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Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2013 at 19 30 hours at Tanworth !illage "all Before the meeting, there was a presentation from David Lowe and Louise Marland on Bio-diversity Offsetting. Pu#lic $oru% District Councillor At inson, District Councillor Oa ley and County Councillor !erry were present in the !u"lic #orum. &e'ort fro% County Councillor Perry Councillor !erry was pleased to "e re-elected to represent the $ard. %he Conservatives no longer have overall control at the County Council. %he leader of the Council lost his seat to %he &reen !arty. %he new leader of the County Council is '((i )ecom"e. #ollowing a complaint at the last meeting that the "uses are full "y the time they reach *arlswood and %anworth on a #riday, Councillor !erry confirmed that he has spo en to the local "us company, A + M, and they have agreed to monitor the situation "ut they are currently of the opinion that the "uses have enough capacity. !ot holes which are ,- deep or more should "e repaired within ., hours. %he garage in )hutt Lane has reported that it is losing "usiness due to the road wor s at *arlswood crossroads. Councillor !erry confirmed that he will "e tal ing to )imon !rescott to see if anything can "e done as the roadwor s are li ely to "e in situ for up to / months. %here has "een a report of speeding on Broad Lane. Councillor !erry said that if the residents want, he can apply for funding ne0t year to get static repeater signs on Broad Lane. 1e as ed that if this is what people want they turn out at the Community #orum to raise this issue. %he electronic signs for %he Common are still on order and Councillor !erry said that he will chase them up. Councillor !erry has had confirmation that $ood *nd )tation is going to have a ramp which will raise the platform. Burton #arm 2ecycling Centre will now "e opening later on a $ednesday 34.56pm7 and on )aturdays and )undays 36.,6pm7. 2egarding the "ro en stiles at 8ew %ree #arm, Councillor !erry confirmed that he has spo en to 2ichard Barnard at $CC a"out them. &e'ort fro% (istrict Councillor At)inson District Councillor At inson clarified his comments at the last meeting on "arn conversions. 1e said that if the "arn is in a settlement it can "e converted. 'f it is in the &reen"elt it can "e converted in to a holiday let or for "usiness use. 'f it is in the curtilage of a listed "uilding it can "e converted to residential. %he District Council is o"liged to liaise with neigh"ouring authorities regarding cross "oundary issues. Councillor At inson has said that he has raised the issue with the Chief *0ecutive of )tratford District Council that the postal address of *arlswood and %anworth should "e $arwic shire and not )olihull. %he &overnment is focussing money to try and address the pro"lem of trou"led families. &e'ort fro% (istrict *a)ley Councillor Councillor Oa ley stated that he feels that access at $ood *nd )tation is now much worse since the new foot"ridge has "een installed. 't loo s nice and modern "ut is much steeper than "efore. %he locals feel that it is a step "ac . Currently the only station which has par ing for the disa"led in this !arish is *arlswood )tation. Councillor Oa ley confirmed that Chris )aint is still the Leader of )tratford District Council again and he is responsi"le for overseeing the new Local !lan. Councillor Oa ley confirmed that he is now the Chairman of the Licensing !anel, he sits on the !lanning Committee 3$est7 and the 2egulatory Committee. %he Leaders Advisory &roup has "een meeting in secret on a wee ly "asis since last 9uly to consider matters relating to the Council:s Core )trategy. %his group is now a su"-committee of the Ca"inet and the meetings must "e open and the minutes recorded. %he !u"lic #orum closed.

Minutes of the %anworth-in-Arden !arish Council meeting held on %hursday 54th May .;5/ + 2013

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2013 at 19 30 hours at Tanworth !illage "all !resent< Councillor $illmott 3Chairman7, Councillor )tanton, Councillor =eogh, Councillor O>Brien, Councillor 9ones, Councillor Oa ley and Councillor 'nstone 'n Attendance< 9ulie $hite ?Cler to the Council 13,1-,020 - A'ologies for a#sence ? Councillor 2oss, Councillor #it(patric , Councillor Cunningham, Councillor $aters 13,1-,021 - (eclarations of Personal or Pre.udicial /nterest ? none 13,1-,022 - To Confir% and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 0 11th A'ril 2013 $ith an amendment to the wording of the first paragraph in Councillor At inson>s report, so that it reads as follows< #ollowing the Appeal decision for the housing development in )hottery, the 'nspector has indicated that the housing pro@ection should "e increased from A;;; al to 5.;; although in his report the 'nspector suggested that the housing allocation for the District should "e 55,;;; to 5.,;;; for the .; years to .;.A. Councillor 9ones proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record. )econded "y Councillor )tanton seconded the proposal. All those present at the last meeting were in favour. Councillor $illmott signed the minutes. 13,1-,023 - Matters arising fro% the %inutes not otherwise dealt with ? none 13,1-,02-- Matters raised in the Pu#lic $oru% 0 none 13,1-,022 - To 3ote /te%s of Corres'ondence &ecei4ed ? %he correspondence list was received and noted. 13,1-,026 0 To Authorise /nsurance Policy &enewal with Ca%e 5 Co%'any %he Cler reported that Came and Company had sent their renewal notice. %here would "e a saving if the !arish Council decided to renew the policy for / years. Councillor )tanton proposed that the / year policy is accepted. )econded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. 13,1-,027 - $inance i7 Councillor $illmott proposed that we adopt the minutes of the #inance Committee from , th April .;5/. )econded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. ii7 Chairman>s report< 't was a short meeting. iii7 'tems for payment< 't was proposed "y Councillor Oa ley and seconded "y Councillor $illmott that the payments were ta en en "loc. All in favour. iv7 Councillor $illmott proposed that we accept the )tatement of Accounts and Annual &overnance )tatement on the Annual 2eturn. )econded "y Councillor =eogh. All in favour. v7 Councillor $illmott proposed that the 2eceipts and !ayments for 8ear *nding March .;5/ are approved. )econded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. vi7 Councillor $illmott proposed that the 8ear *nd Ban 2econciliation and the )tatement and 2eview of 'nternal Controls is accepted. )econded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. Councillor O>Brien e0tended a vote of than s to Councillor $illmott for eeping the finances running so smoothly. 13,1-,021 0 Planning i7 Councillor O>Brien proposed that we adopt the minutes of the !lanning Committee Meeting from , th April .;5/, seconded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. ii7 Chairman>s 2eport< Councillor O>Brien said that the "iodiversity presentation "efore the meeting was very interesting. Councillor Oa ley said that it>s worth "earing "iodiversity offsetting in mind and we should "e as ing for their views on planning application. 1e suggested we compose a standard letter to "e sent to the "iodiversity team when we are concerned over a planning application saying that we would welcome their professional help. iii7 %he following decisions were noted<

Minutes of the %anworth-in-Arden !arish Council meeting held on %hursday 54th May .;5/ + 2013


Planning 3u%#er 5/B;;C,CB%2** 2epollard and pruning 5/B;;45CB%!O Crowning 5.B;.C4AB#EL Change of use of e0isting "ungalow . from ancillary to holiday let 5/B;;665B#EL !roposed erection of two storey rear e0tension 5/B;;/.;BLD! !roposed erection of out"uilding to side 5/B;;4,6B#EL !roposed erection of two and single storey rear e0tension 5/B;;;4.B#EL Change of use of sta"leB"arnBstore to use as holiday accommodation with e0ternal changes and associated wor s

Address %he Dicarage, Dicarage 1ill 5 $oodcoc Close, !enn Lane Arnolds $ood 1ouse, Cut %hroat Lane #airfield, Broad Lane &reen #arm, #orshaw 1eath 2oad Mill Cottage, !enn Lane 2oscommon, Malthouse Lane

(ecision Consent with Conditions Consent for Ar"oricultural wor !ermission with Conditions !ermission with Conditions Certificate of Lawful !roposed Ese or Develop !ermission with Conditions !ermission with Conditions

Councillor O>Brien than ed Councillor =eogh for attending the recent meeting of the !lanning Committee 3$est7 at )DC over the application for 2oscommon. 2e< Arnolds $ood, it was Fuestioned why the ancillary "uilding has "een referred to as a rural "uilding. %he Cler was as ed to write to )DC for clarification of this matter. %he Cler was also as ed to send in a letter to )DC Fuestioning the GDery )pecial Circumstances> which have permitted the e0tension at Mill Cottage. 't was thought that any GDery )pecial Circumstances> should "e scrutinised at each meeting when we are loo ing at the Decision Hotices. iv7 %o consider the following planning applications< A''lication 3u%#er 13,01031,$67 13,00902,78C 13,00161,$67 13,01000,$67 Part &etros'ecti4e Address 5;. %he Common #orshaw !ar #arm Pro'osal !roposed single storey rear e0tension 2eplace old roof tiles for new to match Co%%ents Iuery volume with )DC. Cllr O>Brien to advise Cler Ho 2epresentation Iuery volume with Iuery )DC. 'f less than /;J Ho 2epresentation As the motorway is alongside, Hational 1ighways need to "e involved. %he !arish Council feels that it is "eyond our level of e0pertise to comment on this.

!roposed Oa lands, erection Blind of fi #irst floor e0tension over e0isting garage and Lane single storey e0tension to rear $oodlands #arm Creation of noise-reducing earth "und 3revised scheme to that approved previously under 55B;.,6;B#EL7 including the importation of additional material.

13,1-,029 - To Consider the &eco%%endation of The $inance and 9eneral Pur'oses Co%%ittee To 7oan out Parish Council $oot'ath :;ui'%ent to 3ew $oot'ath !olunteer 9rou' 't was proposed "y Councillor $illmott and seconded "y Councillor 'nstone that the recommendation of the # + &! Committee is accepted and the footpath is handed over to 9on 2olte for the footpath volunteers to use. 't was felt that the %rust should purchase a strimmer for use at the allotments and the strimmer could "e handed over to the #ootpath Dolunteers at a later date. %he Cler will as Mr 2olte to sign for the eFuipment which is handed over.

Minutes of the %anworth-in-Arden !arish Council meeting held on %hursday 54th May .;5/ + 2013

13,1-,030 0 To &e4iew Planning &es'onses Councillor O>Brien said that it is usually himself or Councillor =eogh that ma es representation on "ehalf of the !arish Council at the !lanning Committee Meetings 3$est7 and it is left to the person attending the meeting to put together the case for the !arish Council. Councillor O>Brien feels that there is a lot of e0pertise on the !arish Council and there should "e more input from other Councillors. Councillor O>Brien Fuestioned if there could "e rota set up so that Councillors who did not attend the !lanning Committee meeting at )DC could meet and help prepare the case. Councillor O>Brien as ed that this is given consideration and the item is placed on the ne0t agenda of the !lanning Committee. 13,1-,031 - To Consider Circu%stances in <hich Ti%e =ensiti4e Material May #e Circulated <ithout A''ro4al of Parish Council Councillor O>Brien said that there will "e occasions where material may "e circulated fairly Fuic ly. 1e proposed that Chairmen of committees and su"-committees are empowered to as the Cler to ma e statements without the approval of the !arish Council. )econded "y Councillor $illmott. All in favour. 13,1-,032 - 8riefing fro% =taffing =u#-Co%%ittee A "rief statement was given "y Councillor O>Brien on "ehalf of the staffing su"-committee. 13,1-,033 - To Consider the &eco%%endation of the $inance and 9eneral Pur'oses Co%%ittee to Ma)e a (onation to <arwic)shire (o%estic !iolence =u''ort =er4ices &efuge Centre 't was agreed to accept the recommendation of the #+ &! Committee and a donation of K5;; would "e given to the $arwic shire Domestic Diolence )upport )ervices 2efuge Centre. !roposed "y Councillor O>Brien and seconded "y Councillor 9ones. All in favour. 13,1-,03- - Any /te%s for Co%%unity $oru% )peeding on Broad Lane Bus service for *arlswood and %anworth &ritting in )pring"roo Lane and Malthouse Lane Anti-social !ar ing "y fishermen in Malthouse Lane 13,1-,032- <or) around the Parish Causeway potholes !othole "y the @unction of )pring"roo and Malthouse Lane 13,1-,036 0 /te%s for $uture Agenda - %he Dillage &reen 13,1-,37 - &esolution to :>clude Me%#ers of the Press and Pu#lic due to ite%s of a Confidential 3ature to #e (iscussed 't was proposed "y Councillor $illmott and seconded "y Councillor 9ones to e0clude any mem"ers of the press and pu"lic from the meeting. All in favour. 13,1-,31 - To Consider Co-*'ting a 3ew Me%#er on to the Parish Council %he prospective new councillor was una"le to attend this meeting "ut had sent in some details a"out himself. After discussion, mem"ers felt that they would li e to meet the prospective new councillor and the Cler was as ed to see if he was availa"le to attend the ne0t meeting. %he Cler also confirmed that another person had recently e0pressed an interest in @oining the !arish Council too, so he would also "e invited to the ne0t meeting. All in favour. 13,1-,039 - To note date? 'lace and ti%e of ne>t Meeting@ 7 30'% 0 Thursday 20th Aune 2013 at :arlswood !illage "all %he meeting closed at .5.66 hours.

Minutes of the %anworth-in-Arden !arish Council meeting held on %hursday 54th May .;5/ + 2013


Minutes of the %anworth-in-Arden !arish Council meeting held on %hursday 54th May .;5/ + 2013

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