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Inner Engineering Online (IEO )

Submit Print 7 Unique Online Classes Taught Directly by Sadhguru Learn yoga and meditation from your own home from Sadhguru. Watch the 7 online videos at your own pace and on your own time. Each of the 7 unique videos contains an invaluable 90 minutes of advice and wisdom from Sadhguru himself. Guided meditations are included with each class. Gain access to a Treasure Trove of video Q&A's with Sadhguru addressing the topics covered in each class session. These 7 class videos are NOT available anywhere else. Enroll Now. [1]

Enroll in Inner Engineering Online and take 7 classes with Sadhguru [2] from your own home right now. What Do Others Have to Say About Inner Engineering?

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"Last year I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. It's often called "Suicide Disease" because there is no relief from the searing pain. After 8 months of Isha Yoga practice, I have been left pain-free. My medical doctor said, 'Whatever has been taught to you, please continue it. I cannot explain your results, but nor can I argue with them.' I've also lost 45 pounds, participating in no other exercise or weight loss program." Bill Schmidt, Software Developer

I would honestly say it was a turning point in my life in some important ways .

Ill always remember a statement that Sadhguru made during the program. He looked directly at me and said, If you cant manage yourself, how can you manage an organization of 5,000 people? And that phrase stayed with me, because its really accurateif you dont know how to manage your time, your energy, your reaction to situations, you really cant be very effective at leading an organization, particularly a large one. I began to become much more conscious about who I am as a personhow do

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I interact with other people, most importantly with people in the work place, where one spends most of the day. I spend 14 hours at work. I can clearly see that Ive become a gentler person, Ive become less judgmental. And as my practices have deepened I think my sense of calmness in the face of all that life throws at me, has certainly improved a lot. I didnt expect to stay with my practices as long as I have, but I found them to be extremely helpful. I used to suffer, for instance, from chronic backaches. Still do, but now I see a one-to-one correlation; on the mornings when I do my asanas, that tends to be a relatively pain-free day. But I think these are the obvious things. What has been important to me personally is the connection with Sadhguru, as well as with all the people at Isha. At important moments of my life, at times when it was very, very challenging, Sadhguru, and many people at the ashram were there for me. From time to time Ive found myself back at the ashram, to enjoy just the special quietness and energy over there. Ravi Venkatesan Board Member of Infosys and AB Volvo Advisory Board Member of Harvard Business School Former Chairman and CEO of Microsoft India How Could You Benefit from Inner Engineering? Inner Engineering has benefited over 7 million people over the past 25 years. Maintain high energy throughout the day Find relief from chronic ailments such as Allergies, Insomnia, Hypertension, Diabetes etc. Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety Improve communication & inter-personal relationships Increase productivity & ability to handle stressful situations Generate inner peace and fulfillment Results based on studies done before and after Inner Engineering: 91% of participants experienced a deeper sense of inner peace 87% reported reduction of depression 70% reported increased productivity 80% reported improved mental clarity 87% felt greater emotional balance 79% reported higher levels of energy An authentic program for self-empowerment and personal growth, Inner Engineering

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Online opens up the possibility of living life to your fullest human potential. Start your journey with Sadhguru now [3] and see how Inner Engineering can benefit you. What is Inner Engineering?

Inner Engineering Online is a unique opportunity to spend more time with Sadhguru learning yoga and meditation from the comfort of your own home. Inner Engineering was created in 1995 by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, an expert yogi and globally known humanitarian. He developed Inner Engineering Online to help you learn meditation at your own pace and privately. The program is designed and has been proven to deliver the benefits seen in clinical studies and personal accounts of meditation. The methodology taught for meditation is a synthesis of holistic sciences that seeks to cultivate your physical well-being, mental capabilities, emotional fortitude and energy levels. Every year, literally hundreds of thousands of people travel from all over the world to learn Inner Engineering. Inner Engineering Online is a series of videos designed to teach you what you need to know to begin receiving the benefits of meditation. All videos are taught by Sadhguru Vasudev.

7 Online Videos Taught by Sadhguru

These 7 videos are only available through this online course.

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The program components include seven thought-provoking sessions, at-home assignments to increase awareness, guided meditations, and access to a Treasure Trove of video Q&A's addressing the topics covered in each video. Video 1 - Mechanics of Life Video 2 - The Only Bondage Video 3 - To Live and Live Totally Video 4 - You Are Not What You Think Video 5 - The Miracle Video 6 - Sounds of Creation Video 7 - Creating What You Want Following each video is a meditation method and process which will help you become clear about your desires and goals for the future, and gain the most possible from meditation. Inner Engineering is designed to help you live and work at levels of efficiency and flow that supersede mental and physical effort. Its designed to help you cope calmly with the hectic pace of modern life. The goal of this form of meditation is to allow you to experience optimum results aligned with your greatest intentions. The process is simple: Enroll here [4] and watch the 7 class session videos taught by Sadhguru. The program is designed for absorbing information at your own pace before moving on to the next segment of information. Begin Your Journey with Sadhguru Now [5] Why Should You Meditate? The evidence supporting the value of daily meditation to you is overwhelming. Medical evidence, clinical studies, controlled experiments, and personal accounts all express the same conclusion: that daily meditation undeniably improves your overall health, mental capabilities, emotional well-being, and ability to perform just about any activity. Inner Engineering Online is a time-tested, straightforward method for learning meditation online by a world-renowned expert in meditation. An extensive list of the reasons for learning meditation follows. A highly recommended method for learning meditation is Inner Engineering Online.

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Research from Harvard Medical School also shows that during meditation, physiological signals show that there is a decrease in respiration and increase in heart rate and blood oxygen saturation levels.

From Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Generals Sara Lazar Lab:Meditation... is simply the creation of a space in which we are able to expose and undo our neurotic games, our self-deceptions, our hidden fears and hopes.

..intensive training in meditation can alter the way in which the brain allocates attentional resources... allowing people to improve their performance... From the PLoS Biology Peer-Reviewed Journal

Minimize and Eliminate Ailments

Doctors, scientists, and accounts from meditators have identified certain positive effects from yoga and meditation. Specific conditions and ailments where diseases and or their symptoms have been reduced through meditation include: Depression and anxiety Stress and allergies High blood pressure and obesity Cancers Meditation has also been shown to improve cognitive abilities, emotions, and general well-being including: Increased memory, intelligence and creativity Concentration, focus and mental clarity Energy levels Self confidence and relationships Satisfaction with life, inner peace and fulfillment

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Enroll Now in Sadhguru's Unique Online Course [6] Learn Yoga and Meditation from Sadhguru Right Now

According to research, Inner Engineering has helped people with all of these diseases and more: Gastrointestinal Diseases, Anxiety, Heart Disease, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Obesity, Insomnia, Hypertension, Asthma, Allergies, Poor resistance to cold and flu, Headaches, Back or Neck Pain, Thyroid Problems, Diabetes. Begin Your Journey with Sadhguru Now [7] Inner Engineering has also helped people with the following: Improve Your Health Maintain high energy throughout the day Enhance your focus, clarity, memory, and concentration Establish mental clarity and emotional balance Find relief from chronic ailments Improve quality of sleep Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety Raise Your Performance Increase your efficiency Multitask skills effortlessly Handle stressful situations with calm and clarity Operate at peak performance Develop a natural rapport with others Clearly evaluate your personal values and life goals Improve your communication and relationships through an increased understanding of others Enhance Your Quality of Life Establish a positive, open approach towards life

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Transcend your limitations and go beyond your fears Live with a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment Develop a state of happiness and ease not affected by external situations Achieve a heightened state of consciousness and awareness of body and mind Live and experience each moment to the fullest Begin Your Journey with Sadhguru Now

By enrolling in Inner Engineering Online, you will receive 7 unique, thought-provoking online videos (90 minutes each) taught by Sadhguru. Guided meditations are included with each class. These videos are not available anywhere else. In addition to the 7 videos, you will gain access to a Treasure Trove of video Q&A's with Sadhguru addressing the topics covered in each video. Over 1 million people have completed Inner Engineering and reported remarkable results. Learn Yoga and Meditation from Sadhguru from Your Own Home. Enroll Now in 7 classes with Sadhguru [8]

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