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Black Moon Ritual,

Conquering the Shadows,

by Sor.: Zauberkraut

Dealing with ones fears and socalled shadows is essential to the as iring !agician. "nly through continously facing and conquering our shadows can we ut oursel#es truly in charge of our li#es. Being in touch with, and realistic about $the dark night of the soul$ is also a tool against the !ost dangerous, and co!!on, sickness of the !agician: !egalo!ania and aranoia.

%t a

ears that the !a&ority of hu!ans in this society go through

life in a !oderately de ressed state. %t see!s that eo le a#oid !a&or !ood changes, referring to be !ore or less !iserable at all ti!es. "ne who does not know the dee it of fear and de ression

will also ne#er know the high altitudes of ecstasy.

'his ritual is designed to get eo le in touch with their shadows and to o#erco!e the!. "ur fears and de ressions are in fact our de!ons and shadows. (or the indi#iduals who refuse to deal with the! they beco!e e#er !ore treacherous and owerful. 'o quote (ra.: ).D.: $%f you lock the de!ons in the base!ent they are going to blow u your house*$

+ara hernalia: Black altar cloth, one black candle, tarot card ,-%%%

.'he Moon/, 0ecate or Moon1+luto incense, ta es with a

ro riate

!usic .Dia!anda 2alas $'he Saint of the +it$ and 3aibach $3ife is 3ife/, white #oti#e candles in glass containers, one for each artici ant, to be used to cast out unwanted shadows. Structure:

4Banishing ritual of ersonal reference.

4State!ent of intent: $%t is our will to face and o#erco!e our shadows$.

4(i#e !inutes of guided ranaya!a during which the instru!ental ortion of the Dia!anda 2alas is layed. 'he Magister 'e! li guides the ranaya!a by raising and lowering his or her hands o#er the altar in ti!e with the breathing. 0e or she should begin to slow the breathing down gradually in order to allow all of the artici ants to tune in and breath si!ultaneously.

45t the end of the instru!ental ortion of the ta e artici ants for! a circle facing outwards, for we !ust conquer our shadows by oursel#es. 0ere a guided !editation follows while the !usic continues:

Re!e!ber a ti!e in your life when you were truly !iserable, you ha#e beco!e terribly de ressed, you feel you ha#e no #alue, your lo#e has betrayed you, life is ain.

6ou begin to feel #ery weak now, all your will ower is gone and you

are frightened. 6our knees are shaking, no strength, no ho e, nothing can hel you now.

3ie down on the floor, curling u in an e!bryonic osition, you are alone, nobody is resent to hel you, all of your friends ha#e left, your arents ha#e long since de arted. 6ou ha#e nothing any !ore, terrified you lay there.

'his is the dark night of the soul, you are co! letely obsessed by ain, insanity, de ression. 6ou begin to go insane with !isery as the shadows around you begin to cackle with delight. 'here is naught you can do in the araly7ing an8iety. 'here is absolutely nobody there to assist you. 5ll that re!ains is total surrender.....

.5ll of this litany should ha#e been read in a slow enough fashion to allow the artici ants to trance out and the ta e to end. During the rest of the !editation the M.'. !o#es about lighting the candles one by one./

6et in darkness there is light* (eel the life force retu!ing to you. (eel your heartbeat strong and #igorous, fill your lungs with air, roll onto your back and stretch. Stretch your body as though it were recently awakened fro! a long dee slee . Stretch with your ar!s, legs, back and neck. 6ou are atte! ting to touch the uni#erse, o en your senses and your eyes as wide as they ossibly can be. 2et u and take your candle fro! the altar, assing it o#er your body. Cast out all that is not strong, healthy, #ibrant and whole. 'une in co! letely with the light and allow it to heal you. 'ake your ti!e

allowing its rays to er!eate your being, cleansing e#ery as ect. Make certain there is nothing left that is not light, bright and strong.

9hen you are ready, re lace the candle u on the altar in the !iddle of the te! le. .5t this oint lace the 3aibach ta e in the layer if you desire./

45ll artci ants hold hands and !o#e rhyth!ically around the altar, e#er faster, drawing the co!bined life force within.

45t the cli!a8 of the circu!a!bulation colla se to the floor whilst erfor!ing a laughter banishing.

4Closing banishing of reference if desired.


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