Parish Council Minutes 101713

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Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 17th October 201 at 1!

" 0 hours at #arlswood $illage Hall Public %oru& District Councillor Atkinson and District Councillor Oakley were present in the Public Forum, together with one member of the public. Mr Andrew ilkins from !one "tar !and came to speak about a forthcoming planning application which his company has recently submitted to "tratford District Council. Mr ilkins circulated drawings for # houses at ood $nd Farm, %road !ane. &t is proposed to build ' ( ' storey houses and ) ( single storey house, all with garages. *here would be a new safer access point. +e e(plained that building these houses would help to preser,e the former barns in a sustainable manner and would impro,e the openness of the -reen %elt. Councillor .eogh asked where the new barn was on Mr ilkins/ plans which was erected a few years ago were and also 0uestioned Mr ilkins/ statement that the site had not been used for agricultural purposes for o,er '1 years as she belie,ed that +ighland Cattle had been farmed there fairly recently. Councillor 2oss asked if these proposed houses would count towards our allocated housing target and, if so, which !ocal "er,ice 3illage 4!"35 would it be in6 Mr ilkins was not sure if it would count towards the housing allocation, but said that he thought it would come under the ood $nd !"3 if it did. 'e(ort fro& County Councillor Perry Councillor Perry had sent his apologies but asked the Clerk to report that work on $arlswood crossroads will pro,isionally begin on 7o,ember )st 8 Councillor Perry will confirm and update the Parish Council re the di,ersion route. 'e(ort fro& )istrict Councillor At*inson Councillor Atkinson referred to the pre,ious minutes and e(plained that regarding the housing targets for !ocal "er,ice 3illages 4!"3s5 he had used the term 9notional/ because the targets may ne,er be satisfied. &t is dependent on if suitable sites come up, which is why he said that the figures were notional. District Councillor Atkinson had sent an e:mail through to the Clerk about establishing new Parish Councils. +e said that it contained useful and interesting information about the history of Parish Councils. *he Clerk said that she would circulate it to all members. 2egarding gi,ing residents from "tratford District the opportunity to use the recycling facilities at %romsgro,e and 2edditch, which he sees as a sensible concept, Councillor Atkinson confirmed that he is still pursuing this and will ha,e no hesitation in in,ol,ing the rele,ant MPs if necessary. *he appeal for the tra,ellers/ cara,an park in Poolhead !ane took place earlier in the week with a decision from the &nspector e(pected in a few weeks. Councillor Atkinson reported that it was a well:structured meeting and contained good detail. A point to come out from the residents was that a co,enant applies to Poolhead !ane which states that there are to be no cara,ans. *he Planning &nspector was concerned o,er when plots for *ra,ellers would be supplied by the District. Councillor Atkinson referred to Circular ));<= which states that there is no presumption for temporary planning permission to become permanent. 'e(ort fro& )istrict Councillor Oa*ley Councillor Oakley reported that he had recently attending a briefing entitled Planning Process and &mpro,ement Actions. An undertaking has been gi,en to de,elopers that the planning process will take less time. For small;medium de,elopments it will be an > week process. *he essential feature is that de,elopers can monitor the process once it has started. eeks #, ? and = in,ol,e consultation which is a ') day period, but if you count working days, it only amounts to )= days. &f the Planning Officer is late and doesn/t get the ,alidation process completed in eek ', then the consultation time will be shorter. &t will be a )# week planning process for larger applications. &f the target date is not met, the de,eloper may go the &nspector to determine the application. &f a council consistently doesn/t deli,er, their rights to determine planning applications may be taken away. 2egarding the proposed new settlement of ?,>11 houses at !ighthorne +eath, a group formed to oppose the de,elopment is being led by a barrister and they appear to ha,e found a loophole because there was insufficient

Minutes of the *anworth:in:Arden Parish Council meeting held on *hursday )@th October '1)# + 201

attention paid to the en,ironmental impact of the de,elopment. &f these houses are not built, the ?,>11 houses will ha,e to be built somewhere else within the District. Councillor Cunningham interAected that he understood that "DC ha,e now gi,en up on the !ighthorne +eath de,elopment and are looking at two de,elopments nearer "outham which ha,e a proAection of #,=11 houses so this will mean that ),#11 houses will need to be distributed throughout the district. 2edditch %orough Council is planning to build up to the County boundary. *here is an e(periment going ahead for webcasting for meetings held at "tratford District Council. *he Co,entry and arwickshire !ocal $nterprise Partnership is almost entirely focussed on Co,entry. Councillor Oakley spoke about the recent appeal for the cara,an park in Poolhead !ane. +e said that any site has to ha,e certain facilities and the site in Poolhead !ane is certainly not suitable for human habitation. Councillor Oakley stated the he doesn/t know why the 2uling -roup has not sorted out suitable gypsy sites throughout the district. *he Public Forum closed at >.)1pm.

Minutes of the *anworth:in:Arden Parish Council meeting held on *hursday )@th October '1)# + 201

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 17th October 201 at 1!" 0 hours at #arlswood $illage Hall PresentB Councillor illmott 4Chairman5, Councillor Cunningham, Councillor Oakley, Councillor Councillor "tanton, Councillor 2oss, and Councillor .eogh &n AttendanceB Culie hite 8Clerk to the Council illiams,

1 ,1-,12. : A(ologies for absence 8 Councillor Cones, Councillor O/%rien, Councillor &nstone, Councillor FitDpatrick and Councillor aters 1 ,1-,127 : )eclarations of Personal or Pre/udicial 0nterest 8 none 1 ,1-,1218 To Confir& and sign the Minutes of2 i3 The Parish Council Meeting of 1!th 4e(te&ber 201 5 &t was proposed by Councillor 2oss and seconded by Councillor "tanton that the minutes of the Full Council meeting on )< th "eptember were a true and accurate record. All those present at that meeting were in fa,our. *he Chairman Councillor illmott signed the minutes. 1 ,1-,12! - Matters arising fro& the &inutes not otherwise dealt with Councillor Cunningham asked for it to be recorded that the report gi,en reB the meeting with Da,e 7ash at "DC did not reflect fully all that was discussed at the meeting. Councillor 2oss asked how the recei,ing of minutes and agendas electronically was going to be rolled out6 *he Clerk reported that in a recent publication from A!C which recognised that more and more councils were going to use this method, !*7= has been updated and it stated that Councils that decide on service of the summons and agenda on councillors by email must have standing orders to confirm the arrangement. *herefore, "tanding Orders will need to be amended. 1 ,1-,1 0- Matters raised in the Public %oru& 5 *he Parish Council will consider the planning application for ood $nd when it is recei,ed. 1 ,1-,1 1 - To 6ote 0te&s of Corres(ondence 'ecei7ed 8 *he correspondence list was recei,ed and noted. *he following items were highlighted by *he ClerkB E.'< 8 -rant *hornton. Confirmation that the $(ternal Audit had concluded and found no problems E.E< 8 Cohn Pudney 8 !etter seeing if the PC want the +enley First 2esponders to come and speak to them E.)1' 8 $arlswood 2esidents/ Association 8 details of defibrillators. Councillor 2oss would consult with the residents and report back to *he Clerk. 1 ,1-,1 2 - %inance i5 Councillor illmott proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Finance Committee from = th "eptember '1)#. "econded by Councillor "tanton. All in fa,our. ii5 Chairman/s reportB *he budget was discussed. *he Chairman asked that if anyone has any item which they would like considered for the budget to contact him. Councillor Oakley said that he would like to see e(tra CC*3 cameras at the 3illage +all. iii5 &tems for paymentB &t was proposed by Councillor illmott and seconded by Councillor Cunningham that the payments were taken en bloc. All in fa,our. 1 ,1-,1 5 Planning i5 Councillor illmott proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting from = th "eptember '1)#, seconded by Councillor Oakley. All in fa,our. ii5 Chairman/s 2eport 8 *he Chairman was not present, but Councillor 2oss reported that, on behalf of *anworth 2esidents/ Association, he had contacted "DC because he had found on their website that there is a 2e,iew of

Minutes of the *anworth:in:Arden Parish Council meeting held on *hursday )@th October '1)# + 201

Conser,ation Areas being undertaken. +e asked "DC how this re,iew was progressing and who is being consulted6 +e was informed that the rele,ant Officer has left the Council and the document was not completed. &t ser,es as a timely reminder that there is no Conser,ation Officer at "DC. Councillor .eogh asked if there had been any de,elopments in reinstating the Arden "pecial !andscape Area6 &t was suggested that perhaps a few members should ,isit Da,e 7ash at "DC again because we are not getting answers to our 0uestions. Councillor 2oss read out ' 0uestions which he has submitted on behalf of the 2esidents/ Association to be asked at "DC Full Council. Councillor 2oss proposed that the Clerk writes to 2obert eeks and Da,e and ask the followingB 2eB the paper to be submitted to the Council entitled F"tratford:on:A,on District Core "trategy 8 7ew Proposals consultation.G hen discussing the identification of land to the south of Alcester 2oad in "tratford: upon:A,on as a site for new employment land the report by Da,e 7ash states at #.>B F is apparent that the "trategy would be strengthened by the inclusion of a clearer Austification for the release of this and the other sites in the -reen %elt, ha,ing regard to the fi,e purposes of the -reen %elt set out in the 7PPF.G hen will such a Austification be published and what period of public consultation will follow its publication6 *his was seconded by Councillor illmott. All in fa,our.

iii5 *he following decisions were notedB 1 ,011!.,%89 5 %utterfield Farm : $rection of raised chicken coop" Per&ission with Conditions" i,5 *o consider the following planning applicationsB 1 ,02:1!,%89 8 Pendeek, DanDey -reen !ane 8 Proposed first floor e(tension abo,e e(isting detached -arage. Ob/ection" *he Parish Council feels that you will be able to see this from the road and therefore it will spoil the streetscene. Concern was raised when permission was granted to build the garage forward of the building line. &n the opinion of the Parish Council this would constitute a separate dwelling and is inappropriate de,elopment in the -reen %elt. 1 ,02.:-,TPO 8 *he Oaks, harf !ane 8 *' Oak 8 '=I crown reduction and '1I thinning out of e(tensi,e branch network. 6o 'e(resentation as the Parish Council is happy to lea,e it to the *ree Officer to Audge whether it is appropriate or not. 1 ,1-,1 - - To Consider the 'eco&&endation fro& the %inance ; <eneral Pur(ose Co&&ittee to Pro7ide a <rit =in for the Al&shouses in =ates 9ane *his was agreed in principal, but as +ighways had said that the bin would be on pri,ate land and they wouldn/t fill it, Councillor 2oss said that he would speak to Mr 2idley from the Almhouses to see if there was any way round this. *his will be discussed at the ne(t meeting. All in fa,our. 1 ,1-,1 : 5 To Consider Chris 4aint>s 'es(onse to our 9etter 'e2 The Core 4trategy *here has still been no response to our letter. *he Clerk to keep chasing him up for a response. 1 ,1-,1 . - To Consider gi7ing su((ort to Tanworth and Ca&( Hill Cric*et Club>s 4(orts #ngland 0ns(ired %acilities <rant A((lication &t was proposed by Councillor illmott that a letter of support is sent to help the Cricket Club secure a grant from "ports $ngland. "econded by Councillor "tanton. All in fa,our. *he Clerk also read out a report sent from the Cricket Club updating members on how they ha,e used the grant gi,en by the Parish Council. 1 ,1-,1 7 5 To A((ro7e 'e(resentati7es Attending the ?How to &a*e #ffecti7e 'es(onses to Planning A((lications> course on 6o7e&ber Councillor 2oss, Councillor Oakley, Councillor Cones, Councillor and Councillor .eogh e(pressed an interest

Minutes of the *anworth:in:Arden Parish Council meeting held on *hursday )@th October '1)# + 201

in attending. &t was proposed by Councillor illmott and seconded by Councillor "tanton that these members could attend the course. All in fa,our. *he che0ue for J)?1 was written and signed. 1 ,1-,1 1- @or* around the Parish *he lea,es on 3alley 2oad will soon be treacherous. *he hedge on 3alley 2oad needs cutting. *he bollards at the Aunction of %road !ane and *he Common are still not illuminated. Potholes are ,ery bad in Poolhead !ane from %road !ane up to 2yland Cottage. 1 ,1-,1 ! 5 0te&s for %uture Agenda 5 Councillor Oakley said that the policing situation needs to be considered. *he 2esidents/ Associations and 7eighbourhood atch should be in,ol,ed and a list compiled recording any incident. Councillor 2oss said that he will shortly be ha,ing a meeting with the Police and to consider this after the meeting had taken place. 1 ,1-,1-0 - To resol7e to eAclude the Press and the (ublic in accordance with the Public =odies BAd&ission to Meetings3 Act 1!.0 in res(ect of the following ite& &t was proposed by Councillor illmott and seconded by Councillor "tanton that the public and press were e(cluded from the meeting. All in fa,our. 1 ,1-,1-1 - 4taffing 'e(ort 8(date 5 Councillor Cunningham ga,e an update.

1 ,1-,1-2 - To note dateC (lace and ti&e of neAt Meeting2 7" 0(& 5 Thursday 21st 6o7e&ber Tanworth $illage Hall *he meeting closed at <.'1pm.



Minutes of the *anworth:in:Arden Parish Council meeting held on *hursday )@th October '1)# + 201

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