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Cranial Nerves: Localization, nucleus origin & peripheral distribution Cranial Nerve

I. Olfactory N. II. Optic N. III. Occulomotor N.

Sensory Sensory #otor ParaSym. #otor

Smell Sight Eye #o$ement Pupil Constriction & Accomodation Eye #o$ement Pupil Constriction) Accomodation & ,aises Eyelid Che2ing Sensation from head

Perianygdala & Entorhinal Cortex ateral !eniculate Nucleus Somatic #otor Nucleus %isceral #otor &Parasympathetic' Nucleus +rochlear Nucleus

Superior Anterior Nasal Olfactory Area Inner part of Optic bulb " !anglionic layer of retina #idbrain Accessory #otor Nucleus&midbrain' -orsal surface of the midbrain Superior part of pons at. to cerebral a*ueduct dorsolateral area of the pontine tegmentum Inf. part of pons) throughout the medulla In the pons near the median plane. ies deep to the (acial Colliculus %entrolateral part of the tegmental area of pons. Emerges from the 3unction of pons and medulla.

Enter / E it
Enters foramina of Cribriform plate of Ethmoid bone Exits through Optic Canal & Enters middle cranial fossa Exits the cranial ca$ity & Enters the orbit through the Sup. Orbital (issure Exits the middle cranial fossa & Enters Orbit thru Superior Orbital fissure Exits middle cranial fossa thru %. / Sup. Orbital fissure %0 / (oramen ,otundum %1 / (oramen O$ale Superior Orbital (issure +ra$erses Post. Cranial (ossa and enters the facial canal and splits into !reater petrosal N.) Ner$e to the Stapedius) Chorda +ympani N.

!eripheral "ist#
Olfactory bulb in Ant. Cranial fossa Optic Chiasm tract (our of six extrinsic eye muscles & Sup. rectus) Inf. rectus) #edial rectus) Inf. Obli*ue' Superior Obli*ue #uscle &Extrinsic Eye #uscle'

I%. +rochlear N.

%. +rigeminal N. %. / Opthalmic d$. %0 / #axiallary d$.. %1 / #andibular d$.

#otor Sensory

#otor Nucleus of CN % #esencephalic Nucleus of CN % Principal Sensory Nucleus Spinal Nucleus of CN %

form Ophthalmic N / %. form #axiallary N / %0 form #andibular N / %1 ,ectus ateralis #uscle &Extrinsic Eye #uscle' Emerges from the s4ull $ia the stylomastoid foramen and enters parotid gland. Splits into Posterior auricual) +emporal) 5ygomatic) 6uccal) #andibular) & Cer$ical

%I. Abducents N. %II.(acial N.

#otor #otor Sensory Para Sym.

Abducts eyeball / lateral rectus #uscles of (acial expression External ear +ongue &+aste Anterior 0"1 ' Sali$ates &Submandibular & Sublingual glands' +ears & acrimal glands' 7earing inear acceleration &gra$ity' Angular acceleration &head turning'

Abducens Nucleus (acial #otor Nucleus

%III. %estibulocochlear N.


(our %estibular Nuclei8

9+2o Cochlear Nuclei

ocated at the 3unction of the pons and medulla in the lateral part of the floor of the :th %entricle In the medulla

ea$es the Post. Cranial fossa and Enters the Internal Acoustic #eatus.

9 %estibular Ner$e &%estibular nucleus' 9 Cochlear Ner$e &Cochlear nucleus'

Property of Popad ;lub

Cranial Nerves: Localization, nucleus origin & peripheral distribution

9-orsal and %entral Nuclei Superficially in the rostral end of the medulla) ad3acent to the base fo the inferior cerebellar peduncle. -eep in Sup. Part of #edulla Inferior part of Pons) ad3acent to the rostral part of the nucleus ambiguous Superior part of #edulla) ateral to dorsal nucleus of the $agus ateral to the nucleus ambiguous in the medulla -eep in Sup. Part of #edulla Inferior part of Pons) ad3acent to the rostral part of the nucleus ambiguous Superior part of #edulla) ateral to dorsal nucleus of the $agus ateral to the nucleus ambiguous in the medulla -eep in Sup. Part of #edulla Series of rootlets from the first fi$e cer$ical segments of the spinal cord Nucleus of ner$e in medulla

I<. !lossopharyngeal N.


Sensory Para Sym. <. %agus N. #otor Sensory Para Sym.

Stylopharyngeus &#uscle of Pharynx) s2allo2ing' +astes and senses posterior ."1 of tongue Sali$ates Parotid !land & glands in posterior ."1 of tongue %isceral muscle mo$ement %isceral sensation

Nucleus Ambiguus Inferior Sali$ary Nucleus Nucleus of Solitary +ract Spinal Nucleus of the +rigeminal Ner$e. Nucleus Ambiguus -orsal Nucleus of %agus Nucleus of Solitary +ract Sensory Nucleus of CN%

Emerges from the medulla and passes anterolaterally and Exits the s4ull through the anterior aspect of the =ugular (oramen

Oropharynx and tongue

Emerges from the medulla and passes anterolaterally and Exits the s4ull through the anterior aspect of the =ugular (oramen

<I. Accessory N.


<II. 7ypoglossal N.


+urns head to opposited side &sternocleidomastoid ' Ele$ates and rotates scapula &+rape>ius' #o$es tongue &Styloglossus) 7ypglossus) !enioglossus) and Intrinsics muscles of tongue

Nucleus Ambiguus Spinal Nucleus

Cranial and spinal roots 3oin as they pass through the =ugular foramen and then separate. Exit the s4ull through the hypoglossal canal

#otor fibers to muscles of pharynx and larynx In +horax8 7eart) 6ronchi) and lungs Ner$e 3oin the esophageal plexus and in Abdomen inner$ate Stomach) Intestinal tract as far as left Colic flexure #uscles of +hroat) arynx) Soft Palate) Sternocleidomastoid #.) & +rape>ius #. All the extrinsic muscles of the tongue) except the palatoglossus &2hich is actually a palatine muscle'

7ypoglossal Nuclei

Property of Popad ;lub

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