Parish Council Minutes 112113

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Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 21st November 2 1! at 1"#!

hours at Tanworth $illage Hall Public %orum District Councillor Oakley and County Councillor Perry were present in the Public Forum, together with two members of the public. District Councillor Atkinson had sent his apologies. Mr Morris, the Proprietor of he !imes Country !odge attended the meeting to discuss a current planning application. "e said that in #$$% the property was a & bedroomed bed and breakfast with no employees. 'ow there are (# full time employees and #) part time staff. he new planning application is seeking to increase the bedroom capacity from * bedrooms to #$ bedrooms. his will include the con+ersion of the cottage. Mr Morris has spoken to ,tratford District Council and he informed the meeting that they are minded to support the application. Mr Morris ad+ocated that members make a site +isit. Councillor -eogh asked Mr Morris how many parking spaces there are and would they be sufficient for the increase in +isitors. Mr Morris said that he has )% spaces and he thought that this is ade.uate. /enny 0uckley, Chair of the 1arlswood and Forshaw "eath 2esidents3 Association thanked the Parish Council for adopting the new community notice board and adding it to their insurance policy. /enny confirmed that there are currently talks going on about cross border recycling and she will keep us informed how that progresses. /enny then asked if the Parish were still considering undertaking a "ousing 'eeds ,ur+ey. he Chairman confirmed that at the ne4t Committee Meeting, Mr Phil 5ard would be coming to address the Parish Council about this sur+ey. /enny also asked if there was any news on the painting of the phone bo4 in Malthouse !ane. he Clerk confirmed that she had been informed that it would be painted in the spring. Councillor -eogh said that she had heard of a few incidents of crime since the departure of PC,O Martin. Councillor Oakley had pre+iously suggested that a register of incidents was kept so that we had data to back up any claims of a rise in crime. Councillor 2oss said that we should approach our 'eighbourhood 5atch Co6 ordinators for their suggestions of how it is best to collate any information. Councillor /ones said that any crime should be reported to our Police and Crime Ambassador, 7eorge Mathieu, so that details can be fed back to the Police and Crime Commissioner, 2on 0all. &e'ort from County Councillor Perry 5ork at the crossroads in 1arlswood starts on Monday. here had been a meeting earlier in the day with Chairman 5illmott, /enny 0uckley, ,imon Prescott and Councillor Perry. 8f there are any problems Councillor Perry or ,imon Prescott at 5CC should be informed. Councillor Perry confirmed that "ighways had been made aware that access was re.uired to the +illage hall. here is a small section of grass +erge outside "olly "ouse on 0road !ane which gets badly churned up. Councillor Perry confirmed that he is trying to get this tarmacked. Councillor Perry has had a note from a resident to impro+e the lighting on 9icarage "ill before the :unction with 0road !ane as it is +ery dangerous for children coming home from school. Councillor Perry to follow this up. Councillor Perry is looking to get ; disabled parking bays in 0ellfield and a further site +isit will be carried out to determine the best way of doing this. here is flooding in 0road !ane opposite 0road Oak Cottage. he double yellow lines in Malthouse !ane recei+ed no ob:ections at the raffic Consultation and will now go on the works programme and will be put in early ne4t year. Councillor Perry had managed to secure <=)$ towards the cleaning of the 5ar Memorial from the County Councillors 7rant Fund #$(;>(&. his :ust needs ratifying and the Parish Council should recei+e confirmation in the ne4t couple of weeks. Councillor Oakley thanked Councillor Perry for his hard work trying to resol+e the parking issue in 0ellfield. Councillor /ones, as ,ecretary of the anworth 0ritish !egion, thanked Councillor Perry for securing the money towards professionally cleaning the memorial. &e'ort from (istrict Councillor )a*ley Councillor Oakley reported that the 8nspectors ha+e passed ,olihull3s !ocal Plan.

Minutes of the anworth6in6Arden Parish Council meeting held on hursday #(st 'o+ember #$(; + 2 1!

Councillor Oakley has still not been able to find any copy of any paperwork which constituted the agreement for ,DC to gi+e land to 2edditch. According to Paul !ankester, there is no such document. At a recent presentation on affordable housing, the statistics of the number of people struggling to keep their homes was shocking. his is storing up a problem for the future because the re.uired social housing is not co+ered in the Core ,trategy but is likely to be a problem which will grow. Councillor 5illmott asked if money would be forthcoming from ,olihull Metropolitan 0orough Council if their !ocal Plan is passed and they build on our border. Councillor Perry said that he would ask the .uestion and Councillor Oakley said that there is a duty to co6operate under the 'PPF.

he Public Forum closed at #$($ hours.

Minutes of the anworth6in6Arden Parish Council meeting held on hursday #(st 'o+ember #$(; + 2 1!

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2 1! at 1"#! hours at Tanworth $illage Hall Present? Councillor 5illmott @ChairmanA, Councillor Oakley, Councillor 5illiams, Councillor ,tanton, Councillor 2oss, Councillor -eogh, Councillor /ones, Councillor O30rien, Councillor 8nstone and Councillor FitBpatrick 8n Attendance? /ulie 5hite CClerk to the Council 1!,1-,1-! 6 A'ologies for absence C Councillor Cunningham and Councillor 5aters 1!,1-,1-- 6 (eclarations of Personal or Pre.udicial /nterest C Councillor 2oss declared a personal interest in 8tem (;>(&>();, the mo+ing of the lamp post because it is opposite his house. Councillor /ones and Oakley both declared a personal interest in 8tem (;>(&>()# as they are both Parish Council representati+es on the 1F. 1!,1-,1-0C To Confirm and sign the Minutes of The Parish Council Meeting of 11th )ctober 2 1!2 8t was proposed by Councillor ,tanton and seconded by Councillor Oakley that the minutes of the Full Council meeting on (=th October were a true and accurate record. All those present at that meeting were in fa+our. he Chairman signed the minutes. 1!,1-,1-3 - Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise dealt with 2 Councillor O30rien asked members to bear in mind that the "enley First 2esponders won3t come in to 1arlswood. Councillor O30rien en.uired if there had been a response to the letter to Da+e 'ash>2obert 5eeks of #( st October. he clerk confirmed that Da+e 'ash had replied +ia e6mail on ;( st October. Councillor 2oss confirmed that he would report back re policing issues. 1!,1-,1-1- Matters raised in the Public %orum 2 he planning application for he !imes was an agenda item and would be discussed later on in the meeting. 1!,1-,1-4 - To Note /tems of Corres'ondence &eceived C he correspondence list was recei+ed and noted. he following items were highlighted by the Clerk? %.D& C 1arlswood 2esidents3 Association C !etter donating notice board to the PC %.(;$ C Came E Co C Confirmation that notice board has been added to PC insurance %.(;% 6 !iBBie Price C 'ew "omes 0onus 7rant ,cheme. Members felt that it would be a good idea to get the lay by in 5ell !ane resurfaced. %.(&% C "ighways Agency C 'otification of works on M&# /unction ;a C & %.()) C anworth ,chool 6 2esponse re 7o+ernors at the school %.(%( 6 ,tudley PC C !etters sent :ointly from ,tudley, Mappleborough and anworth PCs to ,tratford DC and 2edditch 0C 1!,1-,1-" - %inance iA Councillor 5illmott proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Finance Committee from ; rd October #$(;. ,econded by Councillor ,tanton. All in fa+our. iiA Chairman3s report? Councillor 5illmott reported that the guidance was to delay the precept demand for as long as possible. A draft budget would be prepared ne4t month. iiiA 8tems for payment? 8t was proposed by Councillor 5illmott and seconded by Councillor 2oss that the payments were taken en bloc. All in fa+our. 1!,1-,10 2 Planning iA Councillor -eogh proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting from ; rd October #$(;, seconded by Councillor ,tanton. All in fa+our. iiA Chairman3s 2eport C Councillor O30rien confirmed that the planning application for Dairy Cottage @(;>$(D)*>FF!A which was due to go before the Planning Committee on 'o+ember #=th has been withdrawn. iiiA he following decisions were noted?

Minutes of the anworth6in6Arden Parish Council meeting held on hursday #(st 'o+ember #$(; + 2 1!

1!, 22!4,%56 Pro'osed single storey side and rear e7tensions and two storey rear e7tension 1!, 2---,%56 Pro'osed 'itched roof over flat roof garage and installation of solar 'anels 1!, 2-!2,%56 Pro'osed erection of single storey front and rear e7tensions and re'lace the e7isting flat roof with 'itched roof to side 1 , 1412,69C Minor alterations to listed building and sunroom e7tension# :7tension and alterations and balcony to anne7# 1!, 201",%56 Pro'osed first floor e7tension above e7isting detached garage 1!, 2- ",%56 Pro'osed dormer window to front and side 1!, 214",6(P Pro'osed rooflights to rear and insertion of first floor side facing window and folding sliding doors to rear

134 The Common 2" The Common Hideaway8 Cloweswood 6ane Ha;elwood8 <tratford &oad Pendee*8 (an;ey =reen 6ane 1- Malthouse 6ane %orge :nd8 Penn 6ane

Permission with Conditions Permission with Conditions Permission with Conditions Consent granted with Conditions >ithdrawn Permission with Conditions Certificate of 6awful Pro'osed 5se or (evelo'ment


o consider the following planning applications?

6and North of 9road 6ane Proposed erection of agricultural building No &e'resentation but ?uery the si;e of the building and ?uestion if the activity warrants the si;e of the develo'ment# No &e'resentation but comment that we ?uery if this access is a''ro'riate and ?uestion why it follows a circuitous route# /t was agreed that the offer to ma*e a site visit would be ta*en u' and the Chairman of the Planning Committee would advise The Cler* of the Parish Council@s res'onse after the site visit# ACouncillor )a*ley left the room whilst this a''lication was discussedB )b.ection 2 The Cler* would use the original ob.ection from 2 1 'lus a cou'le of e7tra 'oints that Councillors &oss and %it;'atric* would send through#

1!, 2411,A=N)T

1!, 2414,A=N)T

6and North of 9road 6ane

Proposed track

1!, 204",%56

The 6imes Country 6odge

1rection of single6storey front entrance, single6 storey rear e4tension incorporating dining area and two6storey e4tension incorporating si4 additional rooms with en6suite

1!, 2121,%56

6and at the end of (octors Close

1rection of three dwellings, shared garage block and associated works ser+ed by an e4tension to Doctors Close

1!,1-,101 To Consider ma*ing an Amendment to the <tanding )rders to Allow for sending a <igned <ummons by :-mail 8t was proposed by Councillor 5illmott that the standing orders under the heading Proper Officer, ,ection %, item +ii headed Proper Officer are amended to read? The Proper Officer shall at least three clear days before a meeting of the council or a committee meeting serve on councillors, by delivery or post at their residences, a signed summons confirming the time, place and the agenda OR at least three clear days before a meeting of the council or a committee meeting serve on councillors a summons, by email, confirming the time, place and the agenda provided any such email contains the electronic signature and title of the Proper Officer. Councillors may opt out of receiving their summons and agenda electronically. his was seconded by Councillor 2oss. All in fa+our.

Minutes of the anworth6in6Arden Parish Council meeting held on hursday #(st 'o+ember #$(; + 2 1!

1!,1-,102 To Consider the &ecommendation of the % C =P Committee to &e-A''oint Councillor )a*ley as a Parish Council &e'resentation on the Tanworth :ducational %oundation 8t was proposed by Councillor 8nstone and seconded by Councillor ,tanton that Councillor Oakley is reappointed as one of our Parish Council representati+es on the 1F. D +otes in fa+our. Councillor Oakley abstained from +oting. 1!,1-,10! To &atify the (ecision of the % C =P Committee to Move the <treet 6ight on (octors Hill 8t was proposed by Councillor 5illmott and seconded by Councillor ,tanton that the decision to instruct 5arwickshire County "ighways to mo+e the street light on potential safety grounds was ratified. * +otes in fa+our. Councillor 2oss and Councillor O30rien abstained. 1!,1-,10To Consider the (raft &ecommendations for the :lectoral &eview of <tratford-)n-Avon his item was discussed and noted and members decided that they would not put in any comments. All in fa+our. 1!,1-,100 To Consider the &ecommendation from the %inance C =eneral Pur'ose Committee to Provide a =rit 9in for the Almshouses in 9ates 6ane 8t was proposed by Councillor 5illmott and seconded by Councillor FitBpatrick that the Parish Council purchases a grit bin for the Almhouses in 0ates !ane. he Parish Council would not be responsible for any maintenance of the grit bin. All in fa+our. 1!,1-,103 - >or* around the Parish 'arrow road sign still down by he !akes ,limy lea+es on pa+ements in 9alley 2oad and Cloweswood !ane 0ollard flattened at the :unction of 0road !ane and A&;) /unction at 0road !ane and he Common re.uires proper lighting ,ince ,pringbrook !ane has been closed, ,mall !ane has had an increase in traffic resulting in the +erges eroding. Poolhead !ane road surface poor. 1!,1-,101 2 /tems for %uture Agenda 2 o discuss the 'eighbourhood Plan o Discuss the Cleaning of the 5ar Memorial o Discuss an increase in antisocial acti+ity in Alderhanger !ane 1!,1-,104 - To resolve to e7clude the Press and the 'ublic in accordance with the Public 9odies AAdmission to MeetingsB Act 1"3 in res'ect of the following item 8t was proposed by Councillor 5illmott and seconded by Councillor /ones that the public and press were e4cluded from the meeting. All in fa+our. Councillor 2oss then proposed that ,tanding Orders were suspended. his was seconded by Councillor Oakley. All in fa+our. 1!,1-,10" - To Confirm and <ign the Confidential &e'ort to be A''ended to the Minutes of the


Parish Council Meeting of 11th )ctober 2 1! his item was deferred. <taffing &e'ort 5'date# An update was gi+en and a confidential report is appended to these minutes.

1!,1-,13 - To note date8 'lace and time of ne7t MeetingD 1#! 'm 2 Thursday 1"th (ecember8 :arlswood $illage Hall he meeting closed at ($.()pm ,ignedGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Chairman of meeting GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Date

Minutes of the anworth6in6Arden Parish Council meeting held on hursday #(st 'o+ember #$(; + 2 1!

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