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A driving licence is an official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or a bus, on a public roadway. The laws relating to the licensing of drivers vary between jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, a license is issued after the recipient has passed a driving test, while in others; a person acquires a license before beginning to drive. In Malaysia, A driving licence is required before a person is allowed to drive a motor vehicle of any description on the road. An individual must possess a valid driving licence before being permitted to drive on the road, and driving licence holders are subject to all traffic rules stated in the Malaysian Road Transportation Act 1987.Malaysian who have attained the age of 16 can obtain a B2 (motorcycle) or 17 for D (car) license. Those wanting to get an E license (lorry) must be 21 years or above. There are five major types of driving licence in Malaysia, namely:

Learner's Driving Licence (LDL) - possessed by learners in driving schools. They must first attend a 6 hour safety course, then a theory test, and finally another 5 hour course for maintaining a manual car. Licence holders are only permitted to drive cars displaying the L plate owned by driving schools under the supervision of a driving school instructor. For motorcycle learner's licence holders, they are permitted to ride a motorcycle without a pillion. The learner's licence may be renewed every 3 or 6 months but the licence cannot be possessed for more than 2 years. After the 2 years due date, the licence holders may need to restart the whole driving lesson procedures from the beginning.

Probationary Driving Licence (PDL) - possessed by new drivers who have passed all the driving lesson procedures and tests. New drivers are subject to the 10-point KEJARA demerit point system, where points will be deducted according to the types of traffic infractions. Licence will be revoked after a probationary licence holder accumulates 10 demerit points.Probationary drivers are required to display the probationary licence plate (marked with white capital P in square red background) at the front and back of their respective vehicles. A probationary licence may be upgraded to a full competent driving licence after 2 years, and a grace period of a year

Thrive for a quality drive parveen kaur

is given to upgrade the licence before the licence holder may need to restart the whole driving lesson procedures.

Competent Driving Licence (CDL) - a full-fledged driving licence being upgraded from the probationary licence after 2 years. CDL holders are subject to the 15-point KEJARA system before their licence may be suspended or revoked. Competent driving licence may be renewed after every 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. A grace period of three years is given to renew the licence before the licence holder may need to restart the whole driving lesson procedures.

Vocational Driving Licence (VDL) or Commercial Driving Licence - a special driving licence for commercial vehicle drivers such as Lorries and buses, issued jointly with the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Authority (LPKP).

International Driving Permit (IDP) - International driving licence for Malaysian drivers to drive in foreign countries.

There are several classes of driving licence, namely:

A - Vehicles for the disabled person B - Motorcycles (all displacement)

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B1 - Motorcycles not exceeding 500 cc B2 - Motorcycles not exceeding 250 cc

C - Motorized tricycles D - Cars with unloaded weight not exceeding 3000 kg E - Trucks (all)
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E1 - Trucks with unloaded weight not exceeding 7500 kg E2 - Trucks with unloaded weight not exceeding 5000 kg

F - Tractors / Light motorized machines (wheeled) with unloaded weight not exceeding 5000 kg

G - Tractors / Light motorized machines (chained) with unloaded weight not exceeding 5000 kg

H - Tractors / Heavy motorized machines (wheeled) with unloaded weight exceeding 5000 kg

I - Tractors / Heavy motorized machines (chained) with unloaded weight exceeding 5000 kg.

Thrive for a quality drive parveen kaur

By the way, the procedure to obtain Malaysian driving license is very easy yet standardized procedure equal to other developed country all over the world. For starters, first you must seek the assistance of a good Driving Instructor or a reputable institute nearby your region. Then it is the five-hour road safety course, which is conducted in Malay and the driving school will provide the suitable booklet to study for the written test. The test is not hard as it consists of 50 multiple choice questions of which you can only get 4 wrong. This test must be passed, if not you cannot start the practical lessons. If you fail, you can reseat for the test. This test is computer based and for those do not have the computer operating skills, they can undergo the paper base examination or oral assessment. Having passed the Highway Code test leads one to the next step, which is to attend a 6 Hours Theory course. In this section, 3 hours is devoted to talking on how to maintain a good car condition. Aspects on how the JPJ conducts its test is also touch upon in this section. The next 3 hours of the Theory class in reality is a Practical lesson conducted by your Instructor individually . This is where the fun begins. Hope you like manual Kancils. It is not as bad as it teaches humility more than anything else. Instead, its small size is very convenient for all type of drivers no matter the age or the gender and most importantly is the low petrol consumption Here you not only learn to drive but to park as well. The instructors tend to be very helpful and will work on any problem areas. All you need do is ask. Normally, you will instruct on car maintenance, namely how to maintain well, things like the radiator, battery, brake fluid, engine oil, and fan and air-con belts including also air pressure of the tyres. At the end of the three hours session, I am quite certain your knowledge about cars would have increased fourfold (in most cases, we can understand the theory but the application may be wide-ranging among each driver). Your training may even include instructing you how to change tyres in cases where you need to change punctured tyres in a correct way. After that, Obtaining on L (Learner Probationary Drivers license) which last 3 months enables you to begin taking driving lessons on the road. One should take note that not everyone can instruct you on the road lessons. Gone are the days where your father, uncle or husband who has the experience can teach you the mechanics of driving. Today, the guidance of driving know-how is bestowed only to driving School Instructors or those engaged by the Driving Institutes. Even vehicles
Thrive for a quality drive parveen kaur

especially Kancil which are normally used to teach you how to drive, have to undergo stringent Puspakom test periodically before being allowed on the road. Depending on your standard of driving, one needs to take a course on driving of between 6 to 10 hours. A course by a good and reputable instructor helps in making you a safe and careful driver. The instructor will instruct you on slope climbing, side parking techniques and 3-Point turn training. Eventually, after the above three have been taught to you, the instructor will finally go on to show test routes to be taken during the test by the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) instructors. I must remind you also that before you appear the JPJ testers, you have first to undergo a pre-test conducted a few days earlier. These tests are conducted internally by the Institutes experienced personnel. Those tests are intended to ascertain that students have indeed achieved a certain standard of proficiencies with the relevant sections (Bahagian I Slope / Parking / 3 Point Turn) and Bahagian II (Route Test). Completion of the Q.T.I exam means that you are now prepared to appear for your JPJ test which you have so long prepared for. First part is on the open road and the other in a car park. Nervous? Do not be. It is simple. Just do as you did in practice. Do not be in a rush and everything will be fine. The car park test consists of performing a three point turn, a hill start and reverse parking. The open road is much more fun, just go for a drive for about five minutes, turn around and come back, again do not be in a rush. This test will be conducted by the testers and officials of the JPJ department on particular day. It is same as what have been taught by your instructor during the training. The difference is you can see your result instantly. Anyhow, if you fail either part of the test, you have the opportunity to re-take your exam the following week. Of course, you will have to undergo an extra one or two hours lesson to better yourself. Good luck and welcome to a world of diving experience. Sources.
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Thrive for a quality drive parveen kaur

Thrive for a quality drive parveen kaur

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