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Chapter 9 Review

10. Consider the five types of local political party organizations that the text lists. What advantages and disadvantages does each type have? Rank the five types according to whether they can: Introd ce needed political refor!s " ccessf lly asse!#le eno gh power to govern effectively Ind ce a #road cross section of society to participate $void corr ption %ive the voters a reasona#le choice of policy&!akers and policies $llow the voters to hold politicians responsi#le for the s ccess or fail re of their policies Re' venate the political process #y allowing (o tsiders) in

$re so!e types of parties !ore likely to #e stronger and !ore electorally s ccessf l than others? *0. +he national political parties have little control over the #ehavior of their !e!#ers or of the candidates representing the!. ,ow is the political syste! h rt #y the loose organization of political parties? -0. .oter loyalty to a partic lar party is di!inishing/ with !any voters na#le to disting ish #etween the two !a'or parties. Wo ld a strengthened party str ct re prevent defections? 0r wo ld the power of the states #e restricted? Wo ld candidates #e less responsive to local interests? 10. " ppose yo wanted !ore powerf l parties. Which alternative in each pair wo ld achieve this goal? ,ow? 2 #lic financing of ca!paigns or private contri# tions 3ore pri!aries or !ore ca c ses 3ore openness to o tside political forces or !ore control #y esta#lished political fig res 3ore power in Washington or !ore power in state and local govern!ents 3ore people in politics #eca se of ideology or (principle) or !ore in it for 'o#s and !oney

40. "ho ld the 5lectoral College #e a#olished? 0r sho ld it !erely #e refor!ed? If the latter/ what changes can #e reco!!ended? 60. Choose three political s #&gro ps within the 7a#els and $lign!ent reading and define and explain their #asic platfor! and goals. 80. Why do so!e voters #elieve that it is illogical to vote for a party other than one of the two
!a'or ones?

90. :efine the ter! political party and contrast the str ct res of the 5 ropean and $!erican parties/ paying partic lar attention to the federal str ct re of the ;nited "tates syste! and the concept of party identification. <0. +race the develop!ent of the ;nited "tates party syste! thro gh its fo r periods. 5xplain why parties have #een in decline since the =ew :eal. 100. :escri#e the str ct re of a !a'or party. :isting ish !a'or fro! !inor parties. 110. Indicate whether there are !a'or differences #etween the parties. :escri#e so!e of the iss e differences #etween delegates at :e!ocratic and Rep #lican conventions/ and co!pare these differences with those of the party rank and file. 1*. >now the !a'or policy ideas and platfor!s for the eight political parties that were presented in class in detail.
0I!portant +er!s
*congressional campaign committee *critical or realignment period *ideological party *mugwumps (or progressives) *national chairman *national committee *national convention *personal following *plurality system $ party co!!ittee in Congress that provides f nds to !e!#ers and wo ld&#e !e!#ers. 2eriods when a !a'or/ lasting shift occ rs in the pop lar coalition s pporting one or #oth parties. $ party that val es principled stands on iss es a#ove all else. Rep #lican party faction of the 19<0s to the 1<10s co!posed of refor!ers who opposed patronage. :ay&to&day party !anager elected #y the national co!!ittee. :elegates who r n party affairs #etween national conventions. $ !eeting of party delegates held every fo r years. +he political s pport provided to a candidate on the #asis of personal pop larity and networks. $n electoral syste! in which the winner is that person who gets the !ost votes/ even if they do not receive a !a'ority? sed in al!ost all $!erican elections. $ party organization that recr its !e!#ers #y dispensing patronage. $ gro p that seeks to elect candidates to p #lic office. +he social rewards that lead people to 'oin political organizations. $ local or state political party that is largely s pported #y another organization in the co!! nity. .oting for candidates who are all of the sa!e party. 2arty leaders and elected officials who #eco!e delegates to the national convention witho t having to r n in pri!aries or ca c ses. .oting for candidates of different parties for vario s offices in the sa!e election.

*political machine *political party *solidary incentive *sponsored party *straight ticket *superdelegates *split ticket

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