe that you describe seems to have the characteristics of one created by a being. There seem to be alot of "rules" and these sort of rules don't occur naturally. If you can, explain.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hobo I presume you mean one god but even in the Old Testament god used the word we----insinuating more than one----and he was not speaking of the Trinity There are rules for everything as you pointed out----otherwise we would know only chaos and cease to exist In essence all souls are one----like a family unit----with good apples and bad----always working on the bad ones

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And when will you tell us why your telling all this? You admitted yourself that your story is too unbelievable for us to believe at face value. And from what you've told me, you have the ability and evidence to prove this stories veracity. Why do you only meet us half way.

Im telling it because I was told to tell it----regardless of whether people believe or not information is being put out there----people talked about flight way before it became a reality. I take my orders from ET----they decide if and when


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posted on 10/2/06 @ 19:39


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Originally posted by malakiem hi sleeper, have a question, is the iarga story truthfull at all?

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Are you familiar with it at all?

Hi malakiem
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The story is science fiction Never heard of it until now


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 09:57


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Originally posted by hobo_321 And sleeper, when did ET give you this "assignment" of informing people on ATS about them? what do they hope to achieve? How did they give you this order ?(telepathy? face to face? crop circles ?)

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About eight years ago-----what do they achieve by having me do it?----They can handle just about anything but rejection and ridicule----obviously that stuff doesnt bother me or I would have abandoned this thread long ago-----I could have said they chose me because of my superior intellect but that probably wouldnt go over very well. I didnt want to divulge this but here goes----I get their communications from my bowl of cereal every morning----just like Gonzo did in Muppets from Space-----well, maybe not We are in the same place when they give me the info



And how come other people don't tell stories that are similar to yours?

Maybe they dont have the real hookup


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 18:09


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Originally posted by mrjenka Hey Sleeper, Care to touch base on the 4th dimension?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

The 4th dimension is the soul

Furthermore you talk about ET's in all your posts as hearing all, seeing all etc.. In your own post you stated there are hundreds of galaxies with hundred of earths etc... How is there only ONE race of ET's? There must be MANY races of ET's. SO which one is "feeding" us information?
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There are many planets with intelligent life but not all of them have the freedom to leave their solar system. Those that can leave are able to visit other planets like earth on tourist visas but they cant interact with humans Then there are renegades that get through the cracks----gypsies, etc that seem to escape or fly under the radar of the authorities The ones that feed us information dont come with name tags----they operate behind the smokescreen of all those other aliens reported by abductees

Your posts are very entertaining, however very flawed and to someone that might have access to classified information you might seem dillusional and a great author?


Why are you reading and responding to a person you believe delusional?

Please elaborate on which species of ET is helping us and creating us as you put it and why the other 52 known species of EBE's are not creating us, "feeding us information" etc..

There are billions of species and thousands that visit earth every day----most come here for the heck of it----others to visit the place they use to live on in previous lives There are many that seed information to this planet----I dont know them personally

One other thing, please give me your take on the AIDS/HIV virius and what your take is on that. Thank You for your time.

AIDS/HIV are like everything else----created by ETs-----why----you have to ask them.


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 18:17


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Originally posted by Truthforall Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by seabee and what makes you so important that the army would have you inside a ship that they want to keep a secret on? why would the army have it when the Air force would be the people to get it? I totally believe in UFO's but not your story.

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If you know that the air force has a UFO you should share that information

The US builds fighter jets and sells a few to our allies but what they sell are inferior to what the US has


Likewise the air force and the army both have ET ships that they recovered from crash sites. But what they have are junk that the ETs let them acquire through supposed crashes ETs land their ships on many military installations, army navy, air force, and marines; ET has VIP parking privileges at all military bases in the world No military or government owns any real ET ships----however some are allowed certain and restricted access. The military and our government has no say on who can enter the ships----ET makes all those calls

I know my story is unbelievable if you want the real truth tune into one of the major news stations.

So what you are saying is that Roswell never happened or dead ET's are left on board with the junk pile.

Roswell happened and the ETs recovered were biological machines with no souls-----most of what abductees come in contact with are these types of alien equipment


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 20:06


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, I just made a space craft out of the "pixie dust" I got from ET for christmas. I wan't to visit Zeta Reticulli to see what it's like there but you said I can't leave the solar system, but I'm a risk taker so I'll do it anyway. What do you think will happen to me as I whizz past Pluto?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

If you get to Pluto you will have accomplished more than most humans ever will----I would tell you to come back and enjoy the ticker tape parade they will through in your honor.
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But if you decide to keep going----Farwell my friend see you on the other side of life----however, your body and your ship even if its up to ET



specifications will drift in the darkness of space for thousands of years and eventually get sucked into one of the billions of black holes-----the universes recycle bins.


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 20:33


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Originally posted by Truthforall Roswell happened and the ETs recovered were biological machines with no souls----most of what abductees come in contact with are these types of alien equipment

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So what is the need for biological machines?

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Biological machines do the grunt work, the tedious jobs----like the robots that build cars along side of humans on the assembly line. Humans use many robots and are getting close to making artificial intelligence so that robots can think on their own----ET is much more advance they created the human machine and human type robots which have the ability to operate ships alone----like intelligent probes

Futhermore, how much do you Know:

I know that two and two equals four

So what really happened at Roswell in 1947? I would like specific info and not that a crash occured. One crash? Two crashes? How many BMs as I will call them. Where? When? How? Why? The more info here would be greatly appreaciately? Please do not hold back on the info. More is better.

There were two ships and six biological machines----the crash was staged for the purpose that it achieved-----it made every newspaper in the world---disclosure of sorts But too much knowledge is not a good thing and the cover up was


implemented by ET not the army air force----the idea of other life was planted in the human psyche Meanwhile a large amount of new technology was handed over to America using the crashed ships.


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 22:39


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Originally posted by sleeper however, your body and your ship even if its up to ET specifications will drift in the darkness of space for thousands of years and eventually get sucked into one of the billions of black holes-----the universes recycle bins.

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So you're saying I could leave the solar system but I would get lost? Well what if ET was sitting next to me telling me which way to go?
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ET could take you but he would have to place your soul into a special container----the human body is not designed for that kind of travel

And how come the human race is doomed to be confined to their own solar system while other species are not? Do all civilizations have a limit to how advanced they can become?

Many solar systems are isolated for many reasons, which would fill hundreds of libraries if written down. The human race is not doomed----it is made of up hundreds of generations and each generation gets to experience certain things----your children will venture further into space than your generation----and their children even further----your generation will be part of building the first structures on the moon and perhaps on Mars but the vast majority of your generation will not venture into space at all----if you wish to increase your odds of getting into space in any meaningful way you should concentrate on fields of study that will place you in those coveted positions-----humans will not travel further than Mars until the next century----unless they are taken by ET


Most solar systems have limits but that still leaves billions that dont


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 23:02


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Originally posted by Truthforall

How was is this incident covered up by "ET". I would finally agree that the incident was too much for our government to coverup by our own means. On the fence here.

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ET talks to certain leaders every single day, they make suggestions and those request are carried out without hesitation or resistance-----sounds creepy but that is the way it has always been done
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So what technology have we been given by ET? Sounds like the book I read by Phil Corso. So is his book legit?

All our technology came from ET Corso told the truth----however, he was given little information about ETs


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 23:36


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Originally posted by Truthforall Sleeper,

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Comment on this thread. Real or Not? I know you were not there but is this what ET looks like or just the EBs. If real then what is happening?


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Not real----heart monitor? ET physiology is vastly different than human---no human can manhandle an ET-----nor interrogate an ET----it would be more believable that a tribe of pigmies captured one of our generals and held him captive-----generals have many layers of protection around them with state of the art firepower----ET is more untouchable than a thousand generals


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posted on 11/2/06 @ 23:40


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy From re Corso: "there is no substantiation for any of the claims on fiber optics, Kevlar, laser weapons, microcircuits, etc." Corso had no proof of his claims. Ring a bell?

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Yeah it rings a bell----neither you nor Stanton Friedman know what you are talking about.

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posted on 12/2/06 @ 10:40


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy Actually the bell I was referring to was the one ringing over your UNSUBSTANTIATED claims. The proof is in the pudding and as it stands you got a box of powder and no water to add. Corso was who he says he was. There's proof of that. However there's nothing to back up his claims in regards to the alien tech. You are the one who doesn't know what they're talkin bout. Somehow you've looped a couple of gullible kool-aid kids into your fantastic voyage. They prefer to believe in your UNSUBSTANTIATED claims instead of the real world around them. Give us one corraborative witness. One.


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You sure know a lot about kool-aid are you a Jim Jones survivor? There are people that cant see the forest because all the trees are in the way----you are one of them and so is Stanton Friedman. Your hero Stanton has made a career of debunking UFOs and he has people like you lapping up his nonsense like school boys chasing girls. It doesnt take any skills to be a bull in a china shop destroying the good china with the bad and thats all Stanton Freidman is. Sorry if I offended your idol---- I know how you groupies get when your leader is attacked

[edit on 12-2-2006 by sleeper] [edit on 12-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 12/2/06 @ 10:51


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Originally posted by unconscious_war So the aliens are in control of the government, they invented the hiv/aids come to earth for the heck of it, run their ships on pixie dust. So were they the ones who sent us to iraq? did they plan the 9/11 attacks? What else do these creatures from the depths of space capable of? Should I be scared? Oh and do they have dual races? Penis vagina? how come they dont wear any underwear? Are they nudists?

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No actually Martha Stewart did all those things but I didnt think anyone would believe me if I said that She may be a nudist----I don't know

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posted on 12/2/06 @ 18:31


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Originally posted by mrjenka Sleeper, I never claimed you were dillusional. Although, EBE's did not creat the HIV/AIDS virius, we might just have differing opinions or we might just be getting out facts from different sources, yours from speculation and mine from solid facts.

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You may speculate----I tell what I know----solid facts speak for themselves----start a thread and show us

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I can believe your story of being abducted and I can even believe the fact you went on a "joy ride" BUT my biggiest concern here is as you put it "Et's let you see and let you know only what they want you to know", a simple man with a family living the American dream has the answers to lifes questions because EBE's let you know????!?!?!?!!?. I

Thats correct----if you dont believe me than the world as we know it will come to and end.

think that maybe some things in your elaborate story are a bit exaggerated, don't you think? We as the readers of these posts can not verify your claims but we as HUMANS have TWO things and that is called COMMON-SENSE and LOGIC, your story began with a BANG, "I have been on a craft yaadda yadda yadda", there are also many holes, the overall body of your posts are constant, but some times you contradict your self.

After all Im only human

Now the 4th dimension is NOT your soul, don't claim to have answers to things you yourself have no idea about and speculate.

You are the one who speculates-----I know that the mind the soul---the thing that is you or whatever you wish to call it is the 4 dimension

You make no sense why out of 1000000 billion Earths' in the solar system ET's need to come here and "help" us.

Thats because I use un-common sense-----not very common-----without


ET humans are up a creek without a paddle

We are there children? They made us?

They made the bodies we reside in

To whom ever is reading these posts there ARE MANY life forms in the solar system, 1000's more advanced and 1000's primative, when EBE's come here they do so for information,

There are many life forms ETs dont need anything we have------you think beings with the ability to travel hundreds of light years came here to get ideas from us?

we as humans will very shortly do ourselves. I am just one person on this board trying to make people realize that there ARE othe rlife forms, MANY life forms, and they DO help us with technology and such BUT they are not our creators, we evolved as cells through hundreds of millions of years and still evolving now.

We will be going into space soon thanks to ET We did not evolve from slime over millions of years-----Darwin laughs every time someone says that

I have a few more questions for sleeper though, sorry I went off on a tangent, Sleeper, you say that you work for "cheap" elaborate please.

I do use humor sometimes

Anyway guys and gals, everyone will get there answers ONE day but don't count on it being sooner it's going to be later, MUCH later. I am not saying I know EVERYTHING, but I know enough from credible sources(which anyone can verify) of what I say, unlike most people on here CLAIM, I made solid statements, if anyone would like to ask me something I will be more than happy to answer your questions.

You sound smart why dont you create a thread with your solid statements----I might even come over and read it.



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posted on 12/2/06 @ 19:52


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy I find it interesting you say "solid facts speak for themselves" when you have yet to present any. Your attempt at distraction by claiming I worship someone is real cute. Unlike yourself I'm not into hero worship or idolatry.

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Have you applied for sainthood yet? But you have called me every name in the book that might go against you.
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Perhaps down deep inside you worship me----you follow me around like some kind of groupie hoping that I will throw some article of clothing your way-----really I know you are smarter than me and everyone else and if it werent for your wisdom everyone that responds to my thread would go down the tubes----no one is intelligent enough to make up their own minds without consulting your superior intellect-----thank god that you are here to save them BTW you dont have much trouble carrying around that huge ego you are burdened with do you? PS you are the phony the imposter and the charlatan just because you think yourself a saint dont make it so
posted on 12/2/06 @ 20:27


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy No I suspect what gets his nut is sitting in front of his monitor and salivating over the naive chuckleheads who buy into his fantasy world and lies. He enjoys the adulation of the gullible. All the unwashed masses that buy his each and every word as gospel are manna from heaven. He relishes leading people on and he found a few here. There's nothing to corraborate, substantiate, verify, or examine. Just his words. I can't find any reason to believe this is anything but a sad attempt by some lonely person who needs recognition and acceptance and is getting it here.


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Everyone knows you are a war hero you mention it in every other post---some of us veterans havent spent the last thirty years going around looking for sympathy or a pat on the back for our service----get a life or something cowboy

True heroes dont go around hocking their war stories like confetti ----those who do all the taking are usually the ones that had the easy and safe jobs far from the fighting. The real heroes didnt come back and brag about their service----they died fighting a war And they didnt die so that people like you could come back and throw their arm out of whack patting themselves on the back.

[edit on 12-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 12/2/06 @ 22:56


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Originally posted by mrjenka Sleeper, I don't mean to discredit what happened to you. I do believe in what you say and I do believe that you were abducted etc.. However I do not believe in extensive story telling, maybe you were never picked up for a book deal is because your story is only 25-40% true, fascinating as it is, but, with a tad of fiction added.

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I didnt get picked up for a book deal because I havent looked for a book deal What I say is 100% true or I wouldnt say it

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I personally think you play of off peoples' fantasys and there un-dying need for the truth. You feed of off peoples curiosity and tell of things that we as humans on present day Earth could not fathom i.e. pixy dust,

I dont play off anyones fantasies-----nor do I feed off of peoples curiosities----a large number of people who respond to my thread are not nice----they call me all kinds of names and have insulted me left and right-----I dont feed on people constantly questioning my integrity----but I recognize that many of them have agendas that have nothing to do with


ufos or ET and their sole purpose is to stop me from telling the truth

your statements could not be verified, checked, or even compared to others because your story is unique and this is why you have had so many subscribers to your thread.

Nothing on the ufo board the religious board, the paranormal board and the Darwinist board can be verified-----can anyone even prove that they are alive? What is electricity? No one knows, what is an atom? No one knows---there isnt much that humans do know----let alone can prove

You have still not answered why YOU of all people that have contacnt with ET's(1000 a day you stated), YOU are the one with the knowledge of life, and everything about it.

I never said that I was the only one

Do you really believe what you say?

I dont believe it I know it

I am not attacking you or your character, I am just asking questions. To touch base on my comment about EBE's coming to Earth for information; they do not come here with the intentions of leaving with new technology or a cure for EBE's ailments, they come here as we would to gather information, something we do to whales, monkeys, and such.

They know everything we know because they are the architects of us---the whales, monkeys and such. Humans on the other hand are curious because they dont know much

We will not obtain any Earth shattering information from them but we study them to better understand what they are, why they are here, and all other questions that may arise.

Humans studying ETs is equivalent to ants studying humans----ants would never get it


When humans make the jump into space and we discover a race or species more primative than us, we wouldn't be able to gain anything from them, but we would help them, just as EBE's do now for us humans.

Humans will never be allowed out of the playpen known as our solar system----the only primitive life forms we will encounter are on this planet

You also stated that ET's manufacture out bodies, why do we have many traits our parents did? our grandparets did? Do they do this with DNA? and than implant them into our mothers womb?

Everyone shares the DNA of their parents----ET created human bodies a long time ago---and they are self-perpetuating----using sex as the carrot to keep the humans from depleting


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posted on 12/2/06 @ 23:42


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy

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Now since you've managed to go totally go off topic let me bring it back. You say aliens are real. I say prove it. And not with more of your childhood fantasies and daydreams. Give us the real truth. Something concrete. Prove to me the aliens are as real as the nose on my face, which btw I am holding cause this whole story has a smell that aint pretty.

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Speaking of your nose what the hell is that coming out of it----snot? Its disgusting to look at People like you dont have the ability to start your own thread so you hijack those that have many hits leaching attention off of them, why dont you start a Vietnam sob story veteran thread and give details of all your hard luck life----the ones that left you a bitter and broken man-----you might get lucky and find yourself some sympathizers


Personally Im embarrassed that a military veteran such as yourself is such a whiner And go blow your nose or something for gods sake


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 09:47


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Originally posted by TheObserver Well what an active and enjoyable weekend some of us have had eh? I come back monday morning and find that there are 5 pages of posts on my favorite thread. "What joy" I thought, thinking that it would be 5 pages of intelligent discussion. Instead to my horror I find 5 pages of utter crap. You people should be ashamed of yourselves that you cannot behave like intelligent adults. It was like reading a conversation from children in a playground.

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Finally a breath of fresh air and sunshine-----Hi TheObserver And they say weekends are for rest and relaxation ETs with souls are like us on the other side but while they are on this plane they use physical bodies-----much different than ours They can go from what we call a physical state to an ethereal one----which they do while in flight or passing through walls. The natural state for all souls is an orb of energy-----from this orb of energy we can take any shape and travel anywhere we choose----with certain limitations Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette Please Review This Link.


[edit on 13-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 15:40


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Originally posted by TheObserver My girlfriend won't be full of sunshine when she finds out that I haven't got her a valentines card! ho-hum.

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Flowers and dinner works every time

ok sleeper, what makes us different from ETs then? I thought you said in my next life I could choose to go to another planet like this one. Surely that makes me an ET aswell??
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More or less but not in this lifetime-----if you were abducted and were allowed to remember some of those you encountered during the abduction you might recognize your abductors as old friends or family from another life


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 16:09


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Originally posted by Briggs

I hate to say it , but Websites like this one are magnets for the UNmedicated so to speak . its a shame that so many people are gulliable to what your saying .

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I know what you mean when you say unmedicated-----I have to deal with you people all the time So take your medication before logging on to this thread



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posted on 13/2/06 @ 16:28


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For the Mods There seems to be more people against this thread than for it Therefore feel free to remove it or lock it-----thank you

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If you keep it open I will continue to answer questions----so don't blame me for the size of this thread and the danger that it seems to be posing for delicate minds

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posted on 13/2/06 @ 16:48


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Originally posted by one_small_step hi sleeper, i've taken my meds so i'll ask a question In regards to seeing loved ones on the otherside, lets say 'I' was in a dysfunctional longterm relationship here on earth, and my partner & I split up because she was unfaithful. Now I will not want to see her ever again, but on the otherside she wants to see me - what happens in that scenario? Will I be forced to see someone against my will? excuse the simplicity of the question, but the paradox baffles me.

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On the other side all your fears and anger are gone with the wind----while you are there----and you will be the best of friends-----however many centuries may pass before you cross paths again----in the staging area of existence Everyone you come into contact with on earth has a connection to you from the other side You cant control what type of person she is nor how she feels about you---but you can control how you feel about her----you dont have to be with her but you should forgive any transgressions or ill feelings you have about her----even if its her fault----otherwise you may have to deal with that


issue again-----everything has to be resolved in order to move up----especially anger between two people-----disagreement is ok PS if my preaching offends please ignore it-----sometimes I go off the deep end with the truth. [edit on 13-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 17:31


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Originally posted by cl888 It again and again ends up, the CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!

Ok for those who believe what he said, start contribute your $ to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Another crybaby who needs his or her nose wiped and crappy diapers changed
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You idiots need to take your complaints to the mods and have them remove this thread I'm not interested in your sissified whining

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posted on 13/2/06 @ 19:28


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Originally posted by SentientHunter Sleeper, I saw this thread a little late. I don't have time to go through each page and see what you have said to each person's questions, so if I ask you a question that


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someone already asked, I would appreciate your answer. 1. You said that aliens created us. Why?

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Human bodies are what they strap the soul into like a seatbelt on a car----so that we can experience life on earth----the challenges and everything that goes with individuals lives
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2. Did the stories in the bible actually happen, but only with God being and Alien?

The stories in the OT are metaphors created by ET and given to the tribes of Israel----the Jews did live in Egypt and ruled it for nearly two centuries--15th and 18th dynasties they were known as the Hyksos----they were dethroned and chased out of Egypt and wondered in the desert some fleeing to Palestine where they regrouped----they were given a mandate and a history The NT was created after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and a faction of the few remaining Jews known as the Essenes who escaped banded together and were give a new mandate and a new religion----one that would encompass non-Jews---because there were few Jews left----the new religion was called Christianity for a man that was named Jesus However Jesus was not an ET nor was he the Jesus in the scripture----the scripture is 100% allegory

3. You said we would never be able to leave our galaxy, or solar system (I forgot which one you said). Is it because we will never be able to get that technologically advanced or because the aliens just won't allow us? If because the aliens won't allow us, why?

Humans will not leave the solar system We need ET technology to get out and they are not giving it----nevertheless it will take the next thousand years to explore this solar system-----and the next few thousands of years to build cities on many of the moons in this solar system Why do we have large cities and small towns-----why not build up all the small towns and make them large cities?----because some people like small towns and some like large cities-----each presents different challenges and opportunities

4. Is there an afterlife for us (and if so, explain a little)? Thanks for your time.


Life never ends unless you opt out or are thrown out----most souls remain in the universe for a long time----even forever


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 20:10


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Originally posted by lost_shaman I basically avoided this thread for obvious reasons. But sleeper when you said this ...

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The NT was created after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and a faction of the few remaining Jews known as the Essenes who escaped banded together and were give a new mandate and a new religion----one that would encompass non-Jews--because there were few Jews left----the new religion was called Christianity for a man that was named Jesus However Jesus was not an ET nor was he the Jesus in the scripture----the scripture is 100% allegory

You are just making this stuff up. Tons of research was done on another thread that I was involved in and there is good evidence that Christianity was rooted in Jerusalem before the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 ad. In fact some Christians were being persecuted and killed several years before 70 ad. Flavius Josephus even mentions Jesus in his work The Jewish War. [edit on 13-2-2006 by lost_shaman]

I have been accused of making everything I post up-----most of those who attack me are those who dont agree with my religion concepts or my political slant-----therefore everything I say is gibberish, or hateful, or blasphemous, or just plain crazy----my ET stuff Actually much of what is called Christianity started one hundred and fifty years before the time allotted to Christ which is about 30AD when he allegedly began his ministry There was a Jew named Jesus/Judah and he was part of the Maccabees clan


But this argument can go on forever and this is not the religion forum---and most people know what my beliefs are about that subject----thats why Im on many peoples hit list I dont make things up-----I only tell things that most people dont want to hear----I would make a bad politician


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 20:38


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Originally posted by Briggs ** now your playing word games yourself . First of all his claims have no integrity , because he has no proof and no way of backing them up . and as for gibberish ,, exactly -- Duh - he can spout off statements all day that mean absoloutly nothing at all and yes most people would consider that gibberish .. there is no integrity in saying something to complete strangers that cant be proven .Hence his strory lacks integrity and meaning besides the fact he is looking for attention.

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Accusing me of being an attention seeker----can you be a little more original? Or is that beyond your capacity?


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posted on 13/2/06 @ 21:39


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Dear mod Don't hesitate to lock or remove my offensive thread BTW thanks for the warning

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posted on 13/2/06 @ 22:55


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Originally posted by lost_shaman This is why I think you are making things up. First you say.

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Originally posted by sleeper

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The NT was created after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and a faction of the few remaining Jews known as the Essenes who escaped banded together and were give a new mandate and a new religion----one that would encompass non-Jews--because there were few Jews left----the new religion was called Christianity for a man that was named Jesus However Jesus was not an ET nor was he the Jesus in the scripture----the scripture is 100% allegory

So I challenged you on the facts here, because what you just said does not match up with facts.

The only fact about Christianity is that it exists----like there is no movie without writing a screenplay first. The major parts of the Christian screenplay was written after AD70

Then you say this.

Originally posted by sleeper Actually much of what is called Christianity started one hundred and fifty years before the time allotted to Christ which is about 30AD when he allegedly began his ministry There was a Jew named Jesus/Judah and he was part of the Maccabees clan


In some manuscripts he was know by both names----just like Saul and Paul are the same person

Which is totally different than what you just said and again the Facts have not changed. The apostle Paul was in Rome before and after the Fall of Jerusalem preaching in backrooms about Jesus. Regardless of anyone's faith that is how the Christian religion began.

All those facts come from the NT----not history books

Maybe you do just have weird religious beliefs , but acting like E.T.s told you all this stuff is a load. You were asked a question and you answered it under the pretense that you've learned these things from E.T.s , which is obviously false.

And you know that for a fact?

Did E.T.s give the Essenes a new religion after the Fall of Jerusalem, or was it a religion based on a guy named Jesus 120 B.c. ?

Both----they use old manuscripts to construct the NT-----the continuity thing----the NT is nothing but the rewrite of the OT

Let me guess , there is no evidence for either of those opposing claims. E.T.s told you. But of course you wouldn't make things up, this coming from a guy claiming E.T.s picked him up on Military bases in front of onlooking jaw dropped Generals.

And your point is?-----let me guess---you dont believe me I really don't expect people to believe me


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posted on 14/2/06 @ 10:33


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Originally posted by lost_shaman

All those facts come from the NT----not history books

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Josephus mentions the Christians in the Jewish Wars.

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More than half of religious scholars believe that the Jesus of Christianity was inserted after Josephus died----and not by Josephus

Josephus was a Jewish general and one of the major fighters against the Romans----but as the Jewish Zealots got out of control and became the biggest threat to Judaism his loyalties changed and he became a Roman----and a Roman historian-----most Jews believed him a traitor----and he did write favorably about the Romans----otherwise he wouldnt have survived for long-----had he wrote about Christianity that too would have offended the Romans-----if he believed in the Jesus story-----that Jesus was god---he wouldnt have been so loyal to the Romans

Unlike many deities of that time and to the present Jesus represents all that is good in mankind and beyond-----he also represents the fact that there is life after this one-----the resurrection-----he died and lived again----went to heaven The story of Jesus was designed to give hope to a desperate people during very desperate times-----and it still does today But along side good always travels the bad-----the Crusades----deception, false beliefs and gods----the Holy Roman Empire-----replaced one tyranny with another----but thats what life on this planet is all about We are here to learn and to prove to ourselves what we are made of----and you cant do that in a perfect utopian world.


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posted on 14/2/06 @ 11:19


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wilbert is Christian----and I respect Christians----my family are Christians--I raised two children in the Christian beliefs----they go to Church every Sunday


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But wilbert like many fundamentalist believe there is a hell and they want to save people from hell----and apparently from me---because I know that hell is a story to frighten people----to control people So what I wrote below which is the post that triggered wilberts wrath----is threatening to the hell myth I have no problem with people believe in hell, or Jesus----I only tell what I believe

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Josephus was a Jewish general and one of the major fighters against the Romans----but as the Jewish Zealots got out of control and became the biggest threat to Judaism his loyalties changed and he became a Roman----and a Roman historian-----most Jews believed him a traitor----and he did write favorably about the Romans----otherwise he wouldnt have survived for long-----had he wrote about Christianity that too would have offended the Romans-----if he believed in the Jesus story-----that Jesus was god---he wouldnt have been so loyal to the Romans

Unlike many deities of that time and to the present Jesus represent all that is good in mankind and beyond-----he also represents the fact that there is life after this one-----the resurrection-----he died and lived again-----went to heaven The story of Jesus was designed to give hope to a desperate people during very desperate times-----and it still does today But along side good always travels the bad-----the Crusades----deception, false beliefs and gods----the Holy Roman Empire-----replaced one tyranny with another----but thats what life on this planet is all about We are here to learn and to prove to ourselves what we are made of----and you cant do that in a perfect utopian world.


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posted on 14/2/06 @ 13:18


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Wilber and his alter ego dgoodpasture, longhaircowboy and Briggs have immunity on this board and their job is to bait me The mods would like this thread gone but they havent quite decided how to do it yet New ideas have everybody all shook up----Elvis would be proud

ATS Points: 44993


BTS Points: 3078

What this board needs is some good solid proof of ET----something so profound that it would remove all doubt and make boards like this obsolete That will never happen----so why even have boards like this? Perhaps these boards are here to share ideas, experiences, wishes, dreams or beliefs If people expect more than that----then they are delusional

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posted on 14/2/06 @ 15:16


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Originally posted by Necrosis

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On the subject of ETs I have had an experience with my mother coming home from Football practice when I was in middle school. We saw a diagonal line of 3 cigar shaped craft hovering over clumps of forest in between corn fields in Indiana. We pulled the car over and watched them for a few minutes before they(very rapidly) ascended out of sight. Since then, I've had several "Sleep Paralysis" episodes where I'd awaken unable to move with the feeling that something was trying to enter my body and a feeling of total terror but never saw anything and would eventually "awaken."

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Sleep Paralysis is what the doctors call it because they cant afford to admit its ET or dont know about ET contact

My question is, do you think that particular locations are more subsceptible than others to this type of activity. In just about all of my sleep paralysis episodes I'd dream\be(even if I wasn't there) at my family's lake cottage. My father told us stories about things that used to happen to him when he'd stay the summer there as a boy - bed shaking violently while he was in it, orbs coming out of a mirror in his bedroom and floating off across the lake. I have also been witness to some strange events there as well. My grandmother was extremely into the spiritulism aspect of "religeon" she preached heavily about reincarnation and that our current lives are means to solving personal problems much as you have discussed. She also mentioned that each of us have guides that we neither see nor "hear" but were always with us and would help us with things if we asked them. She had said that they had told her their names(me and my 2 brother each had one) and we just had to ask them for help if we needed help finding something we had misplaced or needed guidance or whatever.

Some locations are more convenient that others especially if they are


going to have extended encounters with you----over months or years When they want you in a certain place or location they make things happen the will get you there----new job----new location----vacation whatever it takes Many ETs are family members or friends from the past and they can be helpful but asking for help and then getting it may not seem like they are being helpful-----if you have stage fright and ask for them to help you they may put you in more uncomfortable situations where you have to stand up and talk to people----thats how they help


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posted on 14/2/06 @ 15:27


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Sleeper, did ET's help us with EVERY advancement. Even the things we use that have no purpose of moving us forward?

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Shadowshocker, Everything is under ET control because ET is part of us----our extended family

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Everything is created by the life force that is made up of ET, humans and all other intelligent beings in the universe

And how did you get the username Sleeper, if you don't mind me asking?

When I signed up I entered many words and names the one I have is the one that took


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posted on 14/2/06 @ 15:50


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo Hi Sleeper, ive found your thread to be very fascinating. I wish people would give you more respect. I'm sick of this juvenile behavior towards you. I have a quick question.

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What is your opinion on LIGHT PHYSICS? Does it involve negative white light from our sun?

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Never heard of it


Do crystals similar to arkansas quartz (found on another planet in our solar system ) somehow filter this light for power?

Bill Clinton use one of those Arkansas crystals that he found on his ranch back when he was Governer----that crystal got him the oval office for eight years----now thats power

Is a light to mass converter possible?

Yes its called a leaf-----high tech stuff those leaves

posted on 14/2/06 @ 16:08


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Originally posted by SirDomino When will ET step in, in regards to wars and global conflict? And will we know they intervened?

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Nothing happens without ETs knowledge or input----sounds cruel but no one said this planet was heaven-----for some its like hell

BTW, I had a dream a few days ago that you gave me that meteorite that you posted pics of. Not sure what it symbolizes, but was strange.
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So thats were it went, that thing has a mind of its own ----its life ambition is to someday be a pet rock!


Drum-roll---Thats why Im not a comedian


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 09:05


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Originally posted by hobo_321 sleeper watch this and tell me what you think...

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What do you think? Looks like space swamp gas Or maybe evidence of something extraterrestrial

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NASA knows there is something extraordinary going on but since they cant explain it they cant talk about it----and they dont have the authority to talk about it


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 09:28


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Sleeper, I really don't mean to doubt you, in fact I believe your story 100% true. But how can we be sure that anything is true? How do you know that you'll wake up from this dream and find out you are something completely else? You say that it's true cause the ET's told you but....well ok, but maybe their part of your dream too.

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There are places, planets, existences, where people similar to humans know without doubt the things you ask-----some of those people---entities are on this planet


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All humans have the capacity to know inside their soul, the first step to unlocking that information is believing its possible The only danger is that if you become too enlightened while on earth you also can become on outcast because you still have to live around people that are not----and people are uncomfortable around people that are different

I'm just not getting how anyone can be 100% positive that their theory is true and that they won't wake up from a dream and return to their real life. But then again that kind of IS your story. That we will all die and wake up in thie "in-between" world which is where are true life exists.

Your true life is here also----what you do on this plane of existence is part of what you are----knowing the real truth is not essential but it helps

Maybe I'm just being skeptical.... Or maybe you have reached a higher consciousness and you can gaurantee the truth? What is it? How can you know for sure?

I know because I have seen it------believing me or anyone with those kinds of claims is simply a choice each of us have to make-----if they have nothing else to go on.


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 09:56


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Originally posted by blue grass My understanding is that this forum is not publicly owned and therefore, doesn't entitle anyone the right of free speech. Consequently, why would the moderators continue to put up with a loud minority who make personal attacks. Really, just ban the people who are causing the problem instead of making general postings to the majority who know and understand how to make respectful criticism. Now, a few new questions for sleeper. Is there a common vision for the future of mankind that is shared by us

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Peace and survival-----which neither can be achieved

Are we actively changing this future now?

People are becoming more comfortable with the idea of space exploration---some are getting frustrated because its taking so long ---but many see man in space as a waste of time and money----there is no consensus or unified push in any particular direction

Are we collectively progressing up a kind of spiritual ladder?

Humans were more spiritual a thousand years ago that they are now---many are more aware----most are confused

Are we destined to be become spiritually self aware in our physical life?

Some want to believe that but how many of us see that happening in the people around us?

How do ET explain multiple dimensions?

The human brain sees multiple dimensions the ethereal beings dont

How is the soul multidimensional? Does it exist independently of time and space?

Time and space as humans understand it doesnt exist

Long story condensed. My wife and I had detailed dreams the last two nights. Hers was apocalyptic. UFO's took over everything, running for survival, abandoned house, abandoned chiildren.

Sounds like she saw War of the Worlds----Hollywoods version of ET----not going to happen


My dream the following night: a black calf/sheep threatened, guide it through a difficult mountain pass, nearly die, somehow a class is watching, lose my balance, a hand reaches out and saves me.

Im not a dream interpreter but in dreams we confront many things in our present life and bits and pieces of former lives-----loved ones that have passed can also meet with us in our dreams


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 12:47


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Originally posted by SirDomino So which religion would the ETs most closely advocate? What do think/how do they view the muslim religion, especially the extremist end of it?

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They originated all of them----the good the bad and the ugly ones----we have minimum security prisons and maximum security prisons-----some souls on earth need minimal control some need more

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BTW, you probably already talked about this, but what 'belief' do the ETs have in regards to spirituality? Do they know *everything*


Those that are running the show pretty much know everything----or at least they think they do-----they are incredibly humble for know-it-alls

or are they still striving to understand and truely interact with the very essence of the origins all of creation, of "GOD" ?

The only ones striving to understand are on planets like earth and are at the levels of humans

Also, have the ETs fought wars on our behalf in regards to the protection of our planet from "ROGUE ETs" ? Have they diverted asteroids and shielded us from destruction in a way RE: our planet.


Yes to both----any asteroids hitting this planet in a major way is not by accident

BTW, last night I dreamt I was in a classroom and in that classroom were other humans, and I befriended one of them, a girl, and she showed me her true self and she was an ET, she looked like a human, with a larger head, indentions in the tempols on the sides of her head, was flesh colored, and had an illuminated brilliance about her, almost like that of an angel. Her eyes were slightly larger and looked similar to our own, the nose was also flatter. She smiled at me and send me 'vibes' that felt very comforting.

Did you get her phone number?


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 15:28


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Originally posted by BO XIAN Originally posted by sleeperThe governments are not calling the shots----never have---never will. If the aliens wanted to make contact with the general population there is nothing stopping them----they don't want to-----yet.

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Have long believed that.

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What guesstimate might you make as to when--given current trends and geopolitical moves toward the tyrannical global government--when would you guesstimate that more overt disclosure would be made--by whom?

ETs do personal disclosures all the time------they have no reason to do an overt disclosure to the general population anytime soon----once humans are in space in significant numbers they will know a little more about the big picture Presently they are enticing humans to go into space by showing themselves more often to the astronauts and the space agencies Once thousands of humans are in space the existence of ETs will be


unquestionable----but ET will continue to remain out of reach----the carrot is very important to get the donkey moving and keep him moving


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 15:39


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo seems like we are moving into another era then hey sleeper, is the recently discovered 10th planet ancient NIBIRU?

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Have you read any of Sitchin's books? Sitchin knows what he is talking about
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Havent read Sitchin


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 21:25


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo hey ironman, i bet those greys would kick your ass, but your brain is no more or no less than an ape brain i bet Sleeper, was the show X-files on target with their depiction on the ET-coverup?

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I may have watched two or three episodes of it when it first came out--not really familiar with it


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are there MIB (men in black) covering all this stuff up?

So called UFO researchers are doing most of the covering up-----never met a men in black, however I did have military people-----in uniform keep tabs on me a few years back but they have since stopped


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 23:07


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo Sleeper, i dont wanna bother you, but, ... it seems like most of these ET's are kinda wimpy guys with fancy space ships, controlled by superior beings still on a planet and not subject to the horrors of space travel.

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Its a job and somebody has to do it----they dont travel in physical bodies so space travel is not horrible

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Is it possible to communicate with people on the planets directly?

Not for humans but ET can communicate with anyone

Are there planets totally inhabited by LION-people (beings with a human body and a humanlike-cat face)?

And some with tigers and bears facesoh my! I suppose anything is possible


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posted on 15/2/06 @ 23:37


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Originally posted by Shadowshocker163 Sleeper, Here on Earth you can take a knife and hurt someone very badly with it, maybe even killing them. Do ET's feel the same pain....physical pain? Or are they a different life form and aren't affected in the way we look at physical pain?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Their bodies can be killed or damaged but not by humans, their physiology is not like ours----they dont feel pain

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If one of us were put up against an ET would we have the upperhand in strength or would they? Or is strength a thing of the past for them?

Like a lion tamer in a cage with lions----the lions could tear him apart but the tamer has the mental advantage----ET always has the advantage---has anyone ever beat the crap out of an ET and showed it to anyone?---out of the thousands of abductees it never happened even once


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posted on 17/2/06 @ 09:46


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Originally posted by shauny SLEEPER... i have a question for you. psychic abilty. the abilty of some (so they believe) to talk to the dead. is there a connection between ET and psychic ability. for some wierd reason, i think there is. again, i cant believe how much this all makes sence to me MAD !

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Hi shauny


In reality the dead are more aware than we are so in essence we are dead and they are alive They can hear and see us----anytime you think of someone that you knew that passed over----died-----they can hear you-----if they are in the inbetween area-----some souls stay there for a long time. They cant interfere with our lives too much but depending on how determined you are for some help or answers they can enter your dreams and in some situations be the instigators of your abduction----its the only way to physically touch someone on the other side If someone from the other side meets you that way and tries to slap some sense into you your conscious mind will be terrified but your unconscious self will get the message.


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posted on 17/2/06 @ 12:17


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Originally posted by shauny ok, good reply thing is, would there be a connection between aliens and psychic people ? always thought there was

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Like everything there are real psychics and not so real ones. Real ones have the ability for two way communications with ET and other spirits---some good some not. The problem with some psychics is that they don't know who it is they are talking with. I dont consider myself psychic, I dont meditate or go into a trance or use chicken bones, nor do I read the star charts to predict the future----nevertheless some need those things to pick up signs from their spirit guides-----anyone can talk to those on the other side----the tough part is on the receiving end down here



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posted on 17/2/06 @ 14:42


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Originally posted by Kamikazi Hey Sleeper, if you see them again, or if they just happen to ever communicate with them in the future, tell em to swing by and pick me up! I need a vacation To a different planet would be nice

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Do you have frequent flyer miles with them----you know been abducted a few times? That always helps
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posted on 22/2/06 @ 23:07


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, has anyone in your family ever seen this unquestional evidence that you claim to have? Thanks

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They have but they are not aware of it now. ET stuff has peculiar properties that leave no mental finger prints or physical litter Once the items leave the ship they have short life spans, some last a few hours some a few days before they deteriorate and vanish into the air like a gas The material most of these things are made of is high in energy and extremely unstable in earths environment

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However, some items can be stabilized and last much longer when ET chooses to give them added properties-----sort of like a food preservative You cant keep ET stuff hidden in a drawer, basement or garage unless its a duplicate made of materials that can be found on this planet but these duplicates have few or none of the properties of the original. So where do I keep my stuff? If you dont want the food to spoil you keep it in the refrigerator, if you have ET stuff you keep it in the ship


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posted on 23/2/06 @ 10:38


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Originally posted by TheObserver Originally posted by sleeper So where do I keep my stuff? If you dont want the food to spoil you keep it in the refrigerator, if you have ET stuff you keep it in the ship

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Hey sleeper! I know you like dropping little hints, but oh my is that a BIG ONE? Are you saying you keep your ET stuff in a ET spaceship? Any chance of getting a photo of it?
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There is a reason no one has photos of the inside of ET ships the energy levels are too high and bizarre, the image doesnt st ick or form to any known material, digital cameras are no exception The most advanced photographic equipment on earth is the human mind yet you see how difficult it is for those who have been abducted to remember their experiences while on ET ships. Some do better than others because there are exceptions to every rule and ET makes the rules. Many are expecting disclosure in a large way but the vast majorities on this planet are not, nor are they truly aware of the possibility of extraterrestrials residing on earth-----and in sizeable numbers-----if that were to get out it would scare the sh-t out of a lot of people The numbers of humans ready for wholesale disclosure are not there and will not be for sometime In the mean time personal disclosure goes on every day-----however many of those people have a difficult time with it----even those who believed


they were ready for anything have discovered that they cant handled it My little stories and those of others are thrown into the mixture of the alien scenarios---- which is mostly slanted towards the frightful aliens from science fiction books and movies-----strangely more people are comfortable with those types of aliens because they can be defeated, unlike the real ones


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posted on 23/2/06 @ 11:13


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Originally posted by TheObserver Do you think that all ETs are friendly? What about the awful experiences you read from people that have been abducted by ET? Their stories are deplorable, and surely not the appropriate behaviour for friendly, superiorly-intelected beings?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Like I pointed out in my last post many people have found being face to face with an ET the most terrifying experience in their life short of a nightmare. No one knows what is going on between an ET and the person they are in contact with---its between the two of them and no one else Teachers can be intimidating----in some countries they are tyrannical----I went to a Catholic school when I was young----an encounter with a nun was to be avoided at all cost----they could do with a simple twelve inch ruler what no one else on this planet could do-----put the fear of god in you I will put it another way----the US military is terrified of all ETs----yet they have regular contact with many.

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posted on 23/2/06 @ 11:35


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Sleeper,


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First of all, thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us!

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My pleasure

I have seen several ufo's during my lifetime. I'm 51, by the way, which is young in today's terms. Most importantly, I feel young and alot wiser than ever. Enough about me...
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If you have seen one up close than you have been inside----and that is one heck of a ride----if they let you remember any of it.

I am wondering Sleeper what ET thinks about our music. Are they impressed or satisfied with our abilities? Which of our artforms do they like the best?

There is a lot of verity in music on this planet and a number of ETs from across the galaxy here, however we are in a primitive state of being and our tastes are much different-----I dont recall hearing elevator music while going up

Do they understand our sense of humor? Do they understand irony? What do they think is funny?

They understand humor and irony and to them everything is funny----nevertheless their innocent laughter can cause fear-----have you ever laughed at an animal-----they dont get it and become afraid

What do they think of our emotionality? Do they share our emotional pain in any way? Do they admire and/or applaud any of our emotions like love, anger, jealousy?

They are helping us with are erratic emotional problems They empathize with us They admire love, despise anger and loathe jealousy

Are humans in a reincarnation type situation where we keep working at each life until we get it right and then move on to the next level?




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posted on 23/2/06 @ 11:40


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Originally posted by TheObserver Why do you think that ET needs to make some experiences so scary that they can seem like a nightmare?

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That is the only way to get some peoples attention But much of the fear is unwarranted----humans tend to fear many things for little reason----that's why many of us are here-----to work on that

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posted on 23/2/06 @ 13:47


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Thank you Observer for reminding me of a another question I have for Sleeper regarding ET. Does ET harvest human hormones like adrenaline?

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ET human helpers do the harvesting of biological material

Why do they abduct and scare the hell out of humans if they don't have to?
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Good question

Why not just keep the abductee unconscious? They would certainly be alot easier to deal with in that state.


They do in many circumstances but sometimes they need them to be conscious----for psychological acrobatics that they will be put through

They are monitoring something about us with the abductions - what is it?

It varies with each individual; it could be a health issue, a learning experience, a kick in the butt, a reunion of some kind or simply a pleasure ride, a treat


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posted on 23/2/06 @ 14:18


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Originally posted by TheObserver Originally posted by sleeper That is the only way to get some peoples attention But much of the fear is unwarranted----humans tend to fear many things for little reason----that's why many of us are here-----to work on that

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Getting their attention is one thing. But what about really messing them up with all the probes and raping them and awful stuff like that. That's going a little beyond attention grabbing isn't it?
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You are getting only one side of the story when some abductees tell it---have you met any humans that dont exaggerate a little or a lot? No one gets raped in the literal meaning of the word-----sex happens during some encounters for the purpose of hybrids or other population enhancing basis----the individual may or may not agree to what is happening but its not rape in the sense that they are being violated and abused----its done for a reason and they have been doing it that way forever

posted on 23/2/06 @ 14:30


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Originally posted by syrinx high priest hey sleeper, its too late now, but in the future, here is a "best practices" for hoaxing, just substitute space traveller for time traveller
Act like you don't care whether people believe you check, good work so far Don't be afraid to make wooly predictions check, very wooly story Read up on your physics X pixie dust ? magnetic wave ? you should have gone with simple anti-gravity propulsion Cover Your A$$ X you left lots of holes, doubt. You should have started from the beginning, or had a better explanation why you have no details, like a memory wipe ala MIB Apocalypse, baby! X you should have stated they are going to eliminate us in 2012. That would have been a nice touch Dazzle 'em with details XXX needs improvement Know your audience X - you left the believers with no meat to chew on Watch out for paradox N/A

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Thanks for the report card----and your reward for doing so is that someday even you will know I was telling the truth No intentional paradox in my story, however Im only human, and humans are the essence of paradox


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posted on 23/2/06 @ 17:39


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Tell us more about what they are like. You say they think everything is funny. Fox example, what did you see them laugh at? Do they laugh with or at each other in


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front of you? Do they laugh at you?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

They have no reason to be gloom, they know who they are and their lives are near perfect if not perfect. To them everything is amusing----like drill instructors they put on a mean face for the recruits but back at the office they joke with each other

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They laugh at me but not as much as many humans who read this thread

Is ET all "sweetness and light" or do they exhibit a bad side?

They can be sweet and cuddly but also your worst nightmare----talk about two-faced

How could they allow innocent victims to suffer? For example, the torture and murder of a young child should be pretty hard to sit through - how could they allow that to happen?

They see the big picture and know that all pain and suffering is temporary---do we go off the deep end every time a child falls and scrapes his knee? Some children act as if its the end of the world especially if there is blood.

If they want to help us all out, why not brain scan everybody and cull the psychopaths for us?

This is not that kind of planet on this planet pain, fear, terror, and psychopaths are part of the program----its an incentive to keep us moving forward and keeping our nose clean Everyone will die its the only way to get to the next level ----up or down.


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posted on 24/2/06 @ 10:41


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Sleeper, my first question to you: paraphrased somewhat from your own words "you're better off not knowing this, it may interfere with your life here". Do you state this and then tell us/answer questions because you believe most here at ATS can "handle" the revelations you offer? If not I would believe your only other objective here is entertainment, selfish or for everyone.

Hi TrubadoursGrayAria Thank you for your generous comments!

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As we all know everyone able to read is invited on the internet and on boards like this one----whether everyone is capable of digesting what they find is another matter----certainly there are dangers physical and more so physiological----should we protect our children from threads like this one? Can young minds handle some of the stuff that is written and discussed? There is only one answer-----yes they can----in many cases more so than mature, set-in-their-ways adults. I put my disclaimer----youre better off not knowing----for those who need to keep their existing belief system intact to get through the day. All beliefs have value, and no matter how you view the world you will get through it one way or another regardless of the validity of those beliefs But most people are looking for new ideas and realities, hence the popularity of Hollywood and writers willing to fill every need and desire Nevertheless I am not here to cater to the lost souls desperate to find the holy grail of their existence I simply tell my story, my experiences with the supernatural----not to entertain, not to enlighten, but because they are true and real----if by doing so entertains some and enlightens others----so-be-it

Also would you mind listing the books you have authored (U2U if you prefer) Many thanks.

I have self-publish two books and have a few manuscripts that Im working on but listing them here is out of the question and if I U2U that information others may want me to do the same. Because I offer no proof for my statements I have little credibility to loose, however, what little I have would be forfeited if I self-promote my books from this thread But Thanks for asking!



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posted on 24/2/06 @ 11:40


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Originally posted by SirDomino So Sleeper, did you ever get to talk to the ETs to see if they can hook me up with some ET healthcare?? Thanks again for your contributions, please keep it up.

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They got the message----your situation is not by chance or just plain bad luck----which btw there is no such thing. In ETs world----which everyone is a part of----sickness and pain are tools
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They know your predicament, and they know how to fix you-----and regardless of what you think that is what they are doing----sometimes they incorporate the medical profession but not everyone in this world has access to it. I wish you the best


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posted on 24/2/06 @ 11:58


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Originally posted by TheObserver To sleeper: Are you saying that hybrids are real? Do they look human? Do they know they are hybrids? Why are hybrids created? This thread gets ever more interesting...

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hybrids are real, they have human features They are hybrids because they are a product of human and alien material--


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---their souls are not hybrid----the souls occupy a different machine the only difference is that they have a higher awareness than humans once they enter the new machine----hybrid Certain souls are captured after they leave the human body----died and are placed into the hybrid units and sent elsewhere in the galaxy


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posted on 24/2/06 @ 16:52


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Thanks Observer, I think I found this thread for a reason! Sleeper, my story is that I'm either a fool or a babe in the woods. I could write a book on the stupid things that I've done which show lack of humility and intelligence, conceit, false pride, insecurity, selfishness, and dumb-assery that was many times just plain dangerous to my health. How does ET view a fool?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

They must love them because they are in charge of several billion of them

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Do they enjoy watching me and my reaction to being embarrassed, humiliated, the last one to see the "#" hitting the fan? I seem to find myself in those situations more often than not.

They dont enjoy our wallowing in the mud but as soon as we tire of it they will hose us down

Or, am I a stranger in a strange land? Am I actually an alien sent to this planet to interact with these crazy humans? Did they plant me here with my crazy family and expect me to do well? Are we humans the "protoges" of ET?

We all are strangers in this land-----some have been here before others have been sent down here-----until they get it right They do expect you to do well----and everyone down deep inside knows what that means We are protgs, students, family----some of us have gone astray but no matter which road you take they all lead home


If we are protoges, then I send my apology to whichever ET is watching me! I know I'm a fool. What I need is more money to make this awful experience down here on earth with these crazy bastards more bearable! I'm serious.

Have you met anyone who couldnt use more money? Money is a gift and a curse----but mostly a gift----life really sucks without it and billions on this planet know the sting of poverty. Most that have money havent looked for it----those that look for it hardly ever finds it. Good luck on your quest


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posted on 25/2/06 @ 11:11


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Originally posted by SirDomino

So, what is the best way of gettin the attention of the ETs and to really impress them (and God)?

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We are not here to impress ET or God, or anyone else for that matter---but if you do the drinks our on you-----

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How do you earn one of the 'treats' from the ETs in regards to intersteller vacations? Thanks again!


Thats a tricky proposition It helps to have someone on the other side----family or friends that have passed away and have achieved a level that allows them those privileges---they would be the tour guide But thats a two edged sword, they could use that time to chew you out ---they call it tough love You don't know why you are here-----they do



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posted on 25/2/06 @ 11:24


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Sleeper, Are we a "farm" of humans? Are we unknowingly involved in some sort of competitive activity on behalf of our owners (ET) - are we pawns?

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We are not pawns; we are what they use to be

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What attributes does ET think are particularly attractive in human beings? What behavior do they applaud?



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posted on 25/2/06 @ 19:32


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, are there evil souls? If the answer to this is no, then this whole story does not work.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Your dilemma is that for there to be good we need evil otherwise how do we distinguish between the two Have you read the book of Job? In that story god uses evil---Satan as a


tool to test Job

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In other words god created evil so that man could choose between the two


I find this idea of souls having an influence on the body/entity that they occupy hard to swallow. It doesn't make sense... unless there are evil souls aswell.

What is a human body?------Mostly water and a few minerals----when it dies it goes back to the earth from which it came-----the soul is all that remains----the soul can exist on its own or it can be caged into another body Evil is a human concept and was created by ET as a tool----if you wish to place god in the slot of ET that works too.

What I mean is: If you claim that souls have an influence on the bodies they reside in and all of them are overflowing with love and compassion then why did Hitler exist?

Souls are not overflowing with love and compassion if they were they wouldnt be on earth. We souls have some love and compassion but nothing to brag about---how many people have you met that are overflowing with it? -----if so for how long are they able to overflow with it? Why does any tyrant exist? There have been thousands throughout history and there are hundreds and thousands running around today------they are the face of evil, they are pawns of god for those who believe in god or ET

Why didn't he end up being an author (of books unlike Mein Kampf) or... a butcher? instead of a maniacal dictator hell-bent on ethnically cleansing huge populations? What about serial killers/ rapists?

Hitler was a soldier, a painter, a politician and an author but he excelled at maniacal dictator He orchestrated a cast of millions to do his biding-----when it was all said and done more than fifty million people lost their lives and countless others were left destitute and crippled He was the face of pure evil and millions chose between good and evil during his time on this planet Many of those that chose evil never participated in that war or killed anyone----but neither did they stand up against him or what he stood for


Many of those who chose evil have since died and have been returned to this planet----some of the worst have been terminated----they literally lost their souls We all chose between good and evil----many that choose evil will not lose their souls but some will wish they did. Serial killers and rapists are wolves amongst the sheep-----are they evil?----without a doubt-----but if they get a book deal or a movie made about them----the books will be best sellers and the move a hit. We deplore violence and at the same time lust over it-----its the subtle speed traps that catch the most violators of freewill.


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posted on 26/2/06 @ 10:08


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Originally posted by dgoodpasture Beware of the false prophets.

And there are many, here is a short list

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Stalin Hitler Jim Jones

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All these people promised that they would change the world-----and in fact they did-----but as we know not for the good

The latest false profit want-to-be is David goodpasture, he promotes his website on this board and uses lots of appropriate words like love, world peace, god is good, and we will change the world He calls himself a star child and invites other star children to join his messianic ego trip Every time someone comes along and states that they are going to change the world what they really means is that they want to rule the world. Proclaiming to love god doesnt make one special, and in some instance


makes them good suicide bombers They too are going to change the world

[edit on 26-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 26/2/06 @ 11:26


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Sleeper - have you ever relayed any of this information in any other forum anywhere else?

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I havent posted this material in other forums, and since Im a working man I have limited time to spend on forums----other than this one---presently

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And, are you aware of others that have shared your experience(s) but have chosen to stay mum?



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posted on 26/2/06 @ 11:53


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Originally posted by Siblin that I am stuck in that track of thinking, I must know -- is Dennis Rodman really an alien?


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As far as I know Rodman is a US citizen

More seriously, when's the last time you had contact with the ETs?

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Had breakfast with them this morning

And if that question has been answered before (I'm too lazy to read forty pages), then what is it that makes you believe what the ETs tell you?

How do you know that your mother, father, preacher, president, boss, closest friend is telling you the truth? Sometimes you dont ----but family members are less likely to lie

What do you do to ensure that your own personal beliefs don't alter what you hear/see?

I have a political slant, which I have shared on other threads but will not on this one---ET is neither left or right in the political spectrum----they are in fact apolitical----I am the opposite I am very political in my views

If you're familiar with Near-Death Experiences, then you know that such events can depend immensely on the views of the person. (For example, in a group NDE, one person will see the Buddha, another Jesus.)

The souls on the other side are pure energy and some exhibit more light than others----some are radiant----when a Christian comes in contact with a radiant being they see Jesus, when a Buddhist sees a radiant being they see Buddha---a Muslim would see Allah, etc----even when its the same being

Now this isn't an NDE, obviously, but ET contact does seem to have some parallels, to an extent. (Both are...well...out of this world and beyond what a human is used to experiencing; perception can be altered.) So, what do you do?

I wear a tinfoil hat


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posted on 26/2/06 @ 12:11


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Originally posted by dgoodpasture I respect your points except, my intentions ARE to save the world Anything less would be a waste of my existence. There's a better future for us. We can make it come about. I do recognize the dilemna though... as you said... it appears sometimes as if they want to be led astray.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

In essence you dgoodpasture are the Messiah Finally you have arrived; the world has been waiting impatiently for you to save them

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posted on 26/2/06 @ 13:36


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Originally posted by deadboi

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

So if I am understanding this correctly, ultimately I am (or my soul is) here to fulfill some kind of "job/test" that leads to some form of reincarnation or transmigration of the soul. Now in this staging area I choose what kind of "job/test" I want to take in my next life. My soul is then placed in a body ("machine") created by "ET", that I can only assume would be capable of performing that "job/test". Now lets say that this body develops cancer (rust?) with no obvious cause (lung cancer from smoking for example, just *poof* lets say prostate cancer) and "ET" takes me aboard the ship and fixes up the cancer, however I remember nothing of the experience, my cancer is just "magically" gone. So I never know why the cancer is gone. So what would be the purpose of this?

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Each time you come back even with a purpose you still have that pesky freewill to deal with----if you choose to smoke or jump in front of a moving car you will alter the original contract. Remembering has nothing to do with anything----other than it can give you an advantage----sometimes you get them but mostly you dont


I was suppose to learn some greater truth about who or what I am by the visit with the "ET" while I get cured? Nope, don't remember a thing and of course if I was suppose to "ET" would have made sure I remembered that part because ET doesn't make mistakes.

ET never makes mistakes-----humans make a career out of making them Most of us know----its called gut feeling, instinct or intuition-----all of those are gifts that clue us into many things without giving us all the details of the big picture known as life

I was never suppose to get cancer as part of my "job/test"? That's not possible because that would mean there is a flaw in this body ("machine") but this body ("machine") was chosen so I could fulfill my "job/test" and it was created by "ET", and "ET" doesn't make mistakes (flaws).

If you avoid cancer causing things you may not get cancer, but if you did everything right and still got cancer, then it was part of the deal-----death is an exit from this board game and we dont always get to finish the game especially if we have detracted from it to a point that going further is pointless.

I was suppose to get cancer and then have it "magically" disappear after wasting thousands of dollars, countless days/months/years, and causing, ultimately, unnecessary stress on myself and those around me and left wondering why I'm some how special while hundreds of thousands of people in North America (and probably well over the 1 million mark world wide) die from cancer each year?

Nothing is wasted, all that we have, money included is given or taken from us----according to our purpose in this life. And millions die from cancer and a host of other things and reasons everyday----but no one dies one second sooner than they are suppose to----or lives one second longer than they are allotted

The Lord [ET] works in mysterious ways. I guess.


Which brings me to another point.


Originally posted by Sleeper Humans did not create religion ETs did-----religion has many purposes-----it lets people know there is something bigger that them and this earthly existence.

Originally posted by Sleeper There is no such thing as soulless behavior you are either a soul or a toaster----insects and animals are complex forms of toasters

So would that mean that religions such as Hinduism that teach Metempsychosis are wrong? How could they be wrong? They were created by ET. Did ET just decide to make up some BS for millions of people to believe in and even die for?

We can call it BS but ET prefers to call it illusions, everything in this game called life is an illusion-----what we do in this illusion is real and we take that with us when we leave


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posted on 26/2/06 @ 14:06


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Ok, Sleeper - what/where is/was the genseis of all this? When did it all begin? Are you privy (from ET or otherwise) to this knowledge? Thanks [edit on 26-2-2006 by TrubadoursGrayAria]

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

There was no big bang, the universe is not expanding nor will it contract and fall into itself----it will never end. This universe is so large that the edge will not be found by human instruments, ever.
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And because time and space are illusions so is Genesis Energy did not come into being-----it has always existed and it will never cease existing



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posted on 26/2/06 @ 15:30


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Originally posted by sleeper Energy did not come into being-----it has always existed and it will never cease existing

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Your first problem with me - as you must already know, I've followed this thread from its' beginning. I don't need you to repeat yourself. The "Big Bang" scientists essentially offer as much proof as you do, explaining, explaining, then it all falls apart when they can't proove what a singularity is or how it works.
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Energy existed forever-----we are energy-----energy can changed into many things but we have always existed in one form of energy or other---there is no genesis in the literal term unless you are speaking about every time we are born anew on this planet or another

Before I go on, please explain the apparent contradiction from your last post "There was no big bang, the universe is not expanding nor will it contract and fall into itself----it will never end. This universe is so large that the edge will not be found by human instruments". If the universe does not end then there should be no "edge" for human instruments to detect.

Human instruments cant detect the soul; they cannot detect the real existence which is full of boundaries----on the other side there is not boundaries.

My origianl question is more along the lines of - from what pitcher, did all this soul creation pour into this cup of humanity, within the awesome expanse of the universe?

There is no pitcher, we enter and leave this stage alone-----there have been many civilizations on earth----the early ones have been wiped clean from this planet-----millions of earth years ago-----like an old house that is


hundreds of years old earth has seen many remodels and up grades. Mod Note: Big Quote Please Review This Link.

[edit on 26-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]


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posted on 26/2/06 @ 17:36


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria What is the reason for the repeated birth/existence/destruction of these civilizations on earth? Does each civilization peak?

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Reach it's goal?

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There is no goal to reach, after awhile it withers away like fruit fallen from the tree----and the infrastructure dissolves back into the ground or is removed by teams of ETs

Then a new infant/soul civilization takes its' place?

Not an infant/soul civilization----but more a place where the most undesirables are sent initially, eventually they form the villages, cities and nations, the rest is history-----

Is earth (like other worlds) a romper room proving ground? Thanks.




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posted on 27/2/06 @ 10:43


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Originally posted by violet I am curious about this. Would this be an occasional thing they would do? Like sit down (intrude) at your table in a restaurant, appearing completely human, yet saying things that are somewhat otherwordly, maybe even being so blunt as to say they are not from here. Would they just have normal chit -chat, or say things that drop hints?

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They wouldnt drop hints, thats against protocol, if they met with you in that manner it would be to give you some advice or direction-----it may sound like chit-chat but they transmit information directly into your subconscious mind----subliminally

Or could an ET take on a more permanant position in someone's llife, appearing human, eating, sleeping, having a normal job, and even marry and have children with that person / human ? And you would never even know it . Or would you ?

Yes, and you would never know it-----suspect it maybe


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 10:57


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Originally posted by necromancer9 Hello and good day to you. I, with all seriousness would like to know if your ET friends have ever told you of a planet galaxies from here that is completely absent of light except for a point with a two mile radius.

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There is lots of interesting stuff out there----and Im not talking about the


universe Im talking about this board Are you asking about a black hole?

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If they have described such a planet to you then could you explain in detail what one would see if they were in the diameter of light. I repeat this is not meant to trick anyone or to make light of anyone. Sincerely, Necromancer 9

They havent explained any such thing to me but I was once on stage during a play in school and a diameter of light shown down on me----but we called it a stage light Im not trying to be a smart a-ss but sometimes it just comes natural


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 13:54


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, Are you saying that ET would have the same physiology as a human?

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For them its like going from one vehicle to the another one----sometimes I drive my wifes car because she has me blocked in Their bodies are not like human bodies but they can enter into a human clone like we change shirts

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If so, wouldn't the practicalities of everyday life get him exposed eventually? Wouldn't he have to take a physical to get a job, etc.?

They are in total control of any situation they are in-----without those around them knowing it.

posted on 27/2/06 @ 14:12


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Originally posted by stuffofnightmares


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hey sleeper i got a question for you , when you met these aliens, did they tell you what plans, if any they had for the future of humanity?

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Yes they did

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can you go into detail on the plans?


Some of the details are in the fifty-three pages on this thread, the rest would take up more space than this board would allow, not to mention the time I have yet to find to jot it all down.


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 17:22


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Originally posted by indigo_scout So the question is, was my sons soul in his body when I had that dream, or was he out floating around with the intention of entering the body later?

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They enter at the very last minute----sometimes they watch the birth of their body and dont enter for a few hours after or as in some cases a few days after.

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Interestingly, when my daughter was 3 (son was 5), daughter saw an aerial photo of the Great Wall with someone walking on it. She said it was her brother. We havent yet been to China in this lifetime. Then she saw another photo of the Great Wall from an entirely different perspective, and said thats where her brother used to live. I asked her who else lived there. She said she and I did.

Many of the people you meet in this life you shared lives with them in other planets and other times on this planet----you may have been her daughter in China


[Second question(s): Have I been abducted? Have my children been abducted?

Yes, you and the children and probably your husband as well----however I would not tell him that if I were you, nor would I tell the children----let them ask you

She described the beings as vampires because they suck your energy.

Well they are not vampires but most peopl e that are abducted dont remember what really happened, and many of the things that go on while in the ship are extremely strange to the human mind.

Since then, daughter has been sleeping with me. Many nights when we go to bed, I feel the bed vibrating slightly for a few minutes. Whats that about?

No one can hide from them----if they wanted to do you or her harm there would be nothing to stop them----but they dont----they are in fact looking out after you and her----dont know about the vibrating----unless she is frightened and she is shaking----nothing really to be afraid of

In the last few years, Ive had numerous dreams of angelic young men (they look young but feel very wise) for and from whom I feel great love (not sexual). They dont ever smile in those dreams, and it never seems to be the same person, but I feel as if I know them from somewhere. Who/what are they and why am I having these dreams?

I dont know

Last question: What are orbs? I was up on a mountain with some friends who were trying to take orb photos. I had a sudden feeling of thousands of beings coming in from behind me. My friend turned to take a photo with her digital camera, and there were thousands of orbs in the photo, almost obscuring the people in the photo. My feeling was that they were ancient beings from this Earth. What do you think/know?


Orbs are souls----when we leave our bodies we are spheres of exotic energy


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 18:01


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Originally posted by indigo_scout

Is there any way for me to make my daughter's and my encounters with ET any less frightening?

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Yes, when you know they are not going to hurt you----why fear them? The ride is much more enjoyable when you are not afraid----the drawback is that it goes by faster.
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Also abductions are numbered, you only get so many and then they stop


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 22:19


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Originally posted by healthman420

Large cities dont seem natural to at all. I think villages ie indians are more of a natural setting. AM i wrong?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

With large populations large cities are the only way----sanitation, clean water, resources etc. Earth will have a population of over twelve billion by the end of this century----cities will be much larger, more efficient and safer

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posted on 27/2/06 @ 23:06


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Originally posted by violet So when the ET uses a human body as a "vehicle".to be among us incognito. Do they just make a human form and go into it, or "take" one from an unsuspecting person to use ?

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They create a human body from DNA they acquired from an abductee---its new and never used

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And I ask this to touch base on a poster who just asked about telling one's family amd you said not to, best to let them ask you.

My advice was to never tell family members things they arent ready to hear because people get divorced for things of this nature

And also as you said it is against thier protocol to admit anything.

They have no reason to tell----if they do they are not real ET---unless they show you otherwise by taking you into a ship or taking on their true form

What is one to make of it when they (family members) do approach you about this, but not to ask, but to actually tell you "you were abducted" and you are selected as part of the alien plan. Even though you never, ever discussed this with them. It is out of the blue. And they are giving you things to stir your thoughts, things like alien related books and photos, and telling you things about the Universe. Then denying it after.

Someone is messing with you and I doubt its ET

And if it is not imagination, and not a mind game, what if was real, how is one to cope with having been threatened ? And how then can it be acceptable to believe aliens are "nice"? Are there good aliens and bad ones ?


ET uses the good cop bad cop routine but they mostly do it on their ships and then they wipe your memory of most of it----only your unconscious mind knows the pertinent information that was imparted to you ET works in mysterious ways but rarely in the way you have described ET doesnt kill for no reason, and even with a reason rarely do they do it ---they have rules and accountability


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 23:20


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Originally posted by Siblin I second indigo_scout on how to control fear. (By the way, thanks, this thread has helped me get over some of that. ) The ETs are just so...unknown. Sometimes that's really hard to face. Any tips?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Since they have your best interest as their job there is no need to fear them----children fear going to the doctor because its a strange place with strange people and sharp needles-----yet the doctors are not there to hurt them

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How can someone best come to understand the ETs?

There is no humanly way possible----do we truly understand other humans? How then can we understand a far superior life form as ETs?

How does the soul relate to a premature birth?

Like any other birth, when the body is ready the soul is inserted

You said waaaay waay long ago that all Presidents and world leaders have met ETs. Did the leaders know that they were ETs? Or did they think they were meeting humans?


Some knew/know, others met with the human costumed ETS


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 23:28


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Originally posted by stuffofnightmares

do the aliens plan to use us as slaves in the future?

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or do they plan to teach us how to live with them?

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We already live with them

will they mass produce ufo's for every human in the future, like we now mass produce cars?

Yes but a human like Ford will get the credit

will the aliens take all of humanity to another planet to live on?

No----but when people die they might end up on another planet for their next life experience


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posted on 27/2/06 @ 23:34


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Originally posted by Siblin In additon to my earlier questions, how do you feel about Whitley Strieber's experiences?

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I haven't read his books but I did see the movie---Communion That movie captured the essence of the ET experience

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posted on 27/2/06 @ 23:48


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Originally posted by necromancer9 . I have been to the planet in question and I was curious to see if you had ever heard of it. Inside the lit area there is a very distinct object in the center.

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I have no idea and nothing from them, perhaps you could fill in the details, others might be interested in your story as well.


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 00:16


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy

What did you mean when you said

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I don't believe in aliens


stories about extraterrestrials are false

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You need to show the full quotes

And if abductions are numbered, you only get so many and then they stop then how come you seem to have no limit?

I racked up a tons of frequent flyer miles

And how come an extensive search of military documents turns up no reference to any UFO sightings at the military installations where you were stationed during the times you mentioned?

I never fly without cloaking

And why did you tell that lie about Clinton and the crystal?

I didnt think I needed to explain sarcasm----I do a lot of sarcasm

And why did you say ET could only be seen in an inebriated state and yet you still saw them after they discouraged you from imbibing?

I havent given up the drink----I cut back-----I said in so many words that intoxication made the encounter more palatable

And finally not to mention the time I have yet to find to jot it all down. you have plenty of time to come here and post and write 2 books with a third manuscript in the works and you can't find the time to take a few notes in regards to the most incredible thing thats ever happened to a human?

The material in question equals dozens of manuscripts


And when are we gonna get that ET rock tested? My offer to pay still stands. Don't tell me they forbid testing just like they forbid photos. Gee how convenient.

The rock is a meteorite-----testing it will only prove that----which proves nothing


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 00:46


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria

Hey Trubadour many thanks for your highly intellectual input!

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you even appear to have escaped the Ascaris Trolls for now (I think in consideration for their own pride and sense of self worth, they're off seeking easier, less challenging prey).

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About a dozen posts were removed from the thread before I got on this morning----not sure what went on

How do the ET's regard "love"?

They love it------had to say it Anyway, there is nothing higher than love-----it encompasses everything----they have a much higher appreciation and understanding for it than us However, they are asexual----unless they are on some assignment and in a human type body.


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 10:01


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Sleeper, Do you happen to know what this means... Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away..."

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Its a parable that concerns the divisions of mankind -----Gentiles and Jews
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Which later divides again----the Israelites were one people coming out of Egypt eventually the twelve clans organized into two factions----Judah and Israel The people of Israel faltered and their nation destroyed, the nation of Judah survived and those where the people that existed in the land of Palestine when Jesus came into the picture. There would be another division, a priestly division of the Jewish people----the Sadducees and Pharisees Jesus spoke mostly against those two groups, blaming them for leading the Jews astray The Sadducees believed that God would establish heaven on earth and place them in charge of the Gentiles----the first Heaven The Pharisees believed a little more on the spiritual side but also believed that heaven was only for the Jews----the second Heaven Both were mistaken but it would be the Pharisees----which the majority of the Jews belonged to that would provoke the wrath of Rome-----that nearly extinguished the Jewish people.

Therefore the physical heaven on earth concept and the spiritual-exclusiveheaven passed away

Jesus was speaking of a time in the future after the fact because that story wasnt written until years after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 -73


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 10:35


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Originally posted by elgaz 1) Do you now believe there is such a thing as 'fate' (i.e. we make it ourselves), or is everything basically controlled and pre-ordained by these ETs? Given that you said there are many, many different types of ETs, who controls them?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Life is a combination of fate and freewill----and there is no contradiction We are pretty much all the same but at different levels of awareness---most that are free to travel the galaxy dont need to be controlled they know what is right and wrong Nothing gets under the radar for humans or ET from the collective conscious

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2) It is obvious they don't monitor time in the same way that we do; however, time must pass for them in one way or another or they wouldn't exist in the same dimension that we do. Do they have the ability to travel back and forth in time, at least in the sense that we understand it?

As with Santa Clause, time travels with them-----a concept without explanation

3) How much of the known Universe have they explored?

There is no unexplored part of the universe

4) Is there anything the ETs fear?


5) If they are here to slowly assist in our development, why have they allowed a lot of our scientists to go down the route of the big bang theory (wasting years of work) when it's plainly wrong? I can see no benefit to this. Gaz


Earth is a playpen-----try telling a child that the toy he is playing with is a useless waste of his or her time All the toys we get to play with do help us grow----so they are not a waste of time


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 12:40


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Originally posted by NotClever Sleeper, In your post ID 1955117 you wrote: "Like I said it's a big universe trillions of times bigger then what is speculated". And in post ID 1979043 you wrote: "the universe is thousands of times larger and more complex than any human mind can imagine". I'd like for you to clarify this, as it is an astonishingly significant difference in scale. For instance, if I were a thousand times taller, I would be just over a mile tall; still able to walk around on Earth. If I were a trillion times taller, I would not be able to lie down within Earth's orbit. I'd actually like to know if its infinite, or just really, really, big. Reason is, I'm curious about your assertion in post ID 2016847, that "There is no unexplored part of the universe". How so if someone's not sure of its dimensions? thin q [edit on 28-2-2006 by NotClever]

Well I havent personally counted each galaxy in the universe and perhaps I shouldnt throw arbitrary numbers out there as apparently I have. Ye t how do you describe something without end----infinite works but then how do you describe infinite?----the human mind will not accept concepts that are called infinite because there is nothing infinite in our limited three dimensional existence on this planet-----so I use terms like really really big, even a thousand times bigger than what we believe it is, is pretty dang big----and nearly impossible to comprehend It took hundreds of years for the reality that the earth moves around the sun to sink in----and some people are still not convinced because its obvious that the sun rises and sets, and if the earth moved we would feel it-----its a conspiracy


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 12:48


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Originally posted by hobo_321 Sleeper, does ET read these posts?

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Only the good threads----so I'm not sure if they are reading this one---There are many ETs down here and some have government jobs----therefore they have lots of time to spend on the internet----hope I didn't offend anyone----

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posted on 28/2/06 @ 12:59


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Originally posted by lost_shaman

Someone is messing with you and I doubt its ET = sleeper

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

There I think you just summed up this thread quite nicely! You should have titled this thread... "Someone is messing with you and I doubt its ET!"
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I forgot to laugh-----well maybe not---

How are those books coming sleeper? Getting some good stuff yet?

I was until you stopped showing up----


I noticed you were talking about something Jesus said. What Jesus are you talking about I wonder? The Jesus in the Bible. The Jesus from 150 years before him. Or the Jesus that the E.T.s invented.

I was asked a question about Jesus and I answered it the best I could, the question was about the Jesus in the bible and thats the one I was referring

( Psst... This should be easy its multiple choice.)

I love multiple choice


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 17:07


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Originally posted by schallb The 12 Zodiac signs have been long ago signaling who we are and the make up of ourselfs according to the planets and stars. Do you know if the ET's take that into consideration of who they choose to aline with and are more likely to have contact with... I'm a true Cancer......

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The Zodiac is fun and sometimes ET or other errant spirits will communicate with people and give them advice----however since you dont know where that advice is coming from it would be risky to bet the farm
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ETs do not choose people according to their date of birth


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 17:52


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon


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Thank you for the answer Sleeper. Still having a bit of trouble tying it in. Here's the full quote. Could you please help explain how your answer fits in with the rest of the quote?

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The dead are not alive,

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The non-Jews or those that dont believe in the God of Israel are considered dead

and the living will not die.

Jews and those that believe in the God of Israel will not die but live forever in Gods kingdom

During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it come alive.

Talking about the OT when the Israelites entered the Promised Land and killed or converted the non-Jews in the land of Canaan----the Israelites disobeyed God and did not kill every woman, child, man and beast as they where told to do----so they attempted to convert some and enslave those they did not kill. In essence those that they spared----they ate----an allegory----What belonged to the Jews became sanctioned and therefore were alive like the Jews.

When you are in the light,

The grace of God----the chosen----the Jews----for the Christian they are in the light when they accept Jesus as their savior

what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"


Again talking about the nation of Israel----they became two nations---Israel and Judah----they fought each other and became weak-----Israel became corrupt-----and they both became easy pickings for the nonJewish nations of Assyria and Babylonia Like their brethren the Israelites the Jews of Jesus day became divided and were basically in two camps, the Pharisees, and Sadducees----and they perished-----thats what they will do----divided we fall

[edit on 28-2-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 28/2/06 @ 19:42


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Originally posted by Siblin Any chance that they actually heard the request and complied? Though obviously there's a huge chance that it was just my brain regurgitating my worries.

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They hear you but if they were giving you pertinent info that they wanted you to use you would remember, perhaps the message was to give your doctor a visit

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posted on 28/2/06 @ 20:06


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Originally posted by NotClever I keep reading this thread and waiting for the 'gotcha!' post from sleeper. You know the one where he admits his vague aphorisms and generalizations are entertainment and have utterly no validity?

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Thats a two-sided coin many posters throw monkey wrenches into the gears of this thread hoping that it will fall apart


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I know sleeper; I just don't get it. I'm too human. I'm part of that species that has no control over anything, has never accomplished anything of note, and must rely on 'ET' to validate my lack of self-esteem.

Did you believe you had control before you got snared by this thread?---not being condescending Most people dont like the idea that earth is a playpen, they prefer to think of it as a hell-hole----its actually both----but no one has to believe what I write If you are waiting for me to come clean---OK, here it is----I tell my experiences, what I have seen, what I learned, what ET tells me-----thats my story and Im sticking with----its never going to change----if its to crazy or ridiculous to believe----then dont

posted on 28/2/06 @ 20:49


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Originally posted by violet

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

[quoteNow unless I misunderstood this. I have a hard time believing that they take DNA, grow a fetus, then grow a full grown human, and keep it in stockpiles, should they need to use am impersonator. I mean to appear "real" what do they do ? Feed it, teach it to walk, talk, send it to tanning boothes to giive it tan-lines and wrinkles, build muscles (which would atrophy btw if they are not used) and put a few zits and whiskers on their faces, do thier hair, etc. Do they upload a lifetime of memories for them to have real reactions, feelings etc?

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They are in tubes of liquid in a sort of cryogenic state----zits and all

Now do you not think it would be much simpler to seize control of a person's mind, and say what they want to say, do what they want to do, and then exit the body they used, and the person is none the wiser? After all, you say aliens can wipe out your memory. So it is established they have shortcuts via the brain. . that this is how they operate.

They can and do----but thats not the way they normally operate

Now I would beleieve my own hijacking of the brain theory. The way a hijacker takes contorol of a plane and flies wherever he wants. He doesn't go to all the trouble to build a plane..


They do

If they are making Clones, then this is making an idenical body of another body. So what is the motive of a clone? This would mean they need to send in an identical person to replace the person they stiole the DNA from.

They have thousands of clones----in a population of 6 and a half billion people theyve had no trouble remaining incognito

If they are not using the clone for this purpose of impersonation, then they really don't need to clone. It then makes the entire abduction process of stealing DNA needless. Why ? Because again, why go to all this troulble of flying ships to peoples bedrooms at night, then taking them hosrage & extracting DNA. If I wany money, and I want lots of it. Why would i go a rob people's wallets as they sleep ? It would be a lot easier to do it all in one swoop, rob a bank. There are sperm banks, egg banks, and you only need one cell anyways.

They have been doing it for millions of years on many planets, they must have figured out how to do it right by now


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 09:41


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Originally posted by violet I am actually quite open to believing there are people among us who are not real human beings. I jam just curious how it is accomplished. If "They are in tubes of liquid in a sort of cryogenic state", ok fine,

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but this does not explain how they can be removed from the liquid and begin to use this physical human body. If they were in a "dormant" state, how can they use thier muscles ? The muscles would atrophy, and shrink and be useless. They could no exit the liquid and walk. Much less talk. Have you not seen a paralyzed person ? The parts of the body that is not "in use" shrinks, because they are no longer using their musicles. Even when we put a mouse in a cage, we give it a wheel to run around on.


You are projecting human level technology on ETs----ETs are gods, wizards that can transform our reality with a blink of an eye.

You can't just say "they can and they do" ! And expect everyone will nod their head in agreement. It just doesn't validate the claims. Or it is best to answer "I don't know".

I can say that because that is the way it is----I dont expect anyone to believe me without proof----and proof is not forthcoming for the vast majority

I am only confused because you said : Their bodies are not like human bodies but they can enter into a human clone like we change shirts

We and they are spirits, their spirit can move from one body to another as simiply as we change shirts.

Then you said: They create a human body from DNA they acquired from an abductee----its new and never used

I could have said they created it from pixie dust but then everyone would laugh at me----and no one laughs at sleeper----

And now you say: "They are in tubes of liquid in a sort of cryogenic state" I'm counting 3 different answers here

All three apply to the questions you asked

if they are using cloned bodies, and clones are exact replicas, then they are not an ET , but simply a human copy. Where then, is the part in thier body that is ET ? The brain ? Or the term "clone" is not applicable. Are they in fact a Hybrid ? Humanoid ? Do they scoop out all the insides of a human body and put their tiny little bodies inside it ? The changing of the shirts answer ?

The human body and the bodies ET often use are simply machines----when


they enter a clone or another human or whatever costume they choose----its their spirit---soul that resides in the machine-----they dont become the machine-----as humans tend to do. In other words, if you drive a Ford car you are not a Ford car you are a person driving a Ford car-----if you prefer something other than a Ford---thats ok too


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 14:40


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Originally posted by hobo_321 If ET knew that when they die they return to the "other side" wouldnt they be completely fearless of death?

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They dont fear death

And if ET can move from body to body why doesnt it just abandon the body alltogether and just be a floating blob of exotic energy?

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To have physical contact with us they need to be quasi physical themselves and they do spend much of their time as balls of energy----its the only way they can unwind

3 last Qs If I were to somehow destroy an ETs body while it was "vacant" or soulless (perhaps it was busy talking to people in bars while in a human body) what would happen to ET?

ET would go and get another shirt

Why are there so many reports of "gray" aliens if the majoraty of ETs, apparantly, don't appear to resemble them?

ET is a master of disguises


Was there a particular species that you had contact with most or that you found the most advanced/interesting? Out of curiosity what did they look like? I need something "tangible" just describe the features without dodging the question.

When have I dodged a question? The one that I see the most looks kind of like Jimmy Durante----or maybe thats what I want him to look like----they shape shift a lot


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 14:53


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Originally posted by NotClever Seriously, dgoodpasture, I'm posting here in order to answer you. I don't want to prolong this gobble-dee-gook, but you're right; its like watching a train wreck.

Maybe we can just clog the thread up with pertinent questions?

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So dgoodpasture has one of his star children----followers going to clog up this thread----thats cute


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 14:57


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[edit on 1-3-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 1/3/06 @ 15:16


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Saving the world should be a big project dgoodpasture, where do you find so much time to read threads like this one----you spend more time here than I do. You said

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Originally posted by dgoodpasture For Indigo/Crystal children, or those of a higher vibration... or if you simply would like to be spiritually guided in these times... go to Please engage in discussion there You will find many of your kind, we are popping up all over the World. Let's come together and change it now.

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What no takers?


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 15:22


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Originally posted by NotClever So dgoodpasture has one of his star children----followers going to clog up this thread----thats cute

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Nope, I'm independently scoffing at your assertions. Maybe I meant impertinent questions....? OracleDave, I was going to politely point out your math error, but the enlightened one jumped in before I could pull the trigger.

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Another one of your fellow star children? After the graffiti parties and hacking into computers you people are going to gang up on sleeper-----what other valiant causes are on your plates to rid the world of evil?


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 17:05


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Sleeper, Several years ago I witnessed a giant rectangle-shaped ufo floating just above the tree line as I drove down a crowded interstate at 5pm. Incredible! It was about the size of a tennis court and had at least 3 levels of encased panels or floors. It was made of reflective material that seemed to mirror the surrounding green trees and landscape - so it was dark green/gray. I saw it for about 20 seconds as it floated along the tree line and disappeared over hills. There were large power lines close by. Who would populate a large craft like that? Have you ever seen this type of ufo? Do you know them?

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Not sure what you saw but ET ships come in every size and shape----some are ships filled with tourist from other star systems, some are filled with human hybrids

What would they be doing flying around in broad daylight?

ET ships fly around the clock, they have the ability to hide behind clouds or go invisible

Could I have been the only person that saw it? I don't think they abducted me because I had to be at class in 10 minutes and I was on time for it - so why did they let me see them?


They let you see them to let you know that there is more to life than what is on this planet-----not all human brains are capable of understanding that----hence the tantrums on this thread.

In addition, each time I have seen ufo's, I felt absolutely no fear whatsoever. In normal situations, I'm the first one to sense danger. Each time I've seen a ufo, I was completely calm - very calm. I think maybe I have more to fear from mankind than from ET. What do you think? Thanks for your help, Sleeper.

You know what humans are capable of , hate and envy being the big ones---ET neither hates or envies----and most of the fear people report is unwarranted and in some cases exaggerated


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 22:53


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Notclever-----btw good choice for a name

Speaking of clones are you a dgoodpasture clone----you two sound strangely alike

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posted on 1/3/06 @ 23:04


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Originally posted by siriuslyone May all the debunker be forgiven for their karmic mistakes. Google on chainsaw massacre forums, where your bile will be welcome. Go Sleeper....

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[edit on 1-3-2006 by siriuslyone]


siriuslyone, thanks for the vote on your first post

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Most debunkers have their own agenda and some are just plain sociopaths, there is one frequent poster that uses three of four different names----and now he thinks he is clever


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posted on 1/3/06 @ 23:24


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Jews and those that believe in the God of Israel...

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Who is the "God of Israel"?

According to the OT and the NT he is the god of creation Originally he was exclusively the god of the Jews Then came the Christians and they now claim him as Jesus Then came Mohammed and Moslems claim him as Allah The Jews believe that they are gods favorite people The Christians believe that they are gods favorite people The Moslems believe that they are gods favorite people They may all be right----but none of them are each others favorite people

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posted on 1/3/06 @ 23:29


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy Originally posted by NotCleverThere is nothing in this story other than sleeper's age and military service that can be corroborated.

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Sorry not true. Even though it's possible sleeper and I may have served at the same time at Ft. Hood I have been unable to find any incidents in any available records for the given time frame that may have been extraordinary enough to have been recorded. I do know that there was a nuclear storage facility there and there are reports of unidentified craft violating air space.

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But nothing that correlates to the given time frame. Even research into Ft. Ord only revealed


1961-At Fort Ord, 221 military members are abducted and implanted with devices. They and their families are sequestered
here But who knows maybe I'll end up with something.

99.99999 percent of ET craft go undetected


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 09:08


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Jews and those that believe in the God of Israel...

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Who is the "God of Israel"?

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According to the OT and the NT he is the god of creation



Is this also the God of the ET's?

No he was crucified by his followers after he refused to perform magic for them-----they wanted him to create heaven on earth-----and he kept talking crazy stuff that heaven was not of this world, so they killed him. And then he rose from the dead and came back as the Easter bunny----and everyone loved him

[edit on 2-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 10:29


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Originally posted by Knight783 Its a classic make up as you go along thread, and you have no idea where it is going! If not, then amaze me with something.....

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You mean like jump off the Empire State Building and land on my feet? Intriguing Let me think about that and I will get back with you

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posted on 2/3/06 @ 11:52


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[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 12:20


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Originally posted by dgoodpasture I'd be as desperate as you too if I was losing a 58 page thread. Wait... no I wouldn't. The illusion is no longer an illusion, we see you for who you are us more, please. [edit on 2-3-2006 by dgoodpasture] Show

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You will lose more you have left more droppings on this thread than a roost of pigeons
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You spend more time here than anyone else----stealing material from it and posting it as your own on other threads Plagiarism is that youre forte? You have managed to fowl this thread with your smell-----so if it ends good I will not lose sleep over it----


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 13:10


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Originally posted by Knight783 In all seriousness sleeper, what you are doing is borderline disgusting. There are a lot of genuine but vulnerable people who believe your claims, particularly the


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young. People on a board like this especially, who are looking for answers and being duped. Discussing the paranormal is fantastic, so interesting and above all a lot of fun. But lying isnt, just because its cyber doesnt mean you are not a conman duping some very impressionable people.

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Perhaps you lie on boards and threads but I dont

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Also, part of my work is characterising people, deducing personality, particularly from writing. I can deduce many things from you, but will only mention a couple. You are absolutley NOT ex military, I dont buy it for a second.

Dont quit your day job----assuming someone is actually paying you for something----you havent deduced anything correctly

Your use of jargon is absolutley incorrect, your descriptions are not those of a military mind, the use of language totally contradicts this.

Military people are normal every day people----what kind of zombies are you talking about?

I can tell many things, for instance your not a father right? Just an example.

Wrong again, two grown children

You are very very desperate to have approval as you dont get respect in real life.

From weirdoes like you and dgood-dropings and his many clones?

I dont believe your 52 either, there are so many clues you have inadvertently dropped which I wont go into, but examples are your use of syntax and small letters.

Now you are using the big words----syntax----impressive, Im 53 not 52

And if im wrong on the last point(which I really think not) , then you should know


better at your age, why try and fool people, its simple con artistry and its people like you who cause scorn to be pourn all over this subject.

Well you got me there----I havent fooled you and your star child want-tobe And you analyze for a living----dont you feel bad about taking money over false pretences?


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 15:38


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Originally posted by Knight783 I hope sleeper that you see the irony. I dont do any of that for a living, I am simply making things up but speaking as an ' expert '. You took the bait beautifully, your angry & insulting response showing that you are about as indignant as anyone can be when faced with mis-truths. I was going to carry on some more but simply dont have the time.

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How ironic, and I was just getting started

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Your higher mind certainly has degenerated somewhat, from being a superior messenger chosen by aliens and even God, to throwing out insults and showing your complete lack of intelectual capacity, and not being able to grasp irony

Took my comeback pretty hard did you

The age question in particular was a mine and you fell into it, either confirming OR denying shows you up, read the statement and see for yourself. Hook, line, sinker.

You are way to smart for me---a guy that talks with superior beings even--perhaps they should recruit you for the job?

For the record though, I dont believe you were in the military, totally my real opinion. You may have worked with them, alongside them, but you werent a soldier, not a chance!


Well if thats how you are going to believe I guess I wasted three years of my life serving in the army, playing with all those neat toys that make lots of noise It really hurts that you dont believe me I know that you people or whatever you are---are bating me so that the mods will close this thread-----since it has degenerated from the stench of so called debunkers

[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 17:23


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[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 2/3/06 @ 18:42


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hey you guys! What we need is a theme song for the human spectacle this thread has become. I suggest something by Coldplay - how about the song "Moses" or "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve? Or what about "Kick My Ass" by Big & Rich?

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Sleeper, please tell me that ET appreciates something about our music. It's the only thing I'm really proud of. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Personally, I feel better after having read your account.

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Am I going to get in trouble if I say they inspire our music? ----not that they are musical but neither are they scientists and physicists----they are far about those things, but they have their fingers in everything we do and accomplish. If I have no other purpose than to let people know that the aliens are not here to eat us or enslave the human race that would be enough. Hollywood and others need to keep the masses in fear-----people are much easier to control when they are afraid. Is ET behind some of the fear mongering? Yes they are----some people need to be controlled----in fact many people insist on it.


posted on 2/3/06 @ 19:21


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Originally posted by Siblin Originally posted by sleeper Hollywood and others need to keep the masses in fear-----people are much easier to control when they are afraid. Is ET behind some of the fear mongering? Yes they are----some people need to be controlled----in fact many people insist on it.

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What if I don't want to be afraid? What if I just want to understand, at least to the best of my abilities?

The ball is in your court when it comes to being afraid----its kind of like dealing with a bully----you have to muster the courage for the confrontation. ET is not a bully but they are intimidating-----yet they are harmless----and not a danger to you personally A lot of information from them is given on a need to know basis----and only they know what each of us need to know.


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posted on 2/3/06 @ 20:43


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[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 2/3/06 @ 23:16


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria

Sleeper, from your perspective, any thoughts on the large and fairly consistent "near-death experience" phenomena?

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Hi Trubadour

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Near death is just that----its not death so the information imparted is limited But many that have experienced it know without a doubt that there is life after death----that life continues. However, they dont know where their next assignment is going to be or how long they can or will remain in that in-between place. Most NDE are similar to abductions----they are not accidents----people are pulled in for a short review, warning, or congratulations-----unlike abductions NDEs tend to be pleasant, neutral, or horrible with much of the memory left intact


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 00:15


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Sleeper, I am wondering why you seem to approve of the religions of Abraham (or seem to imply that ET used these religions in some way), when the Abrahamic religons are totally opposed to the idea of rebirth? If ET knows rebirth is real, why would they have backed the Abrahamic religions to whom rebirth is an abhorrent notion?

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Its part of the grand illusion----was Abraham a real person?-----to answer

that I will offend many people----so I will just say that its my opinion---no he was not real
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Was Sodom and Gomorra a real place and occurrence? No it wasnt Why did ET let people believe the sun moved around the earth? Because they didnt need to know more than that There are people starving in India but they refuse to eat cows----cows were made by ET as an easy food source but ET is also behind their beliefs-----contradiction, certainly----illusion definitely, purpose----human diversity


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 09:37


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Originally posted by MagicaRose Hi Sleeper, I've just started reading your posts in the past several days. When I read what you said in the above posts I was totally shocked! My daughter died in 1989. I had a dream of her after she died. I asked her what it was like where she is now. These are the exact words that she said to me in a calm voice "It's just another "place" Momma". I just had to tell you this and I have much more that I will post later. Thank you for telling about your experiences.

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Hi MagicaRose, I think you know that your daughter is in a much happier place; otherwise she couldn't have given you the message that she did.

The best part of life is that it ends and then we are with the ones we love--no fear no hate----its a comfort no one while on earth can experience. And they don't feel the separation----they are aware of us and can spend time with us Thanks for telling us a bit of your story


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 09:50


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Originally posted by porschedrifter Sleeper, When was the last time you visited or talked with the Entities?

We are in regular contact

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They obviously know that you have already written this post. Have they said anything to you about it?

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They are the source of some of it

Is there some way you can communicate with them about this thread and have them comment on it? I mean, what's more convincing than an alien commenting. Surely because of their intelligence above ours they could come up with probably a single sentence that would just shut us all up and prove everything.

Does everyone really want to know all the answers with one sentence?---We have to finish our lives on this planet, if we know all the answers that would spoil the ending of the play.


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 13:22


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo sleeper your making me nervous. i have relatives that i dont like seeing in this life, let alone in some afterlife or different state of being. do i have to see these people again after i die, lol

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Depends on how many negative points you have racked up for yourself while here on earth Thats an incentive to fly right----



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posted on 3/3/06 @ 14:03


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Originally posted by whitelightwolf Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by Klepto Could you perhaps draw a diagram of what you saw, explain what business you had in entering the craft and also if they are in the future going to take 'action' against humanity that they would make humanity privvy to their existance.. Sleeper...there is one race that is a threat to humanity...those are the grays. There is a benevolent race of reptilians living underground, but they are not aliens...they have been here for thousands of years. I think the only threat we have are the draconians...or the *bad* reptilians, and the New World order...that's all. Are you implying that you are* a member of the government?..........or military?

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That's a question to me-----not a quote by me----or are you asking something else?


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 14:21


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo dr$%^&pasture thats how low you have gotten, replying to you own post, lol.

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modernday----that ignore button is great you can put the insane into a padded cell and they can scream and piss on themselves and you don't hear or see a thing


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 15:22


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Originally posted by Saffron I heard ET's can morph into a human image, is this correct? Or do they look like the commonly depicted large eyes and head etc? [edit on 3-3-2006 by Saffron]

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Many of the entities that are reported by abductees are simply machines---ET may be present but they usually stay in the background out of sight---and communicate telepathically with the person.
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ETs often inhabit human type bodies and they can take on any appearance they chose----even canine----not the talking kind like in the movie MIB


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 15:33


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[edit on 3-3-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 3/3/06 @ 15:35


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Originally posted by violet And if "they control and know everything", then they are fully capable of providing you with something to post that will prove your story. Anything will do, as long as there is no other logical explanation that could make it unbelievable.

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They are big boys if they want to show themselves to the general public and remove all doubt they certainly dont need me for that

How about a prediction?

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I dont read palms, chicken bones, tell fortunes or do predictions

OR, Arrange a flyover of a UFO. Give location and time, and someone who is not beleiving you of course, can look out for it and report back that it happened. The ET's who know all, can tell you where the disbelievers of your story lives.

Im not here to prove anything, I tell my experiences and answer questions ET allows me to answer The only people that happen on to this site by accident are the nonbelievers----and I have no answers for them-----sorry


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 15:50


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Originally posted by highhorse313

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Sleeper, What does ET do for enjoyment, pleasure, fun? Are they artistic? Are they athletic? Do they have houses? Do they have pets?

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Those that live on this planet as humans do everything that humans do---they could be your neighbors----and they would be the ones you least suspect----they have the human thing down very well and they do it better than humans

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What is their childhood like?

Depends at what stage they came into their assignment

How long are they infants?

ETs bypass that stage whenever possible

Is family important to them?



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posted on 3/3/06 @ 16:03


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Originally posted by MagicaRose For exactly one year to the day after she died I had many dreams of talking to someone , a male, on the telephone. In each dream I would ask if I could speak to my daughter. Each time I asked he would tell me that "it wasn't time yet". One time in particular, he said "she is working with children". I never saw this man's face so I don't know who he was. My daughter died suddenly and left behind 3 children. When the year was up, I started having vivid dreams of her. I could ask her anything I wanted and she would always answer back.

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I have always wondered who this person was that would talk to me on the phone in my dreams. Sleeper, could that have been an ET?

Anyone from the other side can talk to us in dreams including ET because ET is from the other side


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 17:25


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Originally posted by violet I have not seen undeniable proof so far in your story. It is just text accross my screen. And I think this is most likely the case with others who you think are not beleiving your story.

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I give answers to some questions----proof comes from ET----and if they chose to give you proof then they will abduct you----for lack of a better word, and show you the planets in our solar system----you may not remember the tour but those that got one know down deep inside that we are not alone----and they search for confirmation, some end up on this thread

Anyone can come in here and say all this, so you must expect some of us need more than that. Not everyone is naiive you know?

On the contrary, this world is chock full of nave people


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 17:46


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Originally posted by violet

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If these ET's who are posing as humans exiist, are they normal inside ? I mean can they go to a doctor like anyone else and get checkups, eye exams, surgery etc and the doc doesn't notice? Or must they avoid this ? Would they suffer physical injury just as a human would ? Like break a bone, cut themselves?

Those that are full blown ET dont need to see a doctor but if they feel they need to for show the doctors would be under the ETs control
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Those that are half breed dont normally need much care but if they do ET will fix them----nevertheless their physiology is nearly exact to the average human and most human doctors would never pick up on the difference.

Do they eat too?

When in human form yes

Is there a telltale sign that some people may pick up on, that makes you suspect they are this way? LIke someone who is more sensitive to things being amiss (you think they are not human) , as others may not notice a thing. Is there something that is just not 100% human ? No matter how good the "act" is ? Like maybe they react very strongly and adversly to some things, or comments ? Or maybe they go off places and non-one knows where they go ?

If you suspect someone is an alien---ET, then they are not----they cover their tracks perfectly

Do they report back to the ship, planet? Or are here on a full life mission? And go back when it is done.

There are several places in the solar system and on earth they can go to if they wish

Are they aware they are an imposter?

Some are not


What planet are they from?

From several


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 20:47


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Originally posted by intrepid Show us the Solar system? Mercury, molten. Venus, too hot to inhabit. Mars, baren. Jupiter, a planetary mess. Saturn, ditto. Uranus, well, there might be klingons there. Neptune, the wild card. Pluto, a rock. We already know about this stuff. If they have intergalactic travel why would they only favour us with interplanetory?

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Seeing the solar system up close is more than most people can handle---going beyond the solar system is not going to happen-----but you could say thats only my opinion

Yes, the world is full of naive people, do you think you'll find them here? Not likely.

Many people believe that we are alone in the universe----other than perhaps some microbes---yes the vast majority is nave But naturally Im not talking about anyone on ATS---


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 20:56


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Originally posted by intrepid I see you're back on sleeper, can't the ET's provide the answers to a lowly human's questions? And so slowly. Are they having a problem with their technology?

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Are you talking about my response to your question?----For one I only saw it a few minutes ago and my wife called me to dinner----I often leave my computer on and on this web page---while I go do other things----I assume other humans do the same BTW---if you are referring to me----I'm not an ET

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posted on 3/3/06 @ 21:06


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Originally posted by intrepid SS up close? I don't think that would phase anyone, we already know what's there.

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Are you serious? Viewing Saturn from one of its moons, or Jupiter----Some people would have a heart attack, some would faint, others would get on their knees and worship it.----You have to see it to believe it

Why aren't we going beyond the SS?

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Because the human body cant take the trip----the soul or essence would have to be taken out of the body and placed into a container----in some cases only taken out of the body and they float around the ship as a spirit Still, most humans are not leaving the solar system until they die


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 21:20


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Originally posted by intrepid So you're saying that these ET's have limitted physical proceedures that they couldn't protect us against the travails of intergalactic travel? Man, that sounds merely mortal.

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Human bodies are not designed for intergalactic travel----Hollywood movies are not real

I suggest you read your u2u's.

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I did sounds like you want to shut down this thread----I have shaken the apple cart--- of the UFO community----I must me stopped So go ahead and shut it down if you fear the truth

posted on 3/3/06 @ 21:36


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Originally posted by intrepid I'm NOT shutting this down, I'm calling you out. PROVE YOUR #! I've had enough of this crap, we're on, you and I. Let's boogie.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

[edit on 3-3-2006 by intrepid]

Im not proving anything

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Other than ATS needs a UFO board----and my thread is upsetting the whole ball of wax You people had plenty of opportunity to lock or remove this thread----I asked you to several times----instead you send in your hired guns to try and discredit me You people cant handle the truth

[edit on 3-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 21:42


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Originally posted by intrepid Waiting sleeper. Do the ET's provide info that slowly that many other posts come in before you can get back to your own topic?

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ETs don't boogie and they are not in any rush to answer anything


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 21:46


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Originally posted by intrepid

Yeah, we can handle the truth, we have a problem with bull# though. Next round?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I hate bull# too and most of it is coming from your camp, and no you can't handle the truth

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posted on 3/3/06 @ 22:01


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Originally posted by intrepid

I would have thought that the burden of proof would have been on you to prove your own thoughts in your own thread.


ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

You're up pal.

You would have to shut down half of ATS if proof was required----not to mention the whole UFO board
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Or is it my thread that has everybody hot and bothered? My time is up when you people say its up----I have no control


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 22:29


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Originally posted by intrepid We won't bother to take a poll, you'd lose. Let's just look at the unanswered questions:

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If you are so sure that I would lose why dont you take a poll ----I think your side would lose

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: Originally posted by sleeper Human bodies are not designed for intergalactic travel----Hollywood movies are not real

You have scientific proof of this?

Humans would lose most of their bone mass traveling to our nearest planet Mars----if they were not in an ET ship----ET ships move rapidly and human bodies do not---so you have to take them off----sounds to crazy? Sorry

Originally posted by sleeper Im not proving anything


Why, can you?

ET can prove it---I cant


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 22:43


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Originally posted by Siblin Oh yeah, Sleeper, I'm still curious about a question I page back or so. Actually, two pages ago.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Say we had the chance to ask the ETs anything...what question would they most like to be asked?

[edit on 3-3-2006 by Siblin]

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Feed me Seymour Sorry Siblin----had to say that I don't know what that question would be


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 22:50


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Originally posted by violet

I'm drawing a blank, who was that bunch that commited suicide in response to the Hale-Bopp comet's pass through our solar system???

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I think it was Heavens Gate Cult. They believed they would all go onto a new life. There was also some who killed themselves in Quebec, Canada. But I think some specualate, that some of the followers chickened out and were gassed or smthg. It begims when some self-appointed alien leader tellls them they are talking to aliens and aliens are gods who promise eternal life,. or an afterlife.

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There is an afterlife but if you commit suicide you will not see it for long. Most of those who belonged to Heavens Gate and killed themselves have been returned to this planet, with new and more challenging circumstances----however, some have less challenging ones

Question for Sleeper You say humans cannot handle the trip around the Solar System. How come you can then ? Or are you one of these Alien Imposters yourself? As you sometimes say "we" and "us" instead of "I" and 'them".

What I meant was that it is so awesome----once you have seen it its hard to come back to this planet and live a normal life----because you want more of whats out there.


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 22:56


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Originally posted by violet Sleeper You say that you are in contact with them still and they help ypu with the posts ... I think. I am curious as to how this communication takes place, in what manner ? Do you meditate and channel them ? Is it in a dream state? Do they land in your backyard and you go for a ride? How?

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I dont meditate, nor do I channel, I dont see them in my dreams

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They drop over and visit----sometimes they take me with them in their ship


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 23:00


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Originally posted by lost_shaman Originally posted by sleeper You have scientific proof of this? = Intrepid Humans would lose most of their bone mass traveling to our nearest planet Mars---if they were not in an ET ship----ET ships move rapidly and human bodies do not--so you have to take them off----sounds to crazy? Sorry

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Errr .. Wrong answer. That is not scientific proof of anything. So let me get this straight , you just said you've never physically been aboard an E.T. craft. You've never physically been flown around the Solar System aboard E.T. Craft either then right?

I said to travel out of our solar system you have to remove your physical body While in the solar system you can remain in your body----but some who are abducted----only their soul is taken, while their body remains asleep in their bed


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 23:16


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Originally posted by violet

there is an afterlife but if you commit suicide you will not see it for long. Most of those who belonged to Heavens Gate and killed themselves have been returned to this planet, with new and more challenging circumstances----however, some have less challenging ones

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Imagine you kill yourself to get away from this planet and get brought back! So if suicide victims, do not go to this promised place that is outside our solar system, where do bad people go, like murderers? Do they get brought back? Do these dead people go to another solar system then ? Another planet, all to the same planet, or to different ones ?

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They do more time here or any number of the billions of planets in the galaxy----depends on what they have to fix in their soul

You said they meet up with dead poeple they knew in thier life. Frankly I don't want to see certain people !

That is one problem you will need to fix while in this life or the next one---even if the fault lies with the other people----the emotions you are holding on to have to be dealt with and removed by you Suicide caries many consequences if it's done for no good reason


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 23:25


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Originally posted by schallb I didn't read the book Above Black but had gone to the website, it gives alot of info about Dan Sherman's story like yours. It was mentioned on the site by one critic that at the end of his book he mentioned he would like to hear from others that have had experiences like his. Would you ever wish to talk to this gentlemen ??

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Not familiar with him or his story---I will have to go to his website

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He also mentions that he had tried to get in contact with the aliens the day after he was discharged and many times after, but nothing happened. You say that you can. Would you have any idea why this is?

I have no idea

One thing he did say is he still is trying to figure out why it happened . Maybe you know ...Another thing is, he was told that him going into the service was not -Hischoice!

I know why I am involved, this thread for one-----even if it gets shut down, those who needed to read it have


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 23:40


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Originally posted by violet

They drop over and visit----sometimes they take me with them in their ship

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Don't your neighbours notice ships are always flying over their rooftops? Is this at 3 am when it is dark?

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Actually one of my daughters school mates that lived across the street asked her about an alien ship that was hovering above our house one night---she didnt know what he was talking about and told me---I didnt tell her about ET

If they don't take you in their ship, do you mean they come in and chat with you inside your house ?

They take me and they visit in my house----and other places----I take long


walks outside of the city on nature trails once or twice a week

Is there a picture you can provide of what the ship looks like ? If you can find one in google images that looks similar?

None that I have seen look similar

Is it like the Gulf breeze one? Have you heard of that case btw?

Heard of it but I havent read it

Have you read Budd Hopkins book "Witnessed" I think that was the name of it and if so what did you think of the case ? It was the one who got abducted over long island Bridge. Good book actually.

Havent read it, nor am I familiar with it

Have you thought to ciontact someone like Hopkins, tell him your story and he would ghost write it for you ?

No I havent


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posted on 3/3/06 @ 23:56


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Sleeper, How can you mistake the astral body for the soul? Just because your ETs don't have a soul they got to try to convince us they control ours?

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They have souls that shine unlike many humans who think themselves righteous


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What's your mission besides confusing people? Your statements are increasingly contradictory to previous statements. And any truthful answers you give are immediately twisted afterwards.


Many have taken my quotes and twisted them----like you are doing now

If I didn't know any better I'd say you were a sell-out. If you are fully human then you must feel some kind of remorse for lying to your own people on matters of such great importance.

I havent told one single lie----unlike yourself and others that are doing their best to shut down my message with lies.

The gravity of the lie you continue to tell cannot be overstated. You are basically trying to get people to give up their soul to ET control.

The soul cannot be given away or taken away from anyone----your soul belongs to you----you are stuck with it for a long time

And yet you joke like it's nothing. There are no words to fully show the scope your insidiousness.

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Does your bible teach you to cast stones?-----there are many holyer-than-thou on this thread and Im not one of them

[edit on 3-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 00:10


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Since there are no more questions I'm going to bed----my wife is calling


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 10:50


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Can I speak with the real Sleeper? Not the one spitting alien mumbo jumbo but the human that was born on planet earth. Can that sleeper come out and tell us that he believes all this when the burden of evidence is that the ETs are not here to help us?

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ETs have souls and the orbs are souls if you wish to call them astral bodies that works too You are talking to sleeper, the human guy born and raised on good old planet earth Regardless of what you believe ET is your God and your Satan all in one They created the history you have become so attached to That is why full disclosure in impossible This thread has shown how unprepared many people are So far I have only used simple words and those words have created havoc and confusion in the lives of people like you Try to imagine what actual proof might do to billions of people like yourself


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 11:18


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Originally posted by violet

Heard of it but I havent read it

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I would think if all this amazing stuff had happened to me, I would be reading these books, or at least be knowledgable on famous cases. Don't you want to compare notes with "Linda" ? Some of these cases, the abductees also claim flying to planets and such stories as yours, although not so eleborate.
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I have one of Lindas books----are you Linda? I have read many books but havent found many that have gotten close to the truth----I know I come off as arrogant but I really aint

In contrasrt, the book on the Gulf breeze Sighting, the poor man did not find these aliens freindly. They played alot of pranks on him, like poltergeist type stuff. Evil stuff.

They do that sometimes but the reader is only getting one side of the story----ET does those kinds of things for good reason

If you are here as a messenger, than do you not think you could reach more listeners by having a # 1 bestseller ? ! Bet Larry King would have you on his show !!

Is that a bonifide offer!

Is it because you fear your story will be investigated by aggressive journalists? Exposure vs disclosure ?

Im not concerned about aggressive journalists-----they have yet to discover if Roswell is real----and they have been at it for 59 years And they had many live witnesses to that phenomena----in my case they only have me-----are they going to cut me open to see what Im made of? Or badger me for proof like on this thread?



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posted on 4/3/06 @ 11:44


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Sleeper - Insomnia wanes, but have a question: You can Google it till doomsday now but I've never heard anything more than a dodge from preacher/minister/etc. (makes em nervous though) since I was kid Genesis 6:1. What's your take and do you know how/if it translates from the Torah?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Genesis is one of the five books of the Torah

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The daughters of men imply false gods, the Babylonians, Syrians, and Egyptians had thousands of them and they were the people that had the most influence on the nomadic Hebrew tribes that inhabited the land of Canaan----from the word---name----Cain----of Cain and Able fame

Your letter above as well as all of your posts show you are quite the intellectual Trubadour----


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 12:02


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Originally posted by tas Sleeper Could you say how ET views abortion? If an unborn baby has no soul yet, does it matter?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Abortion is wrong for the simple fact that it is use as a contraceptive to often


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On the other hand all that is being eliminated is tissue----the power of life and death does not reside in human hands---even when we murder----we only kill a body not the soul---but it doesnt make it right----and there are consequences to murder and in some situation also to having abortions


And if your baby dies before birth, will you ever know that child after you die? Thanks for your thoughts.

If the baby dies the child---soul never entered----but they often enter the next time around----and most women try again for a baby

[edit on 4-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 14:10


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Originally posted by indigo_scout As I posted previously, my son came to me in a dream one week after conception. Could it be that those who are going to be born and not aborted or miscarried have souls that have attached to them in some way, put dibs on the body if you will, and those souls then only enter their bodies around the time of birth?

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We dont scramble for bodies each body is customized for the new occupant

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Do miscarried or aborted fetuses also have souls that will now have to find another vehicle? Or was their purpose to experience the abortion/miscarriage?

Miscarried or aborted fetuses have no souls assigned to them Souls do not experience abortions or miscarriages----they are like clay pots that have never been fired

I do believe that before we are born we enter into agreements with those souls who will be significant in our lives. For example, you will abort me so that we both can learn from the experience.


True in many cases


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 14:12


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Originally posted by cimi4749 Sleeper, I have read the 1st 25 pages of this thread, I have found your story very interesting and compelling. Have the aliens been in contact with you since you started this thread?

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Hi cimi They have

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posted on 4/3/06 @ 20:55


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Originally posted by violet

Regardless of what you believe ET is your God and your Satan all in one
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They created the history you have become so attached to

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Are you aware what you are really saying here? You are saying God is Satan and ET.

Have you read the book of Job? That book in a nutshell tells the story that


Satan does Gods bidding----for those who believe in God and the devil What Im saying is that good and evil are tools used to forge or repair our souls on planets like earth

ET's are also our true gods, as you have said, therefore Satan is our God and one we should know and worship and live by his agenda?

ET does not require any kind of worship----and if there was a real god neither would he, she or it-----the need to worship something is a human weakness

it may be worth mentioning at thiis point he (lucifer) is the father of all lies.

If there was such a thing as Lucifer that would be true---Lucifer---Satan--the devil do not exist

I don't think you are really here to give messages from ET's but messages from the fallen One. If one studies that phlosophy, the message is the same

Humans have fallen thats why most our here----to work out their problems If you need Jesus or Satan in your life this is not the thread to be reading


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 21:05


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, I'm interested in developing my relationship with ET. How do I go about it? They have revealed themselves to me several times and I handled it very well with no panic or fear. I don't think I'm anybody special but they contacted me and I want to communicate with them. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Hi highhorse

Its like joining the army reserve you might get called into action and you might not----most never get deployed Obviously you have some connection going on if they let you remember some of the contact----I dont know what that might be---only those who deal with you know But most of the time their contact with people is to help them with a problem they may be having----they worked with me for more than thirty years before placing me on active duty


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 21:27


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Originally posted by Ausable_Bill By our technological advancement? puhleez,... in 20 centuries this is all we have to show for flexing our gray matter on our own? Especially since the majority of advances has came to us in the last 100 years.

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Hi Ausable, Its amazing on how many people dont get that

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I do have a few things I would like your opinion on if you would. I have read your whole thread, and noticed you stated the ETs' take "family" very seriously. I would like to touch on that subject since nobody else has. What type of family units the ETs' have.

Those that are garrisoned here and in human form have typical human familes


Do they have relationships like our family structures do?

Most ETs are souls like us in different uniforms and at a higher level than us----they are here on numerous assignments----most are asexual beings that travel between planets performing their jobs----but back on home planet they do not have the nuclear family structure we have on earth---its more of an extended family that can include thousands of other souls---some of those family member are on earth and dont know that they are part of these clans

Are they monogamous beings? and does it matter to them if humans retain monogamous relationships? for the sake of their children?

Life over there is way different that what we have here and its not monogamous

What does it mean when a person very rarely has a dream?

Only means they dont remember them----everyone has dreams

Does that mean the person needs less guidance? has an unpure soul? the ETs' gave up on them?

None of the above----ET never gives up on anyone----however, some souls give up on themselves


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 21:40


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Originally posted by cimi4749 Thanks for the last reply sleeper. Im guessing the aliens dont mind that those of us who read this are now aware of them.

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They are slowly lifting the curtain----not for full disclosure but for some awareness----the more technology they release to us brings us closer to where they are
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Once humans make the leap into space in a significant way the question of whether we are alone will be answered for the masses In the mean time only a few at a time will know Part of my job is to put a little of that info out there


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posted on 4/3/06 @ 22:05


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon My point is that humans have 3 bodies. Physical, Energy and Soul. So, are you talking about the Grays here that have souls? Are you saying that only the astral body exists above this plane and nothing else? It's confusing because you keep saying soul but then it sounds like you are talking about the energy body.

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The soul is energy not the kind we are familiar with on this planet but energy nonetheless---the only difference is that some souls have more of it than others
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Regardless of what you believe ET is your God and your Satan all in one

That's a dangerous concept. Granted, ET built these bodies. And yes, they have interfered with our growth for a long time. They created the religions, gave us technology, taught us different things like commerce, and many other things. But they are not God. God is all things. All is One.

You can call our collective energy god if you wish---but god is not one person or entity but a collection of billions of souls


They created the history you have become so attached to

Don't I know it. But I'm certainly not attached to it. They are the ones that kept us in the dark ages for so long. Now we are about to play on their level and they're scared.

They are fearless-----its we humans that fear for a living

So far I have only used simple words and those words have created havoc and confusion in the lives of people like you

Well now. No havoc here but you have confused me by cross-conceptualizing the different levels of existence. I'm meeting you on your level but yet you still use simple words with me and look down on me. You don't understand do you? Or is this just a psychological ploy? You said you weren't acting holier-than-thou, so what do you call this last quote directed at me? I don't want simple words. I already have the information you have. It would be really great if you could get your head out of the clouds a minute and address me at the level I'm addressing you instead of treating me like your words are oh so powerful and scary.

You peeked behind the curtain didnt you?

How about you put those simple words away and explain something. Like that pixie dust thing. Do you realize how silly "pixie dust" sounds? I would have expected something like the following. Pixies are a race of small intelligent creatures from a parallel dimension. There is a powder like substance that has high energetic properties that is from the same dimension. Thus we call it pixie dust.

I used the pixie dust analogy to describe exotic energy that makes ET ships fly----for lack of a better word

Try to imagine what actual proof might do to billions of people like yourself


Like myself huh? Well, if billions like me got actual proof then the alien war would be over rather quickly and your guys would be running back to Orion with their tails between their legs.

ET verses humans at war is impossible because they are a more enlighten version of us---and they really like us----- if that were not the case we all would be worm food----all six plus billion of us----and they wouldnt even suffer one single casualty


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posted on 5/3/06 @ 10:35


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Originally posted by violet See now you have twisted it again and there is no God or Jesus now. Earlier today, you had aknowledged, God, ET's and the beast as one being. You only say things to satisfy questions to those who you try to win over to your side.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

For those who need God and the Beast----the biblical version, I tell them to read their own bible----specifically the book of Job----that book explains very well the divisions of labor concerning God and Satan
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Because I refer people to that book doesnt mean I advocate Christianity----nor do I disparage it or some other religions----ET created them all so believing in them is fine for those who need to Some people call it twisting words-----I call it lack of reading skills


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posted on 5/3/06 @ 11:40


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Originally posted by lost_shaman


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Since I don't ask many questions and you don't answer very many serious questions!

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I often answer sarcastic questions with sarcasm

I want you to answer how long a field trip around the Solar System takes , since you claim to have been physically on these trips ? ( BTW sleeper , I already "know" you have " Frequent Flier Miles " real answer as in Minutes and Hours. ) , I expect a

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I have stated in this thread that watches dont work on ET ships so giving you an exact time would contradict a previous post of mine----are you trying to trip me up? Get it? Trip me up------

The trip lasts a few hours, with plenty of time for sightseeing----to one or two of the Saturnians moons Considering that Saturn is one light hour from the sun and it would take nearly two years to get there one way with theoretical conventional craft----craft that humans dont even have on the drawing board yet ----and will not until sometime in the next century ETs travel pretty dang fast-----nearly faster than the speed of light while in the solar system-----but theoretical physics can't explain that kind of speed when concerning physical objects----everything seems to break down I was covered in a substance that fit me tightly like a wet suit But they say that time flies when you are having fun----maybe it took longer and I was having so much fun that it only seemed like a few hours.


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posted on 5/3/06 @ 23:47


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Originally posted by aliencowboy Sleeper I have been reading your posts with great intrest the last few day and I find them


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very interesting and enlightening. What do you know of an alien from venus named Val thor?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

He wasn't effective at saving mankind in the fifties so he went on to bigger things and was one of the originators in the nineteen seventies that created the save the whales foundation
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He now lives in Japan Ok maybe Im twisting the truth here a bit----Val Thor is a disinformation story created to fill in some of the pages in project Blue Book----at least thats the info Im getting

Please don't take my sarcasm seriously----and for god's sake don't take it personally Its a disorder I acquired from hanging around extraterrestrial for too long ---or maybe I got it from my mother in law----

[edit on 5-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 00:12


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Originally posted by aliencowboy My understanding is that he meet with then vice president Richard Milhaus Nixon and offer the world a better way to live a way that would allow humanity to live in peace, but the government rejested the offer. He was supposed to have stayed at the pentagon for three years. What do you know of this being from Venus?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

That story is fiction----however ETs do have the means to hang out on/in any planet and moon in the solar system-----regardless of how hot or cold the surface temperature is.
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posted on 6/3/06 @ 09:28


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo are any of the moons in the solar system suitable for human life?

None, but with time and a hefty dose of new technology some will be
ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

are there some moons that get some good heat off there planets?

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The gas giants radiate heat and other energy but they remain inhospitable without the proper attire----attire that will not be in fashion for another two centuries

what's on the darkside of the moon? is it a wild interstellar place that et's go and can hide ???? (a truckstop?, lol:lol

Both sides are used but the dark side like you say is the red light district---some interesting stuff happening up there-----but they card you


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 10:40


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria

Sleeper - have you corrected this anomaly (typing "to" when you mean "too"), permanently?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I wish I could say yes but my left brain will not let me


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And, any thoughts on the book of Enoch - any relation historical or otherwise to the subject here? Thanks


Enoch was one of the original space cowboys that made frequent visits to earth Enoch represents an early colony of extraterrestrials on this planet as do all the patriarchs of that period-----he is associated with the Sumerians and Mesopotamians----Enoch and his people established science and culture appropriate for that time and once their work was done they left earth----they set the stage----others would do the follow up Thats by thoughts


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 12:13


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Originally posted by menguard Hey sleeper, What does your extra terrastrial source think of mankinds potential and our other selves in other existances?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

In reality we only exist in one place at a time----however, we do each have more knowledge about ourselves locked away in a cosmic safe deposit box

Do they see humans as the hidden potential of the universe?

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Human souls and the collective energy of the bazillions of other souls in this and other galaxies is the petrol that fuels the universe However, it may not feel like it while we are stuck here in the 9 to 5 doldrums called life-----but the view gets better the higher up you go

[edit on 6-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 14:16


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, Just curious, do you fear your own death? I know that sounds morbid and if you don't want to answer I understand.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi 313 I dont fear it because there is no such thing-----the drawback is for those you leave behind-----even if they know----my children and wife told me that they would kill me if I ever think about leaving----how ironic

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With the intimate knowledge you have of ET, what have you done differently in raising your children?

I spent a lot of time with my children when they were growing up and still do----we are best friends

What is important to your children?

That I stay out of trouble

What do they want to be when they enter the workforce?

They are in the workforce and in college----both are undecided

Also, did you see the Jaime Maussen video of UFOs? If not, would you watch it and let us know your thoughts on those circles of light flying in formation over Mexico?

I have seen it on your thread----good video Typical ETs showing off-----ETs have been more open with their displays before modern times and they still are in undeveloped and developing countries like Mexico


But they are everywhere and in large numbers including America and Europe-----were they remain mostly incognito Can you imagine a display like that over a large American city?-----lots of jets would get scrambled----many people would be unnerved by it The aliens that were photographed in the dark----by nature, ETs are extremely camera shy and will not let anyone take their pictures----they hate the ten pounds it adds to their slim physique----Im told that some of those pictures are real but not which ones The crop circles are genuine Is the world primed for change? ----yes-----what change?-----they dont want to spoil the surprise----


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 15:21


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Originally posted by aliencowboy Are there any reports of a UFO sighting or landing on March 16 1957 in or around Alexanderia Virgina?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Do you think you were abducted on that date or is that your birth date? 99.9....percent of ET ships are not spotted by anyone
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posted on 6/3/06 @ 15:39


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Originally posted by MagicaRose


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Hi Sleeper. You said that the crop circles are real. Do you know what the message in the circles are and if so what are the messages?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi MagicaRose Wow if I gave that information out and then proved it that would be quite a feather in my thread-----it would get me on the Oprah show and the sky would be the limit from there on-----ET is reserving that honor for themselves----or someone other than me.

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posted on 6/3/06 @ 19:40


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Originally posted by menguard Hey Sleeper, What group of evolved souls or Extra terrestrials do you have relations with?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

They dont want me to say

What do they think of Earths Ambassadors here on Earth and the role they play in the bridge between consciousness?
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They are amused

Do they feel that this bridge by them will create an understanding on a large level to understand our existance and what we represent?

Advancements in technology will further the understanding of our existence and purpose----for instance satellites and cell phone have opened up new forms of communications and understanding between vastly different cultures----not to mention we can view much more of the universe around us with the new toys


Eventually technology will broaden our physical horizons as we work to build communities in space and on other planets in the solar system, which in turn will vastly open up our minds to our place in the universe and our purpose


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posted on 6/3/06 @ 22:54


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Originally posted by Siblin Was the "response" to the Arecibo radio transmission of 1974 done by the ETs? Links to pic of crop circles:
Links explaining Arecibo transmission/Chilbolton response:

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[edit on 6-3-2006 by Siblin]
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Yes but which ETs I don't know, they are not telling me


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posted on 7/3/06 @ 09:02


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Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon Originally posted by sleeper Originally posted by menguard Hey Sleeper, What group of evolved souls or Extra terrestrials do you have relations with?

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They dont want me to say

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That says an awful lot right there. Are they positive or negative polarity beings? (Be werry werry quiet. I'm hunting ET.)

I'm positive they are not negative-----did you feel the spark?-----


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posted on 7/3/06 @ 09:44


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Originally posted by menguard Hey Sleeper, What guides your cosmic factions purpose?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Their job is to release certain info to bone heads like me-----they are not here to save the world for themselves but to clarify a few misconception about life on this planet
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Are they aware enough to know that we are guided by higher light?

Higher light means higher awareness----they are not the top dogs in the universe but they belong to the same country club

What do they think about us being nothing more than a conduit of a higher lights purpose?

You mean that we exist for gods glory?------Does a parent bring a child into the world for his or her glory?-----Do we expect our children to worship us?-----It would be nice----but the fact is parents generally


worship the child-----that is the reality of this universe not the other idea

Do they feel we have lost something valuable in our past?

Do you mean have we fallen----like fallen angels?----everyone one on earth has deficiencies do you know of anyone that would deny that?

Do they think that we are feeling different about them now that Earth is unfolding to its higher potential?

They are doing the unfolding

What do they feel about human angelics here on Earth?

They have been called by those names by humans

What star constelations do they do (preventive maintenance) or checkups on?What consists of a daily flight pattern for them as far as traveling space goes.

They said that I wouldnt understand

Do you think they have your best interests at heart?

If they dont Im in deep you know what----I have seen what they are capable of

What question do you want to ask them and haven't been given an answer to?

Why me?

What group has your space buddies come into conflict into the past?

They claim that it was them that defeated Darth Vader and not Luke skywalker



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posted on 7/3/06 @ 10:01


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Originally posted by Dutch_Rick Sleeper, i dont have raed the whole thread because it is 75 pages..but i have a question. Have you ever been in/ seen ships that are driven by a diamond/crystal just as big as a human head?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi Dutch I have seen strange crystal type objects but I dont know if they were part of the propulsion system of the ship
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I dont like to explain why i ask this, but i would like to know if the US Military has these ships or knows of these ships

I'm not aware if they have one like that but they have a number of watered-down versions of alien craft

also, can someone in this thread explain why we humans cant be in some ships if they accelerate speed for only some seconds, because then the world would have aged 200 years when we (the human on the ship) return.. i am not into these things and it has been explained to me but i dont quite got it then and i still dont understand it now

Thats a myth but it makes for a good theory

posted on 7/3/06 @ 15:58


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Sleeper, Watered down version of alien craft? Are you saying that the US military has possession of an alien craft and is able to fly it?


ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Yes, more than one

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I must admit, I remain very skeptical that the US military has access to alien technology. The reason why I'm skeptical is because I understand that if our government had access to that technology, they would be using it in the war of aggression in Iraq. They don't have it.

When I say watered down I mean stripped down to the bare bones, no workable weapons Nevertheless all our technology comes from ET----and the military gets to play with it first.

Personally, I hope that our government doesn't have any dealings with ET. ET should take their "case" directly to humanity bypassing all the greedy sociopaths in corrupted Washington, DC.

ET has contact with many in our government but only a few government people know it

Whatever they require of humanity they are very well equipped to spell out to all of us, and they need to go ahead and do it.

They have spelled it out to lots of people but it will be awhile before they come out of the closet for the general population

I hope they have developed a screening process where they can weed out all the undesirable evil humans who are fouling up the planet. Obviously, I don't include myself in that group of evil low-lifes.

They know exactly who is a fault and some organization who believe themselves righteous in that regard have only deceived the world

From what I've gathered from your comments Sleeper, all we can do is "wait and see". Is that an accurate assessment of where we stand with ET?

Pretty much



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posted on 7/3/06 @ 17:45


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Originally posted by Siblin Hey Sleeper, when the ETs come to call, how do they make their appearance known to you? Do you get a feeling, do you hear a voice, do they come right out and knock on the door -- what? I'm rather curious.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I dont see just anybody, they have to make an appointment ----then I let them know when Im available----and where they can reach me----

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posted on 7/3/06 @ 19:59


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Originally posted by menguard Hey Sleeper, Heres a few questions for your commrades. What soul ray color is closest to their own?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

They like neutral colors they go with everything

What planet or star constellation do they call home?

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They dont like talking about personal things

What do they call each other in their own language?

They only communicate with me in English


What names have you recieved from them as far as individual names go and if not ,why don't you ask them?

They havent told me and Im really not interested in knowing their names

What do they think about Nicola Tesla,

He over dressed

and Einstein?

He was too unkempt for such a brain

In there opinion who is George Bush to them as far as essence or in general terms?

He is the president of the United States----they give no opinion of him

Who navigates our star cycles the most as far as they are concerned?

They are not telling

Who is their represenative of represenatives down here in human form?

Howard Stern

Do they possess sub particle weapons also?


Do they feel they are impeading free will with their counterparts of the universe?

Absolutely not


Do they know that we are all connected like a chain link , that no time and space seperates us from them?

Yes they do, they are the glue that binds us all together


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posted on 7/3/06 @ 20:29


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Originally posted by menguard Hey Sleeper, What do they think of our potential in this era.Is it all coming together as they planned?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

It is

Do they link our past history with our present:

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What seeds their thoughts?

The same source that seeds ours

Do they have any specific need in general to overcome in the present?


What places their intelligence in such a bind?


They are not in a bind

How is a world with no bounderies so complicated?

We make it so

What is their fatherless love?

Love is the only reality and they have it in abundance


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posted on 7/3/06 @ 23:31


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Sleeper, you said the following about the biblical character Enoch:

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Sleeper Said: Enoch was one of the original space cowboys that made frequent visits to earth Enoch represents an early colony of extraterrestrials on this planet as do all the patriarchs of that period-----he is associated with the Sumerians and Mesopotamians----Enoch and his people established science and culture appropriate for that time and once their work was done they left earth----they set the stage----others would do the follow up

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Does this mean the "Book of Enoch" is somewhat factual but pertains to aliens in the naming of all the fallen angels? Can your friends tell me what portions of the BoE pertain to them?

Nothing in that book pertains to them personally

Also, are your answers different based on who asks them? That is to say, could I ask a question which might trigger a "we can't give this guy that answer" answer? Just curious.


Good observation smallpeeps----but the sarcastic replies are all mine

Sleeper Said: Who is their represenative of represenatives down here in human form?

Howard Stern

This was hilarious. So next question is this: Does Howard have alien DNA? Also, does this mean that his misogyny and chauvinism are simply traits of his own character, but that ET knows that despite these traits, Howard can get people thinking with more common sense?

Howard Stern is a tool but he is all human-----sad but true


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posted on 8/3/06 @ 09:46


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Originally posted by aliencowboy Originally posted by aliencowboy My understanding is that he meet with then vice president Richard Milhaus Nixon and offer the world a better way to live a way that would allow humanity to live in peace, but the government rejested the offer. He was supposed to have stayed at the pentagon for three years. What do you know of this being from Venus?

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As I mentioned in two earlier posts the man from Venus is not a real deal


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posted on 8/3/06 @ 10:15


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Originally posted by violet Originally posted by sleeper

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Nevertheless all our technology comes from ET----and the military gets to play with it first.

ALL our techinogy ? Are you saying all humans are too dumb to make anything themselves? Such little faith you have, and no credit given to the human race.
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Did I create the brain that is behind the power of my fingers that are typing these words? We humans would like to take credit for a machine-----the human brain and body that is capable of putting a man on the moon----yet we didnt create the elements that bind the materials of the rockets, cars, toasters, buildings etc. We didnt create the air we breathe and depend on for life itself We didnt create the knowledge we learn in school so that we could become scientist, teachers, janitors, politicians, housewives, etc. We humans have inherited everything we have created nothing When you are able to prove that you are the exclusive master of your own destiny let me know and I will give you the credit.

There are ciontradictions here. Only a FEW in government know of the ET"s Also LOTS of people DO Know. Some know, but don't know they know Which is it ?

No contradictions, all those statements are true



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posted on 8/3/06 @ 13:09


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Originally posted by sturod84 wow i hate to say how wrong you are sleeper but man you are way wrong!

I guess thats a matter of opinion

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as inhabitants of this great universe we all came into being formulated from the universal components that supersceded the birth of the black hole that our big bang originated from.

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In the universe Im familiar with there was no big bang-----the big bang is a theory not a fact

as the different states of matter merged together our indiviual entities were constructed giving us a level of congnition that allows for the development and maintainance of technology.

On earth we are souls controlling somewhat the matter around us like building sand castles on the beach

these technologies do absolutely nothing for the advancement of a greater universal continuem except distrupt the creators pristine perfect mud ball of an earth, what they do is allow for the intellegence level of men to excell in thought progressing the outlook of man. increasing the probability of the fruition of knowledgable insight to enhance in magnitude and scope surrounding what ever endevor lies at the heart of the universe, the heart of man. for you see our minds bodies beings hearts are all comprised of the matter of the universe.

Our souls and the souls further up the ladder control matter-----matter is not important but it is useful as a substance like building blocks, we build things with it----technology is important while on this planet----without it we would live like the animals


so as knowledge drifts through that information sector of the brain on into the mind and out through the memories of lost time there has to have been some effect on the universal entirety because of the fact we all came from the one massive expanding big bang.

The only thing that is expanding with no end is the human ego

the one point of origin the super massive black hole in which our universe was created from is the source of all knowledge, and that as cognitive beings we work through this universe diciphering what we can, collectively composing a unique frame of mind.

There in nothing new under the sun or in the universe----there is no such thing as unique


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posted on 8/3/06 @ 13:31


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Originally posted by violet Did I create the brain that is behind the power of my fingers that are typing these words?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Obviously not, but you controlled your brain to type the words you chose. Your fingers did not think of the answers. Have your pituitary gland removed and see how far you get.

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Who created the pituitary gland? I didnt

Who created the Air? God or aliens ? So Aliens, if creating all we know, must have created nuclear weapons, and are creating wars, famine, pestulance and destruction. They must have triggered the Tsunami, and made "fingers" pull triggers on guns at the hands of murderers .....

You left out all the good stuff


sleeper----We didnt create the knowledge we learn in school so that we could become scientist, teachers, janitors, politicians, housewives, etc. We humans have inherited everything we have created nothing

Violet----Nothing ?

Tell me one single thing we created?

The mind is a powerul tool. I control my destiny, to a certain pont, each day. Others also play a part in controlling your destiny.

Our choices make up much of what we are but we dont decide how long we live unless we commit suicide, nor do we chose to get sick, have accidents, nor do we control how successful we will be How many people are completely satisfied with their lives? If we had control we would always be happy and satisfied 24/7

As for the toasters, can you please tell them it is high time they made ones that brown both sides of the bread evenly

They give us the means----but they allow us to fumble the ball----or in your case burn the toast----


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posted on 8/3/06 @ 19:43


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Originally posted by Siblin Originally posted by sleeper: Tell me one single thing we created?


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The grand and holy potato chip. Unless, don't tell me, the ETs were behind that one too...

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[edit on 8-3-2006 by Siblin]


Well Siblin you were the last person I expected would bring down my scheme but then again we humans managed to turn a wholesome potato into a fat factory----the potato chip may be the down fall of mankind---because we can't eat just one----


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posted on 9/3/06 @ 10:25


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Originally posted by Knight783 Read the last few pages of this thread, and I am soooo pleased a mod has got involved and is speaking some sense. More & more people are now posing questions which sleeper simply cant answer, or gives generic pap in reply. Instead of simply bashing what an insane liar you appear to be, ill be constructive. A few pages back sleeper, you said the ET's are from several planets. How does this work? Are they different species? Do their planets share the exact same properties and atmospheric conditions? Why have they chosen to cooperate jointly with one another? Any answers which make any of this nonsense plausible would be appreciated.

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Plausible is in the eye of the beholder


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posted on 9/3/06 @ 11:11


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Originally posted by Knight783


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Being new to forums of all kinds, I never realised you could check previous user posts. Sleeper, seeing as your the messenger of ET'S and know such intracacies as the workings of God's mind, and which deities are real etc etc, then why have you started threads such as the following (only a few among many) : > Is God deranged? > How much worship is adequate for God or Allah? > Who was crucified? Why in the name of God would you post these questioning posts? You know the answers already according to what you claim? When did you suddenly aquire the answers? Again, if you could grace me with ANY explanation it would be appreciated.

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If you haven't noticed I pose answers with questions----if you read that far surely you got the answer But you are not here looking for answers, you are here looking to disprove what I say Its a free country-----disprove away if thats what makes you feel important


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posted on 9/3/06 @ 12:36


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Originally posted by Knight783 Im here looking for answers, but unlike you I am also an intelligent adult who is not prepared to accept unsubstantiated rubbish. Like a little child you get huffy when questioned, I havent been offensive in any way towards you, merely asked questions to probe your extraordinary claims. And as for trying to "feel important" - get real for one second will you, Im not the one posting claims to have God-like insight and knowledge looking to ensnare naive acolytes. As I have said to you before, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. And ill ask AGAIN, any answers to the questions posed in my 2 prev recent posts please?

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Why do you want anything from someone you believe-----as you said---my hypocrisy knows no bounds-----?


And you say that Im trying to----ensnare nave acolytes----are you eager to get snared by my answers? No, you only want to be smarter than me-----fine----most people are---and Im ok with that If you wish I will u2u and tell you that you are smarter than me


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posted on 9/3/06 @ 13:15


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Originally posted by Knight783 Like any decent person, I find myself unable to abide lies. I believe you are lying beyond belief.

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If I told you not to walk in traffic because it could get you killed you would call me liar

asking you to show me the error of my ways.

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I did not initially challenge you in a rude manner

Maybe thats not rude in your family but it is in mine I have no answers or comments for you and this is the last response you will get from me Btw you are very transparent the least you could do is be more creative with your insults when you change your moniker-----how many do you have now a dozen? And don' use that IP address baloney again----lots of people have more than one computer-----and look at how many you can find in an office

[edit on 9-3-2006 by sleeper]



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posted on 9/3/06 @ 21:26


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[edit on 9-3-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 10/3/06 @ 09:26


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Originally posted by TheObserver Sleeper, please could you take some time to post something of substance. Maybe explain how things really are in the world, talk about your contact with aliens. Don't be sarcastic, make a serious long post. I know that we have talked about it before, but all the information is spread over 75 pages and I really think it will help us all understand you a bit better. Thanks!

Hi Observer The reason religion is so effective------obviously not for everyone------is that god works in mysterious ways and that is acceptable to most people----they say their payers and hope for the best-----believing that sometimes god answers them and sometimes not----but thats the way god works and everyone is ok with that

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When someone like me comes along and talks about a supernatural experience people quickly divide into two groups those who think they know that person is a nut and those that want to believe that person----perhaps because they had a similar experience or they want to have a


similar experience

The problem is not with the skeptics its wi th those who believe----because they believe they need to go the next step and experience what they believe-----and why not----someone came forward and said it was possible-----and he or she experienced it. In no time at all believers become skeptics wh en they dont share in this fantastic phenomena they so desperately crave

Is the phenomena real? If it is why cant they and other people experience it?

Thats where the gods have the advantage, they are not here, not in a physical form-----mobs cant hunt them down and crucify them-----like the hypothetical Jesus----which is exactly what people would do if they could get their hands on god There is a reason sages hide on top of mountains-----for their safety. Chat boards provide some anonymity but people demand answers----once you tell them that the earth moves around the sun----then you have to tell them why it moves around the sun------if you tell them you saw it through a telescope----a metal tube with two pieces of glass in it------first they laugh at you then they are insulted that you would make such a claim---then they stone you or place you into prison Ok Im not Galileo, Im not even worthy to be leather for his shoes but I have made claims that are equally outrages----he in his time and I in this time

I was in a extraterrestrial ship many times-----I dont have the keys to the ship----if I do I misplaced them and dont know where they are----I dont have the ship-----I dont own it----I cant show it to anyone-----I dont really know who the owners are except that they are not from this solar system------they give me lots of information but they will not let me share most of it. So why would anyone believe me?-----Its much easier to stone us to death than deal with the possibilities that surround all of us in this crazy existence The proof that the earth moves around the sun has always been there for those that cared to look or investigate The proof that ETs are everywhere is evident for those that dare step out of their comfort zone-----once you do you cant go back Are most people going to experience an ET craft----they all ready do its called a car----and airplane


Go back one hundred and fifty years and try to explain a modern car or airliner to the people of that era---they will laugh and stone you to death as some kind of madman or demon Extraterrestrial craft are flying around today----some know about it----eventually everyone will Until then people like me who make those outrageous claims have to keep running for cover from all those stones being thrown----and that takes a lot of energy and time----and Im running out of both


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posted on 10/3/06 @ 17:29


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Originally posted by TheObserver Originally posted by sleeper Until then people like me who make those outrageous claims have to keep running for cover from all those stones being thrown----and that takes a lot of energy and time----and Im running out of both

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Very quick question to you sleeper: Why do you come here and post, if really you think that all you do is dodge the stones? I'm not saying that you shouldn't come here, just trying to understand what your motivation is.
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Even you stated that I don't post-----I only answer questions and make a few comments. I never expected this thread to go this long----I could ignore the queries but that's not easy----however it's obvious that most people are annoyed by this thread that's why I have asked several times for the mods to lock or remove it-----instead they want me to renounce what I have said----not going to happen

[edit on 23-4-2006 by sleeper]



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posted on 10/3/06 @ 18:25


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Originally posted by w1kdtr1p Sleeper, is there a way, in your opinion or belief, that someone like myself or anyone in general can peak around the doorway or get more than a glimmer through the alien/human portal? (Other than what you have mentioned many many times over again: any contact, communication or experience is initiated by ET or Alien Beings and not the other way around.)

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If you can figure a way to do that you could sell lots of tickets and make oodles of money----unfortunately ET has to lift that curtain

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Would dropping out of society and becoming a lurker or observer of alien phenomena, help someone understand the phenomena?

I doubt it-----most people engaged in the phenomena are highly plugged into society

I ask these questions because I find it hard to accept the facts you present, concerning the destiny of mankind as being played out and or controlled by alien beings.

Thats where I lost most peoples interest-----no one wants to believe that----most want their Captain Kirk and the Klingons

I know that we have free will and we-are-what-we-are today because of the choices we have made, so I struggle with the idea of Alien influence in our lives. How much are we controlled and or influenced by ET? In every aspect of our daily lives or just lifelong goals, ie. career, friends, spiritual beliefs, etc.?

Some people call them angels, demons, gods, spiritual advisers----they go by lots of names----some people are influenced more than others

One more question: How do you feel about Carl Jung's theory of Synchronicity?


And how would this connect with ET?

Are you perhaps referring to apophenia? People that cant explain the fascination with the paranormal have to come up with reasons why some people claim to experience it However, that was not Carl Jung's view but it did get attached to his Synchronicity idea-----nevertheless he now knows without a doubt that ET is real, he may even be one----but while he was alive I dont think he wouldve had a problem believi ng in ET and their influence on earth----since he was wide open in his beliefs of the paranormal


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posted on 11/3/06 @ 22:46


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Originally posted by Siblin Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria P.S. - Siblin, "Poetic" - Roger that!

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Eh? I'm lost. Hmm... Sleeper, what's the closest job on Earth today to working with the ETs? Whoever they may be, anyway... Astronaut? Exobiologist? Exopsychologist? Exopaleontologist? McDonald's burger flipper? Superman? ...What? I'm enrolling in

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college, I have to know.


Hi Siblin Nanotechnology


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posted on 13/3/06 @ 10:27


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Originally posted by elgaz Sleeper, Could you answer a few more questions for me ..... or at least, share your opinion on them? 1) If these bodies are just vessels for the soul/life essence, then what is your opinion on people who seem to exhibit supernormal powers ... e.g. people who exhibit superhuman strength under duress, that russian girl who has the x-ray abilities, etc? Is 'mind over matter' a real phenonemon, e.g. ESP, etc? Are these vessels capable of much more?

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Mind over matter is a real phenomenon because ET is a real phenomenon----and ET is the catalyst behind that power

2) They say we only use a small percentage of our brain power ......... is this likely to increase proportionally to our development as a species?

The brain is like a computer we use as much as we need, people in general use more of it now than they did a hundred years ago, today and in the future we use the computer to resonate with the brain----to augment the power of the mind-----The compute will not replace the brain only make it more efficient

3) I have always assumed that the general explosion in UFO related media (through films, TV, the internet, etc) hasn't just been for entertainment. It's served another purpose; to condition us and get us used to the idea of aliens, removing the shock value somewhat. Would you agree

Those things are building blocks to the big picture-----and its a dang big picture, we only have a bazillion blocks to go before we can see a glimmer of it.

4) What do you define 'ghosts' as?

Ghosts can be lost souls or souls on vacation visiting places and people they have attachments with, they can also be mischievous ETs

posted on 13/3/06 @ 20:24


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Originally posted by vasudeva On further introspection , I found two questions for your associates.


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After many repeated births and deaths within the material universe, the process of reincarnation can become very strenuous upon the entity. Thus I ask Is there no way for the soul to liberate itself from reincarnation? (ultimately escaping the effects of time and karma)

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After the soul reaches a certain level reincarnation is a choice------besides, at higher levels life becomes enjoyable and without stress, and is nothing like we experience here on earth regardless of whether you are in a physical type body or a free spirit

Also, could you please have your associates name all of the gross and subtle elements which make up the entirety of the material cosmic manifestation?

We humans have broke down all elements to their basic substance known as strings-----string theory-----an exotic energy that no one here on earth understands nor have we been able to go further in than strings as of yet It looks more and more like pixie dust My associates tell me its the only explanation the human intellect can handle Ive told them that I caught flak for using that term; they said to buck up and stop whining Thats the kind of gratitude I get for all the pro-bono work I do for them


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posted on 14/3/06 @ 01:54


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Originally posted by vasudeva "After the soul reaches a certain level reincarnation is a choice"~sleeper How 'many' entities have the power to place such judgements and to set such laws as to determine whether or not a soul qualifies for reincarnational liberation?

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Its a big universe not to mention galaxy and there are many divisions in each, there is more than one entity with that power and that number is too large to fit in this post

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when the soul attains liberation, to where does it go?, does it remain within the material universe? and, what are its pastimes?

It goes wherever it wants to go----there is no end to this universe, and no end to diversions and pastimes There is no such thing as physical----only levels of spiritual or spirit The physical world is an illusion

"besides, at higher levels life becomes enjoyable and without stress"~sleeper

When you say 'higher levels' of life -- at that point of existence, does the soul still inhabit a material body? (e.g a subtle material astral body), or is the soul in a state of uncontaminated existence? (uncontaminated = free from all material elements).

At those levels the soul can experience any level of energy it wishes----what we call material is only a container, and illusion that those on this level here on earth cant escape from not even in suicide----but the higher beings can enter and exit at will

and finally, please provide me with your definition of the term 'free spirit' in relation to the term 'soul'?

I was speaking of a soul much higher up the ladder unfettered


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posted on 16/3/06 @ 10:57


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Hi Sleeper, I was curious about your response that nanotechnology is the field to go into to


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have access to ETs (pg 76 in respone to siblin). Apparently the aliens don't like economic majors, oh well. Could you please elaborate on why this field is so important. From what I understand it deals with breaking down nuclear waste and possibly allowing it to be reusable or at least better than what we have now.

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Every field is an ET field but the field of nanotechnology is the threshold of a huge leap in technological breakthroughs------that will open up many doors across the spectrum of human knowledge and abilities. Similar in scope to what the introduction of the transistor in 1947 did to revolutionized electronics-----except nanotechnology will be much more

Also you said the aliens told you to abstain for Marijuana. I don't understand that rational, especially since it can open your mind to certain possibilities of reason. Did they say "certain mushrooms" were ok? I don't know what else would more help people understand that they understand nothing about reality.

There are some advantages to mind altering materials but we cant have our cake and eat it too. The consequences far outweigh the benefits----and the benefits are few. You can answer that question for yourself----has your life improved while using those items? Have you been able to contribute something meaningful to society due to the use of these items?-----when you look back on your life how important were those experiences?-----would you want your children to do them? If we become gifted in some endeavor facilitated by our use of mind altering substances do we deserve the credit? If so why not let athletes inject hormones or use other enhancing drugs? The answer should be clear


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posted on 16/3/06 @ 17:09


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Hi Sleeper, Thank you for you answer, but I hope you don't mind follow-up questions. I was curious whether nanotechnology would help us specifically evolve our energy usage. I was under the impression that it would help lead us from nuclear power,


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to fusion power, to being able to create pixies which are somehow then ground into dust.

If you believe certain mushrooms open up the mind you should try ground
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up pixie---Whale oil was fine for the time, then came crude and coal----both old technologies still in use because of irrational fear of atom juice When a step is bypassed as it was with nuclear power progress is slowed down----before we get to the next big step in energy revolution certain technologies have to be developed to their full potential, that was not allowed to happen with nuclear-----mankind has freewill and collectively we have a say in how quickly our development comes about----so far we as a people havent made any bold moves----the fear factor prevails----case in point the space shuttle shuts down for years whenever there is an accident-----those who fear should step out of the way and let those who dont get things done.


Also, I don't mean to undermine you or your thread with drug talk, so please don't take it that way. I only referenced natural drugs, which wouldn't ET be reponsible for creating for some purpose to help man (and women)?

We have lots of natural poisons that were also put here by ET-----that way we can make good choices or bad ones----cops arent the only ones that set up speed traps

Would it be beneficial to use them for shamanic purposes (i.e. to feel the presence of ET and the power of love (not to be confused with the song from Back to the Future))?

I dont desire to knock others beliefs---religious or otherwise----even though I have and do, but have shamans been effective at alleviating the demons that infect their people?

Finally, athletes have been using performance enhancers since there has been competition (IMHO). The problem is the example that is set to youngsters, who already have an unhealthy amount of admiration for professional athletes.

We stuff livestock with hormones to fatten them up quicker Athletes using massive amounts of performance enhancers----hormones,


do provide entertainment to millions of people especially those people that live and breathe Hulk Hogan----sacrifices have to be made-----but they are well compensated

Also, does this apply to musicians? You say drugs have done more bad than good, but were you ever a Beatles fan in their LSD days? At the very least drugs (or possibly ET) have inspired some incredible music.

I am a Beatles fan but never an LSD fan No doubt certain natural and synthetic drugs enhance creativity and are a vehicle to bring entertainment to the masses-----however the vast majority of people who did and do drugs have not and will not become superstars-----instead some became homeless, suicidal, and many are empty shells-----and have lost out on opportunities that would have enhanced their purpose during this lifetime-----but they can come back and try again


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posted on 16/3/06 @ 19:32


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo

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Is there a distinction between fear and caution? I guess when the public thinks of nuclear energy they picture Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island, and Homer Simpson the nuclear safety technician. I've been told by people smarter than me that these incidents were used to manipulate public opinion against nuclear power.

We all have two voices that speak to us----one that holds us back and the other to be bold and take the risk
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Collectively we have those same voices, also know as groups with political agendas----the fear mongers verses common sense Fear mongers usually win out because most of us are fearful of the unknown When fear rules common sensed loses and so does humanity----look how long we remained in the Dark ages.

Would this be coming from ET or "big oil companies" (or does it even matter?).


It comes from Hollywood

Also, I agree that those that fear should step out of the way and for those who get things done. However, the fearless leader of my country went to save the Middle East and now we're in a little over our heads I'd say.

When in history has mankind not been in over its head?

I see what you're saying; mescaline and psylocilibin are considered poisons. Why would the aliens give us poison that can help a person find life wonderfully humorous and depressing at the same time, and also be able to accept that. I realize the effects wear off but some of the insights gained remain (I hope).

Its the forbidden fruit thing-----some people can handle it most cant---nevertheless those that think they can handle it and made good use of it may have to pay back some of what they gained from it-----with interest

I know very little about shamanic practices, and was assuming too much I suppose. I thought they'd be a better example of people taking drugs for enlightenment than the hippies (which I'm guessing you would see me as). Also I'm actually ex-mormon, so if you got any dirt on them I'd love to hear it. On a serious note, I have a lot of respect for the amount of knowledge you have regarding biblical literature, although I don't follow it well and it sometimes bores me to tears.

Some of my best friends were hippies-----still I havent made that distinction about you

Can't drugs bring more than enhanced creativity and entertaiment potential? I understand everybody wants to be a superstar, but not everybody who do drugs expect to become famous.

Im sure many scientists and those in other fields have dabbled -----some


more than others and it may have paid off for them----if so they have been given an advantage----a deal with the devil scenario----and they will have to make amends

Maybe they take drugs to deal with the fact they'll never amount to incredulous dreams.

Dreams dont happen by chance they require lots of work, concentration and perseverance----getting high usually dilutes those ingredients necessary for achievement


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posted on 17/3/06 @ 10:17


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Hi Sleeper,

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I'm sorry if you've explained this before, but for the sake of clarification, are "the fear mongers" keeping us from realizing there is life after death?

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Fear mongers come in many disguises and those who fall for their sugar coated ideology and lies usually end up having to do another term on this planet If more people realized that life goes on after death and what you do in this life determines what you will do in the next------the world would me a much better place It takes a strong will to see the truth and only those that are determined will see it

Is a person's soul somehow weakened by taking certain substances?

Yes, its like taking the easy way-----where in fact its a labyrinth with


many dead ends, false promises and for many total despair

Dreams dont happen by chance they require lots of work, concentration and perseverance----getting high usually dilutes those ingredients necessary for achievement

That reminds me of the poem by Langston Hughes titled "Harlem." What is a person suppose to do when their dream dies. Not everyone can be a superstar. Are people suppose to accept their lack of value in the world?

If the boat has a leak in it we have two choices bail out the water to buy some time or sit back and accept the fact that you are sinking----you may die in both scenarios but which one do you think will look better on your rsum for the next life?


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posted on 17/3/06 @ 12:32


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Originally posted by highhorse313 I've got another unusual question for you and hope you will oblige me. Recently on national news, I watched a video of a tornado destroying property in the midwest. People were running for their lives and screaming. Their terror was palpable. Damn if that "thing" didn't look like it was picking and choosing it's next victim. Does ET have anything to do with this deadly "natural" phenomenon? Do they have the kind of power that could initiate or direct a tornado?

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The unfortunate realities as we humans see them is that death is inevitable and will eventually find us-------and take most of us out of this life kicking and screaming Not all planets are as horrible as this one-----but some are much worst For most death is quick and painless and you find yourself in a tranquil place-----the bad part is for those left behind who have to deal with the loss


Can ETs effect and direct tornadoes? That would be a breeze for them

Also, somewhere on the net I've seen a television news channel video of unusual objects that were definitely unidentifiable flying into and out of a tornado, in Texas I believe. I don't have the link unfortunately. Perhaps another ATS member has it and can share it with us.

Like foo fighters in the midst of battle-----some ETs influence and observe phenomena as it unfolds Everything in life is calculated

[edit on 17-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 17/3/06 @ 17:12


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo What's wrong with taking the easy way in an attempt to avoid total despair? I'm guessing the easy way is the path to total despair? From what I understand, you're saying pain is necesarry for us to realize our potential, but is it wrong to want to lessen said pain?

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We have freewill and can chose to take it easy should we find ourselves overwhelmed by the crap life throws at us----but somewhere along the line you have to make up for it
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If you were in military basic training----as an example----and you fell behind because you couldnt handle the stress and constant abuse ----you would have to go back and start over at some point and try again----or get kicked out Few get kicked out of this existence but we do have to achieve a minimum of what we came down here to achieve----during this life or the next I cant speak for your life specifically and if you are content with who you are then perhaps you are on track-----pain is not a requirement to move ahead in this life or any lives----nevertheless, for some that is the only way


Do you have any opinion on Nietzshe's philosophy? By that I mean "eternal recurrence," which promotes the view that life repeats itself exacty the same way over and over again.

Like the move Ground hog day?-----actually that would make things a bit easy; when we fail to achieve a certain thing in this life----and I dont mean becoming rich and famous---we come back and try it at another angle

Also, you frequently refer to people wanting to be superstars. Are "superstars" our cultures "ubermensh"?

Supermen/women----some are souls of a higher order

I apologize if you'd rather not discuss Nietzsche. I'll try to connect this more to the thread topic by asking if Nietzsche was privy to same source of information that you (Sleeper) are?

He speaks of tortured souls from the perspective of a tortured soul----his intellect and insight suggests he was privy to uncommon knowledge but from where Im not sure


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posted on 18/3/06 @ 12:35


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo My point is, suicide is apparently not the answer (unless you're a dis-honored ninja), but a slow suicide (by smoking tobacco and other such things) is at least giving life a shot.

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We humans have that turned around a bit-----we dont give life a shot---life is the vehicle that gives us a shot------we prove to ourselves what we are made of when we are not defeated by the crap, and futility of


existence-----in other words can we take what life dishes out----even if its mind numbing boredom?
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Still, there are categories in life, we are on earth for a number of reason but the three main ones are, 1. Punishment for past life discrepancies and crimes. 2. To learn and experience something new and endure a certain amount of problems 3. To enjoy this life----a gift from the gods kind of deal-----for extraordinary achievements in other lives. Most people are not aware that they are in a category and thats why life seems unfair and unjust------to the general population

Just to clarify, is that certain thing we are trying to achieve in this life unconditional love (if it is we're all doomed)?

Unconditional love is another thing that is misunderstood by many----to achieve it we must forgive all those we despise----by doing so we dismiss pent-up anger----less anger equates to more harmony-----therefore, unconditional love is a gift to the person who owns it.

In America at least, our superstars do not seem to be souls of a higher order. Our popular artists (in music, film, and literature, and sports) to not seem to be highly enlightened souls, not that I'm saying who's popular corresponds to higher beings.

Many of these souls are here to enjoy life and are not on any assignment----they are on vacation----many dont know why their lives are so blessed and they may actually believe it came from a real talent----sometimes it is real

Where are all the souls of a higher order hiding and why are they allowing our culture to disappear into meaninglessness?

Many of these higher souls remain hidden behind the actions of humans---there are millions of good humans out there doing their two-cents of good for themselves and humanity. But the forces of evil prevail----and they prevail by design-----character and valor dont happen in a vacuum----it takes place in the battlefield of life

You say the human race is due to evolve (on a level of counsciousness?) but what can a single person strive for while waiting?


I dont know your strengths or weaknesses, or what motivates you-----as well as you do, but the way you communicate with words its obvious you have no shortage of intelligence All good things come for those who wait----not so-----find that small spark down deep inside and pour gasoline on it

I'm very glad you've responded thoughtfully (and that you might've liked my joke about grinding pixies into dust).

Im well aware that some posters are pulling my chain but if there is some sincerity along with it I try to respond favorably-----that was a clever angle on the pixie dust----


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posted on 18/3/06 @ 14:44


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Originally posted by indigo_scout Sleeper, there is quite a bit of discussion these days about Indigo children, and how they are evidence of the spiritual evolution of humans. They reportedly have larger foreheads, and unusually strong psychic abilities. What do you think of the Indigo phenomenon? Have ETs been tinkering with us again?

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ETs have never stopped tinkering with humans; and Indigo children are not a new phenomenon every generation since the beginning of time had them in their midst.
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High foreheads and strong psychic abilities are not signatures of star children Varying degrees of psychic ability exist in all humans and non-sentient animals We can communicate with anyone in the world with a simple device called a cell phone Yet the cell phone and its corresponding paraphernalia support systems are no match to the communication device that is standard equipment in every brain


That equipment has always been there the only difference now is that more people are becoming aware of it, and some are learning how to use it


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posted on 18/3/06 @ 17:30


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Sleeper, what is the best way (in your opinion which I hope will be influenced by ET) to improve our ESP skills? I'm serious as a heart attack.

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Hi 313 It dont get anymore serious than that-----

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ESP works best around others who also have the ability and know that they have it Like the cell phone if the person you are trying to reach is without one what good is it? That is one reason many people get frustrated with ESP----they keep getting busy signals More people have to get on line before ESP can be a viable communications device Nevertheless, ESP is very simple to use you simply think of the person and the message and keep sending that signal until they receive it If they are completely off line then they will not receive the message or perhaps they are not associating the message with an external source. However, you must agree that humanity in general is not ready for mass consumption of ESP It can easily be subverted and used to damage the minds of unsuspecting persons Can you imagine boiler rooms of highly advanced psychics filling the airwaves with psychic spam? For now ET is keeping the lid on----but allowing a few people to play with that power so that it remains a viable probability for a future time




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posted on 19/3/06 @ 21:20


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Originally posted by UnconciousSelf Sleeper I have been reading this thread from the beginning. I do not believe you or disbelieve you. But I do have a few problems. One is that you often say "we" are not ready. Due to the fact that we don't believe you 100%. It isn't because we aren't READY, it is because you come on a message board, on the internet, tell us about outrageous experiences and ideas of yours (which this board has seen MANY of them). And then you just expect people to believe you.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I dont expect anyone to believe me------ready or not

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We aren't in the Middle Ages anylonger. We want proof. This age is a (semi) age of REASON. Maybe some people are naive and will believe anything posted on this board, but I for one, and I know others are not and will not. I don't believe in the bible either. Why? Because there isn't any proof. Now, I will not go and say everything in the bibe is false, or your story is as well. Why? Because I have no proof

You say people are not nave and dont believe in things they have no proof of----statistically four billion people believe in one type of god or another----yet no god has laid claim to this planet or its 6.5 billion inhabitants Billions believe that we are alone, a freak accident of nature in a universe filled with bazillions of stars and planets-----if thats not nave then you tell me what it is

My other problem is. You say, "ET" created everything. They are the masterminds behind everything. So are you saying all the discoveries and projects (Manhatten Project for example), was just a play?

The human brain is a receptor for knowledge-----humans did not create the brain nor do we know how it works-----ET created the brain and they upload the software that we use to make things


By the way if you are lying, I suggest you stop immediately. If you are telling the truth that is great.

The truth is what I tell

I personally don't care about aliens and god, but many here do, intently. And they will believe ANYTHING. Some would probably have been a member of Heavens Gate and killed themselves. So be careful. Your stories do have influence over some here.

Hundreds of books have been burned in the last two thousand years because someone deemed them dangerous----China limits the content of the internet for its people because there are crazy ideas like democracy floating around it-----which can damage their present system How far do we go to protect people? And who decides what we need protecting from? Those people in Heaven's Gate were educated adults----they made bad choices----thats part of that pesky freewill thing we all have to deal with


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posted on 19/3/06 @ 23:07


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Originally posted by UnconciousSelf First off. The people who believe in you will probably believe in god, etc. I personally don't share that belief.

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People who believe in god dont believe what I am saying because my experiences contradicts many religious beliefs

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Would you take a drug from a pharmaceutical company if it did not have clinical trials, or proof that it worked?



People have been using many kinds of herbs and other medicinal techniques for thousands of years without clinical trials-----and how many drugs that have went through rigorous clinical trials and still ended up damaging people?-----Dozens, hundreds? Perhaps more So whats that got to do with anything?

Why should anyone believe you or your little alien friends of anything they say? I know what your answer will be, "I don't care if you believe me or not." Well if you don't, then why must you always post?

They should believe me because its true----many people believe me because they know its true----Im only one in thousands if not millions who have experience this phenomena-----I am able to affirm that this phenomena is true for those that know its true-----and thats who I write for-----those as yourself that have not experienced it have to take it on faith----or not at all

It would be simple for someone to do what you do. Post and make up lies.

Perhaps it would be simple for you to make up lies----but its not for me---I only tell the truth

And if they "gave" us all of our knowledge. Why don't they give us some knowledge of cures to diseases? Do you want to know how cures, drugs, appliances, etc. are found out? They are TESTED. In things called experiments. Why would "ET" have us do that at all? If they just give us the answer anyway.

Do you wish for them to blow you nose for you as well? They will not do everything----they leave the small stuff for us to figure out

My final issue. You said ET created bad things, (mescaline for example), to tempt us. Like in the book of Job. How does that make sense at all? Don't aliens/ET have anything better to do with their lives? Honestly.

Like babysitters they do have better things to do but they also have a job to perform


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posted on 21/3/06 @ 19:39


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy (name calling is what people do when they haven't an intelligent leg to stand on)

Should anyone find two legs cowboy is missing a pair

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posted on 22/3/06 @ 00:02


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy I thought thou were ignoring me dear boy? Was that a lie? Have you been reading my posts this whole time(as I suspected)?

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Dont flatter yourself----however, I know thats the only way you will get attention I happened on to your last post before I was signed in----it was like stepping in dog poop

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Oh I get it. It was a threat to get me to back down. Didn't work huh? LOL.

You are like a little girl once I stooped down and gave you a bit of attention there was no way you were ever going to leave----my mistake

How is it you come by this knowledge of my physical and/or mental state?


Anyone who reads your posts knows instantly your mental state

If you refer to my using the terms liar and phony when describing your charade contained herein, well that was based on the many false claims I uncovered.

Anyone can make false accusations----especially behind peoples backs, they are known as scoundrels

It wasn't just to hear myself talk(like moderndaywhatever). It was because I actually went out and researched your claims and found them to be....well.....not true. I presented my findings for others to see.

Your opinions and lies do not represent viable research

My research is ongoing however and one thing I can tell about it so far is that there seems to be a gap in UFO sightings for a certain period of time that corresponds to certain historical incidents we have in common.

You cant differentiate sarcasm and simple humor----what research are you capable of?

Ok you can put me back on ignore now.

So that you can continue with your lies----knowing that I dont read your tripe?

Now that I gave you all this attention I suspect you will be coming back for more----indefinitely----oh well


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posted on 22/3/06 @ 01:03


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Longhaircowboy, You are 49 years old, you claim that you were at Fort Hood Texas when I was stationed there in 1970 In 1970 you were 13 years old----were you a military brat? I believe you said that you served in Vietnam----that war ended in 1975 In 1975 you were 18 Nixon began withdrawing troops from Vietnam in the latter part of 1972 and no troops were sent into Vietnam after 1972 except for a few Special Forces----I was stationed two hours away in 1972 with a large contingent ready to move into Vietnam at a moments notice----if Nixon were to change that order----he did not----and at the end of 1972 we were returned state side along with thousands of other troops that were being pulled out of Vietnam every day In 1972 the last year American troops were sent into Vietnam you were 15 years old Have I missed something?

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posted on 22/3/06 @ 02:00


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Originally posted by one_small_step Hi Sleeper, Have you spoke to your contacts about events such as Roswell - and is there any validity behind them?

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Hi small step Roswell is the real deal----ET gave the US watered down versions of two of their ships and a few biological androids to go with them. The ships were filled with many gadgets that were made specifically to be easily back engineered by technologically challenged people such as us.

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Many of those objects have since evaporated away----all ET stuff comes with an expiration date, except for the ships----they remain in use by the military----for training purposes



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posted on 23/3/06 @ 00:26


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Originally posted by violet

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Your comment here IS offensive and vile. It somehow makes me think of you offering innnocent little girls candy. Do you lure little girls into your lair with your spacecraft stories ? What is that word that begins with 'P' that I cannot say on here ?

You have a filthy mind violet

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Please get back on your broomstick and fly away


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posted on 23/3/06 @ 08:40


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Take a city, any city and put two people into it One of them will see a beautiful place, the fountains, parks filled with flowers, a city brimming with possibilities and everyone they meet in the city are good honest people The other person will see blight, the cracks in the street, the potholes, and many of the people they encounter they dont like----they see an unfriendly city full of unfriendly people The same city different perspectives The fact is most of us live somewhere in-between those two extremes

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The other fact is that often how we view the world and the people we come into contact with is a reflection of what we are and nothing more This thread is like that city And people come to it carrying their own baggage of perspectives


And what you perceive in others is mostly a manifestation of yourself


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posted on 23/3/06 @ 09:14


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Originally posted by TheObserver And sleeper, didn't you get the memo? As a grown man, you are not allowed to say "little" and "girl" in the same sentence without being labeled a pervert. What a sad politically-correct world this is.

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Hi Observer

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We have spell checker perhaps we need a politically correct checker too! The fact is violet understood exactly what I meant but she jumped at the opportunity to twist my words----she and her kind have been trampling this thread with determination and purpose They have an agenda----they know the truth is out there----and they dont want anyone getting close to it----because it will upset their concept of the world Thats why they invest much time and energy trying to tear down this thread

If you're signiture is correct sleeper, why would I want this place to change me?

Many people believe that their purpose on this planet is to change the world----thats quite a tall order----but is it altruistic? There are six and a half billion people on this planet each with their own idea of how this world should be-----so who gets to change it to fit their idea of what it should be?


Perhaps its better that we make changes to ourselves in order to accommodate the ideas of others Which of the two concepts is most feasible?
posted on 23/3/06 @ 09:23


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Originally posted by one_small_step Sleeper, in your reply to my post page or so ago you said they are using eti craft for training - could our pilots really be capable of such feats? Who knows? An analogy that comes to mind is a learner driver put into F1 GP car blind folded!?!?!

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Actually flying an ET craft is simple in comparison to human aircraft---there are no gazillions of gauges to keep an eye on, as we have in our aircraft However, it takes a disciplined mind because that is where much of the cockpit is

[edit on 23-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 23/3/06 @ 15:54


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, How surprized will we all be when we find out the truth about ET?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi 313 Words do no justice to explain it; ETs are magical beings that radiate immense pleasurable energy----but with some they radiate the opposite

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A few minutes with them and my whole week feels good



What aspect of "the truth" do you find most surprizing?

That we humans have an incredible life in store for us---I only wish that I could put a fraction of it on film to show

What type of requests have you made to ET?

That they dont give me a heart attack by sneaking up on me

Has there been a time when you spoke up and advocated for humanity?

They have humanity's best interest as their primary directive there is nothing I could add

How do you communicate with them? Do you have conversations or do you communicate via telepathy?

Both, but I prefer being in their presents to receive communication----they are too cool In previous posts I stated that I could not remember what they looked like, that has changed, they have let me see them, they have slight human characteristics, they are small, and they have a thrilling radiance, grayish dark with white speckles

Do you have any control over when and where or how you meet with them?

Not that I know of

Where is our civilization heading?


In many directions for now and for some time to come----there is no big change on the table that I have been made aware of

Does ET respect or admire any individual human being? Who is it? Is that person aware that they are being admired?

Several people have made that list, and they dont know they are being admired I cant say who they are because that would appear like a political statement

[edit on 23-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 23/3/06 @ 18:27


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Originally posted by venex I have read the entire thread and at times i was very confused whith you (sleeper) since at the begining you were so no sure of many things and not able to describe alot, now you have come a long way with answer to almost anything. ( i swear no harm intended in that observation). My question is now that your able to see their features are you able to connect it with any of the pics floating around the net?

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Hi venex I havent seen any pictures that come close to the entities that I have met
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Also is the converstaion level that you have with them on a more normal level, have you gotten to point where fear is no longer present since you now say that (minutes with them and you feel good all week.)

Im much more comfortable now than in the past----but sometimes they have a peculiar way of showing up when I least expect---but even those


meetings end up being enjoyable

Are you now able to describe the ship?

The ship remains an enigma, sometimes I think I have it figured out but then things change and become more mind boggling and fantastic-----its too much for mere mortals as myself to take in and keep----but Im working on it


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posted on 23/3/06 @ 20:03


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Originally posted by fm258 GOOD LORD this goes on for 80 pages!!! "sleeper" has a bunch bamboozled but its great to see the majority think he's a crackpot....because he is.

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Hi fm258/dgoodpasture,
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Nice new moniker I think that makes an even dozen for you now You need to change your sentence structure if you wish to remain truly anonymous----how many times have I told you that? And you say basically the same thing over and over again----how banal can you get? Anyone with basic reading skills can tell that the same person has written the majority of those you claim are on your side Well they are because you are all the same person BTW good to see you back whats it been 24 hours since your last post here? Oh and Im sure your dgoodpasture moniker will arrive shortly to claim it isnt so And no Im not going to ignore you this time


[edit on 23-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 24/3/06 @ 10:37


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Question: Everything you've related is from a human perspective (how could it be anything else?), however, is there anything you eavesdropped on from ET, or picked up on, that you don't have human words to explain (anything you're really still scratching you're derriere over?).

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Hi GrayAria, If you put it that way I have scratched my derriere raw

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99.9 percent of the ET phenomenon has no human words to describe it. Its mind boggling how far removed we are from them But then again everything is perspective, if you were able to go back and meet Ben Franklin and you handed him a credit card----how could you explain plastic to him? Or even the concept of living in a time where plastic cards are used as money----that you can use over and over again without giving up that mysterious card in exchange for the goods There is no amount of words that would explain a simple piece of plastic to people a few centuries back much less the rest of the things that make up our lives today But I can tell you want the good stuff, the drink reserved for VIPs. Well I dont talk about it much because its too crazy and ammo for the skeptics but here is a smidge--- where you can go into a room inside the ship and actually meet Ben Franklin----not time travel, not hologram, but the man himself as he is now, he looks exactly the same except he was wearing a light brown robe---we talked about the weather Those are the kinds of things that have me scratching my derriere to no end



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posted on 24/3/06 @ 11:30


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Originally posted by AlexDJ That's what i dream (or i remember like a dream) and that's what i remember how the craft are fly, of course maybe you sleeper can give me more info if i am right or i am wrong on this and you can develop more if you like.

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Hi AlexDJ


There is more than one way to fly alien ships, depends on the ship and the person, what you describe may be a real experience and not a dream. But the true experience would be different from the dream----the dream or if it really happened to you----the memory, are sometimes altered to fit the concepts we are familiar with on earth. I was able to maneuver the ship I was in while looking out one of the portholes and thinking where I wanted to go. When the ship began to move it was like I was flying and not the ship, the ship became part of me----like what we call foo-fighters or spheres of pure energy These are the kinds of things that invite skeptic hate mail, so I try to avoid going too far out there with my experiences. But when someone as yourself has a similar experience I bend and tell mine. Thanks for sharing BTW mine are not dreams or induced by natural or synthetic substances---and I only drink decaffeinated drinks except for the occasional Dr. Pepper


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posted on 24/3/06 @ 18:42


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Originally posted by mbkennel


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I think you underestimate Ben Franklin.

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Not really, Ben Franklin was the Einstein of his day

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The card is not what's important, it's that you have signed up with contractual relationship with a bank (Ben Franklin knew about banks) which says that the bank will pay the seller, and the buyer will pay the bank, and that everybody better be honest or they'll get sued.

My point was more to the material----plastic, and less to the exchange of money. Ben was way ahead of his time but had he been shown something like plastic that would have been completely alien to him

First, the idea of letters of credit and such for trade were well established. Such ideas are perfectly understanble to Franklin.

He understood banking as well as anyone of his time period. And he also knew how difficult getting credit was----back then people had to sign away their mule, whatever property they had, including giving up their freedom if they failed to pay back the money they owed Getting credit was a massive ordeal-----today nearly anyone can get credit----and credit cards show up in mailboxes without any effort----you can take a small piece of plastic and buy a car without putting up your two mules, wife, kids and all your property Ben would not have believed credit to be so easy as we have it today, and anyone talking such nonsense would be tarred and feather and run out of town in his day

The Cherokee Nation prior to contact with European settlers was well established but wasn't literate, and likely didn't have a banking system or anything quite like that. However, within a fairly short time of contact the Cherokee had invented a written alphabet and constructed literacy for their language. Some had become well educated in U.S. society within a generation. In fact, one of the Cherokee eventually ended arguing a case before the U.S. Supreme Court himself, to try to require the US and states to adhere to the treaties they were breaking. I think they could figure out a credit card.


They had a couple hundred years of contact with the white man, plenty of time to figure things out

message: one random person and random contact? Little can be learned.

ET imparts much information that way---they have done it for thousands of years

With substantial effort and contact, however, progress and understanding can happen quite quickly.

Absolutely---have you noticed how much we have progressed in the past hundred years?

If we don't understand ETs, it's because the ETs are keeping it that way.

How many people really believe my stories? There are many that would tar and feather me and run me out of town----but its too much of a hassle finding the time, the tar and feathers---especially with the bird flu going around ET releases billions of bits of new information into human society every day----but they dont take the credit for it----therefore few believe they exist----thats how they want it

Don't overestimate humans---and don't underestimate them either.

Have you taken a good look at human history up to the present, why would I underestimate us?


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posted on 24/3/06 @ 19:42


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy Ok help me out here(remember I can't tell sarcasm from a simple joke). Is this sarcasm or a simple joke?

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We talked about the weather----he is known for his work with electricity--he looked for thunderstorms so that he could fly his kite into it Get it? We talked about the weather

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No one got that one


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posted on 26/3/06 @ 10:19


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Originally posted by sturod84 tell me sleeper, what are the current regulations regarding any telepathic supplantation of EBE information into the human mind??? very slightly and ever so subtley doing this while we study, they could be at the helm of all of our scientific endevors.

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Much of this thread is about ET transmitting technology and other knowledge to scientists, politicians and ordinary people----either telepathically or in person.
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They are at the helm as you put it of most human advances


i know that with physcotronic devices they can probe our minds, and while contemplating they might very well be able to inherently tune into the fluctuation of thought, so would they be inclined to assist in our sparatic efforts to discover new knowledge???


They can and do probe our minds but not with devices, they do it with their minds Humans cant hide their thoughts from ET Humans have similar powers over animals and insects, we cant read the brains of animals but we know what they are capable of-----our intellect is far superior because animals and insects dont have intellect, they operate solely on instinct In comparison to ETs intellectual powers human intellect is reduced to the level of instinct----they anticipate our action before we act on them In addition they telepathically hear every thought in our heads-----and they can scan every bit of information in our minds----they have access to our memories


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posted on 26/3/06 @ 11:16


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Originally posted by Liquidus First, I'd like to commend Sleeper for all the time and hard work you have put into this long thread, and managing to keep the skeptics at bay. This has indeed been a fun thread to follow.

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Originally posted by sturod84 tell me sleeper, what are the current regulations regarding any telepathic supplantation of EBE information into the human mind???

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Sturod, a very interesting concept indeed. I thought this over, but I think it is quite far out there. Considering most inventions are not the result of luck but determination and hard work it is quite hard to believe that our ever-sophisticated technologies of the 21st century were the results of mind control. You don't believe our actions are pre-determined do you?

Thanks Liquidus

Most invention are the result of determination and hard work and in some instances several people come to similar results after years of trial and error----like the invention of the phone----but its the first person to the patent office that receives the credit


ET seeds ideas into peoples minds, sometimes on an individual basis but many times they give the ideas to several Nevertheless, ideas are a dime a dozen, -----the payoff comes to those who bring the idea out of concept and into reality and that takes perseverance-----and some ideas take a hell of a lot of work and determination to get off the ground And I might add all the blood sweat and tears that any one individual may anguish over are not a guarantee of success----as we all know For every success there are many who fail yet they may have worked equally if not more so than the winner-----as in some Olympic competitions the bronze medal and the gold medal are separated not by ability but by a fraction of a second Which brings us to the saying-----life is a journey, not a destination-----but it can be a destination


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posted on 28/3/06 @ 20:19


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posted on 28/3/06 @ 20:22


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Originally posted by RustyShakleford So I wanted to know do the ETs have a culture or are they all business? I mean do they have art and entertainment or is that a waste of time to them?


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They have everything we have plus a whole lot more Most of the ETs that are here on earth are on the job and doing business, however tourist frequently visit earth incognito

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Also, do you have any insight into death and the afterlife? How do they view it? Do they die?

There is no real death; we wake up after this life into another life They do not die, they are not as connected to their bodies as we are----in other words if we were like them we could jump from one body to the next as easily as changing clothes


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posted on 29/3/06 @ 08:41


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Originally posted by RustyShakleford Ok, what is the deal with Bob Lazar? Is he full of it?

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He is full of ET contact, how he chooses to use that information or dispense it is up to him His credibility has been compromised by none other than those who are ufologist, and he is damaged goods concerning extraterrestrials for now

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Nevertheless his role remains to be played out


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posted on 29/3/06 @ 19:29


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Originally posted by eddiemaiden_80 So Sleeper do you rekon there are Aliens which are members of ATS? Do you know of any.....

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There may be one or two, they like to stay abreast of things. They read the papers, surf the net and some of them even vote----only for show Im not privy to the moniker they use on ATS

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posted on 29/3/06 @ 19:37


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Originally posted by Eyesofbear 2. My father spent his entire career working for Martin Marietta, and while he won't discuss or even touch the topic of UFO's and aliens, I can see a certain acknowledgment in his eyes while he outwardly denies it. Interesting work Sleeper!

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Most would be surprised how many people like your father know about extraterrestrials However, it they let it be known even a tiny bit they would be out of job and looking for a new career



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posted on 30/3/06 @ 09:38


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Originally posted by Eyesofbear I do have a question you may be able to answer. As far as "hotbeds" of ET and UFO activity, is there a specific area of the country or world that is more active?


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Washington DC, Rome Italy, and ST Petersburg Russia In that order Nevertheless, they are in big numbers in every city of the world


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posted on 30/3/06 @ 13:15


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Originally posted by Eyesofbear Thanks Sleeper. One last question that has puzzled me for a very long time. 3 small holes in quite a few of the shirts I wear late at night. The holes are on the right side, near the bottom of my shirt...always in a triangular fashion. Does this mean anything? Curiously, my daughter has the same pattern in the same place on a few of her night shirts. As strange as that sounds, it's bothered me for many many years.

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Sometimes they leave marks on the skin----rare----ET doesnt need to physically leave marks on people Holes in night shirts is uncommon and there is absolutely no reason for it---check with the drycleaners

For the record, I understand the dread feeling...and then the very tired feeling when I "awake" in the morning.......

Most people feel the same way in the morning However, abductions can be mentally and physically challenging


And its also free labor for ET-----not kidding


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posted on 31/3/06 @ 10:06


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Originally posted by Truthforall Sleeper, What events are to happen in 2012?

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A lot is going to happen in 2012 but unfortunately for those that are expecting the world as we know it to come to an end they will be disappointed


Look at the world today, most of us can only see it from our window, our little corner and much of what we see is run-of-the-mill----nothing exciting For drama we have to watch or read the news----the war in Iraq, the riots in France, the crazy weather down under There is plenty of turmoil going on every day somewhere in the world whether it is war or a climate induced famine and other calamities that keep stirring the pot of humanity

ET is not planning to come out of the closet and make themselves known to everyone-----its way to early for a one government world and thats what will happen when they disclose themselves

Disclosure is not happening from the human end----no government has that authority or ability to do it. 2012 for the most part will be only another year----like all other years, it will have its wars and rumors of war, famines, wrath of nature, crime, poverty, good times and bad----just like today

But the big shocker is not the year 2012 as all the prophets of old and new have foretold, it's the year that comes after which is 2013----now that's a whole other story for those superstitions souls to chew on.



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posted on 31/3/06 @ 12:18


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Originally posted by Eyesofbear

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I wanted to get your thoughts on this and Mr. McClelland in general. I find it extremely odd that he has trouble finding a publisher for his book based on the quantity of UFO based books that are being published every day. I wonder if this has more to do with the accuracy of information. The more truth in your work, the less likely you are to find a publisher. In other words, if you are full of baloney, you have no trouble finding a publisher?

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He has many good points but much of what I have written in my thread contradicts his beliefs as well as much of the conventional beliefs of the ET phenomena So its up to the readers to decide who is telling the truth Most of us who write about extraterrestrials do agree on one thing----they are real and they are here, I know that personally

[edit on 31-3-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 31/3/06 @ 19:33


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, I've got to ask the question. What's going to happen 2013?


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Hi hh313 I just threw that out there to see if I could start something----2013 should be a very good year

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Also, as we've discussed before, I don't fear ET. I truly believe I have more to fear from human beings than our visitors.

In reality other humans cant harm you other than to do physical harm and perhaps some mental anguish while in this life, anything humans do to other humans is temporary and confined to this planet and the physical body. ET on the other hand can effect us long term----their reach spans other lifetimes and planets, and they have access to our very essence, the soul Its a good thing they are on our side

I would like to have a closer relationship with ET. How should I go about that? Thanks! hh313

They know that you want in----there is no shortage of volunteers desiring the same thing as you Wasnt there some guy that paid twenty million dollars to Russia for a short stay on the space station----thats lots of money for putting himself through several weeks of torture for a few days in space----yet there are many who would pay that kind of money for a chance ET does it for free and no vigorous training required If only they would open it up to the public at large wouldnt that be fantastic! Not everyone is ready for that You on the other hand might be----you have been in their ships but they wipe your memory clean each time Perhaps you will get lucky the next time
posted on 1/4/06 @ 09:36


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Originally posted by Truthforall According to your earlier posts Et knows everthing that is to happen in the past, present, or future. Now they need to read the newspaper.

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It makes them feel important

You have not answered my questions in my post many pages back. Just wondering why? You have always had an answer for others questions but not to mine.
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Perhaps I missed it or I believed you were being sarcastic, ---repost it

Never mine about my previous questiions. If you can tell me the solution to this then YOU ARE LEGIT.

Legit is in the mind of the beholder, Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini were legit to millions of their followers-----Einstein is legit yet many of his theories remain unproven

Nevertheless here is the answer: CIA a


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posted on 1/4/06 @ 10:13


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Originally posted by TruthforallHey sleeper, What does "ET" say about the GULF?

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Assuming you are speaking about the Persian Gulf-----the Gulf is a chasm between the two major religions, Christian and Moslems, the two are like oil and water they dont mix well together, but they did have a purpose The Cold War opened up space exploration by creating competition between the two world super powers, USSR and USA------the two


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contrasting religious super powers were the pistons in the engine of prosperity and development that began with the Crusades and peaked with the Renaissance The Gulf war will solidify both religious behemoths for a time but it will also be the beginning of the end for them-----like dinosaurs many cherished institutions are on the brink of extinction and will not be around by the end of this century


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posted on 1/4/06 @ 13:11


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[edit on 23-4-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 1/4/06 @ 19:05


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Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo Sleeper, what picture online looks most like the EBE's you came acrossed?

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None, however, they look somewhat like the grays, small bodies, eyes not as large, darker in complexion with whitish spots----but their appearance changed depending on where they were. While in my house they had a glow like a black light, while outside their appearance took on a human shade/quality

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what was your initial though on Serpo? (Ick, I said it!).



I have given my opinion on this thread somewhere, also early on when the Serpo thread began drawing attention two members u2u me asking my thoughts about Serpo, I told them it was fiction


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posted on 1/4/06 @ 22:07


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Originally posted by NotClever Watch this thread GZ. Watch it slide toward the bottom of the list...just when you think it will finally slip over to page 2....some recently registered member with about 5 points will ask another lame question. Without fail. NC

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Thats your trademark NC creating monikers to make assaults on threads you wish to leach attention from Your highest level of intellect shown on this board is when you bully someone on it Sure your life sucks, you were mistreated as a child and you have made lots of bad choices as an adult So your only recourse is to throw tantrums on threads like this one thinking that will get you sympathy and attention It worked, you have my sympathy, your actions are not your fault---society did it to you----and now the rest of us must pay


[edit on 1-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 1/4/06 @ 23:44


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Originally posted by NotClever The dichotomy between the answers you provide 'sleeperites' and the rants you throw at skeptics is a hoot. I would swear you have declared yourself 'enlightened'.

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You are the only sleeperite on this board and the crown for wannabe enlightened goes to you, you cant formulate an intelligent response on this thread or any that I have seen you post in so you come here and act like a bull in a china shop believing that if not intelligence than noise and tantrums will impress people

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The know-it-all ET can't even help you get this right, can it? My life is far from sucking, I wasn't the greatest kid, but wasn't mistreated. Incredible as it seems, the choices I've made as an adult have worked out pretty good. So there, neener neener neerner.

If your life didnt suck you wouldnt be mister busy body looking up everyones skirts for flaws If you want flaws look in the mirror

At the risk of annoying the moderators...I don't want or need your sympathy...your silence would be golden though. NC

Whether you want it or not your kind will never garner respect----the most you can get is sympathy----so drink up


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posted on 2/4/06 @ 23:40


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Originally posted by Truthforall BTW The CIA did not make this code. And ET needs another cryptoanalysis techique. Maybe you could provide the one that they used for their first solution. The one thing you could do that no body on this earth has done is solve the

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solution to K4 of KRYPTOS. ET would have no problem. How about an english translation?

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I can tell you dont have many dealings with ET----they have their unique ways of communicating----nothing like dealing with other humans to say the least If they wanted to help me garner merit they would let me show some tangible items----that certainly would have made my job easier They dont like solving riddles they think that if they solve one then others will line up wanting theirs solved too

So I will take a stab at the code you presented to me without ET James Sanborn is the only one who knows the code, since it was his, and supposedly he told no one---at least not all of it

So here is my answer to the forth and unsolved code: The code describes the pyramid Khufu and uses numerical equations to solve the riddle The four numbers are 4----31----31----31 Pi is an important number in the building of Khufu and the number for Pi is 3.14 The ratio of base-perimeter to the original height of the pyramid is twice the quantity of pi Also 4 signifies that the 4 sides of the pyramid are located precisely along the four Cardinal Points And 31 is the number of missing apex or top of the pyramid, which is 31 feet. 31 is also the number that specifies the degrees East of Greenwich----the north-south axis of the pyramid The pyramid of Giza is the most incomprehensible structure on earth---very mysterious to most people----as apparently is this code, since no one has been able to crack it for more than a decade. Let me know if it flies----if so I want my merit badge



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posted on 3/4/06 @ 00:28


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Originally posted by Truthforall Sleeper I was talking about the gulf that is mentioned in the bible where all souls come from.

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The word is Guff not Gulf And no Im not giving you any guff----Ignore this user (info)


Its a fabled place on earth were souls are stored before they are born----some people believe that there is a finite quantity of souls in it and once it is empty no more souls. Souls are stored in certain places for various reasons----not a good thing to be one of them; you dont want to do anything in this life that will get you stored However, the myth of the Guff is simply a myth


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posted on 3/4/06 @ 00:54


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, What do you know about ET having deep sea colonies around the globe?

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I have never been to one that I know of----and they havent told me anything about them

What earth resources is ET interested in (besides us)?


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They have no interest in earths resources----once they get us into space they will show us that resources have no limit----after we understand how to manipulate substance in the purity of space and zero gravity shortages will be a thing of the past

Is ET concerned about overpopulation or are they going to let mankind reach swarm levels?

This planet can hold four or more times the present population and it will

It's astonishing to me how everybody keeps having babies...

No one comes into this world by accident---they are sent here or they came by their own choice

Has ET revealed to you what you might have been in a previous life?

Yes, and it wasnt anyone special

Do we choose our next life or is it chosen for us?

Both, when you reach a certain level you get to chose where you go and what you do when you get there This planet is literally Heaven and Hell, paradise for some hell for others---and the rest of us are somewhere in-between

Do you get any sense from them of what prior life I might have experienced?

Thats confidential info

Is there any hope that ET would get involved and be more merciful to the children and animals on this planet (in spite of what humans might try to do to these helpless creatures)?


Everything that happens on this planet good and bad is noted, those that do wrong may escape punishment while on earth but once they leave earth they will pay for every misdeed


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posted on 3/4/06 @ 01:14


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Originally posted by yeahright You do know that it is decryptable tho, right? It is code. Now whether or not the underlying message means anything is another story. Sorry, maybe we're saying the same thing here. Just wanted to be clear on my part.

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The first time I heard of that code was when truthforall posted it here, I gave it a brief glance and made my appraisal, I have since given it another look after truthforall brought it back again, apparently tfa didnt want to let it go

More to topic, I can vouch for sleeper calling "Serpo" fiction early on, since I was one of the members u2u'ing him about that.



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posted on 3/4/06 @ 11:05


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Originally posted by elgaz 1) What does ET say about these recent accouncements in the News (from various Scientists, at SETI I think?) that we will be 'talking to extraterrestrials within 25


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yrs' ?

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Not so-----communication will remain covert----for how long they are not being specific

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2) You have made it clear that reincarnation is indeed a reality, and that is how our souls evolve. From your own perspective however, what is the benefit of starting each life with from scratch with no recollection of the previous one? Surely the process of learning from mistakes would be much better if we could remember past lives.

Past mistakes are irrelevant----the only thing that counts is what you do with this life---which will determine what you do next

3) What are ET's views on 'astral travel'?

It is possible only through them----when they allow it


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posted on 3/4/06 @ 11:25


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Originally posted by schallb this was posted by -deeprivergal-on another thread here at ATS----http.// any of the ships you rode on look like any of these?

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I wasnt able to find that thread

You also said on page 83 that they'll show themselves when we have a one world government...Where have we heard that before fokes? HON, GO GET DEPROGRAMMED AND TRY TO HAVE A QUIET LIFE...
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What I said was that when they show themselves to the whole world it will become a one world government


In other words they have the knowledge and therefore they will run the show----I also said that the world is not ready for that and will not be for sometime----therefore ET will not be coming out of the closet anytime soon


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posted on 3/4/06 @ 14:11


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Originally posted by Zerodown Sleeper why do you have hope for the humans?

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No matter our circumstances while on this planet everyone is part of the big picture----and that big picture is way cool

Last if I gave you your deepest desires would you give up this life for them?

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Do you mean will I sell my soul to ET? Souls are not for sale----we cant even give them away----we are stuck with our souls for a long time----through good times and bad-----like marriage Our deepest desires cannot be fulfilled by others----they can be facilitated by others but we are willing participants in the outcome Humans are free to sell themselves short-----thats the extent of the soul trade


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posted on 3/4/06 @ 14:57


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[edit on 3-4-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 4/4/06 @ 09:51


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Originally posted by inj3n i couldnt bring myself to read all 85 pages but i did read all of them up too 20 then i jumped here......sleeper you have me convinced. I thought i beleived but then i started reading this thread and i am a believer now. Whatever your goal is i dont know. But i never believed in anything up until now. I feel completely different now thati have read what u have posted. Your experiences with ET. its almost mind altering. I dont feel sober after reading it. Its crazy. U truly got inside my head. I dont know if its a bad thing or a good thing. Maybe i need to sleep on it.

Thanks for your perspective inj3n

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posted on 4/4/06 @ 10:02


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Originally posted by Truthforall I thought the translantion came from ET.

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Sometimes their response is slow so I have to pick up the slack

WOW "tfa". What is the code for this?

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Im confident you will crack that code-----

This does not sound like the words from a humble 53 year old man..

Anyone who reads this thread knows that humble comes in many flavors

However good post

Thank you


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posted on 4/4/06 @ 10:08


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Originally posted by Truthforall So you are saying that the bible stories about the GUFF are a myth. So how much is to believe of the bilbe?

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As much as you need


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posted on 4/4/06 @ 11:17


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Originally posted by segalindoa Sleeper: among all the photograpic and video "evidences" you have seen (in TV shows, books or sites like this) which ones would you pick as "real" based on your on experiences? I mean, can you please (if possible) point to some pictures or videos on this site that you consider "real" evidence?

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Believe it or not Im a working stiff like most people and I dont have the luxury, need, or want to peruse all the stuff that is out there
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If you ask about a specific item I will give my best answer Thanks for your comments


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posted on 5/4/06 @ 00:44


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Is this a good thing to have more people in the world? It seems to me there are too many people already, at least in the many cities that are already way overcrowded. Are you suggesting people will migrate to less inhabited regions of the globe. Would the current american (and world) economic situation be able to support such a large population, or is this something that will happen in the distant future when things aren't as chaotic as they are now?

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Hi Kwyjibo
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The population will continue to increase substantially this century and grow even more rapidly in the next one As the population grows chaos and overcrowding will actually decrease and resources will increase substantially----believe it or not People will work, live and be entertained within the same super structures which will reduce the need for cars and congestion-----people of today will not recognize this planet in as little as fifty years from now

Also will this massive population growth have anything to do with the evolvement of a one world government. I bring this up because William Cooper (Behold a Pale Horse) retracted his belief in UFO's and believed it was all a government agenda to scare people into believing that a one world government is the only thing to help us when the masses realize that ET is out there. This goes into the whole NWO thing, which I was wondering if you could give any insight to.

Like I said in other posts change and fear mongering are the only constants


There will be a one would government but not in our lifetime

I'm not sure that was coherent but I guess I'm trying to ask your opinion on William Cooper (assuming you have one). Also that whole MKUltra thing the government did was trying to control human behavior and thought (from what I understand). Now I know you don't like LSD, but do you have any opinions on the whole MKUltra issue.

I have an opinion on and MKULTRA but I will pass on talking about it, other than to say that all governments experiment on their citizens, prior to the fifties they scarcely tried to hid it, now its covert and more frequent ----not so much in the Western World----but still very active

I don't quite get this. You must've done something special in a previous life for you to have access to things I would die for. Is this just modesty(?), I realize that not once have I read anything by you proclaiming yourself as more important than anyone else here (even the haters).

For one Im not more important than anyone else, and I h ave held back regarding my past life-----nevertheless a soul is a soul and all have immense value regardless of lot in life

Also, I hope you understand that people like me are not going to defend you against the haters, as you seem to be doing that well enough yourself and it's not really my perogative to defend your views just because I have a lot of respect for what you're doing. I'd love to fight your battles for you but somehow I don't think that would work out right.

My battles are mine to fight and thanks for the offer but I dont expect anyone to get caught up in frivolity, I try to avoid it if I can

So I guess people don't collect karma points throughout existence? Is the last life you've lived the only determining factor that decides where you go next?

The life you are living now is a direct result of your pervious life or existence Nevertheless, memory of past lives, accomplishments and failures are retained in a cosmic safe deposit box that you can access between lives---everything we do counts


Also, on an unrelated point, you seem to not want to talk about politics here (understandable). From your old threads in PTS I can tell you have a lot of intelligent comments to make (that I would love to argue as I think we have different viewpoints on the majority of certain issues, as I'm a young college grad who analyzed issues from a more liberal viewpoint (not that I'm saying I'm liberal)). Also with alien input we can find out more about the great conspiracies that are analyzed to death here (such as JFK murder, 911 incident, and Kurt Cobain's suicide/(murder?) (that was more of a joke but any insight is appreciated).

What would the world---not to mention abovetopsecret----be without mystery? I have considered giving my input on those and other issues but I have decided against it for now, but thanks for the offer


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posted on 5/4/06 @ 01:58


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Originally posted by Siblin Hey Sleeper, do me a favor and tell the ETs that they're jerks. They will understand.

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Hi Siblin Many people that have encounters with the supernatural feel that way---ETs and their biological androids can be incredibly intimidating because of the nature of what they are compared to what we are

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Can you explain what happen to you?


posted on 5/4/06 @ 10:51


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Originally posted by ThePieMaN Im curious. The way you describe their attitude is similiar to how a scientist would treat a guinea pig in an experiment. Do they just consider us a a scientific oddity?


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You have to admit we humans consider ourselves on oddity of nature---with little if any explanation to what or why we are ET knows what we are----our scientists have no clue

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Why do they extract fetuses and sperm samples? Are they populating other "earths" with cross bred or hybrid beings?

Yes but more than that there are many things going on in this solar system that requires certain types of beings----here on earth we cant detect but a fraction of the stuff that swirls in the orbit around the sun----some of that stuff has intelligent life on it.

With the different levels of skeletons being found here on earth from different time periods is it possible they had something to do with the design of that, with us being the end result?

As most people know the climate of the earth has changed many times, but the weather is only one factor of the equation We are not the end result of experiments----our particular type, model, body, is unique and was more suitable for the time period which it occupied and occupies-----once we move into space this model will not do and people will live in different bodies----scientist like to use the word evolve But we dont evolve, its like we use cars to transport people and trucks to transport stuff----so we build cars for that purpose and trucks for another purpose----the car does not evolve into a truck----although that would be nice!

It always appeared as though it was like trial and error experiments.

Trial and error is what we humans do

With so many different "versions" of man its almost like when someone makes a piece of software. DOS, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95,98,ME,NT etc etc little people, big people,cromagnon,neandrathal, and there's been like 3 missing


links found in between.

All were created that way----the reason there is confusion is because there isnt enough evidence to put the puzzle together with ----most of it was eliminated by time, erosion, and ET


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posted on 6/4/06 @ 01:10


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Originally posted by Truthforall Sleeper, 1. Is David Ike presetning truthfull information and why?

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Should Davids ideas be true there is nothing he or anyone could do about it Paranoia sells books

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There is no grand scheme concocted by a few humans calling themselves the Illuminati that control the world

2. Is Linda Howe presenting truthfull information and why?

Linda Howe is an investigator, she reports on various things that pertain to the supernatural, ET, Atlantis, mutilations and the gloom and doom of 2012 But like many investigators in her field all she can do is conjecture, speculate, theorize, wish and hope to find or get at the elusive truth Her beliefs about the year 2012 are incorrect


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posted on 6/4/06 @ 01:56


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Yo Sleeper: A thought occurred to me: Is ET behind the recent revelations of space and science like rat-nuerons being linked to computer chips and then used to fly planes (like in another ATS thread)?

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Yes but like always they are not taking the credit

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I mean, is there no line between flesh and machine that should-not be crossed?

Yes, but we have a long way before we get to that bridge

Seems like you are saying that merging flesh and machine will be good for humans?

Its one machine interfacing with another, the human machine and the mechanical one. We interact with computers every day without giving it much thought but what are we doing when we sit in front of a computer screen? We are scanning information from it and uploading it into our brains with our biological eyes and mind----then we upload information from our brain into the computer with a keyboard using our fingers Our fingers and eyes can only move so fast----not fast enough for the future; the only solution is to plug ourselves into the ever increasing technological advances Only one hundred years ago people were afraid to enter the industrial age

What does ET have to say about this?

Its their baby



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posted on 6/4/06 @ 10:51


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Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial Where is the forest in the field?

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Its a place in your mind, or a program in a computer, a metaphor for merging two dissimilar items/ideas into one Mind merging with machine----matrix

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posted on 6/4/06 @ 11:19


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Very interesting response. This leads me to a further question: If flesh is just "machine", then what is the soul?

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Soul is pure energy---for lack of a better word, but not the kind of energy we are familiar with on earth

In what way does machine differ from soul?

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Like night and day----like forest in the field----Ectoterrestrial quote The soul and machine have nothing in common other than they occupy the same space for a short time

Also, does the soul itself have a dimension or a shape?



I ask this because I have read accounts of out-of-body experiencers wherein souls are described as a glowing 'core of light', which is seen to be inserted into the human abdomen or chest cavity, or collected from that region, when the 'machine' dies. Is that the orientation and nexus of the soul?

It can enter and depart through the head also----or the feet for that matter

Does ET have to be on hand to collect the soul, at death?

To collect or accompany---someone is always there---although they dont necessary make themselves known.

And it is this soul which ET is the caretaker of,


and it is ET which designates the next birth for that soul?

No, there are others who make that call

Perhaps, for example, I might be reborn as a wookie? Maybe even Chewbacca himself, if my karmic meter is high enough?


What people? Do you mean the Weaver rebellion? Those people were affected directly. I think its different because they resisted the "age of machines", whereas what I'm talking about is the "age of machines in your flesh".


The industrial revolution of the nineteen hundreds was a period of drastic change----from pastoral to mechanized in a very short space of time---not everyone feared it, many embraced it----but everyone had to adjust to it

They're talking now about injecting rat neurons (mixed with human stem cells) into human patients' brains, super-charging them. Is ET behind these human/animal experiments also?

ET leads the charge in every new and exotic human endeavor


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posted on 6/4/06 @ 22:24


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo First off, I'm not going to disagree with you on this point (I'm afraid of alien retribution). Any idea how this could possible happen, and is it worldwide or just in the US.

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Super structures will be worldwide but that does not mean everyone will participate There are many tribes and other peoples that will continue living their traditional lives as they have for centuries

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The only things I can think of is massive relocation and less resource intake.

Many small towns will become ghost towns as people realized the economic benefits of moving into mega structures. Resources are technology driven, as technology increases so will resources


Maybe I've only listened to the fear mongers, but from what I thought the world is being polluted with people and their garbage at the moment. That's why im skeptical of a one world government because I'd think their goal would be to eliminate the "useless eaters."

Fear mongers prevail because for some strange reason we humans are attracted to gloom and doom like moths to a fire A one world government is not going to happen in your or my lifetime and may not happen for another hundred years---but it will happen Even in a one world government there will be outcasts and millions of people that will live in the hills, in the ghost towns and other abandoned cities----choosing to live in squalor rather than live in the mega cities As is true today there are many able bodied people that chose to live on the fringes of society----and I mean chose, because they dont want the structure and responsibility that society imposes---not talking about those down on their luck or mentally and physically handicapped----those people will be taken care of

Is there going to be a new way of transportation? I don't think you've seen the show Futurama but they use these suction tubes to travel across cities and what not. Certainly transportation will change but no one is going to miss sitting in traffic for a two hour commute

First of all this will not take place everywhere all at once. Mega structures will pop up here and there in the span of many decades---so cars and commuting will slowly change from what they are today

Hopefully you're not suggesting people walk or ride bikes more, as I am a dedicated smoker and refuse to walk miles to work (I guess I won't be evolving into the new world too easily).

Mine and your way of life will not change much unless you live for another forty or fifty years


Was this top secret stuff that happened either in the military or with conjunction with ET? It's just a particular fascination of mine that I can't let go.


I postulate the world would be more productive and less paranoid without mystery. Sure, its good to get the mind thinking, but some people (me) spend too much time trying to get to the bottom of things and get frustrated by their lack of progress.

Mystery and drama are part of this planets protocol and always will be Many people immerse themselves and some become obsessed----but that is a choice No one needs to be obsessed or paranoid about anything because life is nothing but an illusion----we can enjoy the ride or fret over every bump in the road

As for abovetopsecret, do you think the owners would mind if everything was cleared up and their site wasn't as popular,

Absolutely they would mind---no business no payroll

or is mystery the catalyst for the mind?

The human mind thrives on mystery----just look what books sell the most

On a last note, any ideas on dinosaurs and what their role was on this planet.

They had more than one roll, but their main roll on earth was that of zoo


Is there a T-Rex flying around in a huge ship right now observing the world?

No, but there are many planets with dinosaurs and other more exotic creatures all over the galaxy----why do we have zoos in every major city?---Entertainment


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posted on 6/4/06 @ 23:01


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My sources say that the first one is a fake---the second one they are ambiguous so Im not making a call on it The Mexico video UFO is real and not a fire balloon----I know first hand on that one

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posted on 6/4/06 @ 23:08


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Originally posted by smallpeeps Interesting but very powerful statement here, Sleeper. The idea of resources being finite (malthusian) is wrong because it is innovation and technology which allows us to get more efficiency out of the resource. As tech grows, a barrel of oil will be able to feed more and more people, or power more machinery, due to human ingenuity. Would you agree with this assessment, sleeper?

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I agree smallpeeps And there will be new forms of energy coming on line such as superconductivity that will curtail the need for oil and other expensive fuels

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posted on 7/4/06 @ 00:48


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo So in the future people are all going to squash together in mega structures? Seems like being trapped in a sardine can.

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Im not talking public housing----free enterprise will be the dominant driving force for the remainder of this century and into the next one. And Im not talking about million dollar apartments although there will be many of those

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The low to middle class will have spacious housing enclosed in multi levels with plenty of open spaces, parks, shopping districts and working establishments----and plenty of elevators vertical and horizontal elevators and people movers for those that dont care to walk These types of structures are way pleasant to live in

Sociologically speaking, isn't the packing of massive numbers of people chaotic, especially if there are competing ethnic groups, or by that time will humanity lose more of its racist tendencies?

You mean like exist today in most major cities?-----the reason there is so much diversity and not much melting pot is because people are segregated by neighborhoods

I was under the impression that our resources (oil mainly) were non-renewable, although I have heard the contrary. Is oil on its way out as our main energy source. I know you've spoken well of nuclear energy but I don't see people using nuclear power to run their cars (unless we get time machines circa Doc Brown)


Cars will be electric, the reason we dont have powerful electric cars today is because gas has been kept cheap for political reasons----only when oil becomes scarce will we have dependable electric vehicles

Any insight on to why this is the case? Were humans programmed this way so that we can overcome it or something. My hypothesis is that doom and gloom is somewhat exciting and can make people feel like they have something to strive against.

Most of us on earth are here because we have this flaw----and some of us have to play it out to the nth degree before we realize it.

So it's a choice to try to get to the bottom of life's mysteries and drama? Is this wrong? I would think the opposite would be being completely self-involved, and is that any better?

There are a zillion things people have to work out and stumble on before they move on to something else----many will have to approach their problems from more than one angle before they figure it out----in other words they will be coming back to this world or going to one less advanced once they leave here

I agree zoos are for entertainment, but would you agree there is a large educational benefit to them as well?

Dont tell that to the children or they may not want to go to the zoo----


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posted on 7/4/06 @ 09:41


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Originally posted by XL5 I don't know Sleeper, I seem to like doom and gloom because its a chance to start over without money or organized corruption. I have a really hard time trying to imagine that corruption will just vanish one day unless something huge happens. It be like getting rid of your car without it breaking in the first place.

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As long as there are humans there will be corruption

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What about fear and riots, will they some how just vanish as well?


No, unless we all turn into robots and think alike, individuality will remain therefore, so will disagreements

Will this "human nature" to like doom and gloom just go poof?

Its an individual thing it will go poof when you decide it has no value

So I ask, what will change?

Earth will never be a utopia----earth is a place for learning, what will change?-----You will change or you will have to come back and try again.


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posted on 7/4/06 @ 10:19


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo So will still have social divides in the future. No socialist utopia? Ah well, I never like that stuff anyway. And about the elevators, haven't you noticed theres a slight weight problem in America? A better future would probably include more excerice,


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or is there better heart surgery coming our way?

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People in general will become more disciplined and take better care of themselves because the cost of healthcare will force that upon us Also food will change and taste better minus the fat
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I was joking in my previous post about walking, being a dedicated smoker (I am though) and not wanting to walk anywhere. I don't mind a nice stroll, but these banning of cigarettes in public places is killing me. In bars even, was ET behind that??

ET introduced tobacco as an economic factor, and they are behind its demise in the Western World

Also will the structures we live in be "pleasant" in an idyllic way or in a tolerable way? I'm just curious, I'm perfectly fine with tolerable living.

Tolerable living is for communist, everyone else should expect better

Yes I realize the conditions of major cities (I live near Boston). Thats why I was wondering if adding more people would be all that beneficial. Also, is ET going to help desegregate and turn this country once more into a great melting pot? You know we have a slight immigration problem right now that doesn't seem resolvable in the immediate future.

Its like electronics, we have/had the vacuum tube---bulky, used lots of power, created heat was/is inefficient Then came along the transistor---small, used little power, little heat, and very efficient, we can place millions of transistors into the same spot of one vacuum tube Its all a matter of the design of things----today our cities are vacuum tubes, tomorrow they will be transistors America will become a more efficient melting pot without exterminating cultural heritage


Can ET talk to these politicians and point them in the right direction? Are they waiting for people to get fed up with it all and actually do something about it?

Voting people into office because they promise us the world usually gets us the opposite Its up to the voters to make better choices on who they put into office

What do you mean, being somewhat excited by doom and gloom and scary stuff is a life-altering flaw. Isn't it part of human nature or is it one of the things we have to let go of?

Each of us knows down deep which problems we need to work out or let go of----thats the purpose of this life


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posted on 7/4/06 @ 10:32


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Originally posted by dAlen when a thread gets to be 87 some odd pages it would be nice for the author to go through and write a short story encapsulating the points, and post it for us so that we dont have to read all the post.

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I wish I had the time

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dalen aliens...your higher self from the future. supposedly demons travel backwards through time as we go forwards. (Heard this in one of my Jewish Kabbalah classes)


The Kabbalah is an inspirational book but it too has its fairytales Time travel only works if time were real, time is a human illusion And demons are why we are here----we all have them within and can only move forward by releasing them from our soul---they are the ballast that keeps us down


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posted on 7/4/06 @ 14:41


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria I retain my admitted defense mechanism and wonder as well if you've created all this from the incredible intellect you obviously have - maybe to prove to the Hollywood types (so many that sicken me) that mystery, wonder, and entertainment isn't their exclusive domain. If that's the case, well done, well done that seems reasonable and believable too.

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I wish I could claim my intellect as my own but I didnt create the brain that houses it or the software that runs it, Im simply a messenger for those who hear the message and an annoyance to those that dont
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I would guess, and you've already alluded to the parallels between us and ET regarding "origins". Do we all (including the other many forms of life in the universe) come from the same cosmic soup? Does the "same" soup spawn the many different life forms all with souls destined for different "things"? And if you're privy to this: Where in the hell did the "soup" come from?

All life emanates from a spectrum of a single source The soup or source just is---has no beginning or ending----a concept void of explanation

Does ET wonder and marvel as we do at the scope and grandeur, the mystery of the really "big" question?


They marvel constantly because they know and are aware of the fantastic existence they are part of-----there is no big question for them

The "Big Bang", as you said and I believed since I first heard, even the beginnings of the theory, not right, and the astronomers answers only yield to more questions, more "guesses" to tie it all together.

The truth is the first to be tossed out of many equations and theories, therefore it rarely is discovered There was no Big Bang but there were many little bangs, yet that isnt even a theory

Your comments and your unique insight are always appreciated Trubadour--


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posted on 7/4/06 @ 23:30


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Ok so you're saying that people will come to their senses healthwise due to the cost of healthcare? I can't fathom anything that will lead people to be more disciplined unless theres some cataclysmic catastrophe.

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We are a lot closer to healthcare catastrophe than most people realize

I guess universal health coverage isn't coming any time soon?

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It is in the works but the works move as slow as molasses, that bureaucracy thing Nevertheless once it is implemented the cost will be prohibitive therefore they will penalize abusers and will implement strict dietary rules and force people to abide by healthy living habits, or they face reduced privileges and pay deductibles


Also how is food going to change and taste better? Does ET have some new form of nutrition, or will they finally let us legalize marijuana, which I've "heard" makes food taste a lot better.

The taste and quality of food is going to increase substantially in the next two decades the technology for that to happen is not that complicated In the short term the crack down on drug use is going to increase substantially, but as computers take over more of the driving and operating of machinery drug laws will be relaxed, but not for a long time to come

Our current system seems to have made voting irrelevant. I'm all for a democratic system, but there is a deep rooted flaw in the way our politicians come to power. Once again, I'll try to refrain from political questions out of respect for your wishes.

Voting has turned into a grab-bag of whats-in-it-for-me, rather than whats the best thing for the country. Unfortunately that philosophy is not going to change anytime soon

Ok, last question. Are we suppose to let go of our ego, is that the main problem we have to work out? For example, does humanity as a whole have to recognize that each and every person is part of the same major plan that we will never be able to grasp while mortal?

We all need some ego, thats what motivates us to accomplish things, but like anything you have to control it and not let it control you. Humanity as a whole will never agree on much of anything, and as far as grasping that we know nothing while mortal well does anyone know anything now or ever about life in the big bad universe?----besides ET and whoever they chose to use as their mouth piece

Thank You and sorry to be an annoyance, I hope you don't feel like I keep asking you questions just to hear myself talk.

Im sure most people appreciate your posts, and so do I



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posted on 10/4/06 @ 09:29


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria Sleeper - Question: You were in a hurry? What?...........Your "intellect", mine, everyone's, programmed? Surely you meant something else.

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Hi Trubadour Perhaps I should have used the word gift, we jump in our car and speed down the highway at 120 MPH and when we get stopped and ticketed we tell the officer that we werent speeding-----thats a true statement, you were not speeding, the car was, grant it you had your foot on the pedal Certain cars come with customized equipment made at the factory, same with humans

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posted on 10/4/06 @ 10:18


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Originally posted by ThePieMaN Hi Sleeper I have heard things about Planet X. Can you verify its existance and its position currently or past/future trajectory? Im sorry if this has been asked before. I made it about 1/2way through all the posts and jumped ahead. I appreciate your replies and sorry if its a duplicate. Thanks Pie

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Any extraterrestrial coming into our solar system knows the color of our planets, as far as a planet X on the frigid fringes of this solar system I have no information about it. The Sumerians, were not the first or the last to have Extraterrestrials in their midst



Many ancient people as well as modern have similar stories as that of the Sumerians about gods coming down from the sky, yet few believe those accounts even if they are written in cuneiform tablets, or inscribed in temples At one time the Mediterranean was dry land from the Pillars of Hercules to the shores of Palestine-----the Strait of Gibraltar was mountains and Europe and Africa were connected-----ET caused a breach in those mountains and flooded the low lying lands of the Mediterranean with waters from the Atlantic ocean, and turned most of the Mediterranean into sea. There was no world-wide flood but for the people living in the basin it seemed like it.


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posted on 10/4/06 @ 10:38


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Hi Sleeper, I would like to be the first to point out that this is the one year anniversary of when this thread started. Sure it might not mean anything tangible, but maybe you can put a good word in for me with ET for being on the ball??

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You got it!

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Does this mean further smoking bans? How can ET not allow us to smoke in bars, do they have no sympathy for the human condition?

Maybe thats why it is being done

So we can't smoke in bars and its going to be hard to get good drugs? Why would ET challenge us so? Also most manufacturing jobs in the US are being shipped overseas. The service sector of our economy seems to be all we have left.


There are millions of manufacturing jobs in the US, the overflow is going overseas---obviously lots of people are not going to agree with that statement, but thats besides the point

Does ET know that its easier for us humans to work with the general public while on drugs (according to "some" people)?

Yes they know it makes it easier---but thats like cheating on an exam---and we cant hide anything from ET

Will they relax the draconian drug laws enforced in the US.

I dont fully agree with it but they are going to get tougher on drug use

Congratulations on keeping this thread going for a year

Now thats unexplainable phenomena----


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posted on 10/4/06 @ 17:49


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Originally posted by highhorse313 Hi Sleeper, ET getting tough on drug use seems too much like a mind control situation.

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Hi 313, ET is not up our butts on every detail or choice we make, we have plenty


of freewill regardless of the laws of the land-----but discretion is important What I meant was that many communities are cracking down mainly on drugs you mention below because of the epidemic in crime that follows those drugs

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How about ET getting tough on big pharma like Pfizer or Merck, and the truly evil drugs subsidized by our government like crack cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, vicodin, etc?

The big pharmaceuticals are the biggest drug pushers out there, unfortunately many people are hopeless hypochondriacs and the drug companies are taking advantage of it

I'm getting the feeling that we won't have as many freedoms as we do now and that doesn't look to inviting to me. Perhaps I won't be here by that time.

Actually we will have more freedoms in the future than we do now


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posted on 10/4/06 @ 18:17


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Originally posted by UnconciousSelf Sleeper I do not know if you have me on ignore.

Have I miss one of your posts?

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You said earlier that the ET put mescaline, and other drugs on this earth to test us. Or tempt us. Forgot which word you used. Wouldn't they be contradicting themselves if they then made strict drug laws against marijuana, etc.? I mean why would they even create these drugs or different means for obtaining drugs if they knew they were going to instill strict drug laws prohibiting the use...That doesn't make sense.


There is a time, a season and a reason for everything, we dont use candles and oil for lighting our homes as mush as we once did. And then there is that abuse thing

Also, why would they ban drugs like pot, yet let big corporations sell xanax, and other harmful synthetic drugs, and alcohol that are very addicting?

Lots of things are addicting, food and sex being the two big ones, yet there in nothing wrong with food, sex, drink, and certain other stimulants when done in moderation

[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 10/4/06 @ 21:53


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Originally posted by TrappedSoul Sorry if this have been brougth up before, but what do you think about spirits/souls and that stuff?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Souls on earth are mostly attached inside of a human body, us-----spirits are souls that have left the body at death and are roaming around this world for any number of reasons----they have regrets after they passed away, they are lost and confused, or they have been given an opportunity to visit a place or a person

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My own dad have had some communication going on with them when he was younger, and it's really amazing. It did also involve communication with aliens, anyone can use a spirit as a "longdistance chat program" to communicate with aliens... He also learned that aliens are much more spiritually aware then us, and it's normal for them doing spiritism.


We can also contact people that have passed away through ET Im glad you agree with my posts so far but be warned, it gets really strange in here

posted on 11/4/06 @ 09:33


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo sleeper, i guess my mind isnt good enough to understand what the above means. i dont understand how the source has no beginning or no end. How can there be nothing? There had to be something before nothing, right? I dont understand how the source has always been around.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Our minds are what trip us up, for instance animals are not aware of beginning and ending they simply exist Once you are removed from the limits put upon us by our so called intellect existence is not all that complicated. The world became complicated after we replaced the gods with humanism during the Renaissance a few centuries back Go to any culture that we consider inferior and they dont have a problem with the existence thing Although most of the gods of antiquity are simply fables they represent more truth than our wizards of modern day science ever will Today if we cant figure it out with a formula or calculation then life doesnt compute

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Something must have started the "beginning". But what started whatever started the beginning or the source? I dont understand but want to.

We look up at the stars and we see that they have a beginning and an ending, stars form and stars die, yet the material that makes up the stars remains and becomes the source for new stars The essence of everything has no beginning or ending-----souls are of a


material far more exotic than matter Matter radiates from the stuff of souls and is indestructible-----meaning it has no beginning or ending Anti-matter is a figment of the imaginations of a few people trying desperately to understand an existence by chance-----in other words a world without gods

Planet earth is billions of years old and technically would go on forever if the sun didnt have an expiration date

How many of us can grasp a billion years, let alone forever?


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posted on 12/4/06 @ 00:15


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Hi Sleeper, It seems the US is ready to start another conflict by taking out Iran's nuclear capabilities. You've said before that mankind unreasonably fears nuclear energy, and I was wondering if that applies in this case.

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Hi Kwyjibo, The fear of nuclear energy has nothing to do with America and the UN being against Irans nuclear power
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Is ET for Iran's right to have nuclear power?

Not under these conditions

Also, Iran is a threat to Israel. Does ET not want Israel to be "wiped off the map,"

Perhaps ET doesnt want Iran attacked by Israel, which Israel will do if the US fails to make a move


That part of the world is a power keg that can have devastating worldwide consequences if it's not defused in the approved manner

and consequently, does ET have any opinion on Israel at all?

ET is for the people of Israel and the people of Iran and will broker a resolution that will create the least difficulty for the two nations-----in the long run


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posted on 12/4/06 @ 09:38


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Originally posted by Kwyjibo Doesn't Iran have the right to have nuclear power, as clearly that is the better way to go? Are they enough of a threat to warrant military intervention, and won't that just escalate the issue?

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I believe they have the right to nuclear power plants

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If Israel attacks Iran is the US bound to support them? It doesn't seem that the US or Israel have done much to defuse the situation, and rather seem to be a catalyst.

Obviously that depends on perspective

Did ET play any role in WWII, i.e. was Hitler some sort of demon incarnate?

Yes and Yes


Does Iran have any justification for saying that maybe the establishment of Israel infringed on others rights, and that those who have been imposed upon are not happy about it?

Most counties and nations have a beef with other countries and nations and that will be so until there is a one world government and the history of the world rewritten with a flowery prose, concealing all the blemishes of the past Until then there will be wars and rumors of wars----right and wrong has nothing to do with war because both combatants believe themselves right---or there wouldnt be a fight


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posted on 15/4/06 @ 10:09


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Originally posted by Truthforall SLeeper, So why do we exist?

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Filler, there is lots of empty space out there that needs filling What space we end up filling depends what we are made of, so Most on this planet are here to prove themselves to themselves and others

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If I told you that you were a hateful person, a greedy person, a good person a loving person you might believe the good things I say about you but not necessarily the bad All our actions are recorded and when we leave earth we get to see what kind of person we really are-----we cant deny anything because everything we do or think will be in front of us like a movie Our deceitfulness, charitable acts, compassions, hatefulness, greed, envy, heroic acts, cowardliness, etc will be indisputable and part of our galactic rsum Ultimately, our acts will determine our place in the universe



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posted on 15/4/06 @ 10:36


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Originally posted by beefstoogh i think they are our mothers & mother says god...jesus...aliens. she believes that mary was abducted, & she didnt remember it, & said it was god. strongly, she (mary) may have believed in it as strongly as some still do today. jesus rose from the dead, jesus walked on water...jesus was not human. you may think im crazy...but if you believe in ets...these thoughts mustve at least past your minds once or twice. what do YOU believe?

Mary is a metaphor for the non-Jewish nations, primarily Christianity

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Christianity---Mary, was impregnated with the god of the Jews----and gave birth to a new religion----Christianity. It was a virgin birth because the Jewish nation did not consummate it

Metaphor----Jesus walking on water is an act of faith-----those who believe can walk on water----when Peters faith waned and he began to walk to Jesus from the boat he sank----until Jesus took him by the hand and raised him up. The story of Jesus walking on water is also a reference to the OT story about Jonah


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posted on 15/4/06 @ 10:41


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Originally posted by TrappedSoul Does you have any threads in this forum where I can read more about your experiences?


Hi TrappedSoul
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This thread is it

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And hey... does you know about a space clubb called


? Could you find it out? And a planet named Thor...

I have no info on them


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posted on 15/4/06 @ 18:35


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Originally posted by Siblin Hmm...what's with Scientology? For some reason I've been seeing references to this all over the place for the past couple weeks. I've read a little bit about it, and quite frankly I think it's rather cuckoo, but it's still odd that I keep seeing things about it all of a sudden. Which might just be due to me now being able to recognize the word, rather than just skimming over it. I dunno.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

It went front and center when Cruise made headlines while on the Oprah show L Ron Hubbard-----Scientology is the new kid on the block concerning religion----beliefs or ideas The word religion has acquired negative connotations and therefore people dont like the word associated with their humanistic beliefs Scientology has been around since the sixties and is a twentieth century phenomena Most if not all religions are cults that require varying degrees of control over their flocks Scientology is useful for those that can make it work for them----like any

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religion or belief system it has its good points and plenty of bad ones too Unfortunately many religions employ a certain amount of paranoia to keep the members in line, and a means of recruiting new members Paranoia and dumbing down of members is key to growth for these types of organizations cuckoo works


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posted on 15/4/06 @ 23:05


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Originally posted by Schaden N1 sleeper. Do you know anything about alien religion ?

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Religion is for human consumption ET doesnt need a security blanket and the promise of rewards such as harps and virgins, but they understand that humans are motivated by such things

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ET is behind the conception of religion knowing the illusions created by religious tales helps many people get through this life ET doesnt adhere to religious beliefs; they are in possession of everything they desire ET resides at a much higher vibration and awareness and they lack in nothing


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posted on 16/4/06 @ 00:42


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Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria


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Sleeper - would you mind elaborating on "vibration"; as I'm sure you know, many astrologers use the same word/term to describe existence. Do you mean something else? Thanks.

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What we perceive as physical matter is but a vibration----everything is an energy field vibration, the higher up the more exotic the energy and ET is way up on that scale----literally ET moves very rapidly---like a humming bird except that humming birds are frozen in the air compared to the level of vibration ET is at.

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For us humans to see them they have to slow themselves down a bunch---and for communications to take place they have to speed us up by some type of physical contact like putting a can of paint into a shaker----the can and shaker are on the same level of vibration Some people like to call them interdimensional beings but we are in the same dimension as they are-----like radio bandwidth and light spectrum---all in the same dimension yet things are very different from one end of the spectrum to the other and everything in between Sounds bizarre? ----that doesnt begin to describe contact with them


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posted on 16/4/06 @ 10:38


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Originally posted by beefstoogh one day, just a plain day, i was in my kitchen, boiling water for spaghetti. then, from the window in the kitchen came this ball of light the size of a baseball. it was as slow as a butterfly, but moved in a straight line, into the living room. i wasnt scared at all...instead i felt warm & happy. i just watched it...then it left the kitchen...& i continued my spaghetti. my biggest regret is not following it, which i wanted to, but something stopped me. but i regret it. this wasnt too long ago either...maybe about a month ago, or less.

Hi beefstoogh
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Some people like to call that ball lightning because they have no explanation for it. In fact storms often conceal extraterrestrial activity Orbs of light are extraterrestrials and the best example I can give you is in the movie The Wizard of Oz where the good witch comes down as an orb and then manifests into a human form.


Orbs often manifest into human form----they have their contact and when they are done they block your memory before they leave----otherwise the departure would be too painful----sorrowful Instead they left you with a good feeling----thats a bonus


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posted on 16/4/06 @ 11:33


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Originally posted by Dutch_Rick Sleeper, ive read alot of contactee storys and at a certain point all the contactees begin to talk about a global "first contact" very soon. Do you know something about it? if it is true, i'd like to prepare some friends and family members who dont belive in aliens.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Its far too soon for worldwide first contact Besides there is nothing you could do or say that will convince nonbelievers of anything other than you might have a mental problem for talking about ET The vast majority remains stuck attempting to comprehend human phenomena----they are not ready for the extraterrestrial stuff

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I myself am a contactee also but i never got any info on that subject.

The memo for full disclosure has not been sent out; however there will be a huge increase in personal contact in the coming years

Also, if im right, i remember you said they toke you with them to their planets and you saw their city's? Maybe this is from another topic but i thought it was you who said this, so i would like to know how were the city's and how did it look like etc etc.

They showed me other planets but never told me what they were called


The cities I have seen looked nothing like the cities on earth, they were from our point of view highly futuristic----no vegetation, no huge bubbles with artificial weather---they were sleek and a uniform covering that wrapped around the whole planet. There were many moons and they too had this covering While in this city they showed me what much of the galaxy and the universe consist of Planets like earth are many and they are at every stage of artificial evolution Everything imaginable exist in our galaxy, from the depths of horror to the peaks of ecstasy, not only is all the world a stage but so is the whole of existance

Also, i would like to know if you know what race they are, for me this is important because im a contactee too, maybe we are dealing with the same species.

They never talk about race or species with me


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posted on 17/4/06 @ 12:29


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Originally posted by Kostya Sleeper, I would like to know your take on Quantum Physics and the various scientific discoveries surrounding this field. Specifically: The many possibilities that exist and the influence the human mind has over them (The sort of ideas the movie "What the BLEEP Do We Know" went over)?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I havent seen the movie But we humans are sandwiched between Quantum and Relativity We originated in quantum and are headed to relativity, at least some of us would like to think so----Mind over quantum and relativity is a real phenomenon, our minds

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manipulate matter when we build cars, houses, skyscrapers, space probes, etc. We create what we conceive, we are what we believe We can even bend spoons if we put enough effort into it

The many worlds theory (

The problem with quantum mechanics is that its true nature escapes observable behavior So the many worlds theory is a nice theory A person only needs to look up at the stars to know there are infinite worlds and possibilities, without having to quantify We need not smash a watch into a million pieces to figure out how it works, nevertheless, quantum mechanics is exciting stuff because it touches the very essence of matter which is the playground of the gods--and wannabe gods, the physicist


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posted on 17/4/06 @ 21:38


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Originally posted by Kostya Sleeper, How do ETs feel about high-risk activities, such as motorcycles and sky diving?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Makes no difference to them

If you take part in these activities, don't take the time to ensure your safety (i.e. riding like an idiot), and kill yourself - could this be treated like a suicide?
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Only if it is suicide


In particular, where would the line be drawn between a) riding while feeling miserable/depressed, going too fast, crashing, dying b) riding with the intention of ending your life, purposely crashing, dying

We cant disguise our motives from ET; they know why we do what we do Suicide is contemplated more often than sex here on good old third rock from the sun----most people realize the impact it would have on loved ones and never take it to the next level


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posted on 18/4/06 @ 09:32


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Originally posted by beefstoogh can a single person be abducted more than once???

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There has to be some entertainment value for them to abduct a person more than once, apparently Im good for laughs----Ignore this user (info)


[edit on 24-4-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 18/4/06 @ 09:48


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Originally posted by NotClever That's ludicrous sleeper. You have absolutely know way of knowing that, or backing


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it up with any kind of fact.

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Suicide is taboo, and few would admit to ever thinking about it-----its against many peoples religion and beliefs, yet that hasnt stopped people from doing things they believe wrong----suicide for the clergy is way up there-----only surpassed by the medical professionals
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Only a fraction of people who think about it actually commit suicide Have you NC ever thought about suicide? Would you tell anyone if you did? ----Not likely And dont turn the question on me, because Im not telling either We dont talk about it because its perceived as a sign of mental illness---failure in life----or weakness Who in their right mind would admit to any of those things?-----how many in the population qualify?


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posted on 19/4/06 @ 08:18


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Originally posted by beefstoogh ok, sleeper, im freaking out here. i dreampt that i was abducted yesterday, & i felt some things they were doing to me. lately, i dunno why, but ive been having dreams that i could feel, smell, taste...please tell me what you think. im freaking out here.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

First of all why freak out? Perhaps you conjured up these dreams after reading about people like me and other abductions But if you were abducted-----so what? There are many people that envy those experiences-----equally there are those that have bad experiences---because they dont know and are fearful of the unknown ET cant hurt you; they always return people physically and mentally intact----sometimes improved They usually erase most if not all experiences good or bad and only let you remember a few things----to confirm that they exist

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Since you are on this board and asking questions on this thread you obviously have some interest in ET----and they know that If you wish no contact with ET they will leave you alone----or at the very least erase completely any contact they have with you The bottom line---ET will not hurt you, cant hurt you, and are not allowed to hurt you One of my purposes is to tell people that we are not food for ET, nor does ET want to kill us so that they can take our resources ET is more akin to angels----and even when they play devils advocate its only for our benefit


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posted on 19/4/06 @ 08:50


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Originally posted by eyeballkid I believe in E.T., but I do not believe for a second that great artists like Miles Davis, Picasso, Van Gohg, Jimi Hendrix, Lennon /Mccartney(Harrison) had an E.T. intervention. To think that these individuals did not have original and brilliant artistic responces to the time that was given to them is, for lack of a better term, stupid. I will not say that these people did noy believe in E.T., but for god's sake, please give credit to the 'HUMAN CONDITION'. That is what these great artists had to work with,NOT E.T.! Peace! P.S. I know that you are rather...poetic...

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Here I go with that poetry again---Does a flower create its beauty and fragrance? Does a cow create juicy steaks for humans to savor?----Salad for the vegetarians Is the sunset created by those that experience it? There is more to talent than talent----those people you speak of had a passion----a desire----a need to fulfill a deep void in their souls----all of them failed to fill that void but the gods gave them something for their efforts Often a gift given to any individual ends up being a gift to the world rather than a reward to the originator



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posted on 19/4/06 @ 11:11


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Originally posted by golemina What's your take on the tsunami preview? It might be fair to say my friend was sort of traumatized by the experience. The only reason I give him any credibility is he asked me, know-it-all that I am, what I thought it meant... several weeks before it happened. His personal life seems like it is one of continuous turmoil, so I told him that it might represent a sweeping devastating event outside of his control, and it was a warning for him to steele himself... Because in the end he was really just going to be a spectator...

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Your friend chose to talk about it most keep it to themselves; confused about the whole phenomenal that lacks earthly explanation I was shown the tsunami as well as other major events but not enough information to do anything about them Events as those are not changeable, they are not warnings to change our ways, they are not punishment from god, they are part of the life on this planet----unpredictable and for a purpose----after all, this is a planet where life and death are intertwined----all of us are born and all of us will die----and few know how or when they will move on to the next segment of existence----so enjoy the ride if you can


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posted on 19/4/06 @ 22:27


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Originally posted by Kostya Sleeper, Where do souls reside? If when a person a born, a soul is inserted into the body, where does that soul come from?


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They come from a place like heaven, where souls are in various stages of physical spiritual energy depending on their level of enlightenment

Do they have machines to retrieve/store them?

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No machines, souls are on their own for the most part---every soul knows its limits----where they can go and what they can do Undesirables and those in trouble are escorted by ETs and may have no freedom but to reenter earth or another planet Most entering earth are designated where they will be born and under what conditions---there is no tossing of the dice

How might souls relate to physics as we understand them today? i.e. what do they encompass, where/how do they travel?

Physics do not apply to souls----those souls that are free to travel do so according to their level of privilege---some travel in ships others get around through will----they can travel light years at the speed of thought---they can materialize or remain invisible Ever feel like someone is watching you when you are alone? -----No human is ever alone


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posted on 20/4/06 @ 09:42


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Originally posted by eyeballkid If you are saying that an artist can not come up with a unique idea of their own without E.T. intervention, (let alone the idea of Post-Modern art itself, which kind of states that everything has already been done...)

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Thats what Im saying------and if you chose not to believe what I write why do you keep reading my stuff?


why not kill my self right now? What the Hell is the point to being human anyway?
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Life is not a reward for everyone, for some it is self-imposed punishment

Should I join the army and die for my country for some unseen demoratic change, or should I continue working my crappy drug store clerk job just because I have a mindset like Van Gohg had?

Its your choice, and what you do with those choices will determine if you return to the hellhole you created for yourself or move on to something more to your liking the next time around----assuming you dont figure it out while youre here now

He was not a happy guy, and he died in poverty. Clearly the E.T. didn't care about him,

ET is not going to fix your problems for you or the Van Gohgs of the world---they gave him a talent----and they gave the world the painting he produced No one grabs you and shoves genius into your head----you have to go out and work for it---and you might get lucky and they will give you something----but happiness is elusive----that is one thing you have to get on your own

but the rich people that now own his art don't want anything to do with E.T.

Did these rich people tell you that?----and it doesnt matter who owns the art----everyone gets to enjoy it----or not ET provides opportunities what we do with those fleeting opportunities determines who we are

posted on 20/4/06 @ 18:17


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Originally posted by nimo I have felt a strange sensation around certain people, and I would like to know if it is anyway related to what you were talking about. Thanks again for your story, I appreciate it.

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The feelings change over time, I dont know if they fine tune themselves to us or how it works In my early years they seemed normal to me and I dont remember feeling any different around them verses around my family and friends Once I became a teenager they dealt with me differently and fear came on me when they showed up---even when they were invisible As an adult their powerful energy effected me and I knew it was coming from them, also if I was asleep when they came my brain lit up like a lightning storm and my eardrums buzzed----and then they made their appearance as if they came through a vortex and permeated into my room Now I get a mild buzz whenever they show up----sometimes nothing----and they emanate euphoria----and as I stated in an earlier post that feeling rubs of on me and lasts several days If only they could bottle up that stuff!

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PS Im not knocking or judging anyone about drug use but they continue to tell me its not the way to go Their message isnt for me, I have no desire for narcotics or an y kind of stimulants, and I only take the occasional Advil and one glass of wine with my dinner Thanks for your comments and I hope this helps


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posted on 20/4/06 @ 22:25


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Originally posted by beefstoogh thanks sleeper, you made me feel a little better. but, still, the dream i had, they did things to me that caused me alot of pain.


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Perhaps it was a dream/nightmare I have read reports of abductees that say they remember painful episodes while stretched out on a surgical type table, and I may have witnessed similar situations while on a ship but ET usually doesnt let people remember the pain----those that have reported pain are people that have undergone regression and uncovered painful memories----some of those memories are fake memories ET can do many things without inflicting pain, and they can create memories that are painful yet they are not real

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my mother thinks im crazy for my ideas & thoughts, & i tell her that shes crazy not to believe.

Not everyone can comprehend the idea of extraterrestrial life and sometimes its best not to try and convince them----your mom is not crazy and I know you dont meant it literally----she is normal----and the vast majority of normal people are not ready for the big picture----and thats OK Thank you for the complement!


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posted on 21/4/06 @ 09:32


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Originally posted by Siblin You said way early in the thread that ETs are responsible for all Astral Projection. I dunno if Astro Projection would explain these visits, but it's the closest I've gotten, even though I know very little about the subject. Think they may have anything to do with this?

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What you describe is Astral Projection as we humans understand it----and ET is behind it. Astral Projection is often disguised as dreams. You also have a well developed ESP ability that you may or may not be aware of
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ESP is a great gift but it has its drawbacks too----those attuned with other souls can experience the depression and fear that others have----and confuse those feeling as their own


So if youre feeling down for no good reason perhaps you are overly empathizing with someone


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posted on 22/4/06 @ 10:29


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Originally posted by eyeballkid Step right up! Step right up! It stegnthens it, it legnthens, it mows your lawn! You can live in it, it entertains visiting relatives, walks your dog, steals your car, finds you a job, brushes your teeth (never needs winding) no coupons needed! Batteries not included! Step right up! It wakes you up, no need for breakfast, you've already had it! It fills your tank, even votes for you! Even makes posts for you... What is this miracle product...It's ALIENS!!!! You ain't gotta do nuthin! Bad vocabulary? Know worry! the aliens will fix it for you!!!!

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Now you know----and what you do with that knowledge will determine what your next board game will be----but lay off the sugar dude----


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posted on 22/4/06 @ 11:52


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[edit on 23-4-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 23/4/06 @ 12:10


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Originally posted by beefstoogh you do believe in god... i dunno why, but i always thought you wouldnt.

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There is a mysterious energy at the top of the heap but like the size of the universe is unknowable so is this energy The earthly gods of biblical and secular fame that came down in ships or appeared to people in the past are not gods only advanced souls

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im not very sure what it is that i actually believe in. i believe that ets are real, but sometimes when im worried or scared, i find myself, like, kind'a praying, but ive been telling ppl & myself that i dont believe in god...why do i do that?

Our souls know that we are not alone and when we are in fear we cry out for this unknown power to help us----and they do hear because no one is ever alone in this world The reason you hate to admit to believing in god or a higher being is because it makes us feel foolish and weak---and no one likes those feelings

also, i believe that there are some lost souls around, especially in my room. in my old apartment, alot of ppl that would come into my house would get scared, because they would see ppl in the living room. i never have, nor in my room...but this one time, when i was trying to go to sleep, i felt hot air, then cold air, then hot...on the back of my neck, like someone was breathing on me or something. scary as hell, i was so afraid to look, i ended up falling asleep. freaky, huh?

Conquering fear is the reason for being down here on earth for most people----everyone has to fight some form of fear But fear and pain also have a purpose we dont stick our hand into fire because it hurts, and we dont do stupid things like walking an a ledge of a high building for fear of falling----unless those are specific things you wish to master All fear is illusion and nothing can hurt our souls unless we are evil or pursue evil things and thoughts---hate and envy are the two main


stumbling blocks that get people into trouble If you are a good person and have no hate in you then you have nothing to fear----including silly spirits


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posted on 23/4/06 @ 12:37


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Originally posted by Dutch_Rick Sleeper, by the way, their are so many palnets, i think its almost impossible that some civilisations on different planets are like in the same "stage" spiritual and technologicall, but i would like to know, if there are planets with civilisations just like ours.

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There are billions of planets like earth filled with people like us humans---and at every stage of existence----cowboys and Indians, Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, Normans
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If you were like ET and had a ship you could fly to any number of planets and visit any era that has happened on earth----not time travel----they exist in those periods today----will they progress exactly as they have on earth---some will some will not Also there are infinite types of life forms out there----mind boggling numbers and verities

you know, killing eachother, wars, money, manipulation, everything we experience on this #-hole we live in.

You have heard the term life is a stage----well life is a stage----so put on the best act you can while you are here

And also with technology, are there planets with civilisations like on earth, just at the beginning of space travelling, wondering and believing they are the only ones in the universe, seeking others (like ceti) with no good results...


The planets like earth populated with humans at this level of understanding are just as clueless as people of this world----but there are many civilization far more aware of the universe and they know about life on other planets----and they travel to other planets---there are many tour ships that visit earth----we call them swap gas, blimps, or the planet Venus----

It just feels so dumb that earth-people believe there are no other planets with intelligent life you know, if there are other civilisations just like us, i wont feel like we are completely dumb idiots anymore...

We humans are not the smartest apple on the tree but we are not alone---the galactic tree is full of such apples


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posted on 23/4/06 @ 13:14


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Originally posted by shadowlessform Does aliens have psychic abilities like telekinesis. Can humans use it too?

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ETs can access every power imaginable, humans only a few---and not very well ESP is available to us and many of us use it without knowing it----our brains broadcast thoughts----brain waves, like radio stations and some people pick up the waves----have you ever notice that some people--relatives or close friends seem to be able to read your mind---or you read theirs? Telekinesis is a little tougher for the human brain to master, but it can be done----especially if you have an ET shill hiding in the background

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posted on 23/4/06 @ 13:51


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Originally posted by brunoking Seeper , I would like share with you what I have experienced , one day while sitting and reading newspaper I could see a light particle like a dot shaped light come out of the newspaper at high speed, reaching next to my eyes and then suddenly move towards the wall at high speed and then disappear completely. I could clearly see this phenomenon for say 5 seconds or more . Could some body explain if what it is , is the light particle tracking me or am I part of some experiment. Seeper , I am asking this question out of curiously because you said in your post that Aliens could visit any one disguised in any shape and form.

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You are not part of an experiment and its not tracking you ---they can follow us around and remain completely invisible What you describe may have been a living entity checking you out up close for some reason, perhaps on old buddy passing through


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posted on 25/4/06 @ 10:51


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Originally posted by beefstoogh a few times, when i was watching tv, the tv started to do something, like, it got messed up, & started think it was getting signals from somewhere else, because i heard some men talking about something, not sure, couldnt really understand them...i was watching everybody loves raymond, then it happened...lasted for about 10-15 seconds...then it got staticky & went back to normal. this happened for a few nights, then went away, then came back for a few more nights. now, everytime i watch tv, i expect it to happen again. what WAS that?!

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Any number of things can cause static, interference and mixed-signals on televisions depends on whether the signal is coming in through cable lines or from airwaves Ghosts and ET sometimes cause electrical interference but most of the time the problem is terrestrial equipment or human----for instance hooking up illegally on cable lines somewhere in the building can create problems


for others on the system


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posted on 25/4/06 @ 17:03


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Originally posted by brunoking Sleeper , Thanks for your answer. I have a question , you say that there is God , Evil , Ghosts, ET and Humans ,Animals and Plants. If Humans can not see ET then can Ghost see an ET or can God see them or can an ET communicate with God. It looks like a silly question but let see if we can produce a decent answer.

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I said there is a universal energy that we are all part of but not necessarily a single god ET can see ghost but ghost can only see ET if ET lets them. Ghost can be lingering on this planet for many reasons----but ET, ghost and humans have the same soul, what separates us is the level we currently are in possession of.

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You also say that ET will not harm humans ,may I know why ?

We all belong to the same family----I know that doesnt necessarily mean anything here on earth----but it does in the big picture Life on earth for the vast majority is not pleasant, neither is boot camp For example take one classroom full of children----some children are disciplined more than others---and some are not disciplined at all Same with life on earth

Could you also tell me what could be the genetic structure of ET ?

They exist mostly as energy, but they also have bodies they enter into for


reasons only they know---and those bodies are more advance than the human body----they dont need nourishment as we do, nor do they have the bodily functions----completely different anatomy


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posted on 27/4/06 @ 09:44


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Originally posted by getnow01 2)Those spiritual Masters like Jesus, Buddha and others praticed a meditation technique so-called Vibration or "Sound" to become fully-enlightened. So ET are advanced souls who vibrate at a much higher frequency than human?

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Hi getnow01, Those masters of the past that we call enlightened came to earth with their Lights on; they did not find enlightenment while here on earth.

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ETs move at a higher rate of frequency than humans because of the level of energy they exist at-----their high frequency is not a measure of their enlightenment----bad souls and poltergeist vibrate at higher frequencies than humans as well

2) What is the difference between a fully-enlightened spiritual Master from Earth and ET? ET is less enlightened than these Masters (i.e ET needs spacecraft to travel whereas a fully-enlightened master can travel anywhere instantly - omnipresent)

Fully enlightened dont frequent places like earth----not that they are too good for earth but they are occupied at high levels----most of the people on earth live in Third World countries-----do those humans higher up the food chain go live amongst them?----A few do but they do it for their own spiritual needs There are many types of ET but the most frequent are kind of blue-collar, they are not management they do the grunt work. They use ships because they are dealing with physical humans, and the ships are platforms for their base of operations Also there a many kinds of physical realities, not human but similar---from other star systems a few notches up from humans that visit earth on tour ships


3) What do you think about the Sound meditation technique? which enlightened a person and once became fully-enlightened, that person would be One with God and he/she will not reincarnated.

Enlightenment is not achieved through meditation of any kind; enlightenment is earned and forged in the furnaces of life such as we have on earth Many who spent their whole lives in meditation hoping to escape reincarnation are back on good old planet earth----and are now working for a living The road to enlightenment is filled with blood, sweat, and tears----those who attain it have callused souls to prove their worth

4) What do you think about the "Realms" that the bible describes? Are those same as ET's world?

There are innumerable realms of existence and the bible only touched on a few basic ones---those easily understood by the human mind


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posted on 28/4/06 @ 13:58


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Originally posted by pjffly69 Hi, Sleeper, Im from Portugal, and we have a writer and journalist, Victor Mendanha, that have writen many good books , one of them, named "The Book of the Serpent", talks exactly about your experience, what I thing its fantastic, but he talks about the old war between the Good and the Evil.

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Hi pjffly69


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The battle over good and evil continues here on earth and each of us have to decided which side we will be on while on this planet---for those keeping score those choosing evil remain in the majority---they have always been in the majority because evil is more alluring than boring goody-two-shoes What many of us forget is that evil has no power over us unless we allow ourselves to be seduced by it----and it goes by several names but the two main ones are envy and hate Thanks for your comments!


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posted on 28/4/06 @ 15:13


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Originally posted by NightBlade40 1) Over the course of history we humans have prescribed mythical explanations to various phenomena, which we have eventually been able to explain with science and technology (ie. the Ancient Egyptians believing that the Sun rode across the sky in the back of a chariot). Will we humans ever be able to develop a scientific model of the soul, or is it something that only ET can fully comprehend?

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Hi NighBlade40

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There are no statistical equations for the soul as there is with planets and stars, we can even calculate to a certain degree what matter can do----but not what it is once we take it to the quantum level and beyond The stuff souls are made of will always remain far deep behind that quantum curtain, more so than the mystical strings, superstrings, bosons and fermions----and the stuff dreams are made of Yes you have to be in the ranks of ET to know what souls are

2) Has ET dropped any hints on what our next major energy source will be after fossil fuel deposits are depleted? (and how we're going to make plastics after that happens for that matter)

Present technology like fusion, solar, hydrogen, ethanol etc, can take up


the slack and replace the need for oil in a few years should it become necessary Consumers drive what will be available by what we buy and who we vote for----if everyone began buying electric or hybrid cars then thats what would be coming off the assembly lines Thirty years ago the American publics shut down the nuclear industry---choosing instead to burn and pollute the air with increased use of fossil fuels----that was a big step backwards in energy development and advancement Nevertheless, there are always alternatives because we are surrounded by energy all we need is the means to tap into it----new technology is the key----and we get the key at the appropriate time----nanotechnology is the Aladdins lamp and will open up many things, which will create personal freedom in the not to distant future Composites from nanocarbons and other alloy type materials available now and many more will come on line as nanotechnology improves and will replace plastics as we know them Plastics and petroleum byproducts are old news, like whale oil they have served their purpose but have no place in the future


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posted on 1/5/06 @ 08:41


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Originally posted by grasshopper When I first discovered that my email was being eavesdropped upon I used to write quite a few emails and address them to myself. I purposely wrote about some of my experiences and mixed in quite a bit of fiction. The people who were eavesdropping on me for some reason want me to know that they were eavesdropping on me. I decided to find out who they were. I wrote many stories that started with, "once upon a time". I would often, and I mean very often, hear stuff that I would say in my personal emails being quoted verbatim by certain guests on late night talk shows. Be warned.

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Unless you work for some clandestine government project where mumsthe-word no one could careless about stories of ET coming from the general public Heck, other than a few posters trying to shut me up few know and care that I exist----and I have often talked about UFOs on military bases that I personally witnessed----no one really cares because they know few are


going to believe this stuff-----and for those that do believe----so what? The government knows about me and if they are reading my email----cool---Im flattered that they would take the time


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posted on 2/5/06 @ 10:08


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Originally posted by Astarfaraway Here's a theory...there is no soul, per se, as an actual physical entity, but what the soul is, as memories, thoughts, personality that we take with us upon death is a type of "time travel" phenomenon...time beyond our physical reality allows all access to any fraction of a second of time at any time interval...therefore, who we are now, before, next (if one believes in reincarnation of course) is not about "taking it with you" once deceased, but having complete accessibility to any moment in time (in both physical and non-physical realms), including of course any memory, thought, or personality trait, because in the non-physical dimension (if you want to call it a "dimension") of the hereafter, forward "time" really no longer a spirit being (or soul), one is simply the compilation of numerous time moments...

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Hi Astar

Good theory But existence as we humans obviously dont know it is far stranger than anything we can imagine while in this life Everything we call physical realms like what we have here on earth is really not physical but illusion and everything we call or believe to be spiritual, ephemeral, apparitional is in reality real and more physical that this existence or life Our souls are individual entities----each with individual privileges and access to higher knowledge depending on individual achievements and enlightenment Like the different stages of human development from infant----knowing nothing-----to old age-----a bit more wiser----theoretically With more knowledge comes more freedom----this concept has limitation here on earth but not in the afterlife


This has a lot to do with the "collective consciousness" or "collective unconsciousness", or better yet, the "matrix" of all thoughts, memories, and events in our entire physical universe that have ever occurred and ever will occur...check out technical remote viewing for more on this...

As individuals we have access to the universal energies depending on our level of achievement but we remain uniquely separate from it-----we are not part of a matrix or a cosmic machine-----in the same way that we are not a part of our house or apartment but we live in them Our individuality is similar to what we have here on earth----many of us can come and go as we please limited only by our financial abilities Likewise we are limited in our abilities to move about the spiritual and pseudo physical realities by our enlightenment quotient----or currency

This also (in particular for hypnotic regression in reincarnation) has something to do with the brain, and MHC molecules (major histocompatibility complex molecules or proteins) which are cellular receptor proteins that scientists have recently determined are in abundant quantity in brain cells, besides just residing on cellular membranes in immune system cells...without getting too scientific here, certain forms of these receptor proteins, especially HLA (human leukocyte antigens) are extremely important in organ transplantations...donors and recipients of organs must match closely certain types of HLA to avoid having the recipient's immune system launch too severe of an attack against the new organ (the closer the match, the better the recipient's immune systems responds to the new organ) ...well, anyway, possibly someone's memories and thoughts, personality too, have a particular wave form that is influenced to a great degree by MHC proteins in the brain...when certain individuals (i.e. "donor and recipient") match closely in MHC (or HLA), then memories, thoughts, and personalities mingle far easier... Of course, just a theory...

Certainly there is truth to those ideas but like everything there are other unknown factors involved Some cancer patients die rapidly when told they have cancer----others dont-----its a case of mind over matter----if we believe something strong enough we make it happen


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posted on 6/5/06 @ 22:57


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy Or this could just be the most ludicrous pile of dog poop you've ever shoveled off the stoop. Where's eyeballkid when ya need him?

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You know a thing or two about spreading the poop longhaircowboy Page 41
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Originally posted by longhaircowboy The closest thing to a hero to me would be the men and women I served with in the Vietnam War and the folks who risk there lives in combat now.

Page 45
Originally posted by longhaircowboy It would seem that sleeper and I have something in common which I am investigating. That would be our military experience. I too did my BT at Ft Leonard Wood and served with the 2d Armored(don't know what unit sleeper was in but he claimed to be a tanker) in Ft. Hood at about the same time. I have indeed turned up some puzzling occurences involving Ft Hood. Also since my dad served at Camp Ord(later named Ft. Ord) I looked into that angle as well. I haven't come to any strong conclusions yet but I may actually end up proving the heretical meanderings contained herein. Now wouldn't that be a hoot if sleeper and I served together? Specially the way disparaged my service? Heck now it's gettin to be almost fun.

Page 46


Originally posted by longhaircowboy During a time of war which is when sleeper and I served everything is documented. When I was at Ft. Hood I had to sign out of the barracks to go get a coke. Things change a bit when your in theater but there is still documentation of patrols and guard posts and such. Boing! it just hit me. Sleeper's anger at my wearing my service on my sleeve. Jealousy. I got to shoot at people and he didn't. Oh man I so missed it. Look I don't brag about that. Only that I served my country honorabley as did he. Oh..............yeah I get the Napolean thing.

Page 79

Originally posted by sleeper Longhaircowboy, You are 49 years old, you claim that you were at Fort Hood Texas when I was stationed there in 1970 In 1970 you were 13 years old----were you a military brat? I believe you said that you served in Vietnam----that war ended in 1975 In 1975 you were 18 Nixon began withdrawing troops from Vietnam in the latter part of 1972 and no troops were sent into Vietnam after 1972 except for a few Special Forces----I was stationed two hours away in 1972 with a large contingent ready to move into Vietnam at a moments notice----if Nixon were to change that order----he did not---and at the end of 1972 we were returned state side along with thousands of other troops that were being pulled out of Vietnam every day In 1972 the last year American troops were sent into Vietnam you were 15 years old Have I missed something?


Page 80
Originally posted by longhaircowboy Originally posted by sleeper You are 49 years old, you claim that you were at Fort Hood Texas when I was stationed there in 1970

Originally posted by longhaircowboy Never claimed such a thing. You got the age right though. I was left at the front gate of Ft. Lewis in Washington on a crisp cold night in January 1957.


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posted on 9/5/06 @ 12:32


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Originally posted by golemina I know that my friend that actually experienced the dream/warning... Let's just say it took him more than a year to get over it. My interest is more on the abstract apsects of the warnings... rather than the why didn't you... self-recrimination part of it. You up for that?

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Hi golemina, Why ET shows things like the tsunami to some people before they happen yet dont let them do anything about it is because for one nothing happens by accident----nor via the so called act of nature Some people as your friend carry the burden of guilt perhaps believing that they could have done something to warn before it happened----some think these things are warnings from the gods to get our collective 6.5 billion people act together----like that is even possible----we all have our own ideas and we all see things a little differently----and most of us see hype in the camps we dont agree with


ET shows these things as they do many other fantastic phenomena as a


means to give a little peek behind the curtain of illusion that this life is, which most of those stuck in this life are clueless about. Some know about this curtain----most dont----even many that have seen the curtain----have not seen the curtain---or have failed to make the connection For those of us that know about the curtain we have to live with ridicule should we chose to speak about it----by those who are oblivious to it's reality Its a tough job but someone has to do it---Thanks for your nice comments---


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posted on 9/5/06 @ 13:00


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Originally posted by Creedo Personally I think we all need to just stop pretending that any of us know anything about the afterlife phenomenon, especially the religions of the world. No one is gonna know until you make that trip. What is it about us humans that like to invent elaborate theories about things we honestly and truly know no truths about?

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The most elaborate theories and beliefs are the ones most believe in---Darwins evolution, all of the religions which more than three quarters of the population of this earth bet their lives on, and science which consistently explains nothing to anyone but it has been a vehicle to extrapolate gadgets from matter (play dough) and fanciful theories a plenty----science is a wonderful toy that keeps us busy while we do our time on this big rock

As far as life out in the universe? Yea huge waste of space if there wasnt. And Sleeper, I am not calling you a liar here but damn dude, these are some seriously fantastic stories you are claiming are truths. Personally I see nothing different in the way youre putting this all out there for us all to digest than the way a lot of whack-job religions started out. And one thing this world could do without is religion altogether.



Lots of religions and other ideas started out that way because it was the same entities---ETs---that brought----bring that information to this planet Humans are being prepped for bigger things now like building cities in space and other planets----still many decades away but they plant the seeds early Only one hundred years ago everything that we call common today was pure magic and crazy talk back then What I talk about today is pure magic and crazy talk----but it will not be in a few decades


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posted on 9/5/06 @ 14:09


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Is there anyway an individual can contact these aliens? Can they recognise your trying to contact them but choose to ignore you, perhaps because of your motives?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi kolo_heights Human brains are transmitters therefore every thought is picked up by ETs They ignore most requests for obvious reasons; this planet is not a theme park and most of them are here doing certain jobs

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Is there anything an individual may do which annoys the aliens?

Not really, they understand our individual situations and they know that everyone will get their invoice or bonus points at the checkout counter

Regarding animals on this planet, is there likely to be any discoveries of any major mythical beasts or new species?


New species are discovered frequently mythical beasts----yes but sorry no details


posted on 9/5/06 @ 20:02


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Originally posted by kolo_heights I understand your point, but then what warrants a respondable request? Can you elaborate on these certain jobs?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

A little cash under the table wouldnt hurt---Actually a response is a personal thing between the person and the ET which may or may not include physical contact

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ETs are behind our inspirations, our technology, and everything that makes the world what it is

- Diseases like aids and cancer, does ET possess the cures for these? Perhaps they are holding back these cures to ensure Earth isnt overpopulated?

They have the cure for everything and they can unlock cures for anyone--if those in need ask nicely and then believe it possible----but thats the hard part, belief is a powerful tool but most on this planet dont have it in them to use that mental resource to their advantage Also, people are placed into certain situations----pain and suffering are secondary concerns to the broader reality of life experiences Overpopulation has nothing to do with anything and there is no such thing---they control how many people are on this planet and they can put a whole lot more down here, which is the plan

- I'm not doubting the credibility of your argument, but did ET "discuss" with you how you'd deal with the experience, and thus what your motive was to release your experience onto this forum?

Yes they have, most people think Im just a smart as-s with nothing better to do, but the fact is this is part of my job on this big rock called earth during my exile


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posted on 10/5/06 @ 11:38


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Originally posted by golemina And ask your views about the curtain (some of us refer to it as the curtain of stupidity and arrogance) that slams down upon awakening. What's your take on that?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Regret of opportunities lost is the end result for those clothed in the muck of arrogance and stupidity----few escape the allure of those two great transgressions because down deep inside we all crave to be bad----thats why we are here----didactic me my unintentional nature On the other side of the curtain we find purity and truth, pain and anguish gone and our consciousness fully intact----we are on vacation for a time, then we contemplate our next curtain call----are we ready?----the curtains are many and can be no less confusing than a house of mirrors for those who indulged to much wine of folly and pride while on earth

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While on the other side the perception seems to be that much much more is available in many many areas... matter of focus.

Like going to a Hong Kong street market, you can find anything and at a good price


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posted on 12/5/06 @ 12:37


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Originally posted by elgaz Sleeper, Lot of stuff in the science news recently about this massive black hole which they can now pretty much confirm exists at the centre of our galaxy. Scientists think that monitoring it will be a great way of testing the theory of relativity, i.e. to see how large bodies such as planets and the like react to it's gravitational pull. What does ET say about black holes? Can they be utilised in any way to mould space/time or are they simply a hugely dangerous space phemonena?

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Hi Gaz Black holes cant be used by any living entities including ETs -----those that are at our level of existence-----which is way low in the food chain

Black holes are not dangerous to any life forms because life forms have long become extinct by the time solar systems enter into the gravitational field of Black holes Black holes are key to the remanufacture of matter and without them and their powerful gravitation to stir the pot galaxies as we know them would be impossible Galaxies are self-perpetuating and can exist forever----the hearts of galaxies are Black holes Galaxies can merge and become bigger and parts of galaxies can breakaway by close encounters with other galaxies If the breakaway star clusters are large enough they will eventually form their own Black holes and become baby galaxies These baby galaxies get bigger as they journey through the universe sucking up matter of failed star clusters----those that didnt have enough matter to form Black holes----they also merge with other small galaxies and grow bigger


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posted on 13/5/06 @ 10:12


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Originally posted by Leevi Hi sleeper, Do you know who built the Pyramids and Stonehenge ? What was (is) the purpose of these constructions ?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi Leevi

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The Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge were not built by men they were built by ETs and use by ETs to teach certain skills to the latest batch of humans and also for unspeakable castigation for special entities-----the Pyramids were not tombs for Pharaohs, they were holding pens for powerful creatures The Pyramids identified this planet the same way we identify nuclear or other hazardous materials----this was not a planet for casual visitors----it was kind of like Alcatraz when it was in operation----a dangerous and unpleasant place to be


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posted on 14/5/06 @ 23:20


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Originally posted by OnTheDeck You said, "Overpopulation has nothing to do with anything and there is no such thing----they control how many people are on this planet and they can put a whole lot more down here, which is the plan." What did you mean their plan is to put a whole lot more down here?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Not an alien invasion---but more people will be born than die and the population of humans will grow considerably in the next hundred years

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In response to this quote: "While on the other side the perception seems to be that much much more is available in many many areas... matter of focus." You said, "Like going to a Hong Kong street market, you can find anything and at a good price." What sort of things? (Just curious. I won't bother asking about a soul, because I'm not sure I would understand what that was, nor am I sure I believe in them.)

Everything we wish and dream of while here is real and easily accessible at levels above this existence, even things we consider science fiction or imaginary. As humans we have fragile bodies but in fact we are like superman----indestructible and could if we chose go into a Black hole and exit----simply for the experience----something matter and light cant do--our essence is more exotic than matter and matter is darn exotic and baffling to our greatest minds

If we have trouble getting our heads around matter how much more something considerably more exotic?

And lastly, you said, "The Pyramids identified this planet the same way we identify nuclear or other hazardous materials----this was not a planet for casual visitors---it was kind of like Alcatraz when it was in operation----a dangerous and unpleasant place to be." ----When/how did you come across this information? If it was imparted to you, then by whom and do you know why? Also, was this planet was used as a prison, or just certain areas? Is it still a prison, and if not, do you believe you know what this planet is used for now, and if so, what is it used for?

I dont know when I received that information but its been sometime ago ---by ET---why do they give me this information, not sure why This planet was/is use as a prison----in antiquity many thousands and hundreds of thousands of years earth was infinitely more brutal than now, and even our early civilization----those that casually tortured and sacrificed humans for religious, political, or simply entertainment----would have been horrified had they known what went on Its no accident that the human body is a pain machine it was made that way----today we are fortunate, we can only take so much and the body dies----in the old days that was not the case----and the wardens could place an entity into a human body or even into the body of an animal---and they could be killed or tortured indefinably This planet remains a prison, some have it easier than others----and no one escapes----suicides are returned immediately or sent to a similar planet elsewhere. But there are exceptions for some suicides and for others This planet is a prison because few can chose to leave it---but many people are here to learn something----not necessarily to expand their understanding of the big picture----thats not important for the vast majority----countless humans are not here to learn anything they are simple incarcerated, doing time and once they leave they will be returned to this planet without knowing or vacation time in between the two lives

I can nonchalantly talk about things of this nature because most will not or cannot believe----and thats a good thing


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posted on 15/5/06 @ 00:56


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Originally posted by syrinx high priest do you have regular communication with aliens about alternative history ? which language do you communicate with ?

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We dont talk about alternative history on a regular basis but history as we presume to know it is mostly false English is not my native language but thats the medium they use with me

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please ask the aliens to provide you with more details on the creatures that were held in the pyramids (and send a script to MGM), and let them know stonehenge wasn't their best work, they can do better than that.

The creatures did not all have physical bodies----however some were advanced souls---not the fallen angels of biblical fame-----some where used for secreting/synthesizing hybrid DNA Stonehenge wasnt their best work you say----neither are human bodies---some things are created inferior on purpose

how are they connected to easter island and the bermuda triangle ?

Easter Island was simply an ET outpost, one of the more active ones until the 1700s. The island was also used to isolate certain humans----I dont know for what purpose The Bermuda Triangle is like Area 51, it gets lots of press but the fact is they harbor no more unexplained phenomena than many other spots on this planet----and many are terrestrial in nature


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posted on 15/5/06 @ 10:53


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Originally posted by Kostya Hi Sleeper What may a soul or entity have done to justify such incarceration?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi Kostya We know what horrific things some humans are capable of doing on this planet----and they do these deeds with limited human abilities----all of us know better yet certain opportunities or occasions snag us and we show our true selves----few have pretty portraits Planets on higher planes of existence have more opportunities and those entities have more abilities to shine or their blemishes to show and some of those blemishes are doosies Nevertheless there is a fine line between punishment and proving ground---the best swords are those that get lots of heat and pounding

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What can a soul do to escape or free itself?

You are here for a different reason than me or anyone else so the answer has to come from you----somehow you have to determine what is broke and try to fix it----fixing it is secondary trying to fix it is primary----but most of our problems are connected to some level of hate and some level of envy

If this planet was and may still be a prison then what is a regular or vacation world like?

A vacation world is a place you never want to leave----its non stop pleasure, void of fear, envy and hate----a place where your dreams are reality----there are billions of such planets and places Planets like earth are not at the bottom of the heap but they are nowhere near the middle, from which everything is better----a vacation world would be somewhere in the middle


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posted on 15/5/06 @ 22:12


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Originally posted by tunin "Are you aware of these developing tech. alied with ETs groups? Are they related with "yours"?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi tunin There are many groups that work with ETs, most of the people---scientists dont know it and believe it is they and their colleagues making the breakthroughs----ETs dont take credit for anything they do and they like to keep it that way----nevertheless they let people like me leak out that reality---not sure why

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Have you ever heard about the Djubk one to confirm to me that he is not a "story teller"?"

I have never heard of him but that doesnt mean he is not legit ---or that he is


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 10:01


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Originally posted by sturod84 sleeper what are their understandings of dark energy?

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No Dark Energy for you----

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The theory of Dark Energy presumes that the universe is finite and not infinite---finite is a lot easier to explain than something bordering an infinite Cosmologist believe that the universe is expanding and it is somewhat, and some scientists believe that eventually it will collapse back into itself Dark energy is necessary to explain the expansion and the falling back of the universe otherwise nothing makes any sense Well, nothing in this existence makes any sense if we run it to the nth degree----everything breaks down and we enter into the land of Alice and her wonderland Although there are numerous exotic energies out there and in here Dark energy or matter is a myth


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 14:11


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Why exactly can you not share certain information regarding the Aliens?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I can only share what they give me to share

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Why can you not provide 100% proof of their existence (Is the potential there but your not allowed to ? or do you simply do not have the devices to proof so?)


ET hardware is proprietary and not mine to give or show, also if they want themselves to be known by the general public thats up to them

I can talk about my experiences and nothing more, at least for now----I continually ask them to let me show a few things, Ive even had the nerve to asked that they let me land a craft in a large city----they thought that was cute


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 21:03


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Originally posted by info_hound Actually no, it is yours to give, i don't remember you saying you signed an NDA contract. You just refuse to.

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Its not mine to give I didnt create their stuff----even if I wanted to their stuff obeys them

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Go against their wishes and expose them. Who does ET think they are keeping this a secret?

They know who they are and they are not keeping it a secret they have told and showed thousands of people what they have and can do---Im one of the few who talks about it

Make a difference in the world Sleeper, its up to you my friend.

Thats not my purpose in life, why should I get the glory for something I have no control over----the fact that they let me talk about it is ground breaking

Surely the consequences are worth the risk. After all, according to your previous statements you will just come back here or somewhere else for a new experience or to right some wrong. You have nothing to lose.

I have no concern about dieing----that would be the end of my exile----I came from a truly cool place to this planet---not that I have it bad but its a whole lot less than what I had



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posted on 18/5/06 @ 21:39


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Originally posted by TheTruthIsOutThere2012 sleeper... i myself have witnessed UFO's and some of my friends have been abducted as well and this post got my attention... but i was just curious as to which type of aliens abducted you and i wanted to know a little more about your experience in more detail...

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The ETs that are in my life are small, humanoid with a bluish hue, sometimes they seem to have spots----they are not made of the same stuff we humans are made of, they seem to be something in between physical and ethereal---they can move through physical objects yet they can hold onto physical objects

but i just wanted to let you know that i believe in what you have to say because ive already witnessed these amazing crafts in person...

Chances are you have been inside an alien craft but unfortunately they havent left you with any memory----I wish more people like you would remember more because then I wouldnt feel so lonely in my experiences

and i wanted to know a little about your beliefs...such as do u believe in the mayan calendar and planet x? thank you... peace

The year 2012 has many people excited about earth changes but what they are telling me doesnt portent anything significant ----certainly there will be many more thousands of humans made aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life----other than that Im getting nothing Planet X also know as Nibiru is fabled to be a planet past Pluto, from where one of the earlier civilizations on earth called the Sumerians had their beginnings


Ets have many places on moons and planets and huge space cities in and around this solar system----many of them harbored exiled and imprisoned peoples from certain places in the galaxy----some of these people were eventually relocated on earth----some are still located in places in this solar system----chilling if they were able to escape and make it to earth---but highly unlikely thanks to the huge contingent of good ETs patrolling earth and the whole solar system


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 21:58


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Originally posted by kolo_heights What Im suggesting is that through such an amazing experience, surely the alien race you encountered and you yourself as a person have more purpose then to just post these experiences over the internet.

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I dont know what that might be

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With all the knowledge you supposedly possess Im finding it hard to attain why you limit yourself through this media spectrum.

I suppose that if they wanted me to have a bigger audience they would make it happen, otherwise this is it

One of humans greatest quests it set out to prove the existence of alien life. If you truly hold the key, why not unlock it?

Just because Im privy to fantastic things dont mean I hold the key or the cards to that phenomena


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 22:02


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Originally posted by Creedo For fear of breaking off the key in that very lock is why no doubt.... right Sleeper?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Possibly, but it's not likely they will banish me because I'm cheap labor for them---


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 22:34


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Originally posted by OnTheDeck What did you mean "at least for now?" Do you feel that you may be able to divulge more as time goes on? Or is there a more specific time frame that you are aware of?

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They give me new stuff all the time and they tease me about letting me show things but so far its only been talk and no action---I cant imagine what they would let me put out there because anything from them would be earth changing----I'm not sure I would be up for that kind of challenge or assignment


Also, given that you've had these experiences - experiences that would seemingly blow anyone's preconceived notions of the universe to pieces, take them from their safe little life and paint a very strange and enormous picture of existence - I want to ask if you've painted yourself somewhat of a picture of what's going on; i.e., have you formed a philosophy of life (I guess that's the right phrasing)?

I think I have posted some of my philosophy of life on this thread----thats when I get clobbered the most so I try not to


Do you have a sense or picture of where things are headed, for you or for the human race?

I do and I dont like most people, but there is an advantage of knowing certain things like there is no death and life keeps getting better the higher we climb that ladder In my previous existence I have seen much but nothing as I have been shown while in this life----forgive me if I dont give details---I dont have the time---I have to make a living like everyone else

Also, considering you've had these experiences, do you now have an optimistic outlook on existence and your life?

Yes I do

Have these experiences depressed you in any way, and if so, why?

Not in the least, I wish I could go full time with them

Have you met anyone with the same or similar circumstances and what enlightening things have you shared?

I have not, I feel like the Lone Ranger----but he had Tonto

And one more question, what is the most recent revelation "they" have imparted to you that struck you as the most interesting, odd, or alarming (either one thing, or one that fits each adjective...I suspect you don't mind answering questions...).

That life on earth, which remains a prison of sorts, will improve considerably in this century because a new class of humans are going to be put down here----so this isnt necessarily great news for the present population but those new humans are going to be the offspring of people living today----and we tend to want the best for our offspring



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posted on 18/5/06 @ 22:45


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Sleeper: Whats your opinion on Stargates (physical or mental), do they exist? If so, does anybody (Governments, ET) know of their whereabouts and how to implement them?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

There is no such thing as stargates, the only way out of this solar system for humans is death and ET travels in highly mysterious ways that I have little comprehension about
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However ET takes humans out of this realm away from this star but they remove them from their bodies to do so and puts them back into their bodies when they return

Sadly your experience will seemingly always remain an individual one.

If it was within my power that would not be so


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 23:11


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Further Questions: -Reading over previous posts it seems you can "force" contact through seperating yourself from other humans, being alone. Why therefore does loneliness seemingly stimulate alien contact?

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Loneliness doesnt stimulate alien contact only loneliness----which btw Im


not lonely I have many friends and acquaintances, however, I do value time alone
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-If aliens can tap into our every thought and feeling, does this extend to some form of pre-destination. Have aliens set out a purpose for every individual in this planet or are we "free"?

Some are free, many are not and most are simply doing time----one might call that pre-destination

-Have the alien race currently overlooking us (can you give us anymore details on their characteristics, features etc) have any contingency plans incase something goes wrong in our "development"

I have only recently been able to get a good look at two of those who are in contact with me----for the last fifty some years They have incredible powers its hard for me to imagine that they could lose control of what they are doing here on earth

-On a personal note, what do you feel your purpose on this planet is now, after your experience? What does life mean for you?

My purpose is low keyed if that, I contribute to this thread but not sure what effect if any that has Life to me is like school there are good times and bad but overall I enjoy the learning curve and look forward to graduation

-How long do you predict before ET finally lays to rest that they do infact exist?

Sorry to say many decades away, however, many know they exist and many more will know----for whatever thats worth


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 23:30


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy Kolo, I certainly can dismiss his experience since he has told a vast number of untruths which if you have followed this thread from the beginning(as I have) or have read the entire thing would know. I have exposed many of these and endured the wrath of being attacked by his cultists both here and off board.

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There are a vast number of untruths and all of them are in your posts I dont lie, unlike some people who pretend to be war heros
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Why do you only post here?

I have to work for a living and dont have time

Why don't you post to the political and/or religous threads like you used to?

Dont have time

What's with the religous books you've published? Is this research for the unpublished manuscript?

This is not research this is my experiences and things I know

If you are the one true contactee then why don't you post to Whitley Striebers forums? (remember, Striebers the one every abductee/contactee runs to with their story)


Im not the one true contactee Im only one of them Why would I run to Whitley Strieber when I have contact with the horse---ET?

Why would ET give 2 hoots whether you told the sheeple here about their tech?(not like anyone would believe em anyhow since this is a conspiracy site)

ET doesnt care as much as you seem too

Question for others- Think on it. If you had this knowledge and it were really true would you post it here and just maintain a simple thread with a few sheeple to follow you down the path of Hamlin?(bet you'd shout it to the world? I would)

Longhaircowboy, you are my main and only sheeple----and the most faithful sleeperite on this board----


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posted on 18/5/06 @ 23:45


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Originally posted by epz So is it safe to say (from the knowledge you have gained) that if I share my creative talents with the world, and let people see and enjoy my art (visual, musical, etc), that in a way, I am being a righteous and generous human being?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi epz Because the universe is generous with us it only seems right that we are also generous with the gifts we have----not to say that we cant reap the rewards of our labor We can never be overly generous and each of us will reap what we sow--good or bad

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posted on 19/5/06 @ 17:19


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Originally posted by Jet_Set Question for you Sleeper. What do you know about our Moon? Some people think it's artificial and hollow, housing some ET, others think there are ET bases on the dark side of the Moon that we can't see, my thought was that it was a piece of the Earth that was broken off during Earths formation aeons ago, but what do I know...

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Without the moon life on earth would be a calmer place, too calm for the indigenous life forms that are on it now.
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The moon is not hollow and it did not break off earth and distill into what it is today----the moon was no accident or freak chance it was deliberately put there as a counter balance to the earths rotation and to stir the oceans----not to mention something to fill the night sky and to look up at and marvel at the sight The moon is also a huge repository of minerals and metals that will be used to build cities in space, and there might be some government cheese up there----well maybe not

I have heard several times in my researching that the reason that we (U.S.A) and former Soviet Union suddenly stopped going to the Moon was because ETs were already there watching us and 'warned' us away.

True, they have been using the moon for a number of things, less than one hundred years ago they had activity on the side facing the earth but with the onset of powerful telescopes they had to minimize and camouflage their actions---they also have been cleaning up much of the infrastructure and returning the landscape back to the way it was in preparation of human exploration

posted on 19/5/06 @ 17:53


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Originally posted by mind is the universe


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what a load of blarney, your just brainwashed, where is the evidence of UFO heads they say they see in America, oh Nevada. new Mexico, i bet it's a tourist destination, sorry man it just got me with, what is out there

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For some it is easier to believe they are from apes than from the stars--now that is grounded You can live in your blarney world if you like you have plenty of company---pass the bananas please



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posted on 19/5/06 @ 18:31


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Originally posted by longhaircowboy (psst...never claimed to be a war hero) If you can't keep your story straight then don't put words in my mouth. You can make up all the silly crap you like but don't go tellin lies bout me.

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I dont make crap up thats your department You were too young to serve in Vietnam yet you said on this thread on page 41:
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Originally posted by longhaircowboy The closest thing to a hero to me would be the men and women I served with in the Vietnam War and the folks who risk there lives in combat now.


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posted on 20/5/06 @ 22:16


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Originally posted by 2013 Are computers human technology ? Or reverse engineered from Roswell ?

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They are not reversed engineered but all our technology is from ET very little from Roswell, though

I read somewhere on the net, that greys were making computers.Is it true ?

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As far as I know humans are making computers---ETs have better things to do

Alien technology should be more superior than the computers we use today, or is it same in other planets ? Like is it also pentium 4 somewhere in a other planet ?

Alien technology is so far ahead of whats on earth its not funny Humans receive technology as they need it----only one hundred years ago they only needed whale oil for their lamps There are millions of planets just like earth and they too have the same technology---and computers as we have

Shortly, did you see a computer in the space ship or the in the planet you have been ? If yes, what did it look like ?

Inside the ship I found no instrumentation as what we would have in a cockpit of an airplane----there was nothing on the ship that I could determine to be instrumentation---the ship moved by brain waves----they let me play a little bit with it Compared to our world their world is total magic


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posted on 21/5/06 @ 06:16


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Originally posted by skitzo Hello sleeper do you converse with these beings all the time i'm sorry if you all ready answered this, but i have hit my head way to many times to try and read this whole thread, what i would like to know is do they ever get involved in ordinary peoples lives to make things go one way or the other,because i feel like i should be doing something different in my life right now i just dont know what.maybe thay could swing by and help me out,not tring to be funny but Ill take help were i can get it.thanks

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Your signature tells me that you are no dummy, nevertheless because you asked and for others that might read this thread and get something out of it ET gives his two cents: On the other side of the curtain the vast majority of souls---people if you will, live like kings. Most are richer than Midas, would make Bill Gates look like a pauper in comparison. Here on earth the vast majority live no better than animals. The main difference is that those on the other side know that resources of the mind are limitless, here many believe that they came from slim and others believe they must live impoverished lives to appease the gods----rubbish Each of us have the power of superman and each one of us is as wealthy as our brethren on the other side----filthy rich with unlimited resources No one can make a flower bloom, the flower must bloom on its own----no one on this planet can hold anyone down---the power to shine or not too shine is within each of us


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posted on 21/5/06 @ 06:39


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Originally posted by XL5 Sleeper, to say that they give us technology as we need it is very poorly said. If that were the case, we would have the cures to every thing as sick people need it, food replicators as hungry people need it. Also, we should also have free energy as poor people need it and antigravity as potholes and traffic jams are a problem and don't forget AI to drive for us as alot of people are careless drivers and die.

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Each soul came into this world alone and each soul will have to find its way out of the muck on its own----some people appear to have advantages and thats because they do---they came in at a higher level
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Utopia already exists on billions of worlds in this galaxy, earth is not utopia, earth is a proving ground for those who want to get to utopia---however everyone is capable of improving their own lives considerably while here on earth if they pick up on the clues all around them

I personally think we don't use enough rubbers or brains and never will.

Thats why we are down here----when we begin to use our minds and not abuse them we become aware of the bigger picture----there is no need or lack, those are illusions to keep people in their place---wallowing in selfpity and despair We can break free of those chains or remain in them with the rest of the congregation

Do the little guys you talk with know if any other types of aliens plan on giving us anything to look forward to?

The little guys are more than enough for us little brains


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posted on 21/5/06 @ 07:42


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Originally posted by 2013 So they copied our (human) technology ?

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There is no such thing as human technology In the United States there are thousands of public schools and most of the


schools have the same textbooks----each school did not create the textbooks they buy them from the publishers
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The same technology that earth "receives" other planets like earth receive as well

Can they make music ? Do they have other musical instruments different from ours ? Do you know about these ??

If you were taken off this planet and put down onto a planet that is at the same level as earth you wouldn't know you ever left earth


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posted on 21/5/06 @ 12:42


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Originally posted by Leevi So, if those people are at the same stage of development as we are, why can't we receive any signs of their activity from space ? (I mean radiowaves, etc.) Through the XX entury and up to today there was no hard evidence, which would tell us that someone like us exists in our galaxy. A SETI programme gave no results so far although this is a pretty serious project with a powerful Aresibo telescope involved.

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For one the galaxy is huge and we cant pick up a fraction of the bazillions of signals and energy waves emanating from all over the place
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Second they are in our skies, orbiting and flying all over the space above us----in our cities yet no one seems to detect them NASA and SETI and several governments know about ET flying around earth, and they have picked up some signals, but they are not ready to disclose those things to the general public because it would make earthlings look inferior----ET respects that and therefore are going alone with our governments wishes

My second question to you sleeper is: What is this type of spacecraft ? It's a frame


from an STS-75 "smoking gun" footage taken from shuttle Columbia.

Its swamp gas that has escaped through the earths atmosphere because we humans were careless and let the Ozone open up---Or its a vehicle on loan to the US---they have a few

What are these crafts doing out there ? Is this a type of spacecraft you entered in the past ?

ET is a silent partner in our space program---but dont tell anyone I said that--I haven't entered that one


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 00:27


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Originally posted by johnlear Sleeper, Your posts on this thread are the most accurate I have ever read regarding E.T.'s on ATS. Thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions. john lear

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Thank you John For you to say that you must know something about ET that the average person doesn't

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 00:29


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Originally posted by Leevi mind of the universe I have no idea what you mean, but it seems your comments wouldn't make any sense to me anyway. What makes sense to me is a 98-paged topic, where I have found some quite faithful and unique information which is unlikely to be found anywhere else. Thanks sleeper for great experience.

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You are most welcome Leevi

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 00:40


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Originally posted by articulateka0s so sleeper your alien pals have any word on the 25th, should i pack a surf board or what.

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Coincidently something is going to happen on the 25th of May, but most people will not be aware of it----neither can I give it away You don't need to pack a surf board

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 01:52


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Originally posted by articulateka0s whisper it to me... i wont tell sleeper.



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We as humans are aware of many things----poverty, war, hunger, greed, loss of loved ones----being aware of those things dont make us happy--but those are things some have learned to live with
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There are some things that defy learning-to-live-with and are best left in the shadows----granted I often give more information than is asked but Im also accused of not giving enough information The problem with information is that its never enough ---its like heroin the more we get the more we want and need----Its a vicious cycle----and Im only human

ugh, this is like where the aliens appeared over the stonehenge but they were invisible and only brought together those humans who could travel out of body.

That happens more often in large cities than it does in out of the way places like Stonehenge

I want some cold hard action!

Careful what you ask for because we always get what we ask for----sooner or later


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 02:05


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Originally posted by XL5 Sleeper, saying that earth is a proving ground and how souls are here to improve does not really answer when or why we "need" technology. Your answer is VERY open, it could mean that we don't even need the technology we have now.

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The technology we have now is what is required to sustain a planet with 6.5 billion people more or less----without the present technology earth would be a grave yard


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The earth would get ALOT better if we were given cheap energy storage technology that rivals oil/gas, its not even free energy. Heck, even cheap 80% effn. solar cells would do alot of good. They would have this tech, it would be old stuff to them and they could make 6billion units in a day!

And they could end hunger and poverty and wars and diseases and make this planet a utopia---but they are not going to----however they are going to slack up on it and make things better than they are now but we still have a couple of speed bumps to pass over before that happens

Q: do photons from a head light go faster then the speed of light when your speeding?


A: if a tree falls in a forrest, does GWB care!

I dont know, but I care, I like trees


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 11:40


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Sleeper, -Is there anything more you can reveal regarding the existence of aliens rather then objective analogies, be it in a photographic or predictive sense?

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They are not photogenic----literally---and Im not a psychic that does predictions---they sometimes show me things but not material for the


tabloids They let me talk on this thread with certain messages that are subconscious friendly, whereas---the rational mind, the conscious mind, needs physical proof---touch, see, and taste---as a bare minimum

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-The 25th of May you have said something will happen. If you are unwilling to share this (yet again I'm unsure why) may I ask you how this "event" makes you feel. Is it good/bad and will it effect the world in any shape or form?

Overall it will be a positive thing and it will effect the whole world, its new information and Im not sure how many people will be aware of it and its long term implications

Sleeper you aren't just a regular human. You are someone who's making fantastic claims to the existence of UFO technology and have yet to actually prove anything. While I can except the fact that you a merely sharing you experience, and thus "proof" can never be truly attained, you continue to tease the fact that you have "proof" or evidence you are unwilling to share because you have been requested not to.

Believe it or not I am not aware that I am teasing until I post the material and I read it once or twice or some one as you did points it out to me---I dont like to be teased and therefore I dont like to tease---now on the other hand ET is big on teasing----so Im going to use the age-old copout--ET made me do it

Has it occured to you that perhaps ET left you with so much information so that you could share it? Though they might have requested otherwise, if they are truly in command of destiny then surely whatever decision you take ET has concluded and prepared for.

If ET wants it out there it will be put out there, Im not hogging information for my own consumption----what would be the point?

You are acting in a way which is just as bad as a government agency, just what your delivering is the reverse. While the government attempts to cover-up UFO technology releasing disinformation, you are yourself releasing UFO information yet covering up any real proof of their existence. We are all here on these boards to


deny some form of ignorance, yet what your releasing expects us to take a leap of faith and consume what your telling us.

Faith is 99.9999 % of what the truth is----everything else is filler


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 11:53


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Another few questions for you Sleeper: - Are Ghosts/Demons etc real? And if so, what form of reality are they? Are they some form of trapped soul ET forgot (perhaps purposefully) or are they on this planet for a reason?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Ghosts are souls allowed to wonder around for a certain amount of time until they come to some understanding of what is holding them here
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The mythological demons are not real, however most of us have a bit of the devil in us

- Does ET have a mobile number so I can get in contact with them?

Yes but I promised I wouldnt give it out

It sounds stupid, but if they are so intergrated within our society surely they must operate with our technology aswell?

Im sure it was a Freudian slip on your part but what we call our technology is actually theirs and yes they use the phone, the fax, watch television and surf the net----when in Rome you play like the Romans



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posted on 22/5/06 @ 12:03


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Originally posted by Eyesofbear Sleeper, I recently spoke with a friend of mine who works on the military base in Cape Cod. He won't allow me to use his name, but says there has been quite a bit of "activity" in the night skies lately. Has the south shore in MA become a hot bed?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Not necessarily But Washington DC and Arizona should be really hot spots in the next few weeks----of course Im only talking as tourist destinations--But from where---? Ok that is teasing but I couldn't help it---

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 17:40


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Originally posted by kolo_heights You said that the 25th of May will reveal new information, is this directly related to ET? Or is this some form of technological advancement? Perhaps a political shift? Eitherway will this single event knock us back? Or is it simply the start of something big? Globally could you give an indication as where this "event" is likely to take? And will it be publicised through the media?

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A seed for change will sprout somewhere in the United States, it will not be publicized unless someone in the loop leaks bits of it out, not presidential candidates, only a start of something big that will be decades in unfolding---it starts this year



Regarding the teasing its just a shame you seemingly hold back information you have. You said if ET wants to put it out of there ET will. Perhaps you are one of ETs voices?

I am a voice for ET but I have to adhere to protocol

- When our soul goes to the "docking bay" to be assigned a new planet, once we choose the new planet we wish to live in do we remember the "docking bay"?. Is our memory of the relocation process wiped clean? What Im trying to point out is that maybe Ive already lived on this Earth, failed, and thus have been relocated back on this planet.

The memory wipe depends on the level you are at----the higher ups can retain some memory----and those higher still have complete access to all their memories and keys to a vast reservoir of knowledge

- Just out of interest, does ET view these forums?


Did ET say why you are allowed to post on here?

Yes, to answer the big question, is this all there is with scraps and bits of information for those who know how to use them---no this life is not all there is, most only see the small tip of the iceberg and not the massive structure that lays underneath it

Perhaps you yourself are an ET! Just messing...

My wife thinks so but Im not


If your proof is not photogenic, could you perhaps indicate in what form its in?

No proof for you!----I loved those episodes on Jerry Signfield----those in the soup restaurant----anyway. Does it look like Im ducking the question? Yeah, because the last time I used words like pixie dust I nearly lost all credibility, all twenty-five cents of its full value I have a question----what didnt you and others take advantage of John Lears post on this thread and ask him some questions, the man is well connected and knows a lot, plus he is a celebrity


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 17:45


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Originally posted by Creedo Does ET hold the cures for any of the worlds diseases?

To all of them, and so do humans

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 18:28


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Originally posted by Creedo Can you say why these cures are not made available to us?

Because much of humanity is addicted to drugs and hospitals---and people


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continue to demand more and more drugs for every little thing that bothers them---which in turn creates more health problems----side effects and drug interaction is the leading cause of hospital stays. Secondly what would happen if a cure for all diseases came along? The economies of some of the world powers would crash and massive starvation would inflict the world----hence new diseases are introduced at certain intervals to keep that from happening Its simple economics for now and will not change until we make major leaps in technology which will radically change our economic system---still a few decades down the road Only then will humanity miraculously find cures for every kind of illness and disease----even thought they have always been available

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 20:13


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Originally posted by OnTheDeck 1) This event or thing that's supposed to occur or come to pass on May 25. You can't divulge what it is, but will you please post after the event occurs to tell us that it has in fact come to pass? (also, can you hint to what this thing is? A hint isn't full disclosure...hahah - OR you could tell us what you're doing on the 25th and maybe we can put two and two together....)

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Im going to be at a big park with a televisions crew and call down a ufo --oh wait thats already been done----I know a comet is coming that everyone has missed seeing speeding towards the earth and all those that follow me will get to hitch a ride on it after we drink some special cool aid---oh darn that one has already been done too Heck I think I will just have a cold beer and sit out on my deck and enjoy the view----I have an awesome view of my backyard----whos with me? ---That was fun sarcasm not mean sarcasm---

2) You said that ET could create a utopia on this planet if they wanted to. My question is, Why have they not done this? (I think you've already answered that you don't know.).


I mentioned it a few times in this maze of a thread, this planet is not a utopia planet, its a learning planet as you mention in your post

Do you know if they are maintaining the status quo for their benefit or ours? (I understand that if it were for our benefit it could also be theirs, but you know what I mean.)

Its strictly for our benefit, humans

3) (This is related to my second question) If it is for either their benefit, or for our benefit, then in what way? (I'm asking this because the prevailing metaphysical/new age theory is that the planet is a school; that we are here to learn about ourselves; that we chose, or were directed to come here, to become oblivious to our true nature, and to learn and experience life as a being seemingly disconnected from the universe around itself. Of course it's also said that some come here to learn more trivial lessons, or just to experience something, spend only a brief time, then depart. This makes it seem more like a voluntary, or sought after sort of experience - a playground? - but why - for what purpose?)

Its a planet for everything you mentioned above as well as a prison and place for punishment for many souls that did not come here of their own freewill, they are incarcerated here

Also related to my third question, if it's true that we have a soul, and that this is a departure from our home "place" and from our true "nature" then the lightheartedness with which these ETs are treating you, and their revelations to you, and our planetary situation, seems to show they don't take it as seriously as we do; i.e., could I take that to mean that if we were to realize the larger picture we'd be ok with it (like this IS a school, and not to worry)?

Exactly, ETs are way laid back and are not on an emotional roller coaster as humans tend to be----everyone, regardless of the reasons they are here are free to get off the roller coaster---mentally speaking if they chose to---but that can take a lot of will power for some

4) How important is our experience here, why, and to whom (who else besides ourselves if it is a lesson we supposedly chose to learn)?


Extremely important if you dont want to come back----important to you mostly----once you are on the other side you empathize with those that are struggling on places like earth but you are not affected by what they have to go through because you will understand its necessary like giving a child a shot

Honestly, if you WERE to put proof on the table (a photo, etc.) that's when I think the vicious cycle would start. People would want them authenticated, then they'd want video, then physical samples, then a face to face encounter...I think what this thread has done is allow for some subtle creedence - enough creedence - to your accounts to draw people (like me) into an open dialogue about these things... I don't think people have sat down with themselves (the people asking for proof) and asked themselves "what" they really want and "why" they want it. For me, it's enough that I am convinced, somewhat, of the authenticity of your claims - even if just enough to want to ask questions. There's a thought that if a superior race (or a god) appeared, all of the independent thought, all of the questions would cease and the race would stop growing/advancing...something like I partially believe that this space just short of proof is important for exploration and inquiry...

Sounds like you have it figured out

5) Is there a topic, or an area that no one has asked about that you would like to speak on? I would be really curious to know...So far you've been directed by the questions, but what of interest in relation to this subject would you let out for those benefit who are interested in probing more into the phenomena (the phenomena includes our very existence of course...)

I wish I had the time to go deeper into the subject and maybe some day I will, not necessarily on ats, but for now I only find the time to respond to topics left on my door step----as long as they are not brown paper bags set on fire----


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posted on 22/5/06 @ 22:46


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Originally posted by skitzo hay sleeper i have a question for et am i here on my on free will to learn or am i locked up for something if the latter just what the hell did i do because i sure as hell don't want to do it again. also can i appeal my case

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

You will have to take that up with your parole officer when you get off this rock---if you get one that is---if you dont get one you get another stretch in the big house----and there is no appeal You dont believe this stuff so don't sweat it

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 23:21


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Originally posted by Cerkit Breaker Hey Sleeper, I was wondering if you happend to know the reason for existance to exist. Thanks in advance.

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For pure pleasure and for no apparent reason----existence has no beginning or ending

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posted on 22/5/06 @ 23:54


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Originally posted by Rostam Sleeper, I remember on some previous pages of the topic you mentioned something about intelligent life elsewhere in the Solar System, did you mean intelligent life living on other planets in a similar situation to us or ET from elsewhere?

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Thanks for your comments Rostam


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There are humans on other planets in this solar system which are working with ETs and there are humans being held captive----imprisoned----these are not people you would want to be around ETs are everywhere in this solar system, youd think they owned the place---

Also you mentioned higher levels of existence which are occupied by advanced souls, do you know what they are like in comparison to here?

No comparison to humans whatsoever, they are entities made of exotic energy for lack of words, they exist in complete ecstasy and manipulate matter and other energies to their will and desire

Are they radically different from this universe? Is it even different universes/dimensions or what?

Its all happening in this universe but on many different dimensions----that may contradict many beliefs and theories but nevertheless thats the info Im getting

Also on other worlds, why is it that people are able to visit other planets like the supposed Utopia planets, yet humans will never be able to leave the solar system? Could you explain that a bit more as well?

Planets like earth are places low on the totem pole and have few if any privileges ---- galaxies are kind of like societies with schools---elementary, middle school, high school and college----the higher up the more freedoms and privileges one has Many humans when they leave earth----die, will go directly to a utopia planet and retain most of their memories of the life they had here---or they can choose to block it out


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 10:15


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Originally posted by jpnyc i see how resistant people are to you, how will they know the truth if there told?

Hi jpnyc,
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How will they know the truth? Truth is persistent and will eventually breakthrough the toughest barriers----some people find it early and therefore move forward sooner others take longer and require more life times on planets like earth before they make contact with the truth

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i hear both good and evil, but for me evil is just a lie, usually the opposite is true, and good crushes evil everytime in the end, thank u sleeper, there needs to be more of us out here

Everyone gets a free ride if they want it, but no one has to get onboard---


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 10:58


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Originally posted by Access Denied Hmm... what "loop" are you referring to?

Those officials with ET contact

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"Big" in terms of what?

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Eventual worldwide implications



It starts "this year" or on May 25th? If you can't be more specific then why did you even bring this up?

I didnt bring it up, I responded to a question from a poster

What protocol is that exactly? I'd like to understand more about how you perceive this protocol to work.

First rule of protocol is to not let the ego of the messenger subvert the message

Hey, it's a tough job but somebody has to do it... question is what have they done/are they doing/will they do for you? :-)

They are giving me and my wife two free tickets to the local movie theater----for any movie we wish to see----I have to throw some sarcasm in there once in awhile---What do I get out of it? Perhaps nothing more than the privilege of having this connection---and all the good and bad that goes with it

Mine too but technically aren't we all ("aliens")? ;-)

Yes but they get to hold the remote control of the big screen

"Pixie dust" works for me :-)

Everything is pixie dust----most just dont know it

Anyway, about the moon... why bother sanitizing the scene when it's already been


well documented?

Not many people buying whats in those documents


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 11:08


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Originally posted by AlexDJ sound like you saw your tree of life... so..i too have one ET's preventing lot's of humans (souls) go to a higher form of state (when they die)?..for my experience they are like blocking the entire planet so few can leave to a better place.....keeping the cycle going..death incarnate again..and again..and blocking it at every cost....

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Those who are here strictly for punishment are blocked from leaving and will depending on why they are here have to do several tours before they can get out Many are in their last stages of their reincarnation cycles and many are here for learning purposes and will leave this earth once they achieved their goal, and some are on vacation



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posted on 23/5/06 @ 11:39


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Originally posted by Violent And of course, I might as well sip the soup myself, hey sleeper - any suggestions on how best to use the DMT I made to try and get in touch with meaningful entities? Have they ever mentioned the spirit molecule?

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Stimulants are recreational, abused stimulants are detrimental


You may expand your mind, and make contact with strange entities---worse they can make contact with you----this is not a fruitful way to get information from the other side My contacts forbid me to cloud my mind----although they allow me to take a drink now and then Off my soapbox----never heard of a spirit molecule

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Any insight on what direction I should take in life, or why I have stalled out for the past 2 years?

Back on my soapbox: If the horse your riding isnt taking you were you want to go get on a different horse


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 12:46


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Originally posted by jpnyc sleeper what do u know of alien healings? just curious

Many abductions are for that reason

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posted on 23/5/06 @ 15:03


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Originally posted by Diclonius


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Hello Sleeper. You mentioned animals/insects did not have/where souls. But could be inserted one. So if its inserted one do the animal/insect think of its own existence like humans do?

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An entity like ET can enter into any machine---animal/insect/etc, to interact with humans for a verity of reasons and purposes. ET can also place a soul into any machine---as containment, for example, and that soul may or may not be aware of where it is


its the sole that can only become aware of its existence.

Only souls are aware----some barely

For the awareness or consciousness to exist does it not take enourmous power?

On the contrary it takes power to restrain consciousness----once we are free of our bodies we become infinitely more aware The body is the power plant that keeps the brain alive and the soul entrapped---and restricted The soul consumes no energy, instead it creates energy and can manipulate matter----the higher up the soul is

Like the Darwin stuff how the species on this planet evolved from the smallest thing trying alot of combinations until it succeded somewhat. But it might be like that but in a purer/smaller form like the "exotic" energy you where talking about moving/combinating in a infinity amount of speed and it got consciousness bit by bit. But now there is a system(ET) taking care of things like that?

Darwin was wrong----by design There is no such thing as evolution, everything is made---and sometimes improved upon---but thats illusion Humans need something to believe and ETs created illusions throughout history----everything is staged We are entering a new era and some of the old illusions/props are


outdated and are slowly being deconstructed----yes there will be new illusions and props so that the vast majority can remain in their protective bubble of reality This thread is for those curious souls who want a peek behind the stage doors


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 16:32


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Originally posted by skitzo Sleeper if we were all of a sudden able to see the big picture could we handle it or would we be killing are self's to get out.

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Most have difficulty seeing the little picture---the big picture is out of our reach completely----but we can see bits and pieces of it if we dare to look Killing ourselves to get out is the quickest way to get thrown back in---and with the lights dimmed a tad more

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Were not on the big rock to plan our escape---most are here to do their time and with good behavior perhaps move up and eventually out Steps on soapbox If you are at a point were this life sucks and you want off this world--thats not a good thing----people in those situation need to change what they are doing and find something meaningful----those that blow this life and any opportunities sent their way will only have to come back and try again For my two cents---and you did ask for them---- I think it would be better to take the medicine now than put it off and have to come back and do it all over again---and sometimes its a crapshoot where they put you Look around the world---the bad places one can end up in far outnumber the good places---Im not a gambling man but its obvious the odds are against you


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 20:38


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo sleeper is the man! id like to meet one of these wild little dudes sometime, i think i may have before but its been erased , do any of these ET's get a laugh at all the pictures around roswell of what they look like. I'm talking about billboards, advertisements, etc.

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Hello monderday---you the MAN dude

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Considering that those billboards and much of the literature about aliens portray androids they don't seem to mind Although, we humans crack them up---


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posted on 23/5/06 @ 22:58


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Originally posted by Diclonius Can we know what level people(soul) are in? example from 1-100(on earth) where would you put yourself? (if you dont mind )

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No one on earth knows what level they are including me

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posted on 25/5/06 @ 08:24


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I prefer the small ones, they are more personal

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posted on 25/5/06 @ 08:31


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Originally posted by moderndayHanSolo so androids are like computerized lil green men. but there is another race of space cowboys that you are with?

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I have never seen little green men or women, however small and a shade of blue types visit with me now and then, the rest of the space cowboys are in human costume

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posted on 25/5/06 @ 09:22


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Originally posted by XL5 There are places in this world that are hell and will always be hell, is that where wrongfully charged souls are directed at the last minute just to get sent back up shortly after? It just seems wrong to me, they have the power, why don't they fix that part?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

The life span in hell is short in human years but for those in it seems much longer---hell has its purpose and thats why it exists----eventually they may move it to another place off this planet but hell like prisons go hand in hand with planets in the category that earth is


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Also, why would they give us some slack unless things were about to get worse or we all just figured out how to love not only our selves, but others we don't know as well?

We humans have the ability to love----we just dont have a good handle on it----and we are stingy with the little love abilities we do have

What slack are they giving?

Quite a bit believe it or not, only one hundred years ago the whole world was a few notches below animals concerning many of the basics like food, shelter and sanitation, today only a portion of the world remains in those primitive conditions. Many like to demonize technology yet technology is what will make this planet a bit more humane Crowded cities and traffic parking lots, failed schools systems etc., are the result of human bureaucracy not technology----some of these systems will need to fail completely before they get improved on

What are these bumps?

The religious wars are the main bumps----and like everything they have to play themselves out---many weak souls will get the opportunity to show what they are truly worth The other main bump is the resistance to change, too many people fear the future and are reluctant to let technology lead the way

You should also tell them to upgrade those androids to look more human, unless they like to see people freak out.

Some of us need only look in the mirror to freak out



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posted on 25/5/06 @ 19:44


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Because the small ones are like limos, they have all the gizmos and there is more privacy

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Thirty or forty feet in diameter


Its round, has a corridor on the perimeter with windows every two feet, and several rooms in the interior, massage room, billiard room and some really weird and strange rooms used for mind expansion


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posted on 25/5/06 @ 20:05


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Originally posted by skitzo Billiard room? come on man mind expansion room i can believe but billiard room

Actually the billiard room is one of the mind expanding rooms----sorry for
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the confusion---


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Seriously, that is one of the most mind-boggling things on the ship----it zooms around space and earth and yet the balls are not affected by the movement---you have to see it to believe it, thats why I never mentioned it before---Im sure I will get some flak like when I talked about the pixie
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posted on 25/5/06 @ 20:35


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Hey Sleeper, just a few questions: - You said that 'something' would be coincidentally happening on the 25th of May, and although it was on a small-scale, it would start the ball running for future expansion. Anyway the 25th of May has come to close (at least in the UK anyway) I was wondering it you were prepared to unveil what this 'development' was? If not then perhaps some form of insight?

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Not yet
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- Did the ship you were in have some form of defense or weaponary?

Yes, all ships have that capability

- Are crop circles signs from ET or just illusive human acts?

ETs have made a significant number of them


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posted on 25/5/06 @ 22:51


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Originally posted by kolo_heights Why are you not prepared to release this information? What possible drawbacks can there be from telling a few members on a message board what you percieve.? It's hardly the recognised global truth you are fortelling.

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I havent been given the clearance to tell---not even to one person

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If ET is superior in every way to humans, then why do they have weaponary on these ships? What kind of weaponary is this?

The ship by its nature is a weapon/tool----they use the power of the ship to do many things---as they have in the past----build cities or destroy them

What is the purpose of crop circles. Just another illusive act by ET to 'tease' humans. Or are they some form of deeper message?

Crop circles are messages for those not so dense to pick up on the fact that humans are not alone in the galaxy----and that ET is here---Some day I may explain them/decipher them but not on ats---


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posted on 25/5/06 @ 23:56


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Originally posted by smallpeeps

The religious wars are the main bumps----and like everything they have to play themselves out---many weak souls will get the opportunity to show what they are


truly worth
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sleeper, can you expound on this? I am wondering what is meant by "what they are truly worth".

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Weak souls are not worth much and they will prove that to themselves by their actions---combat/terrorism brings out the worst and the best in people

Is that your prose or is it an accurate translation of how ET sees Earthlings.

Its them

Presumably we show our worth by displaying love to other Earthlings?

Yes, if it true and only ET and the person know

How would a Muslim in a religious war prove the worth of his soul? Wouldn't it be by not participating in that war and thereby increasing peace?

Killing for reward real or imagined is a good indication of what a soul is made of

Ancillary to that, I am also curious about your comments regarding "souls on vacation". As I understand, you are saying that some souls on Earth are simply here to enjoy a life of always meeting their goals and having all desires satisfied. They do not have a very difficult time on Earth and are not "in hell" as the majority of souls here. How can a person know if they are on vacation or if they should involve themselves in a religious war?

Most are not aware consciously but down deep they know


Would ET find more love in the heart of a consciencious objector who went to jail rather than obey the command to fight in such a religious war?

ET knows what is in the hearth and mind of a person----more than the person

Having served in Vietnam, I am sure that you have both sides of this issue in your mind (antiwar versus war as change agent). In your opinion, does the war against communism sometimes take on a religious level of driving force?

The war on communism was an ideology conflict----communism verses democracy, although religion played a part the bigger issue was ideology--on a worldwide scale---Vietnam was the battle ground where a lot of the steam and tension was released between the two super powers, America and the USSR America lost the war in Vietnam but because of that war the world was spared a nuclear exchange I never made it into Vietnam


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 00:10


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Originally posted by kolo_heights You dont have to tell, but you could give your 'opinion'

I did give my opinion it will be a positive thing

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How does the information make you feel?

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Truthfully Im indifferent because its part of the program and I have known about the program for some time


Were not talking Armageddon, or anti-Christ, or heaven on earth---nothing like that---its in line with new technology

posted on 26/5/06 @ 09:11


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Why am I on this thread? Because I enjoy all the insults by people who believe themselves smart They have dug down deep into their endless bag of wisdom and proclaimed with absolute profundity that sleeper is wrong because they say so---So far that has been the best argument against me---

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posted on 26/5/06 @ 15:44


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Originally posted by skitzo Sleeper if i go though life trying to do the right thing, being a good husband and father, emphasis on trying, not stilling or killing anything like that do i get bumped up a level so to speak or do i have to worship some higher power.

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You don't have to worship anything or anyone to move up----if you think you are on the right track then most likely you are

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posted on 26/5/06 @ 15:46


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Originally posted by XL5 Hmmm new technology. Sleeper, is it going to be the kind that makes all the nontech people go "WOW" or is it just a better way of doing something? Access Denied, do you know anything about bismuth in relation to gravity


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There is a "WOW" factor

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posted on 26/5/06 @ 15:52


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Oh the sleepermites are jealous because not only do I get to ride in a ship from out of this solar system but ET also furnished it with a billiard table just for me What can I say---

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posted on 26/5/06 @ 19:27


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Originally posted by MrPenny

Give me 3 months, unlimited time to answer questions, and I'll come across as an expert on Shakespeare. Lest we forget.....sleeper says "ET" has a billiard room in the craft.

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You dont need to brag about being a plagiarizer pennyanti, people with little intelligence of their own have to use other peoples' words, as you do---you probably had to look up Shakespeare----


You even mooch attention from threads like this one because you dont


have what it takes to write your own---you are pathetic And I do enjoy my billiard table on the ship---

[edit on 27-5-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 19:32


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Originally posted by toogood

Lest we forget.....sleeper says "ET" has a billiard room in the craft

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MrPenny, Lets not forget the Massage parlor that is also available on the ship for sleeper.

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And for you little miss doogood, I love my massage parlor on the ship All this jealousy is probably giving you two children a bad case of pimples


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 19:36


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Originally posted by 2013 While you were travelling to another planet, what did you eat and drink ? Were the aliens cooking ? Thanks


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They don't have food as we know it, and I don't ever remember eating or even being hungry while on the ship
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posted on 26/5/06 @ 19:50


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Originally posted by MrPenny Aren't you getting tired of leading people around sleeper? It's so obvious that your inclusion of a massage room, and billiard room, is a mocking dope slap to the foreheads of the people who you've suckered

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I never called you a sucker but so be it

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You should be ashamed of yourself.

You are the plagiarizer you should be ashamed, but then again your kind dont get ashamed I tell only the truth and if I said there was a billiard table on the ship then there was How would a plagiarizer know about what other people have experienced do you think yourself some kind of god?


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 20:39


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Originally posted by toogood


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Wow I never knew that MEN have babies and pimples when they are jealous.

Ok so you would like to be a man----give it some time son it will happen

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Sleeper, have I insulted you in any way?Not that I'm aware of. So why the insult?

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No Im not offended in anyway by children---I give them lots of leeway---


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 20:46


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Originally posted by MrPenny ??? Do you know what plagiarism is??? And, what is my kind, O' enlightened one?

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You are a plageriazers you said so yourself, and what is your kind? The kind that shoots spit balls at the teacher when they turn their backs---for attention----youre still doing it----for attention

??? Again with the plagiarism thing??? I am more of a demi-god actually, failed my comet creation final....overslept.
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Not surprised, when you going to move out of your parents home and stop leaching off of them as you are on this post?


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 20:58


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Originally posted by insurance Hi, sleeper I can't seem to fathom why people can't wake up

It will take many lifetimes for some to wake up

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anywho, it's the same for me in how I'm being shown the way things are, sometimes it's slow sometimes it's fast either way what a ride. I have just had an experience in wake up time this month,but for now. There has been many times that i could've perished from a young age no illness, but i never been hurt never broke a bone "knock on wood". Was wondering if ET saves me from that. Thank You, and your much appreciated over here.

ETs intervene often especially with those they are in contact with---I have been in two car accidents where no one understood how I walked out alive, I have fallen off a cliff over a hundred feet high while in the army, I have fallen off scaffolding at a construction site, and fallen off a roof, and never broke a bone---and I dont get sick Sounds like you have a similar situation


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 21:25


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Originally posted by skitzo Sleeper I'm not trying to slam you but maybe you should have keep the billiard room to your self, although i do take every thing with a grain of salt only because its the internet, i have no way of telling if what you say is true but i do find this interesting to say the lest so keep trying to squeeze info from your supervisors. also try to get me a tour.thanks

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Im glad I put that out there, why is a billiard table on an alien ship so hard to comprehend? ETs can put anything in their ships even a herd of
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elephants----that should stir the sleepermites--- ----you have to understand Im human and I can be amused by childish posters You have to get the mental tour first otherwise the mind and body tends to lockup in the presents of ETs



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posted on 26/5/06 @ 21:34


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Originally posted by MrPenny don't have a clue what a plagiarist is, do you?

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I guess everyone has to explain things to you----plagiarism is when you steal other peoples work---writing----as you said you can do and do

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Wow, there's some insight. You'd think "ET" would have clued you in. I've given you grief before with a different username. And, I haven't lived at home for close to 30 years now.


Oh really you seem like a nice kid----did you get thrown out of the house?

You're a disgrace to genuine intellectual discourse.

Did you have to look up disgrace? Do you know what it means?----and you are using those big words like intellectual to impress me---thats cute---


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 21:54


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Originally posted by MrPenny Ah do know. Since it follows that I said that somewhere in this thread.....prove it. If you can't, you either cannot read, or you're a liar.


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You definitely know about being a liar, you may have even wrote the book on it Do you think Im a family member?----You dont tell me what to do, you wrote it you look it up

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Remember back when I wrote that you're no different than a child with an imaginary friend? Well, there's the childish response again.

You are my imaginary friend---wink---wink

I stand by my statement, you're a disgrace.

Sounds more like you are standing in it---your own


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 21:55


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[edit on 27-5-2006 by sleeper]

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posted on 26/5/06 @ 22:53


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Originally posted by MrPenny You had the opportunity to display some integrity and completely blew it. sleeper, you're a liar.

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Again Im not youre family dont talk to me like I am---perhaps you are use to being around liars therefore you think everyone lies I dont lie

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Do you suppose the readers who think you have some wonderful information will read this exchange and think you came out on top?

Im sure they will think you came out on top---

I wonder why you can't respond to criticism with the same mystical "soulful" advice you hand out to the sycophants?

Again Im not part of your family----perhaps thats the way you were brought up---if so tough break---

Lest we forget....sleeper says "ET" has a massage room and a billiard room on the craft.

Lest we forget miss penny plagiarizes and then pretends not to know what the word means---well then I guess its ok---

PS---I know that the admin sanctions what you and the other meatballs are doing, this thread has been a torn in the side of ats for more than a year and they haven't had the guts to lock it so they send in the stooges to thrash it Get some hair up you butts and lock it already----

[edit on 26-5-2006 by sleeper]


[edit on 26-5-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 23:37


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Originally posted by MrPenny I'll talk to you any way I please.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Oh the little boy has spunk---did you stamp your feet when you wrote that?

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Yes, you do. You claim to be in contact with the most powerful entities in the universe, yet you, nor "ET", can't so much as make a sparrow fall from the sky to prove it. Instead, you fall back on the childish device of claiming "I'm not allowed".


Again, dont talk down to me Im not a family member of yours

O.K., if you can accuse me of something without backing it up.... sleeper has sex with sheep. He said so. He also likes to fondle horse's you-knowwhats. He said so.

Thats the kind of bull you have been saying all along ----you must be confusing me with your relatives

Uh, hello?!? This is a privately owned enterprise. I think you're still here because it keeps you from spewing your goofiness on other threads. Plus, it provides them some back-room chuckles.

It hasnt kept you from spewing your no brainers---so you are pissed because they laugh at you and not with you?

I am not a meatball, I am a coldcut.


You are a meatball

[edit on 27-5-2006 by sleeper]


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posted on 26/5/06 @ 23:51


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Originally posted by MrPenny I have to add this......sleeper, if you think any english speaking human can read our recent exchanges and come away with the impression that you are somehow may be, without a doubt, certifiable.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

People are free to think anything they want----and wow, another big word from you, certifiable did your wife help you with that big word?

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You are combative, childish, and a liar. I sincerely feel sorry for the people who think you have some real, life-changing information to share.

They got the straight scoop---Im not ET Im human and you came to push my buttons and now I push your buttons---until they lock this thread---which is your intention and theirs You should instead feel sorry for yourself, because you are pathetic and will cause them to lose the real deal connection

I admit, it annoys me to distraction that you are permitted a means to propogate your nonsense. However, you're not breaking any rules. So, I am going to make every effort to disrupt your goofy love fest without breaking the rules.

Life probably annoys the heck out of you---and yes you may go down as the sleeper killer---congrats---you are so smart

Lest we forget miss penny likes to wear womens underwear----



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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:02


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Originally posted by MrPenny I talk down to children, dunces, fools, liars, politicians,

You must talk to yourself in the mirror a lot---are you also a politician?
ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

No, I am clearly a coldcut. A coldcut that is going to disrupt this nonsense as much as possible. And you won't be able to do a thing about it.

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You are a meatball Wow, you are going to disrupt the great and powerful sleeper---arent you the big boy---does your wife approve of such a daring feat by yourself? Maybe you should ask her first---


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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:11


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Originally posted by Access Denied Dude, you must think you're pretty clever... or perhaps your paranoid delusions are starting to get to you? :-)

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi mini me miss penny helper----I dont think Im clever you meatball have the monopoly on that

I think it's safe to say the owners of ATS love threads like this... need I explain


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Well good then we can continue in the fashion that you meatballs are comfortable with

Better yet... you're free to pick up your toys and go home any time you please :-)

So are you mini me

Or are you not satisfied with your 15 minutes of fame yet?

Pissed cause youll never get yours?

I'd LOVE to meet you in person ;-)

The feeling is mutual

posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:17


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Originally posted by MrPenny Straight scoop my butt. You invented every bit of this. You've read enough of the "new age" crap to get some idea how to manipulate people.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

You are not only a plagerist and assume others are too but you are a liar from the get go

So what? You paid for the photos.

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I thought I burned them----ugly---

Lest we forget...miss penny hates animals, but mostly cats.



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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:21


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Originally posted by MrPenny Oh my God!!!!! The incredibly witty and insightful exchange almost had me convinced!!! Until I realized sleeper has nothing but insults and lies to fall back on.

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

With your lies and ugly looks you still managed to get your 15 minutes of fame at my expense----your wife should be proud of her little meatball---

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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:24


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[edit on 26-5-2006 by sleeper]

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ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:30


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Originally posted by MrPenny What are you, like, nine years old? It's the same dumb insults over and over again.


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I know---so stop reading your own posts

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Well, that's kind of validating, don't you think?

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That you are a meatball? Yes! Thats what I have been trying to tell you

Lest we forget..miss penny is the spitball champion at school


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posted on 27/5/06 @ 00:44


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Originally posted by Mrknighttime32 im not sure if you got asked this or not but where were you when you got in spaceship and what base were you at. also any pictures

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

At every base I was stationed----they don't allow pictures because it adds ten pounds to their ships---I mean hips---


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posted on 27/5/06 @ 11:26


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Originally posted by AlexDJ Hi sleeper I have some questions..hope you can answer them: 1 - Why there is a lot of sighthings here in mexico??...because people watch more the sky? this a special place for them, is there something that they see in here?..because mexican people are more open to aliens???


ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Hi Alex There is work going on in Mexico that most people are not aware of---Mexico is prime real estate----has lots of tarnish at the moment but in a few decades the tarnish will come off and the diamond in the rough will shine

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2 - Have you ever think maybe you are manipulated in anyway by them??..i mean that maybe have you ever think that everything they tell you is not in the best interest for all or you???..ever thinked been used?

From what I have seen thats impossible

3 - Why they are so interested in us? there any aspect they are intrigue and doesnt know why is that or for what purpose??

Its their job to be interested in us----every soul has potential and they are here to squeeze that out of us


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posted on 27/5/06 @ 11:40


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Originally posted by 2013 You'd said it was about less than a month ( 2 or 3 weeks ) to get to the planet you have travelled to.So you did not eat anything on the ship while travelling, that's weird ( for 2 or 3 weeks nothing you ate ). How can you explain " eating nothing " for 3 weeks ?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

Metabolism is suspended while in the ship, and the body is sustained by some kind of energy field that is like a mist in the artificial atmosphere inside the craft
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And also another thing: Maybe you're a starseed that's why they take you to their space ships and travelled.But I think starseeds know that they are starseeds and may be you are not.

Those claiming that they are starseeds are not----ET is not here to inflate the ego of a few----the true starseeds dont advertise


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posted on 27/5/06 @ 13:12


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Originally posted by Access Denied Hmm... once upon a time?

ATS Points: 44993 BTS Points: 3078

I know the level of skepticism so I try to accommodate with humor---not everyone gets my humor as is evident by the childish attacks

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So at what point exactly were you able to distinguish that what was on board was a billiard room and a massage parlor? You said here it was impossible.


My experience that I described while in the military happened thirty-five years ago, I have advanced a tad since then---a few more privileges have been made available to me

Oh really? Didn't you say later in this thread that they routinely allowed them to land at the base and pick you up? How could they possibly not know what they are?

The government has no choice but to cooperate with ET

Umm... I believe the standard analogy for our government's behavior is "800


pound gorilla" :-)

800 hundred pound gorilla speaks of the bureaucracy----certainly America is the only super power and can be clumsy with other countries here on earth but when compared to ET we are ants---the smallest ones

Our government has stated repeatedly that their position is they don't represent a threat to national security.

ET is not a threat to national security but if the average person who is oblivious of ET should ever know that they exist and are infinitely superior that would be a problem

You really haven't done your homework have you? Tell that to the estimated hundreds of thousands of witnesses and contactees worldwide. Are you saying you're the only person on this planet qualified to testify to the validity of their existence?

Im talking about disclosure, not abductees

Here's one way proof can happen. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000,000. Can your ET contacts tell us what it is?

I dont do parlor tricks---thats for David Blain and Hollywood


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