Question - 1: ID No.14908

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ID No.


Analysis of 20 observations (data) of 3 variables. Objective: Crime Rate in 47 states of the USA with 3 explanatory variables The crime rate in 47 states in the U.S. was reported to ether with possible factors that mi ht infl!ence it. The factors recorded are as follows"

#$ % the n!mber of males a ed $4 & '4 per $((( of total state pop!lation #' % binary variable distin !ishin so!thern states )#' %$* from the rest )#'%(*. #3 % the mean n!mber of years of schoolin x $( of the pop!lation+ ', years old and -ver.

C-RR./AT0-1S 23AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 25R01T%T6-TA0/ 1-S07 280SS017%5A0R60S..

Notes -!tp!t Created Comments 0np!t Active ;ataset <ilter 6ei ht Split <ile 1 of Rows in 6or?in ;ata <ile 8issin 3al!e @andlin ;efinition of 8issin Cases Used User&defined missin val!es are treated as missin . Statistics for each pair of variables are based on all the cases with valid data for that pair. Syntax C-RR./AT0-1S 23AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 25R01T%T6-TA0/ 1-S07 280SS017%5A0R60S.. Reso!rces 5rocessor Time .lapsed Time (:((:((.($, (:((:((.(3' ;ataSet$ =none> =none> =none> '$ '9&1ov&'($3 (':$3:'4


#$ #$ 5earson Correlation Si . )'&tailed* 1 #' 5earson Correlation Si . )'&tailed* 1 #3 5earson Correlation Si . )'&tailed* 1 '( .434 .(,9 '( &.,43C .($3 '( '( &.7'9CC .((( '( '( $ #' .434 .(,9 '( $ #3 &.,43C .($3 '( &.7'9CC .((( '( $

C. Correlation is si nificant at the (.(, level )'&tailed*. CC. Correlation is si nificant at the (.($ level )'&tailed*.

1-15AR C-RR 23AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 25R01T%4-T@ T6-TA0/ 1-S07 280SS017%5A0R60S..

Nonpara etric Correlations

Notes -!tp!t Created Comments 0np!t Active ;ataset <ilter 6ei ht Split <ile 1 of Rows in 6or?in ;ata <ile 8issin 3al!e @andlin ;efinition of 8issin Cases Used User&defined missin val!es are treated as missin . Statistics for each pair of variables are based on all the cases with valid data for that pair. Syntax 1-15AR C-RR 23AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 25R01T%4-T@ T6-TA0/ 1-S07 280SS017%5A0R60S.. Reso!rces 5rocessor Time .lapsed Time 1!mber of Cases Allowed a. 4ased on availability of wor?space memory (:((:((.($9 (:((:((.(47 $4'DE7 casesa ;ataSet$ =none> =none> =none> '$ '9&1ov&'($3 (':$3:'4


#$ #' #3

FendallGs ta!Hb


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1

$.((( . '( .3', .(D4 '( &.'$9 .$D' '( $.((( . '( .3E4 .(D4 '( &.3,E .$'' '(

.3', .(D4 '( $.((( . '( &.,DDCC .((' '( .3E4 .(D4 '( $.((( . '( &.7(7CC .((( '(

&.'$9 .$D' '( &.,DDCC .((' '( $.((( . '( &.3,E .$'' '( &.7(7CC .((( '( $.((( . '(


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1

SpearmanGs rho


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1


Correlation Coefficient Si . )'&tailed* 1

CC. Correlation is si nificant at the (.($ level )'&tailed*.

;.SCR05T03.S 3AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 2STAT0ST0CS%8.A1 ST;;.3 801 8A#.

Notes -!tp!t Created Comments 0np!t Active ;ataset <ilter ;ataSet$ =none> '9&1ov&'($3 (':$4:'D

6ei ht Split <ile 1 of Rows in 6or?in ;ata <ile 8issin 3al!e @andlin ;efinition of 8issin Cases Used Syntax

=none> =none> '$ User defined missin val!es are treated as missin . All non&missin data are !sed. ;.SCR05T03.S 3AR0A4/.S%#$ #' #3 2STAT0ST0CS%8.A1 ST;;.3 801 8A#.


5rocessor Time .lapsed Time

(:((:((.((( (:((:((.(((


!escriptive Statistics 1 #$ #' #3 3alid 1 )listwise* '( '( '( '( 8inim!m $'$.(( .(( E7.(( 8axim!m $,7.(( $.(( $'$.(( 8ean $37.7((( .4,(( $(9.,,(( Std. ;eviation D.43733 .,$(4' $$.39'33

R.7R.SS0-1 280SS017 /0ST60S. 2STAT0ST0CS C-.<< -UTS R A1-3A 2CR0T.R0A%501).(,* 5-UT).$(* 21--R0701 2;.5.1;.1T #$ 28.T@-;%.1T.R #' #3.

Notes -!tp!t Created Comments 0np!t Active ;ataset <ilter 6ei ht ;ataSet$ =none> =none> '9&1ov&'($3 (':$7:''

Split <ile 1 of Rows in 6or?in ;ata <ile 8issin 3al!e @andlin ;efinition of 8issin Cases Used Syntax

=none> '$ User&defined missin val!es are treated as missin . Statistics are based on cases with no missin val!es for any variable !sed. R.7R.SS0-1 280SS017 /0ST60S. 2STAT0ST0CS C-.<< -UTS R A1-3A 2CR0T.R0A%501).(,* 5-UT).$(* 21--R0701 2;.5.1;.1T #$ 28.T@-;%.1T.R #' #3.


5rocessor Time .lapsed Time 8emory ReI!ired Additional 8emory ReI!ired for Resid!al 5lots

(:((:((.(3' (:((:((.$$( $939 bytes ( bytes


$ariables %ntered&"e oved 3ariables 8odel $ .ntered #3+ #'


3ariables Removed . 8ethod .nter

a. All reI!ested variables entered.

'odel Su

ary AdJ!sted R Std. .rror of the .stimate


R SI!are






a. 5redictors: )Constant*+ #3+ #'

ANO$Ab S!m of 8odel $ Re ression Resid!al Total SI!ares ,(4.D'D $$E7.'7$ $9D'.'(( df ' $7 $D 8ean SI!are ','.494 9D.E3D < 3.9$, Si . .(4Da

a. 5redictors: )Constant*+ #3+ #' b. ;ependent 3ariable: #$

Coefficientsa StandardiKed UnstandardiKed Coefficients 8odel $ )Constant* #' #3 a. ;ependent 3ariable: #$ 4 $7D.7(( $.,4E &.4($ Std. .rror 'E.('$ ,.4,E .'4, .(E4 &.4E' Coefficients 4eta t 9.4$3 .'E4 &$.934 Si . .((( .7E( .$'$

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