Iron Curtain Over America Correspondence

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NATIO N"",- C H ... IRM.... N

NEW Y ORK 17, N . y, October 4, 1955
Lieutenant-General George E. stratemeyer
P. o. Box 424
Winte Pa rk, Florida
Dear General Stratemeyer:
It is never a pleasant duty to impose distressing
problems upon public personalities such as yourself, and
for some t ~ e it had been our hope that this letter to
you might become unnecessary.
Just a year ago, the publishers of "Iron Curtain
Over American began distributing, as part of a sales cam-
paign, copies 0: what purported to be a letter from you to
John O. Beaty, the author, endorsing this volume and recom-
mending it to Americans in general.
At that time we withheld wri.ting you because we felt
that inevitably the facts about Mr. Beaty and his book would
be brought to your attention and that you would then take
appropriate action. A year has gone by and we now find that
"The General stratemeyer Letter Written to Col. Beaty" is the
subject of a flyer beine distributed by Gerald L.K. Smith's
Christian Nationalist Crusade. Enclosed is a photostatic
copy of that leaflet , which you will note acknowledges un-
ashamedly that "Iron Curtain Over America" i santi-Jewish-:- -
This leaflet is being distributed in large quantities
and thus links your n a ~ e widely and publicly with the anti-
Semitism of Gerald Smith ~ ~ d John Beaty. We take it for
granted that you are familiar with Smith's long and notorious
record as an anti-Jewish hatemonger. Perhaps you are not as
aware of Mr. Beaty ' s record.
Professor Beaty is no newcomer to the field of anti-Jewish
propaganda. As lonr a
0 as 1948 he was delivering anti-Semitic
lectures in the Southwest. Until December 1951 his activities
were confined to desultory speaking engagements whose effects
- 2 -
1t.-General George E. Stratemeyer October 4, 1955
appear to be irritating only in a local sense. Then he made his debut as a
national anti-Semitic propagandist with the publication of "Iron Curtain Over
We do not propose to burden you at this point with our detailed analysis
of the bookj suffice it to say that it is a compilation of anti-Jewish lies
and distortions which have caused it to become a kind of primer for lunatic
fringe groups throughout the nation.
Lest you feel that ours is a partisan Jewish view of this book, we would
point out that "Iron Curtain Over America" has been denounced by the Hethodist
publication Zions Herald. Others who have condemned it are Father J.J. Mulloy
of the J esuit Higb School of Dallas; Dr. 0rval Watts in the publication Faith
And Freedom; and William Henry Chamberlain in the Chicago Tribune. (Photo-
static copies of these condemnations are enclosed.)
Finally, you should know that, as a result of his activities, Professor
Bea ty was censured in May, 1954 by the Board of Trustees of Southern Methodist
Universi ty.
In view of the foregoing, it is our f eeling that you may want to consider
the advisabi lity of some public action which can aSbure the American people,
who hold you in such high regard, that you repudiate religious hatred, as we
know you do, and the use of your name by Professor Beaty and Gerald 1.K. Smith.
We would appreciate your response which we hope will relieve the concern
that has been expressed to us by the many people who have
newest leaflet.

Enc .
Henry/ Edward Schultz
U . GEN. U . S . A . F . ( RET.)
P . O . BOX 424
12 October, 1955.
Mr. Henry E. Schultz.
National Chairman
Anti-Def&mation Le&gue
of B'nai B'rith
205 Eaet 42nd Street
New York 17, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Schultz:
Your letter of 4 October, 1955 with encloeuree
received and I want you and your organization to know that I
for cefUlly resent what you have eaid or implied.
Firet, I want to make it clear that I am not, nor
haTe I ever been, anti-Jewish. I have m&ny Jewieh friends throughout
thie country, who arelo:ral honeet Americans.
As for your use' of the meaningleee expreeeion "anti-
Semi tic" it makee no senee. According to the dictionary, the word
Semitic pertaine to the decendante of Shem which includee Aesvrians,
Hebrews, Arabe, Abyeeiniane, etc. Italeo pertains to
the Semitic languagee collectiTely. Therefore, how anyone pereon or
group of pereone could be anti-Semitic is beyond my understanding.
are you and your organization to tell me what
I read and what I ehould recommend other loyal American
citizene to read? And, by the way, what ie the purpoee of your
Not until I read John Beaty' 3 book II The Iron Curtain
OTer America." did I learn what wae going on back in The United
Statee of America while I W&S overseae fighting for my country.
I think every loyal citizen of our country
wh-e-th-e-r-h e--Pr-t>-t-ee-t -e.-n , -ew,- -Ga--tb-ol4. e-G-P-Mohamm-edan-e-h-G-Ul d--!!'--ead--
II The Iron Curtain Over America". I do not consider that book
antl-Jewieh in a ny sense of the word. In fact, I cons i der it a
def ense of all l oyal Ameri can Jews and every Jew that lovee theee
United Statee of ours ehoul d read it.
Wha t c onn ection exiets between Mr . John Beat y and
Mr. K. Smi th I haTe no knowledge as I do not know either
gentlemen. I di d author ize Mr. Beaty to use my letter to him and
t hat ie no one 's but my own.
When The United States of America reachee the point
where a citizen cannot read what he dee i ree to read and to
recommend euch r eading to ot here then we will haTe reached the
stat ue that exiets in Sovi et Russia. But, THANK GOD, we are s till
free men i n Ameri ca . Ae I interpret your letter your or gani zation
woul d t he people only you think ehould be read and
recommended to otr ere. Thie I reeent ae a fr e e Ameri can citizen.
-2- 12 October, 1955.
Mr. Henry Schultz.
I do not underetand what you mean by your
etatement "We do not propoee to burden you at thie point, etc."
Ie thie a Teiled threat to my free ~ r i o n and thoughte? If eo,
thie I aleo reeent.
Your letter ie the moet outrageous communication
I have ever received in my life and I intend to give it the wideet
poeeible publicity, including my many Jewish friends.
May 16, 1956
Fellow Americans:
We the people of this great nation are being taken for the most
fantastic and horrible "buggy ride" in all history. If you are afraid
to learn the truth, stop reading this right here o If Qnafraid, and I
am one who believes that the great majority of citizens of the United
States are intelligent, men and women, then read this
letfer and read it carefully.
Most of us are confused though vaguely conscious of the accelerated
trend of the federal government to arrogate power to itself and to deny
the constitutional right of the several.. states to govern in accordance
with the will of the people. Specifically, I refer to such unconstitu-
tional acts as the recent federal Supreme Court edict of 17, 1954,
concerning the internal administration of state owned and state operated
public schools.
What is this crushing dictatorial po'Wer ,"hich 'We all feel but fe,v of
us understand? Do our United States Senators and Representatives blather
about communism but carefully avoid identifying the financial and pla.nning
groups spreading this contagion? vfuo controls the great mass of communica-
tion media so vital to the life of a constitutional republic? Is the so
called "free press" free? Are you apathetic or uninformed? Can an unin-
formed. or misinformed citizen act intelligently to safeguard his constitu-
tional guarantees of freedom? Certainly notl
Therefore, let me strongly recommend that as a public and personal
service you obtain and read "The Iron Curtain Over America" by John O. Beaty.
This book is the best-documented and most comprehensive analysis available of
the cause of the "national rot" now free America.
Let every American whether he be white, brown or black, whether he be
Christian, Je'W or Mohammedan read "The Iron Curtain Over America", the "Blue
Back Speller" for patriotso
and pro bono publico only. _
. . ' C.
CC: Honorable J o Edg&r Hoover
Director of Federal Bureau of Invest igation

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