The Memorandum of Slovakian Youth

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The Memorandum of The

First Generation of After

November Slovakian Youth
We The first generation

of After November Slovakian youth are adopting today, a 25th 08. 2009 before the public faces of
the Nove Zamky in opportunities upcoming twentieth anniversary of the so-called. "Velvet
Revolution" of 17 November 1989, the symbolic 17 points memorandum in which we express our
philosophical grasp of life of our days:

After November first generation of Slovak youth does not see Slovakian 17th November 1989 as "...
a sharp, vital and violent internal turnover in the central values and myths society in its political
institutions, social structure, leadership, management activities and modes of conduct"

2. And on 17 November 1989 also do not consider point greater change in fundamentals
throughout the company.In our view, the value of Slovakian society that so celebrated
"democratic coup" remain unchanged, on the contrary, we believe that during the early
privatization of nineties, the only legally legitimized 'theft of the nation and decent man ",
which are being continuously since 1948 in various forms of whole sixty years and has the
effect that our grand fathers and fathers who built our country out of nothing, now do not have
the means to lead a dignified life.
The first generation of After November Slovak Youth therefore does not see even after twenty
years of change in social structure and economic status of ordinary Slovak families by our
fathers, promised socio-political elites after november days. These promises were not realistic,
because it had been during the communist regime to a new redistribution of property and social
resources among those leading the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the ordinary
family, as always forgotten.Finally, we can now definitively say that the introduction of the euro
would not continue the political elite as the next phase of "theft of national and decent man"?!
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth on his skin, feels that even twenty
years after the glorification of such "democratic revolution" to avoid people to overcome
subconscious whole forty years imparting unilateral Bolshevik myths about the social issues
underlying our historical consciousness, as is known. "Slovak National Uprising" or Slovak
State 14 March 1939, where the dissemination of these stereotypes is the subjective
pseudoscience today by serving as Milan Šimečka Foundation or the Institute for Public Affairs
(et alii).
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth sees even after twenty years of
significant spiritual, moral or personal change in occupancy, conduct and procedures of political
institutions, as they were immediately after the revolution decommunized and still in top tier
political act and the people laugh in the face with the former Communists partisan book.
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth fears of re-return of censorship, which
was introduced this time secretly, as in almost Orwellian Newspeak, under a new concept
called. "Political correctness". What today can not be said out loud, can not say because it's
"politically incorrect". To be fair not speak the truth, that is incorrect, then this sick society of
peace and war, two plus two is five. We believe that genuine democratic society, should be
guided Voltairovým statement: "Although I disagree with you, I will do everything so that you
can express your views."
The first generation of After November of Slovak Youth regrets while deep concern over the
state of freedom and privacy in our country where the adoption of amendments to the Penal
Code in notional combat extremism, there has been a direct threat to freedom and privacy of
individuals and groups in favor of political machinations and the current state intends to
standstill power against any socio-political climate, much more radical than was that of 17
November 1989, despite the fact that Article 32, the third section of Title II of the Constitution
of the Slovak Republic, says: "Citizens shall have the right to resist anyone who would abolish
the democratic order of human rights and freedoms mentioned in this Constitution, if the
activity of constitutional bodies and effective use of legal means are rendered impossible. "
Slovak company will therefore seek truth and freedom, and once again pulled "the hammer of
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth rejects artificial creation and
strengthening of noise in the conceptual definitions of nationalism, extremism, terrorism, anti-
Semitism and xenophobia, the media and political leaders, because we believe that the
definitions of these concepts are constructed for political order and their real purpose is to
discredit and criminal affect the legal commitment of political opponents of the current regime.
Worries that incoming rate of erosion of common sense in the future will also critique the Red
Sea water salinity regarded as manifestations of racial intolerance and anti-Semitism ...
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth ,because of fears of new totalitarian
states in the Euro-Atlantic civilization space, what material and personnel suggests the
strengthening of repressive state power components, investing massive funds into the "new
world order police" who have no more "to help and protect "but" to obey and defend "Rehashed
leaders of the new world order, as described in his writings British-Polish sociologist Zygmunt

The first generation of After November Slovakian youth advocates moral support severely
tested Serb families in refugee camps, and we reject the sadness in the soul of a shameful
consider sharing government of the Slovak Republic Mikulas Dzurinda during the bombing of
Kosovo approved crossing killing "Allied bombers" of NATO, and I am ashamed because the
proportion Slovak Republic on the establishment of humanitarian catastrophe in the Balkans.We
refuse to respect the independence of Kosovo, which is a gross violation of international law
and demands the immediate and unconditional restoration territory of Kosovo to Serbia!
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth is committed to the malignant
influence of multiculturalism to protect, preserve and continue to sell to future generations their
cultural-spiritual heritage, which is closely linked not only with our Slavic origin, but is culture-
historical development of a specific region of Central Europe. We reject any cultural and
spiritual pressure to change our Slavic and Christian values - if we have any, keep ..
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth will guard and defend the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of the Slovak Republic against any groundless territorial autonomist
tendencies or foreign military-political interventions like the Bolshevik of 21 August 1968 with
the deployment of their own lives.
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth refuses to integrate into the sphere of
influence of the United States and Israel, and we support an immediate military withdrawal
from the guild killers and occupiers, a guild of North-Atlantic alliance, NATO, and the
intentions of this will stand on our side of the Czech brothers in their legitimate struggle against
U.S. anti-missile radar position of a sovereign territory of the Czech lands in Brdech.
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth rejects neo-colonialism represented a
new wave of globalization processes and disagrees with the bloody war quest capitalism
represented as Israel commit genocide on the Palestinian people (et alii).
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth feel the need to name a spade a spade
gypsy population explosion in Slovakia and the place of fighting words, whether the Gypsy
Roma and Roma or Gypsy is, we ask our children to search for real solutions for nonadapting
and nonsociál behavior which thousands of Roma mothers lead education of their children. At
the same time as non-Roma refuse to discriminate left that forever we will contribute money
from their plans of action for favoring one ethnic group, which sixty years do not have any
acceptable outcome, even at the price that Mr. Dusan Caplovic will pretend that the opposite is
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth finally once described to deal with
social, political and economic absurdities of the highest range of general idiotism, then tackling
with gusto into the rescue of nature and the environment, which were just above this idiotism
devastated to the extent that with Moravian sociology and Jan Keller ecologists fear that has
ever been late to put out what others in their greed, but on our behalf ignite!
As a first generation of After November Slovakian youth, we lived like such a socio-economic
and ecological status, which we and our children to have a dignified life here in the land that we
love you abandon, and which did not intend to ever give up!
The first generation of After November Slovakian youth aware that the time comes when
silence becomes betrayal and through the above points so loudly recognizes that we are not here
today after the Velvet Revolution, but a true revolution! - Twenty years non working there is
time to move forward! We all rectors of Slovak universities and the intellectual elite of our
nation, which still depends on the future of our country, to the philosophical background to the
first generation of After November Slovakian youth took his position.

Nove Zamky, 25th 08. 2009

Igor Cagáň for Public Assembly
Peter Legény for himself as a writer
Radomir Vesely, the AB Slovak Movement Reborn
Peter Basa, New Liberal Slovakia
Radovan Novotny, New Liberal Slovakia
Maros Ambros, Young Matica of Slovakia
Joseph Gergely, Young Matica of Slovakia

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