Miracle of Nadi Astrology - Astrology - Astrospeak

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Miracle of Nadi Astrology - Astrology - Astrospeak.



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Miracle of Nadi Astrology

Oracle of ancient celestial saints of India: I can safely assert that an experience of Nadi Astrology is no less than exhilaration & an open miracle in fact, it can be labeled as 8th wonder of the world. You must be thinking now what is it? Ancient rishis like Magadh, Agastaya, Bhrigu etc. were illuminated souls of an unimaginable order. They foresaw future births, lives and deaths of plants, animals and humans. They wrote destinies of humans each human on a separate leaf (made of bark of tree). You must be wondering that billions of human beings have lived on Earth since days of rishis. How can there be billion leaves? You are right. They knew which humans would come and consult a Nadi leaf astrologer during their lives they were clever to write leaves for those only. So in other words, if you plan to get your Nadi leaf opened- your leaf most likely exists. There are many Nadi systems each corresponds to the great Rishi who composed that set. Almost all original Nadi systems are identically accurate and baffling. However, as it happens, fraud abounds where there is fact. Several so-called Nadi readers have cropped up in almost all cities, towns and villages of India. Some of them store not a single Nadi leaf ; they are just extension counters of some Nadi office in South India. Some (fake) Nadi astrologers are gimmick-players: they extract your information by a series of questionnaire and then make your chart and predict something here and there. Needless to mention, there ARE several original nadi astrology centers in India and they abound in almirahs storing bundles of nadi leaves, have trained readers who can decode that ancient Tamil script and offer it to clients. The author himself got his leaf at one of these centers and is most satisfied with their result. What is the modus operandi at a Nadi center? Step 1 : A customer approaches their office/center in early morning or before a given time (generally forenoon). Step 2 : He or she is made to give thumb impression-of right hand thumb in case of man and thumb impression of left hand thumb in case of woman. Step 3 : The center organizes a search. Thumb impression is matched against several bundles and out of hundreds of bundles, they shortlist 2-4 bundles. Most of times in 75% of cases, no matching bundle is found and client is told sorry, your leaf not there. Please wait as more bundles expected from Tamil Nadu in few weeks. Well, rarely do those bundles come! Let us assume the fortunate case that customers bundles are found. Step 4 : Now comes the astonishing part. Before, I begin, let me admit that most Nadi centers dont ask your real name while taking thumb print. They just ask you to give a username or fake name for sake of indexing. For example, Shyam Joshi goes and gives his right thumb print under name of Mohan. In a private chamber, a Nadi reader carrying those bundles sits with the client. This is a one-to-one experience as client seldom brings an accompanying person inside the chamber. Well, it is too private! Now the 1st bundle is opened. This is how it happens: am just taking an example to illustrate the method. Nadi Reader (N): Reads 1st leaf of 1st bundle and starts with a poetic song and then reads something in Tamil followed by English translation. He asks: Were you born in summer? Client (C) Yes. N: Were you born in afternoon? C: Yes. N: Are you suffering from diabetes? C: Yes. N: Is your spouse a teacher in primary school? C: No, but she is a teacher in senior school. With this, the 1st leaf is dismissed and 2nd leaf is taken up. N: Is your father having Gopal and Krishna in name? C: Yes. N: Are you a veterinary surgeon dealing with an international company right now? C: No, but I am a veterinary surgeon and Was dealing with an international company 4 years ago. N: Sorry, I am asking about now. So its not your leaf... This continues leaf after leaf, bundle after bundle till YOUR exact leaf is found. N: Your name is Shyam Joshi, hailing from Nainital, born on 13th May 1982 at 12:10 afternoon in Kanpur....Your fathers name is .....Your nakshatra is....And like a bullet, they read your past and present till time of consultation non-stop, error-free and 100% precise. All basic details are given to you, your spouses name, caste and profession, your career, family, siblings and what not. Its like your autobiography decoded from thumb. Step 5 : Client is now asked to wait and come later or next day for future predictions. Step 6 : A cassette of future predictions is recorded in your presence and that is handed over to you. A small 10 page booklet with same predictions in Tamil is also handed simultaneously. Charges are paid by client at time of collecting that cassette. This cassette also carries past life, next life, and most importantly remedies (called Parihar) given in the leaf. Some remedies are advising you to visit certain temples on particular occasions and other remedies are getting specific poojas done at specific places on specific times. Many clients pay charges for getting those remedies done. What if your leaf was not amongst those bundles? Or your bundle itself not there ? If leaf is not amongst those bundles read out to you, you are again told Sorry, your leaf not in our bundles. Wait for more bundles to come. This happens in many cases. Overall, it is a miracle to get your leaf traced. So much so that if your leaf is found, your friends will say congrats. What will we do for you? On behalf of Astrospeak.com, will carry a nation-wide search of your leaf. We just take thumb print through email and a username. Nothing else. ...... Contd in part 2 ...... TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR NADI LEAF CHECK NOW
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03-12-2013 19:49 PM

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