Evangelism 101

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“I didn’t agree with prophetic evangelism until I went out with Josh Squared. I thought they were trying to
initiate prophecy, further causing people to think Christians are crazy. I found out that it is all initiated by the
Holy Spirit and God will use prophecy to reveal Himself as being real to the unbeliever.”
-Jenny Brown (student council treasurer)

“Impartation. Paul expressed in Romans 1:11 how he longed to see the church, that he may impart some spiritual
gift. Evangelism with Josh squared has done well to establish me with a gift of boldness as well as a passion first
for Jesus, and the fruit of that, which is for the lost. The overwhelming need for humanity to hear the good news
of what Jesus has done far out ways all of fears of rejection when sharing the love of Christ.”
-Collin Jackson (fellow evangelism leader)

“I have never seen more weird evangelist as these two. They have big talks, but actions....do they do things
themselves for what they are criticizing others for not doing?? One can only ask...”
-Johanna Kotisaari (foreigner)

“It was one of the greatest and most challenging things I have had to do in my christian life. It broke me out of my
shell and I got to experience God in a new way. It is something I will keep doing and never stop. This is what
should define every Christian.”
-Kyle Laviolette. (Head of SOS ministry)

"They're not great.................they're the greatest."

-Lesley McIntyre (class clown)

"Josh Squared are often imitated, but never duplicated." -Jeffery Ewles ( Public Relations CBC ‘07-‘08)

"I loved evangelizing with Josh Squared. They truly have a passion and zeal for God, and they have an
ambition for souls. They always press the importance of identifying with people. They are both great at
relating to people, and back off right away if the person is not interested in hearing it. They both helped me
to get out of my comfort zone. They are also mindful of "mall etiquette" and make sure that the group
follows a few good guidelines. All in all, a great time in the Lord and valuable experience.

-Jessica Brown ( School President ‘07-‘08)

Josh squared, your creative ideas, your “we’re not backing down” heart for evangelism has been a blessing to
the school and to the students who took the opportunities. Students have grown and have been changed by
stepping out and sharing their faith with, knees knocking at times, Im sure. Honestly, they are bolder and
stronger for it. Lives in the St. Catharines and surrounding areas have been changed for eternity through
everything you have spoken and done. Thank you.
-W endy Pierce (CBC registrar)
This group of dedicated individuals ave blessed me greatly with their hearts for evangelism. Their zeal and
love for the people is very evident. Does this mean that everything was perfect and that there is no room for
growth?-No, but I would rather have a group with some fire in their bones than those who are so concerned
about being perfect in every detail yet doing nothing. W ell done, you give us all a mark to shoot at. Blessings.
-Pastor George W oodward ( Dean of students CBC, Executive pastor of Niagra Celebration Church)

These two boys are lunatics!! I would never go out with them again. They support false doctrine and do more
damage than good. HERETICS!!!!
Table Of Contents

- 10 Commandments of Evangelism

- Mall Evangelism

- Bar Evangelism

- Ministry to the Sick

- Prophetic Evangelism

- Specialty Outreaches

- Persecution

- Encouragement
The Ten Commandments of
1)Thou shalt have no other evangelism leaders than Josh squared.

2)Thou shalt not become idle in complacency in regards to proclaiming the gospel, for Josh Squared are
jealous leaders, openly rebuking those whose hearts become hardened towards going out regularly, but they
show loving kindness to those who show themselves hungry for more of God.

3)Thou shalt not criticize Josh squared for it is obviously apparent that the Lord has entrusted them with
Divine opportunity to witness.

4) Thou shalt remember the “Satur”day, to keep it holy. Do not limit your passion to four evangelism credits
per semester.

5) Thou shalt honor Josh Squared with cheesequake Blizzards, that your credits may be prolonged to your

6) Thou shalt not murder the unsaved with your words.

7)Thou shalt not commit adultery on evangelism outreach.

8)Thou shalt not steal other students opportunities to lay hands on the sick.

9)Thou shalt not bear false doctrine against your convert.

10) Thou shalt not covet your converts immoral lifestyle.

Mall Evangelism

Acts 17:16-17 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was being provoked
within him as he was observing the city full of idols. So he was reasoning in the synagogue
with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and in the market place every day with those who
happened to be present.

One of our favorite things to do for evangelism was go to the mall! It is a good place to go
because there is a great number of people, and because it keeps us out of rain and cold. And
plus, there is food. One thing to remember though: DO NOT go to the mall on a Monday
afternoon! The two Monday afternoons that Josh squared went to the mall resulted in us
getting kicked out. The second time there was a threat of getting permanently banned the next
time we were caught.
Jesus will indeed draw people to Him if we but lift Him up and give Him the praise, honor,
and glory due His name. This one evening Josh Squared, Melody Wallace, Mark Enos went to
The Pen Center for some evangelism and had a time and a half. First we split up into two
groups (Josh H & Mark; Josh D & Melody) and we cruised around looking for people to
witness to. It didn't go too great until we met up at the food court and started challenging each
other. Then Josh H stepped in front of these two teenagers and asked them if they knew about
God's abundant love for them, or something to that effect. They weren't up for it and walked
away; but they told 3 of their other friends who came over immediately and started asking if
we were the ones who knew about God. So within 10 minutes, we had a group of about 12
teenagers all standing around us in the middle of the food court as we preached up a storm to
them. It was quite an event. Most of them were really willing to actually 'listen' to us and
receive the things which God had for them to hear. It was really something. It was something
God initiated Himself and something we couldn't have done in our best attempts at all.
Bar Evangelism

Photo Credit to
Johanna Kotisaari

***Disclaimer: Although this picture indicates something entirely different, I would not recommend drinking
alcohol while ministering at the bars to avoid even the appearance of evil.

Ephesians 5:18. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the spirit.
Josh squared went out with Julie Karanfilis and Colin Jackson one night and ended up
outside a bar on St. Paul St. Duffy walked up to a gentleman and asked him “what do
you think of Jesus?”. From there Josh squared were able to accurately speak words of
life into a handful of people who were gathered outside smoking. Duffy spoke into the
lives of two beautiful women, smashing false foundations that years of religion built.
When one of the ladies approached she asked “ What the hell are you talking about!?” I
told her and she responded “ I’m too F**** drunk for this!” She was pretty open for
discussion though. Meanwhile, Heymans was being cursed and berated by an older
gentleman, so Duffy joins in and they both got an awful tongue lashing. The church
contributed to much bitterness in that man’s life. But the word of the Lord went forth,
and the gospel was proclaimed.
Ministry to The Sick
Mark 16:18 tells us that us as believers will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover!
How flipping exciting is that!? Although some people aren’t willing to receive prayer,
and not everyone gets healed immediately, we do have some amazing stories of our
practical application to this spiritual truth.

This one Friday evening, while at a local mall I began witnessing to this group of high
school students. While talking to them about Jesus, I noticed that one of the girls had a
wrap around her wrist and hand. I asked her what happened, and she began to tell me
how she injured it playing sports and how it was a big hindrance to her ability to play
music, one of her biggest passions. So I laid hands on her and commanded healing to be
released and proclaimed the kingdom of God was at hand. And sure enough Jesus
touched her wrist and she was healed. But she did put the sling back on several minutes,
which I didn’t quite understand, but anyways.
From there, Josh squared and Kyle Laviolette, walked over to the movie theater nearby.
As soon as we got out the doors, we saw these three teen-aged boys walking, one in
crutches. So we asked if we can pray for the one boy’s ankle, and he let us. After we
finished praying for him, one of his friend who was with him asked if we can pray for
also to help him with his smoking addiction. They allowed us to preach to them for a
few minutes, and then received the Peter Youngren propaganda (salvation booklet) we
gave them. Praise God!!!
Prophetic Evangelism
Disregarding what we learned in the “Thinking Biblically” course, prophetic evangelism
is not only foundational but relevantly scriptural as well. As you are well aware, that in
both Joel chapter 2:28 and acts 2:17, it is prophesied that when God pours out His spirit
on all flesh, that your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Prophecy is just hearing God’s
voice and then speaking it out. It does not always have to be foresight into a situation,
but can also be insight as well. In John 10:3-4 and in verse 16 Jesus teaches that us as
his sheep will hear His voice. Also, as you read all throughout the gospels of Jesus and
also in the book of acts, that they operated in the prophetic as a means to reach the lost.
Some references for this is are John 4:1-17, John 1:45-50, Acts 9: 10-19, 1 Corinthians
14:24-25. Lastly, Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 that we should lustfully desire
(zeloo) and pursue spiritual gifts, ESPECIALLY prophesy. Moses also said in Numbers
11:29 that he wishes that all his people were prophets.
Practical Application:
This one day when we were in the mall, I was sitting on this bench and this young lady
came up to me and started talking to me. So I started telling her about the love of Christ
and how he is a relational God and wants to speak to us. And then she comes out and
asks “ Well what does He say about me?” So I begin to prophecy over her for about five
minutes. She was encouraged and left happily. How sweet is that!? From there these
young high school chaps over heard and joined in on the conversation and began asking
questions as well. Evident fruits immediately.

In the book of Ezekiel, God made him do some prophetic acts as well to speak to the
people. (Ezekiel 4)
Specialty Outreaches
Psychic Fair
In early February, St Catharines hosted a national
psychic fair, so Josh squared thought this would be
a good opportunity to tear down some
principalities and whatnot. We went Friday night
and were a little overwhelmed with the level of
oppression we encountered. Duffy was talking to
the assistant of Rev. Corbie Mitleid and was
having a decent time till he asked what the
difference between a psychic and a prophet was?
The assistant didn’t know so she asked Corbie as
she was finishing up a reading. Corbie seen
through the “harmless” question and went on an
aggressive assault slamming Duffy from every
possible angle. She said a prophet was like a
gynecologist ramming his finger up a ladies
genitalia, and that the scenario would be unwanted
and inappropriate at that kind of venue. Point taken.
The next day Corbie was scheduled to present a seminar so we (with Julie Karanfilis) went to it. We walked
into the room and thought we weren’t going to get a seat because we were purposely late. But then Heymans
seen 3 seats in the front row! After the presentation, we cruised around the psychic room witnessing to
different tables. Duffy got some great witnessing opportunities out of it, and Jesus was lifted up.

Toronto Street Outreach

The pinnacle of this semester’s evangelism was
Josh Squared’s outreach to the streets of Toronto.
We cruised to Toronto at about 9am for a day of
street ministry. It was an absolutely beautiful day,
at about 20 degrees or so. We had 20 bags of
assorted food with us and approached random
people who were obviously staying on the street,
and asked them if they wanted some food, and if
they knew Jesus, etc. We were quite surprised at
the amount of food these people received on a
daily basis, and that they had obviously received
this food from Christians, seeing that they all
knew about Jesus. We gave out around 14 or 15
bags of food and had some decent ministry time.
The highlight (or un-highlight) of the day was
when Jenny Brown and I stopped to talk to some
Muslims who were giving out some free Qurans.
We were talking to them for a few minutes, but neither of us were making much headway, so we took our
Qurans and started walking away when we ran into a couple of Christian fanatics all dressed in white robes
passing out gospel tracts. They seen the Quran in my hand and started proclaiming that Jesus was the only one
who died and rose again (which is not even scripturally accurate; see 1Kings 17:17-23, 2Kings 4:32-37,
2Kings 13:20-21, Luke 7:12-15, John 11:39-44) and that all other's beliefs were wrong. Jenny and I got into a
bit of an argument with them about the kind of people Jesus tried to reach while He was on earth. They thought
that you should scorn unbelievers, while we thought you should love them. The last thing I (loudly) said as we
walked away was, "I'd rather talk to the Muslims!" It was one of the most disgusting displays of Christianity I
ever was personally involved with. It made me sick. The Muslims were so kind and open to talk, and were
giving away free literature, etc etc, while the "christians" were proclaiming judgement, while they stood in
their "white" robes. What a sight. Man oh man, it made us so mad. Even Jenny was gettin into the thick of the
argument. It was awesome; beware f false teachers!!

Niagara Falls
Josh squared took various students to Niagara falls
on outreaches during the semester. One day,
Heymans, Duffy, Tim and Jenny were walking down
Clifton Hill and BAM!!!, about 100 teenagers come
around a corner and there we were. It was a
multitude, for sure. Heymans tried to get some
Gospel out to them, but it didn’t seem to be that
fruitful. Not too much more evident fruit, but not
every seed bears fruit right away. There was many
people who heard the good news of Jesus and we
just pray that the Lord raise up laborers to continue
to prepare and bring in the harvest.

Scott Street Manor

Doors opened up for Josh Squared to take teams down to the Scott Street Manor Tuesday evenings for
This is a large building for cognitively disabled to reside and there are nurses who assist them in their daily
There was lots of singing about Jesus, sharing of scripture, praying for the sick, and crazy foolishness; but the
experience was one to remember, ask Jessica. One evening we took in a whole bunch of ice-cream and
toppings and made them all sundaes. The place went literally nuts at that!! All the residents of the Manor got
quite attached to the students an always looked forward to the coming Tuesday visit. We’re not sure how
much we affected these people, but eternity will tell.

Photo Credit to
Johanna Kotisaari

Persecution in the West is a joke, nonetheless there were times this semester that qualify
as “western persecution”. Most notably, our threat of being banned from the Pen Center
was a constant thought the days we went back after being warned. It wasn’t big thing for
Duffy, seeing as he’s not going to be around the Pen Center much anymore anyway, but
it could pose a problem for the first year students who would be with Josh Squared, who
would be in St Catharines for at least their second year of studies. Josh Squared became
known as “the people who prayed for people and talked about Jesus” among the security
of the Pen Center. Duffy figured it was alright to upset some of the community because
of the public service that Josh Squared were doing.

This one evening when Duffy was working, Heymans took a team to the Pen center. As
the evening drew near to it’s end, Heymans saw a couple of handicapped people in a
wheel chair waiting in line at Dairy Queen. He approached them and asked if he could
pray for them. They were kind of slow to reply due to their lack of brain development,
but the lady behind the counter didn’t hesitate to respond at all. She cursed Heymans
right in front of people unashamedly. The look on her face was so appalling that one
would think that I just punched her grandmother in the face. Heymans began to defend
himself, but stopped and just quietly walked away.
Another time, Josh Squared were downtown and Heymans asked this older gentleman if
we could believe together with him that God would heal his limp, as we seen he was
walking with a cane. He raised his cane and struck Heymans two or three times while
expressing a verbal complaint of, “get out’ta here!” It was pretty hilarious!
Words of Encouragement

Photo Credit to Johanna Kotisaari

Heymans: When a believer begins to realize the inheritance that Christ has entrusted to them, there will be
no stopping the compelling force of their evangelism. For God has given us all things in Christ and just as
Christ was sent by God, so are we sent by Christ. He has literally passed the baton onto us as the last runners in
this relay race of history, and a great cloud of witnesses are eagerly awaiting our very next move. As you begin
to step out in faith and do the things that are taught in the Bible, prepare yourself for what you will see! The
dead are raised, the blind will see, and the crippled will dance at the name of Jesus! Do not take offence at the
things which Jesus will do, nor what the world will say, think or do towards you, for just as Christ was hated
so will you be also. But take joy in the fact that when He is revealed in glory, we will be like Him also for as
He is, so are we! Lord give us strong hands to hold on as you shake the world with your power!!!

Duffy: To the extent that we believe that Jesus indwells our earthen vessels, let Him flow through you. The
fullness of God lies within these mortal bodies, let Him out. All the problems that are ravaging this world are
but questions that we have the answers to. You are the deposit that God has given to this world. Do you love
Him? Then feed his lambs. Do you love Him? Than shepherd His sheep. Do you love Him? Let Him know;
tend His sheep.
The spirit of the Lord is upon you, because He has anointed you to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent
you to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God.
Therefore “Go.” To the rest of the world you are Jesus!

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