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File and Printer Sharing Does Not Work: Windows Firewal... /cc!"!#!$%&...

File and Printer Sharing Does Not Work

17 out of 32 rated this helpful Updated: March 2 ! 2""# $pplies %o: Windo&s Ser'er 2""3! Windo&s Ser'er 2""3 (2! Windo&s Ser'er 2""3 &ith SP1! Windo&s Ser'er 2""3 &ith SP2 %his pro)le* t+picall+ occurs &hen so*eone atte*pts to access a resource on +our co*puter! such as a shared folder or printer! and the person atte*pting to access the resource recei'es a ,net&ork path &as not found- error.

File and printer sharing can fail &hen +ou turn on Windo&s Fire&all )ecause file and printer sharing re0uires +our co*puter to respond to unsolicited inco*ing traffic on one or *ore of the follo&ing ports: %/P ports 131 and 22#! and UDP ports 137 and 13 . Windo&s Fire&all )locks inco*ing traffic through these ports. %o fi3 this pro)le*! +ou need to un)lock one or *ore %/P and UDP ports.

Make sure that +ou ha'e ena)led the File and Printer Sharing e3ception in the Windo&s Fire&all e3ceptions list. To enable the File and Printer Sharing exception 1. 4pen Windo&s Fire&all! and then click the Exceptions ta). 2. Select the File and Printer Sharing check )o3.

5f file and printer sharing still does not &ork properl+! 'erif+ that +ou are configuring File and Printer Sharing in the sa*e profile that +our co*puter is using. 5f +ou ena)le File and Printer Sharing in the do*ain profile! )ut +our co*puter is using the standard profile! then File and Printer Sharing *ight not )e ena)led. 6ou can use the Netsh tool to deter*ine &hich profile +our co*puter is currentl+ using and &hich profile has File and Printer Sharing ena)led. To determine which profile your computer is currently using $t the co**and pro*pt! t+pe netsh firewall show currentprofile! and press 7N%7(.

To determine which profile has File and Printer Sharing enabled $t the co**and pro*pt! t+pe netsh firewall show service! and press 7N%7(.

5f File and Printer Sharing is not ena)led in the profile that +our co*puter is using! +ou need to ena)le File and Printer Sharing in the appropriate profile. To enable File and Printer Sharing in a specific profile 1. $t the co**and pro*pt! t+pe the follo&ing:

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File and Printer Sharing Does Not Work: Windows Firewal... /cc!"!#!$%&...

netsh firewall set service type = fileandprint mode = enable profile = your profile Where your profile can )e current! do*ain! standard! or all! depending on &hich profile *ust ha'e File and Printer Sharing ena)led. 2. Press 7N%7(.

5f file and printer sharing still does not &ork properl+! 'erif+ that the scope setting for the File and Printer Sharing e3ception is not pre'enting other co*puters fro* accessing +our shared files and printers. %he scope setting allo&s +ou to restrict an e3ception to a specific group of co*puters. 8e sure that the scope setting for the File and Printer Sharing e3ception includes the co*puters that are tr+ing to access the files and folders on +our co*puter. %here are three possi)le scope settings: Any computer (including those on the nternet!! &hich does not restrict the e3ception. "y #etwor$ (subnet! only! &hich restricts the e3ception to co*puters that are directl+ reacha)le )ased on entries in the 5P routing ta)le. %ustom list! &hich restricts the e3ception to a list of 5nternet Protocol 'ersion 2 95P'2: addresses or 5P'2 address ranges. 6ou cannot use the %ustom list option for 5nternet Protocol 'ersion ; 95P';: traffic. To verify the scope of the File and Printer Sharing exception 1. 4pen Windo&s Fire&all! and then click the Exceptions ta). 2. /lick File and Printer Sharing! and then click Edit. 3. /lick T%P &'(! and then click %hange Scope. 2. <erif+ that the scope setting includes the co*puters that +ou &ant to access +our co*puter. 5f it does not! change the scope so it is less restricti'e. #. (epeat steps 3 and 2 for T%P ))*! +,P &'-! and +,P &'..

mportant %he "y networ$ (subnet! only or %ustom list scope options do not necessaril+ increase +our securit+. Malicious users can circu*'ent these scope restrictions )+ spoofing an 5P address that appears to )e directl+ reacha)le or is part of the custo* list. 5f file and printer sharing still does not &ork properl+ and +ou are using a colla)oration tool or a file=sharing tool! +ou *ight ha'e to configure other e3ceptions to share files. 5f +our 'endor does not pro'ide infor*ation a)out the settings that need to )e configured for +our colla)oration or file sharing progra*! tr+ adding the progra* to the e3ceptions list. To add a program or service to the exceptions list 1. 4pen Windo&s Fire&all! and then click the Exceptions ta). 2. 4n the Exceptions ta)! click Add Program! and then follo& the instructions that appear on +our screen.

) of (

'/'#/)#'* ":*" P+

File and Printer Sharing Does Not Work: Windows Firewal... /cc!"!#!$%&...

/o**unit+ $dditions

if i &ish to open ports for Printer sharing onl+

if i &ish to open ports for Printer onl+ >o& to do that through ?P4 4pen onl+ Printer Ports=?P4 11@12@2""1

A 2"12 Microsoft. $ll rights reser'ed.

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'/'#/)#'* ":*" P+

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