Slender Man - Reading Test 2

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Slender Man Reading - Part 2 You are going to read an article about the popular horror icon: Slender

Man. For questions 1-12 choose from the sections of the article (A-F . !he sections ma" be chosen more than once. #hich section of the article mentions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a $ideo game% the character&s film debut% the internet forum 'here Slender Man re-emerged% the name of a photo manipulator% the 'riter&s sleeping problem% the abduction of Slender Man&s fictional $ictims% Slender Man&s old relationship 'ith children% a number of media producers% a strange t"pe of malad"%

10 the character&s current relationship 'ith children% 11 a h"pothesis relating to Slender Man&s origins% 12 a portable light source%

Slender Sickness A (ersonall") *&m a big fan of Slend". !here are $er" fe' monsters that can genuinel" creep me out) and this gu" is one of them. * ha$e spent more time than *&m 'illing to admit losing sleep because of a Marble +ornets entr" or chic,ening around in Slender.

- Although he has no certain origin) !he Slender Man m"th ma" date bac, as far as centur" /erman". *n /ermanic fair" tales) he 'as ,no'n as 0er 1itter - an e2ceptionall" tall man dressed as a ,night or a ro"al figure. *n those times) he 'as meant to be a cautionar" tale for children. So ho' did he ma,e it to the $ast internet% *n 2334) Something A'ful Forums launched a paranormal picture contest in 'hich participants 'ere required to ta,e ordinar" photos and digitall" manipulate them into something creep" and sinister. !hen those photographs had to be posted on a number of paranormal forums as authentic photos. A user b" the name of 5ictor Surge entered t'o blac, and 'hite photographs 'ith a short description naming the Slender Man - a m"sterious creature that stal,ed children. 6 !he character quic,l" caught the attention of se$eral 'ebsites) the most popular $ideo accounts come from the Marble +ornets pro7ect. !his pro7ect consists of a series of entries on Youtube that are supposedl" tape segments reco$ered b" someone named 8a". !hese unco$ered tapes contain footage of a friend that had disappeared. *n the pro7ect) Slend" is ,no'n as 9!he :perator9. !here are more than ;3 $ideos in the series right no') and the pro7ect is still on going. :ther $ideo documentations of the Slender Man ha$e since appeared. !hese other pro7ects include <$er"man+Y-1*0) 0ar,+ar$est33) M=Andersen3) and !ribe!'el$e. 0 +e e$en has his o'n game: Slender > !he <ight (ages. *t is a simple game) "ou&re in a 'ood 'ith a flashlight. You don&t ,no' 'h" "ou&re in the 'oods. -ut "ou are. And "ou ha$e to 'ander around in these creep") dar, 'oods until "ou find eight pieces of paper posted on $arious landmar,s. And these pieces of paper ha$e 'eird) creep" stuff 'ritten on them. !he 'hole time "ou&re in these creep" 'oods loo,ing for these stupid pieces of paper) the Slender Man is behind "ou) stal,ing "ou. -ut "ou can&t run a'a" from him because "ou&re either fat or a child or possibl" a fat child. #hate$er "ou are) "ou&re not built for running. You can tell 'hen he&s close because "ou&ll hear creep" noises and "our screen becomes distorted. *f it goes completel" static) then congratulations: "ou&$e been caught b" the Slender Man and 'ill probabl" die in a horrible fashion.


:ld-school Slend" 'as $er" $iolent. +e displa"ed highl" aggressi$e beha$iours such as impaling his $ictims on trees) lea$ing them to bleed to death) or ripping out a $ictim&s organs. 6hildren 'ere his sole target. +o'e$er) the modern Slender Man is not quite as $iolent) but someho' much more sinister than his older counterpart. !he modern Slender Man is passi$e aggressi$e to'ard his $ictims. +e 'ill stal, his target continuousl") and torment the indi$idual b" repeatedl" ma,ing his presence ,no'n in an in$asi$e 'a" - appearing inside or around the target&s home) on a road during tra$el) at the 'or,place 'hen the target is alone) or 'hile the target is sleeping. !his elimination of an" safe ?one tends to spar, uneasiness and paranoia in the $ictim. +o'e$er) Slend" 'ill probabl" not attac, for a long time. *nstead) he 'ill 7ust continue to follo' his $ictims and creep them out.

*f targeted o$er an e2tended period of time) $ictims 'ill usuall" e2perience madness. (aranoia ta,es o$er@ the $ictim doesn&t feel safe an"'here. #ild mood s'ings occur) and constant irritation is present. 5ictims suffer from 9Slender Sic,ness9) 'hich is mar,ed b" coughing fits) coughing up blood) nausea) $omiting) blood" nose) and fe$er. !he most prominent effect of Slender Sic,ness is amnesia. 5ictims 'ill often a'a,en 'ith no idea 'here the" are) 'hat the" are doing) or ho' the" got there. Memor" loss can be a period of hours) da"s) 'ee,s) or e$en months. *t&s undetermined 'hether this memor" loss is a defense mechanism triggered b" an encounter 'ith the Slender Man) or the 'or, of Slend" himself. <ither 'a") the $ictim ends up 'ith a life that is in ruins. #hen a Slend" target does finall" disappear it is uncertain 'here e2actl" the $ictims go) or 'hat happens to them after. An" $ideo documentation of an encounter 'ith Slend" is highl" distorted (another ,no'n effect of his presence ) ma,ing it almost impossible to see e2actl" 'hat occurs 'hen he appears.

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