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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educacin U.

E fundacin Taller Escuela Libertad - Capacho Viejo

The Absolute Pitch (essay)

Author: David Altuve #06 5th A

Libertad, April 1st 2013

The absolute pitch or perfect pitch its an ability thay may the capacity of identify sounds in an instant giving a rare perception of the music and its relationship with the musical brain. Now what, seeing the absolute pitch in a musical point view, is a very good tool and only one of ten thousand people have this skill by the natural way. This ability brings an event-related increasing the brain potential (E.W Marvin 2000, P.15). But, not everything about the absolute pitch is good. Into de time can be justify that its ability reduce the improvisation capacity, because the musician make a dependence of his absolute pitch and leave alone the relative pitch. This dependence can be dangerous for the musicians, so what an equilibrated develops of both pitchs will be the best option. When you talk about the pitch can make a first idea, the pitch its the skill to identify a sound, same to explained after but the absolute pitch lets identify any sound that cross your ears (keys, tones, intervals and chords). According to, Roberts Z. (2003) The perfect pitch brings a model for understand the influence of the gens, and development of the natural and cognitive brain skill (P.20). In order to study this capacity, some researches have been searching the most important factor that let learn this ability, finally have two ways: Genetic or practice; one of ten thousand people, born with this skill but this person couldnt know that have this ability. The practice way shows how to get the perfect pitch among musical exposition and influences. An elementary quote say, Altuve D. (2013)Pitching in an absolute shape goes hand in hand by the ear and brain link because everything that you listen its gonna be associated around to a sounds preform, in order to identify the sound and send an order to execute some action by the performer (P,U). The research about the absolute pitch skill have been a continuous ask among the centuries, starting in the observation of the guest that have this quality and his development in the musical environment, according to researches before, some musicians like: Wolfang A. Mozart (I.Q=135), Johann S. Bach (I.Q=160), Vivaldi (I.Q=128) Ludwing Van Beethoven (I.Q=165). They had the absolute pitch, and were whore an important piece of the musical history.

How to get the absolute pitch? The easiest way is training you ear with exercises like intervals, melodic dictation, scale dictation and others. By this way you can get this skill among the years. Why this skill is harder to get? Because you need to change your musical perception and keep starting to feel the sounds and matching with before references. Finally, the absolute pitch is a double cut blade, because if you dont balance the relative pitch and the absolute pitch, you can make a dependence of you absolute pitch and lost the skill of the improvisation. But the absolute pitch is one of the best abilities of the music and a musician with that will make great things in the music.

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