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1 Introduction Indeed, imperialism has been one of the most dominant forces in world politics over the last four centuries, carving up whole countries while oppressing indigenous peoples and obliterating entire civilizations. Imperialism is not just about armies, labor and gold. Imperialism has a cultural dimension. When one part of the world systematically oppresses another, it changes not only the material make-up of those societies, it also affects the cultures. According to Rodney (1972): Africa in the fifteenth century was not just a jumble of different tribes. There was a pattern and there was historical movement. Societies such as feudal Ethiopia and Egypt were at the furthest point of the process of evolutionary development. Zimbabwe and the Bachwezi states were also clearly on the ascent away from communalism, but at a lower level than the feudal states and a few others that were not yet feudal such as those in Western Sudan.

This above insight by Rodney shows that Africa had a particular pattern of development before interference from without the continent. As it was and still is with Africa so has it been with the rest of the third world countries in Asia and Latin America.

This is why we can say that the political and economic life of the so-called Third World countries cannot be discussed or given a cursory glance without taking consideration of the influence of the developed or industrialized nations of the west and North America. This view came as an antithesis to the Modernization paradigm of political economy, which stated that the third worlds economic and political life can be studied as a closed system meaning; underdevelopment in the third world is an original situation.

However , the above thesis remains what the neo-Marxist scholars of the school of imperialism have come to contradict, because truly the politics of the thirdworld countries of Asia ,Africa, and Latin America ,cannot be studied outside the imperialist incursion of the third world , which is an offshoot of the growth of advanced capitalism. This is why Lenin in his book considered imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. Capitalism as an economic ideology was influenced greatly by the Industrial Revolution in the west, starting from Britain in 1760(Collins concise encyclopedia) , and later spreading to other parts of Europe in the 18th century. The growth of capitalism and its spread around Europe further brought about the saturation of the European markets. So in essence there was need for markets elsewhere for these goods. So the continents of Africa, Asia and Latin America became seen as veritable markets for for these goods. Thus was born the idea of colonialism, which was consequently a manifestation of imperialism, whereby territories were turned into colonies of the principal authority for the main purpose of plunder. The colonization of the third world countries by imperialist Europe halted and distorted the development patterns that were being followed by the now called third world countries. Where these imperialists were not allowed to peacefully assume power, they took it by force.

Today, even after the decolonization of the countries of the so-called third world, the industrialized nations are not only exporting goods but also capital in the form of machinery, technology, investments and loans. This paper is aimed at elucidating the concept and phenomenon of imperialism vis--vis the underdevelopment situation in the third world today.

0.2 CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATIONS In the course of this academic exploration it would be pertinent to explicate the concepts of imperialism, Development and Underdevelopment for the sake of clarity and putting them in the right context for the sake of good comprehension. 1. Imperialism: imperialism has been a concept and phenomenon fraught with so many contradictions as regards its existence or authenticity. Modernization scholars like W.W.Rostow in his book the stages of economic growth have expressly disputed the existence of the concept of imperialism. On the other hand the Neo-Marxist scholars mostly from the third world, scholars like; Andre Gunder Frank, Walter Rodney and Ake Claude have come to defend the existence of the phenomenon, further seeing it as a major force in the life of the third world. So what is this imperialism? According to Parati( 1995)imperialism means the process whereby the dominant politico-economic interest of one nation expropriate for their own enrichment the land ,labor raw-materials and markets of another people. This definition shows that imperialism is a highly parasitic relationship between territories, because the so-called industrialized expropriated the resources of the third world to feed their own industrialization. These acts are usually done with impunity. Ake (1981:20) also saw the concept as the economic control an exploitation of foreign lands, arising from the necessity of counteracting the impediments of the accumulation of capital engendered by the internal contradictions of the domestic capitalist economy. From this definition, it is implied that imperialism is as a result of the growth of advanced capitalism. Given the expansionist nature of capitalism it has little inclination to stay at home. Almost 150 years ago, Marx and Engels described a Bourgeoisie that chase over the world surface for the globe for capital accumulation and surplus value. Barratt cited in Ake (1981:20) also sees the concept as the outward drive of certain peoples to build empires both formal colonies and privileged positions in markets, protected sources of materials and extended opportunities for profitable

employment of labor. The concept has thus been associated with an unequal economic relationship between states not simply the inequality of large and small ,rich and poor trading partners but the inequality of political and economic dependence of the latter on the former. This above definition is useful because it comes from the perspective of some common sense view of imperialism but it did not establish a link between capitalism and imperialism. After exploring the above definitions by these authorities in the field it is now pertinent to see imperialism as the economic and political control of a geographical entity by another, whereby the former is dominated by the latter for the main purposes of plunder and extraction of, material and surplus value in a relationship that ends up leading to dependence. This definition could be seen as appropriate in the context of this paper because; 1. It establishes the relationship between capitalism and imperialism and 2. It establishes the role of dependence in imperialism.

3. Development and Underdevelopment: indeed the twin concepts of development and underdevelopment have remained problematic in terms of conceptualizations in the field of political science. It has elicited various definitions from scholars of diverse backgrounds and ideological underpinnings.

According to Rodney (1972:21) development in human society is a many sided process. At the level of the individual, it implies increased skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self discipline, responsibility and material well being. Some of these are virtually moral categories and are difficult to evaluate depending as they do on the age in which one lives, ones class, origins and ones personal code of what is right and what is wrong. However , what is indisputable is that the achievement of any of those aspects of personal development is very much tied in with the state of the society as a whole".

This above exposition of development by Rodney posits that the societal and economic variants of development are all hinged on the individual. When individuals making up a society are developed, then the society can be said to be developed. According to John Montgomery and William Siffin cited in Abah (2000:5), development is planned mobilization and direction of scarce resources to achieve constantly rising national goals and objectives formulated by the national machinery. To them government must be involved in the development process of a given geographical entity or a semi-autonomous political unit.

Fred Riggs also cited in Abah(2000:5) is however more inclined to equate development with freedom as he defines it as increase I the level of of autonomy and discretion of social system. In the context of this paper it is better to see development as the qualitative and quantitative increase in society, which is as a result of the creative energies of the individuals in that society. This definition covers the fact that development cannot be given to a group of people or community but could only be said to have happened when the people in a given society are able to transform nature or manipulate it for their own betterment. Underdevelopment on the other hand does not connote the absence of development because every society has developed in one way or another to the extent possible. Underdevelopment therefore makes sense only as a means of comparing levels of development. It is very much tied to the fact that social development has been uneven and from a strictly economic point of view, some human groups have advanced further by producing more and becoming wealthier. Hence in comparison with the greater affluence of the countries of Europe and North America, the economically backward countries could only be called underdeveloped. This perspective was aptly presented by Walter Rodney in How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, where he stated that virtually all

underdeveloped countries of the Third World without exception passed through a colonial era and the trauma of colonialism impacted upon them the condition of underdevelopment. This view by Rodney (1972) blamed the underdeveloped status of the third world on imperialism. It is also instructive of how the underdeveloped post colonial economies Of Africa, Asia and Latin America, fused into the global capitalist economy to compete side by side with the industrialized economies of Western Europe and North America. So we can say today that the communities in Africa, Asia and, Latin America that are now impoverished and pauperized were as a result of imperialism. Today the gap between the so-called developed countries and the underdeveloped countries is so wide. Dependency is the order of the day in which the countries of the third world depend on the industrialized nations for almost everything ranging from goods to services. The third world countries have been relegated to the background and only made relevant in the area of supply of Raw Materials in the international division of labor. Backwardness in science and technology is also another major area where the third-world lags behind in the balanced of world economy. Major projects that require the employment of advanced science and technology are now being contracted out to European multinational and transnational companies. There can be no doubt that there is still a widening gap between the central and peripheral states in world economy and politics today. This is because the imperialist nations have seized control of five monopolies, which are (1) technological monopoly (2) monopolistic control of worldwide financial markets (3) media and communications monopolies and (4) monopoly of weapons of mass destruction and other advanced means of destruction. This above situation puts the third world countries in a competitive disadvantage when it comes to trade and investment.

0.3 Theoretical Perspective: The theoretical perspective that best suits the thesis of this paper is the dependency theory as propounded by Andre Gunder Frank, Immanuel Wallenstein and a host of other third world scholars. Generally dependency is the reliance on a person, or something for support, survival or enhancement In development studies dependency speaks of a situation in which a particular country or region relies on another for support, survival and growth. Dependency is a Neo-Marxist perspective that maintains that Third World countries are Underdeveloped because of the activities of the First World (developed and industrialized nations) Dependency theory holds that the condition of underdevelopment is precisely the result of the incorporation of the Third World economies into the capitalist world system which is dominated by the West and North America (Randall and Theo bald 1998, 120) Dependency Theory emerged in the 1950s as a critique of Modernization Argues that these Classical theorists failed to recognize that Imperialism, Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism is solely responsible for the development of the First World and the subsequent underdevelopment of the Third World. These below are the features of the dependency critique: The existence of a Capitalist World System as a conduit pipe siphoning of the resources of the third world. for the

In this capitalist system countries are divided into Metropoles and Satellites (Frank) or Core and Semi-periphery and Periphery (Wallenstein) Core Countries/ are the Rich Industrialized Countries of the West, whose GDP and per capita income exceed 7% per annum

Peripheries are those countries whose annual rate of growth is less than 57% and are primary producers of goods and services. Semi-peripheries: Newly industrialized countries, China, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea (Asian Tigers), Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Indonesia, Egypt, Portugal, Spain and Italy. The capitalist system operates where peripheries/Satellites provide raw material for the Core/Metrpole countries who manufacture and sells it. Thus the basis of dependency and Underdevelopment. Dependency according to scholars emerged as a result of Europes drive to capital accumulation. Thus led to the colonization of Latin American, Caribbean, African and East Asian States. The extraction of wealth (Natural resources and capital) followed leading to the transfer of this wealth to Europe facilitating industrialization and development (Rodney, 1972). According to Andre Gunder Frank, monopoly control of trade and unequal exchange between metropole and satellite resulted in the extraction of surplus value (Potter and Binns et al, 1999). In general the theory of dependency holds that both ;political and economic dependency are inversely and significantly related economic prosperity, that is more dependent countries are also less prosperous. In order for these backward to countries to develop they must disassociate themselves from all relations with the first world. This is because the imperialist nations of the west have created artificial underdevelopment in the third world through imperialism.

0.4 Imperialism and Third world Underdevelopment As has been earlier posited in this paper, the political and the economic life of the third- world cannot be studied imperialism. This is because imperialism has made a major impact amongst the so- called third world or less developed countries and has even altered their modes of production that should be historically determined.

According to Rodney (1972:3) every people have shown a capacity for independently increasing their ability to live a more satisfactory life through exploiting the resources of nature. Every continent independently participated in the early epochs of the extension of mans control over his environment which means in effect that every continent can point to a period of economic development. Drawing from Rodney above even the so-called third-world countries today showed some form of development pattern before external interference from the imperial nations such as ; Britain, France and the U.S.A. A classical example of this above statement was the situation of India. In 1810, India was exporting more textiles to England than England was exporting to India. By 1830, the trade flows was reversed. The British had put up prohibitive tariff barriers to shut out Indian finished goods and were dumping their commodities in India, a practice which was backed by the British Gunboats and military force. Within a matter of years, the great textile centers of Dacca and Madras were turned into ghost towns. The Indians were sent back to the land to raise the cotton used in British textile factories. In effect India was reduced to being a cow milked by British financiers. The result of the above relationship was that by 1850, Indias debt had grown to 53 million pounds. From 1850 to 1900 its per-capita income dropped from almost two-thirds. The value of raw materials and commodities the Indians were obliged to send to Britain during most of the 19th century amounted yearly to more than the total income of the sixty million Indian agricultural and industrial workers. The massive poverty we associate with India despite its recent growth was the countrys original historical condition. British imperialism did two things. First it ended Indias development process, then it forcibly underdeveloped that country. Similar processes occurred throughout the third-world. The enormous wealth extracted should remind us that there originally were few really poor nations.

Countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, Bolivia, Zaire, Mexico, Malaysia, and the Philippines were and sometimes still are rich in resources. Some have been so thoroughly plundered as to be desolate in all respects. However, most of thirdworld is not underdeveloped but overexploited. Western colonization and imperialism have created a lower rather than a higher living standard. A according to Paul Baran(1957) in 1830, in Marxs youth, the countries that make up what we now call the third-world accounted for 60.9 percent of the worlds industrial potential. By 1860, the decade in which Marxs capital was written, this had fallen to 36.7 percent. By 1953 it had declined to a low of 6.5 percent. Chinas share of world industry fell from 33.3 percent in 1800 to 6.3 percent in 1900 and 2.3 percent in 1953. As historian David Christian has noted, The twentieth century term the third-world could have made no sense in 1750, when todays third-world countries accounted to almost 75 percent of global industrial production. By the late twentieth century, they accounted for less than 15 percent. The above example is instructive of imperialism because it shows how the phenomenon has over the years transferred or in a better sense expropriated the wealth both human and material from the third-world to the developed and industrialized nations. Basically, in Africa countries like Egypt, Ethiopia, the Maghreb, Sudan and Mali had already been developing on their own path before the 15th century. But with the coming of western colonialism and imperialism, such developments were interrupted and cultural and socio-economic systems were halted and reinvented by the European imperialists. After the decolonization of the third-world countries the greatest blow that was dealt their politico-economic make up was how their underdeveloped capitalist economies were fused to the global capitalist economy. These economies were now made to compete side by-side with the already developed countries. The industrialized or imperialist nations also used their MNCs (Multinational Corporations) or even Transnational Corporations to further plunder the resources of the third-world till today.

As a classical example North-America and European corporations have acquired control of more than three-fourths of the known mineral resources of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Such multinational corporations invest in countries with cheaper labor markets U.S corporate foreign investment grew 84 percent 84 percent from 1985 to 1990, the most dramatic increase being in cheap labor countries like South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. Transnationals have developed a global production line. General motors has factories that produce cars, trucks and a wide range of auto components in Canada, Brazil, Venezuela , Spain, Belgium, Yugoslavian, Nigeria, Singapore, Philippines, south Africa, south Korea and a dozen other countries. Today by controlling the substructure of the the third-world countries the imperialists who could be in more recent terms called neo-imperialists or neocolonialists control the substructure of the world economy and as such control the superstructure of the third- world countries. This is because major economic decisions are being made by the developed countries and by virtue of the technological advancement in the developed world; they tend to produce more goods for exportation to the third world. On the the other hand the third world is relegated to the background in the international division of labor, by just producing raw materials which is a very primary stage of production and productivity. This situation makes the third world countries run at a deficit balance of payment because they buy more than what they sell. Also the situation brings about dependency on the industrialized nations for even local businesses. Today the third world is not being controlled directly like in the colonial period but the control today is indirect using the MNCs, and sometimes the media for indirect psychological ; control of the third-world. Also the metropolitan bourgeoisie of the industrialized economies further plunder the resources of the third world with the aid of the comprador Bourgeoisie. In Nigeria today which, is also a third world country, the situation is not different from the other of the third-world.

0.5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In conclusion, the influence of imperialism on the third world cannot be overemphasized given its immense impact in determining the politico-economic standing of the third-world today. Whole civilizations have been altered, countries carved up and mode of productions artificially changed, and dependencies created. The situation now remains where the third world finds a solution for the further imperial exploitation and domination of the third-world. A veritable solution to this situation is for the third-world countries to delink from whatsoever link they have with the imperialist nations. But immediate delinking may be fatalistic. So a slow process delinking will be advised so as to combat imperialism and underdevelopment in the third-world forever.

REFERENCES Abah, N. (2000) Development administration; A multidisciplinary approach Enugu: John-Jacobs classic publishers. Ake, C. (1981) Political economy of Africa. New York. Longman Inc. Andre, G. (1967) Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America .New York: Monthly Review Press. Baran, P (1957) the political economy of growth. New York: Monthly review press. David, C. (2004) Maps of time. Berkely: University of California. Parati, M (1995) Against an Empire. Losangeles : city light books. Potter & Binns et al(1999) Geographies of Development. New York: Oxford University Press. Randall & Theobald (1998) Political change and Underdevelopment: A Lynn Reiner publishers book.

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