Resume Worksheet: Objective or Summary of Qualifications Education

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Resume Worksheet

Your heading, with name, contact information, and where you may be reached, goes here

Objective or Summary of Qualifications

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Your skill phrases, which describe your experience, go here next to the bullets You can also name your headings whatever you feel describes your experience best. (i.e. Accounting Experience or Marketing Experience)

Related Experience
Job title (bold), place of employment, location (city and state), dates of employment

Job title (bold), place of employment, location (city and state), dates of employment

Additional Experience
Job title (bold), place of employment, location (city and state), dates of employment Job title (bold), place of employment, location (city and state), dates of employment

Computer Skills
Other involvement or activities can go here (i.e. university, community or volunteer activities, memberships, etc.)

Creating Skill Phrases

Step #1: Brainstorm your job duties Make a list below of the basic duties you perform now or used to perform on a daily basis in your experiences (i.e. served customers or ran the copier, etc.)

Step #2: Assess what type of skill the duty is Using the Resume Writing Principles handout, turn to the Action Verbs page and compare your duty to the list of verbs. (Example: What type of skill is it to serve customers? A helping skill? Or what type of skill is it to run the copier? Perhaps an organizational skill or technical skill? Choose to advertise on your resume the types of skills you have gained that are highly sought after for your intended position.

Step #3: Choose a strong action verb that illustrates your job duty in terms of skill each skill phrase should begin with a strong verb. So, instead of Served customers you could write Assisted customers Keep your verbs all in the same verb tense. Even if you are currently in your position, you should still remain consistent with past tense. Record your chosen verbs below and label which job duty they will describe.

Step #4: Describe your experience What did you accomplish on the job? What significant results were achieved because you did your duty? Try to focus on results employers respond to this because past successes are likely to transfer into future accomplishments. (Example: Assisted customers with courteous and efficient service encouraging repeat business of clientele)

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