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One and a half hours (Satu jam setengah)


Instruction to candidates: DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Answer all questions in Section A and any one question in Section B. Answers may be written in either English or Bahasa Malaysia. All necessary working should be shown clearly. Scientific calculators may be used. Programmable and graphic display calculators are prohibited. A list of mathematical formulae is provided on page of this question paper.

Arahan kepada calon: JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU UNTUK BERBUAT DEMIKIAN. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A dan mana-mana satu soalan dalam Bahagian B. Jawapan boleh ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Malaysia. Semua kerja yang perlu hendaklah ditunjukkan dengan jelas. Kalkulator sainstifik boleh digunakan. Kalkulator boleh atur cara dan kalkulator paparan grafik tidak dibenarkan. Senarai rumus matematik dibekalkan pada halaman dalam kertas soalan ini.

Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Terengganu STPM 954/2

Page 1

Section A [45 marks] Answer all questions in this section.


The function g is defined by

( )

a) Find the value of if ( ) exists b) Hence, determine whether g is continuous at



Find the gradient if the curve where the x ordinate is 2. Determine the normal equation to the curve such that



Sketch the graph of the curve turning point.

, indicating clearly its asymptote and [8m]


Use the substitution

to find the particular solution of the differential equation when [7m]

given that

Hence, find, correct to four decimal places, the value of y when


Using Maclaurins theorem, express up to the term in

) as a series to of ascending power of x

. State the range of values of x for which the expansion is valid. [7m]

Hence, solve the expansion of standard series [4m]


Use the trapezium rule with six ordinates to estimate correct to four decimal places, find the value of Explain why the approximation is greater than its exact value [6m]

Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Terengganu STPM 954/2

Page 2

Section B [15 marks] Answer any one question in this section.


The curve the values of a).

( and

) where

has a turning point at the point (

). Determine [5m]

Calculate the area of the region bounded by the

- axis and the curve [5m]


Calculate the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region about the axis [5m]


The equation of the curve is given by ( ) (a) (b) (c) Show that f(x) has a root between 0 and 1 Sketch the graph of y = x and y = f(x) on the same axes Show that . places (d) is an iterative formula for finding the root of the equation By using , find the root correct to the three decimal [4m] [3m] [3m]

By using Newton - Raphson method, determine the possible root of the equation of f (x) [5m]

Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Terengganu STPM 954/2

Page 3

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