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ALAYAN, Nikola Jan S.

Lu Xuns A Madmans Diary Analysis The story of Lu Xuns A Madmans Diary draws the picture of feudal society: a society that stresses submission to authority, and the ultimate compliance to tradition. The story offers an ironic look at Chinese history, culture and social life. Lu Xun battles the idea that society is constantly being manipulated and controlled by the masses of people who know no better than to follow tradition. Diary of a Madman articulates Lu Xuns interest in changing society. The story was considered contemporary because Lu Xun discards traditional techniques such as omniscient narration and replaced it with diarists first person. The subjective point of view is unique in Chinese literature. Lu Xun does not follow traditional techniques because Diary of a Madman is his rejection to Chinese customs. Lu Xuns I - narration proves an effective means of distancing himself and developing perspectives. The story started as a narration of Lu Hsuns reading of a diary of his old friend. The latter referred to as the madman, through his personal accounts have expressed the nature of his illness. He sees his own brother, relatives, neighbors and doctor as man-eaters. The content of the diary may seem weird and dreadful yet the author of the diary charged of insanity has managed to think and speak of historical accounts to prove his case. For instance, he called a previous enemy, Ku Chiu which in translation means Ancient Times; his doctor, Li Shih-chen who in history was a famous pharmacologist and authored the Materia Medica. Both usage have latent meanings and will be explained later. The madman also has knowledge of several traditional myths like his mention of Yi Ya, who according to ancient records cooked his son as present to Duke Huan who was ruler since 685 to 643 B.C. of Chi; he mentioned also Chieh and Chou who were known tyrants in history; Hsu His Lin who during the end of Ching dynasty was a revolutionary executed in 1907 whose heart and liver were believed to have been eaten because of his assassination of a Ching official. Again, these historical descriptions have significance in the goal of the author of Madmans Diary. The context of the story may seem to its audience a basic case of mental illness but this is true unless proper decoding is employed. The story suggests that there is a past experience which the madman has underwent which we could think of as the cause of his psychosis. According to the author, the madman has suffered from persecution. The sentiment of the main character at the time he was sick already against other people characterizes the same feelings he felt against them before this condition. Man-eating in the story symbolizes the feudal system in China. The oppression that the tenants suffer from their land lords has caused the madman to perhaps hate the former. The man-eaters in the story as observed by the madman consist of his neighbors, brother, doctor, etc.; basically all those who are of the land-owning class. The conspirators making themselves man-eaters as well include his own mother- this is due to the latters inability to reprimand his brother. To the madmans mind, those who support and those who are silenced by the oppression are alike. This is why he refers to them as man-eaters as well they all look at him in the same way like fierce animals ready to eat him and his flesh. Every day, the madman has to deal with the same looks and reactions. He thought he was doing a good job of having been able to decipher their true intentions of killing and eating him. In the end however it pained him to have known that his sister could have died in the same experience of being eaten by other people. It pained him that his own

ALAYAN, Nikola Jan S. family has not done anything while his mothers weeping did not change the fact of her daughters tragic death. The seemingly unjust treatment of the community against a madman like him is translated into the majoritys incapacity and lack of buoyancy to uphold a revolution such as that which would overhaul feudalism and promote equality. Yet, the madman has seen that Mr Chao for instance did not look solely at him with anger but with fear as well. One is afraid to change the status quo where he/she is already benefiting. Just like Mr. Ku Chiu who was displeased with his intervention on his account sheets twenty years ago. Ku Chiu meaning Ancient Times symbolizes the long history of feudal oppression in China. The madman might have made wild statements in his diary but to a madman this signifies discontent, confusion, mixed emotions of fear and pain, none of which is equivalent to happiness and peace. He said he has not seen the moon for over thirty years. He must have been imprisoned or isolated that long from the community, the people barely recognize him just like the dog which looked at him twice. In the new day or perhaps new circumstance he is into, he only remembers the feelings of annoyance against them. Yet he witnessed the children, lively as they may appear but the madman, reluctant about their purity thought they also had eyes that misinterpret him. When he said their parents could have told them about his story, he was referring to the possible transfer of the tradition of tyranny to the new generation and the hindrance to their quest for truth, justice and equality. The madman abhors the fact that the own victims of this cruelty have not done anything to antagonize but why do they look at him like that? This is expressed in the part below: Those people, some of whom have been pilloried by the magistrate, slapped in the face by the local gentry, had their wives taken away by bailiffs, or their parents driven to suicide by creditors, never looked as frightened and as fierce then as they did yesterday (Lu Hsun, A Madmans Diary, April, 1918) He sees their laughers, discussions of him, teeth and speech as comprising their secret signs. There are statements in the story which the author has provided for us to understand further the nature of the norm in their history. Like when the madman remembers the time when he would be commended by his brother for his indifference vis a vis wrong doings: I remember when my elder brother taught me to write compositions, no matter how good a man was, if I produced arguments to the contrary he would mark that passage to show his approval; while if I excused evil-doers, he would say: "Good for you, that shows originality At that time , it would have been better if you are blind and deaf and perhaps insane to resist the subjugation. This is also presented in the part where Mr. Ho, the doctor tells the madman: Don't let your imagination run away with you! Rest quietly for a few days and you will be alright The madman sees this statement as a warning for his deed of courage and integrity. - to be brave and righteous yield death of a man. Toward the end of the story, the madman asked a twenty year old lad if it was right to eat human beings and if such was an accepted act simply because it has always been like that. The

ALAYAN, Nikola Jan S. author here is arriving at an assumption that a tradition of cruelty could have been regarded by most of them as justifiable by its permanence and embedded nature. But a challenge has been set forth in the end; that is to become a real man. For the madman, real men dont eat human beings. Although as claimed, primitive people have done so, he advised his brother that to remain like them is the same as reptiles and animals who eat flesh and must be ashamed of themselves. This is a way for the author to propose that to desist tradition (the four thousand years of eating flesh) is to put a halt to oppression this is the act of a real man. He calls on a change of spirit and ideas so he tells them in the story; You should change at once, change from the bottom of your hearts! You must know that in future there will be no place for man-eaters in the world . . . . His final words are equally challenging and meaningful. It was a call for change especially for the youth Perhaps there are still children who have not eaten men? Save the children. . .

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