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This document introduces some basic concepts for using the L5100 to create a smart home.


Lynx Touch 5100

Automation Applications Guide

Application Guide L5100 Automation Applications Guide

The L5100 has the ability to automate your home or business. This guide will explain Scenes and Rules and how to program them properly. This guide will address some common scenarios and their programming.

Table of Contents
Automation ....................................................................................................................................3 What is automation? ............................................................................................................................. 3 How it works .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Scenes versus Rules ........................................................................................................................3 Scenes .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Rules ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Events That Can Start Scenes................................................................................................................. 4
Zone Type Fault/Restore ...................................................................................................................................4 System Operation ..............................................................................................................................................4 Zone Number Operation....................................................................................................................................4

Common Automation Scenarios ......................................................................................................5 Arming When Locking the Z-Wave Enabled Door Lock ......................................................................... 5 Disarming the panel using the Z-Wave Enabled Door Lock................................................................... 7 Creating a Leaving Home Scene ......................................................................................................... 8 Automating Devices When There is a Fire or Carbon Monoxide Alarm .......................................... 17 Turning Lights On at the Start of an Entry Delay.............................................................................. 27 Scheduling ....................................................................................................................................34 General Information ............................................................................................................................ 34 Programming a Daily Schedule to Set a Scene ................................................................................. 34
Creating the Scene .......................................................................................................................................27 Creating the Rule ..........................................................................................................................................30 Creating the Scene .......................................................................................................................................17 Creating the Rule ..........................................................................................................................................22 Creating the Scene .........................................................................................................................................8 Creating the Rule ..........................................................................................................................................13

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Updated: 7/11/12

Application Guide
What is automation?
Home automation is the use of one or more devices to control basic home functions and features automatically. Home automation, also known as a smart home, can include the scheduling and automatic operation of water sprinkling, heating and air conditioning, window coverings, security systems, lighting, and Z-Wave enabled door locks. Home automation may also allow home functions to be controlled remotely from anywhere in the world using Honeywell Total Connect. The L5100 has the ability to automate the home using the L5100-zwave card. The L5100 is the primary controller for the home automation system, creating scenes and rules to control the various included Z-Wave enabled devices has the flexibility to serve as the primary controller for your home.

How it works
The sequence of programming goes as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Include the Z-Wave Devices Configure your Scenes Program the Rules Test the system

Scenes versus Rules

A Scene is a device or a list of devices set to a specific setting. It allows you to control multiple functions automatically. Each device is programmed to a specific state. Example I am going to bed at night and I want to turn off the two living room lights and dim the hall light. 1. 2. 3. Living room light ones level will be set off Living room light twos level will be set off Hallway light will be set to 25% dim state

A Rule is used to automatically perform specific functions in response to certain events, which trigger Scenes. A Rule can be any one of the following event, see below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zone Type Fault Zone Type Restore System Operation 1 System Operation 2 Zone Number Operation

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Updated: 7/11/12

Application Guide
Events That Can Start Scenes
Zone Type Fault/Restore This option will cause the Scene to run when any zone with the chosen type below activates. Example, if you chose Entry Exit 1 any zone designated as an Entry Exit 1 zone type will cause the scene to run. Entry Exit 2 Interior Follower 24 Hour Silent Silent Burglary Interior With Delay Carbon Monoxide No Response Arm Away Monitor Resident Response General Response System Operation This option refers to different system events that occur in the panel. Example when the system is Armed Away it will run a scene to disable lights. Arm Away Any Burglary Alarm Bell Timeout Start of Entry Delay Kissoff System Low Battery Duress Alarm Zone Number Operation The Zone Number Operation causes the scene to run on the fault of the zone or the restore of the chosen zone. Example, A door programmed as No Alarm Response causes the panel to acknowledge when the zone is faulted and restored, but no keypad indication is displayed. You could choose this option if you wanted a light to come on when a door is open and off when the door is closed. First Start Zone Second Start Zone Third Start Zone First Stop Zone Second Stop Zone Third Stop Zone Arm Stay Disarm Any Fire Alarm End of Exit Delay Chime Bypass Reporter Failure Entry Exit 1 Perimeter Day/Night 24 Hour Alarm 24 Hour Auxiliary Fire No Verification Trouble Arm Stay Disarm Resident Monitor General Monitor

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Updated: 7/11/12

Application Guide
Common Automation Scenarios
The following automation scenarios are just a small representation of the many programming possibilities. The following steps describe the procedure for programming the L5100 family panels.

Arming When Locking the Z-Wave Enabled Door Lock

The use of Scenes or Rules is not necessary for this scenario. The goal is to arm the panel when someone locks the door using the Z-Wave enabled lock. This option is found under the Advanced Tools.

Press Automation then Tools

Press Advanced Tools

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Updated: 7/11/12

Application Guide

Enter the Master or the Installer Code

Press Locking Door

Touch the screen to toggle through following options: Disabled Arm Stay Arm Away Arm without Auto-Stay

Programming this option does NOT follow the Exit Delay and every time the door is locked the panel will arm to the user-defined level.

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Updated: 7/11/12

Application Guide
Disarming the panel using the Z-Wave Enabled Door Lock
A Honeywell exclusive feature is the ability to Push user codes to the Z-Wave enabled door lock (i.e. Yale, Kwikset, Schlage, etc.). When programming the user code, you will be given the option for Z-Wave Lock Control and Z-Wave Unlocking Door. To access the user screen select More, Tools, enter the Master Code and perform the following steps:

Press Users

Press Add New or Edit

Change Z-Wave Lock Control to Yes push that user code to the lock


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Application Guide

Change Z-Wave Unlocking Door to Disarm to enable disarming the panel upon entering that code at the lock, or leave disabled to have the code control the lock but NOT disarm the panel.

NOTE: Pressing Save will push the user code to the panel. Each code pushed to the panel takes four seconds. When Pressing Save ALL codes enabled for Z-Wave Lock Control will be pushed to the lock.

Creating a Leaving Home Scene

The purpose of this scene is to control the lights, thermostats, and door locks upon Arming Away. Creating the Scene

Press Automation then press Scenes

Press Add New Scene

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Provide a name for the Scene. Press Done when finished

The scene now exists, but no devices are assigned to it. Press Add New Device

Press Locks

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Press the lock to set in this scene.

Press the Locked Position, then press Save

Press Switches

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Application Guide

Press the light you wish to control in this scene when the system is Armed Away

Press On or Off for a non dimmable switch, or select the appropriate dimming level for a dimmable switch. Press Save when complete

Press Thermostats

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Application Guide

Press the appropriate thermostat

The Mode, Setpoints, and Fan OFF/Auto/Circulate. Option can be manipulated For the Away Scene, you can select a specific temperature or a Setback temperature. Selecting Setback for the ZWSTAT will set the thermostat into the programmed set back temperature. Touch the Save Tab when selections are complete.

Press the when you have completed the list.

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Application Guide

The final step is testing the Scene, to do this press the Play Scene icon on the bottom right corner of the Scenes page. If all devices revert to the settings selected in the scene, the next step is to program the Rule to run the scene up on arming Away Press the when completed.

Creating the Rule The Rule is the trigger that will activate the scene. There are 20 rules that can be programmed through the control panel. When used in conjunction with Honeywell Total Connect you can program an additional 20 scenes. Note: Rules programmed through Honeywell Total Connect can not be edited through the panel.

On the Automation home page press Rules

Choose the Rule Number then press Edit

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Press Name

Type in a name for the Rule

Press Type

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Stop when it says Scene and press the Scenes Box

Select the previously created scene Away

Press the Action and it display Run Scene

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Press System Operation 1

Press End of Exit Delay

Press Save

We have now created a Rule called Leave Home that will run our Away scene upon the end of the exit delay. Note: The End of Exit Delay option applies to both Away and Stay arming.

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Application Guide

Press the when finished

Automating Devices When There is a Fire or Carbon Monoxide Alarm

The purpose of this scene is to control the lights, thermostats, and door locks upon Any Fire or Carbon Monoxide Alarm. Creating the Scene

Press Scenes

Press Add New Scene

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Application Guide

Provide a name for the Scene. Press Done when finished

The scene currently exists, but has no devices assigned to it. Press Add New Device

Press Locks

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Application Guide

Press the lock to be triggered in this scene.

Press the UnLocked Position, then press Save

Press Switches

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Application Guide

Press the light you wish to control when the system is inFire or Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Press On or Off for a non dimmable switch, or select the appropriate dimming level for a dimmable switch. Press Save when complete For a Fire Alarm Press the On, to light the room.

Press Thermostats

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Application Guide

Press the appropriate thermostat

The Mode, Setpoints, and Fan OFF/Auto/Circulate. Option can be manipulated For the Fire Alarm scene, set the Mode to OFF. Touch the Save tab when selections are complete.

The final step is Testing the Scene, to do this press the selected scene, then press Play Scene Icon on the bottom right corner of the Scenes page. If all devices revert to the settings selected in the scene, the next step is to program the Rule. Press the when completed.

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Application Guide
Creating the Rule

On the Automation home page press Rules

Choose the rule number then press Edit

Press Name

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Type in a name for the Rule then press Done

Press Type

Stop when it says Scene and press the Scenes Box

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Select the Fire scene

Press the Action so it displays Run Scene

Press System Operation 1

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Press Any Fire Alarm

To add Carbon Monoxide Alarm press Zone Type Fault

Press the Down Arrow and select Carbon Monoxide

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Press Save to complete the Rule

Press the when finished

You have now created a rule to run this scene any time a Fire or Carbon Monoxide Alarm Occurs

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Application Guide
Turning Lights On at the Start of an Entry Delay
The purpose of this scene is to control the lights upon The Start of an Entry Delay. Creating the Scene

Press Scenes

Press Add New Scene

Provide a name for the Scene. Press Done when finished

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The scene currently exists, but has no devices assigned to it. Press Add New Device

Press Switches

Press the light you wish to control when the entry delay has started

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Press On or Off for a non dimmable switch, or select the appropriate dimming level for a dimmable switch. Press Save when complete For an Entry Delay Press the On, to light the room.

Press Add New Device for additional lights. Press the when completed.

The final step is Testing the Scene, to do this press the selected scene, then press Play Scene Icon on the bottom right corner of the Scenes page. If all lights revert to the settings selected in the scene, the next step is to program the Rule. Press the when completed.

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Application Guide
Creating the Rule

On the Automation home page press Rules

Choose the rule number then press Edit

Press Name

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Type in a name for the Rule then press Done

Press Type

Stop when it says Scene and press the Scenes Box

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Select the Entry scene

Press the Action so it displays Run Scene

Press System Operation 1

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Press the Down Arrow and select Start of Entry Delay

Press Save to complete the Rule

Press the when finished

You have now created a rule to run the Entry scene at the Start of Entry Delay

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Application Guide
The schedules feature can be used to program the system to automatically perform certain functions via scenes. Example, automatically arming the panel and turning on or off lights.

General Information
There are 20 programmable schedules Schedule frequency options are: a. b. c. d. e. One time schedule Daily Weekly i. References Sunday through Saturday Weekday i. References Monday through Friday Monthly

The types of schedules that can be programmed are: Auto stay arming schedule Rules schedule Disarm Notification (Latch-Key) schedule Scene Schedule

Programming a Daily Schedule to Set a Scene

Access the Automation Home Screen

Press Schedules

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Press Add New

Press Name to enter a schedule name and press Done to save it. Next press Frequency

Press Daily

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Press Type until Scene is displayed

Select the Scene from your previously created list

Press the Start Time

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Enter the time the scene will run, then press Done

Press Save when complete

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