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General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers No.

Question Answer Mujibur Rehman "ile Trans%&anada About (000 )m +!erest M$anmar 0ahara desert 01 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was 0 The longest ri!er in the world is the

0# The longest highwa$ in the world is the 0' The longest highwa$ in the world has a length of 0* The highest mountain in the world is the 0, The -ountr$ that a--ounts for nearl$ one third of the total tea) .rodu-tion of the world is

0/ The biggest desert in the world is the

0( The largest -offee growing -ountr$ in the world is Brazil 01 The -ountr$ also )nown as 2-ountr$ of &o..er2 is 3ambia 10 The name gi!en to the border whi-h se.arates Pa)istan and Afghanistan is 4urand line &a.sian sea 5er)o$ans) in 0iberia &anada 0i-il$ 4ead sea 0underbans Belgrade "i..on *,' )ilometres 4amas-us

11 The ri!er 5olga flows out into the 1 1# The -oldest .la-e on the earth is The -ountr$ whi-h ran)s se-ond in terms of land area is

1' The largest 6sland in the Mediterranean sea is 1* The ri!er 7ordan flows out into the 1, The biggest delta in the world is the 1/ The -a.ital -it$ that stands on the ri!er 4anube is 1( The 7a.anese -all their -ountr$ as 11 The length of the +nglish -hannel is 0 The world8s oldest )nown -it$ is 1

The -it$ whi-h is also )nown as the &it$ of &anals 5eni-e is The -ountr$ in whi-h ri!er 9ang-hu flows is M$anmar Greenland

# The biggest island of the world is

' * , / ( 1

The -it$ whi-h is the biggest -entre for manufa-ture of automobiles in the world is The -ountr$ whi-h is the largest .rodu-er of manganese in the world is The -ountr$ whi-h is the largest .rodu-er of rubber in the world is

4etroit: ;0A ;0A Mala$sia

The -ountr$ whi-h is the largest .rodu-er of tin in Mala$sia the world is The ri!er whi-h -arries ma<imum =uantit$ of water into the sea is the The -it$ whi-h was on-e -alled the >?orbidden &it$8 was Mississi..i Pe)ing 0ir George +!erest 6tal$

#0 The -ountr$ -alled the @and of Rising 0un is #1 Mount +!erest was named after # ## The !ol-ano 5esu!ius is lo-ated in

The -ountr$ )nown as the 0ugar Bowl of the world &uba is 1, A* )ilometers The -oastal area of 4ead sea " Pa-ifi- o-ean Tsar Kol)ol at Kremlin: Mos-ow 0traho! 0tadium: Prague 0outh Afri-a 7ames &oo) Mohammed Ali 7innah @iffe$ "ew Amsterdam Ale<ander +iffel 7ean Cenri 4urant

#' The length of the 0uez &anal is #* The lowest .oint on earth is #, The Gur)has are the original inhabitants of #/ The largest o-ean of the world is the #( The largest bell in the world is the #1 The biggest stadium in the world is the '0 The world8s largest diamond .rodu-ing -ountr$ is '1 Australia was dis-o!ered b$ ' The first Go!ernor General of Pa)istan is

'# 4ublin is situated at the mouth of ri!er '' The earlier name of "ew Bor) -it$ was '* The +ifel tower was built b$ ', The Red &ross was founded b$


The -ountr$ whi-h has the greatest .o.ulation densit$ is

Mona-o Rose @ouis @il$ "ar-issus Kathmandu 0trait of Cormuz +ngland *th 7une Abraham @in-oln Brazil Beu-e.halus 0ir Thomas 0tamford Raffles "elson &e$lon 11'* ;nited "ations Drganization 1*th August Mi-helangelo 7ohn Milton Mohammed "e=uib Rear Pear$ Guermi-a

'( The national flower of Britain is '1 "iagara ?alls was dis-o!ered b$ *0 The national flower of 6tal$ is *1 The national flower of &hina is * The .ermanent se-retariat of the 0AAR& is lo-ated at

*# The gatewa$ to the Gulf of 6ran is *' The first 6ndustrial Re!olution too) .la-e in ** 9orld +n!ironment 4a$ is obser!ed on *, The first Re.ubli-an President of Ameri-a was */ The -ountr$ famous for 0amba dan-e is *( The name of Ale<ander8s horse was *1 0inga.ore was founded b$ ,0 The famous British one%e$ed Admiral was ,1 The earlier name of 0ri @an)a was , The ;"D was formed in the $ear

,# ;"D stands for ,' ,* The inde.enden-e da$ of 0outh Korea is -elebrated on >@ast 7udgement8 was the first .ainting of an 6talian .ainter named

,, Paradise Regained was written b$ ,/ The first President of +g$.t was ,( The first man to rea-h "orth Pole was ,1 The most famous .ainting of Pablo Pi-asso was

/0 The .rimar$ .rodu-er of news.rint in the world is &anada /1 The first e<.lorer to rea-h the 0outh Pole was &a.A Ronald Amundson

The .erson who is -alled the father of modern 6tal$ GAGaribaldi is (th 0e.tember Bismar-)

/# 9orld litera-$ da$ is -elebrated on /' The founder of modern German$ is /*

The -ountr$ )nown as the land of the midnight sun "orwa$ is Tibet 0an Bat 0en Abdul 0alam Margaret That-her Tr$g!e @ie ?rederi-) Auguste Bartholdi Azerbaijan @ee Carr$ Dswald @ore

/, The .la-e )nown as the Roof of the world is // The founder of the &hinese Re.ubli- was /( The first Pa)istani to re-ei!e the "obel Prize was /1 The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was (0 The first 0e-retar$ General of the ;"D was (1 The s-ul.tor of the statue of @ibert$ was ( The .ort of Ban)u is situated in

(# 7ohn ? Kenned$ was assassinated b$ (' The largest ri!er in ?ran-e is (* (, (/

The Queen of +ngland who married her brother%in% &atherine of Aragon law was The first negro to be awarded the "obel Pea-e Prize was The first British ;ni!ersit$ to admit women for degree -ourses was Ral.h 7ohnson Bun-he @ondon ;ni!ersit$ 0ugar 0)$s-ra.ers &lo!es

(( The e<.ort of 7amai-a is (1 "ew Bor) is .o.ularl$ )nown as the -it$ of 10 Madagas-ar is .o.ularl$ )nown as the 6sland of 11 1

The -ountr$ )nown as the @and of 9hite +le.hant Thailand is The -ountr$ )nown as the @and of Morning &alm is Korea

1# The -ountr$ )nown as the @and of Thunderbolts is Bhutan 1' The highest waterfalls in the world is the 0alto Angel ?alls: 5enezuela

1* The largest librar$ in the world is the

;nited 0tates @ibrar$ of &ongress: 9ashington 4&

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