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Two important positions are indicated for a node becoming Yogakaraka for a native. It should be in an angle in relation to a trinal lord or be in a trine in aspect to an angular lord 7 Chara karakas scheme is correct ; presided by Vishnu , they show people who play an important role in ones sustenance, achievements and spiritual progress.. Chara karakas are very useful in Ra a !ogas and in spiritual progress. "hey also show how our karma #cumulative sum of actions$ is carried from one life to another. %thirakarakas %thira karakas include only 7 planets because only they have physical bodies. They are presided by %hiva. As Shiva presides over death, they show the destruction of body. Sthira karakas are useful in timing the death of various near relatives. . The stronger planet between the Sun and !enus represents father "semen#. $. The stronger planet between the %oon and !enus " S &ath' mars # represents mother. (. %ars ) younger brother, sisters, brother*in*law and even mother "blood giver#. +. %ercury ) maternal uncles and aunt, "maternal relatives and paternal# ,. -upiter ) paternal grand*parents ". relatives#. Sons "and daughters# /. !enus ) 0ife "for a male chart#, father . mother*in*laws . maternal grand*parents 7. Saturn ) prosperity or evils to elder co*borns "and other elders# 1. &ahu ) wife, %aternal grandfather, 2ather*in law 3. 4etu represents paternal and maternal female grandparents."S &ath' wife, father, mother, parents*in law and maternal grand father# Note : Seven 4arakas alone may not be able to clarify some subtle points in a horoscope. 5ombined with Sthirakarakas all areas get covered comprehensively. Chara &asha 'rder of () Rao in *+ora is correct. . ,adas ,adas should be calculated for all planets and for all houses. ignore the so-called e.ceptions *aimini yogas are many , but for our purpose, we will confine ourselves to the following only A4 6 "Am or 74, 84, , th lord# or in mutual rasi dristi Am 6 "84, 74, , th lord, # or in mutual rasi dristi 79 6 ", th lord, 84# or in mutual rasi dristi Special :otes ; . The %oon and !enus together or the %oon aspected by !enus is a ra<ayoga. $. If the %oon is aspected by many planets, it is an e=cellent ra<ayoga. (. :ow see the same ra<ayogas in the :avamsha and e=amine;If there are more ra<ayogas or' If there are less ra<ayogas or' "c#If the ra<ayogas have become stronger or' If the ra<ayogas have become weaker. +. If the Amatyakaraka is placed in kendras or trikonas from the Atmakaraka or in the eleventh house in 8 or 83, good positions in life are attained with less struggle. ,. If the Atmakaraka and the Amatyakaraka are placed in the /th, 1th or $th positions from each other in the birth horoscope or in the :avamsha, there will be struggles in attaining positions. /. See if any karakas are afflicted. They will create trouble. 7. If the karakas are aspected by benefits, their promises increase beneficially. T h e first triangle consists of the first, the fifth and the ninth houses which represent, brahmacharya or life of celibacy' the second, the si=th and the tenth houses grihastha or the life of a house*holder, or the worldly duties of a man or woman' the third, the seventh and the eleventh houses, vanaprastha or the beginning of detachment from worldly duties and sincere devotion to the higher spiritual life, and finally the fourth, the eighth and the twelfth houses are the houses of sannyasa or a life of renunciation. Virodhargala #'bstruction, strife, e.tra effort needed, arrest, impasse or sei/ure, especially on 0 or 12$ counteract the good or bad argala only in $., > of cases "so virodhargala will be beneficial, if it apply to a papargala caused by a malefic, it will limit the malefic intervention #' there is virodhargala only if the argala causing planet is in ?@ to 7@(?A and virodhargala planet in $$@(?A to (?@ or vice versa B or if the argala causing planet is in 7@(?A to ,@ and virodhargala planet in ,@ to $$@(?A or vice versa. 3odies #both planets, signs and 4pagraha etc.$ have primary, secondary 5 virodha argalas "intervention . removal of intervention# Argalas is from planet to houses and their karakas, to lords of houses and their karakas, and to arudhas of houses "support or block the e=ternal maya of the house# Argalas work in 8 chart as well. "he signs #and planets in them$ cause virodhargala on e.actly the same signs that cause argala on them. 6or e.ample, 1ries causes 1R7121 on 7emini, Capricorn, ,isces, Virgo and %agittarius. "he 8same8signs i.e 7emini, Capricorn, ,isces, Virgo and %agittarius cause V9R'&+1R7121 on 1ries. 1ll the houses #it:s matters$ a given house tries to help;intervene, are the same houses that try to disrupt;obstruct the original house matters. 9s there a deeper concept to understand this matter better< 9f the planet causing 1rgala is inimical to the house;planet under consideration, it shall prevent the same from achieving its purpose by showing different directions. how to analyse the argala of a planet ' 2ind the relationship of the planet causing argala and the karaka of the house under focus. If the relationship is friendly then that will have positive influence on the significations ruled by the 4arakas under consideration. we have to look at two things; a. The influence due to the natural nature of the planet b. The influence based on the house " th, Cagna, 1th# causing the argala on the concerned house. 1rgalas; DsubhaargalaE "benefic intervention# and DpaapaargalaE "malefic intervention#. 'nly unobstructed argalas count.

9f a planet that obstructs a house #virodhargala$ is also the (araka for that house the planet will forcefully protect its results, whether the native likes it or not. "his will ultimately benefit the house. A planet giving argala must have a favorable B friendly karaka fitting to the house they represent and are in so that they can boost it and thereafter benefit the original house they give argala to. Fetween a planet giving Argala and a planet obstructing the same, the stronger of the two signs containing the planets must be analysed to deduce the more dominating force. 2or ultimate fructification the argala must be stronger than the obstruction. 9f they are of e=ual strength, the results is neither success nor failure and sei/ure results #the house results are confiscated$ . 9f both planets are malefic this shows imprisonment #blockage of the house$, while > benefits cause house arrest #results are fro/en for a while$. o A sign with more planets will be more dominant. o If eGual numbers of planets are in the signs, then a sign receiving Hrasi dristiA by more planets is stronger. o If they are still eGual in strength, the strength of the sign lords must be deduced. The one occupying higher degrees is stronger. F7IS' If the Argala causing planet is stronger than the obstructing one, the former will prevail. Jr if the number of Argalas are more than the obstructing planets, then also the Argala will prevail. 9f both the 1rgala #intervention$ and Virodha #'bstruction$ are e=ually strong, Fandana Yoga "Fondage# can result. 9f both are malefic and e=ual, the Fandana Yoga can be very evil or adverse like confinement after an accident "where the $nd . $K houses are involved showing the accident in the $nd house which is a %araka ? and the hospital in the $ th house#. This can also indicate adverse situation concerning education and career if the +th and ? th are involved. If the planets are poles apart in nature, then the education may have nothing to do with the career like a Gualified doctor working as a bureaucrat. 2ifth and ninth houses involved show very adverse situations that can also cause terrible misfortunes, <ail terms etc. 9f beneficial planets are involved, then the bondage could relate to staying indoors for writing a book, meditation or other means of beneficial confinement. A careful study of the nature of the planet, signs involved etc, has to be made. Results of 1rgala and Virodhargala will arise during the periods and sub*periods of the signs or planets giving Argala to the relevant house or sign or planet. If the planet giving Argala is inimical, or malefic toward the 4araka of the house the Guality of the house will fall. 9f the 1rgala of the dasa planet is obstructed by Virodha 1rgala, then during the antar dasa of such planets the good result of the concerned house shall be obstructed or reversed. Scientific Iindu astrology by7.S. Sastri L $' 3enefic results will arise in the periods of the signs which have benefic 1rgalas, p ?0?@;argalas are more powerfull than yogas, they have the upper hand, decide. 2or argalas and virodhargalas or house of ketu only count in reverse.not for argala on the house occupied by ketu or argala on planets or arudhas con<uncting ketu, not for argala on the house occupied by ketu or argala on planets or arudhas con<uncting ketu. 3,+%; 1s the nodes have retrograde motions, the 1rgalas and obstructions be also counted accordingly in a reverse manner 1rgala to the planets; natural characteristics will determine which forces intervene in attaining the significations of that planet. 2or e=ample, the planets giving Argala to -upiter will determine which forces will intervene in the native getting fortune. Similarly the planets which give Argala to 4etu will determine which forces help a native attain liberation F7IS' * 7. A R G A L A E F F E C T S : Should there be Argala on the Arudha 7ada, on the ascendant, and on the 7th from both, the native will be famous and fortunate. A malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed Argala on the ascendant will make one famous. on the $nd house it denotes acGuisition of wealth and grains, (rd house*happiness from co*born' the +th house*residences, Guadrupeds and relatives' the ,th house**sons, grand sons and intelligence, the /th house*fear from enemies' the 7th house*abundant wealth and marital happiness, the 1th house*difficulties, the 3th house*fortunes' the ?th house*royal honour' the th house*gains, and the $th house* e=penses. The Argala by benefics will give various kinds of happiness, with malefic Argalas benefic effects will be obstucted, interfered. Argala by both benefics and malefics will yield mi=ed results. 6rom Vimsottari 5 udu dasa:s by %. Rath; %pecial 1rgala instead of virodhargala is also caused by the presence of several Aalefics in the third house. %uch an 1rgala does not have any kind of intervention. it gives success in battles and competitions . the 1rgala of the seventh can be the greatest blessing like a loving spouse or a curse like a characterless wife. +owever, this can be removed by the planet#s$ or sign in the 2agna which cause Virodha 1rgala. subha 1rgala on a house #beneficial intervention by being in the >nd , BC , Dth , 7th , EC or 00C from it$, F properity of the house aspected with argala in dasa of the subhargala planet . ,apa 1rgala "malefic intervention# by the dasa planet being a natural malefic also results in beneficence to the bhava in the short term, but is evil in the long run. *aimini upadesa; If natural malefics are involved in direct argala "unobstructed# 7lanets associated with the %oon, giving Argala on the moon or associated with the Iora lagna give wealth and 8hanyoga. !arga cakras' unobstructed 1rgalas on the E:: house will indicate the nature of inheritance one gets. Similarly 1rgalas on the 00t house will indicate the ways the parents help the child . 1rgalas on the 3adhaka house from the 2agna will indicate the ways the parents and relatives obstruct the native from certain things etc. ,lanets having papargala on the houses of education or knowledge can obstruct it. Thus planets having papargala on the + t h house or the 3 t h house can obstruct formal school or higher education, during its period. In this way, Argala should be reckoned with reference to the +th house in Shodasamsa, as well as Cagna, to see the influence of these conveyances and the natives relation to them, through life. The Argala of grahas on the 4araka * -upiter, will show which type of conveyances the person owns. The strength of the argala giving grahas, will show the Guality of the lu=uries. The simultaneous labha*argala on the +th house, shows that these gave him significant gainsBwealth in his life. As there are no planets in the /th house, he dominated the market with great ease, without problems from competitors. 4etu and &ahu also give

Sukha*argala " + uK# on the M house of personal gains, but the same is obstructed by !enus and %oon in the 1M house "loansB debts#. The lordships of !enus and %oon give us some idea of what these loans were spent on.

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