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A Novel DC-AC Single Phase Resonant Inverter using Soft switching boost converter

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In this paper, a novel DC-AC single phase inverter is proposed. When the switches are turned on and off, a conventional inverter generates switching loss because of the hard switching. Thus, the inverter loss is increased. Proposed s ste! contains au"iliar circuit. The converter stage switches perfor! soft-switching because of the au"iliar circuit. Also inverter stage switches perfor! #$% when the dc-lin& voltage is 'ero. Therefore all switches perfor! soft-switching when the switches are turned on and off. Thus the proposed s ste! reduces switching loss and voltage stress.

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Literature survey of the Pro ect

)I* +. C. %chwar' and ,. -en&lassens, .A controllable /0 &W current source for dc !achines,1 IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-10, no. /. The develop!ent of 'ero-switching-loss inverters has attracted !uch interest for industrial applications. The resonant de lin& inverter 23DC4I5 provides a si!ple and robust approach for reali'ing switching fre6uencies 7 (8 &9' in !ulti-&ilowatt s ste!s but i!presses substantial voltage stress 2- (.0 suppl voltage5 across the devices. Two alternate topologies for reali'ing 'ero switching losses in high-power converters are proposed. The activel cla!ped resonant dc-lin& inverter 2AC34I5 uses the concept of a lossless active cla!p to restrict voltage stresses to onl 1.3-1.5 suppl voltage (V,) while !aintaining a !ode of operation si!ilar to the 3DC4I. +or applications de!anding substantiall superior spectral perfor!ance, the resonant pole inverter 23PI5, also called the 6uasi-resonant current !ode inverter 2:3C;I5, is proposed as a viable topolog . <sing onl si" deices rated at suppl voltage 2 Vs), this circuit transfers the resonant co!ponents to the ac side of each phase and thus re6uires additional inductor and capacitor (LC) co!ponents. =n the other hand, the 3PI is capable of true pulse width !odulation 2PW;5 operation at high fre6uenc as opposed 18 discrete pulse !odulation 2DP;5 in the 3DC4I. Detailed anal sis, si!ulation, and e"peri!ental results are presented to verif - operation principles of both power converters.

Page >

Cl audio ;anoel C. Duarte, Student Member, IEEE, and Ivo -arbi, Seni r Member, IEEE This paper presents a techni6ue to generate a co!plete fa!il of two-switch pulsewidth!odulated 2PW;5 with active cla!ping dc?dc converters, featuring soft co!!utation of the se!iconductors at 'ero-voltage 2#$%5. The !ain purpose of this techni6ue is to integrate these converters under a sa!e theoretical principle to derive the topologies in a co!prehensive for! and generate new circuits. All the converters have the advantage of soft co!!utation 2#$%5 with !ini!u! switch voltage stress due to the cla!ping action. -esides operating at constant fre6uenc and with reduced co!!utation losses, these converters have output characteristics si!ilar to the PW; hardswitching counterpart, which !eans that there is no circulating reactive energ that would cause large conduction losses. Principle of operation, theoretical anal sis, si!ulation and e"peri!ental results of one particular converter ta&en as an e"a!ple, are provided in this paper. ,ung-@oo Cho, Member, IEEE, ,u-Won -ae&, Chang-Aong ,eong, and @eun-9ie 3i!, Member, IEEE A novel 'ero-voltage and 'ero-current- switching 2#$#C%5 full-bridge pulsewidth !odulation converter is presented to si!plif presented #$%C% converters. A si!ple au"iliar the circuits of the previousl circuit, which consists of one s!all

capacitor and two s!all diodes, is added in the secondar to provides #$#C% conditions to pri!ar switches, as well as to cla!p secondar rectifier voltage. The additional cla!p circuit for the secondar rectifier is not necessar . The au"iliar circuit includes neither loss co!ponents nor additional active switches, which !a&es the proposed converter efficient and cost effective. The principle of operation, features, and design considerations are illustrated and verified on a (.0-&W 188B&9' insulated-gate-bipolar-transistor-based e"peri!ental circuit

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#$# INTR%D&CTI%N %' PR%("CT)

Cowada s, the power electronics are re6uired to develop s!aller, lighter, less e"pensive and reliable s ste!. In order to operate these s ste!s, a switching fre6uenc has to be increased. -ut, increasing the inverter switching fre6uencies is dependent on the advances in device technolog and !a&es higher switching losses. To solve this proble!, the soft switching techni6ues have been adopted in the inverter circuit. - the soft-switching techni6ues, the switching losses are ideall 'ero and the switching fre6uencies can be increased to above the audible range. In this paper, a novel DC-AC single phase resonant inverter using soft switching boost converter is proposed. This proposed inverter consists of soft-switching boost converter and 9-bridge inverter. The soft-switching boost converter in proposed inverter additionall has resonant inductor 4r, resonant capacitor Cr, bridge diode and au"iliar switch :(. When the resonance between resonant inductor and capacitor is generated, the converter switches are turned on and off with soft-switching.

Also 9-bridge inverter switches are turned on and off with #$%

when the au"iliar

switch is turned off. %o all of the switches are turned on and off with soft-switching. Therefore the novel DC-AC single phase resonant inverter using soft-switching boost converter can reduce the switching loss and voltage stress. In this paper, we have anal 'ed the operational principle of the proposed resonant inverter. %i!ulation results presented to confir! the theoretical anal sis. +ig. 1 shows the proposed a novel DC-AC single phase resonant inverter using soft-switching boost converter. The au"iliar circuit in proposed inverter consists of an au"iliar switch, resonant inductor, resonant capacitor, and bridge

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diode. %o, the !ain switch is turned on with #C% and turned off with #$%. Also the au"iliar switch is turned on and off with #$%. Therefore, the converter stage switches perfor! the soft-switching. The 9-bridge inverter perfor!s the soft-switching under the influence of the dc-lin& voltage. When the au"iliar switch is turned off with #$%, the dc-lin& voltage is 'ero. The inverter switches are turned on and off with #$% while the dc-lin& voltage beco!es 'ero. %o all of switches in proposed inverter are turned on and off with soft-switching. Therefore, the proposed soft-switching inverter has !an advantages li&e as i!proved efficienc , low switching losses, low voltage stress, reduced acoustic noise and E;I. Another significant advantage of the proposed topolog is an e"cellent PW; capabilit due to not onl variable lin& pulse but also variable pulse position. The proposed inverter operation !ode anal sis can be divided into si" !odes, as shown in +ig shows the proposed wavefor!s for the novel DCAC single phase resonant inverter using soft-switching boost converter.

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#$*$# IN+"RT"R)
Inverter is power electronic circuit that converts a direct current into an alternative current power of desired !agnitude and fre6uenc . The inverters find their application in !odern ac !otor and uninterruptible power supplies. Classification of inverters) -ased on the source used $oltage source inverter Current source inverter -ased on switching !ethods Pulse width !odulation inverters %6uare wave inverters -ased on switching devices used Transistori'ed inverter Th ristorised inverter -ased on the inversion principle 3esonant inverter Con- 3esonant inverter

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Se,icon-uctor -evices)
The electronic se!iconductor device acts as a switching device in the power electronic converters. In general, the characteristics of the device are utili'ed in such a wa that it acts as a short circuit when closed. In addition to, an ideal switch also consu!es less power to switch fro! one state to other. %e!iconductor is defined as the !aterial whose conductivit depends on the energ 2light, heat, etc.,5 falling on it. The donHt conduct at absolute 'ero te!perature. -ut, as the te!perature increases, the current conducted b the se!i conductor increases as it gets energ in the for! of heat. The increase in current is proportional to the te!perature rise. %e!iconductor switches are diodes, %C3, ;=%+ET, I@-T, -,T, T3IAC etc.,

#$*$* .%S'"T-Assiste- Soft-Switching of I/BTs

A power ;=%+ET is al!ost invariabl used in toda Is high-fre6uenc power converter applications being a voltage controlled, fast switching and !aJorit -carrier device. 9owever, ;=%+ETIs !aJor li!itation is that the on-state drain-to-source resistance 23 D%on5 is high and increases rapidl with the deviceIs voltage rating. As a conse6uence the conduction losses are high, particularl for high power applications, li!iting their application. An Insulated @ate -ipolar Transistor 2I@-T5 is a !ore attractive device for high power and high voltage applications. The device co!bines the advantages of -,T which has fi"ed voltage drop in the on-state, high voltage, and high current ratings and a ;=%+ET which is a voltage controlled !aJorit carrier device. The !aJor proble! of I@-T for operation at high fre6uenc is the Kcurrent tailingK. At turn-off the device current does not fall rapidl but a considerable portion of the current lingers or tails for a longer ti!e. The co-e"istence of tail current and high collector-to-e!itter voltage of I@-T cause high turn-off switching losses. This sets the upper li!it on the switching fre6uenc of an I@-T. In order to increase the switching fre6uenc of operation with I@-T, one !ust use the switch in soft-switching !ode. That is, the switching transitions !ust ta&e place either under 'erovoltage-switching 2#$%5 or 'ero-current-switching 2#C%5 conditions. In #$%, turn-on losses are eli!inated but the turn-off losses are reduced b slowing down the rise of voltage across Page L

the device. With the presence of tail current, #$% does not co!pletel eli!inate the turn-off losses. In #C%, collector current is forced to 'ero before turn-off. Therefore the effect of tail current on the turn-off losses is eli!inated. 9owever, with #C% the loss due to discharge of deviceIs output capacitance is not prevented. 3esonant, 6uasi-resonant, and resonant-transition converters can create favorable #$% or #C% conditions for an I@-T in a circuit. This is achieved with the help of au"iliar switches and?or additional inductors and capacitors. Apart for! the increased co!ple"it , these techni6ues can increase the pea& voltage and current stresses. A si!ple and effective !ethod of reducing turn-off loss in an I@-T with the help of ;=%+ET is proposed in 3eference L of :ian et al. In the said techni6ue a ;=%+ET is either operated in series or parallel with the I@-T and with the proper se6uencing of the turn-on and turn-off of the ;=%+ET, softswitching of I@-T is achieved. In this article the ;=%+ET-assisted soft-switching of I@-T is re-investigated. With si!ulation !odels, it was noticed that although the total power dissipation in ;=%+ET and I@-T is considerabl reduced, the loss in ;=%+ET is al!ost e6ual to that in the I@-T under the !ost favorable operating conditions. This contradicts with the intentionM since a ;=%+ET is used onl to assist the soft-switching of the I@-T, we intend that the ;=%+ET ratings should be s!all as co!pared to the !ain switchNI@-T. If we have a ;=%+ET that can dissipate half of the total switch power dissipation, we would rather put two ;=%+ETs in parallel instead of using an I@-T. An alternative switching !ethod suggested in this article can reduce the ratings of ;=%+ET. ;=%+ET-Assisted %oft-%witching of I@-TsM An =verview It has been shown in :ian et al that a ;=%+ET connected in series and parallel with the I@-T can create soft-switching conditions for the I@-T during turn-off. ;=%+ET and I@-T operated in series, is ter!ed as the e!itter-open operation !ode. The parallel operation of ;=%+ET and I@-T has been ter!ed as the !i"ed parallel operation !ode.

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The insulate--gate bi0olar transistor or I/BT

The insulated-gate bipolar transistor or I@-T is a three-ter!inal power se!iconductor device, noted for high efficienc and fast switching. It switches electric power in !an !odern appliancesM electric cars, variable speed refrigerators, air-conditioners, and even stereo s ste!s with digital a!plifiers. %ince it is designed to rapidl low-pass filters. The I@-T co!bines the si!ple gate-drive characteristics of the ;=%+ETs with the highcurrent and lowBsaturation-voltage capabilit of bipolar transistors b co!bining an isolatedgate +ET for the control input, and a bipolar power transistor as a switch, in a single device. The I@-T is used in !ediu!- to high-power applications such as switched-!ode power suppl , traction !otor control and induction heating. 4arge I@-T !odules t picall consist of !an devices in parallel and can have ver high current handling capabilities in the order of hundreds of a!ps with bloc&ing voltages of D,888 $. The I@-T is a fairl recent invention. The first-generation devices of the 1LG8s and earl 1LL8s were relativel slow in switching, and prone to failure through such !odes as latch up and secondar brea&down. %econd-generation devices were !uch i!proved, and the current third-generation ones are even better, with speed rivaling ;=%+ETs, and e"cellent ruggedness and tolerance of overloads. The e"tre!el high pulse ratings of second- and third-generation devices also !a&e the! useful for generating large power pulses in areas li&e particle and plas!a ph sics, where the are starting to supersede older devices li&e th ratrons and triggered spar& gaps. Their high pulse ratings, and low prices on the surplus !ar&et, also !a&e the! attractive to the high-voltage hobb ist for generating large a!ounts of high-fre6uenc power to drive e"peri!ents li&e Tesla coils. Availabilit of affordable, reliable I@-Ts is a &e enabler for electric vehicles and h brid cars. To otaIs second generation h brid Prius has a 08 &W I@-T inverter controlling two AC !otor?generators connected to the DC batter pac&. In addition, for about (8 ears Toshiba has applied I@-Ts as audio a!plifiers turn on and off, a!plifiers that use it often s nthesi'e co!ple" wavefor!s with pulse width !odulation and

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#$*$1 !istory of the I/BT

The I@-T is a se!iconductor device with four alternating la ers 2P-C-P-C5 that are controlled b a !etal-o"ide-se!iconductor 2;=%5 gate structure without regenerative action. This !ode of operation was first proposed b Aa!aga!i in his ,apanese patent %/F-(1F>L, which was filed in 1LDG. This !ode of operation was first e"peri!entall discovered b -. ,. -aliga in vertical device structures with a $-groove gate region and reported in the literature in 1LFL. The device structure was referred to as a O$-groove ;=%+ET device with the drain region replaced b a p-t pe Anode 3egionH in this paper and subse6uentl as the insulatedgate rectifier 2I@35, the insulated-gate transistor 2I@T5, the conductivit -!odulated fieldeffect transistor 2C=;+ET5. and Kbipolar-!ode ;=%+ETK. Plu!!er found the sa!e I@-T !ode of operation in the four la er device2%C35 and he first filed a patent application for the device structure in 1LFG. <%P Co./1LLFF/ was issued in 1LG8 and -1 3e>>(8L was reissued in 1LL0 for the I@-T !ode operation in the four la er device2%C3.5 9ans W. -ec& and Carl +. Wheatle invented a si!ilar device for which the filed a patent application in 1LG8, and which the referred to as Kpower ;=%+ET with an anode regionK. This patent has been called Kthe se!inal patent of the Insulated @ate -ipolar Transistor.K The patent clai!ed Kno th ristor action occurs under an device operating conditions.K This substantiall !eans the non-latch-up I@-T operation for the entire device opeation range. -aliga had filed for a patent on his si!ilar device the sa!e ear, but it too& !uch longer to issue 21LL8, co!pared to -ec& and Wheatle Is 1LG( issue date5. Devices capable of operating over an e"tended current range for use in applications were first reported b -aliga et al. in 1LG(. A si!ilar paper was also sub!itted b ,.P. 3ussel et al. to IEEE Electron Device 4etter in 1LG(. The applications for the device were initiall regarded b the power electronics co!!unit to be severel restricted b its slow switching speed and latch-up of the parasitic th ristor structure inherent within the device. 9owever, it was de!onstrated b -aliga and also b A.;. @ood!an et al. in 1LG> that the switching speed could be adJusted over a broad range b using electron irradiation. This was followed b de!onstration of operation of the device at elevated te!peratures b -aliga in 1LG0. %uccessful efforts to suppress the latch-up of the parasitic th ristor and the scaling of the Page 1(

voltage rating of the devices at @E allowed the introduction of co!!ercial devices in 1LG>, which could be utili'ed for a wide variet of applications. Co!plete suppression of the parasitic th ristor action and the resultant non-latch-up I@-T operation for the entire device operation range was achieved b A. Ca&agawa et al. in 1LG/. The non-latch-up design concept was filed for <% patents. The developed 1(88$ I@-Ts were directl connected without an loads to a D88$ constant voltage source and were switched-on for (0!icro-seconds. The device forward voltage beca!e the sa!e as the source voltage and a large current as !uch as possible flowed. The developed devices successfull withstood the severe condition. This was the first de!onstration of so-called Kshort-circuit-withstandingcapabilit K in I@-Ts. Con-latch-up I@-T operation was ensured, for the first ti!e, for the entire device operation range. In this sense, the non-latch-up I@-T proposed b 9ans W. -ec& and Carl +. Wheatle was reali'ed b A. Ca&agawa et al. in 1LG/. Products of nonlatch-up I@-Ts were first co!!erciali'ed b Toshiba in 1LG0.

Structure of I/BT
An I@-T cell is constructed si!ilarl to a n-channel vertical construction power ;=%+ET e"cept the nP drain is replaced with a pP collector la er, thus for!ing a vertical PCP bipolar Junction transistor.

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Cross section of a ty0ical I/BT showing internal connection of .%S'"T an- Bi0olar Device
This additional pP region creates a cascade connection of a PCP bipolar Junction transistor with the surface n-channel ;=%+ET. This connection results in a significantl lower forward voltage drop co!pared to a conventional ;=%+ET in higher bloc&ing voltage rated devices. As the bloc&ing voltage rating of both ;=%+ET and I@-T devices increases, the depth of the n- drift region !ust increase and the doping !ust decrease, resulting in roughl s6uare relationship increase in forward conduction loss co!pared to bloc&ing voltage capabilit of the device. - inJecting !inorit carriers 2holes5 fro! the collector pP region into the n- drift region during forward conduction, the resistance of the n- drift region is considerabl reduced. 9owever, this resultant reduction in on-state forward voltage co!es with several penaltiesM

The additional PC Junction bloc&s reverse current flow. This !eans that I@-Ts cannot conduct in the reverse direction, unli&e a ;=%+ET. In bridge circuits where reverse current flow is needed an additional diode 2called a freewheeling diode5 is placed in parallel with the I@-T to conduct current in the opposite direction. The penalt isnIt as severe as first assu!ed though, at the higher voltages where I@-T usage do!inatesQ discrete diodes are of significantl higher perfor!ance than the bod diode of a ;=%+ET. The reverse bias rating of the C- drift region to collector PP diode is usuall onl of 18Is of volts, so if the circuit application applies a reverse voltage to the I@-T, an additional series diode !ust be used. The !inorit carriers inJected into the n- drift region ta&e ti!e to enter and e"it or reco!bine at turn on and turn off. This results in longer switching ti!e and hence higher switching loss co!pared to a power ;=%+ET. The additional PC Junction adds a diode-li&e voltage drop to the device. At lower bloc&ing voltage ratings, this additional drop !eans that an I@-T would have a higher on-state voltage drop. As the voltage rating of the device increases, the advantage of the reduced C- drift region resistance overco!es the penalt of this diode drop and the overall on-state voltage drop is lower 2the crossover is around /88 $ bloc&ing rating5. Thus I@-Ts are rarel used where the bloc&ing voltage re6uire!ent is below D88 $ Page 1/

Classification of se,icon-uctor -evice

-ased on controllabilit M <ncontrol switching device 2%C35 %e!icontrol switching device +ull control switching device

-ased on control !odesM Current control devices2%C3 ,-,T5 $oltage control device2;=%+ET ,I@-T5

-ased on current direction <nidirectional device 2%C3,;=%+ET ,I@-T5 -i- <nidirection device2T3IAC5

A-vantages of inverters)
%!all lea&age current during off stage 4ow voltage drop during =C stage +aster turn =C and turn =++ %!all control power to switch fro! one state to other 9igh forward current and bloc&ing voltage capabilities. 9igh dv?dt and di?dt ratings

A00lication of Inverters)

AdJustable speed ac drives,

<P% static $A3 co!pensators Active filters +le"ible AC trans!ission s ste! In all vehicle for lightning Cow also used for driving electric vehicle

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Traditional source inverters are $oltage %ource Inverter and Current %ource Inverter. The input of $oltage %ource Inverter is a stiff dc voltage suppl , which can be a batter or a controlled rectifier both single phase and three phase voltage source inverter are used in industr . The switching device can be a conventional ;=%+ET, Th ristor, or a power transistor. $oltage source inverter is one which the dc source has s!all or negligible i!pedance. In other words a voltage source inverter has stiff dc source voltage at its input ter!inals. A current-fed inverter or current source inverter is fed with adJustable dc current source. In current source inverter output current waves are not affected b the load.

*$* +%LTA/" S%&RC" IN+"RT"R

When the power re6uire!ent is high, three phase inverters are used. When three single phase inverters are connected in parallel, we can get the three phase inverter. The gating signals for the three phase inverters have a phase difference of 1(8o. These inverters ta&e their dc suppl fro! a batter or fro! a rectifier and can be called as si"-step bridge inverter. +ig.1.1 shows the three phase inverter using si" ;=%+ETHs and with diodes. A large capacitor is connected at the input ter!inals tends to !a&e the input dc voltage constant. This capacitor also suppresses the har!onics fed bac& to the source. The $oltage %ource Inverter is widel used. 9owever, it has the so!e conceptual and theoretical barriers and li!itations. The AC output voltage is li!ited and cannot e"ceed the AC input voltage. Therefore the $oltage %ource Inverter is onl buc& 2step down5 inverter operation for DC to AC power conversion or boost 2step-up5 operation for AC to DC power conversion.

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V1 C1








+ig. $oltage %ource Inverter +or applications where over drive is desirable and the available dc voltage is li!ited, an additional dc-dc boost converter is needed to obtain a desired ac output. The additional power converter stage increases s ste! cost and lowers efficienc . The upper and lower devices of each phase leg cannot be gate on si!ultaneousl either b purpose or b E;I noise. =therwise a shoot through proble! b Electro!agnetic interference noiseHs !isgatingBon is !aJor &iller to the inverter reliabilit . Dead ti!e to bloc& both upper and lower devices has to provide in the $oltage %ource Inverter which causes the wavefor! distortion, etc. An output 4C filters needed for providing a sinusoidal voltage co!pared with Current %ource Inverter which causes additional power loss and control co!ple"it .

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*$1 C&RR"NT S%&RC" IN+"RT"R

A Current %ource Inverter is fed fro! a constant current source. Therefore load current re!ains constant irrespective of the load on the inverter. The load voltage changes as per the !agnitude of load i!pedance. When a voltage source has a large inductance in series with it, it behaves as a Current %ource .The large inductance !aintains the current constant.

L1 M1














+ig. Current %ource Inverter The traditional three phase Current %ource Inverter structure is shown in +ig. A dc current source feeds the three phase !ain inverter circuit. The dc current source can be a relativel large dc inductor fed b a $oltage %ource such as a batter or a rectifier. It consists of si" switches and with anti parallel diodes. This diode provides the bidirectional current flow and unidirectional voltage bloc&ing capabilit . Current %ource Inverter has the following conceptual and theoretical barriers and li!itations. The ac output voltage has to be greater than the original dc voltage that feeds the dc inductor or the dc voltage produced is alwa s s!aller than the ac input voltage. Therefore Page 1L

this inverter is a boost inverter for dc to ac power conversion. +or applications where a wide voltage range is desirable, an additional dc to dc buc& converter is needed. The additional power conversion stage increases s ste! cost and lowest efficienc . At least one of the upper devices and one of the lower devices have to be gated on and !aintained on at an ti!e. =ther wise, an open circuit of the DC inductor would occur and destro the devices. The open circuit proble! b E;I noiseHs !isgatting-off is a !aJor concern of the converters reliabilit . A current source inverter is fed fro! a constant current source. Therefore load current re!ains constant irrespective of the load on the Inverter. The load voltage changes as per the !agnitude of load i!pedance. When a voltage source has a large inductance in series with it, it behaves as a current source .The large inductance !aintains the current constant.

*$3 .%D" %' IN+"RT"RS %P"RATI%N

The !ode of inverter operation is !ainl classified based on the th ristor conduction period as 1G8Rconduction 1(8Rconduction Three phase inverters are nor!all used for high power applications. Three single phase half or full bridge inverters can be connected in parallel to for! the configuration of a three phase inverter. The gating signals of single phase inverters should be advanced or dela ed b 1(8R with respect to each other in order to obtain three phase balanced voltages. The three phase output can be obtained fro! a configuration of si" switches and si" diodes. Two t pes of control signals can be applied to the switchesM 1G8Rconduction or 1(8Rconduction.

*$3$# #456 C%ND&CTI%N

Each switch conducts for 1G8S. Three switches re!ain on at an instant of ti!e. When switch 1 is switched on, ter!inal OaH is connected to the positive ter!inal of the dc input voltage. When switch / is switched on, ter!inal OaH is connected to the negative

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ter!inal of the dc source. There are si" !odes of operation in a c cle and the duration of each !ode is D8S. The switches are nu!bered in the se6uence of gating the switches 1(>, (>/, >/0, /0D, 0D1, D1(. The gating signals are shifted fro! each other b D8S to obtain three phase balanced voltages )F,G*. During !ode 1 for 8 T Ut T V?>, switches 1 and D conducts. van W $s?( vbn W -$s?( vcn W 8

During !ode ( for V?> T Ut T (V?>, switches 1 and ( conduct. van W $s?( vbn W 8 vcn W -$s?(

During !ode > for (V?> T Ut T >V?>, switches ( and > conduct. van W 8 van W $s?( vbn W $s?( vbn W -$s?( vcn W -$s?( vcn W 8 During !ode 1 for 8 T Ut T V?>, switches 1 and D conducts.

During !ode ( for V?> T Ut T (V?>, switches 1 and ( conduct. van W $s?( vbn W 8 vcn W -$s?(

During !ode > for (V?> T Ut T >V?>, switches ( and > conduct. van W 8 vbn W $s?( vcn W -$s?(

*$3$*$ #*56 C%ND&CTI%N

Each switch conducts for 1(8S. =nl two switches re!ain on at an instant of ti!e. The conduction se6uence of switches is D1, 1(, (>, >/, /0, 0D, and D1. There are three !odes of operation in a half c cle and the e6uivalent circuits for w e connected load are shown in +ig. >.>. During !ode 1 for 8 T Ut T V?>, switches 1 and D conducts. van W $s?( vbn W -$s?( vcn W 8

During !ode ( for V?> T Ut T (V?>, switches 1 and ( conduct. Page (1

van W $s?(

vbn W 8

vcn W -$s?(

During !ode > for (V?> T Ut T >V?>, switches ( and > conduct. van W 8 vbn W $s?( vcn W -$s?(

The a to b line voltage is vab WX> van with a phase advance of >8S. There is a dela of V?D between the turning off switch 1 and turning on of switch /. Thus there should be no short circuit of the dc suppl through one upper and lower switch. At an ti!e, two load ter!inals are connected to the dc suppl and the third one re!ains open. The potential of this open ter!inal will depend on the load characteristics and would be unpredictable. %ince one switch conducts for 1(8S, the switches are less utili'ed as co!pared to that of 1G8S conduction for the load condition.

*$7 Resonant conversion) a-vantages

The chief advantage of resonant convertersM reduced switching loss #ero-current switching #ero-voltage switching Turn-on or turn-off transitions of se!iconductor devices can occur at 'ero crossings of tan& voltage or current wavefor!s, thereb reducing or eli!inating so!e of the switching loss !echanis!s. 9ence resonant converters can operate at higher switching fre6uencies than co!parable PW; converters #ero-voltage switching also reduces converter-generated E;I #ero-current switching can be used to co!!utate %C3s In speciali'ed applications, resonant networ&s !a be unavoidable 9igh voltage convertersM significant transfor!er lea&age inductance and winding capacitance leads to resonant networ& Page ((


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1$# PR%P%S"D IN+"RT"R

Pro0ose- inverter circuit

1$#$#$ !ar- switching an- Soft Switching Techni8ues

In the 1LF8Hs, conventional PW; power converters were operated in a switched !ode operation. Power switches have to cut off the load current within the turn-on and turn-off ti!es under the hard switching conditions. 9ard switching refers to the stressful switching behavior of the power electronic devices. The switching traJector of a hard-switched power device is shown in +ig.1. During the turn-on and turn-off processes, the power device has to withstand high voltage and current si!ultaneousl , resulting in high switching losses and stress. Dissipative passive snubbers are usuall added to the power circuits so that the dv?dt and di?dt of the power devices could be reduced, and the switching loss and stress be diverted to the passive snubber circuits. 9owever, the switching loss is proportional to the switching fre6uenc , thus li!iting the !a"i!u! switching fre6uenc of the power converters. T pical converter switching fre6uenc was li!ited to a few tens of &ilo-9ert' 2t picall (8 &9' to 08 &9'5 in earl 1LG8Hs. The stra inductive and capacitive co!ponents in the power circuits Page (/

and power devices still cause considerable transient effects, which in turn give rise to electro!agnetic interference 2E;I5 proble!s. +ig.( shows ideal switching wavefor!s and t pical practical wavefor!s of the switch voltage. The transient ringing effects are !aJor causes of E;I.


In the 1LG8Hs, lots of research efforts were diverted towards the use of resonant 2usuall sinusoidal5 voltage and?or current wavefor!s so that 'ero voltage

converters. The concept was to incorporate resonant tan&s in the converters to create switching 2#$%5 or 'ero current switching 2#C%5 conditions can be created for the power switches. The reduction of switching loss and the continual i!prove!ent of power switches allow the switching fre6uenc of the resonant converters to reach hundreds of &ilo-9ert' 2t picall 188&9' to 088&9'5. Conse6uentl , !agnetic si'es can be reduced and the power densit of the converters increased. $arious for!s of resonant converters have been proposed and developed. 9owever, !ost of the resonant converters suffer several proble!s. When co!pared with the conventional PW; converters, the resonant current and voltage of resonant converters have high pea& values, leading to higher conduction loss and higher $ and I ratings re6uire!ents for the power devices. Also, !an resonant converters re6uire fre6uenc !odulation 2+;5 for output regulation. $ariable switching fre6uenc operation !a&es the filter design and control !ore co!plicated.

In late 1LG8Hs and throughout 1LL8Hs, further i!prove!ents have been !ade in

converter technolog . Cew generations of soft-switched converters that co!bine the advantages of conventional PW; converters and resonant converters have been developed. These soft-switched converters have switching wavefor!s si!ilar to those of conventional PW; converters e"cept that the rising and falling edges of the wavefor!s are Os!oothedH with no transient spi&es. <nli&e the resonant converters, new soft-switched converters usuall utili'e the resonance in a controlled !anner. 3esonance is allowed to occur Just before and during the turn-on and turn-off processes so as to create #$% and #C% conditions. =ther than that, the behave Just li&e conventional PW; converters. With si!ple !odifications, !an custo!i'ed control integrated control 2IC5 circuits designed for conventional converters can be e!plo ed for soft-switched converters. -ecause the switching loss and stress have been reduced, soft-switched converter can be operated at the ver Page (0 high fre6uenc 2t picall

088&9' to a few ;ega-9ert'5. %oft-switching converters also provide an effective solution to suppress E;I and have been applied to DC-DC, AC-DC and DC-AC converters. This chapter covers the basic technolog of resonant and soft-switching converters. $arious for!s of soft-switching techni6ues such as #$%, #C%, voltage cla!ping, 'ero transition !ethods etc. are addressed. The e!phasis is placed on the basic operating principle and practicalit of the converters without using !uch !athe!atical anal sis.
I On Safe O erating !rea



Soft-switching Off

+ig.T pical switching traJectories of power switches.

+ig.. T pical switching wavefor!s of 2a5 hard-switched and 2b5 soft-switched devices Page (D

1$*$ Soft switching

%oft switching can !itigate so!e of the !echanis!s of switching loss and possibl reduce the generation of E;I %e!iconductor devices are switched on or off at the 'ero crossing of their voltage or current wavefor!sM #ero-current switchingM transistor turn-off transition occurs at 'ero current. #ero-current switching eli!inates the switching loss caused b I@-T current tailing and b stra inductances. It can also be used to co!!utate %C3Hs. #ero-voltage switchingM transistor turn-on transition occurs at 'ero voltage. Diodes !a also operate with 'ero-voltage switching. #ero-voltage switching eli!inates the switching loss induced b diode stored charge and device output capacitances. #ero-voltage switching is usuall preferred in !odern converters. #ero-voltage transition converters are !odified PW; converters, in which an inductor charges and discharges the device capacitances. #ero-voltage switching is then obtained.

#C% turn-on transitionM hard switching

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1$1$ switche- P9.: an- switching loss occurs$

Resonant Switch Prior to the availabilit of full controllable power switches, th ristors were the !aJor power devices used in power electronic circuits. Each th ristor re6uires a co!!utation circuit, which usuall consists of a LC resonant circuit, for forcing the current to 'ero in the turn-off process. This !echanis! is in fact a t pe of 'ero-current turn-off process. With the recent advance!ent in se!iconductor technolog , the voltage and current handling capabilit , and the switching speed of full controllable switches have significantl been i!proved. In !an high power applications, controllable switches such as @T=s and I@-Ts have replaced th ristors. 9owever, the use of resonant circuit for achieving 'ero-current-switching 2#C%5 and?or 'ero-voltage-switching 2#$%5 has also e!erged as a new technolog introduced in this section. A resonant switch is a sub-circuit co!prising a se!iconductor switch S and resonant ele!ents, Lr and Cr. The switch S can be i!ple!ented b a unidirectional or bidirectional switch, which deter!ines the operation !ode of the resonant switch. Two t pes of resonant switches, including 'ero-current 2#C5 resonant switch and 'ero-voltage 2#$5 resonant switches, are shown in +ig.> and +ig./, respectivel . for power converters. The concept of resonant switch that replaces conventional power switch is

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S $a%


Cr $#%

+ig. #ero-current 2#C5 resonant switch.

Lr Cr S $a% S Cr $#%


+ig./ #ero-voltage 2#$5 resonant switch.

1$3$ ;C resonant switch

In a #C resonant switch, an inductor Lr is connected in series with a power switch S in order to achieve 'ero-current-switching 2#C%5. If the switch S is a unidirectional switch, the switch current is allowed to resonate in the positive half c cle onl . The resonant switch is said to operate in !al"-#a$e !ode. If a diode is connected in anti-parallel with the unidirectional switch, the switch current can flow in both directions. In this case, the resonant switch can operate in "ull-#a$e !ode. At turn-on, the switch current will rise slowl fro! 'ero. It will then oscillate, because of the resonance between Lr and Cr. +inall , the switch can be co!!utated at the ne"t 'ero current duration. The obJective of this t pe of switch is to shape the switch current wavefor! during conduction ti!e in order to create a 'ero-current condition for the switch to turn off.

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1$7$ ;+ resonant switch

In a #$ resonant switch, a capacitor Cr is connected in parallel with the switch S for achieving 'ero-voltage-switching 2#$%5. If the switch S is a unidirectional switch, the voltage across the capacitor Cr can oscillate freel in both positive and negative half-c cle. Thus, the resonant switch can operate in "ull-#a$e !ode. If a diode is connected in anti-parallel with the unidirectional switch, the resonant capacitor voltage is cla!ped b the diode to 'ero during the negative half-c cle. The resonant switch will then operate in !al"-#a$e !ode. The obJective of a #$ switch is to use the resonant circuit to shape the switch voltage wavefor! during the off ti!e in order to create a 'ero-voltage condition for the switch to turn on.

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C!APT"R 2 I+

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3$#$ R"S%NANT C%N+"RT"R T%P%L%/I"S

3$#$#$ INTR%D&CTI%N Increasing the fre6uenc of operation of power converters is desirable, as it allows the si'e of circuit !agnetics and capacitors to be reduced, leading to cheaper and !ore co!pact circuits. 9owever, increasing the fre6uenc of operation also increases switching losses and hence reduces s ste! efficienc . =ne solution to this proble! is to replace the KchopperK switch of a standard %;P% topolog 2-uc&, -oost etc.5 with a KresonantK switch, which uses the resonances of circuit capacitances and inductances to shape the wavefor! of either the current or the voltage across the switching ele!ent, such that when switching ta&es place, there is no current through or voltage across it, and hence no power dissipation - see figure 1. A circuit e!plo ing this techni6ue is &nown as a resonant converter 2or, !ore accuratel , a 6uasi-resonant converter, as onl part of the resonant sinusoid is utili'ed5. A #ero Current %witching 2#C%5 circuit shapes the current wavefor!, while a #ero $oltage %witching 2#$%5 circuit shapes the voltage wavefor!.

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A t pical #ero Current %witch consists of a switch, %, in series with the resonant inductor 43E%, and the resonant capacitor C3E% connected in parallel. Energ is supplied b a current source.The circuit and wavefor!s are shown in figure (. If an output transfor!er is used, in certain cases its parasitic inductance can be used as the resonant inductance 2in both this and the 'ero voltage topolog 5. 9owever, as its value is generall not &nown, the resonant fre6uenc will not be fi"ed, which !a cause proble!s in the circuit design. When the switch % is off, the resonant capcitor is charged up with a !ore or less constant current, and so the voltage across it rises linearl . When the switch is turned on, the energ stored in the capacitor is transferred to the inductor, causing a sinusoidal current to flow in the switch. During the negative half wave, the current flows through the anti-paralleled diode, and so in this period there is no current through or voltage across the switchQ and it can be turned off without losses. This t pe of switching is also &nown as th ristor !ode, as it is one of the !ore suitable wa s of using th ristorsQ these devices will onl turn off if the current through the! is forced to 'ero, which occurs naturall in this topolog .

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;"R% +%LTA/" S9ITC!

A t pical #ero $oltage %witch consists of a switch in series with a diode. The resonant capacitor is connected in parallel, and the resonant inductor is connected in series with this configuration. A voltage source connected in parallel inJects the energ into this s ste!. The circuit and wavefor!s are shown in figure >. When the switch is turned on, a linear current flows through the inductor. When the switch turns off, the energ that is stored in the inductor flows into the resonant capacitor. The resulting voltage across the capacitor and the switch is sinusoidal. The negative half-wave of the voltage is bloc&ed b the diode. During this negative half wave, the current and voltage in the switch are 'ero, and so it can be turned on without losses.

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-ecause the re6uire a substantial drive current, -ipolar transistors are not generall used in resonant converters, unless the base drive is provided b the resonant circuit itself 2for e"a!ple in T$ deflection circuits and fluorescent la!p ballasts5. Power ;=%+ETs and I@-Ts, with their effectivel capacitive inputs and low drive energ re6uire!ents, are the !ost fre6uentl used t pes. The graph in figure / shows the die si'e of Power ;=%+ETs and I@-Ts re6uired to conduct 1 a!p with a voltage drop of ( volts, against the !a"i!u! rated voltage. +or low voltage applications, the ;=%+ET is interesting, as the die si'e is ver s!all 2and so the device is cheap5. 9owever for higher brea&down voltages, the I@-T is !ore suitable, as the die si'e re6uired is al!ost constant approaching the !a"i!u! rated voltage.

3$3$#$ .%S'"Ts
The ;=%+ET has a resistive behavior in its on state, and the output characteristic passes through 'ero. It can conduct a s!all current with a ver low voltage drop.

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3$3$*$ ;ero Current Switch A ;=%+ET can be !odelled as an ideal switch with a series resistance, and a capacitor
connected in parallel - see figure 0. Ever ti!e it is turned on, the parallel capacitor is discharged through the resistance and 28.0 " C out " $D%5 units are lost. A ;=%+ET in a #ero Current %witch will have to turn on with a high drain-source voltage, and there will be capacitive switching losses. Additionall , the reactive overcurrent in the switch is ver high, and as the ;=%+ET does not perfor! well in overcurrent conditions, the conduction losses will be ver high. Therefore the ;=%+ET is not ver suitable as a #ero Current %witch.

3$3$1$ ;ero +oltage Switch

In a #ero $oltage %witch, the ;=%+ET turns on without an voltage between drain and source, and so there are no capacitive switching losses. There is no reactive overcurrent and the conduction losses are not ver i!portant. The ;=%+ET does have to turn off a current, but as the switching ti!es of a ;=%+ET are s!all, the turn off losses will not be e"cessive.

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3$3$3$ I/BTs
The I@-T has a threshold voltage of around 8.F$Q a voltage drop lower than this value is not possible. The .resistive part1 of the output characteristics of an I@-T is ver low, and so it can conduct large currents with a low voltage drop. It is thus !ost suitable for use at high current densities. An I@-T can be si!pl !odelled as a pnp-transistor driven b a ;=%+ET. The

disadvantage of this structure is the turn off. If a pnp transistor is to be turned off 6uic&l , a positive base current !ust be supplied, to force the carriers in the base to reco!bine and stop the device conducting. In the I@-T, the base of the pnp stage cannot be accessed directl , and so this current cannot be delivered at turn off, !eaning that the device continues to conduct while the carriers reco!bine Knaturall K. During this ti!e, a current tail appears.

3$7$ ;ero +oltage Switch In a #ero $oltage %witch, the I@-T !ust turn off a current. Even if the voltage across the
switch rises with a li!ited d$?dt 2sinusoidal wavefor!5, the current tail pheno!enon !eans that turn off losses will be i!portant. Therefore the I@-T is not ver suitable for 'ero voltage switching.

3$<$ ;ero Current Switch

In a #ero Current %witch, the e"ternal circuit defines the current in the switch. This current tends to 'ero, and hence the I@-T does not turn off current, so no tail appears. Another proble! that can occur with the I@-T, latching, does not occur in this !ode. Even if the I@-T latches at the !a"i!u! current, it can turn off later because the current is defined b the e"ternal circuit. The carriers that re!ained in the base of the pnp-transistor can be recovered b a positive current into the base. In a #ero Current %witch, the negative half wave of the resonant current flows through the antiparallel diode. During that ti!e, a negative voltage is applied to the I@-T. A current flows through the bod diode of the internal ;=%+ET into the base of the pnp-transistor.

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C!APT"R - +

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7$# .o-es of o0erations 7$#$#$ .o-e # =t5t>t#?)

The resonant capacitor is discharged through resonant path Cr and 4r. The resonant inductor current begins to increase linearl fro! 'ero. Therefore, the !ain switch is turned on with #C% influenced b resonant inductor. The energ of the !ain inductor is delivered to the load through the switches 2%1, %/5. The ne"t !ode is started as soon as the resonant capacitor has full discharged. In this !ode, the !ain inductor current is given b

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7$#$*$ .o-e * =t#t>t*?)

When the resonant capacitor is full discharged to ;ode1, the anti-parallel diodes in inverter switches constitute current path. At this ti!e, the inverter stage is 'ero. When the inverter stage is in the 'ero voltage condition, the inverter switches are given to PW; signal 2%1, %/5. %o, inverter switches are turned on and off with #$%. This !ode is@ !aintained when the !ain switch is turned-off. The !ain inductor current is given b

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7$#$1$ .o-e 1 =t*@t>t1?)

When the switch is turned off with #$%, the resonant inductor releases energ . Thus, the bridge diode is turned on. The dc-lin& capacitor is transferred to !ain inductor and resonant inductor energ given b through the bridge diode. The resonant capacitor starts to charge !ain inductor energ . At that ti!e, the resonant inductor current and resonant capacitor voltage are

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7$#$3$ .o-e 3 =t1@t>t3?)

When the resonant inductor energ is full released, the bridge diode is turned-off. This !ode is !aintained until the resonant capacitor voltage beco!es /88)$*. The !ain inductor current flows continuousl through the inverter switches 2%1, %/5. In this !ode, resonant capacitor voltage is given b

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7$#$7$ .o-e 7 =t3 t>t7?)

This !ode is started when the resonant capacitor is full charged. After that, the au"iliar switch is turned on with #$% because the switch voltage is 'ero. When the !ain inductor current decreases linearl , the dc-lin& capacitor is charged fro! the !ain inductor energ . -ecause the !ain inductor current flows through the anti-parallel diode, the au"iliar switch voltage is 'ero voltage. When the au"iliar switch current path is changed, the ne"t !ode starts. In this !ode, the !ain inductor current can be e"pressed as

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7$#$<$ .o-e < =t7 t>t<?)

In this !ode, the au"iliar switch current path is changed because the dc-lin& capacitor starts to discharge. Therefore, the load is supplied the energ b the dc-lin& capacitor and !ain inductor. This !ode !aintains that the !ain inductor current e6ual to the resonant current. The !ain inductor current in this !ode is e"pressed as

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%ut0ut wavefor,s

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7$*$ A00lications
This t pe of inverter produces an appro"i!atel sinusoidal wavefor! at a high output

fre6uenc , ranging fro! (88 to 188 &9', and is co!!onl used in relativel fi"ed ouput applications, for e"a!ple, induction eating, sonar trans!itter, fluorescent lighting, or ultrasonic generators. Due to the high switching fre6uenc , the si'e of the resonating co!ponents is s!all.

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In this proJect, we proposed a novel DC-AC single phase resonant inverter using softswitching boost converter. In this topolog , all switches perfor! a soft switching b resonance between the resonant inductor and capacitor. %o, the proposed topolog can reduce the switching loss and voltage stress. The proposed inverter is anal 'ed through the operation !ode, and its validit is proven through si!ulation.

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D. ;. Divan, @. %&ibins&i, #ero switching loss inverters for high power applications,Y IEEE IA% 3ec., pp. D(F-D>/, 1LGF. %.3. Par&, %.9. Par&, C.A. Won, A.C. ,ung, K4ow loss soft switching boost converterK, (88G 1>th International Power Eletronics and ;otion Control Conference 2EPE-PE;C (88G5 pp. 1G1 - 1GD. (88G Z. Wang, @. 9ua, and +. C. 4ee, KAnal sis, design and #C%-PW; boost converters1 in Proc. IEE, Int. Power Electronics Conf., pp.1(8(-1(8F, 1LL0 @. 9ua, [. Aang, A. ,iang, and +.C. 4ee, .Covel 'ero-current-transition PW; converter1, IEEE Power Electronics %pecialist Conf. 3ec., pp. 0>G\0//, 1LL>. 9. =hashi, OOPower Electronics Inovation with Ce"t @eneration Advanced Power DevicesHH, Proceeding of ICTE4ECI8>, =ct.(88>, Ao&oha!a 2,apan5, pp.L-1> D. ;. Divan and @. %&ibins&i, .#ero switching loss inverters for high power applications,1 IEEE IA% 3ec., pp. D(F-D>/, 1LGF.

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