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English Lesson Plan for SMK 1(Singular and Plural Nouns)


Subject Class / Semester Theme Subject Meeting Period Time Allotment I.

: : : : :

English X / 1-2 Singular and Plural Nouns 2 x 45 minutes One. 45

Competence Standard Communication with English in novice level.

II. Basic Competence Describing things, people, identity, time, days, months and year. III. Indicator - Changing singular into plural noun. - Knowing how to pronounciate plural nouns. IV. Learning Purpose Students are able to: - Change singular into plural nouns. - Know how to pronounciate plural noun. Learning Material Singular is singular form (tunggal) Example: book, chair, table, etc. Plural is form a word. Used for referring to more than one. Example: books, chairs, tables, etc.


ming singular into plural - The words ending by sh, ss, o, x, ch to form plural added by es. Example: Dish Dishes Box Boxes Glass Glasses Hero Heroes Watch Watches - The words ending by f or fe to form plural change become ves Example: Leaf Leaves

Wife Thief Knife - The words ending by y become ies Example: Lady Baby Fly City Exeption: Boy Key - Irregular plural Example: Man Woman Foot Tooth Goose Mouse VI. Learning Method Explanation Inforcement Individual assignment

Wives Thieves Knives

Ladies Babies Flies Cities

Boys Keys

Men Women Feet Teeth Geese mice

VII. Learning Activities No. 1. Learning Activities Teacher Student Opening 1.1 Greeting and presence. Give attention activities 1.2 Ask students readiness to Give attention follow the learning process. 1.3 Give questions that relation with material will be Answer the explained. questions Step Media LKS Module Marquer Whiteboard Eraser Time 10


Main 2.1 activities 2.2 2.3

Explain the material and give some examples. Give some exercises. Students show their work.

Give attention Do the exercises Present and response


No. 3.

Step Closing3.1 activities 3.2

3.3 3.4

Learning Activities Teacher Student Evaluate Do assignment individually Give feedback toward Answer and give process and result of response learning Give conclusion and some Give attention homework Give lesson plan to the next meeting


Time 20

VIII. Learning Sources IX. LKS Module Evaluation 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Zero Monkey Fox Goose Loaf _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Write the plural form of the following nouns. 1. Child _______ 2. Mouse _______ 3. Industry _______ 4. Woman _______ 5. Leaf _______ X. Key and Score No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Key Children Mice Industries Women Leaves Zeros/zeroes Monkeys Foxes Geese Loaves

Score 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


Course Design Week Basic Competence Describing things, people, identity, time, days, months, and year. Learning Activities Meeting Change into plural the words, child, mouse, industry, fox, goose, loaf, etc. Assignment Make sentences use plural and singular noun and practice how to pronounciate then. Individual Assignment Change cardinal number into ordinal number.

The School Principal of SMK Bhinneka

Bandar Lampung,
The English Teacher

Drs. Murdiman NIP. 19600123 1992031001


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