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MARK ANDREW CASTELO GAERLAN Department Of Health Programs 1 FAMILY PLANNING The program is anchored on the following basic

c principles. Respons!"le Parenthoo#= means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they might have and they are responsible for the education and up-bringing of the children. Respe$t for L!fe The 1987 Constitution states that the government protects the sanctity of life. bortion is !"T a #$ method% %!rth Spa$!ng= refers to interval between pregnancies &which is ideally ' years(. &nforme# Cho!$e= ensures the rights of couples to determine the number and spacing of their children according to their life)s aspirations and reminding couples that planning si*e of their families have a direct bearing on the +uality of their children)s and their own lives.

&nten#e# A'#!en$e( ,en and women of reproductive age &1--.9( y/o including adolescents Area of Co)erage( !ationwide Man#ate( 0" 119 and 0" 112 *!s!on( 0mpowered men and women living healthy3 productive and fulfilling lives and e4ercising the right to regulate their own fertility through legally 5 acceptable family planning services. M!ss!on% The 6"7 in partnership with 89:s3 !9"s3 the private sectors and communities ensures the availability of #$ information and services to men and women who need them. Program Goals( To provide universal access to #$ information3 education and services whenever and wherever these are needed. General O"+e$t!)es( To help couples3 individuals achieve their desired family si*e within the conte4t of responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive health. Strateg!es 1. #rontline participation of 6"7-retained hospitals 2. #amily $lanning for the urban and rural poor '. 6emand 9eneration through Community-;ased ,anagement <nformation =ystem .. ,ainstreaming !atural #amily $lanning in the public and !9" health facilities -. =trengthening #$ in the regions with high unmet need for #$% C >3 C76 -3 83 !C>3 >,, ?. Contraceptive <nterdependence <nitiative , FOOD & WATERBORNE DISEASES PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM The program covers diseases of a parasitic3 fungal3 viral3 and bacteria in nature3 usually ac+uired through the ingestion of contaminated drin@ing water or food li@e typhoid fever and cholera. The approaches to control and prevention is centered on public health awareness regarding food safety as well as strengthening treatment guidelines. Goal an# O"+e$t!)es( The program aims to% 1. $revent the occurrence of food and waterborne outbrea@s through water purification 2. $rocure <A# solutions3 venosets and <A cannula in diarrheal outbrea@s for emergency response. '. $lace first line and second line antimicrobial and anti-parasitic medicines such as albenda*ole and pra*i+uantel at selected C76s for outbrea@ mitigation. .. <ncrease public awareness in preventable food-borne illnesses such as capillaria. -. <ncrease coordination between !ational 0pidemiology Center &!0C( and >egional epidemiology surveillance :nit &>0=:( to ade+uately respond to outbrea@s and provide technical supportB ?. $rocure Typhidot-, diagnostic @its for the early detection and treatment of typhoid patientsB 7. $rocure Typhoid vaccine and oral cholera vaccine to reduce the number of cases seen after severe floodingB 8. $rovide training on accurate laboratory diagnosis of common parasites and proper culture techni+ues in the isolation of bacterial food pathogens. 9. $rovide guidance to field medical personnel with regard to the correct treatment protocols.

%enef!$!ar!es-Target Pop'lat!on( Targets individuals3 families3 and communities residing in affected areas nationwide. #or parasitic infections3 endemic areas are more common. Strateg!es-Management( Case monitoring is maintained through the $hilippine <ntegrated 6isease =urveillance and >esponse "utbrea@s are being prevented though public education in print and radio stations. ,ulti-drug resistant cases of typhoid are monitored through reports from the hospital sentinel site and the data from the >esearch <nstitute of Tropical ,edicineCs ntibiotic >esistance 5 =urveillance $rogram. . NATIONAL DENGUE CONTROL & PREVENTION PROGRAM *!s!on( 6engue >is@-#ree $hilippines M!ss!on( To improve the +uality of health of #ilipinos by adopting an integrated dengue control approach in the prevention and control of dengue infection. Goal( >educe morbidity and mortality from dengue infection by preventing the transmission of the virus from the mos+uito vector human. O"+e$t!)es( Health Stat's O"+e$t!)es( >educe incidence from '2 cases/1113111 population to 21 cases/1113111. >educe case fatality rate by D1EB and 6etect and contain all epidemics. R!s/ Re#'$t!on O"+e$t!)es( >educe the ris@ of human e4posure to aedes bite by 7ouse inde4 of D- and ;reteau inde4 of 21B <ncrease E of 77 practicing removal of mos+uito breeding places to 81EB and <ncrease awareness on 6#/67# to 111E. Ser)!$es 0 Prote$t!on O"+e$t!)es( 0stablish a 6engue >eference 8aboratory capable of performing <g, capture 08<= for 6engue =urveillanceB <ncrease the E of 1F and 2F government hospitals with laboratory capable of platelet count and hematocritB and 0nsure surveillance and investigation of all epidemics. Partner Organ!1at!ons-Agen$!es( Gorld 7ealth "rgani*ation &G7"( :nited !ations childrenCs #und &:!<C0#( 6epartment of <nterior and 8ocal 9overnment &6<89( 6epartment of 0ducation &6ep0d( :nited =tates gency for <nternational 6evelopment &:= <6( sian 6evelopment ;an@ & 6;( $hilippine 7ealth <nsurance Corporation &$hil7ealth( 2 ESSENTIAL NEWBORN CARE Goals( To reduce neonatal mortality rates by 2/' from 1991 levels O"+e$t!)es( To provide evidence-based practices to ensure survival of the newborn from birth up to the first 28 days of life To deliver time-bound core intervention in the immediate period after the delivery of the newborn To strengthen health facility environment for breastfeeding initiation to ta@e place and for breastfeeding to be continued from discharge up to 2 years of life To provide appropriate and timely emergency newborn care to newborns in need of resuscitation To ensure access of newborns to affordable life-saving medicines to reduce deaths and morbidity To ensure inclusion of newborn care in the overall approach to the ,aternal3 !ewborn3 Child 7ealth and !utrition =trategy

1. 2. '. .. -. ?.

%enef!$!ar!es( a. !ewborns all over the country b. $arents c. communities Program Strateg!es( 1. 7ealth =ector >eform a. $olicy and 9uideline <ssuance= dministrative "rder 2119-112- - dopting $olicies and 9uidelines on 0ssential !ewborn Care - 6ecember 13 2119 b. +uino 7ealth genda and chieving :niversal 7ealth Care H ." 2111-11'? c. $hil7ealth Circular 2111-111 dated ugust -3 2111 on !ewborn Care $ac@age d. 6evelopment of "perationali*ation of 0ssential !ewborn Care $rotocol in 7ealth #acilities 2 <dentification of Centers of 04cellence - doption of essential newborn care protocol &including intrapartum care and the ,!C7! =trategy( '. Curriculum >eforms - Curriculum integration of essential newborn care in undergraduate health courses - <ntegration and revision of board e4am +uestions in licensure e4aminations for physicians3 nurses and midives .. =ocial ,ar@eting - 6evelopment of social mar@eting tools - :nang Ia@ap ,69 . 5 3 PROVISION OF POTABLE WATER PROGRAM (SALINTUBIG Program - Sagana at L gta! na T"# g Para !a La$at% & Prof!le-Rat!onale of the Program $rovision of safe water supply is one of the basic social services that improve health and well-being by preventing transmission of waterborne diseases. The incidence rate for these diseases is high as 13997 per 1113111 population while mortality rate is ?.7 per 1113111 populations. The =agana at 8igtas na Tubig sa 8ahat $rogram &= 8<!T:;<9( is one of the governmentCs main actions in addressing the plight of #ilipino households in such areas. One Billion and Five Hundred Million Pesos (Php 1,500,000,000( is appropriated for this program.

O"+e$t!)es 1. To increase water service for the waterless population 2. To reduce incidence of water-borne and sanitation related diseases '. To improved access of the poor to sanitation services % Targets 1. <ncreased water service for the waterless population by -1E 2. >educed incidence of water-borne and sanitation related diseases by 21E '. <mproved access of the poor to sanitation services by at least 11E .. =ustainable operation of all water supply and sanitation proJects constructed3 organi*ed and supported by the $rogram by 81E. <<. ;enef!$!ar!es 11- Gaterless ,unicipalities Gaterless reas based on the following thematic concerns% - $oorest waterless barangays with high incidence of water borne diseases - >esettlement areas in ;ulacan3 >i*al3 Cavite3 8aguna3 ;atangas and lbay -7ealth Centers without access to safe water &&& Program Components-A$t!)!t!es . >ehabilitation/e4pansion of 8evel <<< water supply systems including appropriate water treatment systems. ;. Construction/rehabilitation/e4pansion/upgrading of 8evel << water supply systems. C. Construction/rehabilitation of 8evel < water supply systems in areas3 where such facilities are only applicable. 6. $rovision of training for e4isting or newly organi*ed water users associations/ community-based organi*ations. 0. =upport for new and innovative technologies for water supply delivery and sanitation systems.

#. Training3 mentoring3 coaching and other capacity development assistance to 89: on planning3 implementation and management of water supply and sanitation proJects.

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